
robrusergiusens, sure01:15
robrukgunn, oh ok01:15
robrukgunn, ok you got silo 501:16
robrusergiusens, you got silo 1001:16
sergiusenstools always get 1001:19
robruhehe, luck of the draw!01:19
kgunnrobru: thank you sir01:21
robruyou are both welcome. sorry for the delay there I was afk01:22
sergiusensslangasek: hey, there's a merge conflict with your MRs; I'm guessing it's the changelog; do you want me to merge separately or in one stance? if you remove the changes from debian/changelog the train will generate one from the commit message set on the MR/MP01:31
slangaseksergiusens: it is the changelog; happy to have the changelog entries removed to make the merge work; what's the best way forward?01:32
slangaseksergiusens: they certainly don't need to be separate merges, so whatever's best to fix up the merge, let's do it01:32
sergiusensslangasek: just revert them01:33
slangaseksergiusens: updated lp:~vorlon/phablet-tools/sane-adb-shells/ with changelog dropped - is that enough, or should I be dropping both changelog entries?01:33
sergiusensslangasek: drop both, or you'll only get that one entry01:34
slangasekphooey ;)01:34
slangaseksergiusens: done01:34
sergiusensthanks, building now01:35
cwayne_cihelp ping01:49
cjohnstoncwayne_: that's not very helpful...01:49
cwayne_cjohnston, having some issues with the jenkins job http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/savilerow-trusty/25/console, seems its not actually pulling the latest rev somehow01:50
cwayne_as in, it's missing some files in the tarball that i know are in the branch..01:53
cjohnstoncwayne_: "revno:6"01:53
cwayne_cjohnston, right but it's missing the entire src/system/custom/lib dir01:54
cwayne_which is there if a do a fresh branch01:54
cjohnstoncwayne_: seems like "tar Jcvf custom.tar.xz -C src/ system/"  may be an issue01:57
cjohnstonto me (not knowing anything about whats going on), it doesn't look like there would be a src/ and system/01:57
cwayne_it's making the tarball itself fine though, it's just missing src/system/custom/lib01:58
cwayne_it's got src/system/custom/everything-else01:58
cjohnstoncwayne_: is there a problem running it manually?01:59
cwayne_cjohnston, nope02:00
cwayne_just now ran it on a fresh branch02:01
fginthercjohnston, cwayne_, any chance someone did a push --overwrite on this?02:02
cjohnstonfginther: it the branch seems to have it02:02
cjohnston+ ls src/system/02:02
cjohnstonahh, I see what your saying..02:03
fginthercare if I retry a build after wiping the workspace?02:04
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 271 building (started: 20140401 02:05) ===02:04
fginthercwayne_, any harm in trying a clean rebuild?02:05
cwayne_fginther, none at all02:05
fginthernice, jenkins throws an exception trying to delete /home/ubuntu/jenkins/workspace/savilerow-trusty/src/system/custom/click/com.ubuntu.developer.alecu.qr-code/current. I'll check the host02:07
fginthercwayne_, the console looks like it found lib this time02:12
cwayne_fginther, awesome, thanks!02:12
cwayne_must've been a push --overwrite or something weird02:12
fginthercjohnston, cwayne_ 'current' was a symlink. I've seen a few jenkins bugs related to issues with symlinks02:13
cwayne_ah, could be02:13
cwayne_could we setup this job to always do a fresh branch?02:13
cjohnstonseems like the job should only be firing when there is a code change02:15
fginthercwayne_, that might work, or the job may have to do some cleanup before it finishes02:15
fginthercwayne_, the job does a poll of the bzr tree, if the workspace is left in a bad state, the pollling may not go well02:17
cwayne_fginther, yeah, that makes sense02:18
cwayne_i can try and add some cleanup02:18
cwayne_thanks for the help fginther02:19
fgintherand he leaves02:22
fginthercjohnston, /me thinks cwayne should be introduced to the jenkins charm02:22
sergiusensdoanac: hey, care to run the andy job against https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuDk72Lpx8U5dFlCc1VzeVZzWmdBZS11WERjdVc3dmc&usp=drive_web#gid=28 ?02:31
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 271 DONE (finished: 20140401 03:35) ===03:34
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/271.changes ===03:34
Mirvdidrocks: bzoltan1 has set uitk to be tested but it'd need a packaging ack:
didrocksMirv: good to me, +1 :)06:22
Mirvbzoltan1: re: your notes from other channel, this is your last chance to discuss if there's still some doubt on your mind :)06:22
Mirvapparently sdk team has found a flakiness happening in clock app tests that shouldn't be coming from UITK, and sometimes all tests pass06:23
Mirvbut I guess the confusion was about why it's not flaky on the test infra or something06:23
bzoltan1Mirv: correct06:24
bzoltan1Mirv:  the only flaky test is the ubuntu_clock_app.tests.test_stopwatch.TestStopwatch.test_click_clock_center_with_stopwatch_started_must_stop_it and the ubuntu_clock_app.tests.test_timer.TestTimer.test_delete_preset_must_remove_from_presets_list06:25
bzoltan1Mirv:  that means, that 2 out of 8 run failed ...06:26
bzoltan1Mirv: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7187031/ http://paste.ubuntu.com/7187032/06:27
Mirvbzoltan1: ok. I guess we can assume at this point, especially as your people have studied it quite a lot, that it shoudn't be coming from UITK06:28
didrocksbzoltan1: this test was never flaky beforehand, did you work with QA?06:28
bzoltan1Mirv:  I really do not think it has anything to do with the UITK06:28
didrocksMirv:  we didn't have those testing failing over 20 runs06:28
bzoltan1didrocks: Mirv: we worked with elopio06:28
didrocksMirv: so I think we should reallly have jibel's team expertise first06:29
bzoltan1didrocks:  I am not happy with that .. .but not landing the UITK will cause bigger issues soon06:29
Mirvbzoltan1: what did elopio have to say?06:29
didrocksbzoltan1: yeah, so then, you put the pain in the CI team to get the things fixed?06:29
bzoltan1didrocks: Mirv: elopio said that he has been running clock tests on his mako with image 270 and the 18 silo ppa for one hour with no failures like 12 times06:30
didrockscihelp: seems that the tests don't unlock the screens?06:30
Mirvdidrocks: it'd be good to understand as much as possible. I know I can't replicate test infra results myself, for example yesterday notes-app failed for me consistently but ok on test infra.06:30
bzoltan1didrocks: Mirv ^^06:30
didrocksbzoltan1: with your new UITK?06:30
Mirvyes, silo 18 is the new UITK06:30
bzoltan1with image 270 and the 18 silo ppa06:30
Mirvbzoltan1: that sounds good at least06:30
didrocksbzoltan1: ah, so this is good to me06:30
bzoltan1Mirv: yes it does ... but I hate to see different test results than the dashboard shows06:31
bzoltan1didrocks: I am confident, but I would like to see what the CI's dashboard shows06:31
Mirvbzoltan1: so maybe a mental note to ask from elopio how he runs the tests, to try to get as good results in the future?06:31
Mirvbzoltan1: that'll come with CI Airlines only unfortunately, getting the test infra to do the current manual work..06:32
bzoltan1Mirv: That is what I will do when elopio comes online06:32
didrocksbzoltan1: like, if only you got it, someone else rerun it multiple times without getting it, knowing how hard and subtle flaky issues we can have, yeah, that's fine06:32
didrocksplars: no email on the phone ML where #270 failed completely?06:32
Mirvok, but 12 times no failures from elopio is good enough, and I already know no other failures were found06:32
didrocksso… I was telling…06:33
didrocksbzoltan1: ah, so this is good to me06:33
didrocksbzoltan1: like, if only you got it, someone else rerun it multiple times without getting it, knowing how hard and subtle flaky06:33
didrocksissues we can have, yeah, that's fine06:33
didrocksplars: no email on the phone ML where #270 failed completely?06:33
didrocksdid you get my messages?06:33
Mirvdepending on who you're asking from, yes I saw those three messages twice now06:34
didrocksok, I'm lagging/disconnected…06:34
Mirvbzoltan1: published. it'll go to release team's unapproved queue, since it's also seeded on ubuntu/xubuntu/edubuntu desktop images06:36
bzoltan1Mirv:  Cool. Please ping me when I can merge to the trunk...06:39
* bzoltan1 goes and starts to prepare the next landing :)06:40
sil2100Morning everyone07:01
sil2100didrocks: so, in the end, we decided to drop the PHONECON ruleset as defined during vUDS?07:01
bzoltan1Mirv:  who should we ping from th release team to approve the UITK package?07:05
didrocksgood morning sil210007:05
didrockssil2100: seems so…07:05
didrockssil2100: also as we can't have any good test results for quite a while…07:06
didrockssil2100: do you feel better today?07:06
sil2100didrocks: smoketest infra problems again? :(07:06
sil2100didrocks: a bit, yes - I guess the cold and fever are slwoly giving up07:07
Mirvmorning sil2100!07:11
Mirvbzoltan1: just hang around at #ubuntu-release and you can ask generally if you're in a hurry or if it seems it takes extra amount of time for them to review it. in general they go in the order of uploads, see https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text= for the queue07:12
didrockssil2100: I don't know, we need to wait for the CI team07:18
didrockssil2100: however, the previous days, no crashers reported (due to the image…)07:18
tvosssil2100, didrocks silo 20 is tested and good from my side. Would appreciate a round of exploratory testing07:30
