
Patrickdkguegs, don't use ftp00:01
Patrickdkatleast use rsync or sftp00:01
Guegsyeah, sftp is what I meant.00:01
GuegsMight even go for vsftp. Depends on how ambitious I'm feeling.00:01
Patrickdkthat would be horrible00:04
Patrickdkvsftp is just ftp00:04
sarnolddon't do vsftp00:04
Patrickdksftp is a million times more secure00:04
pmatulisa million?  wow!00:08
sarnoldyeah I think sftp has 7.3 million security units :)00:09
mwhudsonsftp is also not a completely horrible protocol00:15
Patrickdkwell, when you go from 0 security to 1 security, it's just infinitly better :)00:16
sarnoldso true. ftp scores a few million suckitude points. :)00:16
Patrickdkit was a nice design, till nat was invented00:19
Patrickdkthen doing ssl+ftp become impossible00:19
Patrickdkand after all that, I can't believe they went and designed sip to do the same stupid thing00:20
guampahello, a little question on amavisd-new. I know it supports listening on several inet sockets and plugging different policy banks to that, what I want to know is if amavis supports the same with unix sockets00:37
guampai only see a single $interface_policy{'SOCK'} in the default config00:38
guampahmm, i you can do $inet_socket_port = [10040,10041,10042,10043,10044]; maybe something alike can be done with $unix_socketname00:40
guampanope, inet sockets it is then00:44
lstefanilstefani> hello. how i can change a file with drwxr-xr-x 5 nobody nobody   to  drwxr-xr-x 5 root root? ok i run chown root:root file_name, but not work03:11
ubunterAny one have experience PXE booting?03:48
ubunter Any one have experience PXE booting with Ubuntu server?03:52
ubunterAfter completing Ubuntu installation through PXE booting, the client has no internet access, what would cause that issue?03:55
Phibsubunter: i use cobbler to do that04:03
Phibsand it sets up the interface config post install04:03
ubunterAfter using cobbler does your client have internet access after installations are complete?04:04
ubunterOr do you have to make changes to the interfaces?04:04
Phibsubunter: yes04:07
ubunterIf possible could you briefly explain the steps involved in the process maybe like the 4 point summary. Let me give you mine: 1. Configured DHCP server 2. Install tftpd-hpa inetutils-inetd 3. Made Configurations for those tools 4. Download Ubuntu 12.04 ISO 5.Extracted and put proper files into proper directories. 6 PXE boot and installed Ubuntu 7. After installation no internet access for the client.04:09
ubunterWhere would I make the mistake of not allowing my clients to lose internet access after installation is complete?04:10
Phibsubunter: it is your preseed04:15
Phibsyou have to customize it04:15
Phibscobbler ships with a post network config script taht should work04:16
Phibsit is possible it is not setting the default gateway04:16
Phibsthis might help, http://tech.five3genomics.com/cobbler-tips/04:16
Phibsubunter: I am going to sleep but if you still need help tomorrow I will give you my preseed/script04:16
ubunterI see, Thank you very much I will see if I can fix the issue04:17
ubunterOk thank you very much been working on this for week for a non profit I volunteer for thank you04:17
hallynsmb: suspect it's too early for you, but in any case - was there some option you said earlier that i have to give to mount nfs from a saucy host onto a trusty client?04:30
hallynit hangs while doing mount("", "/srv", "nfs", 0, "vers=4,addr=,clientad", but '-o nfsvers=2 or =3 is not supported04:31
hallynhm, seems to be working now <shrug>04:52
ruben23hi guys any help when i run /usr/sbin/iptables ruless  --> it says no directory..? how do i run the path for iptables in ubuntu server..?06:21
verdePruben23: which iptables06:29
verdePerr thats the command xD06:29
verdePits in /sbin/06:30
smbhallyn, I certainly said nothing earlier anyway. But it should be ok with no special magic.07:07
lifelessjamespage: I'm hoping you're in UK time :)09:01
lifelessjamespage: cause, https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1300663 - I'm thinking its an upstart bug09:01
