
Daviey^ nova rejected, discussed with uploader00:31
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stgraberself-rejecting systemd, I just noticed some cgroup permissions being wrong on my system, will investigate some more tomorrow00:48
ScottKxnox: ^^^03:02
ScottKLooks like someone else already got levenshtein.03:02
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dholbachcan somebody take a look at 1298155 and 1297710 please? O:-)08:06
Laneydholbach: ok08:14
LaneyWhat's this keyring about?08:14
dholbachhappyaron should probably know - I just wanted to help getting things sponsored08:15
LaneyIf they're adding another archive then I'm concerned and want the TB to say that's ok first08:16
* dholbach nods08:16
dholbachthe other upload should be less controversial though :)08:18
LaneyI acked that one08:18
Laneycommented on both08:18
rbasakCan https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/juju-quickstart/+bug/1282630 be looked at please? There are just six fairly simple enumerated changes. It's not complex like juju itself.09:03
ubot2Launchpad bug 1282630 in juju-quickstart (Ubuntu Trusty) "[FFe] Upgrade juju-quickstart to new upstream release 1.3.0" [High,New]09:03
rbasakThe added features are fairly trivial.09:04
psivaacjwatson: apw: trusty server installs with lvm are failing from 20140330, with 'INPUT critical partman-auto-lvm/vg_create_error'. curious if this is related to any kernel changes09:49
jibelpsivaa, this is bug 130007210:06
ubot2Launchpad bug 1300072 in parted (Ubuntu Trusty) "LVM installation fails - regression with parted 2.3-17" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130007210:06
psivaajibel: ack, thanks. i'll tag the smoke failure with that bug10:07
mlankhorstcan someone accept mesa to trusty? for bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mesa/+bug/129694710:36
ubot2Launchpad bug 1296947 in mesa (Ubuntu) "libudev dependency not expressed by libgl1-mesa-glx binary package" [High,In progress]10:36
dokoinfinity, deb http://people.canonical.com/~doko/tmp/gnat-ppc64el ./10:44
infinitymlankhorst: A 1.6MB diff is a bit more than just fixing that bug. :P10:56
mlankhorsterm 1.6 mb?10:56
infinityOh, that might be a queue bug.10:56
mlankhorstoh that10:56
mlankhorstyeah should be fine10:56
infinitymlankhorst: Also, ick.  Why is libudev being dlopened?10:58
mlankhorstinfinity: because loading libudev in the global address space causes fun issues with games that use udev too10:59
mlankhorstand ship their own10:59
infinityThe followup would be why would people ship their own?10:59
rbasakCan https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/juju-quickstart/+bug/1282630 be looked at please? There are just six fairly simple enumerated changes. It's not complex like juju itself. The added features are fairly trivial.10:59
ubot2Launchpad bug 1282630 in juju-quickstart (Ubuntu Trusty) "[FFe] Upgrade juju-quickstart to new upstream release 1.3.0" [High,New]10:59
infinityDouble ick.10:59
mlankhorstno idea, and not sure I want to know..11:00
infinitymlankhorst: And I assume the breaking out of libraries into new packages is handled in a way that upgrades will be smooth?11:01
mlankhorstshould be11:02
infinityKay, looks like.11:04
* infinity goes to bed before he gets suckered into doing the rest of the queue.11:07
Laneydo that last one!11:07
seb128infinity, could just do ... ;-)11:07
seb128infinity, night11:07
LaneyI notice that everyone avoids glib :P11:08
seb128well, they seem to avoid mostly desktop stuff indeed11:11
tjaaltonstgraber: uploaded new sssd that drops libsasl2-modules-ldap from Recommends11:42
xnoxinfinity: can python-pandas-lib:ppc64el and python3-pandas-lib:ppc64el be removed? i'm not sure how those binaries got built, since we don't have pytables which builts on ppc64el. (which is listed in pandas build-depends and binary packages depends)11:53
=== psivaa is now known as psivaa-lunch
dbarthhello release team12:25
dbarthi have webbrowser-app (and the webapp container part of it) hold in the unproposed pocket for you to scan12:25
dbarththis is part of the landing of the oxide stack, which is now going to run webapps on desktop and phones12:26