sil2100tvoss: sure, let me take a quick look07:30
tvosssil2100, thx07:30
sil2100hm, strange, latest image doesn't boot for me, I wonder if I need to reflash or something07:37
sil2100I mean, it boots but no unity8 can be seen07:38
didrockssil2100: I'm upgrading, will tell you in a few :)07:39
* didrocks reboots07:40
didrockssil2100: anything in upstart logs?07:40
didrockssil2100: yeah, reproducing07:42
didrocks(process:2351): GLib-GIO-ERROR **: Settings schema 'com.canonical.Unity.Launcher' is not installed07:42
sil2100Yeah, I see the same, you think this can be the root cause?07:43
didrocksit is07:43
didrocksgsettings segfaults when the schema isn't available07:43
sil2100Oh, how lovely07:43
didrocksit's intended… :/07:43
didrocksok, so the schema is shipped by /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/com.canonical.Unity.gschema.xml07:43
didrocksso libunity-core-6.0-907:44
didrocks"Drop unity-core based scopes in scopes plugin, expose attributes to shell"07:45
didrocksI wonder if it's not what retained it into the image07:45
didrocksand yeah07:46
didrocksworking then07:46
didrocksplugins/Unity/Launcher/backend/launcherbackend.cpp:        QGSettings gSettings("com.canonical.Unity.Launcher", "/com/canonical/unity/launcher/");07:47
didrocksso, it needs a dep on libunity-core07:47
sil2100hm, why was this dropped from the image?07:47
sil2100Did we seed it then somehow? Since I don't see in the package diff any updates that could have dropped it07:48
didrockssee my previous line07:48
didrocksit was pulled by the scopes07:48
didrocksnot anymore07:48
sil2100Ah, right, -plugin-scopes, damn, I'm blind07:48
sil2100didrocks: should I poke Saviq to include the dep, or should we do it ourselves? A dep in unity8 I guess?07:49
didrockssil2100: no, I'm doing an upload07:50
didrockssil2100: didn't merge it back though, as I think the proper fix is to remove the schema from that package07:50
didrockshave it on its own07:50
didrocksand dep on that07:50
didrocksSaviq: once you read that ^07:52
didrocks7.84+14.04.20140327.1-0ubuntu2 uploaded07:53
didrockscihelp: unping on latest image not providing results. Would be good though to know about the previous one though07:54
psivaadidrocks: ack, looking at it now07:55
didrocksthanks psivaa :)07:55
sil2100Let me drink some meds to be less coldish for the meeting07:58
=== psivaa changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: psivaa | CI Train support - US: robru, cyphermox, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: -
didrocksSaviq: let's talk about the best strategy, as we'll have click vs non click, maybe having unity8 shipping its own schema will make rather sense (as there is no more unity-common)08:02
Saviqsil2100, didrocks, I don't think we should need it...08:10
* Saviq greps08:10
didrocksSaviq: you do in plugins/Unity/Launcher/backend/launcherbackend.cpp08:10
Saviqah right08:11
Saviqwe share the same launcher list08:11
didrocksI think with click, it doesn't make sense anymore, wdyt?08:11
Saviqdidrocks, you uploaded a fix directly, did you? and now we should fix in our trunk?08:11
Saviqdidrocks, we won't only support click08:12
didrocksSaviq: yeah, but I think it's not really a fix (to depend on libunity-core for that)08:12
Saviqdidrocks, when we move to desktop08:12
didrocksSaviq: yeah, but unity7 will never support click08:12
didrocksso I guess having 2 list of launcher icon + handling the transition would make sense08:12
Saviqdidrocks, mhm08:12
Saviqbut now we'd need to handle the transition one way... and then the other... :|08:13
psivaadidrocks: the apparent failures with 270 is due to a dashboard issue of mixing results from prev runs. trying to sort that out08:13
Saviqdidrocks, can we patch-aid it with the dep for now, and fix it properly through a bug?08:13
didrocksSaviq: just one way I would say08:13
didrocksSaviq: that works as well for me08:13
didrockspsivaa: oh?08:13
Saviqdidrocks, it's not just us, we'd need to let customization know that the key changed and such08:14
Saviqand put that key in a schema somewhere (ubuntu-touch-schemas?)08:14
didrocksSaviq: oh right customization, let's do baby-steps then08:14
didrocksSaviq: let me propose a branch then :)08:14
psivaadidrocks: yea, http://ci.ubuntu.com/smokeng/trusty/touch/mako/270:20140331.1:20140331/7488/ubuntu_filemanager_app/ shows the passed ones and the failed prev run of the same image08:14
didrocksSaviq: in few minutes :)08:14
Saviqdidrocks, thanks08:14
* Saviq files a bug then08:14
ogra_imgbot, status 27108:21
imgbotImage 271 test results on mako - Total: 134, Pass: 110, Crashes: 4, Rate: 80%08:21
davmor2didrocks: todays image is a bit ummm broken for me08:25
didrocksdavmor2: yeah08:25
didrocksdavmor2: I uploaded a new unity808:25
davmor2didrocks: admittedly I can only find one fault with it08:25
davmor2didrocks: oh so it's all your fault :P08:25
didrocksdavmor2: no08:26
didrocksdavmor2: I pushed the fixed08:26
didrockswe can maybe wait 4 minutes and discuss in the meeting? :p08:26
davmor2sil2100: \o/ you feeling better dude?08:27
ogra_at least all tests have 80%08:30
ogra_thats something  :P08:30
davmor2ogra_: and I can't break the image at all it is 100% daveproof "Ship it!" ;)08:33
ogra_well xnox uploaded a change to adb08:33
ogra_i know he ran AP tests with it but he most likely didnt test screen unlock08:34
sil2100davmor2: more or less08:38
Mirvpopey: davmor2: is this the one, can I get some AP test report or such on it? http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/camera-app-click/48/artifact/out/com.ubuntu.camera_2.9.1.258_armhf.click09:01
popeyMirv: ack09:07
popeydavmor2: are you guys saying unity doesn't start on #271 ?09:08
davmor2popey: that is correct you just get a black screen09:09
popeyworks here09:09
popeyphablet   2546  9.7  6.6 431676 125564 ?       Ssl  10:06   0:17 unity809:09
popeycurrent build number: 27109:09
popeyhow odd.09:09
davmor2didrocks: ^09:09
Mirvpopey: you have better #271 than us09:10
popeybet this is because my phone was rw when i updated09:10
popeyprobably some lib that is still hanging around from #270?09:10
LaneyAre the calendar-app AP tests known to be dodgy when run locally?09:11
popeyLaney: not that I'm aware, bugs welcome.09:12
Laneylemme see09:13
davmor2ogra_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/android/+bug/128720809:18
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1287208 in android (Ubuntu) "ubuntu-device-flash doesn't remove the .writable_image flag" [Undecided,Fix committed]09:18
ogra_davmor2, thanks09:18
* didrocks reboots to previous kernel09:27
LaneyMirv: When you run the calendar-app tests using that recipe you gave me yesterday, does test_monthview_go_to_today_prev_year work for you?09:31
didrockstvoss: Laney: seb128: mhr3:  Mirv: sil2100: going to stop CI train to move to prodstack in few minutes (of course, current builds aren't be stopped)09:39
didrocksexpect the downtime to be < 10 minutes09:39
seb128didrocks, ok09:39
Laneyok, good luck!09:39
didrocksthanks :)09:39
tvossdidrocks, good luck09:39
didrockswill tell you when I shut down jenkins09:40
mhr3thx for headsup09:40
seb128Laney, having fun with autopilot since yesterday it seems ... is all that only to test your qt patch from the other day?09:40
seb128you patched a "leaf" api09:40
Laneyanyway the same thing happens with the old version of qtdeclarative09:40
sil2100didrocks: ACK :)09:43
Laneyso Not My Problem™09:43
didrocksLaney: yeah, just don't regress the image, only what we ask :)09:43
didrocksdon't fix stuff you can't/are not supposed to fix :)09:43
Laneyit's just disturbing when things are different locally vs. in CI09:44
didrocksLaney: yeah, agreed :/09:44
* seb128 impressed by Laney's perseverance09:44
seb128I wouldn't have bothered to run all autopilot tests for a 1 liner to a tz function09:44
MirvLaney: it did succeed yesterday when I tested new UITK, ie calendar-app 12 tests passed (if I'm reading the correct line). but it's not like unheard that running AP tests locally does not easily yield same results as on the test infra09:58
MirvI guess the normal "pass" is "same result as without the update" when doing the local tests09:59
popeyMirv: camera passes, stick it in the store and I'll get it approved09:59
Mirvpopey: ok10:03
Mirvpopey: it says package scan took too long, and that one should check status at https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/api/click-scan-complete/93/10:11
popeyMirv: i cant see that ☹10:12
Mirvbefore that it did say it got submitted to https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/api/click-upload/com.ubuntu.camera/10:12
popeyor that10:12
Mirvwell it does say "Please check the status later at...", so I wonder who much later10:12
Mirvwe might need sergiusens then10:12
popeyyeah, i don't have the creds for that account, so can't see it10:13
davmor2Morning all10:13
didrocksMirv: seb128: Saviq: sil2100: tvoss: mhr3: thostr_: stopping jenkins for the migration10:14
sil2100didrocks: ok, good luck ;p10:14
Saviqdidrocks, have fun!10:14
didrockswill try :p10:14
seb128didrocks, ok10:16
Mirvpopey: ok, I experimented what happens if I retry, and it worked.. Please check out the application at: https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/506/.10:16
popeyMirv: i see it now10:16
popeyMirv: approved it10:17