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1300663 in tripleo "upstart using 100% CPU" [Critical,Triaged]09:01
rbasaklifeless: could that be an errant upstart job, perhaps, causing some sort of loop? If it is an upstart bug, you haven't provided the release or version of upstart or anything.09:07
lifelessrbasak: oh sorry ! still gathering data but saucy09:08
lifelessrbasak: so yes, certainly an errant job, but that should never be able to wedge upstart09:08
lifelessrbasak: upstarts job is to be unwedgable ;)09:08
rbasakjodh: ^^09:10
rbasaklifeless: agreed, but is upstart actually wedged there? Or is it trying as hard as it can to do what an errant upstart job might have said, while still being able to process other things?09:11
lifelessrbasak: service nova-compute stop hangs09:14
lifelessrbasak: even though the nova-compute process can be killed (have done so) and is now a zombie09:15
lifelessrbasak: also can't reboot the machine09:15
lifelesswe think we know how we're tickling this now09:15
jodhlifeless: looks like that server needs to raise its limits. what does 'ls -l /proc/1/fd' show?09:18
lifelessjodh: 0 through 102309:21
lifelessjodh: but no - its a genuine leak in one of our scripts - my complaint here is that upstart has allowed itself to become nonfunctional09:21
lifelessjodh: can't reboot, can't stop services.09:21
jodhlifeless: try modifying /proc/1/limits to raise max files to the hard limit09:26
lifelessecho 2048 > /proc/1/limits09:31
lifeless-su: echo: write error: Invalid argument09:31
lifelessjodh: ^09:31
jodhlifeless: I've updated the bug with questions and suggestions.09:46
lifelessjodh: brilliant, many thanks09:46
lifelessI've restarted that server, but I've 9 more with the symptom intact, will grab a stack from them09:47
jodhlifeless: thanks09:48
lifelessjodh: I'm not sure what you mean by raise the limits, since upstart starts before any limits are able to be set09:48
vlad_starkovQUESTION: Ubuntu 14.04 Server 64bit. Does it support 16Gb memory?10:35
rbasakvlad_starkov: http://askubuntu.com/q/142043/7808 suggests that it should be fine. I'm not aware of any other restriction.10:40
rbasak(assuming your hardware supports it)10:40
vlad_starkovrbasak: nice)10:41
bekkshow can I enforce iscsi target to be presented over a specific network only? I defined a public lan, and a separated iscsi lan, but targets are visible over public lan, too.10:54
rbasakbekks: arrange for it to "bind" to the correct interface or address. I'm not sure how to do that, but the wording might help your search.10:58
bekksrbasak: yeah, I'm gonna try that. thank you :)10:59
bekksfor the logs: binding to a specific iscsi interface can be done by setting ISCSITARGET_OPTIONS="--address a.b.c.d" in /etc/default/iscsitarget11:09
bekksThanks for the clue :)11:09
rbasakNo problem. Thanks for reporting back - useful to know next time someone asks :)11:11
jamespagelifeless, I see that rbasak and jodh are helping you11:12
lifelessjamespage: they are, thanks!11:14
lifelessoh nuts, I just realised I didn't get the stacktrace from the host11:14
lifelessI bulk-removed the cause that triggered the issue :(11:14
jamespageadam_g, just promoting everything aside from the rc1's to -updates now11:14
jamespagelifeless, ooops11:14
lifelessassuming we a) analysed it right and b) the fix works11:15
lifelesswe won't tickle the problem again11:15
lifelessshould be fairly easy to reproduce on demand with a little scripting11:15
lifelessI'll see what I can do tomorrowish11:15
jamespagezul, coreycb: we need to switch over the CI lab to use the milestone-proposed branches as they appear11:24
mdeslaurDaviey: mitre descriptions are often wrong, you can't rely on them. Here's the upstream link: http://security.libvirt.org/2013/0012.html11:29
vlad_starkovQUESTION: Ubuntu 14.04 Server 64bit. Successfully boots with 12GB RAM. Fails with 16GB RAM raising "mtrr_cleanup: can not find optimal value, please specify mtrr_gran_size/mtrr_chunk_size" errors. How to choose correct values for mtrr_gran_size and mtrr_chunk_size?11:32
