
=== jono is now known as Guest60170
dholbachgood morning06:52
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=== howefield is now known as howefield_afk
nik90jono: nice April 1st shocker :P17:58
nik90soulwazah: hello17:58
soulwazahis this starting or what?17:58
nik90jono: u r live17:59
=== petar is now known as Guest68889
MrHappyPantiesI can see your FACE17:59
Guest68889we do see you :)17:59
hatchlooks good17:59
soulwazahhey ther!´17:59
Sephy_i can see you17:59
MrHappyPantieslook at that handsome face17:59
L1ntuxsee ya17:59
nik90MrHappyPanties: lol17:59
davidcalle_Yes we can see you :)17:59
cyberi can see your face too :O18:00
akiva-mobilesee you18:00
soulwazahwe see you18:00
grungekidQUESTION: It says this is your last q and a? explain? :(18:00
Sephy_You almost gave me a heartattack today jono!18:00
FichtnerYou are live18:00
nik90Sephy_: I know rite!18:00
=== yannis is now known as Guest44682
Moondeckdo u know doge?18:00
nik90Hello everyone18:00
Moondeckcan i ask you about ubuntu?18:01
Moondeckcan i ask you about ubuntu?18:01
Moondeckcan i ask you about ubuntu?18:01
L1ntuxapril fool ^^18:01
cyberapril april :D18:01
nik90look at jono trolling in April ... :D18:01
MrHappyPantiesOMG he is a vegetarian!!!18:01
=== dbrown_ is now known as techman246
Sephy_That tweet was horrible! xD18:01
Moondeckfck you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!18:01
Guest68889april's fool18:01
soulwazahapril fools XD18:02
nik90lol jono vegetarian!!! u kidding? ..18:02
Moondeckcan i ask you about ubuntu?18:02
Moondeckcan i ask you about ubuntu?18:02
Moondeckcan i ask you about ubuntu?18:02
Moondeckcan i ask you about ubuntu?18:02
cyberuse google -.-18:02
k1lMoondeck: behave in here18:02
L1ntuxbla bla april ^^18:02
techman246QUESTION: what you seemed to enjoy the ubuntu project18:02
skrdz1984do not irritate18:02
k1lMoondeck: preface your question with QUESTION then ask what you want18:02
davidcalle_But think about all the money!18:02
diabolikwhen is ubuntu for android out ?18:03
ham_baguettehes quittin??? i dident read it on OMGUbuntu??18:03
Guest68889QUESTION: when will the mobile devices with Ubuntu touch be ready???18:03
leedevBacon, I love you hahahahhahaha18:03
akiva-mobileapril fools18:03
DhirajCan I remove Opensuse which i used as base, I mean I install Ubuntu 13.10 on it , Now I wan't to remove Opensuse, can I do it without getting affected my Ubuntu ? :)18:04
techman246i hope18:04
ham_baguetteDhiraj: I think you have to put QUESTION first18:04
techman246i hope this is all a sick joke18:04
ham_baguettethen ask18:04
ludyeah yeah its april 1st .....18:04
ham_baguettedoesnt mark have a webcam in your office?18:04
rho___play something with the guitar man! ^_^18:05
mhall119the biggest problem with rick is his fancy suits and cigars18:05
DhirajCan I remove Opensuse which i used as base, I mean I install Ubuntu 13.10 on it , Now I wan't to remove Opensuse, can I do it without getting affected my Ubuntu ? :)18:05
ham_baguetteDhiraj: YOu have to put QUESTION then your question18:05
L1ntuxhmmm new humble bundle but not linux support......18:05
Sephy_QUESTION: CAn you stop this april folls nonsense? ^^18:06
davidcalle_Be honest, you are a Microsoft mole, the too perfect beard, the fancy glasses....18:06
=== Brad_ is now known as Guest81458
rho___jajajaj +1: <Sephy_> QUESTION: CAn you stop this april folls nonsense? ^^18:06
DavidWonderlyHe is missing the turtleneck18:06
ham_baguetteQUESTION: i dididnt read this on techrights or OMG???? Y U LEAEING18:06
wo0fQUESTION Will Nginx be the default webserver now it's in the official 14.04 repo?18:06
