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seb128good morning desktopers!08:03
hikikohi seb128 :)08:04
seb128hey hikiko Laney08:04
hikikoand Laney :)08:05
Laneyhey hey08:05
Laneyhow are you guys?08:05
hikikohow are uyou people?08:05
Laneydoing good, fun climbing session last night08:07
seb128doing good, fun tennis session last night08:08
Laney(we can carry this on)08:09
Laneymy elbow is recovering from its injury08:09
seb128lucky you, my wrist is still hurting :/08:10
Laneyah damn, thought we could have08:10
Laneyyou still played on it?08:10
seb128well, my arm is better08:10
seb128but I did some "didn't hold the racket strong enough" and slightly hurt my wrist a week ago08:11
seb128tennis is not a sport to play if you don't like small injuries :p08:11
LaneyI have a tiny cut in my thumb that's right where I want to press it on the keyboard08:20
tjaaltonseb128: you're not supposed to squeeze it too hard ;)08:22
seb128tjaalton, haha08:23
tjaaltonjust lock your wrist, or you're in trouble08:23
seb128right, well I've been sloppy/didn't lock it properly a few times :/08:23
seb128but I learnt from it :p08:23
seb128(also hit the ball in front, when it's already over you "body-line" it's less fun for the arm/wrist to try to hit it back)08:24
darkxsthey seb128, Laney08:28
seb128hey darkxst, how are you?08:29
darkxstseb128, good, finally have internet back!08:29
seb128nice! what happened that you didn't have it anymore?08:29
seb128I though you were travelling or on holidays or something08:29
darkxstseb128, ISP stuffed up, we are moving soon and booked that in, then they disconnected it immediately08:29
seb128oh, I see08:30
darkxstholidays come soon ;), 10 days of climbing !08:30
LaneyI'LL BE THERE08:31
darkxstLaney, sure come! its a fair travel for you though!08:32
Laneysadly so08:32
darkxstanyway I looked at renamed gnome-desktop3.10 package, its a complete pain to do without compeltely forking the package and renaming things within the build system08:33
darkxstand it seems way to late to land this stuff now? so would it be possible to ship g-c-c 3.8 for 14.0408:36
darkxstand then update renamed gnome-desktop and g-s-d/g-c-c for 14.04.1?08:37
darkxsti.e is it even possible to land backports in the LTS point releases?08:38
LaneySeems unlikely08:39
Laneybut it might become more feasible to do it in a PPA then08:39
seb128Laney, well, I guess they are going to want to build the LTS .1 with those packages, can a flavor build its LTS iso using ppa sources?08:51
seb128how does that work for e.g security updates?08:51
LaneyNo I don't think you can do that :(08:51
seb128right, what I though08:52
darkxstLaney, I menat not the PPA, but -backports?09:11
attenteseb128: hey, i'm trying to get indicator-keyboard to use the logind dbus api, but don't really know how to get the permissions right for it09:57
seb128attente, hey, how are you? in what tz are you now? ;-)09:57
attenteseb128: still stuck in nz :)09:58
seb128"stuck" ;-)09:58
seb128attente, what do you want to use logind for/what's the permission issue?09:59
attenteseb128: indicator keyboard needs to know when the user locks their screen09:59
attentebecause if an ibus IM is selected at the time of lock, we want to try to change to the user's next best keyboard layout10:00
seb128hum, is that because ibus doesn't work on the lock screen?10:01
seb128is that specific to the new unity lock?10:02
attentewell, as much as how we had gnome-screensaver only cycling through keyboard layouts before10:02
attentewe don't use ibus IMs in the greeter10:02
attenteand we don't list any ibus IMs in the indicator menu (with the most recent change)10:03
attenteso it's a bit weird to have an ibus IM selected when they're not available in the menu iteself10:04
attentesorry to spring it on you so close to release10:04
seb128no worry10:04
seb128I'm just trying to understand the situation ;-)10:04
seb128ideally to me it looks like ibus should be usable on the lock screen (though I guess that might not make sense, since password are things you need to be able to input on a vt ideally)10:05