cfhowlettvlad_starkov, unreleased ubuntu support = 14.04 is in #ubuntu+111:33
vlad_starkovcfhowlett: ooops, didn't mention that I'm in #ubuntu-server. Sorry. But anyways, the same errors and boot fail I've got with 12.04.4 and 13.10.11:34
jamespagevlad_starkov, please raise a bug - 16GB should be just fine with the 64 bit kernel11:35
vlad_starkovjamespage: How to do it?11:35
jamespagevlad_starkov, that will at least get your issue infront of the kernel team who can triage this sort of thing more effectively11:35
jamespagevlad_starkov, use the ubuntu-bug tool11:35
jamespagevlad_starkov, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs11:36
vlad_starkovjamespage: thanks11:37
jamespagezul, did you upload coreycb's nova rc1?11:43
zuljamespage:  yep11:43
zuljamespage:  Daviey is sitting on it because of this https://launchpadlibrarian.net/171386104/buildlog_ubuntu-trusty-i386.nova_1%3A2014.1%2Bgit201403311446~trusty-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz11:44
zuljamespage:  i have narrrowed down the  commit that caused it11:45
jamespagezul: oh joy11:46
zuljamespage:  yeah11:47
jamespagezul, can you reproduce that locally?11:47
zulnot yet..have to start the day first :)11:47
jamespagezul, ack11:48
jamespagezul, anything I can help with?11:48
zuljamespage:  not yet11:48
rbasaksmoser: sometimes I see the "WARNING! Your environment specifies an invalid locale." message to run locale-gen, even after /var/lib/cloud/instance/boot-finished exists. This means that "uvt-kvm wait" still feels racy.11:49
rbasaksmoser: is this expected?11:49
vlad_starkovYAY!!! My system boots with 16GB RAM. Finally!!!)12:06
vlad_starkovStrange thing (possibly BUG). System doesn't boot with BIOS settings "Memory Branch Mode -> Interleave". But successfully booted with BIOS settings "Memory Branch Mode -> Sequential". Anyone can explain me why this could happen?12:08
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JBtjeMy samba server stopped, can anyone help me find out the problem? (have tried for many hours now w/o success)12:30
shreddingWhat’s the difference between $VAR and ${VAR} ?12:41
shreddingi have cd $CURRENT_DIR and my ide says i should use ${CURRENT_DIR}12:42
shreddingBut lacks an explanation.12:42
ivoksshredding: it's easy12:46
henrikshredding: in certain contexts, you need to use ${VAR} - otherwise they're the same. consider "$VARsuffix" vs ${VAR}suffix"12:46
ivoksshredding: this$CURRENT_DIRwill not work12:46
shreddingAh, thanks.12:46
ivoksshredding: this${CURRENT_DIR}will work12:46
shreddingSo its for string interpolation.12:47
ivoks${CURRENT_DIR} is always on the safe side12:47
smoserrbasak, yes.12:48
smoserits still racy.12:48
smoseralthough if you had a sane locale, i think you wouldnt see it.12:49
ivoks /etc/security/limits.conf is useless12:49
ivoksno really, it is12:50
ivoksi mean, you can set there whatever you want, it's ignored12:50
zuljamespage:  neutron is available12:50
ivokswhy don't we include pam_limits in pam's common-session?12:56
rbasaksmoser: what, en_GB.UTF-8 isn't sane? :)12:56
smoserLANG=en_US.UTF-8 ==> fix-released.12:57
rbasakSo cloud-init runs stuff after boot-finished?12:57
rbasakI'm a bit confused about that.12:57
smoseri dont think so.12:57
smoseri think you must be getting in before that.12:58
smoseroh. wait, o. its simply expected behavior.12:58
smoserno rce.12:58
smoseri think12:58
smoserif you *don't* see it then something is wrong.12:58
zuljamespage:  have you changed it over to the milestone-proposed branches already? if not ill do it right now12:58
rbasaksmoser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7189555/ is what I'm running on the guest for the wait. I can amend it as needed.12:59
smoserits correctly telling you "hey, i don't have locales generated for your exotic locale, if you want to generate them, here is how you can".12:59