didrocksall is transition, we have an issue on librarian firewall FYI10:25
didrockswaiting on webops to check/open the firewall FYI10:34
Saviqdidrocks, seems there's a problem with SSO10:35
Saviqdidrocks, it redirected me to https://job/landing-002-1-build/build?delay=0sec10:35
didrocksSaviq: please don't run anything for now10:35
didrocksSaviq: sso was working for me10:35
Saviqdidrocks, sure, just saying10:35
didrocksSaviq: let me unlog and relog10:36
Saviqdidrocks, it logged me in fine, but redirected to the wrong url10:36
Saviqonce, at least10:36
plarsdidrocks: on 270 I was trying to rerun some things into late last night, and was hopeful that the previous failed attempts was just due to a typo in the test list10:37
plarsdidrocks: but I fell asleep before it finished, so I didn't get to see until now, sorry10:37
plarsdidrocks: I'm still not sure what happened there, but it looks like there is something wrong in the current image too10:38
didrocksev: I don't know why Saviq has that, seems that the juju charm was executed right?10:38
plarsdidrocks: nothing changed in the ci code that could explain it though (no new unlocker or anything)10:38
didrocksplars: ok, no worry, just an email on the ML next time :)10:38
didrocksev: may be the callback from sso side is wrong?10:39
plarsdidrocks: sorry, intendted to10:39
didrocksSaviq: weird, I'm redirected to the right url here10:39
didrocksSaviq: let me try from another one10:39
didrocksSaviq: yeah, working :/10:39
didrocksSaviq: and same from https://ci-train.ubuntu.com//job/landing-015-1-build/build?delay=0sec10:40
didrocksSaviq: can you unlog/retry?10:40
evdidrocks: that'd be surprising, given it redirected me just fine10:40
Saviqdidrocks, yeah let me try again10:40
didrocksev: yeah10:40
didrocksI tried 3 configurations here10:41
Saviqdidrocks, ok, can't repro any more10:41
didrocksSaviq: can we blame you or your browser? :p10:41
didrocksrealistically, keep us posted if you see so10:41
evit's one to watch out for though10:42
ogra_stop using oxide :P10:42
Saviqdidrocks, you can10:42
evI doubt that came from nowhere10:42
didrocksev: agreed, let's see if more people get it10:42
didrockseverything is back but the firewalling10:42
didrocksso as long as you don't prepare or watch a build, you can resume working :)10:42
didrocks(so publication + m&c)10:42
didrocks12:48:05        moon127 | didrocks, I've getting branch reviewed now.  I would expect ~20 mins to land it on the firewall and make10:48
didrocks                        | live.10:48
didrocksSaviq: seb128: Mirv: sil2100: thostr_: mhr3: tvoss: ^10:48
didrocksLaney: ^10:49
didrocks(so, you can publish, m&c, just not build/watch)10:49
didrocks12:49:58        moon127 | didrocks, we've rushed that one through, and I can wget that file on the jenkins instance10:50
didrocksso all should be back to normal, feel free to build things :)10:51
didrocksSaviq: seb128: Mirv: sil2100: thostr_: mhr3: tvoss: Laney ^10:51
Laneyyay for cloud10:51
sil2100Thanks o/10:51
Laneylemme try to publish qtdeclarative10:51
sil2100didrocks: it seems I don't have permissions on the new jenkins to do builds!10:53
didrocksLaney: some packages failed to build?10:53
Laneydid they?10:53
didrockssil2100: did you check the ubuntu-unity box?10:53
Saviq"saviq is missing the Job/Build permission" ;(10:54
sil2100hm, right, it didn't even ask me that, just redirected instantly, let me relog10:54
LaneyI believe spreadsheet is false false false10:54
sil2100didrocks: it doesn't allow me to10:54
Saviqsil2100, /me too, logging out and back in doesn't help10:54
* Saviq goes to login.ubuntu.com10:54
Mirvsil2100: also check to login from top right corner10:54
sil2100didrocks: when I press 'login' then I just instantly get logged in without any prompts10:54
Mirvhmm, yeah same here10:55
sil2100Mirv: just did that10:55
didrocksSaviq: sil2100: do you have the teams you are in checkbox?10:55
Laneydidrocks: I got redirected to 'job' after SSOing10:55
didrocksLaney: ^10:55
sil2100didrocks: which checkbox? I have no checkboxes10:55
Laneyis that what they are saying?10:55
didrocksLaney: jobs?10:55
LaneyFirefox can't find the server at job.10:55
Saviqdenied :|10:55
didrocksev: around? ^10:55
MirvLaney: try again, I got the same the first time10:56
didrocksLaney: hum, where are you clicking?10:56
sil2100didrocks: when I press 'log in' I instantly get logged in, without any checkboxes10:56
didrocksargh, so it's a real issue10:56
Saviqdidrocks, it's not asking for the team membership for some reason10:56
Laneybuild, SSO 2fa prompt, bogus redirect10:56
Mirvdidrocks: first time double clicking from spreadsheet it goes to https://job/ somehow after a couple of redirects10:56
LaneyI didn't notice the checkboxes I'm afraid10:56
Mirvthe next time works10:56
LaneyMirv: I bet if you log out and back in it does it again10:56
didrocksev: really need you here ^10:56
Laneyanyway it works if you're already authenticated10:57
Laneyjust the error on first login10:57
Laney(notwithstanding the permissions check that I didn't notice, sorry)10:57
didrocksso first login is an issue?10:57
moon127didrocks, hi10:57
didrockshey moon12710:57
Laneylemme try re-logging-in10:57
didrocksso it seems first login is failing for everyone10:57
didrocksand redirect to https://job/landing-008-1-build/build?delay=0sec for instance10:57
evdidrocks: they shouldn't see the page with checkboxes as ci-train.u.c is in the SSO whitelist10:58
didrocksev: ah, ok10:58
sil2100ev, didrocks: then how can I get my permissions correctly now?10:58
* didrocks tries in a anonymous session10:58
Laneyhmm I didn't get the 'job' thing that time10:58
didrocksMirv: are the permissions working then?10:58
Laneyperhaps that only happens the first time you log in10:59
didrocksok, so here, on a anonymouse section, I login10:59
didrocksthen, I'm redirected10:59
didrocksbut unlogged10:59
didrocksI reclick on "signing in"10:59
Laneyah no, I got it in a new browser that time10:59
didrocksand I have rights11:00
didrocksLaney: but then, do you have the right perms to run jobs?11:00
Laneydidn't try yet11:00
Mirv"timo-jyrinki is missing the Job/Build permission"11:00
didrocksdo you mind trying? (my user has more rights, so unsure it maps)11:00
Mirvdidrocks: ^11:00
LaneyI want to publish 008 so let me see what happens11:00
Mirvtried watch only in landing-01111:01
didrocksmoon127: ev: ok, so it seems the teams attributes are not send to jenkins11:01
Laneyyeah same as that11:01
didrocksmoon127: ev: and there is another issue on first login (doesn't redirect to the right url)11:01
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
didrocksMirv: Saviq: sil2100: seb128: Laney: tvoss: meanwhile, if you have any requests, proxy it to me, I can handle the pushing buttons11:04
Laneyok, please publish 008 then11:04
Laneyactually I'm not sure how that works for direct uploads11:04
LaneyI guess it's publish and clean, no merge11:04
seb128didrocks, noted, I'm going to have a few in the afternoon, thanks11:04
didrocksI found the issue on perms11:08
didrocksI can fix it, some secs11:08
didrocksso guys, can you retry?11:11
Mirvdidrocks: works! https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-011-1-build/1/console11:12
didrocksLaney: Mirv? ^11:12
didrocksphew :)11:12
sil2100Indeed, works \o/11:12
didrocksonly the "first blank redirect remains in the list for now". Otherwise, you are all good to click in what you need :)11:12
didrocksLaney: seb128: mhr3: tvoss: Saviq: ^11:13
Laneynice work didrocks11:13
seb128didrocks, thanks, well done!11:13
tvossdidrocks, nice one :)11:14
didrocksyw, thanks for your patience (took a little bit longer than wanting, but hopefully, didn't block anyone for too long)11:14
* didrocks kicks an image build to celebrate that11:15
didrocks(with the fixed unity8)11:15
sil2100didrocks: so, PPA for silo 20 had the unity-scopes-api package already removed over an hour ago and running 'Build' with 'watch only' still makes the job look for unity-scopes-api in the PPA11:17
didrockssil2100: ah, the fix for Qt5.2 probably created this11:17
sil2100How can I workaround this ;)?11:19
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 272 building (started: 20140401 11:20) ===11:19
didrockssil2100: reading the code?11:23
* didrocks looks11:23
didrocksbut sorry, other requests…11:23
didrockssil2100: can you provide the trace?11:24
didrocks        for pkg in src_ppa.getPublishedSources(distro_series=series, status="Published"):11:24
didrocksso I guess it's still published11:24
didrocksunity-scopes-api is a branch right?11:26
didrockshave you reconfigure to remove it?11:26
davmor2didrocks: so 271 mostly works by the look of it so just making unity8 work by default to fix that :)11:27
didrocksseems so11:27
didrocksyou reconfigured it11:27
didrocks(answering as you are not around)11:27
sil2100Yeah, I was looking in the code myself11:29
sil2100didrocks: tvoss reconfigured it yesterday already, I did that today as well11:29
sil2100Since I thought it might somehow help11:29
didrocksafter the reconfigure11:29
didrockswe still have unity-scopes-api.project11:29
didrocksif this bug was real, we would have it a lot more before11:30
didrockssil2100:         # remove all files related to sources that are not in the configuration anymore11:32
didrockssil2100: did you remove in the ppa11:32
didrocksand then run reconfigure? :/11:32
sil2100didrocks: what I did was:11:32