Guest81458?is the rumor true that you are actually Bill Gates and Steve Jobs love child?18:06
zeeQUESTION do you think ubuntu will be looking into expansion into tablets ?18:06
MrHappyPantiesQUESTION: Just be frank with us, Marks beard if a fake right!18:07
techman246did the stream die for anyone else?18:07
rho___QUESTION 4 REAL: Why the touch icons sources are not available?18:07
zonovromanI don't understand some things with API. I want to use ContentHub in my app, but it isn't work in SDK and when I test app on phone. What I'm doing wrong?18:07
pebs74QUESTION: What Linux distro. would you recommend? Would you recommend anything other than Linux? Cheers!18:07
DhirajLinux is replacing Windows in huge...18:08
Erik__A kitten will make you feel better.18:08
* mhall119 hopes he's not getting promoted to "management"18:09
cayzarIf the desktop is dead, what is the furture of ubuntu?18:09
Guest68889QUESTION: when will I be able to purchase a mobile phone with Ubuntu on it???18:09
rhartaHi! I am about to decide between windows 8 and ubuntu 14.04. Please convice me to choose ubuntu :)18:09
DavidWonderlyYou're missing the love child of the WOZ and RS18:09
faganHey all18:09
pentarexQUESTION: What do you think about the NSA spying and all of the other stuff that SNOWDEN dropped and left? Did you think this was the way to say it and the chaos he made...18:09
rho___XD XD18:09
Sephy_SERIOUS QUESTION: Can you stop now? It's really annoying.18:10
L1ntuxQUESTION: What you think about the bugs in Multidisplay usage? Browser on the Second Display stop playing in Fullscreen, when i click on the other Display. And some Steam Games run only in the Middle of the Display. Is it an bug from the Ubuntu Side?18:10
DhirajPlease recommend some course which could make me successful in Linux Industry18:10
akiva-mobileQUESTION: Ubuntu Desktop Sound Themes have remained the same for quite some time, and despite the occassional plan dropped to have them replaced, they have stuck around. Are there any plans to do new desktop sounds?18:10
DavidWonderlyQUESTION: Can we give up on Mir now?18:10
faganI have a neck beard right now18:10
* davidcalle_ scratchs neck18:10
cayzarQuestion: If the desktop is dead, what is the future of Ubuntu? are tablets really going to be as big as desktops?18:10
=== Wilson is now known as Guest47489
zonovromanQUESTION: When UT will drop support for maguro, manta and grouper?18:10
snwhbacon question time should be like this everytime18:10
cayzar 18:10
cayzar 18:10
cayzar  18:10
cayzar Question: If the desktop is dead, what is the future of Ubuntu? are tablets really going to be as big as desktops?18:10
akiva-mobileQUESTION: Will the ubuntu sounds be unison across the platforms?18:10
akiva-mobileQUESTION: Any competitions for ubuntu ring tones?18:11
faganThis is going to be spliced and turned into a sound board and played everywhere18:11
faganand lol did he just fart18:11
Guest81458Question: Can you confirm that Linus stole the Linux Kernel from Steve Balmer and that Steve Balmer is the most under appreciated technical genius in the universe?18:11
ludQUESTION red or brown sauce ...18:11
Sephy_I'm out. You are draging this out to far. See you next time.18:11
ham_baguetteQUESTION: How do I instaLL the Ubunity on Windows???18:12
Guest81458lol Win 9818:12
faganWindows 98 is best 9818:12
rho___QUESTION! Lannister or Stark?18:12
MikklQUESTION: Really Windows 98 or Windows 98 SE?18:13
nolifeHellooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow !18:13
CrokevaHow much workers you have?18:13
Guest68889I have an iphone - it sucks ballz18:13
ham_baguetteI have ifone its ok!!18:13