rbasaksmoser: except that if I wait a bit, I don't get that prompt, I don't think.12:59
* rbasak will test12:59
rbasak(not even once is what I mean; I'll check for that)12:59
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jamespagezul, not yet13:01
zulill do it right now13:02
rbasaksmoser: yeah I get the message on first ssh if I don't wait, and don't get the message on first ssh if I do wait, on a precise amd64 image.13:02
smoserrbasak, that makes sense.13:02
rbasakI can also see the message by it winning the race.13:02
smoserit runs once.13:02
rbasak(even when I believe I'm checking for boot-finished)13:03
smoserand i suspect its running on your non-interactive run13:03
jamespagezul, did you want me todo neutron?13:03
smoserwe need:13:03
smoser [ -t 0 ]13:03
rbasakNon-interactive run?13:03
zuljamespage:  yes please13:03
rbasakI made sure not to trigger any outside ssh.13:03
zulif you dont mind13:03
rbasaksmoser: that's what I mean by "first ssh". There was no other ssh.13:04
smoserhm.. . oh i thought you were running the 'wait' in that paste via ssh.13:04
rbasakI am, but I disabled it for my test.13:04
jamespagezul, no problem13:04
smoserrbasak, /etc/profile.d/Z99-cloud-locale-test.sh13:05
smoserthats what does it.13:05
smoseri'm not sure why you would not see it.13:05
smoseri just verified ssh'ing to an instance that'd been up for a couple days like:13:05
smoserenv LC_ALL=en_GB.UTF-8 ssh sstack-513:05
smoserand I see it. but only the first time.13:06
rbasaksmoser: LC_ALL does trigger it, but LANG does not.13:09
rbasaksmoser: once logged in (without seeing the message), "locale" gives me LANG=en_US.UTF-8. No sign of en_GB.13:10
smoserrbasak, i think this is because ssh does not allow your LANG through13:10
smoserbut does allow LC_ALL13:10
rbasakOK, but why the race then?13:10
smoseroh. well, maybe.13:10
smoseri don tknow what the race is.13:10
smoseri can't explain this, so i think that you must be doing something wrong :)13:10
smoseryou can look at how that works, i can't see how it could possibly result in not showing you that message.13:10
smoserother than if it has run once on a non-interactive login (but actually, motd which runs *it* should only be running on interactive login)13:11
smoseras showing that message to a computer isn't terribly useful13:11
rbasakI have a theory13:12
smoserrbasak, for what its worth, your 'wait for runlevel' has unsafe logic13:14
zuljamespage:  after using my 300 baud modem we are using the stable branches now for icehouse13:14
jamespagezul, milestone-proposed right?13:14
rbasaksmoser: what's wrong with it?13:14
zuljamespage:  yes13:14
smoserif 'runlevel | awk .. ' prints a non-integer  it will fail with bad syntax and drop from that loop.13:14
smosernon-integer or "".13:14
jamespagezul: ++13:14
zuljamespage:  i cant reproduce the failure locally13:15
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smoseri think. maybe i'm wrong.13:16
rbasaksmoser: AIUI, the quotes fix that problem. I see people doing x$a = xfoo but I never understand why, since one can use quotes.13:17
smoseroh. yeah, you're right. i was thinking the other end.13:17
smoserxfoo is garbage.13:17
smoseryou're currect.13:17
smoseri was thinking you were using -eq13:18
smoserwhich would complain about non-integer. but you're just doing string compare.13:18
smoserthats fine.13:18
rbasakWhile we're looking, I plan to implement a look for /run/.../boot-finished at some point.13:19
rbasakI just hadn't because I figured that I need to do a version test of cloud-init first, and I was in a hurry.13:19
rbasakThe script is user-overridable, so it's not critical for Trusty I don't think.13:19
rbasakScripts that call uvtool could supply their own, and users can use the PPA.13:19
rbasakThe only restriction is that currently it must be an "sh" script.13:21
rbasakIt would probably be nice to fix that at some point, but I didn't worry about it.13:21
rbasak(it's documented)13:21
=== psivaa-lunch is now known as psivaa
