
erm3ndawait a bit, srry00:01
imacanofcokeUbuntu installed properly with UEFI, when I boot[Windows 8*] from GRUB I get "error: unknown command 'drivemap'" and "error: invalid EFI file path." What do?00:05
Viking667mtnbkr: sudo su -    gets used to log into the root account when you have to have root, but don't have a password.00:05
Viking667... though I suspect you know that already.00:05
Viking667anyhow, I'm clearly out of my depth here.00:05
=== andrew is now known as AB49K
tackyjanhello all00:17
tackyjancan anyone help me with my fresh ubuntu installation? :)00:17
wtanyone here use EC2 AMIs of ubuntu00:17
wtI am trying to figure out why upgrading all packages (including the kernel) with salt doesn't update my /boot/grub/menu.lst00:18
wttackyjan, What's up?00:18
tewardwt, have you tried doing `sudo update-grub`?00:20
wtupdate-grub (as root) doesn't seem to change the file00:20
MneuIf I keep my 14.04 daily install updated, it will be the same as the official release on release day right?00:21
rwwubottu: final00:21
ubottuIf you install a development version of Ubuntu Trusty and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 14.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal.00:21
MneuThank you!00:22
ixio2hi guys how to I enable mod_rewrite with vhosts? I have enabled the mod with a2enmod and restarted apache but do I need to add something to my vhost .conf files ?00:22
wtHowever, if I remove the kernel package and then reinstall it, grub-update magically starts working.00:23
wtThis is true on at least trusty latest beta and saucy.00:23
monotonif I install a new version of ubuntu on a separate partition, will it upgrade GRUB too? (that have its files on this versions partition) or just leave grub as it is?00:24
xar-ixio2: of course, you need to add an AllowOverride directive.00:25
wtmonoton, I think you can tell it not to install the bootloader during the installer.00:25
monotonif I then some time later delete the old ubuntu partition, will the boot menu break?00:25
ixio2xar- this is done inside the .conf file ?00:25
Viking667I was wondering that myself, as I happen to have Fedora as well as Ubuntu installed.00:25
xar-ixio2: yes00:25
erm3ndamtnbkr: still here00:26
=== [1]larsadin is now known as larsadin
erm3ndaHi. Q: cannot do a sudo su command using Winscp on a Ubuntu machine. Anyone can help me?00:29
simpleuserHi there. I’m creating a vps for the first time. At digitalocean. I choose the smallest one with 512MB / 1 CPU. By default, digitalocean suggests Ubuntu 12.04.3 x64. What do you think?00:29
erm3ndawhat do you prefer?00:30
erm3ndai like debian for servers00:30
erm3ndai have one digital ocean too00:30
simpleuserIs a 64bits interesting if there’s only 512mb ram?00:30
rww12.04.3 is fine, though 14.04 is coming out next month so you'll probably want that in a few months. I'd go with 32-bit for that spec, not 64-bit, unless DO is special about that somehow.00:30
rwwand yes, I'd be using Debian anyway, but this is #ubuntu so w/e00:30
Viking667I'd also go for Debian on those specs00:30
erm3nda64 bit only has importance when you have much more ram00:30
simpleuserYeah, that’s what I thought…00:30
erm3ndabut, use 64bit will not inflighe any damage :)00:31
simpleuserFor Debian, maybe… but I’m more comfortable with Ubuntu. Especially for a first vps experience :)00:31
erm3ndahey Viking, did u see anything related to my question?? i can start whole process again00:31
erm3ndaneed to use winscp to my ubuntu server00:32
simpleuserSo Ubuntu 13.10 x32  maybe ?00:32
Viking667erm3nda: and use what command again? As what user?00:32
Viking667simpleuser: yah. Don't forget though, with DO, what're you using it for?00:32
Viking667i.e. what are you using the VPS to do?00:32
erm3ndai test winscp with other ubuntu machine, and is worling00:33
erm3ndamaybe i do something wrong00:33
simpleuserViking667, DO? I’m just hosting a small website00:33
Viking667erm3nda: that's not the question I asked.00:33
Viking667"DO" as in, Digital Ocean.00:33
erm3ndais a testing purpose, no production nor website00:33
erm3ndaerror when i tried to create a folder00:33
Viking667right. So you're not likely to need a desktop version of Ubuntu... perhaps a Server version instead.00:33
Viking667BUT... you really need to know your commandline in that case.00:34
erm3ndaubuntu 12.04 LTS00:34
simpleuserViking667, oh. Ok for DO ^^00:34
Viking667erm3nda: right. What command are you trying to run?00:34
simpleuserViking667, I’m cool with cli00:35
Viking667good. If you're going with a debian-based system anyhow, you should be comfortable with setting up apache or whatever other web provider you'll use.00:35
simpleuserViking667, I need a VPS to host my website with a specially configured mysql00:36
Viking667Right. So you'll need mysql for sure, what're you using for web server?00:36
erm3ndaim not using any command, just connecting with winscp00:36
Viking667erm3nda: and?00:36
erm3ndai can connect using a normal account, cannot use root00:36
erm3ndaif i use a normal account, cannot create files00:36
erm3ndabecause sudo i think00:36
scam3rwhy not just use a LAMP virtual machine..?00:36
diamondflyergood evening all00:37
Viking667erm3nda: ahhh. it could be that you need to check if you're in the sudoer's group, and if your user is currently in /etc/sudoers.d/00:37
erm3ndaid try00:37
erm3ndathat is on winscp documentation00:37
simpleuserscam3r, Need a special mysql configuration00:37
Viking667anyhow I need to bail.00:37
woofplufHello people of the linux world, I was just reading up on 7zip and linux/unix and I read a warning not to be used on linux because ''7zip does not store ther owner/group of a file''. Would anyone here know what the meaning of this would be and why is it such a big deal that 7zip doesn't store them?00:38
basketballhow do i find a wallpaper for my pc00:38
basketballi dont like any of the included onmes00:38
=== Guest56776 is now known as ponbiki
simpleuserbasketball, ? Any image on the net00:38
xar-basketball: google.00:38
simpleuseror type wallpaper on google xD00:38
Beldarwoofpluf, That is beyond ubuntu support try ##linux00:38
=== zz_dino82 is now known as dino82
scam3rdon't google google...your break the internet....00:39
woofplufBeldar: k i understand00:40
erm3ndaViking667: is not on /etc/suders file?00:40
simpleuserbasketball, https://lmddgtfy.net/?q=basketball+wallpaper00:40
BlueProtomanHelp me.  I tried to install MinGW on my (Ubuntu 13.10) computer, and I accidentally overwrote the headers for the standard library GCC normally uses.00:42
erm3ndaViking667: my /etc/sudoers.d directory is empty00:42
erm3ndahow must i add a user?00:42
erm3ndawould... wow, my english is destroyer level XD00:42
erm3ndaBlueProtoman, you can dowload again headers00:43
erm3ndatry apt-get install linux-headers00:43
erm3ndaare a virtual package, it will tell you available packagers00:43
BlueProtomanerm3nda: Installing now, I'll let you know how it goes00:45
erm3ndaMY PROBLEM IS SOLVED. Intead to enable sudo nor sudoers on ubuntu, i put a password for the root user... so now i use it yo my connection00:45
erm3ndahate sudo :S00:46
qinerm3nda: Fantastic, Ubuntu with broken sudo and root password, keep it up ;)00:46
BlueProtomanerm3nda: Nope, didn't work.00:47
wtWhy does the following not put the new kernel into my /boot/grub/menu.lst?  --> DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y -o 'DPkg::Options::=--force-confold' -o 'DPkg::Options::=--force-confdef' install linux-image-virtual00:47
wtAlso, running update-grub doesn't work00:47
scam3rhave u tried switching it off and on again..?  or reinstalled it...  XD00:47
sydneyJDykstraWhat are ubuntu trusty's minimum system specs?00:47
scam3rDX4 100Mhz00:48
kingplusplusplease how do i save a file to my PATH? dont know what that means00:48
kingplusplusthis is the file i want to save in a directory in my PATH 256colors2.pl00:48
BeldarsydneyJDykstra, same as ever and 14.04 is on #ubuntu+1 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements00:49
kingplusplusso my question is what is PATH and how do i go above some files in a director there00:49
xar-erm3nda: if you're using the root user directly, you're doing it wrong.00:50
Beldarerm3nda, a root password in ubuntu is not needed and not within  it's design, and bad technique.00:50
erm3ndaqin: xar: use the root is not a problem for my00:50
erm3ndaproblem is to manage sudo trought winscp program00:51
Artemis3erm3nda, its your lack of skill, ie: sudo -i00:51
erm3ndaim sure, im not a linux like defender, just using a workaround :(00:51
scam3rthat should get you sorted...00:51
erm3ndaartemis3, sure, im here for that reason, dont?00:51
Beldarerm3nda, Plenty of linux distros, that have a root password, ubuntu is not designed for it and use nicks here00:52
xar-erm3nda: It's not my business how you administer your environment; that being said, this topic is well documented @ https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo. I recommend reading this document to understand WHY root is disabled by design.00:52
erm3ndaanyway, if anyone can help me, i will configure it to use the normal account and do the sudo00:52
erm3ndaxar, i just a concrete sutuation, im not stupid, i know to use sudo00:52
scam3rjust do "sudo passwd" and type the password u want for root....00:52
jpds!noroot | scam3r00:53
ubottuscam3r: We do not support setting a root password. You're free to do it on your own machine, but please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it. See !root and !wfm for more information.00:53
erm3ndai have problems using winscp with a normal account00:53
Beldarscam3r, root passwords are not part of this channels allowed help.00:53
xar-Beldar we don't need a channel echo. Ubottu already said it.00:53
erm3ndai dont need help with root password00:54
erm3ndai dont know what are you tipping...00:54
Beldarxar-, Dude we do not always see every post, so keep it to yourself.00:54
xar-erm3nda: Why not setup an unprivileged user and give ownership to the directory/files to the unprivileged user?00:54
jpdserm3nda: So you want to give a user sudo rights?00:55
simpleuserIf I’m running an update or a compilation on my vps (digitalocean) through my firefox, and my browser (or my computer) crashes. What happens on my vps ?00:55
xar-simpleuser: probably best to ask DO directly00:55
simpleuserxar-, yeah.00:55
simpleuserClever :p00:56
xar-imagine that right? :)00:56
Beldarxar-, And honestly you just repeated what I said above.00:56
erm3ndai got that error when i tried to do a sudo su command with winscp :  sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified00:56
qinOh... sudo su is not relly ok too00:56
erm3ndanote: i've installed ssh_askpass and add some config to /etc/sudoers00:57
jpdserm3nda: Yeah, that's because SSH doesn't open a fake TTY by default.00:57
erm3ndamy sudoer.d path is empy, dont know how to add a user00:57
ahaddatechiniciaadd a user to sudo?00:57
erm3ndato sudoers00:57
kingplusplusthis is the file i want to save in a directory in my PATH 256colors2.pl so pleas where is my PATH?00:57
jpdskingplusplus: echo $PATH00:58
BruceJPfor years I have used encfs - on a recent install I decided to allow the system encrypt my home directory.  It seems VERY SLOW - is this something I have done wrong?00:58
ahaddatechiniciawouldn't you have to use visudo or something along those lines?00:58
erm3ndai put on /etc/sudoers file that: userALL=NOPASSWD: ALL00:58
erm3ndaas specified on winscp help00:58
ahaddatechiniciamay I ask how you are editing the sudoers file00:59
erm3ndai have disabled tty on /etc/sudoers file using that: Defaults:user !requiretty00:59
erm3ndausing nano00:59
erm3ndanano /etc/sudoers01:00
xar-erm3nda: Why not simply create a user and/or group who's given privilege to access the resources you need it to?01:01
erm3ndabecause i dont know how to01:01
ahaddatechiniciaThe correct way to edit the sudoers file is with the visudo command01:01
erm3ndathere's an admin group01:01
erm3ndaadduser user admin ?01:01
qinerm3nda: ok, you add user to sudo: sudo adduser <username> sudo; but why would you need sudo for ftp client?01:01
erm3ndaaha, sudo is the group?01:02
erm3ndaftp is shit, srry01:02
erm3ndai use scp01:02
qinor admin group01:02
erm3ndamy user is already on sudo group01:02
erm3ndawill try admin group01:03
erm3ndadoes not exist01:03
ahaddatechiniciaerm I don't understand what you are trying to do01:03
Wayward_VagabondMy graphics seem to be stuck in 1024x768, the screen scales it up to 1200x900, then letterboxes it01:03
Wayward_VagabondAnybody know how to go about fixing this?01:03
qinscam3r: dude, learn about permissions, and prepare directory for datastorage, so you would not need to wreck your system to use winscp01:03
Wayward_VagabondA full screen wine program crashed when starting, and it's been like that since01:03
xar-did you ask in #wine Wayward_Vagabond ?01:04
erm3ndawich group would i use?01:04
erm3ndawon change owner of files01:04
ahaddatechiniciadid you try using xrandr to set a custom resolution01:04
qinscam3r: sorry, wrong highlight01:04
Wayward_Vagabondahaddatechinicia: Setting it to 1600x900 in the nvidia settings doesn't work01:04
FoxhoundzI need help01:05
xar-erm3nda: Linux is flexible, you can create a user and a group of any name of your choosing.01:05
Wayward_Vagabondit keeps the same scaling and shows the upper left 1024x768 of it01:05
qinerm3nda: you can create group, cant you?01:05
Foxhoundzfor some reason apache is not rewriting modules01:05
FoxhoundzI mean01:05
Foxhoundzrewriting URLs01:05
Wayward_Vagabondxar-: I'll try there too01:05
erm3ndaquin: i can01:05
FoxhoundzI enabled mod_rewriteb e but it's not working01:05
ahaddatechiniciatry this:01:05
ahaddatechiniciacvt 1600x90001:06
ahaddatechiniciain the terminal01:06
erm3ndai add my user to root group, permission denied to write anyway01:06
erm3ndaFoxhoundz: ensure you enable it. a2enmod rewrite01:07
qinerm3nda: so? use specifing permission for group "winscpgroup" and chenge group ownership of revelant directories and add revelant users to group, tada01:07
ahaddatechiniciaerm, use visudo to edit the sudoers file01:07
ahaddatechiniciayou must run visudo as root though01:07
BlueProtomanHelp me.  I tried to install MinGW on my (Ubuntu 13.10) computer, and I accidentally overwrote the headers for the standard library GCC normally uses.01:08
erm3ndaqin, will try01:08
Wayward_Vagabondahaddatechinicia: that came back as invalid01:08
zubuntuwill the new icon theme be available for 14.04 ?01:08
Wayward_Vagabondusage: cvt [-v|--verbose] [-r|--reduced] X Y [refresh]01:08
zubuntuor not ?01:08
erm3ndaahaddatechinicia: why it that different to use nano?01:08
qin!who | ahaddatechinicia01:08
ubottuahaddatechinicia: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)01:08
ahaddatechiniciaits safer as it warns you of mistakes which could break your system01:09
zubuntuwill the new icon theme be available for 14.04 ?01:10
zubuntusome says yes, some no01:10
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.01:10
ahaddatechinicia!tab Wayward_Vagabond try this: cvt 1600 900 6001:10
ubottuahaddatechinicia: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:10
qinzubuntu: #ubuntu+1 for few more days01:10
wtThe only diff between a working system (after an uninstall/reinstall of the kernel) and a broken one (a freshly spun up instance on EC2) is that the type of one of the debconf questions is different01:10
kostkonzubuntu, as a preview maybe. more in #ubuntu+101:10
wt"multiselect" in the working case; "string" in the broken case01:10
scam3r! zubuntu when is it being released..? as i am too lazy to google it...01:11
zubuntuwhere is  #ubuntu+1 ?01:11
wteverything else appears to be the same in the debconf db01:11
kostkonscam3r, 17th01:11
zubuntuscam3r:  in middle of april01:11
scam3r! zubuntu thanks...01:11
zubuntu2-3 weeks01:11
zubuntui am really excited with new icons01:11
Wayward_Vagabondahaddatechinicia: should I paste the results of it and link?01:11
zubuntuis it possible to download and give it a try as beta ?01:12
zubuntui mean just icon theme01:12
qinzubuntu: /j #ubuntu+1 for 14.04 channel01:12
ahaddatechiniciawayward, if you can01:12
zubuntuok ok :p01:12
scam3rdoes 14.04 have the replacement for X in it?  or do we still have to wait?01:12
kazyni've got fresh ubuntu 12.4 LTS on my desktop and its working much slower then windows(it can hang at the simple opening of new card in firefox), anyone know why? ive installed graphic card drivers and didnt help01:12
zubuntukazyn:  same with me :S01:13
zubuntubooting slow01:13
kazynany solution for this?01:13
ahaddatechiniciawayward also post the results of xrandr01:13
zubuntui dont have solution kazyn  :p01:13
scam3rhave you encrypted your home folder??01:13
zubuntuby the way ppl in #ubuntu+1 are sleeping :S01:13
zubuntuwindows 8.1 is very fast logging in01:14
zubuntuwhy dont they do for ubuntu ?01:14
Beldar!tab | ahaddatechinicia for your pleasure01:14
ubottuahaddatechinicia for your pleasure: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.01:14
scam3r! zubuntu if you ask a question like that, u need to go back to windows...01:15
ubottuscam3r: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:15
zubuntuscam3r: nope i want ubuntu improves01:15
Wayward_Vagabondahaddatechinicia: http://pastebin.com/zGeDz0UE01:15
zubuntuwhy dont ppl like critisizing ?01:15
q0where do i ask a question about networking or routers and firmware ?01:16
scam3r! zubuntu i am running 13.04 and my laptop boots in 6 seconds from cold...01:16
ubottuscam3r: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:16
zubuntuthey have ready answer " if u dont like, go "01:16
zubuntuthis is not a solution01:16
erm3ndaqin: i add my user to root group. permission denied. is that about use root group??01:16
qinzubuntu: it does, but if you feel like your box cant handle you may want to give a go Xubuntu or Lubuntu01:16
erm3ndaqin: won't change folder permissions01:16
zubuntuno qin01:16
zubuntui love just Ubuntu01:16
erm3ndaqin: actually, are owned to root, and group root01:16
qinerm3nda: where did you get idea of adding anything to root group?01:16
zubuntuscam3r:  maybe it s because of multi boot ?01:17
q0I'm looking for a router or firmware for studying, any recommendations ?01:17
zubuntueven i log off ( not reboot ) it takes more than 10 seconds to see the desktop01:17
erm3ndaqin: i think to add my user to root is like use root directly, but doesnt work01:17
scam3r! zubuntu if you really want to speed boot times, get a SSD...01:17
ubottuscam3r: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:17
erm3ndaqin: do i need to change owner or group of my files??01:17
zubuntuscam3r:  i dont have money for that yet01:17
ahaddatechinicia!tab Wayward_Vagabond  could you also post the output of xrandr?01:18
ubottuahaddatechinicia: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:18
zubuntui m using core2duo with sata hd i think01:18
scam3r! zubuntu ok...01:18
ahaddatechiniciasorry I have to go for now01:18
zubuntuwhy do u put ! infront of my nick ? O.o01:18
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:19
scam3rit's a habit from using talkers in the90's01:19
erm3ndaqin: is OK to change entire www folder to another user than original root???01:19
qinq0: ddwrt and any router they support, or tomato, not sure if still maintained01:19
zubuntuit makes me like i did something bad lol01:19
q0qin, thank you !01:19
zubuntuArtemis3:  u mean i should go somewhere else ? :p01:19
scam3r! zubuntu no problem, i can go back to doing that...01:19
ubottuscam3r: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:19
zubuntuok scam3r  feel free XD01:20
qinerm3nda: yes it is ok, trick is to set proper pesmissions, so you wont get owned overnight01:20
=== lethjakm1 is now known as lethjakman
erm3ndaqin: changin owner was OK, now i can write too...01:20
erm3ndaqin: but, i have set a passwd for root... how can i restore it to blank??01:20
qinerm3nda: great question01:21
erm3ndaid tried passwd but cannot write "blank"01:21
erm3ndaqin: manually editing?01:21
scam3rchange root password to password....01:21
scam3rno one will guess that... XD01:22
qinerm3nda: apparently: sudo passwd -dl root01:22
scam3rbut the password is shadowed...?01:22
erm3ndaqin: yeah, it does! thank you01:23
qinscam3r: either revelant acurate answer or keep hint away, at least in serious matters, please.01:23
qinerm3nda: as xar- pointed, it may be usefull for you to skim that text: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo01:24
zubuntudo u suggest me to install 14.04 final beta ?01:26
erm3ndaqin: i know sudo, but cannot use when tried from winscp console. on a normal shell has no problem01:27
twirmhow can I add a tag to a bug I've filed on Launchpad?01:27
erm3ndai have also Ubuntu on my desktop, so i use sudo a lot of times01:27
erm3ndaeven if i cant do sudo from winscp, changing owner of entire www folder solves perfectly01:28
zubuntuis there a way to install it without downloading ? directly like upgrading?01:28
Artemis3zubuntu, why the rush, just wait a few days01:29
zubuntucant wait lol01:29
qinerm3nda: i am not sure about winscp, not really kin to know tbh.01:29
zubuntuby the way i think they wont put new icon theme :S01:29
zubuntui feel disappointed a bit01:29
zubuntuin screenshots all have same icons01:30
Artemis3april 1701:30
zubuntuyes soon01:30
twirmdoes anyone know how to add tags to bugs on launchpad?01:31
randompersonWhat would happen if my flashdrive accidently got unplugged during a ubuntu upgrade? Whould i still be able t finish toe upgrade?01:31
twirmis there a better channel for this?01:31
BlueProtomanHelp me.  I tried to install MinGW on my (Ubuntu 13.10) computer, and I accidentally overwrote the headers for the standard library GCC normally uses.01:31
Beldarrandomperson, Upgrade, a usb would be a fresh install.01:34
randompersonBeldar: to upgrade ffrom a flash drive.01:34
scam3rif u are upgrading, it shouldn't matter....01:34
APi'm an alice01:35
APhow may i help u01:35
scam3rfresh install  could be an issue...01:35
Beldarrandomperson, I have not seen a upgrade option on a live in awhile, are you sure, or is this a fresh ubuntu using a home partition already there?01:35
kingplusplusplease anyone know where vim colors are stored in Xubuntu?01:37
f00lghi, i'm using ubuntu 14.04, i want to change lightdm background, any hint?01:41
qinAP: funny01:41
Beldar!14.04| f00lg sure01:41
ubottuf00lg sure: Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) will be the 20th release of Ubuntu.  See the announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1295 for more info. support in #ubuntu+101:41
randompersonBeldar: Well ,I can upgrade ubuntu using a flash drive. I would like to do it right in the ubuntu desktop,but I don't want to upgrade to ubuntu trusty,I want to upgrade to Lubuntu trusty. I won't do this till april 17.01:41
Beldarrandomperson, So you are upgrading from what release?01:42
qinf00lg: http://askubuntu.com/questions/64001/how-do-i-change-the-wallpaper-in-lightdm01:42
randompersonBeldar:  12.0401:42
Beldarrandomperson, since you started already, and seem to have been in the upgrade, not download, I would boot it to a command line and try sudo apt-get -f install    and see if it finishes.01:43
randompersonBeldar: Thanks!!01:44
Beldarrandomperson, Hope that works, no prob.01:44
randompersonHas anyone tried to upgrade ubuntu to lubuntu? what changes except the interface?01:45
qinkingplusplus: ~/.vim/colors/01:45
kingplusplusqin,  this directory doesn't exist.. os i created it and put my colors there01:46
kingplusplusbut still doesn't work01:46
qinkingplusplus: apart of restart vim, that terminal are you using?01:46
kingplusplusqin am using Xfce Terminal Emulator01:47
FreewheelinFrankwhat channel topic is this?01:47
BeldarFreewheelinFrank, look at the channel header.01:48
qinkingplusplus: did you try different color file, just in case?01:48
kingplusplusqin yes01:48
qinFreewheelinFrank: /topic01:48
FreewheelinFrankOfficial Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guidelines: http://ubottu.com/y/gl | IRC info: http://ubottu.com/y/irc | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com/ | Release Notes: http://ubottu.com/y/rn | Download: http://ubottu.com/y/dl | Currently supported versions 10.04 LTS (server), 12.04 LTS, 12.10 and 13.10 | Questions about Trusty/14.04 go in #ubuntu+1 until it is officially released.01:48
kingpluspluswhen do colorscheme blue it works01:48
randompersonBeldar: Or shuld I upgrade from a cd to be safe?01:49
FreewheelinFrankyeah so is that the channel header or what?01:49
kingplusplusooh qin sorry have not tried others let me try01:49
qinFreewheelinFrank: it is topic.01:49
FreewheelinFrankis it topic official ubuntu support channel01:50
FreewheelinFrankspecialty nothing?01:50
Beldarrandomperson, I would image/clone the 12.04 than upgrade from the on board tools. However I never upgrade, but fresh install.01:51
FreewheelinFrankanyways, i want to install ubuntu on a usb drive 500GB from another USB thumb drive 16GB without having to reboot my home cpu running ubuntu01:51
randompersonBeldar: ok01:51
FreewheelinFrankthats not really support though?01:51
FreewheelinFrankjust to avoid inconvenience01:52
FreewheelinFranki am a total newbie01:52
qinHit it, mate.01:52
FreewheelinFrankam still looking for code dictionary01:52
qinRight, let me ask obvious, what code?01:53
FreewheelinFrank<qin> you talkin to me? oops01:54
qinFreewheelinFrank: Yes.01:54
FreewheelinFrank<qin> THANK BABY JESUS01:54
APhis name is jewsus to be historically correct01:55
qinFreewheelinFrank: leave children out of it01:55
FreewheelinFrank<qin> anyways, i want to install ubuntu on a usb drive 500GB from another USB thumb drive 16GB without having to reboot my home cpu running ubuntu01:55
APjesus is one of many scholarly translations01:55
FreewheelinFrank<AP>does that stand for Associated Press?01:55
APim the associated press01:56
APall up in ur biz01:56
APso tell me FreewheelinFrank01:56
qinFreewheelinFrank: Do you want to just clone it, or make new install?01:56
APwhat did you do today01:56
FreewheelinFrank<qin>for the love of god i need a new install but i'm tired, so tired01:56
FreewheelinFrank<AP>i worked like the dog i am01:57
APtell me more about this story Mr Dog01:57
FreewheelinFrankah yes01:57
APdoes ne1 here watch hectors house?01:57
qinFreewheelinFrank: Do you have Ubuntu iso? If yoyu do not want to download one, you can "clone" system form one usb to other using dd01:58
bazhang!ot | ap01:58
ubottuap: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:58
qinAll users of offtopic are grateful01:59
FreewheelinFrank<qin>no its al folders02:00
happyfr0ggHello! How can I be of assistance this evening?02:00
FreewheelinFrank<AP>oh no what have you done02:02
FreewheelinFrank!ot AP02:03
qinFreewheelinFrank: Well either you can simply download iso and install using Startup Disk Creator, or copy raw image from usb with installed Ubuntu to empty usb, more difficult method.02:03
FreewheelinFrank<qin>so how do i get that selection to show on bootup?02:04
qinFreewheelinFrank: You mean live CD menu, or grub menu?02:05
FreewheelinFrank<qin>grub i guess because this is after i restart the computer, before it gets me to a login screen.02:07
qinFreewheelinFrank: hold Shift while booting02:07
qinFreewheelinFrank: What do you want to do?02:08
FreewheelinFrank<qin>ok. yes i could in theory do that. but i don't want to reboot this computer. is that possible?02:09
qinFreewheelinFrank: Do you have internet access?02:09
FreewheelinFrank<qin>why do you ask?02:09
tamaraTaylor do you live in erie02:11
qinFreewheelinFrank: Because it takes 10 minutes for iso to get to your hdd from www.ubuntu.com, another 10-20 minutes for Startup Disk Creator to instal Ubuntu on usb drive02:11
Beldartamara, This is ubuntu support.02:11
FreewheelinFrank<qin>actually no, we are communicating telpathetically02:11
tamarasay i if you play minecraft02:12
Beldar!ot  tamara02:12
Beldar!ot | tamara02:12
