
ovidiu-florinyofel: are you still around?00:05
yofeltrying to find the motivation to sleep, but for now, yes ^^00:05
ovidiu-florincan you please tell me just the username and the password for the current site?00:06
ovidiu-florinI'm working on the sqldump, and I can't login00:06
ovidiu-florinon a test site00:06
ovidiu-floringood night yofel, I'll continue this in the morning.00:28
yofelsame, good night00:28
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ovidiu-floringood morning everybody08:15
ovidiu-florinRiddell: are you around?08:25
valorieApril Fools, everybody! http://babe.debian.plumbing/ (sune made it -- and looke what shirt Paul is wearing in one of the photos!)08:37
Riddellhi ovidiu-florin 08:51
Riddellvalorie: ooh sexy08:52
Riddelleven better we'll finally be joining the civilised counties once independent http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2014/apr/01/scotland-driving-on-right-independence-road-scheme09:00
jussiRiddell: *IF*09:00
Kalidarnbtw is it known about multiple devices appearing?09:00
Kalidarneg http://i.imgur.com/hpC0j6D.png09:01
Kalidarni have a nexus 7 and a nexus 5 plugged in and i see all these "blank" devices09:01
Kalidarnunplugging both of them makes them all go away. I don't recall this being an issue in KDE 4.13 on 13.1009:01
Kalidarn(using the backports ppa09:01
jussiKalidarn: usually those are "open pictures with gwenview" type things09:01
Kalidarnyes but im not sure what these other blank looking ones are09:01
jussiperhaps try changing the theme and checking if its not just black on black?09:01
Riddellovidiu-florin: arg it's started, you mention sponsoring links and now the SEO spammers are onto us http://paste.kde.org/pncsr2oxa09:01
Kalidarnnah its not09:02
Kalidarnthey appear in dolphin too09:02
ovidiu-florinRiddell: :)09:03
ovidiu-florinRiddell: the company I was talking about, they agreed to migrate our site for us for free09:04
Riddellovidiu-florin: yay!09:04
ovidiu-florinI've tried to do a demo migration last night, but I ran into a pickle09:04
Riddelljussi: and when we're independent you'll be begging us to send our nuclear armed submarines to free Finland from the Russians09:05
ovidiu-florinthere's something wrong with the sqldump I've got from canonical09:05
ovidiu-florinor ubuntu rt, or what ever it's called09:05
jussiRiddell: we dont need you - look at what happened last time they tried to invade...09:05
Riddellcanonical sysadmin09:05
ovidiu-florinthe sqldump is incomplete09:06
ovidiu-florinthey've cleared some tables09:06
ovidiu-florinmost specific: the users table09:06
ovidiu-florinDo you know someone from the canonical sysadmins?09:06
jussiovidiu-florin: #canonical-sysadmin09:07
ovidiu-florinI would like to get a full backup of our current site (all files and a FULL DB dump)09:07
Riddellovidiu-florin: no I'm afraid not, maybe jose does he's a useful sort, else just e-mail rt@ubuntu.com or ping on their irc channel09:07
Kalidarnbtw all those "blank" devices open up to camera:09:07
ovidiu-florinI don't know jose09:08
valoriehappy All Fools day everyone09:11
ovidiu-florinRiddell: what should I say to the can. Sysadm. that the backup is for?09:12
Riddellovidiu-florin: to transition to a new CMS09:13
Riddellshadeslayer: 4.9809:20
Riddellshadeslayer: 4.12.97 works fine here, although I'm not convinced file search in dolphin is any better09:20
shadeslayervHanda: ^^09:20
Riddellshadeslayer: does it work for you?09:21
shadeslayerI've been debugging some crashes in baloo with vHanda since yesterday, so atleast I can keep poking him with crashes and make him fix those :p09:22
Riddellshadeslayer: but does it find the files?09:25
ovidiu-florinRiddell: i'm saying in the request mail that they can ask you for confirmation. Is that ok?09:25
shadeslayerRiddell: yeah, works for me09:25
Riddellovidiu-florin: sure09:29
ovidiu-florinthank you09:29
apacheloggershadeslayer: apparently kubuntu-notification-helper (14.04ubuntu7) had changelog modifications after upload :'<09:55
apacheloggeron that note09:55
apacheloggeralert alert alert09:56
apacheloggeryour's truly forgot to port the daemon to the new dbus api09:56
apacheloggerhow does that sort of thing slip through QA09:56
apacheloggerah, because no one bothered to remind people of the test cases we have online09:57
apacheloggerit does help a lot less if people don't get reminded09:58
* ghostcube hands apachelogger a cup of calm down tea 09:58
* shadeslayer hugs apachelogger09:59
apacheloggerthere isn't much time to calm down this close to release09:59