zuljamespage:  hey are you agreeable to push out one more oslo.messaging http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7189681/13:34
tomixxx5how can i found out which version of package <package1> is going be installed with "sudo apt-get install <package1>"13:39
cfhowletttomixxlx5, apt-cache policy <package>  wil13:42
tomixxx5cfhowlett: ty a lot13:42
jamespagezul, +113:47
jamespageDaviey, just as a heads up - the neutron upload for rc1 includes some new binary packages; some of its renaming and some of its new since b314:11
jamespagezul, Daviey, I should really have pushed those changes in before rc1 - but hindsight is 20:2014:19
zuljamespage:  agreed14:19
zulDaviey/coreycb/jamespage:  I guess that nova test regression got fixed I dont see it anymore14:38
coreycbzul, hmm ok14:39
zuljamespage:  oslo.messaging builds fine for me modulo a patch14:45
jamespagezul, neutron uploading15:23
zuljamespage:  huzzah15:23
jamespagecoreycb, I almost have nova-cloud-controller upgrading again15:23
jamespagesomething is caching in do_openstack_upgrade15:24
coreycbjamespage, ok great.  I hadn't attempted an upgrade in a few days so I hadn't come across any recent issues.15:26
jamespagecoreycb, I convinced quantum-gateway todo the switches between grizzly->havana->icehouse OK15:27
jamespagestill working on ncc15:27
coreycbjamespage, cool15:28
coreycbjamespage, btw, for the nova db updates15:28
coreycbjamespage, my approach has been to compare old vs new databases after migration and make any changes to get the new db to look the same as the old15:30
coreycbjamespage, I'm putting most of the changes into the new 216*.py version - should have something for you to look at in the next day or so15:31
jamespagecoreycb, OK _ if we are going to put this is it needs to happen this week15:42
jamespageany later...15:42
zulthen it would make me nervous15:43
coreycbjamespage, ok15:51
Haven|Workinstalling ubuntu 13.10 server, I want to unlock encrypted drives with a USB Key, can I configure that during install or is it best to wait till the installer finishes and set up the crypt with the unlock file?15:51
rbasakHaven|Work: I've done something similar before, and I set it up afterwards. You could set up an encrypted volume during install, and then change the passphrase later.15:52
rbasakChange it with a random key that's only on your USB stick, and arrange for a keyscript to supply that.15:53
* rbasak isn't sure of any other installer option to achieve this15:53
vlad_starkovTJ-: Hi! This is just to let you know. I won it :)15:53
Haven|Workokay, let me give you a little background. I want to install the OS on an IDE Drive, then want to configure and unlock the encrypted RAID Array at boot with a USB Stick.15:54
TJ-vlad_starkov: Fab... how!?15:54
Haven|WorkProbably best to make the array and everything after install rbasak ?15:54
TJ-vlad_starkov: I think your case needs a bug report write-up, for others than might suffer the same issues15:54
rbasakSo I'm clear, your encrypted RAID array will not be on an IDE drive?15:54
Haven|Workno its two 2.5tb sata drives15:54
Haven|Workfor storage15:54
rbasakOK. Yes - then I'd arrange that all after install.15:55
rbasakcryptsetup + keyscript in /etc/crypttab, etc.15:55
rbasak/etc/fstab entry to mount it. I think with an auto mount from /etc/fstab, it'll correctly see /etc/crypptab and call the keyscript.15:55
rbasakI can't remember the details, though.15:56
Haven|WorkI have a guide I intend to follow for the making the USB encryption. so that shouldn't be too bad15:56
Haven|Workonce I do that though if I install Zentyal will it overwrite the /etc/fstab?15:56
rbasakNo idea about how things will interact with Zentyal, sorry.15:56
Haven|WorkI'd suppose it wouldn't matter if i had the keyfile generated and on the USB stick I could still unlock the drives by telling it to look there :)15:56
Haven|Workso that answers that question :)15:57