ubottutamara: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:12
qinFreewheelinFrank: if you do not feel like waiting for download: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=146279202:14
qintamara: yeah02:14
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FreewheelinFrank<qin> thx02:17
tamarawho plays woozworld02:18
bazhangtamara, thats not on topic here02:18
bazhangtamara, for chit chat go to #ubuntu-offtopic02:18
tamaraoh ok what is topic02:19
bazhangtamara, ubuntu support only02:19
bazhangtamara, its the official ubuntu support channel, thats why02:20
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:20
tamarawell i dont care02:20
bazhangtamara, we do02:20
vanishingwell you can leave02:20
tamarai dont have to02:21
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, rww, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!02:21
vanishingyes you do02:21
tamarano in dont02:21
xar-where's that colbert popcorn .gif i've been saving...02:22
Xtremeasurehey guys finally got updated to 12.04, im having a problem though im trying to get the cinnamon DE to work and am having crashes on login can anyone help out ?02:26
pvl1Xtremeasure: any error codes02:27
pvl1check your logs02:27
pvl1check ~/Xsesionserrors02:27
pvl1or whatever the file is02:27
BeldarXtremeasure, That is a ppa desktop.02:27
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge02:27
pvl1thank one02:28
Xtremeasureyeah it looks like one of the libs for cinnamon is throwing an error and Beldar i understand in 12.04 this is a PPA but was hoping to scratch someones brain on the issue02:30
mmazingi installed Ubuntu GNOME 14.04 LTS alongside vanilla 12.04 LTS, and am trying to transfer application settings and whatnot from 12.04 -> 14.04, i backed up my 14.04 home dir and replaced it with 12.04, and there's a lot of jacked up stuff like window borders and colors and my application menu is wrong, obviously i killed some important settings02:30
Xtremeasureespecially since it is a repository install on anything passed 12.0402:31
mmazingso my question is -> what's a good way to move from 12.04 -> 14.04 gnome and keep settings02:31
BeldarXtremeasure, PPA's are not supported here as the bots message says is all.02:31
pvl1mmazing: what settings02:31
mmazingor do i need to go through .config and other directories by hand02:31
Beldarnot anything release past 12.0402:31
mmazingchrome settings, background, other application settings like steam etc02:31
mmazingi guess i should probably start over with wine, etc02:32
pvl1mmazing: id make your home folder a dir in your new home folder... and just copy . files02:32
pvl1er dirs02:32
pvl1idkdoing this never failed for me02:32
pvl1are you using the same DE as before02:32
mmazingpvl1: thanks, i'll try that, i just rsynced everything over to another folder and replaced everything02:33
mmazingjust .files it is02:33
Xtremeasureyes there is a release passed 12.04?02:33
xar-Xtremeasure: /join #ubuntu+102:34
bazhangmmazing, you can do a one step LTS-LTS upgrade path02:34
bazhangmmazing, what you are proposing is a HUGE amount of unnecessary work02:34
mmazingbazhang: i want to switch to ubuntu GNOME though, so would that still be possible?02:35
bazhangmmazing, yes02:35
Beldarmmazing, You can also separate your home to a partition in the future if not already done. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving02:35
mmazinghmm, ok, ill duplicate my 12.04 install partition and do an upgrade02:36
bazhangthe LTS will not show as available until 4/17 mmazing02:36
mmazingim going to separate out my home directory, however my 12.04 is encrypted and im not quite ready to mess with that02:36
bazhangpvl1, dont paste that here02:36
xar-just make a backup, if things melt down, who cares, restore from the backup.02:36
mmazingxar-: i've got plenty of space, i like to be able to take a break and go back to my regular install and contemplate solutions while the other sits there borked :)02:37
mgfoxhi, i have a question regarding ubuntu live cd02:40
mgfoxit just hangs at loading bootlogo02:40
mgfoxany suggestions?02:41
Beldarmgfox, and hangs means?02:41
bazhangcheck the md5sum mgfox02:41
bazhang!md5 | mgfox02:41
ubottumgfox: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows02:41
vanishingmgfox: try to add nomodeset before boot02:41
xar-pvl1: nice link lol02:41
mgfoxblack screen white text "loading bootlogo.."02:41
pvl1thanks cabe02:41
pvl1xar-: **02:41
xar-pvl1: although the efficacy of manuals very much depends on the experience of the user; for novices for example, man pages are terrifying.02:42
Beldarmgfox, Try the nomodeset option, checking the md5sum is a good check as well.02:42
pvl1xar-: i quickly fell in love with them. i think at one point i even knew how to search within a page02:42
pvl1but then forgot02:42
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter02:42
pvl1so i just google man pages xar- much easier to scroll and such02:43
mgfoxnomodeset option?02:44
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132  <--- mgfox02:45
mgfoxok thanks02:51
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peace2peacehi everyone,03:00
peace2peacethis news is true? http://itsfoss.com/facebook-to-buy-ubuntu-for-3-billion/03:01
bazhangit's april 1 peace2peace03:01
cfhowlettpeace2peace, there's a tradition in the USA = April Fool's Day03:02
peace2peaceau thank you,03:02
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AB49KIf you click on the read more page, it actually takes you to the wikipedia april fools page :')03:03
BeldarI was looking for the onion link, lol03:04
qincfhowlett: you did not ment to say that April Fools is American tradition, did you?03:04
cfhowlettqin, he asked about facebook buying ubuntu.  seemed to be the time to remind everyone what day it is.03:06
rwwcfhowlett: April Fools Day predates America existing, fyi03:07
cfhowlettrww, :-)  right right03:08
Artemis3and they would buy Canonical instead ;)03:08
lstefanilstefani> hello. how i can change a file with drwxr-xr-x 5 nobody nobody   to  drwxr-xr-x 5 root root? ok i run chown root:root file_name, but not work03:08
rwwnot sure why someone would want to do that, they're a money sink03:09
Beldarso was redhat at one time03:10
qinThey have edge.03:10
Genitrustweird... Ubuntu's website has instructions on how to put ubuntu (for installation) onto a USB stick...03:16
Genitrust...but does not include instructions for Linux users -.-03:17
Genitrustwait @.@ i found it03:17
utusanusb_creator is what you use03:17
Artemis3Genitrust, dd works03:17
GenitrustArtemis3, really? just dd the downloaded image?03:17
Genitrustthat was my first guess, but i really just wanted to find some verification03:17
Genitrusti saw the mac instructions... but the whole "disc image" converter made me feel like maybe dd from the iso wouldn't work03:18
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Genitrustmakes complete sense now... thanks guy ... i need sleep -.-03:18
Genitrusti guess i could just do this with the debian disc... hmm...03:19
Artemis3Genitrust, dd works with hybrid iso images, currently debian also works03:20
Artemis3Genitrust, you can also use unetbootin o multisystem03:20
GenitrustArtemis3, ok now an interesting question...03:21
Genitrustwell, what's unetbootin ? is it a bios thing?03:21
Artemis3its an app to put linux isos to usb sticks03:22
Genitrustright now i'm contemplating resizing the partition on my USB disk, and creating a new partition that's 512MB, and then booting from that partition. but then again, i know know how to select which partition i want to be bootable :(03:22
Genitrusti'm using gparted at the moment03:22
Artemis3there is a boot flag you can set03:23
Genitrust...in gparted?03:23
Genitrustoooh i see03:23
Genitrustnot sure how to change it to boot tho03:24
Genitrustah i see03:24
Genitrustthanks Artemis3 :)03:24
Genitrustgparted is pretty sweet03:24
leelondonhi guys03:25
leelondonhow are you all03:25
leelondonI'm installed mame in ubuntu03:26
leelondoni am having a still issue with mame03:27
cfhowlettleelondon, use the mame support channel and options.  this is ubuntu support and mame ain't ubuntu.03:28
sudormrfhey guys!  does anyone know of any way to get RSS working with transmission?03:29
leelondonleft the room guys03:29
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Xtremeasuresudormrf: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=158306403:30
sudormrfXtremeasure: flexget didn’t work for me03:30
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sudormrfXtremeasure: I set it up as described on that site, had my config verified in the flexget channel, but in the end it didn’t grab anything03:31
sudormrfXtremeasure: It never did look like the program was “running”03:33
sudormrfI don’t know how that was supposed to happen03:33
Xtremeasurei cant try this out myself until my dist upgrade finishes03:34
Xtremeasureso we are going to have to wait for someone else to chime in haha03:34
Xtremeasureyeah my applications menu is blank atm03:34
Xtremeasureor id be going through the steps myself to try to see where things werent working03:35
sudormrfXtremeasure: something to note, that post is from 2010 (I had looked at it when I set it up originally), you don’t need to use cron anymore03:36
Xtremeasurei saw, this upgrade shouldnt to to much longer now03:37
Genitrustdamn, my partition was 504MB, and when i did dd, i wrote 509MB to disk... lol03:37
Xtremeasureif your still around and no one else can help ill run through everything myself and see wflewget not working for transmissionppenshat ha03:37
Xtremeasurelol wtf03:37
cfhowlettkeonjeo, what is your ubuntu question?03:38
keonjeoI don't know how to use the chat application ?03:38
cfhowlettkeonjeo, and yet you ARE using it ...03:39
Xtremeasure! LOL03:39
Xtremeasurei facepalmed03:39
keonjeoright now ?03:39
Xtremeasurewhich application03:39
cfhowlettkeonjeo, yes, right now, otherwise we wouldn't be having this digital discussion03:40
keonjeothe chat application in the system03:40
sudormrfXtremeasure: haha ok03:40
sudormrfI am reinstalling it03:40
cfhowlettkeonjeo, what exactly do you want to do with your chat application???03:40
Xtremeasureok sudormrf sorry i cant help much more right now haha03:41
keonjeohow can i find my friend in the Xchat03:42
keonjeowho can tell me03:42
tristan_ubuntu español??03:43
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Xtremeasurexchat is an irc client is your friend a member of a specific server?03:43
ubottuTristam,: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.03:43
sudormrfXtremeasure: no worries :)03:43
cfhowlettGuest77664, /join #ubuntu-es03:43
Beldarkeonjeo, contact them and ask what channel and nick they use on what irc network.03:44
Guest77664hola, alguien ha configurado la tarketa "Usb Kworld Plus TV"??03:44
keonjeoo . i see03:44
cfhowlettGuest77664, !!!===>>>    /join #ubuntu-es03:44
sardiorEkiga error Could not register (Globally not acceptable)  I've gone through the forums and found nothing that could fix this error.03:45
ubunterAny one have PXE boot experience using Ubuntu server?03:46
cfhowlettsardior, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ekiga03:46
cfhowlettubunter, if not here, ask in #ubuntu-server03:46
ubunterok thank you03:47
sardiorI've been through that one. I'll look again03:47
ubunter_Any one have experience PXE booting with Ubuntu server?03:51
ole__where can i get help for programming in ubuntu ?03:51
cfhowlettole__, #python03:52
ole__i can make some small c programmes in my terminal03:52
ubunter_ Any one have experience PXE booting with Ubuntu server?03:52
ubunter_Beldar do you have experience PXE booting?03:53
Beldarubunter_, Getting help here is based on your statement of the issues, to the channel.03:53
ole__cfhowlett thanks but then i shal learn python03:53
Beldarnot asking the "anyone" question03:53
ubunter_After completing Ubuntu installation through PXE booting, the client has no internet access, what would cause that issue?03:54
cfhowlettole__, there are hundreds of "c" programming resources.  choose one03:54
Xtremeasureubunter: how are you trying to connect to the network03:55
ole__cfhowlett yes but not in graphic statement thanks03:55
ubunter_It's connected using ethernet port to my router.03:55
sudormrfXtremeasure: working now.  not sure why it didn’t in the first place :)D03:56
geomyidae_I have two identical monitors. Windows uses the exact same configuration for both: 2560x1440 @ 60hz. One over HDMI, one over displayport.03:56
geomyidae_But in Linux, nvidia only allows me to output 1080p over HDMI. How can I force modeline for ONLY the second monitor, and make it be the same modeline it uses for the DisplayPort?03:56
Xtremeasuresudormrf: sometimes things happen that way ;) its all good glad you figured it out03:56
sudormrfhaha yeah :D03:56
ubunter_I have worked on this issue for weeks, I have used PXEdust, FOG and still same result.03:57
ubunter_I thought I needed my PXE boot server to be configured to a DNS server and I did that but still same result as well.03:58
Xtremeasureubunter_: hmmm03:58
cfhowlettjrry, what is your ubuntu question?03:59
jrryis there anyone how can help me with jackd03:59
cfhowlettjrry, ask in #ubuntustudio or #opensourcemusicans04:00
jrryI am running ubuntu studio and lexicon alphia04:00
bazhangtry #jack jrry04:01
jrrynew to this04:01
sudormrfis it safe to delete something from the /run/ directory?04:01
ubunter_Ok so here's the steps I took. 1. Configured DHCP server 2. Install tftpd-hpa inetutils-inetd 3. Made Configurations for those tools 4. Download Ubuntu 12.04 ISO 5.Extracted and put proper files into proper directories. 6 PXE boot and installed Ubuntu 7.No internet access after installation is complete04:02
Stanley00sudormrf: no. why do you want to do that?04:02
sudormrfStanley00: even if said item doesn’t exist on the system anymore?04:03
ubunter_Where could I have gone wrong in the steps?04:03
Stanley00sudormrf: can you give an example?04:03
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sudormrfStanley00: sure.  Installed program from github.  realized program didn’t work how I wanted.  removed most traces of it.  found an empty folder for it in the /run/ directory04:04
Stanley00sudormrf: mostly, /run is tmpfs, and will be cleaned when reboot. So basically, you don't need to clean it up manually.04:05
jrrycan some help me with jackd04:05
sudormrfStanley00: ah.  ok :)04:05
bazhangjrry, ask in #jack04:05
sudormrfStanley00: out of curiosity, are you aware of a way to cleanly remove things installed from github?04:06
sudormrfsomething like git remove or something04:06
ubottugit is a distributed revision control/software code management project created by Linus Torvalds. For more information, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Git_(software)04:06
kyigood night04:07
sudormrfcfhowlett: first of all, link is bad because closing parenthesis is not part of the link.  second of all, that doesn’t answer the question.  but either way, I manually removed the program :).04:07
sudormrfwas just curious if there was a more elegant way to remove things cloned from git04:08
Stanley00sudormrf: well, I mostly used package from repos. If I need to install from source, I'll look at its makefile. And about the *runtime generate files*, and user config files, there no way I can clean it.04:08
sudormrfStanley00: ic.  yeah, was just hoping there was some sort of uninstaller I was overlooking.  didn’t see anything in the man page for git.04:09
Stanley00sudormrf: actually, git is just a version control, it CANNOT install or uninstall software. You just can get source from git, build, and install. And the install/uninstall job is done by the author of the source.04:11
sudormrfStanley00: gotcha04:12
sudormrfthanks again :)04:12
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fhassanCan I undelete all contents of an ext4 parition. I did 'select all' and 'shift-delete' through nautilius but never overwrote anything on it.04:43
Guest90297any body can help me to configure mY "USB KWORLD PLUS TV"?04:44
ubottuSome tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel04:44
p014kIs it possible to have a terminal window open by default in every workspace? Could be on startup rather than on-switching to a new workspace, although this would be a preferred method.04:45
Guest90297anybody know about UBS KWORLD PLUS TV?04:47
Guest90297sorry, thanks04:47
Guest90297anyone know about UBS KWORLD PLUS TV?04:48
ubottuGuest90297,: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/04:48
Guest90297thanks, just wanted to correct my question04:49
dhaval2712How do you set the default runlevel?04:50
BeldarGuest90297, you don't question, you state the issue for help.04:51
bazhang!hcl | Guest9029704:52
ubottuGuest90297: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection04:52
BeldarI know it seems logical to ask thoughh. ;)04:52
cfhowlettGuest90297 > http://www.ubuntuask.com/q/answers-can-anybody-help-me-to-make-kworld-ub445-q-tv-tuner-work-58547.html04:52
Guest90297let me see04:53
Guest90297my usb its detecting as /dev/video1, but its not sending signal in tvtime04:57
CarlFKp014k: you might not care ... did you know ctrl alt T opens a terminal?04:58
CarlFKI used to make sure I had short cuts to launch a term until I found that04:59
Guest90297before someone had helped me set it up perfectly, but I could not save pordesgracia that information04:59
Guest90297but unfortunately04:59
snufftdoes anyone know what the grep command is to just search the files in the current directory? ie, not all subdirectories?04:59
vanishingls | grep?05:00
snufftactually, just found it. grep 'text here' *05:02
p014kCarlFK: Yes, but it'd be nice to able to have it open by default.05:05
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black_laprasPokemon on Google Maps :D05:09
cfhowlettblack_lapras, ask your ubuntu support question?05:10
black_laprasI am running Xubuntu in Virtual Box, but my internet speed is less than what I receive in Windows machine. After googling, I tried various permutations of network adapters in the VM settings. I get a max of 30KBps when I easily get 80KBps on the normal machine.05:13
JCM83how do I set the keyboard shortcut for "up one level" in Nautilus? Like to use backspace to go up?05:23
bobfoxmmm, interesting idea.05:23
bobfoxnothing in nautilus preferences?05:24
JCM83It used to be backspace now it's alt+up05:24
chillibiteis there a free email providor that has smtp and imap plus only uses free software?05:24
JCM83bobfox https://www.linuxdistrocommunity.com/videos/?user=quidsup&id=2Birudyo3fs05:26
bobfoxi have no idea what those links are. therefore, i will not click them.05:26
mrgoodcatchillibite: could host your own. you're going to have a rough time finding an email provider like that05:26
bobfoxsorry. security paranoia.05:26
mrgoodcatbobfox: it's about changing the keyboard shortcuts in nautilus05:26
JCM83bobfox it's a tutorial that walked me through it05:27
JCM83there's another one for changing the keyboard shortcuts in gedit too05:27
goose00014000Does anyone have any Note/Journal/To-Do List sort of programs they can recommend that can store the data locally rather than in the "cloud" (ie Evernote) and that is both compatible with Linux and Windows?05:27
JCM83ohhhh bobfox these are all in ~/.config/APPNAME/accels05:27
bobfoxok. do not use nautilus myself. all console stuff here.05:28
bobfoxi use mc.05:28
JCM83Man how do you do that?05:28
JCM83I really rely on the GUI to give me a sense of the structure of the system, I can't imagine working all by console.05:28
JCM83Do you have to like do meditations or something to get your head there?05:28
mrgoodcatgoose00014000: what sort of features are you looking for?05:29
bobfoxhead is in there when i wake up in the morning.05:29
bobfoxnever leaves.05:29
mrgoodcatcloud is  a big part of the advantages programs like that have. otherwise they can be replaced with vim and files05:29
JCM83Jesus that's like a samurai thing man05:29
JCM83I am like totally not that dedicated to linux05:29
Beldar!ot | JCM83 bobfox05:30
ubottuJCM83 bobfox: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:30
JCM83Beldar sorry, what'd I do wrong?05:30
bobfoxno idea man.05:30
bobfoxhitler joined i think.05:30
cfhowlettJCM83, bobfox if we can keep the discussion on ubuntu support, please.  that IS the channel topic.05:31
mrgoodcatJCM83: i think the outburst was not appreciated by beldar05:31
bobfoxoh right, moving on then.05:31
JCM83I see, even though it seemed relevant to me because I was excited about bobfox's level of mastery, it was off topic. I apologize.05:31
bobfoxeverything seems off topic in here.05:32
bobfox<rolls eyes> anyway, not to dwell on it.05:32
JCM83It's off topic if you are not actively nerding in an ubuntu *project*.05:32
JCM83What is signified by "kubuntu" "lubuntu" "xubuntu"?05:34
ubottuJCM83,: !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, !Xubuntu and !Lubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu.05:34
mrgoodcatkde, lxde, xfce05:34
dhruvasagarHey when I full-screen my terminal there is some space left over like here - http://i.imgur.com/DfdRHp7.png05:34
dhruvasagarhow can I fix that ?05:34
mrgoodcatdhruvasagar: you mean at the bottom?05:35
dhruvasagarmrgoodcat: yes05:35
bobfoxpress F1105:35
mrgoodcatthats because your terminal font size doesn't evenly divide into the # of vertical pixels05:35
mrgoodcatthere isn't enough room for another row of text05:35
dhruvasagarmrgoodcat: wow, hmm05:36
dhruvasagarmrgoodcat: so I should play around with font-size?05:36
mrgoodcatyou could play with your font size to add another row, or just leave it05:36
mrgoodcatit happens on my screen too05:36
dhruvasagarmrgoodcat: thanks!05:36
JCM83dhruvasagar how do you do that?05:36
dhruvasagarJCM83: do what ?05:37
JCM83dhruvasagar manipulate the font size in terminal05:37
bobfoxJCM83: you honestly never use your terminal?05:37
dhruvasagarJCM83: terminal settings, or I could even go change font size system wide05:38
mrgoodcatJCM83: it depends on what terminal emulator you use05:39
JCM83bobfox dude not if I can help it.05:39
mrgoodcatJCM83: that's too bad. the terminal has a lot of useful tools that the gui sometimes can't match05:40
JCM83dhruvasager how would you do that? I can't find "settings" in my terminal.05:40
SonikkuAmericaBut in Linux the terminal is a Thing®!05:40
dhruvasagarmrgoodcat: s/can't/never05:40
JCM83mrgoodcat yeah I can tell I'm just overwhelmed by what I experience as the counter-intuitiveness of the commands.05:40
Simotek-Workwe should be encoraging people that they don't need to use the terminal if they don't want05:41
Simotek-Workwhy should your average user need the terminal?05:41
mrgoodcatJCM83: linuxcommand.org05:41
bobfoxJCM83: terminal console usage and remembering the commands comes with experience too. and bash completion helps too!05:41
JCM83what's bash completion?05:41
bobfoxSimotek-Work: what the definition of average?05:42
mrgoodcati agree with Simotek-Work. most average users won't want to use the terminal05:42
bobfoxJCM83: bash completion completes the rest of the terminal command for you.05:42
meonkeyswhat does "Hardware" mean in "Hardware and maintenance updates" on http://www.ubuntu.com/info/release-end-of-life ?05:42
mrgoodcatif the gui tools can be improved to the point where cli isn't neccesary that would be great05:42
ksuhku"Unless you have opted out we will send your keystrokes to third parties including: Facebook, Twitter, BBC and Amazon." -- http://www.ubuntu.com/privacy-policy   For the whole list of third parties, see http://www.ubuntu.com/privacy-policy/third-parties05:43
bobfoxtype "mkdi" and press TAB and it will enter the rest of the command for you, as "mkdir".05:43
Simotek-Workbobfox take all the people in the world that use computers if you rank them in technical competence from 1 to 100 any user who is ranked between 30 and 70 is average05:43
bobfoxthat is bash completion.05:43
ussher_I have my local server which had ubuntu-server on it.  Then I installed media-buntu onto it.  now the default boot up is media-ubuntu.  How do I get the server to be the default. (been trying messing with update-grub but not succeeding)05:43
bobfoxmost shells have it.05:43
dhruvasagarmeonkeys: it means they will stop supporting older hardware (for drivers etc)05:43
bobfoxSimotek-Work: not convinced. but will give it to you.05:43
meonkeysdhruvasagar: ah, so they'll still do software security fixes (for instance), but if something is failing because the hardware is too old, that might be too bad.05:44
dhruvasagarmeonkeys: those would be part of 'maintenance updates'05:44
meonkeysk. makes sense, thanks05:44
Beldarussher_, Boot to the servers command line and run sudo grub-install /dev/sdX   X is the HD no partitions05:44
ussher_thanks Beldar, trying now.05:45
ubottuksuhku,: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, rww, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!05:45
Beldarussher_, Thne run sudo grub-update05:45
Beldarussher_, sorry sudo update-grub05:46
meonkeyshttps://fixubuntu.com/ <-- nice!05:46
bobfoxBeldar: common error.05:46
elkyksuhku: this is a channel for technical assistance, not political stunts.05:46
ksuhkuelky, consider that a public service announcement05:46
Flannelksuhku: It's generally frowned upon to come into a channel and spam links, however partially topical they may be.05:46
Flannelksuhku: This is a support channel, not an announcement channel.  If you'd like to have a discussion about ubuntu, please go to #ubuntu-offtopic, thanks.05:47
ussher_fantastic. worked a charm Beldar05:47
Beldarussher_, Cool, now you know the secret. ;)05:48
bobfoxelky: wow, you're still around. lol05:48
somsipksuhku: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/03/ubuntu-make-amazon-product-results-opt-unity05:48
ksuhkusomsip, thanks, I know of that promise, we'll see how it goes05:48
ussher_much appreciated.  psu blew up this morning. so its a fixing day today.05:48
somsipksuhku: so, time to stop with the repeateded whinging in here then05:49
Beldarhard to argue the truth to someone who just spams the channel with fud, don't waste your time05:49
JCM83bobfox Bash completion doesn't appear to be running on my terminal console? I didn't even know there *were* multiple options for a terminal console.05:49
ksuhkusomsip, I think it's time to stop then Canonical has made it opt in, no sooner05:49
bobfoxJCM83: sudo apt-get install bash-completion05:50
BeldarThey are well into the nick banning area at the least05:50
bobfoxJCM83: there are hundreds of different shell syntaxs.05:51
bobfoxbash most common.05:51
scarrzgreetz... just testing out the new lts final beta can anyone tell me how to get rid of the funky panel behaviour in gnome-session-fallback (compiz) ... it tkaes forever to load and the panel disappears when I try to shange workspaces05:51
scarrzmy bad typos05:51
cfhowlettscarrz, support for 14.04 = #ubuntu+105:51
scarrzoops sorry05:52
JCM83bobfox "already the newest version"05:58
JCM83so I guess I'm just not knowing how to turn it on?05:58
bobfoxJCM83: then you should have bash completion. tbh, i have never heard of it 'not working'. EVER!06:00
bobfoxyou could try this: rm ~/.bashrc06:00
bobfoxand retry it.06:01
CryptoSiDhi, im seeking for a way to monitor a command, everytime that command is used, id like to get mailed06:01
CryptoSiDwhatsthe best method to do this06:01
bobfoxCryptoSiD: what command you want to monitor?06:02
CryptoSiD*coind sendtoaddress06:02
CryptoSiDso in fact everytime *sendtoaddress* is used, in bash06:02
CryptoSiDid like to get mailed06:02
CryptoSiDwith the entire command, so wallet name + amount at end06:03
CryptoSiDand also sendmany06:03
bobfoxnot too sure what you're trying to achieve with that actually.06:03
CryptoSiDis it important?06:03
bobfoxmight have to write a script for that.06:04
CryptoSiDyeah i guess but i dont code:D06:04
bobfoxto give you a correct answer, then yes.06:04
bobfoxit is important.06:04