seb128anyway, going back to logind10:05
seb128what permission issue do you get?10:05
seb128I'm also unsure it's the right interface to check if the screen is locked10:06
seb128Trevinho, andyrock: ^ what would be the right way to check if screen is locked?10:06
attenteseb128: not sure exactly, just that dbus rejects the send message to the system bus10:06
attente** (indicator-keyboard-service:28554): CRITICAL **: file main.c: line 4268: unexpected error: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AccessDenied: Rejected send message, 2 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.420" (uid=1000 pid=28554 comm="lib/indicator-keyboard-service --force --use-gtk ") interface="org.freedesktop.login1.Manager" member="GetSessionByPid" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="org.freedesktop.10:07
andyrockseb128, using com.canonical.Unity.Session ?10:08
andyrockseb128, should work if you monitor the signals10:08
seb128andyrock, see backlog, attente wants to modify indicator-keyboard's behaviour when the screen is locked10:08
seb128attente, what do you use logind for? can't you just use ^ on the user session bus?10:09
andyrockseb128, you can use profiles for it no?10:09
attenteandyrock: looks promising, i'll try it10:09
seb128andyrock, yeah, as well10:09
seb128well, I'm unsure about the profiles10:09
seb128they are both exported10:09
seb128you still need a signal telling you "locking happened, change things"10:10
andyrockthere is a signal10:10
seb128attente, I guess you are not going to join for the meeting later today? (middle of the night still for you right?)10:10
andyrockseb128, also do you know where gnome turn off the screen?10:10
attenteguess not seb12810:11
seb128andyrock, btw, several users confirmed on that bug that the double lock issue isn't solve, I can reproduce if I do twice the guest-user->log back loop here10:11
andyrockyeah I'm working on it10:11
andyrockit does work here10:11
seb128andyrock, gnome/unity-settings-daemon power plugin (which uses the gnome-screensaver interface for idle)10:11
seb128attente, ok ... can you update me on what issues you are working on then? ;-)10:12
andyrockah ok thanks!10:12
attenteseb128: sure10:12
attenteseb128: mainly (trying) getting the accelerators to work in the inkscape/emacs/eclipse menus10:13
attenteseb128: i had to patch gtk for it to work though...10:14
attenteseb128: and it doesn't really work for upstream eclipse, just ours10:14
attente(getting accelerators to be visible i mean)10:15
seb128I noticed those were not listed for chromium either10:16
seb128I guess it's the same issue?10:16
attentei didn't realize it was a chromium problem10:17
* attente checks10:17
attentei see accelerators in the menus there...10:18
seb128hum, are those the "Ctrl+Q" next to quit for example? (just to make sure we are speaking about the same thing)10:19
seb128well, maybe that's not a new issue10:19
attenteseb128: oh. seems to fix it too10:20
seb128is the gtk patch up for review somewhere?10:21
seb128I can try to get larsu to have a look if he surfaces back (he's at the fdo summit with desrt, not sure what happened to them though, they didn't show up at all since yesterday)10:21
seb128I see you pushed a few good branches/fixes, I'm going to try to get them through review/landing in the next days10:22
attenteseb128: thanks!10:23
seb128how do you refresh the keyboard icons btw? I'm unsure if we have that documented somewhere but it looks like we should10:23
attenteseb128: yeah.. i guess i didn't :x10:24
attenteseb128: i'll add a small readme to i-k10:24
seb128looking to your assigned bugs I think you have the one I had flagged as "we should fix that for trusty" under control10:25
seb128https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-keyboard/+bug/1293548 was the other one on my list10:25
ubot2Launchpad bug 1293548 in indicator-keyboard (Ubuntu) "Indicator disappears when switching to non default layout" [High,Confirmed]10:25
seb128I see you have a libindicator mp up for it10:25
seb128attente, thanks for the status update ;-)10:25
