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dholbachgood morning06:52
mihirpopey, ping07:04
mihirpopey, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-calendar-app/+bug/122113307:04
ubot2Launchpad bug 1221133 in Ubuntu Calendar App "calendar-app on idle is polling on poll() at ~15Hz" [High,Triaged]07:04
mihirthis bug , now not affecting with new image?07:04
mihirdpm, ping07:10
mihirdpm, any conclusion on bug 1294684 ?07:10
ubot2Launchpad bug 1294684 in Ubuntu Calendar App "Quick entry needed to add a new event" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129468407:10
dpmhi mihir, let me have a look07:11
dholbachbzoltan1, Mirv: can we backport a newer version of click?07:12
mihirybon, ping !!07:12
mihirdpm, okay :)07:14
bzoltan1dholbach:  why not07:18
dholbachbzoltan1, go go go! :)07:19
dpmmihir, replied to the bug with a proposal07:19
mihirdpm, great thank you. I thought to start working on that07:21
mihirdpm,  one more issues i found, don't know much , we are not let users to see on Month view that they have events.07:21
mihirwhat do you think on that.07:21
dpmmihir, great! On the quick entry, could you coordinate with Bartosz before you start working on it, since it seems he's already started. I just want to make sure you guys work together rather than coming with two separate implementations07:22
mihirdpm, sure I'll coordinate  with him.07:22
dpmcool :)07:23
dpmmihir, for your second question re: events shown in Month view, that's bug 124812507:24
ubot2Launchpad bug 1248125 in Ubuntu Calendar App "No marker in month view that an event is occurring on a day." [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124812507:24
mihirdpm,  thank you :) gotcha07:26
mihirit seems we are moving fast now :)07:26
bzoltan1dholbach:  just dputed them07:31
* dholbach hugs bzoltan107:31
dpmmihir, indeed, we have to move really quick if we want to be ready for release!07:32
mihirdpm,  it would be great if we could get design inputs for this bug 129773907:38
ubot2Launchpad bug 1297739 in Ubuntu Calendar App "Event repeat options should match google calendar." [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129773907:38
dpmmihir, indeed, we'll ping michelR for some input07:43
bzoltan1dholbach:  the new tests of the click package failed for saucy/precise :(07:44
dholbachbzoltan1, which tests?07:44
bzoltan1dholbach:  lots of them... for example ERROR: test_reinstall_preinstalled (click.tests.test_install.TestClickInstaller)07:45
dholbachcjwatson might want to know07:45
DanChapmangood morning08:01
zsombi1nik90: check the bug 129888608:23
ubot2Launchpad bug 1298886 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Layout incorrectly sizes the children in the default layout when using Components{}" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129888608:23
nik90zsombi1: ooh you have a fix alreayd08:23
zsombi1nik90: you should see a branch there08:23
zsombi1nik90: ;)08:23
zsombi1it was pretty simple to fix08:24
nik90zsombi1: Do you want me to test it?08:24
zsombi1nik90: I'm preparing the MR out of it now, just waiting till the UITK release lands08:24
zsombi1nik90: yeps, if you don't mind building it locally...08:24
nik90zsombi1: yeah I will test it locally now and let you know how it goes08:25
zsombi1nik90: thx!08:25
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Batman Day! :-D08:32
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nik90zsombi1: The MP makes the rectangle visible and so it works. However it exposes an issue. I set the carousel visibility in the default layout to true only when the listview model count > 0. With this statement, it hides the carousel when going from the tablet layout to the default layout.08:35
nik90zsombi1: If I remove the visible statement, then things work as expected.08:35
zsombi1nik90: I see... the problem with that is that the only way to control the visibility of an item is to play either with visible or with opacity properties. Now, if you have a binding on either of these, that binding will be destroyed by the layouting08:37
zsombi1nik90: so: as layouting plays with visible, you could bind this condition to the opacity08:37