xar-more bitcoin fluff presumably, totally unsupported here.06:04
CryptoSiDi want to know everytime someone use the sendtoaddress command06:04
Simotek-Workyou could hack up something using the sendmail command06:04
CryptoSiDwhatever the coind is06:04
CryptoSiDbitcoind litecoind mazacoind06:04
bobfoxnothing interests me here.06:04
bobfoxas soon as you mention bitcoin, i am out.06:05
xar-indeed, try #ubuntu-offtopic perhaps CryptoSiD06:05
CryptoSiDok thx06:05
xar-an army of people wasting electricity crunching pointless numbers, gotta love it ha06:06
starhunterdpkg: error processing mysql-server (--configure):  dependency problems - leaving unconfigured No apport report written because the error message indicates its a followup error from a previous failure.                           Errors were encountered while processing:  mysql-server-5.5  mysql-server E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)06:07
starhuntersome 1 help me fixing the mysql prob06:07
bobfoxanother process in running, by the looks.06:08
bobfoxdpkg in use already.06:08
starhunterwat do i do then06:09
bobfoxhave you tried "sudo apt-get install -f06:10
JCM83bobfox okay how do I use bash completion?06:10
bobfoxJCM83: bash completion completes the rest of the terminal command for you.06:11
bobfoxtype "mkdi" and press TAB and it will enter the rest of the command for you, as "mkdir".06:11
bobfoxor any other command.06:11
bobfoxtype "apt-" and then press TAB twice. it should present the apt- options for use in the terminal.06:12
starhunterresult of 'install -f';Use 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them. 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 655 not upgraded.06:12
bobfoxstarhunter: so do that.06:12
JCM83bobfox did you know that that did not come mentioned on my ubuntu manual06:12
JCM83because I am not using an ubuntu manual and in fact I downloaded it on the internet and had to look up what "ubuntu" means06:13
starhunteri did it says: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 655 not upgraded.06:13
bobfoxnow try the installa again.06:13
bobfoxJCM83: what manual?06:13
JCM83bobfox yeah that's my point06:17
ubottuThe Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/06:22
=== Kitar|st_ is now known as Kitar|st
JCM83I'm trying to save a configuration change in gedit's "accels" file and gedit (which I'm using to edit it) says I don't have permission to save that. Is this because I have that file open?06:23
dev_lupDid you try to edit in sudo mode?06:24
mrgoodcatNo. Linux doesn't lock files the same way windows does06:25
JCM83dev_lup I don't know how to do that, I only know how to get into sudo mode with the terminal.06:26
JCM83dev_lup how do I edit in sudo mode with gedit?06:26
dev_lupyeah. so go to the folder where the file you want to edit is, via terminal06:26
cfhowlettJCM83, sudo gedit ...06:27
dev_lupand then type sudo gedit <filename>06:27
JCM83cfhowlett if I do that I can't figure out how to find the .config for my own normal user's home.06:27
cfhowlettJCM83, use file manager to see the file.  drag and drop to the the filename to terminal06:28
JCM83cfhowlett file manager? Nautilus?06:28
cfhowlettJCM83, yes06:29
JCM83jesus christ that actually worked06:29
cfhowlettJCM83, you'll to specify the save location06:29
=== BrandonS is now known as BrandonB
JCM83Yeah I copy-pasted my custom accels file from a gedit that was me to a gedit that was sudo and then I saved it as sudo06:31
JCM83this is voodoo06:31
cfhowlettJCM83, I actually checked yesterday ; no such command as "voodoo"06:31
JCM83"voudoun" is in a french repository I use06:32
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
JCM83Anyone recommend an ubuntu app for tweaking system audio playback?06:41
toZenJCM83: what kind of tweaking do you after?06:42
JCM83toZen I want to apply some algorithms to the overall playback ranges. Particularly I want to auto-balance when playback is hot.06:43
SpaceRatCan anyone help to write this in a way that bash understands it? -> for TOOLCHAIN in ${${ZIEL}}; do06:44
q0whats ZIEL06:45
SpaceRatq0: ZIEL is a variable containing the values "router" and "settop" -> ZIEL="router settop"06:47
SpaceRatq0: then there are variables router and settop containing a list of toolchains being either for routers or for settop-boxes ..., e.g. router="fritz72xx fritz73xxOS60"06:48
=== vector_ is now known as haxin
SpaceRatq0: so obviously I expect TOOLCHAIN to loop through "fritz72xx fritz73xxOS60"06:49
SpaceRatq0: rather than through "router settop"06:49
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=== makije|away is now known as makije
demozhello,im having problem with BIND server,it resolve domains really slow http://paste.ubuntu.com/7188496/ can anyone help me out ?07:05
tiblockHi. Where i can see list of shortcuts like "tailf" for "tail -f" and "ll" for "ls -l"?07:05
somsiptiblock: type 'alias' in a terminal07:06
demoztiblock .bashrc in your home07:06
tiblocksomsip, demoz, thank you. No "tailf" but "ll" there. Thank you.07:07
* haxin takes his .bashrc everywhere with him07:07
* demoz hate BIND,it is so slow on lookups :(07:07
haxini hate when im on a differnt install and im used to my own and dont hav it07:08
demozhaxin i wonder what custom aliases you are using :)07:09
haxinlol oooh dirty aliases its all lolcat format and pr0n words07:10
pirateserbHello! What is the kernel version in Ubuntu 14.04 at the moment?07:10
haxinlol shit theres an ubuntu 14aklready07:10
haxinive been away too long07:10
IdleOnehaxin: Please keep the language clean in here07:10
haxinshit i dont even know what ium on now07:10
haxinuname -a07:10
haxinwrong teminal07:10
SwedeMikepirateserb: 3.1307:11
pirateserbSwedeMike, 3.13.0-19?07:12
SwedeMikepirateserb: +2007:12
SwedeMikepirateserb: -2007:12
Haix64hi. is upstart gonna be replaced by systemd in 14.04?07:12
pirateserbSwedeMike, thanks07:13
ubuNoobhi guys I tried to install ubuntu but couldn't see "free space" when i choose "something else" option. All i see was http://i57.tinypic.com/11uyo9u.jpg  and i did shrink 89GB of memory for ubuntu as shown on alot of the youtube tutorials i have watched. Please anyone have any idea why i cant see "free space"07:19
elyolospeak spanish?07:19
FariokoWhat was the utility for streaming Windows applications to Linux? :-)07:20
BeldarubuNoob, What windows version is there?07:21
BeldarubuNoob, Can you in the terminal run sudo parted -l and pastbin it.07:21
ubuNoobBeldar windows 7. All in one packbell. I have C drive and D drive. Also when I did crtl + Alt + T i couldnt get the command line to pop up07:22
BeldarubuNoob, "i couldnt get the command line to pop up" what dies that mean?07:23
bazhanggnome-terminal I think he means07:24
bazhangctrl alt T07:24
=== soee_ is now known as soee
ubuNoobBeldar it means i can't run sudo parted -l because i dont have commandline because i am still in the installation process07:24
BeldarubuNoob, not much I can do then, if you have a install going, hope that is gpt, as you have 4 primary partitions.07:25
ubuNoobBeldar how can I reduce it to 3 so i can get the "free space" option? Please guide me07:26
BeldarubuNoob, I don't know at this point what the HD is gpt or msdos so I'm hesitant to advise without that info.07:27
Beldar1 mb partition makes me think gpt, normally that sda1 would be about 200mb07:28
Beldarif msdos07:28
curiousxhello there07:29
BeldarubuNoob, Did you replace W8 with W7?07:29
=== curiousx is now known as Chuck_Norris
andromeduckHi, I'm having an issue with OpenGL - nvidia something?07:30
andromeduckXFCE won't boot a07:30
andromeduckand I don't quite understand the /var/logs07:30
ubuNoobBeldar nope i got my all in one packard bell pc about 3 years ago before I started university and Windows 8 wasn't out at the time if I can recall.07:30
andromeduckhoping someone could help07:30
Chuck_Norrisanyone knows a command line to switch between my sound cards?07:31
ubuNoobBeldar also does it count my USB stick as a primary partition? as I can see it does when on the partition screen07:32
BeldarubuNoob, the usb would be sdb I see only sda07:33
BeldarubuNoob, Have you imaged/cloned the W7, or have good backups and a install media?07:33
Chuck_Norrisi using openbox, and...  i don't have any GUI program for that, to switch between sound card y gotta log out and log in to Unity or Cinnamon session -.-07:33
andromeduckChuck_Norris, alsamixer?07:35
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ubuNoobBeldar I have done a backup of the windows. my D drive is where my backup is stored07:36
Chuck_Norrisandromeduck,  didn't work alsamixer07:36
andromeduckum pulseaudio also has a terminal one07:36
andromeduckcould try that07:36
Chuck_Norriswith alsamixer you can switch between sound card but you can only configure them, not switch on the fly07:36
BeldarubuNoob, C and D are not drives here, they are partitions, nor do the letters mean anything we use the partitions info.07:37
Chuck_Norrisyeah, i saw a little abount pulse audio, but i didn't find a command line on internet, that's why i am here, maybe some of you guys had the same issue as me :p07:38
Chuck_Norrispulseaudio command line interface*07:38
BeldarubuNoob, If that is a msdos drive and you added more than 4 primaries by trying to install, it is now dynamic, ubuntu wont run in a dynamic setup.07:39
ubuNoobBeldar but thats not the right way to install ubuntu07:44
BeldarubuNoob, ?07:44
Beldarwhats not07:44
ubuNoobBeldar any ideas how to find the other 2 partitions?07:44
axsuulAnyone know of a script that I can use that returns diskspace usage, ram usage, etc?07:45
BeldarubuNoob, We see them in your image, the command I gave you would give details needed.07:45
ubuNoobBeldar i mean on the windows side seens i cant run commands on ubuntu because i dont have it install07:45
jm123@ubunoob: Do you have a live disk?07:46
BeldarubuNoob, Hmm, very conflicting info, you said you were installing.07:46
BeldarubuNoob, Is this a wubi install?07:47
ubuNoobBeldar you see http://i57.tinypic.com/11uyo9u.jpg that is my screen07:47
ubuNoobBeldar what is a wubi install?07:47
BeldarubuNoob, right and that would be from a live cd/usb install.07:48
ubottuWubi allows you to install or uninstall Ubuntu 12.04 LTS from within Windows ( version 7 or earlier ) in a simple and safe way. Wubi is INCOMPATIBLE with UEFI, Windows 8 Certified computers, and Windows RAID arrays. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for more information. File wubi bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug07:48
BeldarubuNoob, ^^^^^^^^^^07:48
=== cheesecakes_ is now known as cheesecakes
ubuNoobBeldar yes am using a usb. I will tell you what i did maybe it might help07:48
BeldarubuNoob, I doubt it, I can't seem to get the info I need anyway, others here are going to be better in communicating with you, more patient anyway. ;)07:49
jm123@ubunoob you can reboot, choose "try ubuntu" instead of install.07:49
jm123Then run the commands that Beldar gave you so that he can help you.07:50
jm123Otherwise you're going to be way lost in the sauce, man.07:50
Beldarjm123, Fir the record this user has 4 primary partittions.07:50
ubuNoobBeldar when i first started i choose "install ubuntu inside windows 7" this option caused my pc to restart and i did it twice. After that i was told to try the "something else" option but i couldn't find "free space" do you think because i choose "install inside windows 7" this might have create 2 partitions?07:50
=== Administrator is now known as Guest43970
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BeldarubuNoob, What exactly led you to this "install ubuntu inside windows 7" info, it would only see possible with a wubi, a ubuntu install from windows.07:53
jm123Beldar: I think he might mean beside not inside.07:53
jm123Ubunoob: please clarify this.07:53
jm123Because as far as I know. there is no "install inside" from the live cd. That's what wubi is for.07:54
Beldarjm123, it has been that way through the who;e help process, I can't help, and have to double guess, is all.07:54
BeldarubuNoob, I'm not going to be able to help you others will.07:55
jm123Beldar, I can see that.07:55
jm123so ubunoob, what type of pc are you trying to install linux on.07:55
ubuNoobjm123 and Beldar (1) when you click on install you are giving 3 options normally it is 1) install ALONG SIDE windows by in my case it was "install inside windows"  (2) replace windows 7 with ubuntu (3) something else.                  I didnt ready carefully when i clicked on "install INSIDE windows and i did this twice.07:59
cristian_cI've typed sudo fsck.msdos -aw /dev/sdc108:00
jm123what model pc are you using, ubunoob?08:00
cristian_cnow I can mount the micro-sd card, but folders and files are empty and have got strange names08:00
cristian_cwhat can I do?08:01
cristian_cAny ideas?08:01
ubuNoobjm123 it is a Packard bell all in one pc LA6524 UK08:01
jm123okay, it's not a uefi based system which makes things easier. are you trying to keep your install of windows?08:04
toZencristian_c: what for you've decided to use fsck?08:05
cristian_ctoZen, to mount the microsd08:05
toZencristian_c: fsck is for checking file system. to mount smth have to use mount oprtion.08:07
ubuNoobjm123 windows will be for my kids useage while ubuntu will be for my own use08:07
htlovei'm newmenber ubuntu08:08
htlovei need anyone help to use effec08:08
toZenhtlove: so?08:08
Beldarhtlove, Is english your native language?08:09
cristian_ctoZen, I was told here to use fsck08:09
jm123ubunoob, are you still able to boot into win7?08:10
toZenBeldar: it's doesn't matter if person ableto explane issues, pal08:10
cristian_ctoZen, I got some errors in dmesg08:10
cristian_cnow not anymore08:10
Beldarhtlove, Cool, than can you clearly say in a sentence what you need help with.08:10
cristian_cafter this command08:10
BeldartoZen, And answering with so is what.08:11
cristian_ctoZen, now it's mounted, but I don't know because I see folder and files empty08:12
brontosaurusrexwhat is that right side of keyboard called in ingluoso? numerical-side or what is the exact name?08:12
toZencristian_c: pastebin <mount> and <lsusb>08:12
jm123bronto: you mean the number pad?08:13
ubuNoobjm123 yes08:13
brontosaurusrexjm123, is that the official name?08:13
Garo_I'm running ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS and I have a problem that something re-sets an lvm device read-ahead to 4096 sectors (2 megabytes) even if I set it manually with blockdev --setra 32 /dev/dm-2. This reset happens during normal operations (not after boot). Any ideas what might causing this?08:13
toZencristian_c: what the <df -h> says?08:14
brontosaurusrexjm123, numeric keypad ?08:14
jm123ubunoob: what partions are actually being used by win7. i want you to record the size of these.08:14
jm123this way we can figure out which partitions are still necessary, and which ones we can get rid of.08:15
jm123bronto: sounds good to me.08:15
andromeduckwell I just fixed my issue, apparently OpenCV's deps wreck havoc with Intel Mesa08:15
ubuNoobjm123 give me a few minutes please while i get into windows08:17
Beldarbad idea08:17
Beldarwindows will not show all the partitions08:18
jm123i just want to see which ones are being used by windows so none of his files are being deleted.08:18
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Beldarjm123, Can you read the bootscript? I would want that myself, it answers many questions needed here.08:23
Beldarnot everyone goes that route though08:24
jm123the win bootscript?08:24
ubottuBoot info script is a usefull script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).08:25
Beldargenerally helpful in boot issues, but it does give an accurate outline of important issue08:25
jm123ah, okay. we can send him into the live disk and have him execute that script.08:26
cristian_cHere is the paste: http://pastebin.com/yDn0ALfn08:31
cristian_cDoes anyone know something?08:31
cristian_cAny ideas?08:31
KyouReeUs4nfoGaro_: how did you find out about this problem? I have no clue what could cause it but I am curious to find out how you even realized that this problem exists. Any clue in logs for instance?08:32
=== Guest28254 is now known as ko_lo
Garo_KyouReeUs4nfo: I run a mongodb instance on top of the LVM volume and the performance crawls to halt if the readahead is set to 4096 sectors.08:36
Garo_KyouReeUs4nfo: blockdev --report shows the readahead08:36
cosmindoes anyone know if it's possible to create a transparent bridge config between two routers, the first being used only for pppoe hardware offload?08:38
ubuNoobjm123 are you still they?08:42
ubuNoobjm123 here the part of what I can see. How will i tell which are the 4 primary partition? http://tinypic.com/4duloa5g08:45
Lukas00anybody know of a way to use facebook chat in the terminal?08:47
KyouReeUs4nfoGaro_: Please pastebin output of 'sudo blockdev --report', quick question for you: don't we change these parameters while manually setting up the partitions and not after partitions are setup?08:47
ubuNoobjm123 http://i57.tinypic.com/11uyo9u.jpg08:49
darkreaperIs anyyone there?08:50
* AB49K is hiding08:50
k1l_!rootirc > darkreaper08:52
ubottudarkreaper, please see my private message08:52
Garo_KyouReeUs4nfo: https://gist.github.com/garo/0e5eac9f9c09523ea600 (it's the /dev/dm-2 where the problem is)08:52
Garo_KyouReeUs4nfo: but now when you mentioned, could it be that lvm re-sets the readahead? I've currently just tried to set it manually with blockdev --setra after I have created the lvm, but should the correct way be that I set it when I create the logical volume?08:52
KyouReeUs4nfoGaro_: I would think so, yes08:53
KyouReeUs4nfoGaro_: still looking at the output, brb08:54
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darkreaperhas anyone got any latest linux package?08:55
KyouReeUs4nfoGaro_: what happens if you try 256 instead of 32?08:55
k1l_darkreaper: better ask more specific questions with info about what ubuntu exactly and what software etc.08:56
darkreaperhow to not use irc as root?08:56
k1l_darkreaper: how did you start irc?08:56
darkreaperxchat.....it did give ,e a warning08:56
Stanley00darkreaper: login as a normal user, and do not use sudo/gksu ?08:57
Garo_KyouReeUs4nfo: I haven't tried. the 32 is optimal to me (32 * 512 byte sectors == 16KiB) because it matches the size in which mongodb operates. anything larger would most probably result in worse performance as my db access patterns are heavily random08:57
DJonesdarkreaper: You're logged in to your system as root, thats you've logged into irc as root08:57
k1l_darkreaper: are you loged in as root? ubuntu doesnt have a enabled root account08:57
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darkreaperwell I don't really understand the difference..and no I didn't use sudo08:58
k1l_darkreaper: which ubuntu do you use exactly?08:58
darkreapernot exactly ubuntu08:59
k1l_ok, there is the problem08:59
Stanley00darkreaper: well, backtrack use only root account, that's the problem :(08:59
darkreaperSo not a bad thing is it?09:00
Stanley00darkreaper: well, very bad if you cannot understand it :D09:00
KyouReeUs4nfoGaro_: okay, I was just wondering if it would automatically change that value to 4096 if you tried 256 instead of 32, that is all.09:00
unopasteArek_ you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted09:00
DJonesArek_: Stop09:00
k1l_backtrack is a not supported spin off from ubuntu. it makes changes to ubuntu, like running as root, which ubuntu does not support.09:01
DJonesdarkreaper: Its not something thats recommended or supported for Ubuntu, the main backtrack support channel is #backtrack-linux you'll get more approriate support in that channel09:01
darkreaperGaro : What are you talking about?09:01
Garo_KyouReeUs4nfo: could be. But thanks about pointing me out that lvm also has setting for readahead. I'll investigate that road =)09:01
darkreaperGot it09:02
KyouReeUs4nfoGaro_: It was nothing but accidental. np09:02
=== PriceChild is now known as Pricey
Garo_KyouReeUs4nfo: ok, it seems that my snapshot script does something which sets the readahead back to 4096. Now it should be easy to track down and fix for good =)09:06
RudyValenciaWhen I'm using any X desktop (MATE, KDE, LXDE, XFCE, etc.) my cursor gets stuck for about a second at the edge of the screen. Why is this happening and how do I stop it?09:06
=== bluewolf is now known as Bluewolf
KyouReeUs4nfoGaro_: similar issue is reported here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16715961/mongodb-readahead-warning09:13
CaptainHeavyHey everyone.  I've picked up a dropbox daemon init.d script from the net and have had some issues with it.  Currently this line: "if [ -z $dbpid ]; then" is throwing this error: "line 43: [: 4982: binary operator expected"09:14
CaptainHeavyI've been looking for what -z does in an if conditional on the net but can't find anything about it09:15
BluewolfHi all, I have a Gigabyte Laptop which has double keys so that one can use the numeric keypad, the problem is that my keyboard is typing numbers and not letter. Anyone know how I can fix this problem?09:15
PriceyBluewolf: num lock?09:16
Ben64CaptainHeavy: probably a better question for #bash09:16
BluewolfPricey: Sadly its not as simple as that, the Numberlock key is the same as insert. Insert is set as the first key.09:17
CyborgCygnusIs there any more information about Ubuntu for Mobiles & Tablets then what is already on the website? I find it lacking in specifics such as release dates, if there will be images/installers for putting them on old devices, if they will even support old & new devices or if any companies have already released devices with it?09:17
Ben64Bluewolf: usually laptops have a "fn" key for extra options, like using the key as numlock instead of insert09:18
WannaBeGeeksterCan anyone tell me how to make NFS export directories underneath the primary export path?09:18
RudyValenciaWhy does my mouse pointer freeze when I click on/near an edge?09:18
WannaBeGeeksterLike my export is here /home/test and I want to be able to map /home/test/123 without having to export everything09:18
BluewolfBen64: It has an Fn key next to the left ctrl key but its not doing anything when I press it?09:20
WannaBeGeeksterThat key usually requires a special driver or piece of software running to make it work right09:21
CaptainHeavyBen64: cheers bud :)09:21
BluewolfBen64: Okay the Fn button works if I hold it down it allows me to enter keys like L, K, I, O, M. As soon as I let it go then the keys become numbers again?09:23
Ben64then you probably need to hit the numlock key09:23
KyouReeUs4nfoBluewolf: which keyboard layout did you choose when you set up your OS?09:24
Ben64Bluewolf: you're on linux mint?09:24
cristian__cThe server has disconnected me09:25
cristian__cHas anyone answered to me?09:25
=== cristian__c is now known as cristian_c
BluewolfKyouReeUs4nfo: I put us but its been working for a while without a problem.09:25
ActionParsnipcristian_c: i can see you...09:26
BluewolfBen64: Yeah, but I can't get onto their support channel. I guessed it should be a similar setup to Ubuntu, if not would you mind moving onto the offtopic channel?09:27
Viking667hullo all. is there a way to do a configure of screens aside from the default applications provided with gnome-control-panel?09:28
Ben64Bluewolf: a tip - just because you can't get to the proper channel for your topic doesn't make it on topic in #ubuntu. It is deceptive to come in here and ask for help with non-ubuntu systems and potentially can cause problems09:28
Viking667I'm wanting to modify facets of a display and add screenmodes that Xorg isn't showing at the moment.09:28
ole_oz6ohsomebody here there have tried miro??09:30
bazhang!info miro | ole_oz6oh09:31
ubottuole_oz6oh: miro (source: miro): GTK+ based RSS video aggregator. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.0.4-1 (saucy), package size 799 kB, installed size 3741 kB09:31
bazhangwhats your precise question ole_oz6oh09:31
cristian_cActionParsnip, ?09:31
ole_oz6ohbazhang  hello my problem is i can't download video only music09:31
BluewolfBen64: Understood then to not be deceptive would you mind I pm you or move to offtopic.09:32
bazhangole_oz6oh, video from where09:32
bazhangcristian_c, repeat your issue to the channel please09:32
ole_oz6ohi must speak about it here  hi hi09:33
ole_oz6ohbazhang you know a very good place to get progamms  hi hi09:33
bazhangole_oz6oh, firefox has a video download helper plugin you might try if miro does not work well09:33
olalondewhy is Ubuntu "Debian based" ? what do they share in common exactly? the package format?09:34
cristian_cI've typed sudo fsck.msdos -aw /dev/sdc109:34
k1l_olalonde: the package format and alot of packages get pushed from the debian unstable repo09:34
ole_oz6ohi would download a bbc vidio09:34
bazhangolalonde, apt-get the package manager, .deb and more09:34
cristian_cnow I can mount the micro-sd card, but folders and files are empty and have got strange names09:34
cristian_cwhat can I do?09:34
cristian_cAny ideas?09:35
k1l_ole_oz6oh: bbc got country based limited access. so that is not legally possible if you are not in uk09:35
olalondek1l_: so in general, the debian repo is compatible with Ubuntu?09:35
ole_oz6ohbazhang can you run Skype ??09:35
bazhangole_oz6oh, depending on the format, the firefox video download helper might work09:35
Ben64olalonde: debian repositories should not be used in ubuntu09:35
bazhangole_oz6oh, I dont have skype sorry09:35
ole_oz6ohbazhang ok09:36
olalondeBen64: what if a package is unavailable in Ubuntu? would it work?09:36
k1l_olalonde: no. most packages get changed and made compatible with the other ubunut packages when the get pushed from debian to ubuntu09:36
Ben64cristian_c: can you pastebin the "strange names"09:36
bazhangolalonde, PPA or compile09:36
k1l_olalonde: see if there is a PPA09:36
bazhang!ppa > olalonde09:36
ubottuolalonde, please see my private message09:36
olalondewhat if you don't know how to make packages? :P09:37
k1l_olalonde: see if someone did that already: PPA09:37
olalondejust wondering what's the difference between debian and ubuntu packages09:37
bazhangthen get the PPA, as we just said olalonde09:37
cristian_cBen64, many names are meaningless, no letters or numbers, but symbols09:38
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bazhangolalonde, did you actually read the link given you?09:38
Ben64cristian_c: ok, so pastebin it09:38
todamoonbazhang: I know what PPAs are09:38
cristian_cOthers are fsck0000xxx09:38
cristian_cor similar09:38
cristian_cBen64, ok09:39
cristian_cBen64, http://pastebin.com/s94hbWag09:40
Ben64cristian_c: cool. so if none of the files contain any data then you'll have to reformat it09:40
buddhihey guys09:42
cristian_cBen64, I've created a .dd file09:42
cristian_cBen64, but I don't understand09:43
frogman1hi everybody09:43
cristian_cBen64, I've got data on this micro-sd card09:43
Ben64cristian_c: you used dd before you used fsck to make a copy of the card?09:43
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cristian_cBen64, yes09:43
cristian_cBen64, fsck has permitted me to mount the card09:44
frogman1i am an system engineer and I am working in a netwrok issue, I need help to solve a issue with DUP! packets09:44
cristian_cbut result is not very good09:44
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Ben64cristian_c: then you can use photorec to try to recover something from the dd file, might not work09:44
cristian_cBen64, are data missed?09:45
cristian_cwith fsck?09:45
frogman1anybody has had any DUP! problem in the past?09:45
Ben64cristian_c: yeah probably, which is why you made a backup beforehand09:45
* cristian_c cries09:46
cristian_cBen64, photorec is not very good09:46
cristian_cBen64, what other better can I use?09:47
Ben64cristian_c: stop crying and try photorec. if that doesn't work your data is lost forever, and you should learn to not trust flash media09:47