rho___+2, again, jajaja <Sephy_> SERIOUS QUESTION: Can you stop now? It's really annoying.18:14
akiva-mobile*Facepalm* is it april 2nd anywhere yet? Can we shoot Jono out of a cannon to that place?18:14
vedraniusoh damn, if only this is translated to English, you would have a laugh!!! http://www.linuxzasve.com/vlada-rh-potpisala-ekskluzivni-ugovor-s-canonicalom18:14
ham_baguettedont shoot such horrible!!18:14
nolifeOh... you touch my tralala18:14
rho___leaving guys ;) cheers! :)18:14
ham_baguettehow i get ubuntity on windows???? HELP!!!!!18:14
=== Bill is now known as Guest77998
CrokevaQUESTION: How much workers you have?18:15
Guest77998QUESTION: Could you please send me the bank account where I pay for buying canonical? Lost it along my millions of dollars18:15
cayzar  18:15
cayzar 18:15
cayzar 18:15
cayzar 18:15
cayzar  18:15
cayzarQuestion: will the ubuntu phones be available in the USA?18:15
nolifeIs this live thing real or just a fake playback ?18:15
CrokevaQUESTION: How much workers you have?18:15
faganI love bugs18:15
techman246no i think its live18:15
techman246because he is talking about people in the chat18:15
ham_baguetteQUESTION: I have keyboard with bug having keys i tap keyboard but keys stick and on screen is a keyboard. Can I help??18:16
zonovromanWhat do you think about Crimea and Russian "occupation"?18:16
CrokevaQUESTION: How much workers you have?18:16
vedraniusHey Jono18:16
zonovromanQUESTION: What do you think about Crimea and Russian "occupation"?18:16
vedraniusread this: http://translate.google.hr/translate?sl=hr&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=hr&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.linuxzasve.com%2Fvlada-rh-potpisala-ekskluzivni-ugovor-s-canonicalom18:16
DavidWonderlyGot ya ;)18:16
pentarexthank you for the response :) I dont know if you are pranking today, but that was the thing I was thinking also.18:16
vedraniustho, it's translated with google from Croatian18:16
Crokevavedranius koji je to kurac18:16
rhartaHi! I am about to decide between windows 8 and ubuntu 14.04. Please convice me to choose ubuntu :)18:17
Crokevavedranius koji kurac18:17
akiva-mobile;_; I hope he does a real one after this :P18:17
Crokevakad je to potpisano18:17
faganrharta: Well its a lot cheaper thats a start18:17
vedraniusma 1. April čovječe18:17
nolifeI have the same chair as you ! Isn't it good ?18:17
Steam4MacQUESTION: Why the hell is Ubuntu equivalent to windows BOB ?18:18
akiva-mobileQUESTION: When did it sink in that your google tech talk slides should have not had so many Chuck Norris Jokes18:18
ham_baguetteQUESTION: I have keyboard issue with keyboard an you doesnt reply!!!!!!!18:18
SpirinoxQUESTION: Ubuntu got buy by Microsoft, right?18:18
CrokevaQUESTION: How much workers you have?18:18
akiva-mobileSpirinox, it was facebook.18:19
airurandovery very funny18:19
akiva-mobileCrokeva, I think its like 700 :P18:19
vedraniushttp://translate.google.hr/translate?sl=hr&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=hr&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.linuxzasve.com%2Fvlada-rh-potpisala-ekskluzivni-ugovor-s-canonicalom :D18:19
rhartafagan: Thanks. It is already on my laptop. But something is missing i feel so :)18:19
Crokevaakiva, thank you!18:19
akiva-mobileCrokeva, That is what I am here for :P18:20
d0odQUESTION: Canonical? More like Canonicant, ammirite, Jono?18:20
MarechalQUESTION: When will Ubuntu overcome the lack of drivers for video cards?18:21
snwhd0od, perhaps Cantonical18:21