nik90zsombi1: yeah I came to that conclusion as I played with layouts and visibility08:37
nik90zsombi1: I will change to opacity08:37
zsombi1nik90: another solution would be to have an invisible Item in Layouts where the layouting would re-parent all unused items, then the visibility would not be touched at all08:38
nik90zsombi1: I don't follow. You mean encapsulate the items in a layout inside an item?08:39
zsombi1nik90: nopez, this invisible Item would be held by Layouts as internal component, you wouldn't need to do anything, just do the stuff you used to, bind visible and enabled as you wish, and the items not laid from default layout will be re-parented under this internal hidden item08:40
zsombi1nik90: honestly I had not thought about this issue...08:41
zsombi1nik90: but for now you should play with opacity, and file a bug so we can follow up on that!08:41
nik90zsombi1: will file a bug and play with opacity for now..yes08:42
zsombi1nik90: thx!08:42
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JoeyChanHi geeks08:43
JoeyChanfor this bug :  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-rssreader-app/+bug/129897808:44
ubot2Launchpad bug 1298978 in Ubuntu RSS Feed Reader App "Articles are missing dates" [High,Confirmed]08:44
JoeyChanmay not be fixed until Qt 5.308:44
JoeyChansth wrong with the js engine08:44
popeyhi JoeyChan08:45
JoeyChanhi  popey08:45
popeymardy: ^^ who can look at this? Something we could possibly backport?08:46
JoeyChanthe js  Date object can't parse standard datetime format   :(08:48
mardyJoeyChan: hi! Once the fix is ready for Qt 5.3, talk to Mirv and he'll consider whether this can be backported08:48
mardyJoeyChan: do you have a link to the Qt bug in their bugtracker?08:48
popeyJoeyChan: did they say it _will_ be fixed in 5.3, or it _has_ been fixed in 5.3?08:48
JoeyChanI have a friend, he is a dev in Qt project08:48
JoeyChanhe said the v4 js engine is imcomplete08:49
JoeyChan in Qt 5.208:49
JoeyChanpopey  mardy:   he suggest us switch to 5.3 directly08:50
JoeyChanthe whole qml and js module re-constructed08:51
mardyJoeyChan: we need a link to the commit(s) which fixed this, I'm not sure we'll switch to Qt 5.3 very soon08:53
JoeyChani c  ,   so pls wait,  asking to my friend08:55
MirvJoeyChan: we can't consider switching to a new upstream development version and trust it's 100% regression-free compared to a stable branch minor release (5.2.1) which also needed a lot of patches over the last 1-2 months to get good for us. switch to 5.3 will happen for 14.10 some time after 5.3.1 or so has been released.08:55
Mirvideally though 5.3 is tracked before that already to see how our images will run with it08:57
popeyJoeyChan: can you file a bug in upstream qt to track this please? https://bugreports.qt-project.org/secure/Dashboard.jspa08:59
JoeyChanpopey   I am searching if there's a similar bug09:00
popeyok, thanks09:00
Mirvit'd be neat if there was a single commit fixing that bug, but what Joey said about Qt 5.3 V4 seeing restructuring yet again may make things a bit complicated09:03
chriadamworth talking to tronical about that.  I guess he means the compiled data / v4 unit thing?09:07
chriadamI haven't been following developments closely, though, so maybe I'm mistaken.09:07
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nik90zsombi1: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/130066809:14
ubot2Launchpad bug 1300668 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Cannot use visible property reliably while using Ubuntu Layouts" [Undecided,New]09:14
JoeyChanpopey  Mirv:   no useful or similar search result, I am now reporting this bug to Qt project09:16
Mirvthanks a lot JoeyChan!09:21
dpmzbenjamin, quick question: for the file manager app, we've got a QML frontend and a C++ plugin. We've migrated the project to cmake joining both (the plugin used to live in another repo). Building works fine, but launching the app with Ctrl+R doesn't work: it tells me "could not find the executable" any ideas how to get qmlscene to launch the main QML file? The project is at  lp:~dpm/ubuntu-filemanager-app/include-plugin09:29
