
CyberAssassinOkay so I tried logging into Kubuntu 13.10 today. I type my password then the screen goes black then back to the login screen.00:21
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JunkAndSmackHeadrww: sorry,i had wrong window open01:13
JunkAndSmackHeadI wasnt trying to figure out why kubuntu refuses to show my non gpt drive win7 install inn my grub01:14
JunkAndSmackHeadboot-repair seems to see it, and claims it will install grub properly with the option, but at ythe end, no option....401:14
JunkAndSmackHeadwas thing*01:17
JunkAndSmackHeadtryiing* damnit01:17
Broke_DadAnybody out there?01:32
Broke_Dadhey danni, you looking for help or came to provide help?01:33
Broke_Dadi have a question01:39
Broke_Dadand I know....I know.....root blah blah blah01:39
Broke_DadI'm the CISO of a health web  content company but I need to be able to understand how we can/do use root01:40
JunkAndSmackHeadoon ubuntu?01:45
JunkAndSmackHeadusxe sudo. or if you are dead set on root, used sudo passwd root to set a root password and hat enables root01:45
claydoh!rootsudo >> Broke_Dad01:56
Broke_Dadin the past, I've been able to have a root desktop01:56
Broke_Dadmakes things easier when I'm dinking around in a 10.0.x.x dev network01:57
CyberAssassinWhy do you want do everything in root?01:57
CyberAssassinWhy not use a terminal and do sudo -s01:57
claydohwhile you still can, the system is geared toward sudo01:57
claydohyes, what CyberAssassin said :)01:58
Broke_Dad1. it's easier for me to understand and 2. I understand the implications of a root desktop01:58
Broke_DadAnyone know where I can enable the root desktop (and subsequently turn it back off)01:58
CyberAssassinThen set a root password and use the UI01:59
CyberAssassinsudo passwd root01:59
Broke_DadI've set the password01:59
claydohBroke_Dad:  my link above has that info01:59
Broke_Dadis that sudo -i?01:59
Broke_Dadthanks clay, I'll take a look01:59
Broke_Dadin the past, I and to set something like AllowRootLogin to allow me to use a kubuntu desktop session02:01
claydohno, sudo -s  is correct, sudo -i is to change to a specified user iirc02:03
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claydohWith lightdm replacing kdm, the config file to edit wil be different.02:08
Broke_Dadlightdm....that's it02:08
Broke_DadThanks I understand it now.  Maybe in puppet we can block that02:13
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CyberAssassinI still can't figure out why KDE won't let me login...02:23
CyberAssassinI forgot my password on a fresh 13.10 install. Went into recovery and changed it, now when I attempt to login the screen goes black then back to the login.02:24
CyberAssassinGoogle seems to be of no help.02:24
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BluesKaj'Morning all10:37
abdihi room10:53
BluesKajhi abdi10:53
abdii have one problem i need you advice10:54
BluesKaj7ok , describe it10:54
abdiam looking for software which i can monitor my network am working in hotel as sys admin so i have problem of bandwidth some pp download movie10:55
jussiabdi: so you are looking for how much upload/download you have done?10:57
abdinot actually in my laptop or desktop to pp who connected to my network10:58
jussiahh, so for the entire network?10:59
hateballabdi: Do you want to monitor just the internet traffic, or LAN in general?11:01
hateballI assume they pass through a proxy-server that you control?11:02
abdino i do not have proxy11:02
hateballWell, how do the clients get from the LAN to the WAN?11:04
abdito wan11:04
hateballDo they pass through something like a hardware router? Or a home-made linux router?11:05
hateballIt's easier to know what solution to use to monitor if we know what the setup is :)11:05
abdithrough router11:05
abdicisco 184011:06
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ubottuGuest23826: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».11:08
hateballabdi: You can use MRTG to get info from the router, like bandwidth per interface etc11:08
hateballabdi: If you need to monitor more devices you could use something like Opsview which comes with MRTG11:09
abdihow i can get mrtg hateball11:57
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aljosaI've just dist-upgrade'd on 14.04 and kwallet manager can't open wallets anymore. Any way to fix that?13:04
BluesKajaljosa, open kmenu>apps>system>kwallet management>settings>configure kwallet, choose enable. Your previous settings should then worl13:07
hateballabdi: apt-get install mrtg13:10
hateballabdi: it does require some reading tho13:10
aljosaBluesKaj: thanks, disabling/enabling helped13:11
BluesKajaljosa, yeah upgrading will disable apps, sometimes13:12
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tyler_dhello everyone14:45
tyler_dI'm trying to run two external monitors from my laptop, only one will work at a time, not both together.. anyone had this working? intel hd4000 chipset14:46
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dsjkljin your opinion if one of the interviewers says i hope to see you again mate whilst walking you ot of the door what does that mean?20:52
[pabu]join /#v6z2421:11
_Roeywhy can't I hear any sound after I reset?21:17
_Roeywhat gives?21:17
_Roeythis is the second install of 14.04 where I've seen this happen21:17
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