attenteseb128: np! for that one, i couldn't tell if it was a gtk bug or a libindicator bug10:26
seb128there is something weird happening to the indicator sometimes though10:27
Trevinhoattente: can't you just check the indicator profile? Indicators are loaded with desktop-lockscreen profile when in lock mode10:27
TrevinhoThat's also how we customize indicator session10:27
seb128attente, "Pinying" is usually a blue glyph icon, but sometime it ends up being a grey rectangle with letters (similar to "classic" layouts, but with a different bg color)10:28
attenteTrevinho: to quote seb128 "you still need a signal telling you "locking happened, change things""10:28
seb128Trevinho, the issue is to change the active layout/input method, not only the indicator visual10:28
attenteseb128: i know that issue, seems to happen randomly at startup10:28
attenteseb128: what's the other "we should fix that for trusty" bug?10:29
seb128attente, the keybindings not listed in menus issue you are working on10:29
Trevinhoseb128: ok, but still we need to remove to menu item to open the keyboard settings10:29
seb128e.g inkscape lost those10:29
attenteoh ok10:29
attenteinkscape will have them back with those two branches10:30
seb128Trevinho, https://code.launchpad.net/~attente/indicator-keyboard/1291962-2/+merge/213346 if you fancy doing the review ;-)10:30
seb128attente, right, things are looking good for release, thanks! (also keep in mind that we are going to switch LTS updates for 12.04 users only a .1, so we still have some time for SRUs/polish after the release)10:31
seb128attente, said differently, don't loose sleep over lack of polish/small bugs for release10:31
Laneylooks like he's losing sleep currently :P10:32
attenteLaney: it's not even my bedtime yet :P10:32
Trevinhoseb128: when is the. 1 planned?10:33
seb128Trevinho, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseSchedule10:33
seb128oh, that doesn't have it10:33
seb128unsure but likely mid-summer10:33
Laneyattente: man, I'm so old10:33
TrevinhoEh no ;)10:33
Laneywhen are you back in .ca?10:33
seb128Trevinho, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule for comparaison10:34
Laneywhat does "Missing callback called fullpath" from gio mean?10:36
Trevinhoseb128: ah btw I've finally fixed that text rendering issue for Radiance... You should eventually get slick fonts. It wasn't usable for me before, but never realized why.10:37
Laneyhappyaron: ubuntukylin-default-settings needs updating for ibus-db-pinyin-android (typed that from memory so maybe wrong) removal10:52
happyaronLaney: already in my list10:53
Laneygetting image build failures about it :)10:53
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seb128Trevinho, nice11:04
dobeyhow can i nuke the hud from orbit so that pressing alt won't open it ever in the future?11:13
dobeyi disable the keybinding, but it keeps returning :(11:14
seb128dobey, settings -> keyboard -> change the keybinding?11:15
seb128that's weird11:15
seb128well, changing work fine here11:15
dobeyyeah it works fine for a while, but it keeps getting reset11:18
dobeyon my laptop11:18
seb128k, never saw that11:18
seb128but I don't unset it, I set it to a less-likely-to-hit key11:19
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hikikowrong win :)13:23
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LaneyI just found out that you can set a UTC GCal event to Reykjavik and it'll track timezone changes properly ;-)13:49
* Laney now knows when the desktop team meeting is13:49
seb128Laney, lol13:50
seb128the meeting is in 1h4013:50
Laneyit works because Iceland is GMT without any DST13:51
seb128utc is easy, no need of Reykjavik13:51
* ogra_ thinks thats a secret hint that Laney wants a sprint there 13:51
Laneyhot springs...13:51
* seb128 doesn't understand what laney is speaking about13:51
seb128you can add utc tz in your indicator13:52
ogra_seb128, but not to gcal ... at google13:52
Laneyyou say what timezone the event is in13:52
Laneyand gcal converts it to your home timezone13:52
seb128oh, I see what you mean now13:52
seb128there is no way to set to "utc"?13:52