dbarthsorry that's the UNAPPROVED queue (not unproposed, grrr)12:26
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cjwatsontjaalton: could you reupload autofs with the correct bug number in the changelog, please?  bug 1081498 is on a different package13:29
ubot2Launchpad bug 1081498 in Cinder "I18N issue: some log/messages are not wrapped with _()" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108149813:29
tjaaltoncjwatson: oops13:31
tjaaltonah, bug 1081489 not 9813:32
ubot2Launchpad bug 1081489 in Linux Mint "autofs package is missing the lookup_sss.so module(!); negating autofs-enabled sssd functionality (automount fails)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108148913:32
cjwatsondbarth: accepted13:39
dbarthcjwatson: thanks13:45
cjwatsontjaalton: thanks13:49
rbasakCan https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/juju-quickstart/+bug/1282630 be looked at please? There are just six fairly simple enumerated changes. It's not complex like juju itself. The added features are fairly trivial.14:26
ubot2Launchpad bug 1282630 in juju-quickstart (Ubuntu Trusty) "[FFe] Upgrade juju-quickstart to new upstream release 1.3.0" [High,New]14:26
zulcan someone reject nova please?15:16
stgrabercould someone from the release team look at bug 1299028 please?15:32
ubot2Launchpad bug 1299028 in babeltrace (Ubuntu) "[FFe] babeltrace 1.2.1-1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129902815:32
stgraberzul: rejecting now15:33
zulstgraber: thanks15:33
=== maclin__ is now known as maclin
infinityxnox: At a guess, I'd say this points to pytables perhaps being broken on 64k pagesize kernels?19:58
infinityxnox: Given that it built in the original bootstrap and not in the rebuild.20:00
xnoxinfinity: pytables does memory mapped hdf5 operations (hierarchical data format for numeric data used in Matlab, Scilab, Octave, Matematica et.al.)20:00
infinityGet:174 http://ftpmaster.internal/ppc64el/ trusty/universe python-tables ppc64el 3.0.0-2 [616 kB]20:01
infinityOh, was also an older version in the bootstrap.20:01
xnoxinfinity: right, and the bootstrap was on pre-64k pagesizes?!20:01
infinityxnox: Well, some was, some wasn't.   That could be a red herring.  It could just flat out be broken in the newer version.20:01
xnoxwell, let me try older one on a porter box.20:02
infinityxnox: Anyhow, I'd be more inclined to think of that as a regression that britney would have caught if we didn't dump/rebuild the entire archive at exactly that moment. :P20:02
stgraberinfinity: any chance I can get you to review bug 1299028? I've got upstream nagging me daily about it now ;)20:02
ubot2Launchpad bug 1299028 in babeltrace (Ubuntu) "[FFe] babeltrace 1.2.1-1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129902820:03
xnoxinfinity: there is never a perfect time to drop and rebuild the world =)20:04
tjaaltonstgraber: did you see my msgs about the sssd MIR? I see that sssd-common is in main now, but the rest should be able to move too20:18
stgrabertjaalton: I haven't looked at it today, let me check c-m20:19
ubot2Launchpad bug 1017285 in libpwquality (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libpwquality" [Wishlist,Fix released]20:19
tjaaltonthat would indicate that the pam module got moved already, but it's not there20:20
stgrabertjaalton: chances are it got demoted because nothing was using it, thanks for the reference, I'll promote it again then20:23
tjaaltonah, right20:23
stgrabertjaalton: most of libpwquality was in main, though the pam module was not, should be fixed with the next publisher run20:25
stgraberalso not too sure how I missed sssd's source package yesterday, fixed that one too20:26
tjaaltonyeah it was like that the last time20:26
stgrabertjaalton: so we still have those that want to move back to universe: python-libipa-hbac python-libsss-nss-idmap sssd-tools20:27
stgraberif you want any of them to stick in main we'll have to seed them directly20:27
tjaaltonthose are from the same source though_20:27
stgraberI doubt we care very much about the python ones, but maybe we should see sssd-tools?20:27