apacheloggershadeslayer: I am also adding some kdebug09:59
ghostcubehmm then is shouldnt ask for an upstream update of kdeconnect eh?10:00
apacheloggerprolly not10:00
shadeslayerapachelogger: to k-d-m ?10:00
apacheloggerand on that note10:00
apacheloggershadeslayer: knh10:00
apacheloggerthe driver thing in knh more specifically10:00
shadeslayerghostcube: actually, that does need updating10:00
shadeslayerjust that we're fixing broken things10:00
apacheloggershadeslayer: did you do ktp update or is that still pending?10:00
shadeslayerI don't see it in the repo10:01
shadeslayerso needs doing10:01
shadeslayerI'll do that today10:01
shadeslayeroh man, things are going to suck, since I'm unavailable the entire next week :/10:01
apacheloggerthere's a bug for it anyway10:02
apacheloggershadeslayer: yes10:03
apacheloggerwe need libk-d-m10:03
apacheloggerfor the marshal10:03
apacheloggertime for a 14.10 board I think10:04
shadeslayerwhats with the weird thing there10:09
shadeslayeroh my10:09
apacheloggeroh you10:09
apacheloggerif one installs the old backend (or the old backend is not migrated) amarok breaks10:09
apacheloggerand other stuff using stuff that uses gst110:10
apacheloggerso there really should not be any such stuff10:10
shadeslayerapachelogger: well10:11
shadeslayerinstalling the 1.0 backend will remove the 0.10 one10:11
shadeslayerso when you logout/login things will unbreak10:11
apacheloggertell that to the bug reports that did not get the 1.0 backend installed10:12
apacheloggerand now amarok is broken10:12
apacheloggerand while you are at it, please also draft an announcement we can point to for all future occurances when a user installs the 0.10 backend by whatever means10:12
shadeslayerout of curiosity how would that work ( amarok not install the 1.0 backend )10:13
apacheloggeramarok depends on phonon depends on phonon-backend-gstreamer1.0 | phonon-backend, can be fullfilled by phonon-backend-gstreamer, phonon-backend-gstreamer1.0 will not be installed because the requirements are met10:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1298380 in amarok (Ubuntu) "Amarok wont play music files" [Critical,Confirmed]10:15
apacheloggerthere simply is no reason for phonon-backend-gstreamer to be around10:16
shadeslayerRiddell: ^^10:18
shadeslayerapachelogger: but what if we want to roll back :)10:18
shadeslayerwe go to vlc then10:18
shadeslayernot gst, since plugins are broken as fuck10:19
shadeslayerRiddell: plz nuke the 0.10 backend10:21
shadeslayersince it won't work in any case10:21
shadeslayerqtwebkit was built against 1.0 , so it's utterly useles10:21
Riddellshadeslayer: okay dokay10:22
apacheloggerwhy does notification helper have a po/ dir again?10:23
shadeslayerRiddell: any reason why debian/phonon4qt5-backend-gstreamer1.0/ dir in the pgst1.0 packaging?10:23
shadeslayerRiddell: pgst has reverse depends btw10:24
josehey ovidiu-florin! even though you don't know me, feel free to ping me for anything you need, specially if rt related10:36
shadeslayerapachelogger: are you working on getting qapt plugin install working?10:37
BluesKaj'Morning all10:37
apacheloggerI am not a qapt developer Oo10:38
Riddellshadeslayer: isn't that package building both qt4 and qt5 from one source?10:41
shadeslayerRiddell: but then why the empty folder in the packaging :)10:41
shadeslayeralso, apachelogger ^^ , does the qt4 and qt5 code get built in one .so ?10:42
Riddellshadeslayer: no it builds qt4 then qt510:42
Riddellinstalling qt5 into debian/phonon4qt5-backend-gstreamer1.0/ so I probably just forgot a clean rule to rm that directory10:42
shadeslayerRiddell: I don't think so10:43
shadeslayerRiddell: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/170599598/buildlog_ubuntu-trusty-amd64.phonon-backend-gstreamer1.0_0.0~git20140324-0ubuntu1_UPLOADING.txt.gz10:45
shadeslayerdon't see Qt5 stuff being built there10:45
shadeslayerpossibly the branch needs rebasing on master10:45
Riddellshadeslayer: probably I just copied it from phonon-backend-gstreamer0.1010:46
shadeslayeron that note10:59
shadeslayerthe 1.0 branch probably needs rebasing on master11:00
apacheloggergod how I hate variant types11:00
Riddellshadeslayer: where rebasing is fancy git speak for a new checkout?11:00
* apachelogger is going to do code copy now :@11:00
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://nooooooooooooooo.com/11:01
apacheloggeryour fault anyway11:03
shadeslayerRiddell: nope11:03
shadeslayerapachelogger: what11:03
apacheloggerhad you done proper marshalling you had needed to make a library when you created the knh event11:03