Laneybut they don't have an actual UTC option13:52
seb128stupid google :p13:53
Laneyso you set it to iceland which turns out to be the same13:53
qenghoAndroid doesn't have a UTC clock option either.  First, pick continent, then city.  But, UTC is not a place.14:22
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kenvandinelarsu, hey, i have a gsettings-qt question15:11
kenvandinei have a click hook that runs, which uses gsettings-qt15:12
kenvandinebut sometimes it fails to commit15:12
kenvandinei'm thinking maybe the hook is exiting before finishing with gsettings-qt15:12
kenvandinelarsu, or maybe it's worse than that... sometimes i see connection refused warnings for dconf15:13
kenvandine(process:1962): dconf-WARNING **: failed to commit changes to dconf: Could not connect: Connection refused15:14
larsukenvandine: desrt says your dbus is gone15:23
larsuis gdbus (the command line tool) working?15:23
kenvandinei can only reproduce this when the click hook is run with pkcon15:23
kenvandineif i run the hook myself it works fine15:23
larsuhm, no idea sorry15:23
kenvandineand i don't think it always fails from pkcon15:24
larsuand we're being kicked out of the venue right now. bbl15:24
kenvandinelarsu, thx15:24
kenvandinetedg, do you have any ideas ^^15:25
kenvandinei think it only happens when the click hook runs from pkcon15:25
seb128larsu, I don't like your venue :p15:25
tedgSorry, confused15:25
seb128larsu, first no internet, then they kick you out15:25
tedgI don't think I have enough backlog15:25
kenvandine (process:1962): dconf-WARNING **: failed to commit changes to dconf: Could not connect: Connection refused15:26
kenvandinetedg, i see that in click-user-hooks.log15:26
kenvandineso the content-hub hook fails to save the setting sometimes15:26
tedgkenvandine, Hmm, nothing off hand, but I'd guess that it doesn't have the right dbus session address?15:27
kenvandinetedg, of course that log file is pretty limited in info... no way to know for sure that warning is from my hook :)15:27
kenvandinebut i know sometimes it doesn't change when run on package update15:28
tedgkenvandine, It's probably wheter it's run by the click-user-hooks upstart job or by the core update.15:28
kenvandinerunning the hook myself works everytime15:28
tedgkenvandine, Guessing that the upstart job works, and manually does not.15:28
tedgBut that'd probably be best discussed with cjwatson.15:29
kenvandinewait... you mean the other way around?15:29
tedgGuessing that it doesn't pull over the environment to the root part of it, and when flipping back doesn't get the session bus.15:29
kenvandineit wouldn't be in this log if it wasn't run with click-user-hooks15:29
tedgOh, this is the upstart log?15:29
kenvandineare there any other hooks that access dbus or gsettings?15:29
kenvandinethat is from click-user-hooks.log15:30
tedgkenvandine, Ah, so it's needs to dep on dbus.15:30
tedgkenvandine, Which it doesn't now.15:30
seb128kenvandine, tedg: sorry, i'm going to ask you to move channel, we are about to start our weekly meeting15:30
tedgkenvandine, Right now click-user-hooks can run before dbus15:30
kenvandineoh... i see!15:30
* tedg gets kicked out like a larsu15:30
seb128qengho, Sweetsha1k, mlankhorst, Laney, tkamppeter__, desrt(?), larsu(?), kenvandine: hey, it's meeting time15:31
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seb128I hope everyone was happy about state of things in trusty beta, it's looking great ;-)15:31
seb128let's get started15:31
seb128qengho, hey15:31
qenghoDone: beta Chromium in PPA looks pretty good.15:32
qenghoDone: abandoned mental anguish about unavailable Flash plugins after I discovered a downloader package already in mulltiverse.15:32
qenghoIn-progress: fixing minor bugs that come with the new internal toolkit.15:32
seb128qengho, thanks15:33
qenghoThat upstream Beta should be made Stable in the next week or so.  Then, the PPA contents go into distro.15:33
seb128well, that's getting close from release15:34
seb128but I guess if it's not in release it can be SRUed?15:34
