
bigjoolshey tych0, there?01:16
bigjoolswould be easier to chat here for a moment instead of your bug01:16
bigjoolsI see others reporting the problem earlier on here01:16
tych0bigjools: here now01:43
bigjoolstych0: howdy01:43
bigjoolstych0: was just wondering what you were doing when not seeing the proxy used?01:44
tych0just standard stuff01:44
tych0fastpath with trusty commissioning and precise images01:44
tych0i honestly don't have any idea whether it happens all the time or not01:45
tych0sometimes i am paying attention and sometimes i just let it run :-)01:45
bigjoolsI think it's a bug in the preseed for fastpath01:45
tych0is there a file it drops somewhere or something?01:45
tych0i can check for that01:45
tych0next time i see it01:45
bigjoolsI vaguely remember talking to smoser about this but his suggestion to fix it didn't work and then it fell by the wayside01:45
bigjoolsthe proxy config in the preseed is curtin-specific01:46
tych0ah, ok01:46
bigjoolswell the d-i is d-i specific, so ... :)01:47
tych0i assume it edits some apt preferences file or drops something in preferences.d?01:47
tych0this node has 90curtin-aptproxy01:48
bigjoolslook in contrib/preseeds_v2/curtin_userdata01:48
tych0was that the fix?01:48
bigjoolswell apparently it doesn't work :)01:48
tych0it might01:48
tych0i didn't file it about this node01:48
tych0i just know i've seen it before01:48
tych0if there is something i should look for01:49
tych0i can look for that next time i know i see it01:49
tych0i guess maybe the absence of this file is a good place to start01:49
bigjoolsI am not sure tbh.  If I start to look at this I will first examine the squid log as the node boots01:49
bigjoolsthen delve into the node itself01:49
bigjoolsthere's different things that get pulled off the internets01:50
tych0bigjools: do you want my copy of /var/log/maas for the other issue?01:52
tych0i'm not sure if it'll be useful or not01:52
tych0it does sound like a bug in celery01:52
tych0whatever happens, celery shouldn't crash01:52
bigjoolstych0: it's a celery bug imo01:53
bigjoolsand I agree01:53
bigjoolswe can work around it with a wrapper01:53
tych0eyah, that might be good01:53
bigjoolswell there *is* a wrapper already, we just need to make it restart01:53
tych0i just sat down this morning and nothing would work01:53
tych0made me a sad panda01:53
bigjoolssame happened to me yesterday01:53
bigjoolsrestarted the worker and boom, loads of jobs went through that had been queued01:54
bigjoolswhich is kinda dangerous01:54
tych0same here01:54
tych0a couple of extra power on power off cycles to make things interesting :-)01:54
bigjoolsI think we need to put expirations on all the jobs01:54
bigjoolssome have that but not all01:54
bigjoolsbut we'll revisit this as part of work to harden maas01:55
roaksoaxrharper: why is the tgt stuff ebing dropped?02:09
roaksoaxjtv: ^^02:09
jtvThe new import script doesn't use our pre-existing tgt setup.02:10
roaksoaxjtv: right, that's why I'm asking... what does the new script do?02:11
jtvThat link we had in /etc/tgt/conf.d was pointing to a file that no longer existed.02:11
jtvIt uses tgt-admin to create the targets.02:11
bigjoolsroaksoax: the new script constructs a tgt conf on the fly and inserts it using tgtadmin02:11
jtvIIRC it does write a "metadata" file, and a master config, but all in /var/lib/maas.02:11
roaksoaxbigjools: ok... where do these get stored, any ideas?02:12
bigjoolsroaksoax: they are ephemeral02:12
jtvNo there is a tgt config file.02:13
bigjoolsit is not used after insertion though02:13
bigjoolsyou can query tgt using "tgtadmin -s"02:13
bigjoolswith no config02:13
bigjoolsthe config is for the admin script, not tgt.02:14
roaksoaxbigjools: tgt-admin02:14
roaksoaxbigjools: ok cool then02:14
bigjoolsroaksoax: yeah I forgot which is which, there's a helper wrapper and the main thing02:14
bigjoolsI think tgtadmin is the wrapper02:15
roaksoaxbigjools: tgtadmin doesn't exist02:15
bigjoolsroaksoax: it does on my box :)02:15
jtvtgt-admin, with the dash02:16
bigjoolsthere are two scripts02:16
jtvNot on my machine.02:16
roaksoaxbigjools: it does not exist on my system02:16
roaksoaxafter upgrade02:17
jtvNot on my Trusty machine.02:17
* bigjools boggles02:17
bigjoolslet me boot my server, one sec02:17
bigjoolsI am 100% sure I have seen both scripts02:17
jtvFrom an installed package that isn't a dependency?02:19
bigjoolsah ok it's tgtadm02:20
bigjoolsmy bad02:20
roaksoaxok cool02:22