ahayzen_QUESTION: As a company with a large amount of its workforce working from home, how do you as a company ensure that people are actually doing their work and what hours they have been working. Do you for example have a sign in/out, daily standups or task based performance?18:21
SpirinoxQUESTION: can you confirm me that SOAD is on of the best metal group?18:21
=== Guest81458 is now known as TooLazyToChangeM
MarechalQUESTION: When will Ubuntu overcome the lack of drivers for video cards?18:21
SpirinoxMarechal soon maybe, with all that steam box thing18:23
TooLazyToChangeMQuestion:  I heard that you were getting a new job at the Bruce Jenner school of self identity ... can you elaborate on your new role?18:23
SpirinoxQUESTION: Can I irritate you? Or do the sign applies to me too?18:23
Erik__what bands do you like?18:24
CrokevaThank you!18:24
cayzarQuestion: will the ubuntu phones be available in the USA?18:24
CrokevaI'm not asking the same question, its lagging , you responded to my question after 10min and everyone think its not live cuz of lagging. My speedtest is good, 40 DL 5 UL18:25
fagancayzar: Id put my money on it. Like I know about the same as you but id say they would be missing out if they didn't ship a phone to the US18:25
pulu90QUESTION: What do you like about doing Bad Voltage and what do you think about people you do it with?18:26
funkiepieyou could get computer porn in the 80's if you looked hard enough :)18:26
davidcalle_The easy way would have been to build huge desks...18:26
akiva-mobileQUESTION: What will the ubuntu notification sound like on the ubuntu phone. Try to make the sound with your mouth.18:26
zonovromanQUESTION: Can I take your job in Canonical? And when? Zonov Roman's Q&A...sounds great)18:27
faganzonovroman: I welcome my new zono overlord18:27
L1ntuxQUESTION: Any infos about Ubuntu Phone sale in Germany?18:28
RogerCarderQuestion Bad Voltage rocks....Guitar yes but don't smash it to bits tonight. Watching via my Commodore Amiga!!18:29
funkiepieRogerCarder knows you could get computer porn in the 80's :)18:30
SpirinoxQUESTION: will you play the guitar on air today? (sorry if question already asked)18:30
techman246QUESTION; what do you think about cryptocurrencies and the IRS?18:30
akiva-mobileSpirinox, only if he plays it with his tongue18:30
bin_bashwho is this jono bacon homo18:30
ghhhEnglish is not the best language. even latin is better18:31
bin_bashenglish is the best18:31
funkiepieI'm so old I remember Jono having an English accent18:32
KarmixQUESTION:  Could we open your next keynote with this?  Could we invite Bradley?18:32
d0odQUESTION: China's behaviour in the East and South China Seas raises questions in many of its neighbours' minds about the validity of their international policy. I ask: snog, marry, avoid: zuckerburg, ballmer and shuttleworth.18:32
bin_bashQUESTION: how are you going to stop me from using your content18:32
bin_bashANSWER: you won't18:32
cayzarQuestion: Since you use Mac, does shuttleworth use window or mac instead of ubuntu full time?18:33
techman246he uses msdos18:33
bin_bashQUESTION: Are you a homosexual, if so are you a top or bottom, if not why have you not embraced our penis overlord?18:34
LanDiMark knopfler or David Gilmour ??18:34
fagancayzar: he has a few different OSes on his computers he likes to see what other people are getting up to but im 100% sure his actual phone and PC do run Ubuntu18:34
snwhbin_bash, homophobic much?18:34
bin_bashsnwh: how is that homophobic in any way18:35
funkiepieQUESTION: What's better Nacho's from a Wetherspoons pub or Richard Stallmans beard dandruff on toast?18:35
ham_baguettefunkiepie: SUCH GREAT QUESTIONING!!18:35