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qenghoseb128: Yes. Not SRU exactly, but via security updates, yes.15:34
seb128ok, makes sense15:35
seb128qengho, thanks15:35
seb128Sweetshark, hey15:35
Sweetshark- 4.2.3~rc2 to trusty finished15:35
Sweetshark- autopkgtests run on jenkins, unfortunately marked as a fail for a spurious stderr output https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Trusty/view/AutoPkgTest/job/trusty-adt-libreoffice/307/15:35
Sweetshark- 3.5.7/precise update pending feedback of the security guys, but ready to go15:35
Sweetshark- some more bug triage15:35
Sweetshark- updating backups15:35
Sweetshark- some more work on the great ./debian/rules cleanup in LibreOffice15:35
seb128Sweetshark, thanks15:37
seb128I need to ping the security team15:37
Sweetshark4.2.4 is scheduled for ~May, 6, we should SRU that quickly for the LTS. Im hoping to also do an update for bug 1008277 (which is trivial, but related to unity and was recently fixed upstream(15:38
ubot2Launchpad bug 1008277 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "[upstream] Recent menu botches file names" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100827715:38
seb128Sweetshark, thanks15:38
seb128mlankhorst, hey15:39
seb128no mlankhorst?15:41
seb128Laney, your turn then!15:41
* Laney ponders staying silent for trolling purposes15:41
Laney• Investigated and fixed QML Date.timeZoneUpdated() bug, in distro now (after much time running AP tests)15:41
Laney• Investigated and fixed glib test failures which came from a Debian patch - new version pushed upstream15:41
Laney• FTBFS fixes vips gtkpod, sent upstream15:41
Laney• Investigate (with in_finity) a pkgbinarymangler bug where it created broken symlinks15:41
Laney• Many many FFe and queue reviews and other release-y exception-y discussions15:42
Laney• Poke at the tz selector in u-s-s to try and make it faster (not easy to move it to another thread, so trying some other optimisations)15:42
Laney• Hopeful ubuntuone-credentials x-building fix to keep u-s-s cross buildable (built, need to test)15:42
Laney• Fix whoopsie-preferences crashing when turning automatic crash reporting on, as we do on the phone (approved, need to upload)15:42
seb128Laney, thanks!15:42
seb128tkamppeter, hey15:42
tkamppeter- Google Summer of Code 2014: Some organizational work so that all worthwile applications for the Linux Foundation have a mentor and are accepted.15:43
tkamppeter- CUPS: Coordination of getting Upstart support including socket activation fully integrated in the Debian package of CUPS, so that we can sync with Debian again after the release of Trusty.15:43
tkamppeter- cups-filters: Released 1.0.50 working around PostScript interpreter bugs in printers from Toshiba and in old HP LaserJet printers and to let cups-browsed cope with colons in print server host names and IPs (IPv6).15:43
tkamppeter- ghostscript: Fix bug of PCL-XL driver producing huge files from some input PDF files.15:43
tkamppeter- Bugs.15:43
seb128tkamppeter, thanks15:44
kenvandineseb128, my turn?15:46
seb128kenvandine, yes, sorry, 5 discussions in // here15:47
Laneyhe's too busy trying to find a samba maintainer15:47
kenvandine* Assorted content-hub bug fixes since last weeks landing, being tested in silo 11 now15:47
kenvandine* landed fixes to the share component in ubuntu-ui-extras, hopefully we'll be seeing more share handlers soon15:47
seb128Sweetshark, the security team says it's fine to upload the SRU for precise15:47
Sweetsharkseb128: k15:48
kenvandinealso, we've gotten downloads working from the browser using the download manager and content-hub15:48
kenvandinenot ready to land yet, but end to end works...15:48
kenvandineneed to get the transfer indicator in the middle there to finish it15:48
kenvandine /EOF15:49
bregmaseb128, is there someone who can help andyrock out with the gnome-screensaver/lock/power issues?  Especially someone who can reproduce them?15:50
seb128bregma, sorry, in a meeting, coming back to you in a few minutes (we are almost done)15:50
andyrockI can reproduce the power issue15:50