zbenjamindpm: you want to launch locally?=09:31
dpmzbenjamin, yes, sorry, I wasn't clear09:31
zbenjamindpm: add the -I switch pointing to the directory containing the plugin09:32
JoeyChanpopey  Mirv:   bug reported   https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-3801109:32
dpmzbenjamin, add it where?09:33
dpmI'm familiar with qmlscene's -I switch, but I'm not sure where you mean to add it09:33
zbenjamindpm: you have to manually configure that for now, in the project page09:33
dpmzbenjamin, there is no way to set that in cmake, so that it's picked up automatically?09:34
popeythanks JoeyChan09:34
zbenjamindpm: no, cmake does not export any informations we can use atm09:34
dpmzbenjamin, but it's weird, "could not find the executable" seems to imply that it does not know how to run the project (i.e. doesn't know it needs to launch qmlscene), rather than it failing to find the plugin. Is there a standard convention we're following in our cmake plugin I could adapt to, so that qmlscene launches the main QML file? I can then set the plugin path manually in the build options09:37
zbenjamindpm: exactly thats the case. I have no idea if the cmake project is a qml/html/native project09:38
zbenjamindpm: there is no informations about that09:38
zbenjamindpm: the only thing i can see from your project is that you link a .so , nothing more09:38
zbenjamindpm: however I plan to use the desktop file in the future if a UbuntuKit is selected09:39
dpmzbenjamin, yeah, yeah, I get that you cannot find out. But can I do anything in cmake (e.g. moving files around), so that Qt Creator thinks it's e.g. a plain qml project and thus launches qmlscene?09:40
zbenjaminno, qtcreator gets the project type from the project file mimetype.09:40
zbenjaminand in cmakes case there is just the cmake mimetype. Normally you would have the qmlproject mimetype. Thats why qtc knows to use qmlscene09:41
dpmand what does the cmake mimetype looks for as the main executable to run?09:41
dpmso thinking about it, the best bet is probably not use qmlscene altogether and create a small executable that loads the qml frontend, same as reminders?09:47
dpmzbenjamin, ^09:58
zbenjamindpm: yes that should work, cmake knows when you link a executable and should automatically create a runconfig for you09:58
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ybonWhen is set automaticOrientation=True on my MainView, the gesture on a Map is wrong on landscape mode. Who should I report this to?11:54
dakerybon: bug 118219011:57
ubot2Launchpad bug 1182190 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu) "In Landscape orientation edge gestures not correct" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118219011:57
ybondaker: thanks a ton :)11:57
ybonI'm not sure about the perimeter of this issue though, given the comments and the title12:00
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dakerybon: https://bugs.launchpad.net/webbrowser-app/+bug/1182190/comments/112:02
ubot2Launchpad bug 1182190 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu) "In Landscape orientation edge gestures not correct" [High,Confirmed]12:02
ybondaker, yeah, I read "suffer from the *same problem*" refering to the toolbar not being at the bottom, but that's fine12:05
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dpmDanChapman, mzanetti, I'm not sure if you saw my comment on the latest MP, as while I was drafting it, the MP got approved, but in summary, if you think it makes sense to use Qt 5.2 features in trunk, I think we could do it and just have a separate series set up for Ubuntu 13.1012:58
dpmthe downside, though, is that if we want to maintain it, we'd need to backport the changes that we did in trunk12:59
dpmin any case, TL;DR if it makes sense to use Qt 5.2, 13.10 should probably not be a limitation13:00
mzanettidpm: +1 for using 5.2 features13:37
nerochiarobfiller: I think you can approve https://code.launchpad.net/~amanzi-team/gallery-app/gallery-app-album-navigation/+merge/210178 now that I fixed all the remaining broken tests13:38
bfillernerochiaro: ack13:39