apacheloggerhad you had created a library I'd now not have to do code copyz11:03
ghostcubefolks blame scientologie... :D better than blaming each other 11:04
apacheloggereven so it is curious that qt can't automarshall to variants for some reason11:04
shadeslayerRiddell: mind approving ktp-common-internals11:08
Riddellshadeslayer: approved!11:09
shadeslayerRiddell: thx11:09
apacheloggerwell, that only took longer than expected11:13
apacheloggershadeslayer: knh fixy ready11:14
* shadeslayer is updating ktp11:14
Riddellthanks shadeslayer 11:14
apacheloggershadeslayer: where are we on the python3.4 thing?11:14
shadeslayerapachelogger: fixed pending a merge11:14
shadeslayerRiddell: plz unapprove kpeople11:17
shadeslayerRiddell: approve my second kpeople upload11:17
Riddellshadeslayer: kpeople rejected¡11:18
Riddellshadeslayer: kpeople rejected!11:18
Riddellshadeslayer: kpeople accepted!11:18
apacheloggerknh uploaded11:37
Riddellapachelogger: what's new?11:37
apacheloggerrepaired driver notifications11:37
apacheloggerI also changed the way the init timeout works, it now defaults to 1s in manual builds (outside dpkg-buildpackage) and 3 minutes when built via dpkg-buildpackage11:37
apacheloggermakes testing easier without having to resort to manually changing the timeout all the time11:38
RiddellI don't suppose you added codec installation back now that qapt doesn't do it?11:38
apacheloggerdoes that happen in the event?11:40
apacheloggerwell that's badly architectured alright11:40
apachelogger    m_kopetePackages["kopete-gcall"] = i18n("Google Talk support for Kopete");11:40
apacheloggerRiddell: can't past string freeze, adding stuff apparently requires strings11:41
apacheloggerwhich reminds me that I wanted to find out why exactly knh has a po dir11:41
Mamarokseriously, moun is not usable, it is simply impossible to search, as soon as I start typing something the complete Package window turns empty and stays like that11:43
kubotuMamarok meant: "seriously, muon is not usable, it is simply impossible to search, as soon as I start typing something the complete Package window turns empty and stays like that"11:45
* Mamarok goes back to synaptic11:45
ghostcubehmmm muon is working here11:45
Mamarokyou can search?11:45
ghostcubepackage and software based 11:45
Mamaroktalking about current Trusty latest release11:45
ghostcubejust updated on my 14.04 virtual box11:46
ghostcubeso it should be the same11:46
Mamarokwell I tried, restarted, started with kdesudo, nothing, the package windows goes totally blank once I enter something in the search field11:46
yofelMamarok: which muon? package manager, sc or discover?11:46
Mamarokjust muon, which is the package insntaller, of course11:47
ghostcubehmm package one works fine here 11:47
yofeltry this: 'sudo update-apt-xapian-index', then check if search works11:47
Mamarokand when searching for updates it shows one package, while apt-get and synaptic show 3511:47
ghostcubei got 2.1.70-ubuntu3 11:47
Mamarokyofel: why on earth does one always have to go through loops for someting to work, why can't it "just work"?11:48
yofelMamarok: uhm, I'm not sure why it's not finding anything for you. The search index should be updated on every package cache update11:48
ghostcubemaybe update regression?11:48
BluesKajalso system settings>multimedia>audio&video settings when chosen just hangs and doesn't open.11:49
apacheloggeractually muon will auto update the xapian index11:49
apacheloggerthere is however a bug that it does not try to open the cache after initial creation (i.e. right after installation)11:50
Mamarokwell no, it doesn't, at least not for me, now it works11:50
ghostcubeBluesKaj: yep can confirm this11:50
Mamarokso the xapian db uptdate is not working11:50
ghostcubei get a dbus server warning if i launch systemsettings 11:52
ghostcubeinside terminal11:52
yofelapachelogger: IIRC that was because there is no cache that it could generate the index from after install11:52
apacheloggerdon't launch it in a terminal then11:53
apacheloggerMamarok: the reason things don't work is because people work around issues so they never get resolved11:53
ghostcubeapachelogger: lol just wanted to see if anything comes up11:53
BluesKajghostcube, it's been a problem for a few days, altho the audio settings don't seem to be affected since it all works ok. Kmix and alsamixer seem to be normal.11:53
apacheloggeryofel: it will create a new one then11:53
apacheloggerinstall -> install muon -> start muon -> progress bar at bottom -> wait till finished -> restart muon -> search works11:54