=== Peter is now known as Guest20779
bin_bashfunkiepie asks the important things18:35
cayzarQuestion: When will you launch your hostile takeover of Cononicle?18:35
Guest20779When is Ubuntu going "all in" on Google Compute Engine?18:35
akiva-mobileQUESTION: How will Ubuntu-Phone compete with the Open-Moko?18:36
funkiepieI once kissed Aq18:36
Guest20779Question: When is Ubuntu going "all in" on Google Compute Engine?18:36
snwhbin_bash, why go there at all?18:37
akiva-mobilecongrats zonovroman18:37
akiva-mobileZono Bacon!18:37
MarechalQUESTION: Jono, how can I work for Ubuntu?18:38
bin_bashsnwh: this isn't a serious q&a you dumb asshole18:38
faganMarechal: they are always hiring http://www.canonical.com/careers/all-vacancies18:38
pipeworkjono: Have you ever regretted Ubanto's position on being ultra POSIX compliant? I kind of wish they'd just use powershell.18:39
snwhbin_bash, well i think jono is basically saying waht I would18:39
zonovromanThank you, akiva-mobile. Now I have POWER!18:39
bin_bashI'm not even discriminating18:39
bin_bashI'm gay18:39
techman246Jono has been obducted by aliens and he is bashing everyone so he shouldnt be talking18:39
bin_bashhow could I be homophobic18:39
funkiepieI've got hair so I can't be Peter Cannon!18:40
funkiepieI'm so old I remember when Jono had hair18:40
Markcortbass@bin_bash / Get a life!18:40
pipeworkbin_bash: This isn't about you, bruv.18:40
bin_bashpipework: the previous statement was directly targeted at me18:40
pipeworkbin_bash: I'm aware that he spoke about you, but this event as a whole really isn't about you.18:40
akiva-mobilebin_bash, Go fly a kite :)18:41
snwhbin_bash, perhaps it backfired since text/IRC messages fail to convey tone18:41
bin_bashpipework: ofc it's not it's an april fools q&a18:41
iorwethHey, why is it your last q/a? :o18:41
pipeworkbin_bash: You don't say18:41
bin_bashWow that is very racist18:42
bin_bashand homophobic18:42
bin_bashand sexist18:42
bin_bashI'm a girl18:42
bin_bashthat's rude18:42
akiva-mobileha ha18:43
Aut0Exechi guys?18:43
Agel_deathwhat about facebook buying ubuntu?18:43
* fhf slaps bin_bash around a bit with a large trout18:43
jochenhQuestion: All the Android ports for Ubuntu Phone are not working right now (because of flipped ports), are there plans to change this?18:43
d0odQUESTION: The name Canonical is made up of 'Canon' and 'iCal'. You're all secretly apple fanbois. Busted, bro.18:43
apisUggggh, I know that this is a April Fools Day joke, but its still painful to watch, I want nice Jono back.18:44
jochenhQuestion: All the Android ports for Ubuntu Phone are not working right now (because of flipped ports), are there plans to change this?18:44
snwhgood riddance18:44
snwhthat beard sucks18:44
bin_bashI have a seruious question18:44
techman246QUESTION: what are you drinking beer or soda?18:44
DavidWonderlyQUESTION: Will you play at my wedding reception in July?18:44
pipeworkjono: What was the most frustrating thing about working for Canonical? Does Shuttleworth have bad B/O?18:44
bin_bashQUESTION: Do you think that Amazon will buy canonical18:44
faganFichtner: I use them too :P18:44
zonovromanQUESTION: Why I'm so "lucky"? I bought Nexus 10 (yes, manta pokemon), and soon Canonical will drop it's support. I have a laptop, but NVIDIA dropped my videocard support and laptop is too buggy to...use Ubuntu SDK! And Jono, you're best! Was best Community Manager...from now I'm Community Manager;)18:44
bin_bashAnd then sell Ubuntu Hardware18:44
Aut0ExecQUESTION: wtf?18:45
cayzarQuestion: Will Ubuntu become as intuative as Mac and surpass it?18:45