sil2100didrocks: in the morning I removed the package from the PPA and just press 'rebuild'11:33
didrockswhy did you remove the package from the PPA?11:33
didrocksrather than reconfiguring?11:33
sil2100didrocks: after and hour I retried that, it was still looking for the project, so I reconfigured and reran build again11:33
sil2100didrocks: because tvoss said he reconfigured it yesterday11:33
didrocksseems he didn't :/11:34
sil2100And that this package in the PPA was somehow only a leftover after something11:34
didrockssil2100: no, the reconfigure removes the package11:34
didrocksthat's why the source isn't cleaned from the config11:34
didrocks        for (source, version, rev, branch) in packageinppamanager.get_all_packages_uploaded():11:34
didrocks            if source not in all_silo_projects:11:34
didrockssee prepare-silo11:34
tvossdidrocks, sil2100 I'm confused, what did I do wrong?11:35
didrockstvoss: seems you didn't rerun the reconfigure job after removing the MP for unity-scopes-api11:36
sil2100tvoss: not sure, you mentioned that you reconfigured silo 20 yesterday, right?11:36
tvosssil2100, yup, I might have done something wrong ... not sure what, though11:36
didrockswell, anyway, there is a way to patch the code to prevent that I guess11:37
sil2100Not sure what went wrong as well that the package .project file remained, hm11:38
popeypsivaa: why am I not seeing a newer build of calendar in jenkins than 222 on 28/3? trunk has 226.11:41
Laneydidrocks: is publishing working?11:43
LaneyI forgot unapproved :P11:43
Laneyignore me11:43
didrocksLaney: tssss :p11:43
psivaapopey: mind pasting the jenkins link pls?11:43
didrocksLaney: it's a potential failure though11:43
Laneyit is in there11:43
didrocksah ok :)11:43
didrocksso the rsync is working :)11:43
popeypsivaa: http://s-jenkins:8080/job/calendar-app-click/11:43
didrocks(I checked it, but good that we have a real life confirmation :p)11:43
psivaapopey: thx. looking11:44
didrockssil2100: wdyt about that? http://paste.ubuntu.com/7189309/11:45
psivaapopey: this job has been manually triggered mostly by balloons in the recent past. so the absence of that appears to be the reason :)11:46
popeypsivaa: ah, can you press the same buttons?11:46
sil2100didrocks: looks ok, a bit safer in case of such hick-ups as today ;D11:47
didrockssil2100: ok, pushing and putting that in production, then rerunning configure11:48
Saviqsil2100, reconfigure silo 015 please? needed to add thumbnailer there11:48
psivaapopey: sure, done. still pending the slaves to be free to execute11:49
sil2100Saviq: ok11:50
popeypsivaa: thank you.11:51
didrockssil2100: hum11:52
didrocksdoesn't seem to have worked11:52
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
sil2100didrocks: so... maybe the previous reconfigure really helped?11:53
sil2100I mean11:53
sil2100Not helped, but worked?11:53
sil2100And allowed_components_from_previous_config doesn't have what we need?11:53
didrockssil2100: it didn't and still don't11:53
sil2100Saviq: reconfigured11:54
Saviqsil2100, thanks11:54
Saviqdidrocks, upload fails https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-002-1-build/3/console ?11:54
Saviqtwice already11:55
* sil2100 looks11:55
didrocksfirewall again11:56
didrocksmoon127: still around?11:56
didrocksmoon127: uploading to the ppa from the machine fails11:56
didrocks(traditional dput ppa:…)11:56
didrocksseems like launchpad firewall rules are really compartimentend11:56
didrocksev: ^11:56
didrockssil2100: oh one sec, on unity-scopes-api11:59
didrocksI think I tried "actions"11:59
didrocksinstead of scopes11:59
didrockssil2100: it's like if rmtree wasn't working12:02
=== cjohnston changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: cjohnston | CI Train support - US: robru, cyphermox, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: -
didrocksSaviq: so moon127 isn't around and there is no vanguard on #webops :/12:02
moon127didrocks, Saviq - looking12:03
didrockssil2100: I'm pretty sure there are some permissions issues as well12:03
moon127didrocks, can you just confirm that is dput ftp rather than ssh12:03
didrocksmoon127: yeah, it's dput ftp12:04
sil2100That would be strange..!12:05
didrockssil2100: OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'unity-scopes-api'12:07
didrockshum, maybe I'm not in the right dir12:07
didrockssil2100: yeah, found the issue12:08
sil2100clean_source looks ok?12:08
didrockssil2100: I'm not in the silo path when cleaning12:08
sil2100uh, so how did that work before? :o12:09
moon127didrocks, firewall change is live12:10
sil2100Saviq: ^ can you retry?12:10
didrocksmoon127: thanks!12:10
didrocksSaviq: you should be good now12:10
didrockssil2100: it never worked at this stage I guess12:10
didrockssil2100: phew: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-020-1-build/7/console12:19
=== psivaa is now known as psivaa-lunch
sil2100didrocks: thank you! I see the change to silo_path ;)12:20
didrockssil2100: yeah, while cd, better to change for a better name :)12:20
sil2100A lot of changes, just hope it doesn't break anything else ;p12:20
sil2100hah, sure12:21
didrockssil2100: it's just Ctrl + D -> rename config_path to silo_path12:21
* didrocks waits on Saviq's source package creation to finish to see the uploads12:23
didrocksmoon127: seems it didn't work12:24
didrocksmoon127: default dput to a ppa is ftp though, right?12:24
didrocksfqdn                    = ppa.launchpad.net12:25
didrocksmethod                  = ftp12:25
didrocksincoming                = ~%(ppa)s/ubuntu12:25
didrockslogin                   = anonymous12:25
didrocksfrom dput.cf12:25
didrocksor… /me has a terrible doubt12:28
didrocksmoon127: is dput installed on the machine?12:28
moon127didrocks, checking - fwiw I can open an ftp connection to ppa.launchpad.net manually12:29
moon127ha ha it is not!!12:29
didrocksit's weird, it was pulled from other depends12:29
didrocksnot sure what is different on that machine12:29
didrocksok, I'm adding it explicitely in the charm then12:29
didrocksmoon127: mind installing it meanwhile?12:30
moon127didrocks, sure12:30
didrocksthanks :)12:30
didrocksand then, let's reretry :p12:30
rsalvetiogra_: didrocks: hey, did we find what broke 271?12:30
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
rsalvetijust saw the email12:30
* didrocks retries12:30
didrocksrsalveti: yeah, a schema not installed12:30
didrocksand so gsettings segfaults12:31
didrocks(libunity-core got dropped from the scopes)12:31
didrocksbut unity8 is using the schema12:31
rsalvetioh, interesting12:31
didrockswhich is in libunity-core12:31
ogra_rsalveti, all fixed already12:31
didrocks#272 should be ready soon12:31
rsalvetithought it could be kernel, android or something I did :-)12:31
ogra_272 is already building12:31
didrocksrsalveti: ahah, not that low :p12:31
rsalvetigreat :-)12:32
ogra_hmm, i should add buildinfo to imigbots status command12:32
Mirvlots of click app updates will be in the next image :)12:34
didrockssil2100: seems that process-cpp can be published, right?12:41
didrocksSaviq: 2014-04-01 12:42:43,995 WARNING A version (12.10.2+14.04.20140324.is.12.10.2+14.04.20140320-0ubuntu1) is available at the destination archive for that component but is not in the destination branch which is still at 12.10.2+14.04.20140324-0ubuntu1. You need to ensure that your version contains the fix in the destination or you can force rebuild to bypass the check.12:43
didrocksI need to run with "don't care" :p12:43
* didrocks reruns12:43
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 272 DONE (finished: 20140401 12:45) ===12:44
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/272.changes ===12:44
ogra_there we go12:45
didrocksgreat :)12:45
didrockswelcome back libunity-core!12:45
ogra_ah, and there is the camera-app too12:46
didrocksyep :)12:46
ogra_oh, whats that initramfs change12:46
* didrocks reflashes to retry before sending an email to the ML12:47
* davmor2 ota updates 12:49
dbarthdidrocks: sorry, but silo 7 seems different: it has no build button anymore12:49
didrocksdbarth: hum, someone copied and paste and mess with the spreadsheet I guess :/12:49
dbarthhonestly i don't think i messd that cell up12:50
didrocksdbarth: I restored the formula from another silo12:50
didrocksdbarth: can be anyone :p12:50
dbarththanks didrocks!12:50
davmor2didrocks: so ota from 271 to 272 gives me a working phone from a working phone.  I'm just flashing 271 see if the manual route does work12:54
didrocksdavmor2: manual route, being?12:55
didrocksdavmor2: system-image-cli?12:55
davmor2didrocks: yeap12:55
didrocksdavmor2: ok, keep me posted12:55
didrocksyou just run system-image-cli12:55
didrocksand then reboot your phone12:55
davmor2ogra_: ^ system-image-cli -d 0 isn't it?12:56
ogra_probably with the channel12:57
didrocksdavmor2: I don't think you need -d 012:57
ogra_but yeah12:57
didrocksjust system-image-clic12:57
didrocksyou don't need a full download12:57
ogra_-d 0 forces a full image reinstall12:57
didrockswe don't want that12:57
ogra_i would always run it with -v12:57
davmor2ogra_: thanks12:57
ogra_else it stays completely quiet12:57
didrocksdavmor2: so, just system-image-cli -v12:57
ogra_(which is irritating since it can take a while)12:58
davmor2didrocks: indeed12:58
evdidrocks: are we all good on the prodstack move?13:15
didrocksev: still need to check that dput is working13:15
didrocksis the last trial13:15
