
xubuntu325help please installing xubuntu downloaded and extracted.. now what? can't find details on xubuntu page...00:20
xubuntu325windoz install00:20
nomicyou need either a "live cd"00:22
nomicor a usb .. install .. you make the ubuntu copy bootable from a cd/dvd or usb drive00:22
nomicor I think there will be a net install00:22
nomicwhat you have downloaded is a file with extension/type ".iso" .. that is a CD image file00:23
nomicyou can burn a cd using a windows utility00:23
nomicwhich will be bootable .. it will run xubuntu and also install it.00:23
xubuntu325yes the net install was what I should have gone for, dl'd the xubuntu iso and extracted  instead00:24
nomicit's nice to have a cd.00:24
nomicor dvd00:24
xubuntu325wanted to do a trial for her on this ancient laptop00:24
xubuntu325nomic thank you..00:25
xubuntu325<---hunting for link for net install00:25
David-Axubuntu325: what do you mean "extracted"? if you download an .iso you either burn that, as a diskimage, to a cd or dvd, or use a tool to create a bootable usb-stick from it.00:27
xubuntu325David-A: this machine has no place usb /// so have to00:28
xubuntu325I guess burn to cd00:28
xubuntu325no dvd either00:28
xubuntu325David-A: extracted=opened with unzip to a subdirectory00:29
xubuntu325but see that is not the right way to go about things00:29
xubuntu325David-A: whoa, just now see it does have a DVD00:30
David-Axubuntu325: just burn the .iso file to a cd, but make sure you burn it as a "disk image" and not a "data file".00:31
xubuntu325David-A: hey t hanks... so just burn the downloaded .iso to disk image.. then ..00:31
xubuntu325David-A: run that?00:31
David-Axubuntu325: many .iso today are too large to fit on a cd, but some versions of xubuntu might.00:32
xubuntu325David-A: just found out this machine does have a dvd00:32
David-Axubuntu325: then put the cd into a computer, start the computer and make sure it boots off the cd and not off the harddrive.00:33
xubuntu325so will make a trip and get a blank dvd and burn it to that00:33
xubuntu325right.. get at the bios, think that's f12...00:33
xubuntu325David-A: and nomic thank you for assistance.. getting me on track.00:35
xubuntu325much appreciated00:35
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deltwhat's an easy way to set the default sound card for alsa (and pulseaudio)?02:51
deltwhatever i'm trying with config/rc files isn't working :/02:53
deltalso tried setting the onboard intel sound chip to index=-2 ...nothing happens02:54
delt(oh and rebooted of course)02:54
deltmy /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf now contains: options snd-usb-audio index=-202:57
deltthe line i added is: options snd-hda-intel index=-202:57
deltthat's weird... in /proc/asound/modules the correct soundcard is listed first, but most stuff eg. mplayer, firefox/swf, etc... don't use it03:19
deltor at least i'm not hearing anything03:19
deltoh and snd_hda_intel is listed twice03:19
deltuh.... anyone here??03:19
deltbah fck this, my solution: mv /lib/modules/3.13.0-20-lowlatency/kernel/sound/pci/hda/snd-hda-intel.ko /lib/modules/3.13.0-20-lowlatency/kernel/sound/pci/hda/snd-hda-intel.ko_03:20
`Fibzcan you change the card in alsamixer?03:20
delti can select it with F603:21
`Fibzdid that move do anything for ya?03:21
delt(default) even seems to be the pci card03:21
`Fibzis onboard the default in BIOS?03:22
deltoh, i see why the module is listed twice... once _hdmi and once _pch03:22
deltstill, my pci card (which i want to use by default) is listed right after (default), and the module is listed first in /proc/asound/modules03:23
deltso i'd pretty much bet it's set as default. now why are apps not using it? ...except those where i can explicitly select it03:24
deltok, gonna reboot this machine, brb03:25
deltthere. solved. no more onboard sound card.03:27
delt(disabling it in the bios still had it loading in linux)03:27
delt...i just have to remember to do this again if i update my kernel =)03:29
xubuntu171hello channel hey what is the default password on the xubunutu live distro05:25
xubuntu171for root05:26
xubuntu171how about once i install what is the root passsword for that install that has my user within it05:27
xubuntu171im a n00b at linux05:27
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo05:28
xubuntu171it requested a password for root when i attempted to elevate priviledges to execute gparted.05:29
xubuntu171i will try again but i figure that root should have a password once i install right? What is that?05:30
xubuntu171oic i used su05:31
TheXJust wondering if after installing something. If a package is removed automaticley or do i need to do a clean up command?06:44
knomewhat package?06:46
TheXyou know like on windows. you would have to clean out any install packs that was left over06:47
knome'sudo apt-get autoremove' would do that, but you hardly need it after *installing* something06:47