bigjoolsroaksoax: what did you think about my bug on the packaging?02:25
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1300507 in maas (Ubuntu) "Rabbit password is reset on every upgrade which forces lockstep cluster restarts" [Undecided,New]02:25
jtvDear friends, who takes care of re-installing the tgt targets after reboot?02:25
roaksoaxbigjools: i'm looking into it02:25
bigjoolsroaksoax: ok cheers02:25
roaksoaxbigjools: ^^02:26
jtvI just rebooted my maas server and got no output from "sudo tgt-admin -s"02:26
bigjoolsjtv: the script02:26
bigjoolsjtv: oh,,,, oh dear!02:26
bigjoolsthat's the bug we found then02:26
roaksoaxthen that's why we need config files02:26
jtvCould well be.02:26
bigjoolsjtv: which means we need that confiug back02:26
jtvNew one.  Not the old one.02:26
bigjoolsjtv: the new one is still ephemeral IIRC02:27
bigjoolsit gets written once for each target02:27
jtvNo, there's a single config with all targets.02:27
jtvIn the "current" snapshot.02:27
bigjoolsjtv: are you *sure*?02:27
bigjoolsanyway I will file a bug02:27
jtvI have 4 <target> definitions in my maas.tgt.02:27
bigjoolsjtv: ok I think this code changed since I last looked, it seems ok now02:28
jtvWhat code?02:28
bigjoolsthe script02:29
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1300548 in MAAS "tgt targets do not persist after a reboot" [Critical,Triaged]02:29
jtvAnd now, having smashed everyone's hopes and dreams, I can reboot in peace.02:32
roaksoaxbigjools: so there's something weird02:33
roaksoaxbigjools: i have no idea why this happens02:33
roaksoaxbigjools: i have not make any changes that would cause this in comparison to trusty I think02:33
jtvOh dear.  Shouldn't have rebooted.  Suddenly I'm back in low-res.02:35
bigjoolsroaksoax: the password reset thing?02:36
roaksoaxbigjools: yup02:36
jtvThis is horrible.  Big, fuzzy pixels.  Luckily I kept my pre-Saucy hack somewhere to get back to a decent resolution.02:36
bigjoolsroaksoax: it has always happened02:36
roaksoaxbigjools: i've never seen it02:36
bigjoolswe just ignored the problem until now; for some reason the cluster is getting restarted first which has made it apparent02:37
jtvWe're nog going to be limited to 1920×1200 for the release version, are we?02:37
bigjoolsjtv: hi-dpi is a feature of unity now IIRC02:37
jtvIt worked in Saucy, and until today, Trusty.02:37
bigjoolsroaksoax: but basically every upgrade I ever do resets the rabbit p/w02:37
roaksoaxbigjools : does that file exist in the inital precise package?02:38
roaksoaxbigjools: and has it changed since then?02:38
bigjoolswhich file?02:38
* bigjools checks02:38
bigjoolsroaksoax: it's new after precise02:40
bigjoolsI think02:40
roaksoaxbigjools: ok so if we iupgrade from precise to trusty, then we still need to run that file02:40
roaksoaxbigjools: err to run that psasword change02:40
bigjoolsthe actual file is not in my tree it gets generated02:41
bigjoolsroaksoax: why do we need to regenerate passwords at all?02:41
bigjoolswe cannot do this, it screws over remote clusters02:41
roaksoaxbigjools: why? becuase the upgrade should generate passwords for systems wher the file didn't exist before02:42
bigjoolsroaksoax: one sec02:42
roaksoaxbigjools: there's a reason why it is there. if we upgrade say precise to trusty directly, and we don't have that, then we see failure because the psasword would never get generated02:42
bigjoolsroaksoax: this is going to break when updating on remote clusters, it can only work when cluster is local02:43
bigjoolsotherwise they will be out of sync02:44
roaksoaxbigjools: well then we should recommend upgrading regions first and then upgrade clusters02:44
roaksoaxso the cluster gets regenerated02:45
roaksoaxget new pass02:45
roaksoaxbigjools: what should actually happen, ois region should tell the clusters to update their password automatically02:45
bigjoolsroaksoax: it still forces a lockstep upgrade.  I don't know how we can get around that02:45
bigjoolsroaksoax: agreed02:45
bigjoolsroaksoax: I'll file a bug a bout that02:46
bigjoolsroaksoax: https://bugs.launchpad.net/maas/+bug/130055402:48
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1300554 in MAAS "If the rabbit password changes, clusters are not informed" [High,Triaged]02:48
roaksoaxbigjools: cool, otherwise we can just note that in a release upgrade02:48
roaksoaxbigjools: err release note02:48
bigjoolsroaksoax: fine for now02:48
roaksoaxbigjools: that for upgrades that bug will happen and the "fix" is to restart the clusters02:48