ghostcubeok 11:54
apacheloggerif libqapt/muon did try to reopen on updatefinished search would work after the progressbar has finished11:54
apacheloggerbefore it is finished it will not work regardless though because there is no cache11:54
apacheloggerwhich is also slighly UI snafu11:54
Mamarokapachelogger: I never even touched that thing, usually I use either the cli or synaptic11:55
apacheloggerit's a minor issue though as there's plenty of things triggering xapian updates and ultimately ubiquity shoudl trigger one after installation, for which we have a card somewhere11:55
apacheloggerwhich I think is blocked on someone looking into it or something11:55
yofelI think shadeslayer gave up on it11:55
Mamarokwell, an isuse not getting any package updates in a package manager is not something I would call minor11:56
apacheloggerMamarok: quite possibly the xapian index got corrupted11:56
apacheloggerthough I reckon it would fail to open then, which in turn would trigger an update11:57
apacheloggerRiddell: bug 130048011:57
ubottubug 1300480 in phonon-backend-gstreamer1.0 (Ubuntu) "gst 1.0 pulseaudio needs explicit seeding" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130048011:57
apacheloggerbug 130047811:58
ubottubug 1300478 in phonon-backend-gstreamer1.0 (Ubuntu) "package does not have kubuntu-bugs team in global subscribers" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130047811:58
apacheloggerbug 129838011:58
ubottubug 1298380 in amarok (Ubuntu) "Amarok wont play music files" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129838011:58
apacheloggershadeslayer: are you on the digikam thing?11:58
apacheloggerBluesKaj, ghostcube: find /usr/lib -iname phonon_gstreamer.so 12:00
yofelwhat's there to do with digikam?12:00
apacheloggerif that yields one result run ldd on that path12:00
apacheloggeryofel: bug 129973812:00
ubottubug 1299738 in digikam (Ubuntu) "digikam does not start in trusty beta 2amd64" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129973812:00
ghostcube /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt4/plugins/phonon_backend/phonon_gstreamer.so12:00
apacheloggerlibrary transitions past feature freeze is an interesting way of breaking the release12:01
apacheloggerghostcube: ldd on that12:01
BluesKajapachelogger, file does not exist12:02
yofelhm, digkam WFM12:02
apacheloggerBluesKaj: ls -lah /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt4/plugins/phonon_backend12:02
apacheloggeryofel: try installing kipi-plugins12:02
apacheloggerghostcube: install phonon-backend-gstreamer1.012:02
apacheloggeryou are affected by bug 129838012:03
ubottubug 1298380 in amarok (Ubuntu) "Amarok wont play music files" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129838012:03
yofelapachelogger: I have everything from digikam sc intalled (except maybe -doc)12:03
apacheloggeryofel: kipi is not part of the sc, is it?12:03
yofelit is12:03
apacheloggerplugins even?12:03
apacheloggerI know lib is12:03
ghostcubefixed systemsettings12:03
yofelapachelogger: *digikam* SC, not kde sc12:04
apacheloggeryofel: yes, I know :P12:04
yofelbut kipi-plugins is shipped with digikam these days12:04
yofellet me make a VM to test this12:05
apacheloggerRiddell: bug 129812512:13
ubottubug 1298125 in qtwebkit-source (Ubuntu) "qtwebkit build failure on several architectures" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129812512:13
apacheloggershadeslayer: bug 129735112:14
ubottubug 1297351 in meta-kde-telepathy (Ubuntu) "Please update meta-kde-telepathy to 0.8.0" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129735112:14
apacheloggerwhat the hell is bug 127682012:20
ubottubug 1276820 in kubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "unity and KDE mouse cursor disappear" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127682012:20
yofela meta bug for... mesa? ^^12:21
apacheloggeris it mesa?12:21
apacheloggerreads a lot like pebkac12:21
yofelnot sure, I usually blame rendering issues on mesa. but that's also a possibility12:22
yofelour installer still says it's installing kubuntu on a disk with 1B of space12:22
apacheloggerI've installed plasma-desktop package and the problem doesnt appear12:22
apacheloggerthat's not mesa12:22
apacheloggerthis report is so much crap it's not even funny12:23
ghostcubethis mouse bug could be a compiz kde problem12:25
apacheloggerwhat is a compiz kde problem?12:25
ghostcubecompiz is started and makes trouble inside the kde rendering12:26
ghostcubecompiz and kde isnt working pretty well since long time :D12:26