knomei have no idea if GUI tools do it for you or not06:48
TheXOk thank you06:48
cfhowlettTheX, you can always run sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get autoclean && sudo apt-get purge     for springcleaning06:48
elfysudo apt-get autoclean or clean06:48
baizonalso there is a purge command to remove the config files etc06:48
TheXWhat about cookie's thats saved for a web browser?06:49
knomethe web browser controls those06:49
TheXOk thanks you guys06:49
knome(well, you can remove them from the filesystem, but the browsers offer you the tools to manage them easieR)06:49
=== TheMaster is now known as Unit193
akbatкто-то по samba vj;tn gjvjxm&08:10
akbatможет помочь? *08:11
xubuntu324forza napoli09:59
xubuntu324speak italien?09:59
knome!it | xubuntu32410:00
ubottuxubuntu324: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)10:00
xubuntu324ubottu... thank you10:01
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)10:01
TheMahmoudwhy doesn't this change my keyboard configuration? http://codepad.org/d3d0ju3d12:21
TheMahmoudi want key 37 to be Super_L, but key 37 is still Control_L12:22
Argafal_Hi, I notice that all applications started from the desktop use / as the working directory now. Why is that and how can i change it to $HOME again?12:22
fballsis there a hack to keep flash fullscreen on a dual monitor setup?15:43
fballsif i have a video in fullscreen on one monitor, as soon as i give anything else focus on the other monitor, the video jumps out of fullscreen mode15:44
intrelisI am having a little problem after installing xubuntu. Mind if I share?16:01
ubottuintrelis,: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:02
intrelisOk, sorry.16:02
intrelisSo I have two IDE PATA drives, drive A set as master, drive B as slave. I had WinXP installed on drive B and I installed Xubuntu on drive A overwriting another distro. By default it booted into drive A, currently Xubuntu, and worked well. But after changing the boot order from A to B, all I get is a single error message "Press any key to reboot". If I do, it reboots and displays the same. All the WinXP files are in the drive, I looked. Is it possible t16:06
intrelishat the boot loader was damaged during Xubuntu installation? What if I set drive B to master instead, would that make any difference?16:06
cfhowlettintrelis, do you get the grub menu?16:07
intrelisI shouldn't get it, there is only one OS on each drive, right?16:08
cfhowlettintrelis, so the boot error is during Power On Self Test ?16:08
cfhowlettintrelis, no you SHOULD get grub.  how else do you expect to choose which OS you boot?16:08
intrelisBy selecting from which drive to boot?16:09
cfhowlettintrelis, anyway; ask this question in #ubuntu = more eyes16:09
intrelisHeh, thanks, I will.16:09
simpleuserHi there. Is there a way to zoom on my screen when needed ?16:17
starratssimpleuser are your talking about being on a browser or ?16:35
simpleuserIn general.16:36
groutIm having a really strange problem.  startxfce4.log in ~/.cache/upstart is growing rapidly with nothing but ip addresses inside and filling up the disk16:57
groutgrows multiple megs per minute16:57
groutthe log has nothing in it besides these ip addresses so i have no idea what its logging16:58
dcufballs: actually there is17:01
fballsdcu, what is it?17:18
fballsoh nm didn't see msg17:19
fballswoohoo! that worked a treat, thanks dcu17:46
fballsnow if i could just edit settings in the cam/mic dialog...17:47
nthrilThe google results for this aren't proving very useful - anyone know if it's possible to disable the keyboard completely when the screen on a laptop is closed?17:49
nthrilMy function keys get pressed by the lid right now - random things like a hundred screenshot windows, or a bunch of new workspaces sometimes greet me upon reopening.17:49
arrithnthril: you'd have to write a custom script. that's doable though.18:12
arrithnthril: probably do some powersave trigger18:12
groutIm having a really strange problem.  startxfce4.log in ~/.cache/upstart is growing rapidly with nothing but ip addresses inside and filling up the disk18:23
groutthe log has nothing in it besides these ip addresses so i have no idea what its logging18:23
groutgrows multiple megs per minute18:23
Wayward_VagabondSo, my graphics are currently messed up after a program crashed while starting and I've no idea how to fix them18:52
Wayward_Vagabondthere's a low resolution 4:3 image scaled up to fit the height of my screen, with black boxes on either side18:53
Wayward_VagabondGoing to the nividia settings and forcing the resolution back to 1600x900 just shows the top corner of the mage in the same area18:54
Wayward_VagabondRestarting the program without it crashing, and switching to a ttyl and back had no effect18:55
Wayward_VagabondAny ideas on how to fix it?19:11