vlad_starkovTJ-: Eventually it turned out that system successfully boot in 2 cases: 1) When BIOS's "Memory Branch Mode" param is "Interleave" and max 12Gb RAM installed; AND 2) When BIOS's "Memory Branch Mode" param is "Sequential" and 16Gb RAM installed :-)15:57
rbasakBTW, on my home server machine I supply the LUKS passphrase over the network (loopback cable) using a keyscript I wrote: https://github.com/basak/netkeyscript15:57
TJ-Haven|Work: It's pretty straight-forward cryptsetup processes. An entry in "/etc/crypttab" will ensure udev/cryptsetup unlocks and create a DM device node, which is what /etc/fstab will refer to15:57
Haven|WorkTJ-, perfect thanks15:57
Haven|Workthank you also rbasak15:57
TJ-vlad_starkov: So, BIOS issue after all ... I was looking at those MTRRs so that might have been another route to fix it15:58
xnoxrbasak: how does that with plymouth?15:58
TJ-Haven|Work: I've done extensive work with cryptsetup, so if you need assistance, ping me15:58
rbasakxnox: you mean my netkeyscript, or keyscripts in general?15:58
hallynzul: were you planning any libvirt upload soon?15:58
xnoxrbasak: ideally i'd like something like that for a desktop machine such that i can enter password via plymouth or via external means.15:58
vlad_starkovTJ-: By the way, MTTRs fixes just by adding the following boot params "enable_mtrr_cleanup mtrr_spare_reg_nr=1 mtrr_gran_size=64K mtrr_chunk_size=1M"15:58
zulhallyn:  no15:58
zulhallyn:  1.2.3 is out though ;)15:59
rbasakxnox: cryptsetup comes with some kind of keyscript/built in thing that can speak to plymouth, I presume.15:59
TJ-vlad_starkov: Yes, that was one of the options I was going to suggest15:59
hallynzul: haha, yeah.  no i may be pushing the 2.0 qemu to trusty archive soon, so would need to push the corresponding libvirt15:59
rbasakxnox: to integrate with my netkeyscript, I'd suggest some kind of keyscript multiplexing keyscript, that calls out to both a plymouth keyscript and my netkeyscript.15:59
zulhallyn:  okies15:59
hallyni need to check how i said i would do it15:59
vlad_starkovTJ-: So now I have working Ubuntu Server 14.04 64bit, 2xCPU (8 cores), 16Gb RAM, 2x80Gb SSD (RAID 1), 4x 2Tb HDD (RAID 10) :)16:00
TJ-vlad_starkov: About time :) Glad it got sorted.16:00
vlad_starkovTJ-: Thank you for all your time you have spent for helping me! I got many good lessons and learned many new cool things!16:01
TJ-vlad_starkov: you're welcome16:01
Haven|WorkTJ-, have you ever done anything like I am attempting?16:01
TJ-Haven|Work: Yes. I think I have an article about something similar from a few years ago, might not be precisely what you're wanting, but gives a good overview of the approach.16:02
Haven|Workheh, good overview would be perfect, from there I can modify whatever I need to make it work16:02
TJ-Haven|Work: http://tjworld.net/wiki/Linux/Ubuntu/HardyRAID5EncryptedLVM16:02
TJ-Haven|Work: Nowadays many of the steps are built into the tools so the manual steps aren't required16:03
Haven|Workokay, I really play on encrypting the Raid1 Array and unlocking that with Key, that's all the further I need to go this looks almost perfect for what I'm doing16:03
TJ-Haven|Work: I have all our laptops using LUKs full-disk encryption, including the /boot/grub/ partition, via GRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTODISK16:03
Haven|Workso afterinstall i make the Raid array then once that's done I run cryptsetup and it should walk me through the process at least somewhat :)16:04
TJ-Haven|Work: If you're going to randomise the disk surfaces, use the 'quick' method of creating (luksFormat $LUKS_CONTAINER $LUKS_DEVICE) an initial sacrificial LUKS container spanning all the space, doing luksOpen, then using "dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mapper/$LUKS_DEVICE bs=4M" to quickly randomise, then luksClose followed by a wipe of the LUKS header with "dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/mapper/$LUKS_CONTAINER bs=1M count=1", then create the real LUKS containers.16:08