apacheloggerit could also be a mesa problem, a x problem, a driver problem, a qt problem, a gtk problem, a pebkac problem, a cursor theme problem ....12:26
ghostcubeyeah but as i seen the compiz thing i think its nothing about that all12:27
apacheloggerghostcube: it also happens in unity12:27
ghostcubeyeah i know but still he has compiz on its way12:27
apacheloggercompiz starting in a plasma session seems slightly odd though12:27
apacheloggerIIRC the kde configured window manager will start as very first thing by ksmserver12:28
apacheloggerso there is no way that compiz could even start since window managers block one another12:28
BluesKajhad to switch back to xrender and native from OpenGL and raster , due to font problems in web browsers and dialogs, and blanking of desktops and parts of desktops12:28
apacheloggerthat is a mesa problem12:28
yofelwell, it might not be fun12:29
yofelthe ubuntu-bugcontrol discussion is fun though12:29
BluesKajbeen like that for quite a few weeks now12:29
apacheloggeryofel: mh?12:29
ghostcubeapachelogger: but he hasent got the prob in the vm12:30
yofelapachelogger: " Kubuntu triage policy conflicts with Ubuntu triage policy", to which you're CC'd I believe12:30
ghostcubeso i dont think this is mesa12:30
apacheloggerghostcube: who?12:30
ghostcubethe one posting the bug12:30
apacheloggeryofel: yeah, well, I did not reply for a reason :P12:30
apacheloggerghostcube: sure it can, drivers talk to mesa, and sometimes drivers cause mesa bugs or vice versa, which is actually what BluesKaj is seeing12:31
apacheloggerso it is entirely possible that something works on bare metal but does not in a VM12:31
apacheloggerbecause they have different drivers12:31
ghostcubeughs radeon drivers used iam out of business :D12:37
BluesKajapachelogger, there were a few artifacts in VB W7 guest, but nothing serious compared to the utter blanking of all fonts in FF and chromium 12:37
apacheloggershadeslayer, Riddell: regarding the LO thing... dropping libreoffice-kde fixes it apparently so that might be something we'll need to do unless a fix appears in time for final12:48
shadeslayerwhere's jmux :P12:50
apacheloggerhiding, for obvious reasons :P12:51
Riddellapachelogger: have you worked out what the LO thing is?12:52
Riddellshadeslayer: on holiday?12:52
shadeslayerRiddell: not exactly, but will be unavailable next week due to family reasons12:53
Riddellshadeslayer: jmux is on holiday12:54
apacheloggeryofel: ah, you continued the thread12:55
RiddellI wonder if whatever the libreoffice thing is, is related to jmux's fix bug 129051412:55
ubottubug 1290514 in qt4-x11 (Ubuntu Saucy) "LibreOffice KDE4 backend crashes in Qt4 recursive paint events" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129051412:55
shadeslayerRiddell: potentially might want to approve ktp in unapproved queue12:58
shadeslayeror do you want me to upload everything12:59
Riddellshadeslayer: I don't really mind as long as it compiles and works without adding beasties12:59
shadeslayerIf it adds beasties I shall move over to d_ed's table and poke him12:59
shadeslayeralong with mck18213:00
BluesKajapachelogger, the phonon_gstreamer.so file exits in the path you posted , but it doesn't seem to have any effect on the device preferences in multimedia 13:00
BluesKajexists rather13:00
Riddellshadeslayer: I take it mck182 is in town too?13:02
apacheloggeromg, dfaure broke kwin xD13:03
shadeslayerso he's human after all!13:04
apacheloggermust be april 113:04
shadeslayerbah :P13:04
BluesKajI was going to suggest that MS is launching it's own version of Linux named Winux , but somebody beat me to the April fool's joke by about 13 yrs :)13:09
ghostcubebest one is... apple and MS are working on a new version of iDos13:10
ghostcubegnah s5 still not available13:11
shadeslayerRiddell: ktp all up13:34
shadeslayerplz approve13:34
manchickenapachelogger: I almost have that done.13:41
shadeslayermanchicken: hi!13:41
shadeslayermanchicken: I don't suppose you could look at the gst plugin install stuff :P13:41
manchickenshadeslayer: Hi! It's been an interesting day here at ThinkGeek so far :)13:41
manchickenNaw, I'm at work, and I was up late working.13:41
shadeslayerThinkGeek? :D13:41
shadeslayeryou work at TG?13:41
manchickenYeah, that's where I work.13:41
shadeslayerhah, awesome13:42
* shadeslayer was browsing last night, looking for a alarm clock13:42
shadeslayerspecifically, the one that looks like the old alarm clocks, but with the LED face13:43
apacheloggercan't type straight in mails13:45