dpmMirv, we're trying to clean up Calendar branches, as quite a lot have been piling up for review. Is this one from yours ready for review, or does it need more work? https://code.launchpad.net/~timo-jyrinki/ubuntu-calendar-app/revert_213_that_reverted_212/+merge/21242213:46
dpmI think it will need to get the latest trunk changes merged in any case13:47
mzanettidpm: lets discuss the switch to 5.2 features in the next reminders hangout13:49
dpmmzanetti, sounds good!13:56
dpmsergiusens, thanks for the review, I think I've addressed your comment now re: the file manager MP, please let me know if https://code.launchpad.net/~dpm/ubuntu-filemanager-app/include-plugin/+merge/213368 looks good to you now14:04
Mirvdpm: it's an attempt by me to restore the bzr212 revision, as asked by balloons. I don't have actual knowledge how much that revision is wanted to have back, or if some later commits are doing partially same things.14:13
Mirvdpm: I think it's probably more suitable as someone to branch and work on further regarding what's wanted, rather than blindly trying to restore the bzr212 as is14:13
MirvKunal would probably know best as it was his commit that was reverted to workaround the bug, but now could be restored14:14
dpmok, makes sense, thanks Mirv14:15
pmcgowanpopey, per the JS bug, do you know how those date strings are being generated?14:16
popeypmcgowan: for the RSS reader we are pulling from RSS feeds such as http://design.canonical.com/feed/ - open that and note <pubDate>Mon, 31 Mar 2014 11:44:06 +0000</pubDate>14:19
popeythats where the date comes from.14:19
pmcgowanpopey, I see so external data, looking at the parsing code its simply not handling that format14:19
pmcgowanpopey, do you know if that format conforms to a particular std?14:20
popeypmcgowan: it's close to - but not identical to - the output of the unix "date" command.14:21
popeyi suspect it's a wordpress blog which generated that feed, so probably a standard PHP function14:22
pmcgowanpopey, I guess what I would want to know is if QDateTime can handle it, in which case the fix may be easy14:22
popeywp-admin/includes/export.php:   <pubDate><?php echo date( 'D, d M Y H:i:s +0000' ); ?></pubDate>14:22
popeythats how wordpress does it14:22
pmcgowanpopey, its not conformant to the JS spec, I suspect V8 just had an extension14:23
pmcgowanand it seems not conformat to Qt either14:24
DanChapmanmzanetti: when is the next reminders hangout?14:42
mzanettiDanChapman: tomorrow 14:00 UTC14:42
mzanettiDanChapman: want me to invite you?14:43
elopioping oSoMoN about this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/127105414:43
ubot2Launchpad bug 1271054 in notes-app "autopilot failures when closing the toolbar at startup" [High,Triaged]14:43
oSoMoNelopio, yes?14:43
elopioI did many runs of the notes app a couple of weeks ago, and it never failed that way. Is that still happening to you?14:43
oSoMoNelopio, not heard of such a failure recently, tbh notes-app is not on my radar (nor on anyone’s afaict)14:44
elopiooSoMoN: I'll mark it as incomplete for now, but keep an eye to see if it appears in other apps.14:45
oSoMoNelopio, ok14:45
DanChapmanmzanetti: yes please that would be great if you could14:46
mzanettiDanChapman: done14:46
DanChapmanmzanetti: awesome thanks14:47
nik90elopio: regarding the toolbar AP failure, I believe the clock app had those as well recently when t1mp was running the tests.15:28
nik90elopio: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7185547/ (t1mp's logs)15:29
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elopionik90: that one looks more like it failed to open the page.16:21
elopioyesterday I spent like 3 hours running clock tests to try to reproduce what tim was seeing, but I couldn't16:21
elopioduring three hours, I saw no single failures.16:21
t1mplets hope it got fixed16:22
t1mpI got the failures with image 265, you didn't get them with 270 (?)16:22
nik90elopio: ok16:22
t1mpon the other hand, for me it failed only 2 out of 8 runs of the tests.. so not getting them doesn't mean they are not there16:22