Ben64photorec is very good, why do you say otherwise?09:47
cristian_cBen64, I've tried in past09:47
Viking667I'm assuming there's already been an image taken for ddrescue to do its work?09:48
Ben64well, it works fine. must have been user error09:48
* Viking667 waves goodnight.09:48
cristian_cbut fi fsck has made damages, I'd like not to repeat them with photorec09:48
Ben64photorec doesn't write anything to the drive/partition/image file it is reading from, that'd defeat the purpose09:49
cristian_cconsidering that last year I tried photorec and it did irreparable damages09:49
Ben64thats not possible09:50
cristian_cand given that fsck did damage09:50
cristian_cBen64, I'd like to recover the partition from .dd file, and photorec is a muddle09:51
Ben64photorec works fine. if you want to continue arguing instead of trying what will work, go ahead, i won't participate any longer09:52
cristian_cBen64, but I've already tried09:52
cristian_cand I don't want loose data again :(09:53
Ben64then good luck, i'm done09:53
ActionParsnipcristian_c: why do you not have a backup?09:53
cristian_cI've stored in sd to save the data from the pc09:54
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cristian_c*I've stored data in the micro-sd card from pc09:55
Guest77926hi! how can i "chown u+rwx" and "chown g-w" in one only line without using numbers?09:56
jimbojambohi there, if the unity's preferences don't give a change.. what can i do, before the reinstalling the SO?09:56
=== Bro is now known as Guest33600
atrioomhi! when i put echos in shellscripts and start them with crontab, where do the echos go? how can I imagine this better?10:02
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jimbojambohi there, if the unity's preferences don't give a change.. what can i do, before the reinstalling the SO?10:02
jimbojamboatrioom , I think that all is explained in man crontab10:04
jimbojambohi there, if the unity's preferences don't give a change.. what can i do, before the reinstalling the SO?10:04
jimbojambohi there, if the unity's preferences don't give a change.. what can i do, before the reinstalling the SO?10:09
k1l_jimbojambo: can you be more specific? what do you try to change, where do you make the change,...10:09
jimbojambothank kill10:09
k1l_jimbojambo: and some changes need a relogin10:09
sliktsanyone know why I can't install firefox 29 from the firefox-next ppa?10:10
k1l_did you try: unity-tweak-tool?10:10
sliktsI do apt-add-repository ppa/firefox-next blabla and it adds successfuly, and then apt-get update, but apt-cache policy still shows only firefox 2810:10
sliktstalking about this: https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/firefox-next10:11
sliktsI'm on 13.1010:11
jimbojambok1l_ initially I try to set compiz to invert colours, because all that white creep my eyes10:11
ActionParsnipslikts: what is the output of:   apt-cache policy firefox    use a pastebin to host10:12
k1l_slikts: can you show the exact output of that commmands you entered to set the PPA ?10:12
jimbojambothere I made an error, so i recharged the default Unity settings10:12
sliktsActionParsnip: http://hastebin.com/malewijugi.avrasm10:12
k1l_jimbojambo: if you used ccsm you need to reset compiz, too10:13
=== curiousx is now known as Chuck_Norris
Chuck_Norrisaloha all10:13
sliktsActionParsnip, k1l_: here is the output from apt-add-repository http://hastebin.com/duyoqamoyo.vhdl10:13
Chuck_Norrisanyone knows a command to switch between sound cards?10:13
jimbojambok1l_ thank's but I halt and reboot many times from this all10:14
Chuck_Norrison the fly -.-10:14
tirengarfio__how to run skype in ubuntu 13.10?10:14
tirengarfio__I ahve installed but when I run skype it says command not found10:14
jimbojambonow Unity is usable, but not changeable10:14
hiteshtris it possible to install windows 8.1 along pre installed ubuntu10:15
Chuck_Norristirengarfio__, try apropos chat -.-10:15
k1l_jimbojambo: try that: sudo dpkg-reconfigure compiz10:15
ActionParsnipslikts: ok, read the version numbers,.....10:16
ActionParsnipslikts: the PPA has the same version number as the official Ubuntu repos, yes?10:16
Chuck_Norrisor write sky and tap twice the <TAB> key10:16
sliktsActionParsnip: no, it has 29 aka the beta aka next10:16
Chuck_Norristirengarfio__,  or: whereis skype10:16
sliktsActionParsnip: the ubuntu repos have just 2810:16
ActionParsnipslikts: your apt-cache output only shows 2810:17
sliktsActionParsnip: https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/firefox-next10:17
sliktsActionParsnip: that's the problem, it's supposed to be 2910:17
hiteshtrdual boot windows 8.1 and ubuntu ?10:17
jimbojambok1l_ and that is so frustrating, through the graphic system preferences and Unity tweak tool, too I try to set keyboard without any effect, and more the work spaces aren-t available. Thank-s for the command, I-m going to try10:18
ActionParsnipslikts: then contact the PPA maintainer10:18
ActionParsnipslikts: ahhh the build failed, check top right of the page10:18
sliktsActionParsnip: oh ok10:18
hussisome one help me.10:19
=== swaagie_ is now known as swaagie
Luyinhussi: you might want to state your problem first10:19
hussii don't know how to install idm on ubuntu??/10:19
Chuck_Norrislo), hussi intall jdownloader10:19
Chuck_Norrisit is better and opensource10:20
hussiluyin: how to install it:10:20
WannaBeGeeksterI hear wget works great10:20
Chuck_Norrishussi, and it have linux support :p10:20
hiteshtr?? can any one guide me about dual boot of win 8.1 and ubuntu ?10:21
hussichuck_norris: how to install??10:21
ActionParsniphussi: wget is easier to install and doesnt need java10:21
Chuck_Norrishussi, sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jd-team/jdownloader ; sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get install jdownloader10:21
ActionParsniphussi: or fatrat if you want one with a web interface (easier management of downloads over LAN and/or WAN)10:21
Luyinwget should already be installed imho10:21
k1l_!pm | jimbojambo10:21
ubottujimbojambo: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.10:21
ActionParsnip!info fatrat10:21
ubottufatrat (source: fatrat): multi-protocol download manager, feature rich and extensible via plugin. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.0~beta2-0ubuntu6 (saucy), package size 1407 kB, installed size 3132 kB10:21
hussiok thanks to all10:22
Chuck_Norriswget with rapidshare, megaupload, so on?10:22
hiteshtrany one read what i asked :(10:22
hussii m trying..10:22
ActionParsniphussi: install fatrat and run it, no java bloating the setup. If you enable the web ui and port forward on the router, you can set downloads going when you are out and about :)10:22
jimbojamboso .. i will reinstall ubuntu with no graphic ambience uhauhauha10:23
ActionParsniphussi: for IDM: www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8_P58fbB2010:23
k1l_jimbojambo: i dont really get your issue. why didnt you just change the theme in first place instead of making changes where you dont know what you do?10:24
hussithanks actionparsnip.10:24
Chuck_Norrishussi, it is all ok what ActionParsnip and other people could write to you, but what i wrote to you is the most easy way -.-10:24
hussiok i will try10:24
hussithank u alot.10:24
jimbojambok1l_ it's not the correct vision of the case, i think10:24
jimbojambobecause the main preferences is quite useless...10:26
Chuck_Norrisanyone knows a command to switch between sound cards? -.-10:26
Chuck_Norrison tha fly10:26
Guest0738Chuck_Norris:  pulseaudio -c x    (or:   alsamixer -c x)      Replace x with card number 0,1 etc10:29
ihreChuck_Norris: with asoundconf you can change your primary soundcard with 1 command (2 to be sure though) :p10:29
Chuck_Norrisoh! ty all of ya10:30
Chuck_Norrisboth* of ya10:30
atrioomjimbojambo: man crontab has only information about how to edit crontab and that you shouldnt edit the underlying files directly10:32
atrioomjimbojambo: unfortunately nothing about where echos in executed scripts go...10:32
swaagiecan I drop a (what I feel like) is a more general question related to screens than 14.04 here? kinda silent in the other channel :P10:32
Chuck_Norrisand... what do ya think about my art guys ? -.-  http://i.imgur.com/5vORVKQ.jpg10:34
sliktsanyone know why my numlock key doesn't work in 13.10?10:34
sliktsI can't turn on the numlock10:35
sliktsthe option to control mouse with keypad is off10:36
ActionParsnipslikts: does the system have a make and model, or is it a desktop?10:37
gabmushello everyone10:38
sliktsActionParsnip: it's a desktop, the keyboard is corsair vengeance k6010:38
ActionParsnipslikts: if you run:   xev   and press numlock, does it make events?10:38
sliktsActionParsnip: yes10:39
KyouReeUs4nfoChuck_Norris: Is that manually configured Openbox ?10:39
sliktsit even says Num_Lock there10:39
gabmusi have some minor problems with my grub: i recently installed in a separate partition of my main hdd kubuntu and now whenever i boot up i see kubuntu grub, not the one from ubuntu-gnome which is my main system. i tried running sudo update-grub in ubuntu-gnome, but nothing changes. how do i get to boot ubuntu-gnome's grub instead of kubuntu's?10:40
ActionParsnipslikts: ok at least its sending signals, does the input change when numlock is pressed etc?10:41
sliktsActionParsnip: I managed to enable it using numlockx(1)10:41
sliktsActionParsnip: nothing happens when numlock is pressed10:41
sliktsi.e., it's not toggled and remains off10:41
ActionParsnipgabmus: isnt it grub2 and grub2? How is it different?10:42
gabmuskubuntu's boots kubuntu first. also the changes made in /etc/defaults/grub aren't applied in ubuntu-gnome10:43
ActionParsnipslikts: you could use a keyboard key mapper and set that key to do the numlock function, it may just need to be told what your keyboard sends fo numlock.10:43
sliktsActionParsnip: this rather stinks10:43
ActionParsnipgabmus: why are you dual booting 2 identical OSes? You can install KDE in Ubuntu-gnome and select the session on the login screen.....10:43
gabmusdont worry about this, kubuntu is for tests with stuff. i dont want to compromise my main os plus i wanted to try kde out, this isnt the problem10:44
ActionParsnipslikts: are there any bugs reported?10:44
ActionParsnipslikts: sounds like the keyboard isnt sending standard signals to Xorg10:44
sliktsActionParsnip: none that I could find by googling10:44
ActionParsnipgabmus: ok, was just curious :)10:45
ActionParsnipslikts: then I suggest you report a bug10:45
endotermican use windows now10:45
endotermicjmsc: you can use windows now10:46
gabmuscome on, anyone=10:50
sliktsActionParsnip: the numlock problem is a known bug from at least 201010:53
gabmusim gonna say it again10:53
gabmusi have some minor problems with my grub: i recently installed in a separate partition of my main hdd kubuntu and now whenever i boot up i see kubuntu grub, not the one from ubuntu-gnome which is my main system. i tried running sudo update-grub in ubuntu-gnome, but nothing changes. how do i get to boot ubuntu-gnome's grub instead of kubuntu's?10:53
humbaggabmus: you'd want sudo grub-install <device> , run from the ubuntu-gnome side10:54
gabmusso sudo grub-install /dev/sda ?10:54
gabmushumbag: please respond10:56
ActionParsnipslikts: there you go then, weird signal from keyboard rather than standard signals10:56
sliktsActionParsnip: how come xev says it's Num_Lock then?10:57
humbag'the device which the bios will boot'10:58
gabmusdone, lets try10:58
gabmusthanks btw, brb10:58
Laurenceb__i have a problem, FAT32 files have time offset by an hour11:00
Laurenceb__anyone got any ideas how to fix this?11:00
ActionParsnipslikts: not sure, but looks like you need to manually map the key yourself....11:01
sliktsActionParsnip: joy11:02
gabmusit works, thanks :D11:02
sliktsActionParsnip: I only ever use the keypad for numbers, so I'll just leave it always on11:02
sliktsActionParsnip: I added `numlockx on` to xinitrc11:02
ironsquidhello. that is all11:06
gtuckerkelloggso i just set up a brand new dell workstation running ubuntu 12.0.4, but turning the monitor off (it's connected using the display port) seems to lose the connection entirely.  I can't wake the damn thing up11:06
ironsquidhave you tried an alarm clock?11:07
gtuckerkelloggi'm sure if i hit it with an alarm clock *something* would happen11:07
=== 21WAANBRG is now known as samuell
ironsquidare there any connection alternatives?11:08
ironsquidlike usb etc?11:08
logical_hey ppl how can i add a folder to the left side of "files" (files explorer)11:09
ActionParsniplogical_: use the bookmarks menu "add to bookmarks"11:10
ironsquidlogical you mean like add a favorite?11:10
ironsquidgive me one second... and I can tell you how to do that one it's been a while.11:11
rapid32if i get:  libudev0 : Breaks: libudev0:i386 (!= 175-0ubuntu9.4) but 175-0ubuntu9.5 is installed11:11
rapid32 libudev0:i386 : Breaks: libudev0 (!= 175-0ubuntu9.5) but 175-0ubuntu9.4 is installed11:11
rapid32what is wrong?11:11
ironsquidCRTL+D is how you add stuff11:12
ironsquidyou get that <logical_>11:12
logical_ActionParsnip: it doesnt allow me to add it, when i go to bookmarks--> add to bookmarks it is grey it doesnt work11:12
ironsquiddid you try ctrl+d?11:13
Laurenceb__is anyone here?11:13
Laurenceb__i have a problem with fat32 timestamps11:13
HfuyI have a cellphone here that does USB tethering to Windows laptops; is there any chance I can get this working on Ubuntu?11:13
logical_yes i did ctrl +d also dont work11:13
cfhowlettLaurenceb__, ask your ubuntu question.11:13
Laurenceb__they are defaulting to UTC11:13
logical_maybe i should start files as sudo?11:13
Laurenceb__how do i force them to local?11:13
ironsquidHfuy I run a droid off my laptop11:13
cfhowlettHfuy, what version of ubuntu and what kind of phone?11:13
Laurenceb__this means i cant sync with windows11:14
k1l_Hfuy: depends on that phone(or on the phone OS)11:14
Laurenceb__as the times are offset11:14
HfuyIt's a droid11:14
`rybanback :)11:14
k1l_!details | Hfuy11:14
ubottuHfuy: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)11:14
HfuyWell, the only thing I can add is that my other option is to use the wifi hotspot feature in the phone, which may be easier.11:15
k1l_Hfuy: in general thetering roks ootb with "droid"11:15
gtuckerkelloggironsquid, There's no HDMI, but there's a DVI. Same thing.  It just goes into power save mode.  Very weird11:15
cfhowlettHfuy, you need to use11:15
Hfuyk1l_: Well, I plugged it in, and it doesn't seem to work very well.11:15
HfuyI'm sure my ubuntu install will be seen as horribly outdated, but one could update linux weekly and be seen as horribly outdated, so :)11:15
k1l_Hfuy: sry, but without exact versions of "droid" and ubuntu we cant help you.11:16
HfuyI have no idea what version the phone is. I bought it yesterday, brand new.11:16
Hfuyit's a very basic one11:16
k1l_Hfuy: i just but my "droid" with usb cable in and it works. so just think of the details that are missing11:16
HfuyAn LG E410i11:16
cfhowlettHfuy, open an ubuntu terminal.  type cat /etc/issue              and report what it says11:16
HfuyWait one. Laptop is misbehaving.11:17
Hfuy"Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS \n \l"11:18
rapid32what can i do about: libudev0:amd64 175-0ubuntu9.4 cannot be configured because libudev0:i386 is in a different version (175-0ubuntu9.5)11:21
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HfuyOn another issue - is there anything I could conceivably turn off or down to speed this laptop up? It's just a little atom netbook and the full Compiz experience seems to be a bit much for it.11:22
cfhowlettHfuy, install lxde.  logout.  select lxde session.  login.11:23
k1l_!lubuntu | Hfuy11:24
ubottuHfuy: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.11:24
HfuyHmm, okay.11:24
HfuyI'm a bit cautious about installing things that are "not ubuntu" on the basis that the reason to use ubuntu is that it's fairly well supported.11:24
dw1Hfuy: http://www.howtogeek.com/107368/how-to-install-the-lightweight-lxde-desktop-on-ubuntu/11:25
cfhowlettHfuy, then install lubuntu = ubuntu + lxde11:25
cfhowlettfrom canonical11:25
ubottuHfuy,: !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, !Xubuntu and !Lubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu.11:25
HfuyI think this Ubuntu install may have died anyway. Can't get it to boot.11:25
* Hfuy delivers swift kick to laptop11:25
dw1i run lubuntu on a very low power netbook - runs good11:26
delkinDuring boot is it possible to have a service that changes the hostname before the network services are brought up? Is the file system still Read-only when the networking services run?11:26
HfuyProblem is, will this create horrendous compatibility problems with things like (for instance) USB tethering or running Open Office.11:26
cfhowlettHfuy, uh NO it will not.  open office runs fine on all official flavors of ubuntu.11:27
dw1its just a window manager on top of all the real mechanics11:27
HfuyOK, I might look at that11:27
HfuyRather fed up with being able to type five seconds ahead of the screen update.11:27
HfuyI mean, it's pretty, and all, but...11:28
dw1theres also the "No effects" ubuntu desktop you can choose from the login screen11:28
bgardnerLaurenceb__: Is this a removable drive, like a flash drive?11:28
HfuyI'm not sure how much of it is the desktop, and how much is otherthings.11:28
HfuyCertainly it's a bit sluggish with modern, heavy web UIs like Yahoo Mail.11:29
Hfuy(Though that's twelve kinds of terrible anyway)11:29
cfhowlettHfuy, you're running an atom notebook = low specs.  lubuntu and xubuntu are optimized for low spec hardware.  ubuntu is NOT optimized in that manner.11:29
HfuyIt's theoretically supposed to have some sort of nvidia graphics hardware in it which is presumably what's letting it do compiz at all.11:30
HfuyBut you're right, it ain't great.11:30
HfuyFrankly it's like it was under win7 ;/11:30
bgardnerLaurenceb__: Have you customized fstab at all, or are you just using the default mount options?11:32
tirengarfio__I have a blog here: http://www.mareva.es/noticias the problem: when I wan to share an article to facebook, the pre publish page is shown and it says something like: "amistades guadalajara club deportivo", I dont know why..11:32
ubottutirengarfio__,: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.11:32
cfhowletttirengarfio__, note: this is not facebook support.11:32
tirengarfio__cfhowlett, sorry11:33
cfhowletttirengarfio__, no worries11:33
Laurenceb__just default options11:35
MalsasaHello. Any clue for printer resetting in Linux? We can do it with resetter software on Windows. Any software or technique like that on Linux? Thank you.11:40
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bgardnerLaurenceb__: Well, I found the vfat option for 'tz=UTC', but it looks like you have to manually enable it for your problem to show up.  This option is new to me, perhaps someone else can comment?11:41
Laurenceb__bgardner: ok thanks anyway11:42
Laurenceb__ive added a cronjob to fix the timestamps11:42
Laurenceb__its very silly but its working, files are syncing to windows now11:42
ActionParsnipMalsasa: what does a 'resetter' do to a printer?11:43
rapid32what can i do about: libudev0:amd64 175-0ubuntu9.4 cannot be configured because libudev0:i386 is in a different version (175-0ubuntu9.5)?11:45
g105bI'm having trouble booting on my Intel NUC PC. Just installed Ubuntu 13.10 on a fresh mSATA drive -- isn't being detected as bootable. Something about UEFI?11:46
MalsasaActionParsnip: in Windows, you can stop blinking printer by doing resetting. Blinking printer means the printer won't print anything because the limitation value on it's EEPROM. The limitation sets by printer vendor, and the resetter software reset the value to zero. Only that what I know, Sir.11:47
ActionParsnipMalsasa: sounds like a bad printer, or a cheap printer11:49
MalsasaActionParsnip: no, almost all Canon printer has that habit. That is what I know. Look for "canon printer resetter" keyword on Google and you will see how useful is that. You don't need to bring your printer to service center to do it (and you save much money).11:50
* Malsasa sorry for my bad english, Sir11:51
OerHeksMalsasa, so you want to cancel the current printjob?11:52
MalsasaOerHeks: hmmm, I just looking for software for printer resetting, Sir. If you don't reset the blinking printer, you will never print anything. That is the characteristic of almost all Canon printers I know.11:53
* Malsasa correct me if I'm wrong, thank you...11:53
ActionParsnipMalsasa: Canon support Linux quite well, have you checked the Canon Europe site11:53
MalsasaActionParsnip: hm, thank you so much. But all of resetter software I have looked at Windows, are third parties. Canon won't make a resetter, I think. The main function of resetter is to avoid you to bring your printer again to the service center.11:55
OerHeksMalsasa, turn off and on again should do that11:56
OerHeksMalsasa, i can't find such option to reset your printer, only hold/cancel printjobs, open your browser and surf to localhost:631 #to manage printjobs and settings11:57
MalsasaOerHeks: no, no. Have you ever did a printer resetting on Windows? If resetting is as simple of that, there is no need a resetter to be. Resetting means rewritting the EEPROM of printer to zero value.11:57
stevenmhey whats the diff between using "http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty-security" and "http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu trusty-security"    ?11:57
MalsasaOerHeks: every you print a paper, the EEPROM value increase 1. Increase again, again, again until the limit value set by vendor. Nah, what to do if the limit reached? Resetting, Sir. The software named resetter.11:59
MalsasaOerHeks: thank you so much for your attention.11:59
OerHeksMalsasa, the only printcounter i know, could be in the printercartridge, there are hardwaretools to reset those, but the counter in your printer cannot be reset AFAIK12:00
MalsasaOerHeks: but look at resetter software for Canon, as example. Maybe you can google it. I found all printer technicians (not Canon official) on my country always use resetter to do it. And as result, the printer works again.12:01
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* Malsasa have google it for Linux (not Windows, Linux) but no one satisfy me. Almost zero result for "blinking printer" or "printer resetter" on Linux on Google, Sir. 12:02
ActionParsnipstevenm: trusty is supported and discussed in #ubuntu+1 only, til release day12:06
cfhowlettMalsasa, zero results probably means ... zero results.12:07
Malsasacfhowlett: then, any printer resetter for Linux, Sir?12:07
ubottuMalsasa,: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu12:08
cfhowlettMalsasa, start there ^^^12:08
yorwoshi guyz, im having this problem , https://launchpad.net/~brandonsnider/+archive/cdrtools , i add the repository but then when i apt-get install it says E: Unable to locate package cdtools , any hints ?12:08
yorwosive done sudo apt-get update12:08
Malsasacfhowlett: yes I know. I asked for resetter, Sir. Have you ever used it on Windows? For your Canon/Epson printer? Thank you.12:09
yorwosand it adding the repository was ok no problems12:09
cfhowlettMalsasa, for windows support, see #windows.  and I've never used a Canon because linux support is better on HP12:09
OerHeksyorwos, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade ?12:10
yorwosill try upgrade only update so far12:10
OerHeksall versions are supported, so it should be no problem12:11
yorwosi think that was it ;)12:11
yorwosno , still unable to locate package12:11
OerHeksyorwos, "says E: Unable to locate package cdtools " is correct, it is cdrtools12:12
yorwosi added the rep with this command sudo add-apt-repository ppa:brandonsnider/cdrtools12:12
yorwosE: Unable to locate package cdrtools12:13
yorwossame :/12:13
cfhowlett!info cdrtools12:14
ubottuPackage cdrtools does not exist in saucy12:14
yorwoson the web page it says it does https://launchpad.net/~brandonsnider/+archive/cdrtools?field.series_filter=saucy   -  cdrtools 10:3.01a22-0ubuntu1~saucy~cdrtoolsppa4 Brandon Snider (2014-01-22)12:14
ubottuyorwos,: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge12:15
cfhowlettyorwos, right you DID say ppa.  sorry I missed it.12:15
yorwosyorwos@linux1:~$ !info cdrtools12:16
yorwosbash: !info: event not found12:16
yorwos   ,12:16
yorwosi see12:17
stevenmIs there any reason to use security.ubuntu.com vs. archive.ubuntu.com that also holds security?12:17
bekksyorwos: "!info" is a trigger in here, in your shell, just use "info"12:18
NachtschattenI'm trying to install Ubuntu 12.04 Server (32bit), it works fine 'till after the part where it checks for the network interfaces. When that progress bar closes no other appears. Thus I stare at a purple screen from that point12:20
Malsasacfhowlett: then the conclusion is no resetter fo Canon and Epson on Linux? That is my point of question, Sir. Thank you.12:21
cfhowlettMalsasa, I can't offer you any more than I did.  keep asking in channel, someone else might know.12:21
Wayward_VagabondI'm ttying to killall proceses with .exe in them, but i seem to be doing something wrong12:21
cfhowlettNachtschatten, might want to move this to #ubuntu-server but first: you DID md5sum check the ISO, right?12:21
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JBtjeIs it possible for samba to stop working after upgrading to the latest kernel over ubuntu 12.04LTS?12:22
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Malsasacfhowlett: thank you so much, Sir. I asked it because it is very interesting. Truly I have never know any resetter for Linux. It would be great if any.12:22
Wayward_Vagabond"killall .exe" and "killall *.exe" don't seem to work12:22
* Malsasa thank you all for your responses here12:22
chalcedonyI have ubuntu 13.04, a new installation on my lenovo laptop. When i connect it to the wired lan it works fine. I go to wifi, and c12:23
chalcedonyarry it out of the room, and it loses the connection. the laptop worked fine on windows 8.1 with wifi, what can i do?12:23
NachtschattenNo, I didn't cfhowlett. I wanted to do that, couldn't find the page with the key ._.12:23
cfhowlettNachtschatten, wait 112:23
sliktsanyone here use xmonad with ubuntu?12:23
Wayward_VagabondWhat am I doing wrong?12:23
heinvdHi all, I have 13.04, dual screen12:23
sliktsI mean, anyone here use xmonad with unity?12:23
heinvdbut when my system goes to sleep the one monitor doesnt wake up12:23
heinvdone monitor runs on d-sub and the other on HDMI....  the hdmi does not wake up12:24
cfhowlettNachtschatten, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntustudio/releases/12.04/release/    this is for 12.04.  the LATEST release is 12.04.4 ....12:24
sliktsis there a desktop environment with a taskbar that works exactly like windows 7?12:25
NachtschattenThank you, cfhowlett. I'll check that out first12:26
ubottuNachtschatten,: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows12:27
stevenmslikts, the old gnome 2 (what ubuntu used to use before unity) isn't far off - look at the 'mate' project as they continue it12:27
sliktsstevenm: since when gnome 2 was like w7's taskbar12:27
sliktsstevenm: in gnome 2 you didn't launch software from the taskbar12:28
cfhowlettslikts, "exactly like windows 7" ?  no.12:28
heinvdany one any ideas on the monitor issue?12:28
Wayward_VagabondWhat's the proper way to specify a wildcard, or anything containing a given snippet for killall?12:28
stevenmwell I said it isn't far off... you *can* have a taskbar at the bottom with a start-menu like button and a tray area12:28
JBtjeMy samba server stopped, anyone can help me find out the problem?12:28
stevenmgnome 2 / mate can group windows together like the w7 taskbar12:28
sliktsstevenm: it is quite far off12:28
stevenmslikts, how?12:28
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ubottuJBtje,: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server12:29
