
=== Guest56776 is now known as ponbiki
Wayward_VagabondMy graphics seem to be stuck in 1024x768, the screen scales it up to 1200x900, then letterboxes it01:02
Wayward_VagabondA full screen wine program crashed when starting, and it's been like that since01:02
Wayward_VagabondAnybody know how to go about fixing this?01:03
bazhangcheck the appdb and join #winehq01:22
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help01:22
kingplusplusplease anyone know where vim colors are stored in Xubuntu?01:38
deltmy X server is still beign run with "-nolisten tcp" ....i removed that from my /etc/X11/xinit/xserverrc AND i added that option in lightdm.conf02:37
deltnm, just had to reboot... looks like logging out wasn't enough02:44
deltholstein: oh did i tell you my midi keyboard works on one of the back USB ports on this new motherboard :D :D02:48
holsteindelt: congrats!02:49
delti just occasionally get this kernel message: [  169.251686] urb status -3202:49
deltbut works perfectly, no skipped notes, or anything02:49
holsteinsounds ignorable02:50
deltanyway it's good to have a working (and modern) desktop machine after several weeks using just a laptop02:51
deltok, so what was the font manager app that came with 13.04, that let the user view/install/uninstall fonts? it doesn't seem to be present in 14.10......02:52
deltah, kfontview... it was there on my laptop because i installed the kde stuff02:55
deltholy shit, After this operation, 132 MB of additional disk space will be used.02:55
deltthat has a lot of deps02:55
holstein!langauge > delt03:01
ubottudelt, please see my private message03:01
deltoh, sorry about that.03:03
deltenglish isn't my native language, so03:04
deltenglish isn't my native language, so03:04
deltenglish isn't my native language, so "harsh" language sometimes doesn't seem too "harsh" to me03:04
bazhangdelt, it means no cursing03:04
deltyeah, that's what i figured... again sorry about it03:05
deltis there a package that install all microsoft fonts like verdana, arial, etcetc...?03:09
kupo_well. must say. so far upgrade to 14.04 has been fine. and it finally fixed my screen saver issue on both computahs. way to go folks03:09
holsteindelt: i usually just get "ubuntu-restricted-extras". but it has other things in it.. you should be able to search for them03:10
deltcool, what other stuff is in that package?03:11
bazhangxubuntu-restricted-extras if he's using xubuntu, right?03:11
deltanyway i installed the verdana ttf's and pianoteq03:11
kupo_search fonts on synaptic. can find some stuff03:11
deltanyway i installed the verdana ttf's and pianoteq's font is back to normal =)03:11
cfhowlettbazhang, correct03:12
bazhangmscorefonts-installer , let me check03:12
Artemis3its called ttf-mscorefonts-installer03:12
deltttf-mscorefonts-installer is already the newest version.03:12
Artemis3so you have it03:13
deltguess this answers my question -- The following NEW packages will be installed: \n gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse libfaac0 libmpeg2encpp-2.1-0 libmplex2-2.1-003:13
deltoh also, i mentioned this i think a few weeks ago... sometimes there's a bug that makes TAB completion in term windows no longer works.... the tab key behaves like if some other modifier is pressed - similar to alt+tab, but not exactly03:15
delti have to close down my X session to fix it.... it's quite annoying03:15
deltdoesn't happen very often, but when it does, that's the only way to fix it :/03:15
Artemis3Xubuntu 13.10? i havent encountered it yet03:16
delthappened on my laptop with 13.04 as well03:16
delt13.10 or 13.04, can never remember which :303:16
Artemis3you might have the alt key getting stuck or something03:17
deltthat's what i first thought, but it's not the case03:17
delt+ same thing happens on the desktop machine03:17
delt pressing and releasing all the modifier keys (shift, alt, ctrl...) usually fixes bugs like this, but this one nope..03:17
deltthere might be a way with xmodmap, but i haven't found it03:19