roaksoaxanywayi'm off02:48
bigjoolsroaksoax: something must have changed in apt for it to screw the local cluster02:48
jtv nn roaksoax02:49
bigjoolsdifferent ordering of installs02:49
bigjoolsok cheers roaksoax, sleep well02:49
* bigjools thinks about writing release notes02:49
roaksoaxbigjools: btw.. i was thinking thay maybe tgtadmin might have a way to export the condig into a file for persistancy02:52
roaksoaxwouls be worth looking into that02:52
bigjoolsroaksoax: yeah, good point, thanks02:52
bigjoolsany better jtv?02:53
jtvWell this gets me back to the previous bad setting.  :(02:53
roaksoaxbigjools: cool. we should dump each time a new entry gets added02:53
jtvAnd my previous xrandr incantations didn't work.02:53
roaksoaxanyway... night!02:53
bigjoolsjtv: just noticed tgt-admin has a --dump which might be useful02:53
jtvGood night.02:53
bigjoolscheers roaksoax02:53
jtvbigjools: I doubt it.02:53
jtvWe already write the full config anyway.02:54
bigjoolsjust an option02:54
jtvWow, and the letter "b" is broken in my dash.  That's a weird one.02:58
* bigjools eats lunch03:09
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
dimiternrvba, ping09:01
dimiternrvba, bigjools, allenap, I managed to pin down the probable cause of bug 129911409:03
ubot5bug 1299114 in MAAS "'ValidationError' object has no attribute 'error_dict' when creating a network" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129911409:03
allenapdimitern: Excellent! However, I have to pop out for a few minutes. I’ll ping when I’m back.09:04
dimiternhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/7188828/ - it seems the error happens only when you try to add a network with a ip (network) address that matches an existing network09:04
jtvWhich is probably the cause of the error in the first place.09:05
jtvThere's a separate check for that, and it must be broken.09:05
dimiternyep, it's just does not have a good error message09:05
jtvNot what I meant.  :)  The ValidationError probably needs to be constructed in some particular way.09:06
jtvdimitern: could you update the bug with your new information?09:07
jtvHmm... I wonder why we have a NetworksListingForm and a NetworkListForm.09:08
jtvLooks like a leftover from parallel work producing the same form from two people, probably one as just a placeholder.09:10
dimiternjtv, just did09:10
jtvI think this means that the exception at the very end of src/maasserver/models/network.py isn't quite right for what form validation wants.09:13
jtvdimitern: any chance we could get the full traceback of the exception?09:35
jtvIs that in the logs?09:35
jtvAh, found it.09:35
jtvWow, this could have been clearer.  Yes, it's documented all over the place that validate_unique must raise ValidationError if it finds a clash, but not that that ValidationError must be one that was constructed from a dict, not an error message like in the documentation examples!09:38
allenapjtv: Django’s ValidationError is a horror-show. Reading its code is not only like seeing inside the sausage factory, but also seeing the animal’s skulls being caved in.09:51
gmbjtv: src/provisioningserver/tests/test_maas_import_pxe_files.py09:53
jtvYes, that'd be the one.10:00
jtvdimitern, just for you. :)  https://code.launchpad.net/~jtv/maas/bug-1299114/+merge/21362310:13
AskUbuntuI get Internal Server Error when trying to connect the MAAS GUI in a fresh installation on 12.04 | http://askubuntu.com/q/44187010:15
dimiternjtv, great, thanks!10:25
dimiternallenap, rvba, bigjools, I'd appreciate if someone can spare some time to review this gomaasapi CL https://codereview.appspot.com/82460044/11:25
allenapdimitern: I’ll take a look.11:26
dimiternallenap, ta!11:26
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bigjoolsmwhudson: did you try arm with the latest maas in trusty at all?23:13
bigjoolsor the faily ppa23:14
mwhudsonbigjools: not recently23:14
mwhudsoni will be soon23:14
bigjoolsmwhudson: ok.  I need a 3rd party to verify it works on arm23:14
mwhudsononce IS do something with networking23:14
bigjoolssince there's a ton of changes in image imports23:14
mwhudsonbigjools: timeframe?23:14
bigjoolsmwhudson: now? :)23:15
mwhudsonthere is an rt you can make noise on if you like...23:15
mwhudsonbigjools: the hyperscale guys might have been doing stuff23:15
mwhudsoni'll be testing on midway23:16
bigjoolsthe more the better23:18

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