Haven|WorkI actually already have the partitions set and formatted on the disk space. I played with this forever in the install on Thursday and Friday and managed to get that far before the asshole janitor unplugged my server over the weekend16:10
Haven|Workfound out though CMOS battery is bad16:10
Haven|Workso that was at least a partial help16:10
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jamespagezul, https://code.launchpad.net/~james-page/ceilometer/fixup-dbsync/+merge/21368616:26
zuljamespage:  +116:47
zuljamespage:  looks like ceilometer needs a newer happybase16:58
* jamespage sighs16:58
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Davieyzul: How was the nova issue fixed?17:11
Davieyjamespage: neutron accepted.17:15
jamespageDaviey, thanks17:15
zulDaviey:  I am not sure how built it this morning no problems...going to be dropping the patch soon17:16
pycoderfHi all. I am troubleshooting an ltsp server issue and ran into problems but #ltsp seems dead. Anyone able to help?17:19
Davieyzul: It's concerning having unknown test failures that now work... Sure you didn't change anything else? :)17:23
zulDaviey:  no i didnt change anything17:23
zulDaviey:  other than change to milestone branches in the lab17:24
jamespageDaviey,zul: was the test failure in the trunk PPA?17:25
zuljamespage: Re-uploaded with the patch that disabled the test failures to the ppa now it builds fine17:26
Davieyzul: withOUT?17:31
Davieyzul: Out of interest, why is >=0.7 keystoneclient needed?17:45
zulDaviey:  https://github.com/openstack/requirements/commit/65a913ef036de59ad84a7fb369a5e6df93bb5ac017:46
Davieyzul: I wish they weren't so vague on WHY.17:48
zulDaviey:  agreed17:48
DavieyWe want a newer version because we want newer shiiitz17:48
zulits shiney17:49
zulDaviey/jamespage: glance should be ready today17:55
jamespagezul, great17:56
jamespageDaviey, neutron built and binary NEW awaiting review :-)17:56
imdeaHi one question, I've a user "roberto" in my machine and want that it be able to do "sudo su - fyf"  and execute commands as that user without entering a password, I have edited as root the /etc/sudoers file using visudo and added this:  http://paste.debian.net/91019/  but if I'm root and switch to this user as: sudo su - roberto and then do sudo su - fyf it asks me for a password, any ideas?17:59
Davieyjamespage: accepted18:02
keithzgOh hey, the Subversion project is switching to Git: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-752418:02
sarnoldimdea: every NOPASSWD: in the sudoers(5) has a space afterwards18:04
jamespageDaviey, ta18:05
imdeasarnold: curious, since I have another entry like this one: git     ALL = NOPASSWD:ALL (with no space afterwards) and it works great.18:06
sarnoldimdea: drat. it was reaching for straws anyway, i didn't like it much as a suggestion. :)18:06
sarnoldimdea: OH! rather than 'sudo su - fyf' try 'sudo -u fyf -s'18:07
sarnoldimdea: I like this one :) this one ought to work18:07
imdeasarnold: what's the difference?18:07
sarnoldimdea: in your version, you're switching to root and then running the 'su' command to switch to fyf. in my version, sudo switches to fyf directly and then starts a shell.18:08
imdeasarnold, thanks!18:12
keithzgHad my company's email go down earlier today while I was asleep, I was more tempted to use "sudo su - fml" :P18:23
sarnoldkeithzg: :)18:24
patdk-wkhmm, apache is moving18:28
sarnoldI suspect it's aprilfoolsism.18:30
patdk-wkyour no fun18:30
sarnoldindeed :)18:31
jamespagezul: you need to use the setup-jenkins job to reconfigure the icehouse jobs for milestone-proposed btw18:31
zuljamespage:  ack..i did :)18:32
jamespagezul, sorry - so you did - I just happended to look at swift :-(18:32
zuljamespage:  heh18:33
* jamespage eod's18:33
tcstarI have a quad core server, with 3953 MB of memory which runs apache and php...  it's running about 30 high traffic websites -- just wondering what an approximate acceptable load average would be when looking @ htop18:51
