
OvenWerk1zequence: It looks like ubuntustudio-menu has been released. However the changelog in our branch still says UNRELEASED does that mean I should change that to trusty?05:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1295354 in ubuntustudio-menu (Ubuntu) "[UIFe] Menu item for entangle is in the wrong sub menu" [Low,Fix released]05:53
OvenWerk1see the launchpad janitor entry at the bottom.05:54
zequenceOvenWerk1: The safest way is to make sure there's nothing else diffing except for the changelog, by comparing lp:ubuntu/ubuntustudio-menu with lp:ubuntustudio-menu. It's an error on the uploaders part, since they should push that change into our branch as well10:43
zequencecould be not everyone has permission though10:43
zequenceof course, most probably, only the release word has been changed in the changelog. But, if ones to double check..10:44
zequenceubuntustudio-look has been released as well10:45
zequencestill waiting for ubuntustudio-default-settings10:45

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