seb128kenvandine, thanks ;-) (sorry I didn't have much slots to play with the new content-hub yet, I still want to look at it for ringtones)15:51
andyrockbut I can't fix it. Spent one week on g-s code trying to understand something15:51
kenvandineseb128, no worries, i've just been focusing on bugs and polish15:52
seb128ok, my turn15:52
seb128 * trusty beta testing15:52
seb128 * looked at some translation issues15:52
seb128 * patch pilot day (queue 60 -> 30)15:52
seb128 * desktop updates (totem-pl-parser, gdk-pixbuf, shotwell)15:52
seb128 * debugged/fixed sessioninstaller not working with current gstreamer15:52
seb128 * wrote a testcase for an uss reported issue which turned out to be a toolkit one15:52
seb128 * looked at samba sharing not working, uploaded a fix (ubuntu delta dropped in merge)15:52
seb128 * quite some bugs triage and debugging/forwarding of issues15:52
seb128 * CI train landing (mostly indicators)15:52
seb128I'm currently reviewing some of u-s-s stacked branches, QA pinged about the autopilot ones that are stalled here15:53
LaneyI got confused about the state of those, there seems to be a few in play15:54
seb128ok, did I forget anyone? ;-) any question/other topic?15:54
Laneythanks for looking15:54
seb128ok, no other topic15:55
seb128</end of meeting>15:55
seb128thanks everyone15:55
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seb128bregma, andyrock: so, to help ... I need to check tonight with robert_ancell if he has free slots for that15:57
seb128andyrock, being stucked for a week is not good, next time please ask on the channel or send emails15:57
seb128either pick some people, or use the desktop list15:57
LaneyWe have final freeze next week15:58
seb128andyrock, you can't reproduce the double locking if you do "log in, use the indicator to start guest, close guest, log back from unity-greeter to your session, use the indicator to start guest, close guest, log back from unity-greeter to your session" ?15:58
LaneyI think we should take a decision on the lockscreen this week looking at progress on fixing the issues15:59
seb128that's basically what the discussion comes from, I pinged bregma telling him that it's about time we rollback if we decide the issues can't be fixed for release16:00
Laneythere's time for some work between .0 and .1 but the feature should be basically solid for release16:01
seb128right, like the double lock and screen-never-turn-off need to be fixed for release16:02
Trevinholarsu: I've been pinged by a guy who wants  to port Ambiance to Gshell, but... He told me that using it there the headerbar decorated windows are non-resizable... Just as it happens in unity. Might that be something theme-related?16:17
andyrockseb128, nope16:18
andyrockI can't reproduce it16:18
TrevinhoLaney: that seems related to an older bug than our new decorations https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-themes/+bug/126331716:18
andyrockbschaefer can't reproduce it too16:18
ubot2Launchpad bug 1263317 in Ubuntu theme "Not working on GTK 3 windows" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:18
seb128andyrock, shrug16:18
seb128andyrock, did you try a fresh trusty install in a vm or something?16:18
seb128you guys have locally hacked version?16:19
LaneyTrevinho: 'that'?16:20
andyrockseb128, nope all archive16:26
seb128andyrock, I wonder what's the difference between our systems :/16:30
mlankhorstseb128: sorry! was testing ubuntu on qxl. :P16:30
Laneydobey: dirspec says it implements the xdg user dir spec, but I can't find it16:32
Laneydoes it actually?16:32
Laney(if so, what's the api?)16:32
dobeyLaney: it only immplements basedir at the moment. plan was to immplement user dirs too, but never got around to it16:35
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Laneythe description says it does :)16:35
LaneyI can't actually find a python library which implements user dir, which is sad16:35
dobeydoesn't python-xdg?16:36
Laneydoesn't look like it16:36
dobeyor you can use GLib from gi16:36
seb128Laney, what are you working on? (checking if that's in context of https://code.launchpad.net/~om26er/ubuntu-system-settings/fix_tests/+merge/210102)16:38
