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pittijtaylor: yes, it is; but jenkins doesn't export it as an artifact unfortunately, we need to fix that in the job config05:24
jibelGood morning06:57
DanChapmangood morning08:01
smoxHi,  I have an old bugreport which is not fixed correctly because I can't test the newer versions of ModemManager.  Now trusty will be shipped with ModemManager 1.* and the issue effects trusty too.  Now my questions, should I report this issue in a testing-tracker?  When yes, which (link) ?   Should I "reject" this bug to the ModemManager Team and when yes, how?08:26
smoxHere is the Link: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/modemmanager/+bug/1198283  I hope my english is good enough that everbody can understand me.08:27
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1198283 in modemmanager (Ubuntu) "Huawei E3276 will not recognized correctly" [Undecided,Confirmed]08:27
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popeyelopio: (or someone else) do we have any AP experts who can help with https://bugs.launchpad.net/music-app/+bug/1300450 ? ahayzen (music app dev) has taken a look, but is stuck, and it's blocking us being able to get music updated in the store..12:45
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1300450 in Ubuntu Music App "Autopilot failing on mako #269 Object not found with name '*' and properties {'objectName': 'playshape'}." [Undecided,New]12:45
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pittijibel: the rmtree issue you pinged me about yesterday (or this morning?), is that bug 1300474 ?14:40
ubot5bug 1300474 in apport (Ubuntu) "tmp directory cleanup fails" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130047414:40
jibelpitti, yes, it is the same issue. It is because the exit handler is called twice14:45
pittijibel: ack, thanks; fixing now14:45
elopioalesage: about https://code.launchpad.net/~allanlesage/unity8/autopilot-indicator-page-title-matches-widget/+merge/19699116:31
elopiodid you agree with my suggestions from yesterday, or would you like to merge it as it is now?16:31
elopiopopey: oh, sorry, I missed your ping16:32
elopioI'll take a look in some minutes.16:32
popeyelopio: np, i asked robotfuel to take a look, dunno if he has had a chance yet16:32
alesageelopio if you don't mind I'd like to proceed now, and then I'll file a bug for the suggestion you made16:32
robotfuelpopey: elopio I just started looking in to it.16:33
elopiorobotfuel: ok, thanks.16:33
elopioalesage: ok. I'm taking a last look. I don't get this:16:34
elopio181+ self.wait_select_single('Indicators', fullyOpened=True)16:34
elopiowhy on the close indicator method you are waiting for it to be fully opened?16:34
alesageelopio egads you're right16:34
alesageelopio, one minute to fix pls16:35
elopioalesage: oh, the thing is that you are never calling close indicator.16:35
elopioI would remove that method. Code that's not used nor tested can become a headache.16:36
alesageelopio you make a good point, removing16:37
alesageelopio, pushed that, thanks :/16:38
elopioalesage: last detail while you are there, please turn get_indicator_widget and get_indicator_page into _get_indicator_widget and _get_indicator_page16:39
elopioso nobody outside of unity is tempted to use them.16:39
elopioI'll approve the branch.16:40
alesageelopio just verifying by running again thx16:41
alesageelopio, pushed that again thanks again16:47
elopioalesage: one last, sorry16:57
elopio137+from autopilot.input._common import get_center_point16:57
elopioyou can do from autopilot import input. And then input.get_center_point()16:57
elopiono need to import _common.16:57
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alesageelopio, done16:59
elopioalesage: ok, approved. Now you need to do this to get a review from the unity team17:00
elopioI'll do the review checklist.17:01
alesageok elopio thanks, I may need some coaching here :)17:02
elopioalesage: I'm looking at your other branch for the visual ordering.17:05
elopiowith the new scopes branch they changed the behaviour and I didn't notice.17:05
elopioinstead of returning autopilot elements, this method should return a list of the names of the apps.17:05
alesageelopio, o hmm, doesn't that revert an earlier change to returning the autopilot elements?17:07