manchickenapachelogger: You got that I said I'm almost done with the debug installer, right?13:46
manchickenI just haven't had time to tidy it up. Since I fixed the duplicate portion it seems like it's mostly working. I need to find a package that only has debug syms in a ddebs repo.13:46
shadeslayerapachelogger: no shit http://wstaw.org/m/2014/04/01/plasma-desktopi27348.png13:46
apacheloggermanchicken: yes, we are still way past feature freeze and considering everything is broken anyway I'd rather not do it for .0413:46
Riddellshadeslayer: ktp accepted!13:46
apacheloggershadeslayer: ?13:47
shadeslayerapachelogger: can't type anything for the first time today13:47
shadeslayerRiddell: uau13:47
shadeslayer^^ see what I mean13:47
apacheloggershadeslayer: it's always the case for me13:47
apacheloggerI have shell aliases for everything otherwise I'd spend half the time correcting typos :O13:47
* shadeslayer is rebasing pgst on master13:48
yofelmanchicken: if you need one, e.g. ksnapshot has not -dbg package13:51
manchickenThat's awesome.13:53
manchickenapachelogger: I can't comment on the card yet, could you stick yofel's comment onto the card so I don't lose that?13:54
yofeluh, I can just do that ^^13:54
yofelwhere is the card though o.O?13:56
shadeslayeroh god http://paste.ubuntu.com/7189754/13:56
yofelfound it13:57
shadeslayerit built fine in my pbuilder?!14:23
* apachelogger ninja14:24
Riddellhi littlegirl 14:24
apacheloggershadeslayer: u pbuilder update first?14:25
apacheloggerif not that'd be why it worked in pbuilder14:25
littlegirlRiddell: Hey there, did you get my emails last night? (:14:25
shadeslayerapachelogger: hooks should have done that14:25
shadeslayerapachelogger: not to mention, it builds on i38614:25
littlegirlI know I'm a pest, but some pests are okay to have around. (: (: (:14:25
Riddelllittlegirl: hmm probably but didn't read them properly sorry14:25
apacheloggershadeslayer: well, it could be that someone uploaded somethign and now its broken xD14:25
littlegirlRiddell: It's okay. I just have some questions and figured I'd put them in separate emails. (:14:25
shadeslayerapachelogger: sigh14:26
yofelshadeslayer: your pbuilder is ppc64el? ^^14:26
shadeslayeryofel: amd6414:26
shadeslayeryofel: I returned it14:26
yofelah ok, so I missed it14:26
shadeslayerseems to be working now I think14:27
littlegirlHey, does the beta update itself or do you have to grab a fresh copy of it each day?14:28
apacheloggerregular updates are the updates of the beta 14:29
apacheloggerup to release, when regular updates become stable release updates14:29
littlegirlI grabbed Trusty Tahr from https://wiki.kubuntu.org/TrustyTahr/Beta2/Kubuntu. Can I just keep it or do I need to grab it again to be sure I have the latest one?14:29
apacheloggerthis ISO does not change14:29
apacheloggerso you can just keep it14:30
littlegirlCool, thanks. (:14:30
apacheloggerif you want an up-to-date iso you can also use the ones here http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/current/14:30
littlegirlThanks - I'll give that a try as well. (:14:31
* littlegirl hugs Riddell14:38
shadeslayersigh, rebase gone wrong :/14:38
littlegirlRiddell: Thanks for getting to those so quickly. I'm off to email the other guy. I may come in with some more questions abotu the new options that were added, but that will be a bit later. (:14:39
sgclarkRiddell: calligra-l10n http://paste.ubuntu.com/7189973/14:40
apacheloggerlooks like we'll have some of our long waiting kubuntu specific stuff get l10n finally14:42
Riddellwell done apachelogger 14:44
Riddellapachelogger: although I do wonder if kde-l10n will disappear in kf5 land and we'll need to reinstate the language-pack-kde packages14:45
Riddellmorning sgclark 14:45
Riddellsgclark: well done on figuring that mess out, it always confuses me14:45
Riddellsgclark: you can bump the standards version if you check there's nothing relevant in the new debian policy version14:45
sgclarkRiddell: good morning, and yeah wow14:46
Riddellsgclark: https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/upgrading-checklist#ch114:46
apacheloggerRiddell: what? why?14:47
apacheloggerkde would still have to distribute l10n somehow14:47
Riddellsgclark: debian-rules-missing-recommended-target build-indep  is weird, that target is there, so it binary-arch14:48
Riddellapachelogger: you think?  but not for kf5 or plasma presumably14:48
apacheloggerRiddell: kde would still have to distribute translations somehow14:49
apacheloggeryou cannot have a not translated workspace :P14:49
sgclarkRiddell: right via  build: $(STAMP_BUILD) correct?14:50