sliktsstevenm: w7's taskbar is a launcher/dock, like unity's, while in gnome it's like in windows xp, just a taskbar12:29
sliktsstevenm: in gnome 2 that is12:29
sliktsstevenm: big difference12:29
yorwosok with info cdrtools something like a text book came uo with hundreds of pages12:30
stevenma 'launcher/dock' !? it's a damned taskbar  -  not an apple dock12:30
sliktsstevenm: in unity or w7+ it's also a launcher12:30
Wayward_VagabondErm, taskbar?12:30
stevenmslikts, you can have as many icons for it to be a 'launcher' as you like on gnome 2/mate as well12:30
stevenmi'm guessing you want something where the button a) launches it and b) clicking again brings up the open running copy12:31
sliktsstevenm: no that is like quick launch in windows xp, not like w7 or unity12:31
sliktsstevenm: yes12:31
Nachtschattenuhm, this ubuntustudio, is this the same as ubuntu server? o-o12:31
cfhowlettNachtschatten, oh snap.  I misread.  not the same at all12:32
cfhowlettNachtschatten, confirm: you have ubuntustudio 12.04?12:32
NachtschattenI have Ubuntu Server 12.04.4, cfhowlett12:33
stevenmslikts, sounds like you want something like this... http://www.webupd8.org/2013/03/dockbarx-available-as-xfce-panel-plugin.html12:33
cfhowlettNachtschatten, my apologies   http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/precise/daily/20140331/12:33
JuneDjangostudenanyone else here learning django :)12:34
sliktsstevenm: I don't want to deal with backwards crap like mate though12:34
stevenmslikts, well that article was for xfce actually12:34
cfhowlettJuneDjangostuden, see their site for support channels and options.12:35
sliktsstevenm: it works for mate as well12:35
NachtschattenIt doesn't seem to be correct. I'll redownload it and try again12:35
Guest17937someone knows what is the problem, when you are on logon screen, go on your password, and the system load, next black screen, and next reload the login screen again, and again, and again ?12:37
stevenmslikts, it runs standalone if you prefer - but i think it's only been integrated with xfce as a panel - not mate, the article is just for mate users12:37
JuneDjangostudentough to see the text is all same color12:39
cfhowlettJuneDjangostuden, #django for django support12:40
toZenGuest17937: login console with Ctrl+Alt+F1 then your login name and password after it <cd /home/your_user_name; rm -f .Xauthority .ICEauthority> <sudo shutdown -r now>12:41
NachtschattenStrange... both downloaded images have the same md5sum key, but not the one they are supposed to have <.<12:43
cfhowlettNachtschatten, more info ...12:43
Nachtschattenthey both give me 0081e57fb8c7e4094fb9767384f087c6 when the one on the website says cd895d4fa150c14eb534860c134e8765 , cfhowlett12:45
xeeHi, I was installing Ubuntu so first I used gparted to create and resize partitions and then I launched the installed, I found there's a 1 GB size difference (14 GB in gparted vs 15 in Installer), is this normal ?12:45
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jpdsstevenm: There is no difference.12:47
sliktsthe default image viewer is idiotic in not having hotkeys for functions like zoom12:47
stevenmjpds, didn't think so - also noticed that security,  archive and gb.archive are the same set of servers12:48
Nachtschattenperhaps I should've12:49
jpdsstevenm: Hmm, I can tell you with 100% certainly that trusty-security is the same across all archive servers.12:49
Nachtschattenmentioned I downloaded the isos through the menu tab server12:49
cfhowlettNachtschatten, see the server item:  http://releases.ubuntu.com/precise/MD5SUMS12:51
cfhowlettyou've a match for the 386 ISO12:52
NachtschattenThen it isn't a bad image which is causing the installation to stop? ;o12:53
cfhowlettNachtschatten, the download is good.  you might still verify your boot CDROM or USB ...12:55
SvetroidWould it be very difficult to multiboot 3 OSs if you already have a dual boot setup?12:57
Bucky21659depends, what do you want to add, Svetroid?12:57
SvetroidI was thinking some version of Mac, since I have w7 and ubuntu12:59
djangoJunieI tried installing ubuntu 13.10 on my new a4 400/gigbyte mb build total failure.12:59
cfhowlettSvetroid, and you're installing ON a mac?12:59
djangoJuniebut I got this version 12.04 running dandy12:59
djangoJuniemy main machines are macs12:59
cfhowlettSvetroid, no support here for hackintosh ...13:00
djangoJunieI have an extra 2007 macbook I want to try to see if I can get ubuntu 13.10 running perfectly13:00
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cfhowlettSvetroid, go to the hack resources - someone has tried what you're thinking13:00
k1l_!away > cmagina13:00
ubottucmagina, please see my private message13:00
djangoJunieI think somebody private messaged me before I got logged off13:01
cfhowlettSvetroid, why?  for the same reason apple doesn't support hackintosh = not the mission.13:01
djangoJunieI really liked 13.10 a;lot but it was too buggy to function I dunno perhaps I botched the install but this version is almost worry free13:02
Nachtschattenthe usb key doesn't seem to have the correct image, cfhowlett. What be the be13:04
Nachtschattenst method to write an image to an usb key?13:05
cfhowlettNachtschatten, reburn it.  unetbootin is the usual alternate if ubuntu usb-creator doesnt't work13:05
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djangoJunieI just burned a disc, seemed easier13:06
jellowHi there I've been trying to free space , can I remove the packages without ruining my system http://paste.ubuntu.com/7189571/ , Ubuntu 13.1013:06
zubuntuis there a tool to create bootable usb pen for 14.04 ?13:07
zubuntuusing now 12.0413:07
zubuntui need something like universal usb tool13:07
cfhowlettzubuntu, usb creator in ubuntu or unetbootin13:08
zubuntuthanks cfhowlett13:08
zubuntuis there option to test 14.04 without installing ?13:08
Nachtschattenlol, repeating yourself, cfhowlett ? =p13:09
ihrewhats wrong with using dd for creating bootable iso's ?;o13:09
cfhowlettNachtschatten, nope, just a common question13:09
Hamaryns_hi all, I am a somewhat experienced Linux user that recently switched from openSUSE to Ubuntu,. because I want to try it out.  I am setting up my new system and have some problems I’d like help with.  Here goes:13:09
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ubottugavinwu,: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw13:10
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Hamaryns_I have an SSD and a legacy hard disk.  Ubuntu is installed on the SSD, and I want /home to be on the other disk.  The installer did not do that automatically.  How can I get this fixed?13:10
ubottuHamaryns_,: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving13:11
philinuxHamaryns_;~ you could just use the legacy disk as a a data storage device.13:12
Hamaryns_thanks cfhowlett13:12
ubottuHamaryns: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html13:12
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zubuntucan i format usb pen with NTFS ?13:16
zubuntuin ubuntu ?13:16
zubuntuin my usb pen there is already ubuntu 12.04 installation13:17
Wayward_Vagabondzubuntu: gparted should be able to do it13:17
zubuntuhow will i format it and create 14.04 beta2 bootable ?13:17
Wayward_VagabondOh, you want to keep it as fat32 then13:17
ikoniayou don't use ntfs for that13:17
ikoniaand 14.04 discussion is in #ubuntu+1 channel13:18
jellowhi there I'm about to run apt-get autoremove, are these libs save to remove http://paste.ubuntu.com/7189571/ , Thanks13:18
zubuntuyes ikonia  but how will i format usb pen now ?13:18
ikoniajellow: that's up to you13:18
ikoniazubuntu: what do you mean how will you format it ?13:18
zubuntuwell to install 12.04 i created bootable usb pen earlier13:19
zubuntuand now i need to format it and create new one for 14.0413:19
ikoniazubuntu: right, so you need an active machine or bootable media to reformat it13:19
zubuntuyes ikonia  now i am on active 12.04 at the moment13:19
ikoniazubuntu: is that booted from the pen drive13:20
zubuntuno ikonia13:20
philinuxzubuntu;~ just use the startup disk creator13:20
zubuntuit s already installed13:20
ikoniazubuntu: then use that to format the pendrive13:20
zubuntui installed gparted13:20
philinuxzubuntu;~ no need to format the startup disk creator will sort it for you13:20
zubuntuphilinux:  will i search in appstore ?13:21
zubuntuwhere is  startup disk creator ?13:21
philinuxzubuntu;~ no Dash. just type in startup13:21
zubuntui m on gnome interface philinux13:21
zubuntunot unity13:21
ikoniathat seems unlikley13:21
ikoniaas 12.04 ships with unity13:22
`rybanwb guys13:22
philinuxzubuntu;~ ah ok it will be in the menu then13:22
zubuntui made session fall back13:22
sydneyJDykstraHas anyone here tried upgrading ubuntu to lubuntu,without reinstalling?13:23
zubuntufound it13:23
cfhowlettsydneyJDykstra, easy!  sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop13:23
sliktsdoes anyone here keep their ~/.cache on tmpfs?13:24
zubuntuit s creating13:24
zubuntuthank u philinux  :)13:24
philinuxzubuntu;~ it will ask for your login password right at the end to install the bootloader to the usb13:24
zubuntuhm ok then13:25
sydneyJDykstracfhowlett: No,I am running ubuntu 12.04 with lubuntu desktop,and I am wondering about upgrading to lubuntu trusty when it comes out.13:25
zubuntuso it s like gparted13:25
zubuntuhappy to see such tool preinstalled13:25
cfhowlettsydneyJDykstra, LTS only in software settings will do 12.04 to 14.0413:26
zubuntusydneyJDykstra: it will notice you when 14.04 ready to upgrade13:27
sydneyJDykstracfhowlett:  Can I use a flah drive to do it?13:27
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cfhowlettsydneyJDykstra, you just changed the question.  you said WITHOUT re-installing earlier, so why would you need USB?  direct upgrade 12.04 > 14.04.13:28
sydneyJDykstracfhowlett:  I thought you can upgrade using a flash drive.13:29
cfhowlettsydneyJDykstra, that would be a reinstallation, not an upgrade13:29
cfhowlettsydneyJDykstra, yes you can install 14.04 with USB13:30
* Yoshi2889 is doing so now :P13:30
zubuntuphilinux: it asked password in 45% O.o13:30
Yoshi288914.04 is the first version that actually boots on my UEFI-based laptop, awesome.13:31
bekks!anyone | slikts13:31
Yoshi2889For some reason the installer does not detect Win8 though, is that a known bug?13:31
sliktsbekks: eh13:31
zubuntui hope they put new icons into 14.04 :/13:31
bekksslikts: whats the actual question behind that? :)13:31
sliktsbekks: the question is whether it's a thing people do13:32
bekksslikts: so why do you want to know that?13:32
sliktsbekks: I have an ssd and 16 gb of ram and I want to move things to tmpfs where possible13:32
sliktsbekks: to reduce ssd wear13:32
ubottuMany Solid State Drives support TRIM, which allows the drive to do garbage collection and improves performance. See http://askubuntu.com/a/19480 for information on activating it.13:32
sliktsbekks: already moved /tmp and /var/tmp and ~/.cache/google-chrome to tmpfs13:33
Yoshi2889I'm currently using Custom to choose custom partitioning. By Mount point on the free space I created, do I choose / to put everything on that partition?13:33
bekksslikts: Unless your ssd is about 10y old, you dont have to worry about ssd wearing.13:33
cfhowlettYoshi2889, that is the normal13:33
Yoshi2889cfhowlett: What do you mean? Is it the default?13:34
cfhowlettYoshi2889, not the default so much as the usual way people do it.  NOT the only way ...13:34
sliktsbekks: I have even less to worry about when it comes to free ram13:34
bekksslikts: I dont get that context, sorry.13:35
Yoshi2889cfhowlett: Okay, so that should work fine? And would it be the only thing I'd need to create? Want to make sure before I do something stupid :P13:35
sliktsbekks: tmpfs uses ram13:35
cfhowlettYoshi2889, go for it ...13:35
Yoshi2889Awesome, lets go13:36
icebox_hey guys13:36
Yoshi2889Ah it mentions swap space13:36
raubHave a linux 12.04 desktop that is setup for kerberos auth13:36
icebox_can someone help me13:36
snoooophi all,  I try to create a bootable USB installation on my ma rEFitcbook, can anybody point me to some instructions on how to do this? I don't have OSX installed so I can't install  rEFIt13:36
raubUsually can login fromthe gui and text console fine13:36
cfhowlettYoshi2889, 2 times your ram ought to do it13:37
icebox_i have a lenovo thinpad with a smart card13:37
icebox_how can i run it13:37
icebox_on ubuntu13:37
Yoshi2889cfhowlett: I bet it would, 8GB and I never managed to get anywhere close to 6 on any Linux distro ;)13:37
snoooop* ma rEFitcbook    macbook   ,, sorry about that13:37
cfhowlettYoshi2889, 8 gb of ram?13:37
Yoshi2889Unity is awesome with touch by the way13:37
raubafter last reboot it is not showing a list of the kerberos/ldap users int he gui login screen but we can login as a kerberos user at the text login screen13:38
Yoshi2889Also, if on a laptop with Optimus and no Bumblebee is used, it will only use the Intel GPU right?13:41
bekksYoshi2889: yes.13:41
Yoshi2889Bumblebee is pretty crappy anyway last time I tried :P13:41
Yoshi2889Great effort, but I got 20 FPS in Minecraft whereas under Windows I get 200+13:42
Yoshi2889Hell the Intel GPU got 6013:42
bekksYoshi2889: try using nvidia-prime then.13:42
Yoshi2889Nah I'll leave gaming to Windows for now. I heard Wayland will at least support Optimus, not sure what Mir will do but I guess it also will13:42
cfhowlettYoshi2889, no mir before 201513:44
sliktswhy mir over wayland in the first place?13:44
Yoshi2889slikts: I was wondering the same, though Canonical wants one display server for all their platforms (phone, tablet, desktop) I guess13:45
Luyinslikts: because Canonical is going its own way13:45
Yoshi2889Any advantages of using the Intel driver stack over the Linux stuff built-in to the kernel?13:46
sliktsbooting 13.10 is just so damn slow compared to windows, ubuntu always gets stuck in the login screen for a while before all the graphics are displayed13:49
sliktsthis is on a fast ssd13:49
ActionParsnipslikts: you cansay that about any 2 similar products13:49
ActionParsnipslikts: why Firefox over Chromium? Why Gedit over Mousepad?13:49
ActionParsnipslikts: its just how they want to go13:49
UbOnecan i install gnome 3.12 in ubuntu 12.04 ?13:50
ActionParsnipslikts: are you running a switchable GPU?13:50
sliktsActionParsnip: yeah well typically there are reasons even for choosing between similar products13:50
ActionParsnipUbOne: there is a PPA but its not supported here13:50
sliktsActionParsnip: what's a switchable gpu? I have crossfirex with proprietary drtivers13:50
Yoshi2889UbOne: http://askubuntu.com/questions/439641/how-do-i-install-gnome-3-12-on-saucy13-10 < second result on Google13:50
ActionParsnipslikts: maybe its the proprietary drive loading slowly causing the hang....13:50
sliktsActionParsnip: could be, but the open source driver made my gpu howl like mad and show high temps13:51
Yoshi2889slikts: Switchable means that the system is able to jump from one GPU to the other, commonly found in laptops13:51
sliktsActionParsnip: my pc sounded like a vacuum after installing ubuntu until I changed the drivers13:52
sliktsit's not like they're even just choosing between products, but they're developing mir13:55
raubHow can I find out the configuration for the login manager, specifically what it is using to lookup network users?13:55
sliktsmaking the question about motivation even more pertinent13:55
sliktsI could give a very detailed why I choose the browser that I do over alternatives for everyday use13:56
Yoshi2889Huh, Software & Updates still shows my GT 750M though it runs on Haswell graphics according to the Details pane13:56
Yoshi2889Says it uses Nouveau13:56
=== crondd is now known as crond
zubuntuwhat s the gnome session fall back command for 14.04 _14:05
snoooop_I can't boot from the usb installer I created using "startup disk creator". Also I can't figure out how to inspect if my USB disk are OK.  then I run "mount" the disk have the path "/dev/sdb1 on /media/docker/43E3-B6E0"  . Is that right ?14:05
zubuntuhello _14:07
snoooop_zubuntu, hi14:07
zubuntui wanna try classic gnome look in 14.04 beta214:08
zubuntuhow can i install it _14:08
Yoshi2889zubuntu: Do  you mean GNOME 2 or 3?14:08
zubuntuyes Yoshi288914:09
Dev1LI'm running Linux Mint 16 and I have a proglem using LG 22" monitor14:09
Dev1LI see it under displays but there's no picture14:09
Yoshi2889zubuntu: Which?14:09
Dev1Lsource on monitor is correct14:09
DJones!mint | Dev1L14:09
ubottuDev1L: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org14:09
zubuntuYoshi2889:  i want top and bottom bar14:09
Dev1Lah, roger14:09
zubuntui think it s 314:09
Yoshi2889zubuntu: So 214:09
zubuntui am confused14:09
Yoshi2889Closest you can get is using MATE IIRC14:09
zubuntuwhat s the difference ?14:09
zubuntui dont want mate14:09
Yoshi2889GNOME 2 is not officially supported anymore14:10
zubuntui want gnome fall back session14:10
Yoshi2889What's wrong with Mate, it achieves the same?14:10
zubuntuthis unity shit making the screen narrower14:10
zubuntui dont like to see it14:10
Yoshi2889You might want to set your screen resolution correct then14:11
zubuntui like ambiance theme14:11
hmullerI have been having problem with DNS resolution on 12.04 install for awhile, it is a standard install on laptop. Any clues?14:11
zubuntuYoshi2889:  really it s annoying to see the unity at left14:11
snoooop_also then I inspect the USB disk in gpared I have two partitions, One fat32 and one 2mb unallocated. Is that normal ?14:11
zubuntui was able to use gnome fallback with 12.04 so what s the new command with 14.04 ?14:12
Yoshi2889zubuntu: Then install MATE, and set the theme to Ambiance14:12
Yoshi2889zubuntu: 14.04 does not have a fallback mode14:12
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zubuntuwhyy ??14:12
dw1gnome-desktop ?14:12
zubuntuwhy not ?14:12
zubuntuyes dw114:12
zubuntuwhy does ubuntu make so sharp changes ?S14:13
Yoshi2889gnome-desktop installs version 3.1014:13
Yoshi2889It's a bit heavy for when you only want the fallback mode14:13
Yoshi2889zubuntu: http://www.webupd8.org/2014/03/how-to-install-mate-18-in-ubuntu.html14:13
dw1im on gnome-session-fallback on 13.1014:13
hmullerAnyone know why 12.04 has DNS resolution problems?14:13
Yoshi2889Just go with that, it's next to the same as GNOME 214:14
zubuntui want this14:14
zubuntunot MATE ?s14:14
mistawrightis there an easy way to find a list of all svn users?14:14
sliktsf***** me, I was happy for a while after coming back to ubuntu, but now my chrome keeps becoming unresponsive, it either loads pages endlessly or doesn't let me scroll the pages or do anything14:14
dw1so im on gnome 2 then ?14:14
zubuntudw1:  how about on 14.04 ?14:14
Yoshi2889zubuntu: If you only look at that page, the *first* screenshot shows theming.14:14
dw1zubuntu: dont know yet im just learning with you :P14:14
sliktsit's unusable14:14
Yoshi2889dw1: You're installing a lot of stuff you don't need then.14:14
slikts`killall chrome` doesn't fix it14:14
Yoshi2889That reminds me, install chrome14:15
zubuntui want to report about gnome to ubuntu developer team14:15
sliktsfirefox is freezing as well14:15
Yoshi2889zubuntu: Don't bother, they removed it on purpose14:15
zubuntuwhy do they force us to use unity ??14:15
Yoshi2889They don't14:15
zubuntui dont wanna use unity14:16
Yoshi2889You're free to use any DE available14:16
zubuntui mean that silly dash bar14:16
hmullerSlikts, are you losing internet connection?14:16
sliktshmuller: no14:16
dw1so apparently im on gnome 3 then.. so just gnome-desktop in 14.04 then will be the same?14:16
zubuntugive me the smooth desktop with top and bottom bars like old days14:16
Yoshi2889dw1: gnome-desktop will pull in 13.1014:16
sliktshmuller: that wouldn't explain why the browser itself is becoming unresponsive, and why it loads without timing out14:16
Yoshi2889derp x214:16
Yoshi28893.10 :D14:16
dw1sounds fine14:16
zubuntudw1:   do u know session fallback command ?14:16
dw1im already using 3 so14:17
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zubuntuor flashback14:17
hmullerDifferent issue than me then, I keep losing ability to resolve addresses14:17
Yoshi2889zubuntu: You can install gnome-shell, but you're pulling in a lot of stuff you don't need14:17
sliktsso I've spent a day and a half setting up this os only to find out that it's unusable14:17
dw1Yoshi2889: why do you prefer gnome 2 over 314:18
Yoshi2889Ah damn, Chrome doesn't install on 14.0414:18
Yoshi2889dw1: I don't :P14:18
ActionParsnipzubuntu: install xfce, lxde or kde and you will probably have a smoother OS :)14:18
Yoshi2889I prefer 3 over 214:18
dw1Yoshi2889: why mate over gnome-desktop then14:18
Yoshi2889ActionParsnip: He doesn't want to14:18
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ActionParsnipYoshi2889: did for me...14:18
hmullerWhich version did you install slikts?14:18
zubuntui want ubuntu with top and bottom bars14:18
Yoshi2889dw1: I don't prefer Mate either :P14:18
zubuntui just want that14:18
sliktshmuller: 13.1014:18
Yoshi2889I prefer Pantheon from elementaryOS, but they're using old backbones14:18
ActionParsnipzubuntu: or install gnome-panel and log i to the new session, Cinammon is also availabel in the official repos14:19
Yoshi2889Kernel 3.2 IIRC14:19
dw1zubuntu: just install gnome-desktop for gnome 3 then imo :p14:19
hmullerYeah, I didn't like that version, too buggy14:19
zubuntualso i love ambiance theme14:19
zubuntudw1:  give me the command14:19
dw1zubuntu: i dont know what im doing tho i dont run 14.0414:19
ActionParsnipzubuntu: nobody is forcing you to use Unity...14:19
zubuntuis that too hard to remove dash and put top and bottom bar ???14:19
UbOnezubuntu: how about - auto hide left-bar from appearance-behavior and install cairo-dock14:19
zubuntuActionParsnip:  they do actually14:20
sliktshmuller: I guess I'll downgrade to 12.04 if this persists14:20
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Yoshi2889zubuntu: No need to get demanding, install either GNOME 3 and cope with having extra crap on your system or install MATE/Cinnamon/XFCE and get a similar experience14:20
zubuntui dont want any dock14:20
ActionParsnipzubuntu: no they don't I dont even have compiz on my system, no Unity, no gnome14:20
zubuntuYoshi2889:  that s what i mean14:20
hmullerThat would be my recommendation14:20
sliktszubuntu: your mom wants dock14:20
ActionParsnipzubuntu: install gnome-panel, log off, log in to the new session14:20
zubuntuthey force us to install unnecessary stuffs because they removed the best look ever14:20
Yoshi2889zubuntu: No, they moved on14:20
zubuntuslikts: watch your mouth !14:21
zubuntuu f.cking idiot !14:21
dw1zubuntu: there are many desktop styles just have to pick and use14:21
ActionParsnipzubuntu: no they don't. Only if you install teh default Ubuntu, you will get all the fluff and stuff they bundle. This happens in any OS you can name14:21
zubuntuis there an op here ?14:21
DJoneszubuntu: Please stop swearing14:21
hmullerWhat's the status of 14.04? Usable yet?14:21
zubuntuDJones:  look what he said !14:21
Yoshi2889hmuller: Running it here, seems stable enough14:21
zubuntu[14:20] <slikts> zubuntu: your mom wants dock14:22
sliktsYoshi2889: are you running the daily build?14:22
zubuntuban this a..hole14:22
Yoshi2889slikts: I grabbed Beta 2 and updated it14:22
ActionParsnipzubuntu: install xfce4, log off and use XFE, it is GTK based so will install very little, uses fewer resources than the default Unity session and doesn't use Unity14:22
Yoshi2889My VM runs a daily build and updated today, still workin14:22
hmullerYoshi2889, recommend it over 12.04?14:22
Yoshi2889hmuller: Definitely14:22
Yoshi2889Not as LTS yet (wait till stable) but it's definitely an upgrade over 12.0414:23
ActionParsniphmuller: 12.04 is great :)14:23
sliktsYoshi2889: do you think upgrading from 13.10 could work?14:23
Yoshi2889Does anyone know if there is like an "Open terminal here" extension for Nautilus?14:23
Yoshi2889slikts: No idea, I guess it should14:23
Hamaryns_hi all, since last upgrade to Ubuntu, I get the error message no mycroft.mozdev.org that openSearch plugins are not supported?  What is wrong?14:23
hmullerNo, I wasn't happy with 13.1014:24
Hamaryns_(in Firefox that is)14:24
dwrI am having issues with the BADSIG14:24
dwrAnyone know how to fix it?14:24
zubuntuis there an op here ????14:24
hmullerAnd 12.04 has consistent DNS resolution problems14:24
UbOneHamaryns_: new ff does not suppors the plugin, probably14:24
ActionParsnipzubuntu: ops are in the channel, yes14:24
dwrHash Sum mismatch14:25
zubuntuso why are they just watching some idiots insulting ????14:25
Yoshi2889Ah great, nautilus-open-terminal package works14:25
sliktszubuntu is a man on a mission14:25
dwrThis is on 13.1014:25
zubuntushut the f.ck up slikts14:25
Yoshi2889zubuntu: Probably because they have better things to do14:25
Yoshi2889Thank you14:25
zubuntufirst kick him and then me ok?14:26
zubuntube fair14:26
UbOneslikts is not having a pms14:26
Yoshi2889Huh, installing Chrome through dpkg works14:26
DJonesTime to move on and get back to support issues14:27
zubuntuUbOne:   he insulted dont protect him understand ??14:27
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ActionParsnipYoshi2889: isnt that how it's installed?14:27
xroHi, i just upgraded from 13.10 to 14.04... all works well but i have log in 2 times... Is it a known issue?14:27
Yoshi2889ActionParsnip: The Software Centre gave me an error14:27
Yoshi2889Dpkg installs it just fine14:27
dwrI am having issues with update manager.14:27
zubuntunow who will give me session fallback command for terminal ?14:27
ActionParsnipxro: 14.04 is only supported in #ubuntu+1 til release day14:27
sliktshere goes nothing, doing an in-place upgrade to 14.0414:28
ActionParsnipYoshi2889: software centre is rubbish imho14:28
Yoshi2889ActionParsnip: Yeah, prefer Synaptic. Still need to install it though, too lazy to do now14:28
sliktshah, the upgrade ended with a python error14:28
ActionParsnipdwr: can you give the full output of:  sudo apt-get update; lsb_release -a    use a pastebin like http://pastie.org to host the output14:28
sliktsOSError: Can not execute '/tmp/ubuntu-release-upgrader-8mgbdx/trusty'14:28
ActionParsnipYoshi2889: sudo dpkg -i filename.deb14:28
Yoshi2889Ah crap Ubuntu updated PHP to 5.5 :|14:28
Yoshi2889ActionParsnip: That's what I did :P14:28
xroActionParsnip, ok sorry!14:29
ActionParsnipYoshi2889: is how I install all debs, the text in the terminal is useful compared to the GUI tools which hide all the detail from you, not very good14:29
UbOne*wishes ubuntu was less heavy on cpu14:33
Yoshi2889UbOne: No issues here14:33
ActionParsnipUbOne: use LXDE, or ditch DEs altogether and use Openbox or Fluxbox on its own as standalone WM14:33
dw1My biggest prob with ubuntu is this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/159356 where it essentially freezes when memory fills up14:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 159356 in linux (Ubuntu) "System freeze on high memory usage" [Undecided,Incomplete]14:34
shubhamjainAfter installing cinnamon, FF became http://i.stack.imgur.com/2MteJ.png.14:34
dw1disabling encrypted swap didnt help14:34
Yoshi2889shubhamjain: looks like missing fonts or something14:35
dw1buying more ram helps a bit, but youtube commonly causes a freeze if i watch too many vids14:35
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* Yoshi2889 wishes the terminal was more readable, especially with apt14:36
Yoshi2889Yum is only so much more readable14:36
zubuntuslikts:  i installed new bigger dock for your mom do u wanna see it ?14:37
ActionParsnipYoshi2889: if you use terminal a lot, I recommend guake14:37
hoiheCan someone help me connect my Sony Xperia J's storage to my Ubuntu 12.04 PC? Using the USB cable, the PC does not seem to recognise the phone being connected, while the phone does recognise the presence of the PC.14:37
