
=== jono is now known as Guest60170
hikikohi dpm13:22
hikikoI have to add a few more things in the u-c-c before the 17th...13:23
hikikohttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-control-center/+bug/1299079 <- I have to implement this or a modified version of this (I am waiting for some feedback from the designers)13:24
ubot2Launchpad bug 1296978 in Unity Control Center "duplicate for #1299079 Screen scaling slider allows the UI to get into an unrecoverable state" [Undecided,New]13:24
dpmhi hikiko13:24
hikikohi :)13:24
hikikohow are you?13:24
dpmhikiko, fine, and yourself? :)13:25
dpmhow can I help with that bug?13:25
hikikowell, I guess I need a freeze exception for that13:26
hikikobecause I will add some strings in the conf. dialog or whatever I add13:26
dpmhikiko, sure, I can review and approve the FFe from the translators side of things, but you'll need to update the bug description to show which strings you'll be adding or modifying13:29
hikikoyes, I just don't know yet because we don't have the final design, I ll tell you as soon as I start working on this13:30
dpmhikiko, ok, cool, feel free to ping me any time if I can help13:31
hikikothank you :)13:32
knomesomebody feels like working on a generic wiki page for r/zsync instructions for bug 1004558?17:54
ubot2Launchpad bug 1004558 in Ubuntu QA Website "In download links, link to instructions on using r/zsync" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100455817:54
=== slickyma2ter is now known as slickymaster
slickymasterknome, reagrding https://wiki.ubuntu.com/slickymaster/LinksMergeSandbox, after the 17th, do you think you'll be able to manage to get some time so we can deliever it to a safe harbour?22:15
slickymaster* regarding22:15
=== FlannelKing is now known as Flannel

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