Laneyit is16:38
LaneyI'm not working on it, just saw the email16:39
seb128ok, so I should hold on approving it? ;-)16:39
LaneyI'm going to comment saying they could use a library to get the names16:39
Laneybit of a nitpick16:39
* om26er waves16:39
seb128seems like an improvement fine for another round16:39
Laneythe surprise is all spoiled!16:39
LaneyI often feel like 'another round' means never16:40
Laneybut yes16:40
seb128om26er, https://code.launchpad.net/~om26er/ubuntu-system-settings/fix_tests/+merge/210102 and https://code.launchpad.net/~vrruiz/ubuntu-system-settings/helper-launch-system-settings/+merge/213450 conflict, could one of you or Victor rebase on the other one?16:40
om26erseb128, ok, I pinged Victor on that ;)16:42
andyrockseb128, maybe it's just a race16:43
seb128andyrock, it's 100% reliable here though, works on first user switch, then bug, only with guest session so far16:45
seb128like if I go to greeter and back it's fine16:45
rvrom26er: I'm here :)16:47
rvrseb128: Does it conflict?16:48
om26errvr, i didn't know that was your nick :)16:48
rvrom26er: :))16:48
rvrom26er: What's your branch?16:49
om26errvr, https://code.launchpad.net/~om26er/ubuntu-system-settings/fix_tests/+merge/21010216:49
seb128rvr, om26er: right16:50
seb128Text conflict in tests/autopilot/ubuntu_system_settings/tests/__init__.py16:50
seb1281 conflicts encountered.16:50
seb128when trying to merge both16:50
rvrom26er: My merge proposal is more simple (simplier?), what do you think?16:51
seb128rvr, om26er: basically it would be nice if one of you rebase on the other one, I've no strong feeling each way16:51
rvrseb128: Neither I do16:51
rvrseb128: I have to go now, so either mine lands first or I will rebase mine later or tomorrow morning16:52
rvrom26er: ^^16:52
om26errvr, i am working on it now then16:52
seb128rvr, om26er: thanks16:52
rvrom26er: Write me if you need help from me, please16:53
om26erseb128, rebased on victor's branch, added that as prerequisite now16:57
seb128om26er, thanks16:57
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ChrisTownsendseb128: Do you happen to know garnacho's timezone?17:38
ChrisTownsendseb128: Nevermind17:38
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seb128ChrisTownsend, hey, read the #gtk+ backlog, thanks for looking at that18:57
ChrisTownsendseb128: Yeah.  I'm working on a solution, but it's tricky.18:58
ChrisTownsendseb128: I now have unfocused Gtk windows scrolling.18:58
seb128ChrisTownsend, changing the grabbing that you discussed with garnacho?18:59
ChrisTownsendseb128: Yep18:59
seb128ChrisTownsend, he said he had planned gtk changes that would fix it for those usecase (but at the cost of extra callbacks)18:59
ChrisTownsendseb128: Trying to find a solution to make the wheel mouse VP switchers happy:)18:59
seb128of course compiz is made of plugins so you don't know if you need the grabbing or not I guess?19:00
seb128I wish we had forked compiz and merged the plugins to have less complexity, but it's a bit late for that19:00
ChrisTownsendseb128: Yeah, it's kind of tricky.  The button grab gets added to a list, but the list seems global to all windows.  I'm seeing if there is a way to figure out "who" wants the particular grab.19:01
seb128you can try asking garnacho if he still plans the GTK change, that would be an acceptable solution19:03
seb128earlier today I was wondering if we should revert the GTK commit19:03
seb128but before that we had weird/buggy behaviour as well, like refocussing a window could lead to have it scrolling without any action19:04
seb128which is also quite buggy, and making less obvious what is happening19:04
ChrisTownsendseb128: Yeah.  Well, he's right, Compiz is wayyyy too aggressive on it's passive grabs.  I'll see what I can do over the next couple of days.19:04
seb128ChrisTownsend, thanks19:11
tjaaltonhuh, now I got it again.. kbd layout is us while the indicator claims it's fi20:04
tjaaltondon't even have us there20:05
robert_ancellandyrock, still online? I'm going to have a look at 1292041 and see if can find anything there to fix20:09