beard_of_omensQUESTION: if you do not work on open source any more does that mean that you haev to go back to life of stealing pastys?18:45
bin_bashI'm loved by everyone, Jono18:45
micah2yeah, this is weird, I miss nice Jono.18:45
Aut0Execbin_bash: ohai18:45
Aut0Execyour here18:45
akiva-mobileQUESTION: I keep getting nosebleeds. When does Canonical plan to address this security flaw?18:45
neoelementoBack to music? OSX song for example? :D18:46
apisSerious Question: Can we have 30 seconds of nice Jono at the end?18:46
bin_bashakiva-mobile: that is a very good question.18:46
neoelementolike 'free software song'?18:46
FichtnerI think we should go back to Windows 3.118:46
MarkcortbassQUESTION= Will Ubuntu Phone have content of the Firefox OS store? Is it difficult to get the HTML5 code for Ubuntu Phone OS?18:46
bin_bashQUESTION: Is Mark Shuttleworth involved secretly with Steve Ballmer in plans to create Ubuntu for Apple?18:46
apisQUESTION=Do you like homebrewed beer?18:47
faganHahahah salad dodgers18:47
fhfQUESTION: Have you ever drunk Ubuntu Cola < http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/da/Ubuntu_Cola_white_background.jpg/419px-Ubuntu_Cola_white_background.jpg >18:47
MarechalQUESTION: Could Ubuntu be a way to expand the access of technology in poor countrys? What's your plan?18:47
K_PeignotHi, will Ubuntu TV even happen one day, and if yes, when can we expect having news about it ?18:47
faganfhf: I have its really nice, they used to sell it in my college18:47
simion314QUESTION: I like the thing in 14.04  most desired features were finaly added, will this continue? because this will stop anti ubuntu people arguments like the one about spywere18:48
Aut0Execbin_bash: your are an idiot18:48
bin_bash>your are18:49
bin_bashokay Aut0Exec18:49
MarkcortbassHaha xD18:49
Aut0Execbin_bash: come at me bro18:49
akiva-mobileworking on it18:50
Agel_deathfacebook will buy ubuntu ?18:50
bin_bashoh fine i'll leave18:50
bin_bashgood grief18:50
faganPoor bin_bash18:50
faganAgel_death: will Ubuntu buy facebook?18:51
Anon7-2521QUESTION: When Facebook buys Canonical do you think Farmville will be played natively without WINE?18:51
cayzarQuestion: When will your album be out?18:51
=== nothing is now known as Guest6387
snwhQUESTION: Windows 98 SE or regular?18:52
zonovromanQUESTION: Which laptop is mostly compatible with the best OS in the world - Windows 98? And try Windows ME - perfect stability!18:52
Guest6387windows 8.1 vs ubuntu?18:53
akiva-mobilewinme is actually open source :P18:53
snwhC'mon Windows 200018:53
neoelementoWho is replacing you in Ubuntu band?18:53
Anon7-2521QUESTION: If Facebook won't buy Canonical, do you think there is any hope for closing the Ubuntu source permanently so it can be as amazing as OS X?18:53
simion314did something happened ? why is jono upset? just ignore the haters, if Arch done any of the things Ubuntu those  everyone would praise them18:53
micah2Windows 2000 was solid18:53
snwhQUESTION: re Thinkpads, trackpoint or touchpad?18:54
akiva-mobilesnwh, trackpoint, trust me :P18:54
snwhakiva-mobile, duh18:54
zonovromanQUESTION: Did you play ever in zBird - Ubuntu Touch clone of Flappy Bird?18:54
Guest6387ubuntu always have problems with stability and drivers.. is there any hope?18:54
akiva-mobilesnwh, lol I disabled my touchpad18:55
Anon7-2521QUESTION: If we get rid of Richard Stallman can we get rid of the GPL?18:55
EFixxJ8PL3ignNlqquestion: can you read my nick?18:55
d0odFuck sake18:55
MalizorYOU DON'T SAY?18:55
akiva-mobileI feel betrayed18:55
faganWHAT!? That was a joke?18:55
faganIm shocked and appalled18:56