davmor2didrocks, ogra_: well that seems to of updated now to see if I get a shell13:16
didrocksdavmor2: excellent!13:17
davmor2didrocks, ogra_: I do http://paste.ubuntu.com/7189617/13:17
davmor2video and music still in place too woohoo!!!!13:17
tedgIn silo 1 I've got a "url-dispatcher is in the UNAPPROVED queue" - how do I fix that?13:20
didrockstedg: get the release team to approve it :)13:20
didrocksthey are reviewing the queue regularly13:21
didrocksso, it should be ping-less :)13:21
tedgOkay, where do I see that queue?13:21
didrockseverything that is seeded in any flavor (but Touch) is getting in UNAPPROVED13:21
didrockstedg: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/+queue?queue_state=113:22
ogra_or by being in the #ubuntu-release channel ... the queuebot there announces package states13:23
tedgAh, interesting.13:23
tedgI was surprised it didn't show up on the source package page.13:24
=== psivaa-lunch is now known as psivaa
Saviq_didrocks, this really doesn't work still https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-015-1-build/6/console :|13:26
didrockstedg: as long as it's not approved, you can kick it back and reaccept with the same version13:26
tedgdidrocks, Not sure what that means?13:26
didrocksSaviq: argh, I was looking at the another landing (longer)13:26
didrocksyeah, so seems the upload doesn't work13:27
didrocksSaviq: I'm asking the webops vanguard, they told it was opened…13:28
Saviqdidrocks, it looks like -build jobs are much slower now, any idea?13:33
sil2100Hardware differences, but I would expect it to be for the better13:35
didrocksSaviq: I don't control the architecture at all anymore13:35
didrocksSaviq: so yeah, I would say hardware difference, but I agree with your feeling13:36
cjwatsontedg: accepted now, sorry for the delay13:36
Saviqdidrocks, kthx13:36
tedgcjwatson, Great! Thanks!13:36
mhr3sil2100, silo for 27 pls?13:37
sil2100mhr3: oh, something set to ready?13:39
sil2100mhr3: let me look13:39
sil2100Oh, something new13:39
sil2100mhr3: assigning13:40
sil2100mhr3: silo 1313:41
didrockspsivaa: plars: do we have full test results on image #270 now?13:45
plarsdidrocks: no, there was a problem with the reruns I tried at the end - just ignore those13:46
plarsdidrocks: 271 was already in progress though13:46
didrocksplars: so, we will never have test results on #270?13:46
didrocksknowing it was the first one for the crash files13:47
didrocksand #271 is lost13:47
plarsdidrocks: I can try to pull something off for 27013:48
didrocksI thought psivaa was working on that since this morning13:48
plarsdidrocks: at worst, I can run them locally on a mako if you like13:48
plarsoh, maybe - psivaa is that right?13:48
didrocksso maybe check with him?13:48
psivaadidrocks: plars: i was trying to get the dashboard right, which i could not13:49
plarspsivaa, didrocks: so I do have one idea how to do it. Let me give it a shot. If it works then I may have an idea how we can make it an option for reruns13:50
plarsmake image id an option that is13:50
didrocksplars: great!13:50
plarsdidrocks: and if all else fails, I'll just kick off a local run and confirm that all of those missing ones look ok13:50
didrocksSaviq: seems I didn't get traction on the speed regression :/13:50
didrocksplars: ok, thanks!13:50
Saviqdidrocks, yeah I saw that, it took an hour to prep silo 002, that's rather bad :|13:51
Saviqeven if it built as many packages as it did13:51
didrocksSaviq: I don't even have ssh access anymore to it… so really can't help13:51
Saviqdidrocks, I understand, just saying that we need to talk to someone that can13:51
didrocksthat's what I tried, ev has good connexion with them, so maybe him…13:52
Saviqdidrocks, do you have logs from previous silo 002 preps? to check how much it took there?13:52
didrocksev: see our discussion with webops13:53
didrocksSaviq: I have to restart jenkins for that, and I'm afraid some people will try to reprepare from it13:53
didrocksSaviq: without having any links13:53
popeypsivaa: http://s-jenkins:8080/job/calendar-app-click/106/console it failed.. any idea why?13:53
didrocksSaviq: I meant, keeping previous links13:53
psivaapopey: 1 sec pls13:53
Saviqdidrocks, :/13:54
didrocksSaviq: I can temporarly if you know what you want to check13:54
Saviqdidrocks, yeah, just want to find a build-002-1-build13:54
didrocksSaviq: started13:54
Saviqdidrocks, that prepared the whole thing13:54
didrockstell me once I shut down :p13:54
evdidrocks: I think we need to go beyond just saying it's slower. Can we instrument the code to provide timings?13:54
didrocksev: jenkins itself gives timing, and Saviq has exactly the same set13:55
evoh great, so where is it taking longer?13:55
evI didn't see that in the #webops chat13:55
didrocksev: the build part to prepare source packages13:56
didrocksI restart the previous jenkins for Saviq to gives more infos13:56
evjust build? It's not debootstrapping or anything?13:56
evor hitting apt in any way13:57
didrocksev: I don't have finer grain13:57
didrocksso we won't be able to compare13:57
didrocksbetween old and new infra13:57
evit builds a package cache after the first run, no?13:57
psivaapopey: that appears to have been because of an rm op failing. i think i've fixed it and kicked another run.14:00
LaneyYou should try the -nc that I told you about before to avoid needing build-deps14:00
popeypsivaa: thanks, will that happen again?14:00
psivaapopey: i dont think so because i changed the job config. (strange that it has been happening so far though)14:01
popeypsivaa: ah okay, thanks.14:01
psivaapopey: the next build succeeded.14:04
didrocksSaviq: any luck? I would prefer to shutdown the old instance to avoid people getting mislead14:06
Saviqdidrocks, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7189814/14:07
Saviqdidrocks, shut it down14:07
Saviq3 times slower for unity8, for example :|14:08
didrocksev: ^14:08
didrocksSaviq: thanks, stopped14:08
evhmmm interesting14:09
evdidrocks: why are those info lines different though? That seems to imply we don't quite have a like for like comparison here - that it might have actually gone down a different code path14:10
* Saviq uploads the log14:10
Saviqthat's the one from the old instance14:11
didrocksev: once is with "force rebuild" not the other one I guess14:11
evso they're not going down separate code paths?14:11
didrocksev: the difference is:14:12
evrm -rf taking a long time strikes me as strange, to say the least. There's not a lot of IO overhead in that.14:12
didrocksev: so, one is before the other, and the function called is just doing diff -Nrup old/ new/14:13
didrocksev: so the second one is in theory few ms faster than the first one14:13
didrocks(less checks)14:13
didrockslet's say with launchpad api call, 2s faster14:13
didrocks(while it's the contrary, it's way slower)14:13
didrocksok, really late exercising/first break14:18
didrocksI'll probably be back on time for the meeting14:18
evdidrocks: when you get a chance, can you do the following on the canonistack instance that you were running ci-train from:14:18
evsudo hdparm -Tt /dev/sda14:18
evdd if=/dev/zero of=/home/ubuntu/output bs=1M count=1024; rm -f ~/output14:19
evthen we can ask #webops to do the same and further isolate this problem14:19
didrocksev: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7189886/14:22
didrocksev: /dev/vdc1 is /var/lib/jenkins (so first matches first, second matches second)14:22
didrockscowbuilder is in the second14:22
didrockssil2100: if I'm late for the meeting, mind starting it?14:23
sil2100didrocks: sure :)14:23
didrocksthx :)14:23
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|tea
bzoltandidrocks: sil2100: I would need a silo for a single line change in the QtC Ubuntu plugin project ... important for jono and dpm14:30
dpmbzoltan, wait, that change is not important until the other bug fix lands14:30
sil2100bzoltan: I can assign a silo, sure14:31
sil2100kgunn: hi! You can m&c line 24 if anything ;)14:32
dpmbzoltan, sil2100, let's not add a silo until bug 1297190 is addressed14:32
ubot5bug 1297190 in qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu "Need to integrate the Unity Scopes Tool to Qt Creator" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129719014:32
kgunnsil2100: yes sir!14:32
sil2100dpm: oh, too late... I guess having a silo is not a big deal anyway14:32
dpmok, I was just trying to avoid extra work14:33
sil2100dbarth: the webbrowser oxide landing is ready for a m&c as well - if you have the moment, could you press the button? :)14:33
=== alan_g|tea is now known as alan_g
dbarthsil2100: will do right now14:51
Saviqdidrocks, looks like platform-api didn't get uploaded? https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-002-1-build/6/consoleFull14:53
sil2100dbarth: thanks14:53
sil2100I wonder why the autopilot landing didn't move at all since such a long time15:01
=== doanac changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: doanac | CI Train support - US: robru, cyphermox, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: -
ChickenCutlassrsalveti: hangout15:03
ChickenCutlassrsalveti: oh right — your out15:03
plarsdidrocks: so it looks like something changed with permissions on /root, which is causing 'bash: /root/.bashrc: Permission denied' when the click image test tries to run a command with adb. I think we can work around it in the test, but that's why that's happening.15:15