Riddellsgclark: nah lower down is binary-arch: # No architecture dependent files available14:52
Riddellsgclark: anyway just ignore them14:52
sgclarkRiddell: ok this in rules http://paste.ubuntu.com/7190036/14:52
sgclarkRiddell: ok14:52
shadeslayerapachelogger: where?15:36
shadeslayer<apachelogger> looks like we'll have some of our long waiting kubuntu specific stuff get l10n finally15:37
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1300841] GTK Windows (i.e. gvim) do not maximize properly @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1300841 (by Alex Roman)15:37
shadeslayerwhat I wanted to say was, where did you hear that? :)15:37
shadeslayer<- over excited at the thought of getting i10n15:38
Riddellshadeslayer: pitti said he'd do it today15:42
kubotu::runtime-bugs:: [1292471] Missing locale notification does not inform about package @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1292471 (by Marcin Sągol)15:42
shadeslayerapachelogger: can I drop the [linux-any] from the pgst1.0 depends on gst1.0-alsa16:01
shadeslayerRiddell: I'm going to upload KDE SC 4.12.9716:04
shadeslayerwant to approve that later this evening?16:04
Riddellshadeslayer: yeah, go for it, I'm out for the next few hours, will get to it later16:08
Riddellor nudge ScottK 16:08
shadeslayerRiddell: I also still see pgst16:11
shadeslayerin the archive16:11
Riddellshadeslayer: that's because I've not deleted it yet16:11
shadeslayerRiddell: and last thing, review plz http://paste.kde.org/phnvuegcp16:14
shadeslayerfix for 130048016:14
shadeslayerapachelogger: ^^16:17
* apachelogger had too much to eat16:29
apacheloggershadeslayer: looks good I guess16:29
shadeslayerapachelogger: ack16:30
shadeslayerScottK: can you approve pgst1.0 from queue16:33
shadeslayerlazr.restfulclient.errors.ServerError: HTTP Error 500: Internal Server Error16:45
* yofel would prefer if someone would append 'Thank you for using the launchpad services' to that, it would at least feel nicer16:47
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shadeslayershould have called with --nopush16:49
yofelwhat did you do -.-16:49
yofellet me switch the default for that16:50
yofelit's just a pain16:50
yofeland send a mail to the ML16:50
shadeslayerwell, it's just that it pushed some useless history16:50
yofelah lol16:51
yofelwell, you can only tag once, so it doesn't really matter16:51
yofelI'll still switch the default16:51
yofelthe whole process is too error-prone16:51
sgclarkI keep getting [Errno 110] Connection timed out part way through trying to dput calligra-l10n is it my internet?16:52
yofelshould be... can't say I ever got that from launchpad while uploading.16:53
yofelThen again, this is launchpad...16:53
sgclarkWell I have tried rebooting router, hard wired to no avail, US cable companies are notorious for throttling our connections. I put the files in my ubuntu one yofel.16:55
sgclarkI saw Riddell was heading out. If you don't have toime to look I will keep trying..16:57
dokoRiddell, do you plan another calligra upload? or else I'd like to build it using the updated xbase version16:58
yofeldoko: Riddell is out, but I don't think anyone is working on calligra right now16:59
shadeslayeryay failed again17:00
dokoyofel, ok, will upload17:00
yofeldoko: as long as you commit what you have to bzr there shouldn't be any conflict anyway17:01
yofelor is it a plain rebuild?17:01
dokoyofel, can you check it in for me? no, has a patch17:01
yofeldoko: will do that then once I see the upload17:01
shadeslayerdoko: iirc if you're ubuntu-dev you can check it in too17:02
dokocan I?17:02
dokodamn ...17:02
yofelyou should be able to..17:02
shadeslayerI think so ...17:02
yofel~ubuntu-core-dev can at least17:03
shadeslayeryeah, I don't see why we should exclude ubuntu-dev btw :P17:03
shadeslayeratleast for checking in commit17:03
yofelIIRC it was to not allow ~ubuntu-motu to commit changes for out packages in main17:03
shadeslayerwhich seems moot now :)17:04
yofelwell, with how Riddell handled scarlett's case it is completely moot :(17:04
shadeslayerhm, I have to leave, and script is running ..17:04
yofelgreat timing :P17:05
shadeslayeryeah :P17:05
sgclarkhandled my case? what did I do?17:05
shadeslayerdid not expect it to fail twice17:05
shadeslayeryofel: maybe I'll come back after dinner xD17:05
shadeslayerjust to sign  and upload17:06
yofelsgclark: going completely by existing policy, you shouldn't be a member of ~kubuntu-packagers17:06
yofelso you didn't do anything ;)17:06
sgclarkI won't let you down, I will earn it17:07