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elopioalesage: I'm not sure I'm getting your question.17:08
alesageelopio, I noticed that in order to get this code working I had to shift from using names to using autopilot objects, is it true that they've reversed this change?17:09
alesageelopio, I'm surprised because I liked the 'returning autopilot objects' decision17:09
elopioalesage: if we follow the page object pattern, we should never return a UI element that the user can't see.17:10
elopiowhen the user is looking at the UI, what he sees are icons and application names. That's the only thing we should return.17:10
alesageelopio that's fair, although the 'tile' would be a kind of object for the user--maybe the idea would be just to hide all of the autopilot guts from them17:11
elopioalesage: that's precisely the idea.17:11
elopiothe name of the test is test_get_applications_should_return_list_with_names17:12
elopioand they change it to return a list of autopilot proxy objects :(17:12
alesagedoorbell brb17:12
alesageelopio ok hmm, well I'll adapt my test--do you know if that reversion is released?17:14
elopioalesage: no, I'm making a branch to revert that. It's a small one.17:14
elopiogive me a couple of minutes.17:14
alesageelopio ok no hurry, I'll wait for your ping17:15
elopioalesage: https://code.launchpad.net/~elopio/unity8/revert_get_applications/+merge/21369317:22
alesageelopio, I wonder if this has effects elsewhere17:24
elopioalesage: just in the unity-click-scope tests.17:24
elopiowithout my branch, they are broken.17:24
elopioI need to put them on CI as soon as possible, so they can't get broken anymore.17:25
alesageelopio, ok weird, ok I'll test in a bit, must do an errand, then my branch will depend on this17:26
elopioalesage: yes, please add this as a prerequisite for yours.17:26
alesageelopio, ok more news a bit later17:27
elopioI'm going to leave in about two hours. So I might not have a chance to check it before tomorrow.17:27
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knomesomebody feels like working on a generic wiki page for r/zsync instructions for bug 1004558?17:54
ubot5bug 1004558 in Ubuntu QA Website "In download links, link to instructions on using r/zsync" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100455817:54
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Letozaf_balloons, hello19:16
elfyknome: I can do that19:22
elfythough I might wait till september so it's two years old :)19:24
knomeelfy, hah20:00
balloonsLetozaf_, howdy20:06
Letozaf_balloons, I checked again the rssreader app error I had, and it's still there even if I branched rsssreader-app from trunk and put my tests back in, I commented the merge proposal20:08
balloonsLetozaf_, you should push your code up :-)20:11
Letozaf_balloons, If I push from the new branched reminders-app with my tests in I get a diverged branch error, so should I push on a new mp ?20:18
balloonsLetozaf_, ohh really? you can supersede your mp if needed, so the comments stay in there20:18
Letozaf_balloons, oh! how do you do that ?20:19
balloonsLetozaf_, when you do it, change the source branch to your new branch :-)20:19
Letozaf_balloons, ok let me try, thanks20:19
Letozaf_balloons, lp:~carla-sella/ubuntu-rssreader-app/test-view-mode20:23
balloonsLetozaf_, cool, yep looks good20:26
Letozaf_balloons, :P not really the test fails20:27
balloonsrunning now20:34
balloonsLetozaf_, do you  always get the tab index error?20:38
Letozaf_balloons, yes when I run that test on my desktop, never tried on device20:39
balloonsLetozaf_, I see it only on the one test20:39
balloonsso I would reckon we should have a look at the test20:39
Letozaf_balloons, no I get it only on this test: test_view_mode the others run fine20:40
Letozaf_balloons, I mean if I run the other tests they do not fail, only the test_view_mode does and with the tab index error20:41
balloonsLetozaf_, right.. I can confirm20:41
balloonsso let's look at it quickly20:41
Letozaf_balloons, ok20:41
balloonsfails on and_topic20:41
balloons<balloons> so I would reckon we sh20:41
balloonsshortsListModePage = self.main_view.get_tab_ListModePage()20:42
Letozaf_balloons, yep20:42
balloonsget_current_tab() is an emulator bit20:44
robotfuelpopey: I can't get the music-app to run in the emulator, I don't have an n4 to debug further.20:44