Wayward_VagabondAccording to a screenshot, my graphics are rendering as 1024x768 scaled to 1200x900 by the screen19:20
SonikkuAmericaI know this involves Trusty, but I see no installer in the Beta 2 image...19:53
SonikkuAmericaFound it (is it in an ideal location?)19:57
elfySonikkuAmerica: on the desktop like it normally is?19:58
SonikkuAmericaelfy: Oh! I'm such a derp! Slap me.19:58
SonikkuAmericaelfy: I scoured the Whisker Menu for it19:58
Wayward_VagabondHow would I go about restarting x?19:59
Wayward_VagabondWait, would that even do any good?20:00
SonikkuAmericaelfy: Should it be on the Whisker Menu?20:00
kupo_Hello folks20:06
kupo_Will all current themes that work with 13.10 still work on 14.0420:07
SonikkuAmericaTrying to install from grml-rescueboot won't let me because it claims the partition on which the ISO is hosted is "in use"!20:16
gemahello, my xubuntu installation comes with xfburn to burn my dvd. I have a small problem with it. It only let me burn 4.3gb dvds but my dvd is 4.7. Any other program i can use to burn 4.7gb dvds? I could not find a preference in xfburn to set my dvds to 4.7gb20:33
gemai prepared a 4.56 compilation and xfburn tells me there is not space in the blank dvd wich is 4.7gb20:33
SonikkuAmericaSo I heard that apt-offline will be used as an apt helper going forward... can someone tell me a little more about that?20:34
gemaanyone can tell me a dvd burner apps wich will allow me to burn custom size dvd?20:42
SonikkuAmericagema: Xfburn won't let you?20:42
gemaonly 4.3gb20:42
SonikkuAmericagema: Try Brasero then maybe?20:42
gemamy dvds are 4.720:42
gemaok, trying20:43
gemathank you20:43
pleia2gema: I can't find a similar bug on either https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfburn or https://bugzilla.xfce.org/buglist.cgi?quicksearch=xfburn - can you submit one?20:47
pleia2(and I just realized I never burn full dvds!)20:47
gemaim new on linux, i dont know how to submit a bug, also my english is not good20:48
pleia2gema: oh! another person has your same nickname, got you mixed up with her :)20:49
gemabut any of you have xubuntu open xfburn and you can see not posible to burn other than 4.3 or 7.9gb dvd20:49
gemaoh, i change nickname, np20:49
gema2xubuntuim back20:51
gema2xubuntunew nickname20:51
gema2xubuntuy installed brasero and k3b, xubuntu ask me for a reestart, brb20:52
Artemis3last time i tried, installing both brasero and k3b was a recipe for disaster, ymmv.20:55
gema2xubuntuyes, brasero detects i have a blank 4.7gb20:57
gema2xubuntunot xfburn though20:57
gema2xubuntuthank you20:57
gema2xubuntui will check k3b20:57
gema2xubuntuk3b also not good, shows a free 4.4gb on a 4.7gbdisk (maybe is not cheking the disk and it is a default like xfburn), nevertheless, k3b has an "overburning" option21:00
gema2xubuntuso i could burn 4.7 with k3b though is not correctly detecting the disk. I will keep brasero and delete the others21:00
gema2xubuntujust in case you want to open bug, i tried to open and close tray in k3b and available size change, on open tray a default 700mb cd, on close tray with a dvd 4.7, detects 4.4 available space, so it is checking the disk but doing it wrong21:02
gema2xubuntuonly brasero detects the correct size of the dvd from those 3 programs (xfburn the worse-does not detect correct size, does not let you choose 4.7gb and does not let you overburn- k3b does not correctly measure the available size but lets you overburn and brasero detects the correct size of the disk)21:04
gema2xubuntuif u tell me how, i can copy and paste that i wrote an open a bug21:05
pleia2gema2xubuntu: thanks for the feedback21:05
gema2xubuntuyou are very welcome, thank you for recomend brasero21:05
pleia2gema2xubuntu: if you are interested, you can open a terminal and type: ubuntu-bug xfburn21:06
pleia2it will walk you through submitting the bug :)21:06
gema2xubuntuok, i will try and so i learn some about linux and help the comunity21:06
pleia2thank you!21:06
SonikkuAmericaYay! Another contributor! :)21:08
gema2xubuntui did that, and i sent a report but i could not write on it21:08
gema2xubuntuthen my browser opened with https://login.launchpad.net, do i need and account on that page in order to submit bugs?21:09
SonikkuAmericagema2xubuntu: Do you have a Launchpad or Ubuntu One SSO account?21:09
gema2xubuntuno i dont21:09
SonikkuAmericagema2xubuntu: Create one.21:09
gema2xubuntuoh i should have and account :) it says me email is allready registered :) i will recover my pass21:11
gema2xubuntuhow do you spell "automatically"? is correct? :)21:17
gema2xubuntuyes, i better use translator, sorry, stupid cuestion :)21:18
gema2xubuntuOk, done! I entered the bug! my first contribution to the comunity. :)21:21
peyamDet input device I choose always goes back to default after restart21:29

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