jiimyjamesI was about to format and install win 718:56
MarkcortbassLol XD Mark Shuttleworth was Bin_Bash! XD18:56
akiva-mobileMarkcortbass, ha ha18:56
techman246YAY THE ALIENS RETURNED JONO but that was an anoying april fools joke18:56
akiva-mobiletechman246, it wasn't annoying :P18:57
techman246but it was18:57
blarocheso, no canoncail propaganda deptartment?18:57
micah2that would have been a much better April fool's joke18:57
faganbin_bash: welcome back Mark18:58
bin_bashSeriously I apologize but hey, what's a good joke without Mark Shuttleworth pretending to be a terrible person?18:58
Markcortbass@ Bin_Bash nice to meet you Mark Shuttleworth :))18:58
bin_bashnice to meet you as well, Markcortbass18:58
bin_bashJono! hope you know it was all in good fun! :)18:58
faganYep was fun18:58
akiva-mobileQUESTION: Ubuntu Desktop Sound Themes have remained the same for quite some time, and despite the occassional plan dropped to have them replaced, they have stuck around. Are there any plans to do new desktop sounds?18:58
zonovromanQUESTION: Did you play ever in zBird - Ubuntu Touch clone of Flappy Bird?18:58
Anon7-2521I have a legit question actually18:59
popeybin_bash: keep it civil18:59
Guest6387ubuntu always have problems with stability and drivers.. is there any hope?18:59
jiimyjamesQUESTION you guys ganna do a enterprise I think you should18:59
cayzar Question: If the desktop is dead, what is the future of Ubuntu? are tablets really going to be as big as desktops?18:59
ReiPeleQUESTION: What if Cannonical have bought Oculus VR?18:59
L1ntuxQUESTION: Why is my Cat sitting in front of my Monitor and watching your Stream :D18:59
Anon7-2521QUESTION (LEGIT QUESTION): Is unity around for a while?18:59
bin_bashI'm not an actual homophobe I just want everyone to know18:59
akiva-mobileQUESTION: Any competitions for ubuntu ring tones?19:00
FichtnerME TOO!19:00
zonovromanIs was first conversation with you for me - you're good man!)19:00
mhall119L1ntux: cats love bacon19:00
akiva-mobileQUESTION: Will unity7 be in 14.10?19:00
DJonesbin_bash: Thats not reallt something the ubuntu channels need to knw19:00
Guest6387ubuntu always have problems with stability and drivers.. is there any hope?19:01
bin_bashfelt it was important since I was playing a part a bit earlier, DJones19:01
akiva-mobileQUESTION: What will the HUD be like on ubuntu-phone? Will it be there at all?19:01
techman246can we use this video cast on soundboards?19:01
ubuntufan94QUESTION: will the 14.04 requirements be similar to 12.04?19:01
zonovromanAnd thank you for your opinion. It is very important for me.19:01
davidcalle_Thanks Jono, looking forward to the first Zono Q&A :)19:01
L1ntuxrofl @<mhall119>19:01
techman246im using it19:01
faganthanks jono19:01
pulu90oh that was sweet :D19:01
fhfhahaha this was amazing QA19:01
faganlater all19:01
Anon7-2521Thank you!19:01
akiva-mobileah swell19:01
FichtnerSee y'all next week19:01
sam___Did u Apologized  To RMS yet ?19:01
ham_baguetteverio has stopped19:02
ham_baguetteQUESTION: vidio has stopped19:02
jonothanks, all!19:02
bin_bashthanks jono!19:03
fhfthanks guys I just wish I could have watched this all19:04
fhfit all*19:04
bin_bashfhf: same i came late to the game19:04
bin_bashi think it'll be on youtube though19:04
ham_baguetteis video stop??19:06
fhfham_baguette its over sadly :(19:12
AdictI do19:16
Adictvery bad acting :-D19:18
snippycan see you19:32
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=== salem_ is now known as _salem
=== popey_ is now known as popey
=== hatch__ is now known as hatch

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