elopiobut with the release to devel-proposed we will be able to collect more information.16:23
nik90elopio: yeah I noticed that the last function called in the clock app is _click_add_city_button which is related to clicking the toolbar button, hence I thought it was failing at that point16:24
nik90but then i noticed return self.main_view.wait_select_single(WorldClock) in the next line. So you are right16:24
nik90it is failing to open the page16:24
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pmcgowanpopey, pretty sure I figured out the one liner we need to fix in the javascript engine, will see if Tim can patch it for us or get upstream to do it18:36
pmcgowantimo that is18:36
popeyi just uninstalled music from my stable #250 phone and cant reinstall it because 250 doesn't know about the new frameworks ☹18:42
pmcgowanpopey, why does music require 14.04?18:43
popeypmcgowan: it has a binary plugin that needed rebuilding18:45
pmcgowanpopey, that would be the one reason18:46
popeywell, at the time it had two plugins18:46
pmcgowanI did not know it was one of the apps with that dependency18:46
popeyunless I'm mis-remembering? It definitely has two plugins18:47
pmcgowanpopey, having a plugin doesn't necessarily make it need rebuilding18:47
pmcgowanit needs to somehow be bit by the qreal change18:47
popeyhm, my phone shipped with music 389 installed18:48
popeyso there must be some other reason I can't reinstall it18:48
* popey tries reinstalling18:49
popeyok, reinstalled, but it still wont start18:49
popeyand no log in ~/.cache/upstart18:50
popeyinit: Failed to spawn application-click (com.ubuntu.music_music_1.3.389) main process: unable to switch security profile: No such file or directory18:50
popeypaging jdstrand18:50
jdstrandpopey: whatis the output of 'sudo aa-status'?18:51
popeyjdstrand: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7191037/18:52
jdstrandpopey: com.ubuntu.music_music_1.3.403 is the profile loaded in to the kernel18:53
jdstrandpopey: yet, you said something is trying to use APP_ID=com.ubuntu.music_music_1.3.38918:53
popeyi did a pkcon install-local com.ubuntu.music_1.3.389_armhf.click18:53
* popey uninstalls it all and starts again, this phone is a bit of a mess18:54
jdstrandpopey: you might trying uninstalling the other version, then installing the old version18:54
popeyoof, tried uninstalling 389, then 403..18:55
popeygi._glib.GError: com.ubuntu.music is hidden for user phablet18:55
popeyclick list doesn't show it at all for phablet18:55
popeyshows 389 for root though18:55
jdstrandif click list doesn't show it, then you should be able to try to install 389 again as phablet18:56
popeyok, reinstalled and click list shows it18:56
jdstrandpopey: when it is done, please paste: 'sudo aa-status | grep music'18:56
popey   com.ubuntu.music_music_1.3.40318:56
jdstrandpopey: what is the pkcon output?18:57
popeythe usual [==] and Installed   com.ubuntu.music-1.3.389.armhf          summary goes here18:57
jdstrandpopey: what is the output of 'sudo aa-clickhook'18:57
jdstrandpopey: and click list?18:57
popeythe whole thing?18:58
jdstrand(as phablet)18:58
jdstrandwell, 'click list|grep music'18:58
jdstrandpopey: ls -l /var/lib/apparmor/clicks | grep music ; ls -l /var/lib/apparmor/profiles/*music*18:59
jdstrandI did that really weird :)18:59
jdstrandls -l /var/lib/apparmor/clicks/*music* ; ls -l /var/lib/apparmor/profiles/*music*18:59
jdstrandpopey: /var/lib/apparmor/clicks doesn't show the 389 version19:00
jdstrandpopey: which is why click-apparmor didn't generate the policy19:01
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jdstrandpopey: we are in diagnosing click territory here, and I'm probably not the best person to do that19:02
popeyok. thanks anyway ☻19:02
jdstrandwe did narrow it down quite a bit at least19:02
popeythis phone is a bit of a mess, don't expect users to see this19:02
jdstrandpopey: I'm guessing that the click symlinks in /opt/click.ubuntu.com/.click are not correct if you wanted to poke around there yourself19:03
jdstrandI'm not sure why that would be (getting back to not the best person :)19:04
