
janmariuHi, im preseeding with the ubiquity desktop image. Could anyone please let me know if that installer supports "d-i preseed/include string myinclyde.cfg"? or if i need to use the alternate image with the debian installer.11:03
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bdmurrayxnox: Can you have a look at bug 1265192? I was unable to recreate it but it would be serious if true.23:19
ubot2Launchpad bug 1265192 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Reinstallation wipes out all/other partitions" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126519223:19
xnoxbdmurray: and in your tests you were booting with uefi?23:21
xnoxi can try this out again with windows8 uefi, but it will be just that without the "oem style shipped recovery partitions"23:21
xnox(maybe there is a way to recreate those)23:22
bdmurrayxnox: gah, missed that bit23:22
xnoxbdmurray: cause i'm pretty sure we have no way to detect uefi based installations with 13.10, and thus those installations only offered "wipe all disk and install"23:22
bdmurrayxnox: so no not with uefi23:22
xnoxbdmurray: no worries, i'll try it out with uefi on ~= thursday23:22
bdmurrayxnox: okay, thanks23:23

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