plarsdidrocks: *that's why the click image test is failing15:15
ogra_plars, talk to xnox15:15
ogra_plars, adbd was changed15:15
plarsogra_: ack, thanks15:15
ogra_it now processes a login shell ... which means you get a home, locale etc for root15:16
ogra_i wouldnt expect /root/.bashrc not being writable to be a blocker for anything though15:16
ogra_that should just be a warning15:16
popeydavmor2: can you replicate bug 130084715:17
ubot5bug 1300847 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu) "OSK won't come up in twitter/fb webapps #272 on flo" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130084715:17
Saviqdidrocks, https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-002-1-build/8/console silo broke? :/15:26
Laneydo I need to do ONLY_FREE_SILO for source package only silos?15:28
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
SaviqLaney, tried without it?15:44
SaviqLaney, I assume it's published?15:44
SaviqLaney, then just do without15:45
SaviqLaney, worst case it will fail15:45
SaviqLaney, but doubt that15:45
SaviqLaney, it will just not find any MPs, so it will just do the usual15:45
LaneyI guessed it would, but wanted to confirm15:45
Laneynow I have a scapegoat, so ok :P15:45
plarsdidrocks: ok, I still need to do the jenkins bits to make it complete, but I've done the script changes for allowing an arg to specify the revision all the way through the ci process and ran locally. It just finished up and those other tests passed just fine it seems, but there were 3 failures in ubuntu_system_settings on this run15:47
sil2100Laney: citrain is a smart system, it will bail out if something is wrong so no worries!15:49
didrocksSaviq: was is fixed?15:50
Saviqdidrocks, let me try15:50
Laneyseems to be working15:50
didrocksSaviq: I dunno, just back from exercise :)15:50
didrocksso I was asking15:50
Saviqdidrocks, nope, https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-002-1-build/9/console15:50
didrocksLaney: yeah, it should do the right thing15:50
didrocksSaviq: hum15:51
didrocksSaviq: ok, so same thing than yesterday15:51
ogra_imgbot, status 27215:51
didrocksSaviq: what leaded to that? I would be interested15:51
Saviqdidrocks, not sure15:51
imgbotImage 272 for mako has not finished the tests, status is: Running15:51
Saviqdidrocks, I interrupted the previous job (which I think failed to upload platform-api)15:51
ogra_slow stuff is slow  ...15:51
didrocksSaviq: yeah, seeing that, but that doesn't explain15:52
didrocksSaviq: I try to commit in an atomic way15:52
Saviqdidrocks, and the next run was like that - tried to rebuild platform-api and u-s-c15:52
didrocksSaviq: yeah, I need to understand how that can happen15:53
Saviqdidrocks, last reconfigure was way before that15:53
didrocksSaviq: with shell access willbe harder…15:53
Saviqdidrocks, +out15:53
didrocksSaviq: right :p15:54
Saviqdidrocks, looks like valid json15:54
didrocksSaviq: yeah, but no status15:54
didrocksI wonder how…15:54
didrocksSaviq: it was "building" as the status before, right?15:55
Saviqdidrocks, maybe it didn't update in time?15:55
Saviqdidrocks, between me interrupting the old build and starting a new one?15:56
dbarthsil2100: can i have a new silo for a doc fix (html api)?15:56
dbarthline 3015:56
didrocksSaviq: no, this is done in sync15:56
Saviqdidrocks, no idea then :|15:56
sil2100dbarth: looking15:57
sil2100dbarth: sure, it's ready?15:57
didrocksSaviq: I'm trying to sync hard :p15:57
sil2100dbarth: since the ready field is not set yet ;p15:59
didrocksSaviq: think*15:59
ogra_you think you are trying to sync ?16:00
didrocksSaviq: I really don't get it, is it urgent? Otherwise, I'll appreciate a fresh eye to see if we do have a race16:01
dbarthsil2100: ah sorry, just setting it; i was reviewing the branch16:01
didrocksrobru: around?16:01
didrocksplars: ^16:01
cyphermoxrsalveti: I'd like to land mtp today; should I bother going through you guys for the citrain landing stuff or just file it myself, since I have the necessary knowledge and access? I'd just need an extra pair of eyes for additional testing before landing16:06
cyphermoxwell. that and I really need to write the test plan and all :)16:07
sil2100mhr3: m&c ready!16:10
mhr3sil2100, ty, cleaning16:18
=== gatox_lunch is now known as gatox
davmor2popey: so no I can't replicate it I can log in no problems it gives me the wrong facebook view let me try twitter instead16:39
davmor2popey: do you ever get this closing an app http://davmor2.co.uk/~davmor2/apps-nil.png ?16:44
fgintherbfiller, I just found a package ofono-phonesim-autostart error for dialer-app that prevents CI testing on the phone: https://bugs.launchpad.net/dialer-app/+bug/130088016:44
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1300880 in dialer-app "CI can't install dialer-app debian packages on image 272" [Undecided,New]16:44
fgintherbfiller, please let me know if there is someone else I should ping16:44
popeydavmor2: i rarely close apps, so no.16:44
popeykinda annoyed I can't start update-manager on #25016:45
bfillerfginther: boiko should know16:45
fgintherboiko, any thoughts on https://bugs.launchpad.net/dialer-app/+bug/1300880 ?16:45
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1300880 in dialer-app "CI can't install dialer-app debian packages on image 272" [Undecided,New]16:45
bfillerfginther: have changes been made recently to the ofono-phonesim-autostart?16:46
davmor2popey: it should in theory open it was tested on 25016:46
popeydavmor2: and surely someone would have said by now!?16:46
davmor2popey: so I guess it's just you]16:46
t1mpwhat can cause this? 2014/04/01 18:25:21 Cannot push /home/tim/.cache/ubuntuimages/pool/ubuntu-c3473594f772b94d7a14e917124a119e3439da5658c4265077eda3b16b186f4b.tar.xz to device16:47
t1mpsee http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7190485/ I get it when I try to flash image 27216:47
t1mpwhere is it pushing it? maybe the partition is full? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7190500/16:48
fgintherbfiller, it looks like the current version of the package was uploaded march 516:48
t1mpoh, wrong channel16:49
ogra_t1mp, to /cache ...16:49
ogra_(which translates to /android/cache/ on a running ubuntu)16:49
boikofginther: hmm, that's the first time I see this error, let me take a look at the ofono-phonesim-autostart script16:49
t1mpogra_: none                            4.0K     0  4.0K   0% /android16:50
t1mpthat is weird16:50
* t1mp rebooting device16:50
ogra_t1mp, /android/cache/recovery is what you want to check16:50
ogra_or just /android/cache16:50
ogra_/android is just a dir, not a partition16:50
t1mpogra_: why is /android then listed in df?16:51
t1mpah. it is an empty partition with other stuff mounted in it? weird16:52
ogra_check mount :)16:52
popeydavmor2: ok, getting a qmlscene crash16:52
ogra_root@ubuntu-phablet:/# mount|grep " /android "16:52
ogra_none on /android type tmpfs (rw,relatime,size=4k)16:52
t1mprecovery is full with old images :s16:52
ogra_its a tmpfs ...16:53
t1mpI think I had that before and I reported a bug.16:53
ogra_just rm them16:53
ogra_(if there is a bug open already)16:53
t1mpok, thanks16:53
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robruSaviq, around? I fixed silo 2, feel free to rebuild/reconfig/whatever now17:10
Saviqrobru, thank you17:14
robruSaviq, you're welcome17:14
robruSaviq, I also made it easier for us to fix this issue if it happens again, so it shouldn't take as long if it happens again. next step is to stop it from happening...17:15
Saviqrobru, :)17:15
popeydavmor2: had to sign out of U1 and sign back in again to get click update manager working!17:21
popeyI now have 30 updates in update manager to install17:22
popeymost I've ever had17:22
dbartho/ silo 007 tested and verified; ready to publish17:23
robrudbarth, thanks17:26
robrudbarth, ok, published17:28
dbarththanks robru17:31
robruyou're welcome!17:31
dbarthok, next silo then ;)17:32
davmor2popey: nice17:33
davmor2popey: and I bet most of them will stay in there due to the naming bug too :)17:36
popeydavmor2: not on #25017:41
davmor2popey: ha nice17:41
popeyits slowly chugging through them17:41
davmor2popey: oh nice so it only lists them still while the app is open close it and reopen and you get a clean list17:42
pmcgowanflappy popey is the fist app in my apps screen, very unnerving everytime17:42
popeyand its broken, you may as well remove it17:42
pmcgowanpopey, I thought app updates got into settings, no?17:43
popeythe developer was hosting it on a 30 day trial web space, and didnt pay to extend it17:43
dbarthrobru: o/ i have a new silo request on line 3117:43
popeypmcgowan: nope, still not migrated over17:43
dbarthrobru: this one will be of interest to you; it's an additional fix for the icon mismatches17:43
robrudbarth, just fix the URL, you have the branch not the MP17:46
dbarthuh sure18:03
dbarthrobru: ok, now it's ready18:03
Saviqfginther, hey, https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-mediumtests-runner-mako/6285/console looks like some config issue?18:03
robrudbarth, oh, unity-webapps-qml is already in silo 1. Can you add that to the same silo? if they're both just two small bugfixes it will be easier than having two silos (which can lead to conflicts)18:05
fgintherSaviq, hmmm, I'm a little confused by that. I understand why it's trying to install unity8-autopilot, but I don't know why it can't find the matching version of unity818:11