Letozaf_balloons, yes20:44
balloonselopio, you about?20:44
popeyrobotfuel: oh ☹20:44
popeyballoons: if you have time, are you able to help robotfuel ?20:45
popeytrying to get this music AP problem fixed20:45
balloonsthe one I can't reproduce?20:45
balloonsI have a few moments sure20:45
popeywell, its changed now20:45
popeyandrew posted a patch which fixes one thing but now it fails differently20:45
balloonsok, how can I help?20:46
balloonsLetozaf_, I'm playing around with working around the issue in the emulator20:46
Letozaf_balloons, ok20:46
balloonsI think we should file a bug about it, and change the test if needed20:46
popeyballoons: https://bugs.launchpad.net/music-app/+bug/1300450 is the bug20:46
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1300450 in Ubuntu Music App "Autopilot failing on mako #269 Object not found with name '*' and properties {'objectName': 'playshape'}." [Undecided,New]20:46
balloonsotherwise your tweaks work, and we should land them when the bug you reported is fixed20:47
balloonsas right now, jenkins fails everything20:47
balloonspopey, oO! right! did you hear back from Andrew on that?20:47
popeyyeah, small patch, but it still fails, differently20:47
balloonshe wasn't supposed to implement it that way20:47
balloonsas in, there is a bug veebers has been working on to land support for properly selecting his custom object20:48
balloonshow did this pass in jenkins I wonder?20:48
balloonsLetozaf_, for your sanity. http://paste.ubuntu.com/7191549/20:52
balloonsNow, this is bad because it assumes the current Page is the first object returned.20:52
balloonsBut it's proof you can just use the parent to make the select work. Can you specify the tab any better?20:53
Letozaf_balloons, haven't tried if you want I will try to see if I can find a way20:54
balloonsLetozaf_, that will help you to land it if needed20:54
balloonsanyways, everything else looks good.20:54
balloonsLetozaf_, can you file a bug against the emulator for the issue though? Mention the branch and the test, so Leo can recreate the issue20:55
balloonsLetozaf_, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+filebug20:55
balloonsjust mention it's the autopilot sdk helper20:55
Letozaf_balloons, ok was just doing that (reporting the bug)20:56
balloonspopey, so looking at the report quickly it seems like Victor is thinking it's a timing issue20:56
balloonsthat is inline with the error being reported20:56
balloonsI'll pull trunk and confirm/deny20:57
popeyballoons: its possible20:57
Letozaf_balloons, fyi bug 130101221:00
ubot5bug 1301012 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Getting current tab using Ubuntu Ui Toolkit fails" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130101221:00
balloonsLetozaf_, perfect.21:01
Letozaf_balloons, I am going to bed now I will try to fix the tests with a workaround tomorrow21:01
balloonsLetozaf_, I think you can hold on the workaround21:01
balloonsLetozaf_, until trunk for rssreader builds a proper deb package it can't land :-)21:02
Letozaf_balloons, ok so I will wait for the bug to be fixed21:02
balloonsLetozaf_, and elopio should have a look21:02
balloonsLetozaf_, but if he can't fix, then yes certainly workaround it and land it21:02
Letozaf_balloons, ok21:02
Letozaf_balloons, buona notte21:03
balloonsLetozaf_, buona notte!21:03
balloonspopey, it's interesting to note this test is very very similar to the play_pause_now_playing test21:10
balloonspopey, I fixed it21:14
popeyyou can have a vacation now ☻21:18
balloonspopey, left an mp and comments.. cheers21:24
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knomehey balloons22:00
balloonshey knome22:02
knomeyou might be interested in some bugs...22:02
knomebug 130057622:02
ubot5bug 1300576 in Ubuntu QA Website "Tooltip text appears on top of the bug link" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130057622:02
knomebug 103550322:02
ubot5bug 1035503 in Ubuntu QA Website "Bug description yellow boxes exceed browser window dimensions." [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103550322:02
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balloonsknome, you fixed the yellow box bug?!22:22
knomehaha, yep...22:22
knometwo of those22:22

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