Yoshi2889ActionParsnip: Thanks, though I prefer having standard terminal windows :)14:38
hoiheI've tried using gMPT, but it freezes upon hitting "connect"14:38
hoiheDoes anyone know what the issue might be, or perhaps a workaround for putting my files on the phone?14:38
Yoshi2889Putting files on  your phone can be done with adb if you're up for that challenge14:39
Yoshi2889Reminds me I also need to set that up, since Windows 8.1 has no good HTC drivers14:40
Yoshi2889Android Developer Bridge14:40
Yoshi2889or Development14:40
Yoshi2889In a terminal, issuing "adb push MyFiles.zip /sdcard" will put the file on your SD card, if properly configured14:40
Yoshi2889My phone with MTP works fine though14:42
Yoshi2889You sure you have your phone enabled for data transfer @ hoihe14:42
ActionParsnipYoshi2889: it iuses the same terminal, it just hides and shows on keypress :)14:44
sydneyJDykstraWhy is it that whenever i try to boot ubuntu trusty from a CD, it shows a blank screen. I have it set correct in the BIOS,because it starts to boot from it.14:45
hoiheGot the PC companion thingy to appear, so apparently the computer does detect my phone, it just won't mount...14:45
Yoshi2889sydneyJDykstra: What's your GPU?14:45
ActionParsnipsydneyJDykstra: trusty support is in #ubuntu+1 until release day14:45
ActionParsnipYoshi2889: ^14:45
Yoshi2889hoihe: No notification on your phone?14:45
Yoshi2889ActionParsnip: Who says it's trusty?14:46
ActionParsnipYoshi2889: "i try to boot ubuntu trusty from a CD"14:46
DJonesYoshi2889: It was in the question14:46
fijalhow do I disable apport-python-hook14:46
ActionParsnipYoshi2889: clear as day14:46
Yoshi2889Sorry, my eyes are going backwards :P14:46
sliktsmore like crusty14:46
sydneyJDykstraActionParsnip: I am not sure of that. I am running 12.04 right now,and the bootable flash drive will work on other computers.14:47
Yoshi2889ActionParsnip: Guake won't start14:47
sydneyJDykstraActionParsnip: I will ask on #ubuntu+114:48
ActionParsnipYoshi2889: press ALT+F2 and run it, then use F12 by default to hide and show it14:49
Yoshi2889Oh on third attempt of running it it works lol14:49
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Yoshi2889"Create new Steam library on drive /boot/efi" Sounds like an awesome idea to me :D14:54
tucemiuxis it out yet?14:55
cfhowletttucemiux, no14:56
Yoshi2889Available as betas, yes. Officially finished, now14:56
Artemis3april 1714:56
magicohello how can install Development Tools ?14:56
tucemiuxhow long before it gets released? o.O14:56
magicoi have ubuntu 12 1014:57
Yoshi2889tucemiux: april 1714:57
Yoshi288916 days14:57
tucemiux12.10?!?  you're missing out buddy14:57
Yoshi2889magico: What development tools?14:57
daftykinstucemiux: you'd know if it were out 'cause there'd be me over in that corner there stuffing my face with the cake14:57
Artemis3i suggest you stick to 12.04 if you need older version14:57
tucemiuxYoshi2889, thanks, I'll start my own countdown!14:57
magicoYoshi2889 standard the essential14:57
tucemiuxYoshi2889, oh wait, april 17 greenwich time?14:57
magicotucemiux hoe i can make ?14:58
Yoshi2889magico: Well there are more tools available depending on what language you want to develop in14:58
novocharI have a service that I've created, but I don't want to continue to do /etc/init.d/myService start or service myService start each time I want to use it, I'd like it to start upon booting the machine. How do you make services which start upon booting a machine?14:58
magicoYoshi2889 en14:58
magicoor it14:58
Yoshi2889magico: That's not what I mean :P14:59
Artemis3package build-essential ?14:59
tucemiuxmagico, you can either upgrade or do a fresh install, if you want to stick with an old distribution I would stay with 12.04 like Artemis3 sez14:59
magicoi have solved14:59
Yoshi2889novochar: http://askubuntu.com/questions/9382/how-can-i-configure-a-service-to-run-at-startup14:59
novocharThank you Yoshi2889!15:00
ActionParsnipYoshi2889: what do you reckon to guake?15:01
Yoshi2889ActionParsnip: Not sure, seems nice15:01
Yoshi2889Though I bet I'll forget about it :P15:01
johan___1Nick AudioMatic15:02
ActionParsnipYoshi2889: no hunting around for the teminal window, just show and hide as needed :)15:02
Yoshi2889Yeah that seems nice15:02
Yoshi2889I'll try to make it my habit :P15:02
Yoshi2889Does not solve the problem that apt output is unreadable to say the least15:02
Yoshi2889Ah aptitude, that was the alternative I was hunting for15:03
Yoshi2889And again I wanted to launch a new terminal instance :D15:03
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ubottumarco__: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:32
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Night-hackshow can i set my tor socks proxy to bash ?15:41
Night-hackswithout any other software15:41
OerHeksNight-hacks, maybe this answer is any help >> http://askubuntu.com/a/25216915:43
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fa7adhow do i configure hostapd on broadcom 43225. what should i enter in the driver= value in the configuration value15:45
daftykinsfa7ad: run "lsmod | grep 80211" to see which driver is in use i think15:46
eltigreI had a stupid idea about fundraising for gooseberry... let's create a competition for video clips of rendered cloth-simulated Blender logo flags at well known places (tracked) and then edit the best into a fundraising video15:51
daftykinseltigre: sliiiightly wrong channel? :)15:52
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dupingpingI have a question/16:04
dupingpingHow to get alien debian package for Ubuntu9.04 or Ubuntu8.04?16:04
bekksdupingping: Uhm. Both ar end of support already.16:05
dupingpingbekks: Hi16:05
dupingpingbekks: I don't need all packages for 8.04, 9.04. Only one,16:05
daftykinsstill, it's old and dead16:06
daftykinsso - game over16:06
=== einar__ is now known as EinarLathe
bekksdupingping: all packages for 8.04 and 9.04 are end of support.16:06
dupingpingbekks: only one is alien.16:06
g1_daftykins, hi!16:06
bekksdupingping: Use a supported release please.16:06
=== james is now known as jamesUSMC
dupingpingbekks: I know, too.16:06
dupingpingbekks: But I need to get only one, alien.16:06
bekksdupingping: Again: all packages for 8.04 and 9.04 are end of support.16:07
bekksdupingping: Use a supported release please.16:07
dupingpingbekks: Do you know deprecated url about 9.04, 8.04?16:07
dupingpingbekks: I am using it, Now16:07
bekksdupingping: then update, now.16:07
afulg3nsI have a question about l2tp vpn connections, can someone point me to the right channel?16:08
bekksdupingping: you wont get any support for end-of-support releases anymore.16:08
dupingpingbekks: Your mean?16:08
bekksdupingping: you have to use a supported release.16:08
dupingpingbekks: It's all died on www?16:08
bekksdupingping: It isnt supported anymore.16:09
dupingpingbekks: OK. I understood. Thank you for your long time.16:09
jamesUSMCanyone know how i can get a fat32 usb hard drive to recognize? it says Error mounting /dev/sdc2 at /media/james/fat my book: Command-line `mount -t "exfat" -o "uhelper=udisks2,nodev,nosuid" "/dev/sdc2" "/media/james/fat my book"' exited with non-zero exit status 32: mount: unknown filesystem type 'exfat'16:09
bekksjamesUSMC: fat32 isnt exfat.16:09
ballPointPenguinAnyone put 14.04 on a Macbook Pro retina yet?16:10
ballPointPenguinThinking of test-driving that today.16:10
ballPointPenguinAny info or related posts on 14.04 + Macbook would be appreciated16:11
ActionParsnipballPointPenguin: ask in #ubuntu+1 for 14.04 support and discussion16:13
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AlbrightWhat’s the equivalent to the “wheel” group under BSD? Is it “admin?”16:16
jpdsAlbright: sudo.16:20
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AlexByasseCould someone tell me why on linux when watching online videos not youtube, when you skip ahead the video stops but you can hear the audio???16:21
AlexByasseAnd how can I fix it???16:21
ActionParsnipAlexByasse: not had that issue. What is the output of:  lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf|spark'16:22
ActionParsnipAlexByasse: use a pastebin like http://pastie.org to hold the output16:22
Albrightjpds: Thanks, I’ll try that.16:23
AlexByassedo I just paste the pastie link like : http://pastie.org/898617616:27
ActionParsnipAlexByasse: mint isnt supported here. It has its own support IRC channel16:28
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org16:29
ActionParsnipAlexByasse: that is the IRC channel and server for mint, not here16:29
AlexByasseIve tried 4 distros: Ubuntu, Fedora, Arch and now Mint, same problem16:29
hansfordcan someone help me....I am using a dark theme here  and everything is fine until I go to facebook...and cant see what the hell I am typing16:34
bekkshansford: then use another theme.16:34
OperaGhostkvBecause What you type is black16:37
=== erry is now known as GoogBot
OperaGhostkvthe background color is black too16:38
red234324hi all, what is the correct /tmp chmod and ownership? I got root:root + 777 - can someone check theirs please and say if it is the same?16:38
=== Germanaz0|0FF is now known as Germanaz0
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red234324lampp failing to start outputting message "is /tmp writable?" which is why I am asking16:40
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k1l_red234324: did you install that xampp bunch? or did you use the ubuntu packages from the ubunut repo?16:41
OperaGhostkvthereis no "correct "16:41
red234324k1l_, xampp16:42
k1l_!xampp | red23432416:42
ubottured234324: We do not support XAMPP installs here. Please use the LAMP stack that is in our repositories; see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP for more information.16:42
k1l_ubuntu ships all, and xampp makes a lot of problems. (besides that security issues)16:42
red234324OK but can you check your /tmp just so i get a sanity check?16:43
k1l_red234324: your /tmp is not the problem16:44
k1l_that looks good16:44
coxartneed help to install openshot after "remove —purge openshot" and "phython-mlt3" and reinstall both nothing is happen system uptodate OS xubuntu…openshot is always installed and phython packets, no idea what the problem is…may iam not a Nerd…16:44
red234324Well I have used xampp before with no problem, only big change I have made since is to move /tmp into ram, maybe a ctrl-z on that will fix it.16:46
Guest55668 coxart: apt-get install -f  openshot phython-mlt316:46
coxartdone ^^16:46
coxartoh stop not16:46
coxartwhat means -f16:46
=== Tech_Talk is now known as Birdman3131
willwhcoxart - force16:47
coxarti try this@guest16:47
coxartand willwh16:47
RFlemingHow does one change the likewise-open5 home directory?16:47
Guest55668coxart: what is terurn from apt16:47
Guest55668coxart: what is return from apt16:47
coxartif packege istall always …done16:48
coxartno failures16:48
Guest55668coxart: all ok@16:48
coxartonly openshot say phython ist the prob16:48
Guest55668coxart: @16:49
=== tester56 is now known as kdeuser56
Guest55668 coxar: apt-get install --reinstall packagename16:49
red234324ok did undo on /tmp to ram, rebooting to see if that fixes it16:50
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coxartreinstall openshot and phython-lt3…?16:51
bipulAny C programmer here?16:51
RFlemingany likewise-open5 people in here?16:51
coxart@Guest55668 second my sister will try it16:54
Picibipul: try ##c16:54
Guest55668 coxar: yes bouth 2 packages16:56
Guest55668 coxar: and apt-get check16:56
coxarthe want autoremove packeages so she must di this?16:57
Guest55668 coxar: yes16:57
Guest55668 coxar: that will clean the mess, so You can start from clena install16:58
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coxartafter this openshot will run…in most case?16:59
Guest55668 coxar: yes 90%16:59
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k1l!away > bfiller_afk17:00
ubottubfiller_afk, please see my private message17:00
Guest55668 coxar: what hapend?17:03
coxartErro2….can i send pictures?17:03
coxartals list of some codecs....17:05
LrdArchow can I download .avi instead of playing it from browser?17:05
cfhowlettLrdArc, firefox add-ons include video downloaders17:05
Guest55668 coxar: codecs?17:05
coxartThe Error2 "Failed to import´fromopenshot.openshot import main´17:05
awaadWhen I check total memory in /proc/meminfo, I get "17364272" which means "16.559860229". How can I get accurate memory size?17:05
coxartthe codecs he use17:05
coxartrm, sox voc, tc17:05
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LrdArccfhowlett: ok, i'll try17:06
coxartError Message: noneType object has not attribute ´set_cursor´17:06
Guest55668 coxar: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=208163617:07
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coxarti know have this done before i ask here ^^17:07
awaadWhen I check total memory in /proc/meminfo, I get "17364272" which means "16.559860229". How can I get accurate memory size?17:08
coxarteverytime the same issue17:09
coxartmy sister have actually no just to solve this -.-17:09
coxartthnx 4 your time and help17:10
guest-xLK0XGHow may one manually issue an acpi display backlight command?17:10
Guest55668 coxar: Np, You wellkome17:10
guest-xLK0XGThe backlight isn't working.17:11
coxart@Guest55668: http://www.directupload.net/file/d/3579/ltqp79me_jpg.htm17:12
guest-xLK0XGIt is hard to get the proper angle on frontlighting.17:12
pycoderfAnyone with ltsp experience? I have a major issue and #ltsp seems dead.17:12
cfhowlettpycoderf, more likely that someone in #ubuntu-server has done LTSP17:13
guest-xLK0XGHow may one manually issue an acpi display backlight command?17:13
Agent_Smith_BRhill all17:13
Agent_Smith_BRI'm trying to find a package which contains the file libdb2.so.1, there is no oficial package17:14
Agent_Smith_BRthis is a driver to connect on IBM DB2 databases17:15
Agent_Smith_BRI've tried to find something on IBM sites but no lucky17:15
Agent_Smith_BRany tip where I can find a package that's contain libdb2.so.1?17:15
Guest55668 coxar: sec17:15
Guest55668 coxar: its a bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openshot/+bug/91401317:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 914013 in openshot (Ubuntu) "Opensot fails to start with " 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'set_cursor'"" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:17
Guest55668 coxar: confirmed, will be time need for solution17:18
coxartuh…but ists a old bug17:18
Guest55668 coxar: reinstall system, there will be new xubuntu17:18
Guest55668 coxar: :)17:18
coxartcya bb17:19
Guest55668 coxar: BB17:19
ole_oz7ttest from ubuntu ti windows17:21
guest-xLK0XGWant to come over for supper?17:21
k1l!ot | guest-xLK0XG17:22
ubottuguest-xLK0XG: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:22
RealgamerSomeone knows a fix dor a not starting lightdm?^^17:22
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines17:22
guest-xLK0XGHow may one manually issue an acpi display backlight command?17:22
guest-xLK0XGRealgamer, press onebutan17:23
Realgamerwhat :D17:23
k1lRealgamer: depends on the problem17:23
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SonikkuAmericaRealgamer: [ sudo scream at lightdm ]17:23
Realgamerfirst appeared after a new nvidia driver17:23
SonikkuAmericaRealgamer: (April Fool!) Really, though, try [ sudo start lightdm ]17:23
k1lRealgamer: where is the driver from? nvidia website?17:24
k1lRealgamer: bad idea. remove that and use the ubuntu one17:24
Guest55668guest-xLK0XG: http://www.hecticgeek.com/2012/09/ubuntu-12-04-resetting-your-displays-brightness-levels-fix/17:24
Realgamerwanted it for steam but hmm17:24
Realgamerhow to remove?17:24
Realgamerbrb connecting with another client so that i can boot ubuntu17:25
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guest-xLK0XGGuest55668, checking that for clues17:29
Realgamerim under Ubuntu right now17:30
Realgamerat the terminal17:30
Realgamerhow to uninstall the nvidia driver^^17:30
guest-xLK0XG!nick @ Guest5566817:30
ubottuguest-xLK0XG: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:30
guest-xLK0XG!nick @ Guest5566817:31
guest-xLK0XG!register @ Guest5566817:31
ubottuguest-xLK0XG: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:31
ole_oz6ohhello all Where can i get  help with my miro in ubuntu 13.10 ?17:32
cfhowlettole_oz6oh, you can ask here but you will probably get better results from miro support17:32
ole_oz6ohcfhowlet ok  the problem is: I can download music but not vidio fro pirat17:33
guest-xLK0XGhow can one blow his mind out in a car?17:33
guest-xLK0XGthe anomy17:34
cfhowlettguest-xLK0XG, completely offtopic for this channel17:34
guest-xLK0XGI must unite x8617:34
ole_oz6ohcfhowlet i try support b miro17:35
guest-xLK0XGUnite all x86 to blow other cpus17:35
cfhowlettole_oz6oh, you can get NO videos??17:36
cfhowletttry a different source17:36
justaguyTurns out dumb justaguy installed http://ubuntu.mirrors.skynet.be/pub/ubuntu.com/releases//trusty/ubuntu-14.04-beta2-desktop-amd64+mac.iso on an acer17:36
justaguythat iso is special and optimized for a mac computer17:37
ole_oz6ohi can download but whwn download is finish miro dele the download17:37
justaguyi downloaded the wrong one and installed it on an acer, will this bring any problems?17:37
k1ljustaguy: no, just get a not-mac one and install that17:37
justaguyk1l: i already installed the mac one :/17:37
cfhowlettole_oz6oh, best you ask miro for expert advice on their app17:37
Guest55668bye for al17:37
justaguybut i have not got any problems yet17:38
ole_oz6ohcfhowlett ok thanks17:38
luc4Hello! I’m buying a new pc where I’ll install Linux. I’ve been told that new computers that features TPM can make it difficult to install Linux. Is this correct? How can I ensure before I buy if Linux will be ok?17:38
ice9is there a way to run an app, open image file or even play mp3 and watch the behavior of them like whether they access the internet or not?17:39
cfhowlettluc4, guarantee?  dell xps13 developer edition, system 76, emporer linux computers will run linux.17:39
ice9cfhowlett: luc4 I don't recommend Dell for security reasons, search about their BIOS backdoor17:40
akiva-mobileCanonical do anything for April Fools?17:41
luc4ice9: I don’t care much about this. I’m more concearned about the possibility to have Linux running...17:41
cfhowlettakiva-mobile, sold ubuntu to facebook ...17:41
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akiva-mobilecfhowlett, ha! awesome :P17:41
akiva-mobilecfhowlett, I wonder if Jono will play along today on ubuntu-on-air17:43
Guest97774whatsapp, viber etc.. are closed IM app ; which are it is opposite open IM app?17:43
justaguyThe advantage of running ubuntu 14.04 beta: 40MB of updates everyday :p17:44
ice9Guest97774: try Telegram it's open source17:44
simpleuserI’d like to host some pictures on my server. Do you know a simple application I can install on my server to do so?17:47
SwedeMikesimpleuser: "host"? as in make available to a web browser?17:47
simpleuserI mean something specific to pictures (not something like owncloud)17:47
simpleuserSwedeMike, yep17:48
SwedeMikesimpleuser: and you want something to do thumbnails, albums etc?17:48
k1lakiva-mobile: we have #ubuntu-offtopic for that talks17:48
simpleuserSwedeMike, not albums, thumbnails is enough17:49
akiva-mobilek1l, fyi; the ask jono anything about ubuntu is online soon.17:49
SwedeMikesimpleuser: install a web server and "gallery". that should do the trick.17:49
k1lakiva-mobile: you know that we keep this channel clear for technical support. we have other channels for the social chatter. thanks17:50
simpleuserOk I’ll try that. Thanks SwedeMike17:50
imdeaHi one question, I've a user "roberto" in my machine and want that it be able to do "sudo su - fyf"  and execute commands as that user without entering a password, I have edited as root the /etc/sudoers file using visudo and added this:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/7190706/ but if I'm root and switch to this user as: sudo su - roberto and then do sudo su - fyf it asks me for a password, any ideas?17:52
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jrajavHey guys17:54
jrajavI'm running 14.04 on a retina Macbook Pro and after changing some options I get a black screen with a frozen cursor in the top left17:55
oliver_What happens when a user goes over the "soft" quota? It should stop them using up any more space after the "hard" limit?17:55
jrajavIt appears after the splash boot logo17:55
jrajavHow can I debug this?17:55
ubottujrajov: Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) will be the 20th release of Ubuntu.  See the announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1295 for more info. support in #ubuntu+117:55
imdeaHi one question, I've a user "roberto" in my machine and want that it be able to do "sudo su - fyf"  and execute commands as that user without entering a password, I have edited as root the /etc/sudoers file using visudo and added this:  http://paste.debian.net/91019/  but if I'm root and switch to this user as: sudo su - roberto and then do sudo su - fyf it asks me for a password, any ideas?17:56
Beldar!nomodeset | jrajav address this option in #ubuntu+117:56
ubottujrajav address this option in #ubuntu+1: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter17:56
kwootWhere can I send a rather disturbing screenshot of a 14.04 beta 2 system?17:57
ubottukwoot,: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:57
Beldarimdea, The channel asks for a 10 min posting timeout.17:58
imdeaBeldar: sorry.17:58
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Beldarimdea, No biggie, if this is a server you might try #ubuntu-server as well.17:58
imdeaBeldar, ok thanks17:59
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jrajavFor some reason my client isn't letting me join #ubuntu+118:00
kwootSo, here goes: http://imagebin.org/303210. Good luck with this one :-)18:00
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kwootAh, read the topic to late. Sorry. Will redirect.18:01
=== cellopin_xx is now known as magicflakes
ghutzriophi, ich habe eben ubuntu 13.10 auf einem usb stick installiert und versuche jetzt auf einem anderen rechner zu booten, allerdinge bekomme ich nur ein "ata7: hard resetting link", nachdem ich das system im wiederherstellungsmodus gestartet habe18:05
ghutzriopoops, forgot to add an "-de" to the channel name18:06
Beldarghutzriop, This is an english channel.18:06
ghutzriopBeldar: yes, I just noticed, sorry18:07
sinackHow would I go about doing a select in a sequential order that would restart itself over again.  For example, I have a table called pictures.  Pictures have a foreign key to user_id.  I want to select all pictures but the order should be user1's picture#1, user2's picture#1, user3's picture#1, user1's picture#2, user2's picture #2, user3's picture#2....and so on.18:10
Yoshi2889sinack: SQL?18:10
sinackyeah, SQL18:10
sinackI'm trying to avoid using code to do this, if that's possible.18:10
Yoshi2889SELECT FROM pictures ORDER BY user_id ASC18:11
Yoshi2889i guess18:11
Yoshi2889isn't quite clear how the table looks tbh18:11
sinacktable is id, user_id, title18:12
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Yoshi2889if "picture" is different in every name, then you can't get around explode()'ing it by #18:12
sinackit seems like a very complicated sql query18:13
sinacki can use the scripting language to calculate it, the problem is, when there's 100k+ pictures18:13
sinackit gets to be slow18:14
Yoshi2889SELECT FROM pictures ORDER BY user_id ASC, RIGHT(title, 3) ASC18:14
Yoshi2889that 3 should be 118:14
sinackthat's not what i'm trying to achieve18:15
Yoshi2889hmm no18:15
sinacki don't want all of the user_id's  together18:15
ubottusinack: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)18:15
sinacki want user_id 1, user_id2, user_id3, user_id1, user_id218:15
Yoshi2889i think you'd need a script for that18:16
sinackBeldar, gotcha, thanks18:16
Beldarsinack, Thanks, makes things easier. ;)18:16
sinackYoshi2889, i feel like it can be done in sql, but it's beyond my understanding18:16
ghutzriopok, another try here. I successfully installed ubuntu 13.10 on an usb-stick. it also boots correctly on my laptop, but not on my desktop. I'm getting an "ata7: hard resetting link" error.18:17
Yoshi2889sinack: I think it can be done too, but doing it with a script seems easier18:17
Yoshi2889ghutzriop: http://askubuntu.com/questions/109180/mysterious-hard-disk-failure18:18
Yoshi2889first result on google18:18
lotuspsychjeghutzriop: are you trying to boot ubuntu from an usb on your desktop, or install it on dekstop18:18
ghutzrioplotuspsychje: trying to boot it from an usb on my desktop18:19
lotuspsychjeghutzriop: you sure your bios is set right to boot the usb?18:19
lotuspsychjeghutzriop: some bios got multiple settings to boot usb as first18:20
ghutzrioplotuspsychje: I'm not sure what I could configure differently. I was able to chose the recovery mode from grub(which is installed on the usb). and it's the only connected usb-stick18:21
lotuspsychjeghutzriop: feel free to ask in ##hardware channel aswell for your bios/mobo brand18:21
lotuspsychjeghutzriop: so you can boot the usb and enter grub18:22
ghutzrioplotuspsychje: correct, but the bot process stops with an ata error. I suspect, there is something configured in a non-prtable way in grub18:23
ghutzriopboot process*18:23
HappyNewYear13I have a question about Ubuntu One, when you upload files: are they indexed by Google search or any other search engine?18:26
HappyNewYear13Another question about Ubuntu One files uploaded: how do I set them to be private? a whole folder private?18:27
coolguy210How's everyone doing?18:28
daftykinscoolguy210: do you have a support question?18:28
coolguy210I do18:28
TJ-sinack: In a test DB here, this works as you described: "select * from pictures order by title, user_id asc"18:28
coolguy210I needed to know how to create a scheduled task using the AT command in Ubuntu. It needs to echo "It is now time to log off". Can anyone help?18:29
HappyNewYear13I don't get Ubuntu One18:29
HappyNewYear13I don't get Ubuntu One. What's this publishing option? Does it mean they will be public only if if I tell it so?18:29
HappyNewYear13Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn help me18:30
ubottuHappyNewYear13,: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/18:30
HappyNewYear13this channel used to be more helpful in the past, what happened?18:30
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines18:31
sinackTJ-, that's not quite right.  It's still repeating.  You can't really use title to order, because it won't guarantee uniqueness18:31
TJ-HappyNewYear13: "Ubuntu One" is a Canonical service, not a community managed service, so you may be better using the dedicated Ubuntu One help facility18:31
HappyNewYear13TJ-, where is that?18:31
HappyNewYear13so craving chocolate now18:32
cfhowlettHappyNewYear13, one.ubuntu.com18:32
TJ-sinack: Your requirement doesn't make sense then. You want it sorting by row order?18:32
HappyNewYear13cfhowlett, thank you friend18:33
TJ-sinack: If the table's id field is unique, then you can use that: "select * from pictures order by id, user_id asc;"18:33
sinackTJ-, just (1, user1), (2, user1), (3, user2), (4, user1)18:33
guest-tDWL3lt was that link?18:33
guest-tDWL3l#ubuntu isn't on the list18:34
guest-tDWL3lfor logs18:34
sirithcamHey, im installing NCMPCPP music player and after launching ./configure i've got error "configure: error: boost/locale.hpp is missing". Someone know how to fix it?18:35
TJ-sinack: You'd need an intermediate table for that kind of sort18:36
sinackTJ-, that's what this table is, it's an intermediate table, *basically*, user_id, and photo_id18:37
=== Germanaz0 is now known as Germanaz0|0FF
sinackTJ-, where photo_id is id18:37
k1l!away > Germanaz0|0FF18:38
ubottuGermanaz0|0FF, please see my private message18:38