fgintherSaviq, let me poke18:11
Saviqrsalveti, hey, will you be able to help tweaking touch seed: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7190810/ for silo 015?18:12
Saviqrsalveti, the service is a Recommends of the image provider, so we need to seed it18:12
davmor2D'oh popey I just notice that bug is against flo I was testing on mako where it works give me 5 I'll try it on mako18:14
davmor2flo even]18:14
davmor2popey: I'm assuming it is down to desktop verses mobile web views18:15
nuclearbobcihelp: is anybody getting a core dump running ubuntu-emulator on current trusty?18:18
doanacnuclearbob: i'm running it right now and it seems functional18:19
doanaci haven't poked it too hard yet, but its booting up18:19
nuclearbobdoanac: okay.  mine won't even start, so I must have a problem with my setup18:19
popeydavmor2: could be, yes18:20
popeydavmor2: and on mako 250, no more updates waiting :D all done and re-launched, all good18:20
dbarthrobru: they are of a quite different nature, but hmm, wny not, yeah, let's do that18:21
nuclearbobI was missing an i386 gl library!18:21
robrudbarth, yeah, it will be easier, because if I assign two silos, then whichever one publishes first will force the other one to rebuild, which is annoying.18:21
dbarthrobru: ok changed, and i will try to reconfigure now18:22
robrudbarth, should work, let me know if it doesnt'18:23
davmor2popey: on your flo try clicking on the word username rather than the box18:28
popeydavmor2: facebook has no "username"18:28
popeyfuuu. latest music app doesn't run on #25018:29
davmor2popey: here have a sad trombone18:31
popeybah, my stupid build I think18:35
nuclearbobdoanac: I got the emulator fixed.  Is there a good/easy way to use it to run smoke jobs?  I'm still trying to figure out that autopilot job failure from earlier, since running without the ppa still causes the failure18:56
doanacnuclearbob: you can run the equivalent at home. that job is based on lp:ubuntu-test-cases/touch and uses ./scripts/run-smoke18:57
nuclearbobdoanac: okay, I tried just copying the job, but it seems stuck on adb reboot bootloader18:58
doanacnuclearbob: hmm. sounds like the phone could be out of whack then18:58
doanacthis at home or in the lab you are  doing this?18:59
nuclearbobdoanac: this is at home on the emulator since my phone isn't supported any more18:59
doanacnuclearbob: this isn't going to work on the emulator yet18:59
doanacwe are still working on supporting it18:59
nuclearbobdoanac: okay.  So if I just have a maguro, I can't replicate this?  I guess I'll have to either hassle someone about getting a mako or get thomi to look at this when he gets here19:00
doanacnuclearbob: yeah. or log into the phone in question in the lab and poke around19:00
nuclearbobdoanac: also a good idea, thanks for reminding me of that option19:01
doanacie, rerun the job, and then access it while the job is failing19:01
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boikofginther: hey, I'm seeing that same upstart error that you saw on ofono-phonesim-autostart when trying to connect to the device via ssh on image #27219:01
boikofginther: start: Unable to connect to Upstart: Empty address ''19:01
thomidoanac: nuclearbob: so.. perhaps we should have a call about this? Or are you guys confident that it can be sorted?19:07
fgintherboiko, so ofono-phonesim-autostart isn't even installed on my device running 270. I wonder if this made it into the image on accident?19:08
nuclearbobthomi: when I tried to run the command manually, it seemed stuck until an apt-get -f install, so I'm trying the job again19:08
cyphermoxrobru: hey19:08
cyphermoxrobru: I think I have the jist of it, to fix yesterday's issue with stuff being stopped and all19:09
boikofginther: it is installed when installing dialer-app-autopilot or messaging-app-autopilot19:09
thomidoanac: I thought our job was a clone of whatever the smoke tests used. How come our jobs fails but (apparently) the smoke testing job succeeds?19:09
doanacthomi: you guys do it slightly differently. you are installing all the packages up-front. we now install packages as they are needed by each test19:10
doanacbut the job is failing installing ofono-ism. i'd think this would be pretty easy to re-create19:10
thomidoanac: I think that, for all our long-term sanity to remain intact, the ap-release-gatekeeper job needs some way to remain in sync with the smoke test job19:11
fgintherdoanac, uhh, this -> https://bugs.launchpad.net/dialer-app/+bug/130088019:11
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1300880 in dialer-app "CI can't install dialer-app debian packages on image 272" [Undecided,New]19:11
thomidoanac: it seems like the *only* difference is that we want to add a PPA.19:12
doanacthomi: and potentially run hooks19:12
thomihmmm, ok19:12
doanacthomi: delete the PACKAGES parameter from your job and you'll be in sync with us19:12
thomidoanac: how does your job know when to install packages?19:13
doanacfginther: that looks like nuclearbob's issue19:13
doanacthomi: we have it coded in a testconfig file19:13
doanacwe were asked to install things and uninstall per test19:13
doanacso the way daily-image testing runs, we probably just see the dialer app fail instead of seeing evyerhing fail19:14
thomiwell, that's good news (kind of?)19:15
thomiat least it's not just us having this issue :)19:15
doanacmisery loves company19:15
boikofginther: nuclearbob: seems like something is wrong with upstart, this empty address error thing, but I don't see any change in upstart mentioned19:19
Saviqrobru, hey, will you be able to help tweaking touch seed: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7190810/ for silo 015?19:22
Saviqrobru, the service is a Recommends of the image provider, so we need to seed it19:22
Saviqcyphermox, maybe you're around and can halp with ↑?19:31
Saviqthat'd be the last thing to do before landing silo 015 with right edge (and plenty other goodness), other than you guys ACKing it19:32
Saviqcyphermox, would you have time to take that silo for a spin?19:32
cyphermoxwell, if the service is a recommends of something already in the seed you probably don't need to seed it19:33
Saviqcyphermox, we do19:33
Saviqcyphermox, recommends are not installed on touch19:33
Saviqcyphermox, not when apt-get installing, even19:33
cyphermoxvery well, but I'm not touching the seed until things are completely landed19:34
Saviqcyphermox, I thought we'd upload it to the silo? is what we usually did?19:34
cyphermoxis it?19:35
Saviqcyphermox, yeah, this way it goes into proposed together, and will only migrate when everything's good19:35
cyphermoxsounds fine19:35
cyphermoxis your silo already configured for this?19:35
Saviqcyphermox, I'll add to the CI train list, please reconfigure19:36
robruSaviq, oops sorry, was afk. i don't have access to change the seeds myself19:36
Saviqcyphermox, done, silo 15 ready for reconfigure19:36
Saviq(and an upload)19:37
Saviqrobru, no worries19:37
Saviqrobru, found my victim :)19:37
Saviqrobru, fwiw, I don't think there's any special access needed to change the seeds, it's just a source package as usual, afaict19:42
Saviqrobru, only thing is syncing that back to bzr19:42
robruSaviq, no, the seeds are stored in a special branch, tightly controlled by the dark cabal.19:42
Saviqrobru, well, yeah, lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu-touch.trusty - not *that* special :D19:43
Saviqrobru, but indeed you're not part of ~ubuntu-core-dev :)19:43
robruSaviq, exactly ;-)19:43
Saviqrobru, cyphermox, please fight between yourselves who'll take silo 015 for a spin, I'm +2 on it19:44
robruSaviq, also, the branch isn't just a standard source package, the source package is generated from that bespoke format... i don't actually know how to do the conversion from that format into a package.19:44
robruSaviq, cyphermox : on it19:44
Saviqrobru, that part's easy :)19:44
cyphermoxrobru: you mean reconfiguring?19:44
robrucyphermox, Saviq I thought it was ready to publish?19:45
Saviqrobru, caveat: unset UPSTART_SESSION before upgrading19:45
Saviqrobru, only the seed change is missing19:45
cyphermoxrobru: no, it would be missing the seed in the silo19:45
Saviqrobru, which == apt-get install thumbnailer-service19:45
Saviqrobru, and lxc-android-config won't upgrade, as usual... due to the bind-mounted things19:45
robruSaviq, what about after it's published? what happens to people who just upgrade without unsetting UPSTART_SESSION (eg, everybody)19:46
cyphermoxindeed, that's important19:47
Saviqrobru, not everybody, everybody upgrade via images19:47
Saviqrobru, cyphermox, the adb upgrade broke the root session19:47
robruSaviq, ok, but how will the image be created if we have to unset an environment variable? who is setting this variable?19:47
cyphermoxSaviq: UPSTART_SESSION part fixed in lxc-android-config, is that what you mean?19:47
Saviqcyphermox, it's fixed in the session19:47
Saviqrobru, it's only a problem with adb19:48
Saviqrobru, image builds fine19:48
Saviqrobru, I don't think we can do anything for upgraderd19:48
Saviqas it requires installing the fixed ubuntu-touch-session and logging out / back in19:49
Saviqcyphermox, "the session" meaning ubuntu-touch-session19:49
Saviqit's a bad thing that happened, but I've no idea how to fix that without telling people to jump through a hoop or two19:50