popeyyeah lrwxrwxrwx 1 phablet phablet 54 Apr  1 19:56 com.ubuntu.music -> /usr/share/click/preinstalled/com.ubuntu.music/1.3.38919:04
popeythats in /opt/click.ubuntu.com/.click/users/phablet19:04
jdstrandif 389 is preinstalled, I doubt you can use pkcon install-local19:04
jdstrandbut I don't *know* that19:05
jdstrandI think you want 'click register' instead. not sure if there is a corresponding pkcon command19:05
* popey will rummage, thanks19:05
qtrospopey hello! As I promised I helped with the development of calendar app  - reviewed few merge requests and proposed solutions for some bugs. If more help will be required later, I will try to help again :)19:11
popeyqtros: thanks so much! I do appreciate it19:12
qtrospopey thanks ;) Can I ask you again to test my project lp:twimgo on your phone via SDK? :)19:16
popeyqtros: sure thing!19:16
qtrospopey as you may remember it didn't work fine when running from click ... so can you please share console output with me? :)19:17
popeyqtros: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7191167/ that's what I get on my desktop19:18
popeyin qtcreator19:18
popeyqtros: http://popey.com/~alan/phablet/device-2014-04-01-201958.png19:20
popeythats what I see on device19:20
popeyqtros: and same kind of log in qtcreator when run on device http://paste.ubuntu.com/7191176/19:21
popeyqtros: i need to reboot, back shortly19:23
qtrospopey thanks a lot! It's a great tip that app doesn't work on your desktop too :)19:30
qtrospopey wow, seems that it's because of time19:55
qtrospopey time zone or something like that. I ported this app so I don't know all the details, but I've found that your date was "Tue, 01 Apr 2014 19:18:11 UTC" while my "Tue, 01 Apr 2014 19:53:54 GMT"19:56
qtrospopey so what if "GMT" and "UTC" at end makes sense? ...19:57
popeywell, they should both be allowed19:57
popeyboth are valid19:57
popeyalthough right now the UK is in BST, which is GMT+119:57
popey\o/ timezones.19:58
qtrospopey wow, app uses handwritten parsing19:59
qtrospopey exactly like Shorts will need soon :D20:00
popeywell, pmcgowan seems to have figured out a fix for that20:00
qtroscan you test again after few minutes? :)20:02
popeyqtros: sure, just ping me when you need it testing20:03
qtrospopey already can try :)20:06
qtrospopey only on desktop20:06
popeyqtros: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7191351/20:07
qtrospopey looks strange, isn't it?20:08
qtros1 hour difference20:08
qtros18:07 GMT+1 isn't equal to 20:07 UTC20:09
qtrospopey my results is:Multi date: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 20:04:23 GMT20:10
qtrostwitterDate Wed Apr 02 2014 00:04:23 GMT+0400 (MSK)20:10
qtrostimeCorrection -100120:10
qtrosonly 5 min difference allowed as far as I know...20:10
popeyit's 21:12 here right now20:12
jincmdanyone available20:13
sarnoldjincmd: hello ;) irc tends to work best if you don't 'ask if you can ask', but rather just ask questions..20:13
qtrospopey can you try it again? :)20:16
qtrospopey maybe I should switch my timezone myself ... but for natural test try it, please :)20:16
popeyqtros: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7191394/20:16
qtrospopey ok thanks! I'll play with it myself :)20:21
popeyok ☻20:21
qtrospopey something wrong with date parsing, can't believe in this :)20:21
popeyI can ☻20:21
qtrospopey seems that I should reboot20:22
popeygood luck!20:22
qtrospopey to come to London (just in timezone :D)20:22
jincmdIS ANYONE ERE20:37
jincmdi am in search of a UBUNTU developer20:38
sarnoldjincmd: see above20:38
qtrosjincmd feel free to ask20:39
jincmdwhere could I find a reliable ubuntu edvop20:39
jincmdsystem engineer20:39
jincmdI want to build upon ubuntu touch20:39
jincmddevop is a word i newly learnt20:40
jincmdbut seems to be what im looking for20:40
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akiva-mobilehuh... unity7 code is hard to read; there are almost like no comments, and then indentation is like 2 spaces. I am trying to clone the hud to make a new function, but I am having a hard time23:13
akiva-mobileis there any documentation that I am missing here?23:13

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