yofelin theory, we would give people access to ninjas first, and review all bzr changes for a while. And by the time one would get permission it would be time to apply for membership anyway and get it like that17:07
yofelthis time... the process was kinda turned upside down17:07
yofelfailed again?17:09
shadeslayeron the 30th package17:09
shadeslayerout of 160th17:09
kubotushadeslayer meant: "out of 160"17:09
yofelit's 170 btw.17:09
shadeslayeryofel: how's qvim17:09
shadeslayeryofel: btw qvim has a full screen mode apparently17:09
shadeslayerset fu17:09
yofelshadeslayer: better than gvim in any case, but haven't played with it too much yet17:09
yofelI simply like my vim in yakuake :P17:10
shadeslayeryofel: maybe also add a check in kubuntu-automation to check for the tag we're trying to add17:11
shadeslayerif it exists, then bzr was pushed to and no need to introduce more delta17:11
yofelnot sure I like that solution, but it might make sense17:12
shadeslayerk bye17:15
shadeslayercya tomorrow17:15
shadeslayerscript running17:15
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1300841] GTK Windows (i.e. gvim) do not maximize properly @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1300841 (by Alex Roman)17:38
sgclarkfinally got https://launchpad.net/~scarlett-7/+archive/kubuntu-ppa/+builds?build_state=building17:58
shadeslayeryofel: btw script failed again20:04
shadeslayertoday is just not a good day for Launchpad20:04
shadeslayerdrool http://liliputing.com/2014/03/minnowboard-max-99-intel-atom-powered-single-board-computer.html20:04
shadeslayeryofel: ^^20:05
shadeslayerapparently goes up to quad core + 4 GB20:05
shadeslayer*4 GB RAM20:05
shadeslayeryeah, :)20:06
shadeslayerI was hoping for *exactly* this20:06
shadeslayerthe best ARM SoC at the moment is the iMX6 I think20:07
shadeslayer2 GB RAM + 4 cores @ 1.2 GHz20:07
shadeslayer129 USD + shipping20:08
shadeslayerI'd love to see what the quad core / 4 GB Intel atom thing does20:08
ovidiu-florinthank you jose20:09
yofelright, but I doubt that'll work on a 5V power jack 20:09
yofelat least an actually fan-less atom board is nice indeed, esp. for that price20:09
yofelexcept that I can't really think of a personal use case for one :(20:10
yofelnot right now at least20:10
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kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1299920] defaulting to qt5 does not work siunce QT_SELECT=qt4 is in the environment by default. @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1299920 (by Søren Holm)21:45
yofelshadeslayer: ^21:52
shadeslayerit should be unset21:52
yofelwell, yeah, you are unsetting it, after the session is done21:54
yofeldoesn't really help while you're actually in the session21:54
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shadeslayeryofel: move to line 447?21:55
yofelas far as I understand startkde, the script stops at line 421 until ksmserver exits, i.e. you log out21:56
yofelanything after that is irrelevant to the session21:56
shadeslayerack, will try it out tomorrow and fix21:57
shadeslayerthis is just mental >.>21:57
yofelcan we just go and install qdbus and qdbus-qt5 by default -.-21:57
shadeslayerqt5? :O21:58
shadeslayeris this sparta? :D21:58
yofelthen again, as timo says, 'qdbus -qt4' might work21:58
shadeslayeriirc it will21:59
yofeluh, isn't qdbus-qt5 not being installed the whole problem? ^^21:59
shadeslayerreplace all qdbus calls with QT_SELECT=qt4 qdbus21:59
shadeslayeryofel: really? I thought it was the wrong var being set for people who want to build Qt5 thingums on KDE 421:59
shadeslayeror wrong path earlier21:59
yofelwell, yeah, having qt5-default installed requires qdbus-qt5 for working dbus22:00
shadeslayerwhy is a configuration package depending on qdbus-qt5?22:00
yofelit's not?22:00
yofelnothing depends on qdbus-qt522:01
yofelso it is never installed22:01
yofeland 'qdbus' points to an inexistent file22:01
shadeslayerah hm, I see22:01
yofelyour fix works for sure, and breaks qt5-default while at it22:02
shadeslayernot fun ... not fun at all :/22:03
shadeslayerI'll look at it tomorrow22:03
shadeslayeroff to bed22:03
yofelnini :)22:04
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1299920] defaulting to qt5 does not work siunce QT_SELECT=qt4 is in the environment by default. @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1299920 (by Søren Holm)22:46
ScottKshadeslayer: I can look at it.22:51
ScottK(if it's a New package, it'll take more time than i have now though)22:51

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