ochosirobert_ancell: thanks again for that hint with the sigterm-signal for the gtk-greeter, seems like that really fixed the issue!20:10
robert_ancellochosi, awesome!20:10
ochosirobert_ancell: and thanks for assigning that weird "my login greeter window is too small" bug to gtk-greeter, i've really never seen that oddity before :>20:11
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robert_ancellmterry, it's probably not too late just to fix u-g to own com.canonical.UnityGreeter... (re https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/indicator-sound/grab-greeter-name/+merge/213716)20:58
mterryrobert_ancell, you think?20:58
mterryI can do that20:58
mterryCleaner for sure20:58
robert_ancellit's just a g_bus_own_name right?20:58
mterryrobert_ancell, yeah20:58
robert_ancellI can do the release if you do the branch20:58
mterryrobert_ancell, k, let me futz20:58
robert_ancellI'd be more worried about bugs in the indicators doing it the other way20:58
mterryrobert_ancell, I thought we actually owned this name already this cycle20:59
robert_ancellyeah, I thought we'd ended up doing that too20:59
robert_ancellwe own com.canonical.Unity now20:59
robert_ancellfor the shutdown dialogs20:59
om26erLaney, hey still there ?20:59
robert_ancellmterry, ah, that helped me with my problem. I notice we also own the screensaver name. But I've been seeing a race there where sometimes the screensaver does start21:00
mterryrobert_ancell, try https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/unity-greeter/own-name/+merge/21372021:06
mterryworks for me21:06
robert_ancellmterry, testing here21:08
robert_ancellmterry, should greeter-list be updated?21:09
mterryrobert_ancell, I don't think it needs to be?  It just registers an object on the bus, under whatever names the executable claims21:10
bregmarobert_ancell, I imagine andyrock isn't up right now but he'd appreciate anything you can do to fix that21:29
bregmaandyrock, robert_ancell is ready for you to pick his brain21:33
robert_ancellmterry, released in 14.04.721:34
robert_ancellbregma, ta21:35
mterryrobert_ancell, awesome, thanks21:35
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darkxstbug 130104522:32
ubot2Launchpad bug 1301045 in gnome-bluetooth (Ubuntu) "gnome-bluetooth pulls in unity-control-center on Ubuntu GNOME packageset installation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130104522:32
JamesJRHHello, which package has support for Epson WF-2520 scanners?23:08
sarnoldJamesJRH: "sane" is the usual scanner package..23:09
JamesJRHCan I use an Epson WF-2520 printer/scanner with just Free software drivers?23:09
JamesJRHYes, but is it sane-backends or what?23:09
JamesJRHOr libsane-extras?23:10
JamesJRHhttps://launchpad.net/sane-backends  ← How do I see what backends this package has?23:12
sarnoldJamesJRH: looks like sane's epson2 driver supports scanners based on 'features' rather than vresion numbers: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/sane-backends/master/view/head:/backend/epson2.h23:20
JamesJRHhttp://sane-project.org/lists/sane-backends-external.html#S-EPKOWA  ← What about this?23:21
JamesJRHWhich package does that equate to?23:21
JamesJRHStatus is ‘Complete’, so that's good.23:21
sarnoldJamesJRH: ah, some more details here on external backends: http://sane-project.org/sane-supported-devices.html23:24
JamesJRHYeah, that's how I got to the page I linked above.23:26
JamesJRHStable and development don't have it, only external. Not sure what that means entirely.23:27
JamesJRHI also don't understand why a supported devices list has entries with unsupported status.23:29
JamesJRH“They also contain the reason why these backends are not yet included.”  ← I don't see any reasons.23:30
JamesJRHThere's comments, but the other lists have them too.23:31
JamesJRHHmm, there's also sane-backends-extras.23:39
JamesJRHAah! This PPA might have what I'm looking for!: https://launchpad.net/~robert-ancell/+archive/sane-backends23:45

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