tjaaltondamn us layout.. :(20:27
tjaaltonyeah, i guess that would be fine for now at least20:28
stgraberok, I'll seed ssd-tools and demote the two others then20:28
infinitystgraber: Looking.20:38
infinitystgraber: Are there plans to update lltng as well, per your comment?20:39
infinitystgraber: If so, and if that doesn't also need a massive review and FFe, then +120:39
stgraberinfinity: the rest of lttng was at rc4 with no feature changes to final and I have already pushed those (liburcu, ust, ltt-control and lttng-modules).20:41
stgraberthanks for the +1 then20:41
infinitystgraber: Ahh, good deal.20:41
infinitystgraber: Go forth and sponsor, then.20:41
infinitystgraber: Is this us jumping ahead of Debian, or a sync/merge?20:41
infinityAhh, guessing the latter, based on the PTS having 1.2.1-120:42
stgraberinfinity: should have been a sync if Jon didn't put way stricter build-dependencies than he should have, will be a merge iwth a tiny delta20:42
stgraberalso, for whatever reason all the lttng packages are arch-limited, so we need a tiny delta if only to enable arm64 and ppc64el...20:43
infinitystgraber: Oh, the glib2.0 build-dep? :/20:43
infinityWait, no.  That's 2.16, we're up to 2.4020:43
infinitystgraber: Which build-dep are you talking about? :P20:43
infinityBuild-Depends: debhelper (>= 9~), libglib2.0-dev (>= 2.16), uuid-dev, libpopt-dev, dh-autoreconf20:43
infinity^-- That looks fine to me?20:44
stgraberoh, that actually looks good20:44
stgraberall the others had build-depend on liburcu with a strict dependency on the new upstream which we don't have and don't want for 14.0420:44
infinitystgraber: And the packages are all arch:any.20:44
stgraberbut I guess babeltrace is the only lttng package that doesn't use that stuff20:44
stgrabernice, so that will be a clean sync then20:44
infinityThat's what I like to hear.20:45
stgraberyeah, me too, less nagging for me next cycle (upstream is getting one of their guys to become a DM with upload rights on those in Debian but they use Ubuntu, so hopefully they can keep things sane)20:46
infinitystgraber: Well, it may still not be a sync after you sync it and it's mysteriously FTBFS on some arch, but we'll see. ;)20:48
* stgraber crosses fingers20:49
* stgraber stops, turns out it's hard to type that way20:49
stgraberbuilt fine everywhere, my lucky day!20:55
* stgraber gets back to systemd because to balance things out a bit, this afternoon has been going way too well so far20:55
stgrabers/because //20:55
xnoxinfinity: deffo an upstream regression, 3.0.0 release passes test-suite on python2.7 (it's not python3.4 compatible however) *sigh* at least that's bisectable.21:00
=== popey_ is now known as popey
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
infinityxnox: "deffo"?  You're really taking that new citizenship seriously, I see.23:29
xnoxinfinity: nah, just watched too much of BB UK over the years.23:30
infinityxnox: My condolences to the many brain cells you've lost along the way.23:31
xnoxyeah, i'm glad i managed to get off that show23:32
infinityslangasek: ^23:49
slangasekinfinity: if you haven't changed it since the last diff I reviewed, just self-accept?23:49
* infinity wonders when that moved to main...23:49
infinityOh, maybe my universe assertion was the udeb. :P23:50
infinityslangasek: That's identical to the debdiff you reviewed and what caribou tested in my PPA, yes.23:50
infinity* kdump-tools23:51
infinity* petitboot [amd64 armhf i386 powerpc]23:51
infinity* pxe-kexec [amd64 armhf i386 powerpc]23:51
infinityHah.  petitboot not built on ppc64el.  Maybe we should fix that. :)23:51
* infinity wonders if there's a way to make qemu use that instead of SLOF for a uniform booting experience.23:52
infinitySeems horribly out of date, so probably not useful anyway.23:52
tewardany specific date yet on Quantal EOL?  (I asked this before but had ZNC issues that don't have the answer in the scrollback, if someone answered before)23:56
infinityxnox: Err, wha?  What's with this gdebi upload going to trusty instead of unstable?23:59
infinitybarry: ^?23:59

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