sarnoldtcstar: load average is just one measurement number to indicate the 'load' of the system; it's just one more metric along with e.g. swap use and paging requests to help you determine if something has -changed- on the system18:54
sarnoldtcstar: of course, whther or not you need to -do- anything about any of the measures is another thing -- probably best measured by request latencies on the websites in question18:55
tcstaryeah...  i started optimizing my apache a little...  had the cpu use drop from about 35% to no more than 7%...  load from 1.4 down to 0.43 memory down to 500 megs and ive never used any of the 4 gig of swap18:56
sarnoldtcstar: wow :) that's cool18:57
sarnoldtcstar: the 'bo' and 'bi' columns of 'vmstat 1' output is one of my favorite quick performance tools18:58
tcstarnow whether or not that really means anything is another question that i can't give the answer lol18:58
tcstarmine shows:  https://gist.github.com/anonymous/4f447a8b086198b27d7e18:59
sarnoldI don't know what kind of time just a bare 'vmstat' covers, but it sure looks like this machine is nearly asleep :) hehe19:00
tcstarjust noticed the '1' so ran it again...  this is what i've got so far...19:00
sarnoldaha, looks like heavy logging or light file uploading or similar?19:01
tcstaratm no file uploading, might be seeing the rsync stuff in there mirroring my 'upload server'...  i don't understand anything i see in vmstat honestly...  but we do have a crap ton of traffic going to different sites19:03
tcstarusually get about 500 unique hits per minute per site19:03
tcstarhad one of my dual core servers lock up on us yesterday causing a 20 minute outage.. so spent the time to migrate over to the quad core machines -- and trying to optimize so it doesn't happen again...  that's the goal anyway19:05
sarnoldmachines die: hard drives, power supplies, etc etc. having a fail-over or N+1 redundancy in place from the start is a good idea when you can't tolerate downtime19:06
sarnoldlook into haproxy, it may be a nice simple stepping-stone to get to where you want to be19:06
tcstarcan I run something like HaProxy over public ip?  2 of my servers are in one DC and 2 are in another19:07
sarnoldtcstar: hrm that's way beyond my experience. I think your options there are limited to DNS-based solutions or anycast; dns is probably far easier to configure..19:10
tcstarOr I could just run dual HaProxy -- one on each set in each DC... then just seperate domains evenly between the servers19:12
tcstarso half of the domains on servers in DC1 and other in DC219:12
henrikAnyone running unprivileged lxc containers here in trusty? The autostart stanza won't start unprivileged containers - is that intentional?19:14
cfhowletthenrik, until official release, trusty support = #ubuntu+119:14
ubunter_http://paste.ubuntu.com/7191170/  tail -f /var/log/syslog is saying http://paste.ubuntu.com/7191174/ but I dont see it. Can I get some assistence?19:23
ubunter_Where am I missing a semicolon? http://paste.ubuntu.com/7191170/ I dont understand why I get this http://paste.ubuntu.com/7191174/  if everything is ok19:26
sarnoldubunter_: check out those quotes on line 719:29
sarnoldubunter_: I suspect you copy-and-pasted from some website? :)19:29
ubunter_cobbler dhcp server set up on ubuntu server 12.0419:30
ubunter_get rid of the quotes?19:30
sarnoldor replace them with standard ascii quotes ""19:31
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coreycbzul, jamespage : https://code.launchpad.net/~corey.bryant/glance/2014.1.rc1/+merge/21329321:17
zulcoreycb: mind adding the bug number (LP: #1299055)21:18
coreycbzul, sure np21:18
zulill upload it tonight21:18
coreycbzul, pushed again21:19
zulthanks ill take a look21:20
coreycbzul, thanks!21:23
=== huttan_ is now known as huttan
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
thumpersmoser: ping22:32
thumpersmoser: nm22:32
Cygnus-X1Anybody else having a problem with libreoffice segfaulting?23:00
Cygnus-X1Sorry, wrong channel23:01

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