cyphermoxSaviq: is lxc-android-config already in the ppa?19:52
Saviqcyphermox, yes19:52
robrucyphermox, I have to run to a doctor's appointment, can you handle the seed change? I'll be back in 2ish hours19:52
cyphermoxdoh, conflict with landing 002 :(19:53
cyphermoxrobru: yeah, I'm on it19:53
robrucyphermox, great thanks. I can test things when I'm back if needed19:53
fgintherSaviq, was there a direct archive upload of unity8?19:53
Saviqfginther, yes19:53
Saviqcyphermox, 002 is just prep19:53
Saviqcyphermox, any conflicts with that are to be overridden19:54
cyphermoxSaviq: yeah, but I don't remember this from one shot to the other19:54
cyphermoxso as soon as this finishes I'll re-do the reconfig and ignore conflicts19:54
fgintherSaviq, ok, that's somehow causing the CI problem, but I don't know why yet, will keep looking19:54
Saviqcyphermox, ok19:54
Saviqfginther, well, we'll only sync archive with trunk with silo 015 landing19:55
Saviqfginther, so it kind of makes sense19:55
cyphermoxalright, so it's reconfigured nao19:59
cyphermoxSaviq: so since you know about the thumbnailer-service...20:04
cyphermoxget_thumbnail returns a string, I guess that's a path to a thumbnail file?20:04
Saviqcyphermox, truth be told I don't know enough, but I imagine so, yeah :)20:08
Saviqcyphermox, https://code.launchpad.net/~jamesh/thumbnailer/dbus-service/+merge/21234720:08
Saviqcyphermox, from grepping that, yeah20:08
jhodappcan someone make qtubuntu-media and qtvideo-node rebuild in landing silo 006?20:27
plarsrobru, cyphermox: given that http://ci.ubuntu.com/smokeng/trusty/touch/mako/272:20140401.1:20140331/7506/ looked pretty good, my understanding was that rerunning 270 further would be unnecessary. As for the click-image-test failure, that's been fixed up in the testcase itself and merged now20:28
jhodapprobru, can you make qtubuntu-media and qtvideo-node rebuild in landing silo 006?20:32
Saviqjhodapp, I can, new upload, I assume?20:32
jhodappSaviq, yes20:32
jhodappand thanks20:32
Saviqjhodapp, running https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-006-1-build/1/console20:33
jhodappSaviq, thank you much20:33
Saviqjhodapp, always :)20:33
Saviqcyphermox, you'll upload the seed change to the PPA will you?20:39
Saviqcyphermox, ok, let me know if you need anything from me20:39
SaviqI'd really like that silo to land today^Wtonight :)20:40
cyphermoxSaviq: will do best I can, sorry it took a bit I had to look up how to do the package20:42
Saviqcyphermox, no worries there20:44
cyphermoxso it's in progress now, I'm updating the meta package20:45
cyphermoxgo germinate go! :)20:50
cyphermoxslangasek: so I wanted to add some code to watch signals and avoid a cancelled build run to break the config files for citrain; so I'll commit a string change for this ready state we talked about too21:09
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Saviqcyphermox, apparently the train didn't like the powerd changelog update21:23
Saviqrsalveti, you around?21:23
cyphermoxgood thing that I asked for a rebuild then21:24
Saviqcyphermox, weird thing is it built fine before21:27
Saviqcyphermox, and the branch didn't change...21:27
Saviqcyphermox, so yeah, replacing rsalveti's MP with my own with the changelog fixed, and rebuilding again21:27
cyphermoxrobru: when you're around to take a look: https://code.launchpad.net/~mathieu-tl/cupstream2distro/cleanup-on-kill/+merge/213728   but please don't merge this right out, I want didrocks to take a good look at it too :)21:30
cyphermoxSaviq: means another reconfigure? :D21:31
Saviqcyphermox, already done21:31
cyphermoxslangasek: https://code.launchpad.net/~mathieu-tl/cupstream2distro/silo-ready-wording/+merge/21373021:31
cyphermoxrobru: ^21:31
cyphermoxSaviq: so u-touch-meta is in the PPA and published, so as soon as stuff is rebuilding fine and tested, I should be able to publish it21:32
Saviqcyphermox, yup21:33
Saviqcyphermox, I'll let you know when I'm ready with it, or actually when built, so that we can parallelize testing?21:33
fgintherSaviq, I poked some more on https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-mediumtests-runner-mako/6285/console. It appears to be failing because it can't find ubuntu-thumbnailer-impl-0. Is this known to be missing from the archive?21:49
Saviqfginther, it's only going to be there with the landing of silo 01521:49
Saviqfginther, so the error message was probably just unhelpful, but the failure was indeed expected, sorry for having you chasing ghosts21:50
=== doanac changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: cihelp | CI Train support - US: robru, cyphermox, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: -
fgintherSaviq, no worries21:52
=== popey_ is now known as popey
robrujhodapp|afk, sorry, was at the doctor.22:08
robrucyphermox, looking22:09
Saviqcyphermox, this thing must be a new check... it's the third MP I have to mangle to fix the trusty vs. UNRELEASED in changelog ;(22:13
robruSaviq, what's going on with the changelog? if you're modifying changelogs yourself you should set them as UNRELEASED and citrain will adjust it for you22:23
Saviqrobru, yeah, but that seems to be a new requirement22:23
Saviqrobru, we had trusty there22:23
Saviqrobru, and it built fine until this evening :|22:23
robruhmm, not sure what changed, you'd have to ask didrocks about that (basically only he tinkers with that code)22:24
Saviqrobru, what's more... https://code.launchpad.net/~didrocks/unity8/get-needed-dep/+merge/213619 is just syncing a change from distro...22:24
Saviqnot sure I can change that to UNRELEASED...22:24
robruSaviq, well, if it's already in distro then you should leave it as 'trusty'... it should check that (comparing trunk to distro) before building. it's wrong to take a release and call it UNRELEASED.22:25
Saviqrobru, yeah22:25
* Saviq thinks that's all22:25
Saviqlooks like we have again a concurrency (or lack of) problem... I've to wait until all packages build to find out that the last one had issues :/22:26
robruSaviq, if you watch the PPA instead of watching the jenkins build job, you should be able to see failures sooner22:26
Saviqrobru, it doesn't even reach the ppa22:27
Saviqrobru, because it fails when preparing packages22:27
Saviqrobru, and does not upload the successful ones until all complete22:27
robruSaviq, how long does the prepare step take??22:27
robruSaviq, prepare is just building source packages, shouldn't take that long... it's the builds that are slwo22:28
Saviqrobru, 16 mins22:28
Saviqrobru, last one22:28
Saviqrobru, with the move to prodstack... they got some 3 times slower...22:28
Saviqat least unity8 as an example :|22:28
Saviqso yeah, it's not great22:29
Saviqanyway, /me moves to the hotel, then, will follow up on that from there22:29
robruSaviq, not sure who to ping about that. surely we can assign more resources for such an important piece of infrastructure...22:29
Saviqrobru, didrocks is aware, was talking to webops today, but didn't get far22:30
Saviqrobru, he escalated with Evan22:30
Saviqrobru, so hopefully we'll get there22:30
robruSaviq, ok, glad to hear people are on it22:30
tedgCan someone reconfigure silo 4 for me please?22:51
tedgAnd kick off a build22:51
tedgPerhaps a robru or cyphermox? ^22:52
* tedg reads topic like a good IRC user :-)22:52
robrutedg, on it22:53
tedgrobru, Thanks!22:53
robrutedg, you're welcome22:53
cyphermoxrobru: you're too fast22:55
robrucyphermox, haha. yeah, i should twiddle my thumbs longer before replying ;-)22:55
cyphermoxyes :)22:55
robrutedg, building: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-002-1-build/15/console22:57
robruboiko, you got silo 523:01
robruoh crap23:07
robrutedg, here is the real build for silo 4: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-004-1-build/1/console23:08
robrulet's everybody just ignore that i rebuilt silo 2 for nothing23:08
robruSaviq, sorry, what happened in silo 2 while I was out? I see merge conflicts, and not in debian/changelog. are you working on that?23:10
Saviqrobru, yeah, we were trying to resolve some weird missing symbols with mterry23:10
robruSaviq, oh, it was silo 15 that you gave +2 for.23:11
Saviqrobru, last status is there's conflicts, mterry needs to resubmit the branch after resolving23:11
Saviqrobru, yes23:11
Saviqrobru, 002 is just a prep silo for split greeter23:11
robruSaviq, so what happened in silo 15 then? I see you got the seed there. so that's ready for publishing? cyphermox did you poke at silo 15?23:11
Saviqrobru, cyphermox wanted me to rebuild and retest everything, that's ongoing23:11
Saviqrobru, after having fixed the changelogs in 4 projects...23:11
robruSaviq, oh ok.23:12
robruI'm heading out for dinner soonish but I can potential come back, do some basic sanity checks, and then hit publish later tonight.23:12
Saviqrobru, will let you know23:13
robruSaviq, thanks23:13
robrutedg, build failed because the revert in distro, forcing a rebuild: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-004-1-build/2/console23:16
robruSaviq, oh wow, just testing silo 15 for the first time, right edge looks *sliiiiick* ;-)23:39
robruanyways, off for dinner. bbl23:39
Saviqrobru, it does, don't it :)23:39
bregmarobru, could you do me the favour of granting a silo for line 32?23:49

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