Beldarsirithcam, Maybe an easier way if this ppa supports your release.  http://www.webupd8.org/2010/01/ncmpcpp-ncurses-mpd-client-shell-music.html18:40
sirithcamk thx18:41
naodwalkHello all, I have a class project and need to schedule a task using the AT command to display a message in the terminal. Does anyone know how I'd go about doing this?18:41
beandogman at18:42
naodwalkThanks. but it wont display the echo command18:42
beandognaodwalk: what do you mean?18:43
naodwalkSo when I schedule the task to run it wont display in the atq list and the job never runs18:43
beandogis the at daemon running?18:45
naodwalkyes it is18:45
naodwalkis the syntax incorrect? at 2:05PM [echo "Time to logoff."> ~/message [cat ~/message18:47
naodwalkwhere [ = new line18:47
tmmunqlooks fine to me18:47
TJ-sinack: There's no data in the table representing the order of pictures by user_id, which you need in order to do a "group by"18:48
naodwalkwell thanks anyway. I'll look into it more18:48
akiva-mobilehey can we get a mod in #ubuntu-on-air. bin_bash needs a boot, and Jono asked for it.18:49
vanishingnaodwalk: what was your problem? sorry I was late to the party18:49
vanishingjust saw atq18:49
beandogakiva-mobile: ask in #ubuntu-ops18:49
akiva-mobilebeandog, thanks18:49
k1lakiva-mobile: ask in #ubuntu-ops18:50
sinackTJ-, Solved: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!2/343fc/218:50
naodwalkMy issue is that when i enter at 2:05PM [echo "time to log off" > ~/message [cat ~/message (where [ = new line) the job is not entered into the atq, and never runs.18:51
ice9which package has aa-sandbox?18:52
TJ-sinack: that table isn't the same one you described ("table is id, user_id, title"), and that query will be very expensive, computationally18:53
Yoshi2889ice9: android application sandbox?18:53
TJ-sinack: The better way is to create an index18:53
ice9Yoshi2889: no just normal linux apps18:53
Yoshi2889ice9: apparmor-sandbox18:53
ice9Yoshi2889: is it possible to run android apps on Ubutnu?18:54
Yoshi2889ice9: dunno18:54
sinackTJ-, thanks for your help.18:54
Yoshi2889through an emulator yes, otherwise no idea18:54
ice9Yoshi2889: I don't have apparmor-sandbox18:54
Yoshi2889but you do have aa-sandbox?18:54
robotti^ice9: is possible using virtual machine running android18:55
bekksrobotti^: yes18:55
bekksrobotti^: android x8618:55
robotti^bekks: yep18:55
Yoshi2889ic9: dpkg -S /bin/aa-sandbox18:55
robotti^and all java apps18:55
robotti^native arm apps dont work18:56
bekksrobotti^: if they run on android x86.18:56
=== bfiller_afk is now known as bfiller
kram1Can anyone suggest a GUI memory benchmarking tool?19:06
bekkswhats thats?19:06
bekkskram1: all memory benchmarks depend on the exact use case. you can have fast RAM, which behaves with the speed of pen and paper just because your benchmark isnt actually doing what the application (which you are benchmarking for) would do.19:07
kram1bekks: Just looking for something to test basic read/write.19:08
kram1And maybe report clock speeds.19:08
bekkskram1: just run memtest86++ then, from the grub menu.19:08
kram1Looking for something that runs on Linux.19:08
kram1memtest86 isn't really a benchmarker, I'm not sure what's the significance of the basic info it shows19:08
bekksIt does exactly what you want: test basic read/write and report clock speeds.19:09
kram1Memtest86's main job is to check for errors.19:09
bekksIt does exactly what you want: test basic read/write and report clock speeds.19:10
bekksThat where your requirements. You are refusing it just because it isnt named "shiny benchmark tool".19:10
kram1It only shows one figure, I assume for read, and it's inconsistent with a "real" benchmarker I tried.19:10
bekksIt does read/write tests, per your choice.19:11
kram1The reason I'm curious, too, is that it started showing less than half the MB/sec it showed a few days ago, and I'm trying to figure out why.19:11
bekksAnd whatever "inconsistent" in terms of "benchmarking" even means.19:11
kram1Regarding clocks, a few Windows utilities show me a figure that's lower than what I expect. I don't know if it's chipset incompatibility, or the actual speed.19:12
bekksIt is the actual speed.19:12
kram1The BIOS at least shows the expected clocks. But I want to see what some higher level utility reports.19:12
kram1Where? The BIOS?19:13
bekks"higher lever utility reports". Look at the RAM itself, look at the sticker. thats the nominal clock speed.19:13
kram1Anyway, nothing you can suggest for benchmarking or lowlevel sysinfo under Linux?19:13
bekksEverything else is determined by the exact hardware you are using.19:14
JDodgerI really need some help ;_;19:14
kram1I'm seeing a discrepancy. I want to find out if the WIndows utilities are wrong or not.19:14
bekkskram1: We dont care about windows utilities :)19:14
cyanboyHas anyone written a script to remove the spyware from ubuntu?19:14
kram1bekks: That's why I asked for something for Linux...19:14
JDodgercan someone pm if they can help me set up my ubuntu dual boot with windows 8?19:14
cfhowlett!fud|cyanboy, no spyware is ubuntu19:15
ubottucyanboy, no spyware is ubuntu: Please do not fall prey to, or spread FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) - it is not welcome here!  Please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear,_uncertainty_and_doubt19:15
bekkskram1: And you got a reliable answer. Look at memtest, it does exactly what your requirements are.19:15
kram1Any other suggestions?19:15
JDodgerokay well I'll just ask it out here then19:15
cyanboycfhowlett: I'm all the bloat that comes with it like integrated amazon search19:16
ubottucyanboy,: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default. To use GNOME Shell instead, from 12.10 and up install the "ubuntu-gnome-desktop" package. From 11.04 to 12.04, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic19:16
JDodgerBasically, I'm trying to set up dual boot, I currently am running windows 8, I partitioned 100GB of my C drive for ubuntu to go on, I had to disable windows 8 on my bios in order to get to ubuntu on boot. I go onto ubuntu and installed it, it all worked, but when i rebooted it to use it normally, it wouldn't boot to it...19:17
JDodgerI want to be able to select whether I use Ubuntu or Windows on boot19:17
cfhowlettcyanboy, amazon search lenses are only in unity desktop environment.  alternatives: gnome, lxde, xfce19:17
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 and higher use the !Unity desktop environment by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown.19:17
cyanboywhat's the apt-get remove to remove unity and all the "evil components"19:18
ice9cyanboy: why do you want to remove unity?19:18
bekks!eol > bekks19:19
cfhowlettcyanboy, as unity is pretty much integrated, you're better served just using an alternate desktop environment or disto: lubuntu/xubuntu19:19
ubottubekks, please see my private message19:19
k1lcyanboy: there are no "evil components" just set it to not make online queries in the privacy settings in system settings19:19
cfhowlett!dualboot > JDodger,19:19
JDodgersorry I'm new to this, what do you mean by !dualboot?19:20
ubunterhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/7191170/  tail -f /var/log/syslog is saying http://paste.ubuntu.com/7191174/ but I dont see it19:20
cfhowlettJDodger, choose windows or ubuntu at boot time: dual = "two"19:20
k1lcyanboy: but you are free to remove the ubuntu-desktop and use another desktop that gets shipped in the repos. but stop that FUD about spyware. that is just making a drama.19:20
cfhowlettneedless drama19:21
cyanboyk1l: I'm fine with using unity. I just don't want amazon etc. there by default19:21
k1lcyanboy: as i said: see privacy settings and switch that off19:22
OerHeksi want more choice than Amazon :-) but amazon will be opt-in in 14.0419:22
k1lno need to make that drama19:22
cfhowlettOerHeks, I think it's actually 14.10 ...19:22
rwwcfhowlett: it doesn't work if you stick a comma after the person's nick ;)19:23
OerHeksi'd like to write such amazon plugin and service for local business :-D19:23
rwwcfhowlett: (!dualboot > JDodger,), I mean19:23
cfhowlettrww, ah!  that's why.  gotta change my xchat settings19:23
cfhowlettrww  fixed!19:24
ubunterWhere am I missing a semicolon? http://paste.ubuntu.com/7191170/ I dont understand why I get this http://paste.ubuntu.com/7191174/  if everything is ok19:26
Es0terichas anyone here installed ssmtp?19:26
biggbearhow to find what means error 139 when sudo apt-get install'ing19:30
Jordan_Uubunter: Don't use word processors for text editing.19:30
ubunterso what should i do?19:31
ubottuPlease don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.19:31
DrDigita_How could I get a Java application (JIRA) to run faster on my Ubuntu system?19:31
Jordan_Uubunter: Use a text editor to edit your text files, and replace those smart quotes with regular quotation marks.19:31
DrDigita_it seems pretty slow for my system specs... Dual AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4000+ x 2 and 6gb of ram19:33
DrDigita_http://pastebin.com/nd6SHMKv  is my system really under load? doesn't seem to be to me?19:34
ekarlsophr/win 1019:34
ubunterThank you, worked like a charm.19:34
Jordan_Uubunter: You're welcome. Do you understand what the problem was, and how it was caused?19:35
ubunterYes, I saw it the smart quotes where the culprit and not to use a word proccessor instead use a text edit like gedit. Thanks19:36
luc4Hello! Anyone who has installed Ubuntu on something like Toshiba Satellite L50-A-14K?19:40
bekksluc4: What are the actual issues you having to do so? :)19:41
DrDigita_http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1129187  i wonder if that would work and how could i find out if my system has a OpenGL based card?19:42
luc4bekks: I don’t have it. I’ve been told there are issues with Linux with those new PC including TPM. Just wanted to know if someone had experience on those.19:42
DrDigita_and I'm talking about a web based java application (serving it)19:42
bekksluc4: as long as you can disable TPM, there are no possible issues ;)19:45
luc4bekks: indeed. But is it always possible to disable it?19:46
bekksluc4: from what I know, there are some machines out there where it isnt possible.19:46
luc4bekks: I really know nothing about this TPM, I’m just trying to understand by reading around. But this point is unclear to me...19:46
luc4bekks: and in that case I may be unable to install ubuntu?19:46
bekksluc4: in that case it still maybe possible to install something.19:48
luc4bekks: I’ve been asked to confirm that that machine is ok by my company. If I can’t install Linux… I can even throw it away as I can only work with Linux :-)19:48
luc4bekks: so Linux don’t actually support this tpm?19:48
bekksluc4: Most likely, it does. Read this e.g.: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/TPM19:50
bekksluc4: Or this: http://www.grounation.org/?post/2008/07/04/8-how-to-use-a-tpm-with-linux19:50
sliktswhy could it be that when I put /tmp on tmpfs everything started to occasionally freeze?19:50
k1lslikts: your ram got a hardware problem?19:51
sliktsk1l: definitely not19:51
bekksslikts: because your box has to swap and starts to get really slow.19:51
sliktsbekks: I have 16 GB of ram19:51
bekksslikts: which does not mean much.19:51
bekksslikts: Check wether your system is actually swapping.19:52
sliktsbekks: it is not19:52
luc4bekks: those are the first two articles I read in reverse order :-)19:52
sliktsbekks: most of it is empty19:52
bekksluc4: :D19:52
sliktsbekks: even if it was swapping, the disk is a fast ssd so it shouldn't be noticable19:52
bekksslikts: then it isnt the /tmp in tmpfs which causes your system to get really slow.19:52
luc4bekks: so some may work and some may not. Also on some TPM can be disabled, on some it can’t. I will only know when I get it… right?19:52
bekksslikts: Which is nonsense. :) An SSD is still noticably slower than RAM.19:53
Artemis3never ever put swap on ssd19:53
sliktsbekks: I didn't say it is slow, things just get glitchy and start freezing19:53
cfhowlettArtemis3  explain that last?19:53
sliktsbekks: for example, Chrome would freeze up and say "Waiting for Cache..."19:53
k1lslikts: i really would make a ram test19:53
bekksslikts: Then it has nothing to do with /tmp on tmpfs most likely.19:53
sliktsk1l: I've done that, it's fine19:53
bekksslikts: how long did that RAM test run?19:54
sliktsbekks: it happens only when I put /tmp on tmpfs19:54
sliktsArtemis3: the swap never gets used19:54
Artemis3then remove it19:54
bekksArtemis3: then he will be unable to use suspend to disk.19:55
sliktsbekks: I don't use that ever19:55
Artemis3there you go19:55
sliktsit's not a laptop, I just use S3 standby19:55
bekksslikts: then remove swap :)19:55
sliktsbekks: I don't want to in case I run out of ram19:55
Artemis3you don't want the next leaking program to kill your ssd prematurely, and it happens from time to time19:55
sliktsI'll move it to a hdd instead19:56
Artemis3thats better19:56
Artemis3swap kills ssd, as simple as that.19:56
sliktsit'd still be nice to know how to get /tmp to use tmpfs without problems19:57
Jordan_Uslikts: Artemis3: bekks: For any issue where having swap causes slowdowns (which is much more rare than people think, usually having swap if anything increases speed), setting swappiness to 0 will usually get you the same result, except you'll still get better handling of OOM conditions.19:57
sliktsI just used noexec,nosuid options for tmpfs19:57
Artemis3slikts, its set up like that by default19:57
sliktsArtemis3: where can I see how it's set up? I don't see in /etc/fstab19:57
sliktsI mean I don't see /tab19:58
Jordan_Uslikts: Is the tmpfs particularly full when you get these freezes?19:58
sliktsand df doesn't show /tmp as tmpfs either19:58
sliktsJordan_U: not at all19:58
k1lslikts: last time now: did you run a memtest so far to be sure its not the ram?19:58
Artemis3well normally anyway, it should have fstab entries for tmpfs19:58
sliktsk1l: yes19:58
sliktsArtemis3: it's a clean 13.10 install and I'm sure /tmp wasn't on tmpfs19:59
Jordan_Uslikts: How are you mounting /tmp/ as tmpfs?19:59
sliktsJordan_U: sec19:59
Artemis3/etc/fstab: line such as "tmpfs /tmp tmpfs noatime,nosuid 0 0"19:59
sliktsJordan_U: http://hastebin.com/pabudabati.hs20:01
sliktstmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults,noexec,nosuid 0 020:01
=== chiburbs is now known as KD9AUS
sliktsmaybe I'll try without noexec20:01
failshellhello. is there an open source tool to manage patches on a farm of ubuntu servers? similar to Spacewalk20:01
yorwoshi guyz 1 question plz , any1 installed photoshop cs6 through wine ??? my problem is my healing brush+spot healing sometimes they work properly sometimes it does the spot but its not following the arrow , if i undo and redo 2-3 times it works properly any ideas ?20:02
k1lslikts: noatime instead of noexec20:02
Jordan_Uk1l: Why? noexec seems entirely appropriate for /tmp/, and atime modification seems least likely to cause slowdowns for tmpfs (relative to on-disk filesystems).20:03
k1lyorwos: best is to ask the wine specialists20:04
k1l!wine | yorwos20:04
ubottuyorwos: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu20:04
sliktshas anyone used photoshop cs6 in a vm? is it feasible?20:04
dw1yorwos: you could always try another wine version, playonlinux makes it pretty easy20:04
Jordan_Uslikts: Are you ever mounting /tmp/ after boot, or are you only modifying the fstab and allowing it to be mounted during boot?20:04
sliktsJordan_U: modifying fstab20:05
k1lJordan_U: some scrupts still want to execute stuff in tmp20:05
Artemis3slikts, i didn't noticed upstream reverted the /tmp in tmpfs by default, so nvm20:05
fballsdoes anyone know why ubuntu doesn't ship with a built-in equalizer for pulse?20:06
fballsit has one, but it's not included in the ubuntu version of pulse20:06
fballsi don't like using PPA's20:07
CyberGabberfailshell: Maybe this puts you in right direction? http://www.ubuntu.com/management/working-with-landscape , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UpdateServer ?20:07
sliktsfballs: what's wrong with ppas20:07
bekksslikts: they might break your box.20:08
fballsthey also present a security risk20:08
sliktsbekks: yeah and you might get in a traffic accident if you go outside, better never leave your room, right?20:08
bekksslikts: which has nothing to do with PPA.20:09
sliktsbekks: it's an analogy20:09
failshellCyberGabber: don't you have to pay for launchpad?20:09
bekks!ppa | slikts20:09
ubottuslikts: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge20:09
k1lslikts: just stay some time in here and see how often PPAs cause trouble. :/20:09
fballsi'm not trying to start a flame war, the feature is already in pulse, but for some raisin, ubuntu doesn't have it turned on20:09
sliktsbekks: wtf?20:10
k1lfballs: maybe file a bug and tell the maintainers to sort that?20:10
CyberGabberfailshell: Don't know, a just seen the demonstration on that link. thats all ;-(20:10
fballsi guess what i'm saying is, it should be in the official repositories, is it even worth the bother requesting the feature be put in?20:10
skinuxIs there a way to limit results of 'locate' to only executables?20:12
k1lfballs: for me it sounds like this. file a bug/request and discuss that with the maintainers.20:12
ConsoleHey, what would be the safest way to determine which ftp service I'm running? It's on a old machine on Ubuntu 10.0420:12
OerHeksfballs, exactly your issue >> http://www.webupd8.org/2013/03/install-pulseaudio-with-built-in-system.html > with direct download && ppa solution, i agree, this is a bug :-D20:12
bekksskinux: No.20:12
skinuxConsole: 'sudo netstat -anp' and look through results.20:13
ConsoleThanks skinux20:13
fballsOerHeks, that's where I found the ppa. I'll try submitting a bug request20:13
fballsthanks guys20:13
fballs(and girls?)20:14
Jordan_Ufballs: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/93283420:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 932834 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu Raring) "Enable equalizer" [Wishlist,Triaged]20:14
jaimefapt-cache search postgresql-client yields postgresql-client-9.3 however apt-get -q -y install postgresql-client=9.3 yields E: Version '9.3' for 'postgresql-client' was not found.20:14
Elcrapocrewanyone know how I can make ubuntu server edition boot into xfce by default (yes I have X and xfce installed)20:15
sliktsElcrapocrew: just use ssh for servers20:15
sliktslike a baws20:15
sliktslook at the scrubs using remote desktop from above20:16
k1lElcrapocrew: installing a *dm should do a loginscreen by default20:16
Elcrapocrewslikts: this is a throw away test using virtualbox on a private network no ssh access : (20:16
Jordan_Ufballs: Be sure to mark yourself as affected by the bug.20:17
sliktsElcrapocrew: punch through the nat, like a baws as well20:17
* slikts deletes his swap partition like a baws20:18
Elcrapocrewslikts: http://99gifs.com/-img/50475b02afa96f1e19000d41.gif20:18
ubottuIt's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.20:19
fballsJordan_U, will do...i'm dong some reading now20:19
root___I've just booted the lubuntu liveCD (er, livekey) and can't figure out how to join a wireless network. There's an app called "network manager" which asks for a lot of information I don't have.20:19
root___Is there no way of getting a list of available networks and simply supplying the password, as usual?20:20
=== root___ is now known as Hfuy_
Jordan_Uroot___: Why are you logged in as root?20:20
* Hfuy_ isn't root anymore, mkay20:20
k1lroot___: you should not be root if this was a lubuntu live cd20:20
Jordan_UHfuy_: Why are you logged in as root?20:20
k1lHfuy_: ubuntu doesnt have an enable root account. so some things dont work with root on ubuntu.20:20
Hfuy_Panic not, people. I simply ran "sudo xterm" because I tire of typing "sudo" constantly.20:21
jhutchins_wkI suspect that if he is on a Ubuntu Live CD, he isn't actually running IRC as root.20:21
Hfuy_Anyway, this wifi issue.20:21
js_doodehello. running ubuntu 13.10 and needing to source a .bash file in .bash_profile, but it is not working for me.20:21
jhutchins_wkHfuy_: Or, then again...20:22
Hfuy_I had ubuntu on this netbook. It was a bit heavyweight.20:22
jhutchins_wkHfuy_: What kind of information is it asking that you don't have?20:22
js_doodecreated .bash_profile, then opened it and typed: source /path/to/file.bash20:22
k1ljhutchins_wk: well, he clearly is. and we dont know what else is running as root and making now problems20:22
Hfuy_So I thought I'd try lubuntu. But if I need to come up with, what is it, 12 bits of information about every wifi network... no.20:22
jhutchins_wkHfuy_: Which version of the live CD BTW?20:22
Hfuy_Not sure. Downloaded it a few minutes ago.20:22
k1lHfuy_: its the same networkmanager like on ubuntu20:23
Hfuy_On the ubuntu I have on this machine (which is quite old, 12.10 I think) I just get a list of available networks and it asks for a password if it needs one20:23
jhutchins_wkk1l: Yeah, I see that.20:23
Hfuy_This arrangement with manually typing in SSIDs and MAC addresses... this isn't actually the normal UI, is it?!20:24
Jordan_UHfuy_: Don't run your IRC client, or any other application that was not designed to to be run as root, as root. Especially if said application connects to the internet.20:25
jhutchins_wkHfuy_: No, that's not standard.20:25
Jordan_UHfuy_: Please quit and re-join from a client that is not running as root.20:25
Hfuy_OK, let's take this step by step20:26
Hfuy_Is there some sort of settings UI I can get which will list the available networks?20:26
[Gentoo]Jordan_U: he might be on a livecd20:26
pbiHi, I just upgraded from 13.04 to 13.10 and xrandr rotate does not work anymore (amd firepro 2460) (black screen, or screen not rotated but mouse pointer is). Has anybody seen a report on this or have a fix ?20:26
Jordan_U[Gentoo]: They are. They still shouldn't run their IRC client as root.20:26
Hfuy_I'm on a livecd.20:26
Hfuy_Well, a live flash key.20:27
[Gentoo]Jordan_U: a lot of livecds are root by default20:27
Jordan_U[Gentoo]: None of them are Ubuntu liveCDs, and thus questions relating to their use would be offtopic here anyway.20:27
Hfuy_Unfortunately, #lubuntu is very quiet.20:27
jhutchins_wkNonetheless, that might explain it.20:28
Hfuy_I wonder if it simply hasn't seen the wifi hardware, which is why it isn't offering a UI.20:28
jhutchins_wkHfuy_: lubuntu is ubuntu with an xfce desktop.  Not significantly different.  You may have a different wifi manager though, possibly wicd which I'm not familiar with.20:28
jhutchins_wker, s/xfce/lxde.20:28
k1llubuntu got networkmanager as default20:29
k1lthat is the same like ubuntu got.20:29
Hfuy_If I type "ifconfig", I get eth0 and o20:29
Hfuy_er lo20:29
jhutchins_wkI know networkmanager's inteface has been pretty much in flux recently.20:29
Hfuy_I fear it simply hasn't seen the wifi hardware.20:29
jhutchins_wkIt'll work as you would expect one release, then the next is all counterintuitive.20:29
Hfuy_Are you seriously saying that people are promoting this as a lightweight OS for netbooks, and it doesn't have a stable wifi UI?20:30
k1ljhutchins_wk: 14.04 lubuntu-dekstop still got the networkmanager-gnome as depencie20:30
Hfuy_That's absurd.20:30
k1lHfuy_: no20:31
Hfuy_Then what do I press?20:31
k1lmake sure the wificard is enabled and detected20:31
jhutchins_wkHfuy_: Yes, I agree it's absurd.20:31
jhutchins_wkHfuy_: It probably wouldn't be prompting you for info if there wasn't a card.20:32
k1lHfuy_: sry, a few minutes ago you were the "i know all so i run root when i want" guy. :/20:32
js_doodegoogled it and .bash_profile is .profile in ubuntu 13.10. :)20:32
wolfy1339i just connected a Bluetooth mouse and i cannot use it, do i have to restart to make it work?20:32
jhutchins_wkHfuy_: You can use the command line wifi tools to try and diagnose it, but I don't have that particular UI available to try and guess what you're doing and seeing.20:32
Hfuy_It didn't prompt me, I had to hit a systray icon.20:32
k1lHfuy_: see lspci, lsusb, dmesg,20:32
jhutchins_wkwolfy1339: Elaborate on "connected".  Plugged in or linked?20:33
Hfuy_I'm mainly a windows guy so the idea that people are still shipping operating systems without wifi support is just... laughable to me.20:33
k1lrfkill, too20:33
jhutchins_wkHfuy_: Also not true.20:33
k1lHfuy_: no, it is not20:33
jhutchins_wkHfuy_: From what I've seen, the WIndows wireless interfaces are horrible and buggy.20:34
Hfuy_the XP w20:34
Hfuy_The XP one was.20:34
Hfuy_It's OK now.20:34
Jordan_U!ot | jhutchins_wk Hfuy_20:34
ubottujhutchins_wk Hfuy_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:34
wolfy1339jhutchins_wk, linked, paired20:35
k1lHfuy_: please decide if you are the computer-guru who runs everything as root, or if you really want help. just ranting in here doesnt help anyone20:35
backboxyoo guys, quick questiuon. what is the name of the file that csan manage network info? ie it allowed you to set static/dhcp settings without a program.20:35
Hfuy_I don't care either way, I just want it to work.20:35
Artemis3Hfuy_, support questions only, you can'r rant here20:35
k1lbackbox: you mean the network manager?20:35
Hfuy_In any case, one reason I built this flash key was to figure out whether it worked well enough to use, the answer appears to be no, unless anyone has any further suggestions.20:36
Jordan_Ubackbox: /etc/network/interfaces20:36
sanityI need help seting up openvpen certs, not sure if this is the right forum.20:36
k1lbackbox: or the /etc/network/interfaces file/config?20:36
backboxwell, no. the file specific to setting the settings. not the network manager20:36
vmnCan set it up for you20:36
wolfy1339i just connected (paired, linked) a Bluetooth mouse and i cannot use it, do i have to restart my computer or log out to make it work?20:36
backboxJordan_U,  THATS IT20:36
Artemis3Hfuy_, i suggest, before purchasing anything, check and double check online if the device works with the OS you intend to use.20:36
k1lHfuy_: sorry, but i gave you several options to test what is going wrong. you keep making a drama out of it. so please leave20:37
Hfuy_Artemis3: Well, I've had the netbook for a while. I was looking for something lighter.20:37
[Gentoo]i think linux isnt for people who have no patience20:37
backboxk1l,  Jordan_U , thanks guys. i was not recalling. Much thanks20:37
Jordan_Ubackbox: You're welcome.20:38
k1lbackbox: no problem :)20:38
Artemis3Hfuy_, not all hardware works, you have to check beforehand, it might work with effort, or not at all. The hardware that works, works perfectly without doing anything.20:38
Hfuy_I'm just a bit confused that ubuntu of two and a half years ago worked, whereas this much more up-to-date lubuntu doesn't.20:39
Artemis3Hfuy_, it its a lubuntu issue perhaps you should join #lubuntu20:39
Hfuy_I have. It's dead,20:39
Jordan_UHfuy_: What version of Ubuntu is this LiveUSB?20:39
backboxk1l,  Jordan_U , one other question. what's the group name for the network. I tried adding my user to "network " but network doesn't exist. is the group called something else?20:40
k1lHfuy_: Artemis3 last time now: do you have an interesst in technically solving that issue or are you just here to rant about that?20:40
Hfuy_Jordan_U: I'm not sure what information you need, how do I find that out?20:40
Jordan_UHfuy_: lsb_release -d20:41
jhutchins_wkArtemis3: lubuntu is ubuntu with lxde, uses the gnome nm applet, and is supported here.  I don't know why he's not getting the familiar interface, he hasn't been very descriptive, and he hasn't told us of any diagnostics he's tried.20:41
Hfuy_"Description: Ubuntu 13.10"20:41
jhutchins_wkHfuy_: WHat kind of menu do you get if you left-click the wifi icon?20:42
jhutchins_wkHfuy_: What choices?  Ditto for right-click?20:42
Hfuy_I don't see a wifi icon.20:42
k1li told where he can get informations about the wifi card and if its detected (or even enabled)20:42
jhutchins_wkHfuy_: Then what did you click when you said it was asking for too many items of information?20:43
Hfuy_I have an icon by the clock at the bottom right which looks like one arrow pointing up, and one arrow pointing down, which I assume is a network related thing.20:43
Hfuy_If I click it, one of the options is "edit"20:43
Jordan_UHfuy_: Please pastebin the output of "lspci -vnn".20:44
Hfuy_This brings up a dialog in which one of the options is "add", which appears to allow me to manually add a wifi network. But I need a ridiculous amount of detailed technical information to fill in all the boxes, and if that's the only UI, then it isn't usable.20:44
Hfuy_Wait one. That's a lot of text.20:45
jhutchins_wkHfuy_: Disparaging the information is not helpful in finding your solution.  You have chosen to add a network manually instead of from scanned data, that's what the system needs to know, one way or another.  It's what any OS needs to know.20:45
jhutchins_wkHfuy_: Have you tried right-click instead of left-click?  Also, what Jordan_U asked.20:46
Hfuy_jhutchins_wk: I've never been required to add that sort of information before. I'm not disparaging anything, please just take it as a limitation of my willingness to put up with inconvenience in order to use a lighter OS.20:46
Hfuy_Right click just gets me settings on the applet area.20:46
jhutchins_wkHfuy_: That's not what's going on.  You're doin' it wrong!  That is the option to add an undetected (silent) network.20:47
Jordan_UHfuy_: When things are working properly the only information you will need to manually add is the password.20:47
Hfuy_Jordan_U: Right, OK. That's what I've been trying to establish.20:47
jhutchins_wkJordan_U: I'm gonna leave this to you, I don't have a reference copy atm.20:47
wolfy1339I'm using a surface pro with a type cover and i bought a bluetooth mouse and i paired it, and now how do i use it?20:48
Hfuy_Apparently I can't paste a URL into irssi, so here it is manually: http://pastebin.com/AKeLjb1x20:48
Hfuy_Is that what we wanted>20:49
Jordan_UHfuy_: ctrl+shift+v (depending on what terminal emulator you're using).20:49
Hfuy_No, that just gives me an inverse-video uppercase V.20:49
Hfuy_Anyway, is any of this helping?20:50
Jordan_UHfuy_: You have a broadcom card, which needs firmware to function.20:51
Hfuy_Er, okay?20:51
Hfuy_It worked fine under ubuntu, if that helps?20:52
Jordan_UHfuy_: In the older Ubuntu you presumably installed the firmware (or the proprietary driver).20:52
Hfuy_Not as far as I recall, but it was some time ago.20:53
Hfuy_So, er.20:53
Hfuy_What's the situation.20:53
Jordan_UHfuy_: Software Center should have a graphical "Additional Drivers" tool which will allow you to install the firmware you need, though I don't have an Ubuntu machine in frot of me to walk you through the interface.20:53
Sn0wCr45hin 14.04 it's not there anymore20:54
Jordan_UHfuy_: You'll need to be connected to the internet via ethernet, or you'll need to copy some files over via USB.20:54
Sn0wCr45hit's the right most tab of software updates i believe20:54
k1lHfuy_: see "rfkill list" if it says yes20:54
Hfuy_I have "software updater"20:54
Sn0wCr45hadditional drivers is the right most tab20:55
Hfuy_Hmm, no, that just seems to be literally updates for existing stuff.20:55
Sn0wCr45hsorry software * updates20:55
Sn0wCr45hsoftware & updates20:55
Sn0wCr45hin system settings20:55
Hfuy_I have a list under "get software", a list of installed software and an "apps basket"20:56
nnamehow do you make the screen brighter and dim20:56
Jordan_UHfuy_: Let's just do this via the terminal.20:56
Hfuy_Oh hang on20:57
Jordan_UHfuy_: sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter20:57
Hfuy_I found an "additional drivers" button20:57
Hfuy_Apparently it's a single package20:57
Jordan_UHfuy_: sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer20:58
Beldarnname, There is a brightness app, some computers have  key set as well.20:58
Hfuy_OK, that's happening20:58
nnamewhats the brightness app called, my brightness keys arent working. im on a chromebook20:59
BeldarSn0wCr45h, #ubuntu+1 is the 14.04 channel.20:59
Hfuy_Seems to be done.20:59
Jordan_UHfuy_: Did it give you any prompts?20:59
Hfuy_It's been "extracting b43/lcn2bsinitvals25.fw" most recently20:59
Jordan_UHfuy_: lsmod | grep b4321:00
Sn0wCr45hcheers Beldar21:00
Hfuy_Some stuff returned21:00
Hfuy_none of it really words21:00
BeldarSn0wCr45h, Heh, back at yah. ;)21:00
Jordan_UHfuy_: None of what really works?21:00
Hfuy_not works21:00
doomlord_are there any ways of doing something similar to apple airdisplay app (using an ipad as an additional monitor, literally shows up as an extra screen) with ubuntu & an android-tablet: i know of synergy (which is definitely of interest, but its not 100% the same )21:01
Hfuy_It's hard to express what lsmod returned21:01
gimmicrandom question time: If I've traversed into a directory via a symlink, is there a way to quickly 'pop out' to the real full path?21:01
Jordan_UHfuy_: Please pastebin the output of "nm-tool".21:01
BaribalHi. I just tried to apt-get install libapache2-mod-wsgi and got a "subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" for my troubles. How do I figure out what the real problem is and how to fix it?21:02
=== RickyB98 is now known as rickyb98
Hfuy_one problem I have right now is that it doesn't seem to detect mousedown events when the mouse cursor is moving21:03
zagazahi whats the command for copying a file to a new file with a new name?21:03
Hfuy_makes dragging windows and selecting text very difficult21:03
zagazalike mv file1 file2 only moves it, how to copy it but just change the name?21:03
k1lzagaza: "cp"21:03
zagazathanks k1l21:04
k1lzagaza: which is short for copy :)21:04
zagazagot it :)21:04
Jordan_UHfuy_: Please pastebin the output of "lsmod".21:05
Hfuy_bear with me21:05
Hfuy_this mouse weirdness is... weird21:05
Jordan_Ugimmic: cd "$(realpath .)"21:06
Jordan_Ugimmic: You'll need to install realpath first.21:06
gimmicthat seems overly complicated21:07
gimmiccd -P ./ works21:07
Hfuy_Jordan_U: If you think this is going to take a significant amount of screwing around, I'll just give up and try mint. I'm honestly not making trouble, but this is ridiculous.21:09
Hfuy_I'm getting the ISO right now, so it'll be a few minutes21:10
Jordan_UHfuy_: Try "sudo rmmod b43 && sudo modprobe b43".21:10
Jordan_UHfuy_: D'oh, I gave you the wrong package to install for that card. sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-lpphy-installer21:11
Jordan_UHfuy_: The graphical widget would have chosen the correct one, for whatever that's worth.21:12
scarrzgreetings all I am trying to start qjackctl and I can start it in the guest session ok! but... when my "user" tries to start it I get: Cannot connect to server socket err = No such file or directory - Cannot connect to server request channel - jack server is not running or cannot be started... I have settings saved somewhere from an old linux install but do not know what to delete to get a "fresh" qjackctl start. help?21:12
Hfuy_running that last command locked up the whole OS21:15
Sn0wCr45hscarrz : try the dudes in #jack, they will undoubtedly know21:15
Jordan_UHfuy_: That's certainly unexpected.21:15
Hfuy_didn't want to seem rude by not coming back, but I think we're going to try something else now.21:15
Jordan_UHfuy_: OK, good luck.21:15
ConsoleIf I'm ssh'ed through lish, what would be the best way to copy and paste contents of a file I piped an output to?21:16
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ConsoleI can't just right click and select all21:17
k1l!away > kimiamania|BNC21:18
ubottukimiamania|BNC, please see my private message21:18
willwhConsole: http://madebynathan.com/2011/10/04/a-nicer-way-to-use-xclip/21:18
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striggaAhoi Maties - anybody got experience with gphoto2?21:20
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adrenalinkHello! I am on a notebook with Ubuntu 12.04 installed, but I can't completely shutdown the system. It seems that Ubuntu can't kill all remaining processes. How can I understand the problem? (google didn't help me.)21:23
newuserI was wondering if you guys could help me out with some unity settings?21:23
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newuserI use two monitors and don't want to spend ~40 pixels between them so I disabled the launcher for my right screen. Is there a way to get the search back on the right screen that doesn't involve the dock?21:25
newuseris that possible or should I use another DE?21:26
hylianhello all21:28
Sn0wCr45hnewuser : what are you trying to do ? have the launch bar on the left screen and just the searcg tool on the righ?21:29
newuseror both21:29
newuserdepending on what is possible...21:29
raubadrenalink: see if you can still connect to the different terminal displays; one might be showing the system or other logs21:29
Sn0wCr45hhummm ... you can have full launcher on both but not just the search as far as i know21:29
hyliananyone know why audio skips sometimes on ubuntu?21:30
newuserI tried using autohide but it messed up mouse movement and I couldn't move things across screens21:30
Sn0wCr45hturn off sticky edges21:31
Sn0wCr45hit really does my head in21:31
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adrenalinkraub: no I can't. The last message I can see on the screen is that the system is powering off21:31
adrenalinkraub: it  fails to kill all remaining processes21:32
adrenalinkraub: I have been able to stop the Xserver and I tried to shutdown from a simple user mode screen. It also fails, but I can read the "dmesg". It says: "plymouth-upstart-bridge main process terminated with status 1"21:35
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shawnbon206hey guys, i just did my first dist-upgrade after install, then the grub menu showed on the next boot, but not on every boot after that. can anyone explain?21:47
Sn0wCr45hif you hold shit at boot you can get it back up21:49
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PreytellCan someone tell me what the vmad-bin process is?21:56
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Preytellnm, found it.21:57
Preytellman that was starting to drive me nuts.21:57
kbrosnannot virual mutually assured destruction i assume21:57
Jordan_Ushawnbon206: Please pastebin your /etc/default/grub.22:01
shawnbon206_https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/1258597 i guess its documented here22:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1258597 in grub2 (Ubuntu Trusty) "Warning: Setting GRUB_TIMEOUT to a non-zero value when GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT is set is no longer supported." [Medium,Triaged]22:03
shawnbon206_what should i put it on if i only want a second to popup the menu if i need it in a recovery situation? grub_hidden_timeout=1 grub_timeout=0 ?22:05
Jordan_Ushawnbon206: So you want the menu to always show for one second, and continue booting if there is no key press within that second?22:06
mrkiei remove a couple of packages with the ubuntu software center but now there is still a title left in the ubuntu software center when i pop down the button netxt to all software or installed, how can i remove it? because there are no packages related to it installed anymore22:07
SuckAWeini guess ubuntu's the better distro after all22:08
SuckAWeinI was in the #debian channel22:08
SuckAWeinand the ops there suck so much dick it makes paris hilton look like an anorexic trying to eat a sausage22:08
shawnbon206_wow, you think people would have better things to do than to see how many channels they can get banned from22:09
k1l_!guidelines | SuckAWein this channel is not for trolling, and ranting and foul language too22:09
k1l_!guidelines | SuckAWein22:09
willwhk1l_: he's gone22:10
shawnbon206_ok i made some changes to grub settings, gonna reboot and see what it looks like22:10
Jordan_Ushawnbon206: First please pastebin your changes so I can check that they make sense.22:10
Beldar!narcissist ;)22:10
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ubottuSuckAWein this channel is not for trolling, and ranting and foul language too: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines22:11
ubottuSuckAWein: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines22:11
Jordan_Ushawnbon206: It would be more clear to use GRUB_TIMEOUT=1 and GRUB_TIMEOUT_STYLE=hidden .22:13
Jordan_Ushawnbon206: (Completely removing GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT).22:13
shawnbon206_Jordan_U: will that still give me a chance to press shift to enter the menu when i need it?22:14
Jordan_Ushawnbon206_: Escape rather than shift, but yes.22:14
shawnbon206_will it detect it if its simlpy held down right after POST? or do i need to spam it by pressing esc rapido :P22:15
Jordan_Ushawnbon206_: I don't know. My guess would be the former, and if that is not the case then I can tell you how to accomplish what you want.22:16
shawnbon206_ok i will try it brb22:16
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hotmedalI tried maximus on gnome 3.8.4 and did some other stuff like editing /usr/share/themes/Ambiance/metacity-1/metacity-theme-1.xml . Now when I maximize firefox or nautilus, it goes blank, but I can still click on the things in it.22:20
Beldar hotmedal What ubuntu release?22:20
Beldarhotmedal, You in the gnome shell or fallback?22:23
hotmedalI'm in gnome22:23
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Beldarhotmedal, which one, do you understand the question?22:23
hotmedalI don't think I do22:24
hotmedalthere is only one option for gnome on my login22:24
Beldarhotmedal, Is this a gnome ubuntu install or the standard with the unity desktop and you have installed the shell or fallback desktops?22:24
Beldarthere is a gnome only install is why I ask22:25
hotmedaloh, it's a unity install, I installed gnome and xfce22:25
Beldarhotmedal, Did you remove unity?22:25
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Beldarhotmedal, Ah, the only one de at the login is a misnomer, you know of the dropdown right? just trying to get on the same page and check some things people commonly do like de removal.22:26
ahadnumber2hotmedal whatdo you need assistance with again?22:27
hotmedalyes, some people had multiple gnomes22:27
hotmedalahadnumber2:  I tried maximus on gnome 3.8.4 and did some other stuff like editing /usr/share/themes/Ambiance/metacity-1/metacity-theme-1.xml . Now when I maximize firefox or nautilus, it goes blank, but I can still click on the things in it.22:27
Beldarhotmedal, How did you install gnome?22:27
jpjacobsUsing DD: If not using seek or skip, it does not matter that much which blocksize dd uses, no? but speed of course, on a healthy drive?22:27
hotmedalBeldar: apt-get on 13.04, then upgraded to 13.1022:28
Beldarhotmedal, I mean the command or way gnome got installed, in 13.10 the gnome-shell is actually the ubuntu-gnome-desktop. Just trying to figure out if something is missing is all.22:29
shawnbon206Jordan_U i set it like this http://hastebin.com/wukahoxeco.ini and now its perfect for a single boot machine. there is a blinking cursor right in the top right corner which indicates when i should press esc. i can enter then menu 100% of the time without any added boot time22:30
hotmedalBeldar: I installed gnome-shell in 13.04, used it for a long time then upgraded ubuntu from the update manager, no reinstall of gnome if that's what you're asking22:30
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shawnbon206theres still a moment when i see grub start to draw itself on screen but thats purely a cosmetic complaint. not worth fixing22:31
Beldarhotmedal, Cool, seems, as a guess on my part the de mods are the issue, I have never tried the maximus app.22:32
shawnbon206Linux is so awesome :)22:32
hotmedalBeldar: do you mean the extensions?22:32
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Beldarhotmedal, extensions can be problematic, I use the shell and have a handful of the extensions. I was not commenting on that as we never discussed it. I mean adding maximus and this " and did some other stuff like editing /usr/share/themes/Ambiance/metacity-1/metacity-theme-1.xml"22:34
hotmedalyeah that was what caused the problem. It wouldn't have if maximus had worked like it was supposed to22:35
Beldarhotmedal, You can reverse all you have done, and maybe start with maximus and help with it again, thats my general path. Anyway I'm not really helping you here, hope you get it figured out. ;)22:36
hotmedalthanks nonetheless22:38
Jordan_Ushawnbon206: I'm not sure why you keep insisting on using the depricated GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT. It shouldn't hurt anything, but at the same time it's completely unneeded.22:40
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shawnbon206Jordan_U youre right i commented it out and it had no effect. 0 is the default if its not otherwise set22:46
shawnbon206then the grubhiddentimeoutquiet option doesnt need to be there if its set to 0, because it cant show something for 0 second :)22:47
Wugdoes anyone have any experience with GTK22:51
Jordan_Ushawnbon206: Just to confuse you more, even with "GRUB_TIMEOUT=10" you'd still never have the menu show unless shift was held, as the default for Ubuntu is to hide the menu (with zero timeout) in this way. In fact it's probably safer to use GRUB_TIMEOUT=10.22:52
WugI find myself in a bit of a bind because it looks like unity is eating (or perhaps just not emitting) the iconify event when you minimize a window, leaving me without a way to detect it22:52
SampeiCiao a tutti22:53
Jordan_UWug: It's standard for compositing window managers, so that they can show previews of "minimized" windows.22:53
zubuntui am trying to setup icecast2 radio broadcasting with mixxx22:54
Jordan_UWug: What do you plan for your app to do when it becomes minimized?22:54
zubuntubut MP3 LAME encoder doesnt work or doesnt exist22:54
zubuntucan somebody help me pls ?22:55
zubuntuit was just copy paste LAME_enc.dll in program files broadcaster folder in windows but i dont know how to do that with ubuntu22:55
kostkon!info libmp3lame022:56
ubottulibmp3lame0 (source: lame): MP3 encoding library. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.99.5+repack1-3 (saucy), package size 158 kB, installed size 380 kB22:56
Jordan_Uzubuntu: sudo apt-get install libmp3lame022:56
zubuntuthank u Jordan_U  :)22:56
Jordan_Uzubuntu: You're welcome.22:56
zubuntu0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.22:56
zubuntumeans already have it ?22:56
shawnbon206Jordan_U setting it to 10 and rebooting... shows menu for 10 seconds22:57
zubuntuJordan_U:  it is still giving error :S22:58
zubuntuMixxx cannot record or stream in MP3 without the MP3 encoder "lame".22:58
WugJordan_U: I've got several windows and need them to minimize simultaneously22:59
zubuntuis there any tutorial about that ?22:59
Wugi.e. user minimizes one, all minimize22:59
zubuntui am googling but cant find :S22:59
Jordan_Ushawnbon206: Please pastebin your complete /etc/default/grub. Unfortunately the hiding of the grub menu by default is not an upstream feature, and was never properly integrated with /etc/default/grub.22:59
jhutchinsWug: ctrl-alt-d?22:59
Sn0wCr45hzubuntu I use butt for streaming to icecast servers, but i believe it's only available on 12.0423:00
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zubuntuSn0wCr45h:   i think mixxx should broadcast too but couldnt set mp3 lame thingy :S23:00
qinWug: move to other workspace to hide naughty stuff23:01
Cygnus-X1Anybody else having a problem with libreoffice segfaulting?23:01
zubuntuSn0wCr45h:  what do u use for encoder ?23:01
Wugqin: I'm writing an application, not hiding my porn23:01
Sn0wCr45hi had a look at mixx .. but the driver support for my external soundcard is not great and as such i can't use my decks and timecode vinyl23:01
zubuntuogg vorbis or MP3 ?23:01
qinWug: it was due to lack of better adjective.23:01
WugI have a "master" window, and a "slave" window that has no title bar23:01
Wugthey are both fullscreen windows23:02
Sn0wCr45hi don't stream from the device thats runnin g my mixing software23:02
shawnbon206_Jordan_U: http://hastebin.com/mapebaxame.vala23:02
Sn0wCr45hso jack and butt23:02
Wugwhen I minimize the master, the slave should also minimize23:02
Wugthis is an in-depth-y sort of a gtk question23:02
Wugthe usual method does not work, because unity breaks it23:02
zubuntuSn0wCr45h:  i have a free account from internet radio server23:03
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Sn0wCr45hand as far as I know jack encodes my line in for but to stream in MP323:03
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qinWug: there is swith in Apperance: http://askubuntu.com/questions/364424/superd-key-shortcut-does-not-show-desktop-in-ubuntu-13-1023:03
Jordan_Ushawnbon206_: Ok, I guess I need to look at recent changes Ubuntu has made. Feel free to go back to what was working for you :)23:04
zubuntuso Sn0wCr45h  u use a device not server right ?23:04
Sn0wCr45hbut if you have sound on the device you could just go with pulse audio and butt23:04
Sn0wCr45hno i stream to bot shoutcast and icecast with that23:04
Wugqin: I don't want to minimize every window, just the specific slave window associated with the master23:04
shawnbon206_Jordan_U: grub 2.02~beta2-8 on trusty btw23:05
zubuntui guess if it doesnt work with mixxx i dont think it works with them either23:06
Sn0wCr45hand it's just software this end ... could just as easily be an mp3 rather than a dj'd input23:06
zubuntuit s mp3 lame issue i bet23:06
Cygnus-X1huh.  Fixed it, apparently.  rm -rf .config/libreoffice then apt-get autoremove libreoffice, then apt-get install libreoffice-calc libreoffice-writer23:08
zubuntuSn0wCr45h:  i couldnt even install butt lol23:10
Sn0wCr45hi think it's only available for 12.0423:10
zubuntui am using 12.04 already23:11
qinWug: only Devilspie comes to my head, yet never used it with gnome3/unity23:11
Sn0wCr45hok .. shouldn't have any probs installing it .. what error you get?23:11
Wugqin: that's a standalone program, not a GTK function call or something similar.  In any case, I suspect it listens for the exact event which is currently not working and will probably fail to detect minimized windows when running under unity23:12
kostkonJamesMoriarty, hi23:17
zubuntucant do it :S23:18
zubuntuSn0wCr45h:   can u tell me how can i install butt ?23:18
Sn0wCr45hpm'd you a link to a walk through23:20
awc737why do Ubuntu OVZ templates feel so incomplete23:21
awc737locale is not set, there are weird ssl issues I never have experienced with a normal ubuntu install23:21
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ahaddatechiniciawill trusty use mir display manager?23:30
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justin_zwAnyone know how to stop xchat-gnome from joining this literally every time I open it?23:35
Beldarjustin_zw, remove the auto join23:36
justin_zwWhere's that setting located?23:36
justin_zwI'm still a bit Linux stupid.23:36
Beldarjustin_zw, In the first gui right side is a edit button, it leads to several options including autojoin23:37
BeldarI use hexchat a fork so going by memory23:38
D3RPhey peoples23:42
justin_zwI think I found a version that is highly unsupported or documented23:43
justin_zwSo I'm just gonna go ahead and uninstall this and get that hexfork client you mentioned.23:43
D3RPSo ive been having some issues, if anyone can help http://paste.debian.net/hidden/fad1e965/23:44
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D3RPOk, there 1526 people in this chatroom and not one other person is talking?23:47
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jpdsD3RP: Never heard of that package.23:47
BeldarD3RP, This a tar install from firefox rather than the repos?23:48
D3RPwell that doesnt matter, i just need a command  to remov eone specific package23:48
jpdsD3RP: sudo dpkg -P firefox-mozilla-build23:48
D3RPeg. no apt-get remove23:48
BeldarD3RP, Really, you will not answer questions, lol.23:48
Beldarwhat a dork23:49
kostkonD3RP, is it on ubuntu or debian?23:49
jpdsBeldar: Dude, that was uncalled for.23:49
kostkon!debian | D3RP23:49
ubottuD3RP: Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/i386/what-is-debian.html - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!23:49
Beldarjpds, thanks daddy, lol23:49
kostkonD3RP, we only support ubuntu here23:49
awc737is it possible ubuntu will ever stop depending on debian?23:49
D3RPwel the guys in the debain sever wont help, so i figured next best thing23:49
jpdsawc737: No.23:50
justin_zwJust wanted to say I just installed HexChat and can already tell this is much easier to use.23:50
bazhangD3RP, you're not in the channel23:50
justin_zwThanks for mentioning it. Just wanted to say that.23:50
D3RPyeah, im in ubuntu23:50
awc737so in a way does canonical support debian? or help maintain it23:50
bazhangD3RP, /join #debian23:50
jpdsawc737: Nothing to do with Canonical.23:50
Beldarawc737, This is support not Q&A.23:51
D3RPI just said theyre not helping23:51
D3RPthats why im here23:51
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jpdsD3RP: Right, and we can only help you with Ubuntu problems.23:51
D3RPwell i just need a command to remove a specific program23:51
jpdsD3RP: Already gave it to you.23:51
jpdsD3RP: 23:48:40 < jpds> D3RP: sudo dpkg -P firefox-mozilla-build23:51
D3RPit didnt work23:51
jpdsD3RP: Define "didn't work".23:52
tewardD3RP, if you're using Debian you'll need a Debian channel, or ##linux23:52
tewardD3RP, the other thing is "didn't work" is ambiguous, we need more details about what exactly you're seeing it say/do23:52
zubuntuhow to completely remove installed programs in ubuntu ?23:53
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Beldarzubuntu, purge23:53
jpdszubuntu: apt-get remove --purge <program>23:53
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zubuntui did purge23:53
Beldarzubuntu, IE sudo apt-get purge 'app'23:53
pimpimjpds,apt-get purge <program> is the same23:53
jpdspimpim: I know.23:53
zubuntuand then re-installed but still it has previous configuration23:53
D3RPTHANK YOU jpds23:54
Beldarzubuntu, What is it?23:54
D3RPno idea23:54
tewardD3RP, if you can see what it says it says to reinstall it first.23:54
jpdszubuntu: Then it's probably a default configuration.23:54
tewardD3RP, having said this, you're still on Debian, not Ubuntu, you really should be talking to #debian on OFTC or ##linux23:54
kostkonzubuntu, look for any hidden config folders in your home folder, maybe in ~/.config23:54
zubuntuwhere is the program files location of ubuntu?23:55
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zubuntuusr/lib  ?23:55
kostkonzubuntu, or look for ~/.mixxx if it exists   ~/ means your home folder ie  /home/yourusername23:55
jpdszubuntu: Oh, you'll have to find out where it keeps user configurations in your home folder.23:55
Beldarzubuntu, use ctrl-h to show hidden, and look in .config as suggested.23:55
jpdszubuntu: apt-get only purges things in /etc/23:55
zubuntufound it23:56
Sn0wCr45hzubuntu : it will a hidden folder in home or a sub dir there23:56
zubuntui deleted inside ~/.mixxx23:56
Guest29086before i installed ubuntu 13.10 both of my external monitor was full screen and my laptop monitor had a border on the sides but now the external monitor has a border on the left side and the laptop has a border on both sides.  it is set at the only resolution where the settings will allow it23:56
zubuntui hope it fix23:56
BeldarGuest29086, Have you updated and checked the additional drivers?23:57
Guest29086i have updates not check for additional drivers how do i do that23:57
BeldarGuest29086, upgrade first then look in software sources, last tab23:58
Guest29086Beldar,  do i need to reboot23:58

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