ktulu1776Hi guys... Noob question here. My top of screen menu (Unity Menu?) is gone. Not a panel, but the thin constant bar on top with time, Applications Menu, windows, network, etc03:34
holsteinktulu1776: you are running xubuntu? and you have lost the xfce panel? the top one?03:35
holsteinktulu1776: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels#Restore_your_Xfce_panel_settings03:36
ktulu1776So the xfce panel is what I want, not Unity?03:36
holsteinktulu1776: if you are not running unity, then, correct.. not unity03:36
holsteinktulu1776: xubuntu has xfce panels.. not unity menus03:37
ktulu1776I'm in xubuntu. I am in terminal installing unity now though :-/03:37
holsteinktulu1776: ok..03:37
Artemis3i would just rename ~/.config/xfce4 :)03:37
holsteinktulu1776: you can follow the instructions i gave to restore you panels.. its a lot like what Artemis3 just suggested03:37
ktulu1776I thought that was the name of the top menu. I'll try the instructions on your link when this is done03:37
Artemis3if you attempt to install unity, you will experience a lot of trouble03:38
ktulu1776I have the panel at the bottom03:38
holsteinwell, its more than an attempt.. its coming in now03:38
ktulu1776should I cancel this Terminal installation of Unity?03:38
holsteinyou can try "sudo apt-get autoremove unity"03:38
holsteinktulu1776: depends on what stage its in03:39
holsteinktulu1776: if its still downloading only, you can usually control c that and be OK03:39
holsteinktulu1776: i would leave it be if you are not sure03:39
Artemis3or maybe it wont do anything but i haven't tried03:39
Artemis3i should pull a lot of dependencies03:40
deltwhy not just create a dummy account and copy over the panels config from there?03:44
kupo_yay. finally got tamsyn fonts working. didn't know about that cache command03:46
kupo_wouldnt purge unity be better?03:47
holsteinwell, at this point "better" doesnt matter.. it would be better to have not installed it03:49
holsteinbut, it will be easy to remove. and i would try "sudo apt-get auto-remove unity" and just read what is getting removed03:49
holsteindelt: the "reset" proceedure above just gets a defaut, out of the box panel configuration03:50
Artemis3i wonder if installing unity pulls the gtk global menu thing03:50
ktulu1776"Package unity is not installed, so not removed"03:50
Artemis3or the dissappearing scroll bars03:50
holsteindelt: the same result as making a new account, and pulling them in03:50
holsteinktulu1776: ok.. dont over think it03:50
Artemis3might be some other ubuntu-desktop package :)03:50
holsteinktulu1776: you can use the up arrow to see what you actually installed03:51
holsteinktulu1776: first thing i would do is, "Fix" your problem.. reset your panels, and just logout and back in03:51
holsteinktulu1776: if everything is fine, just leave it alone03:51
delti must say, xubuntu / ubuntustudio is a really nice OS, i like it a lot.03:51
kupo_I installed lxde on other computer to try it out. when I purged it . all the bloat was gone and same stuff as my xfce. it was nice. but I guess it didn't delete.. thought it would have03:52
cfhowlettkupo_, lxde only???03:53
ktulu1776I'll show you guys what I have now. One sec03:54
ktulu1776Thanks holstein03:54
kupo_yes. installed lxde on xubuntu system03:55
holsteinktulu1776: you can either fix that panel, or reset them as the link i gave will do03:55
holsteinktulu1776: you can right click, and get to many options, that i suggest playing with on a live CD, or in the guest account03:55
kupo_i just find xfce to look much better and everything. though i have never explored open box much.03:55
cfhowlettkupo_, sudo apt-cache purge lxde03:56
kupo_but very glad upgrade to 14.04 has been fine so far and fixed my screensaver/blank screen bug that a lot of people have03:56
kupo_ok. i'll try that thanks03:57
Artemis3what bug is that?03:57
kupo_invalid command it says.03:57
ktulu1776i just don't have the ~/.config/xfce4/xfconf/ directory needed for that reset instructions03:58
kupo_a bug that turns your screen saver or turn off monitor every ten minutes if idle. even when watching videos03:58
kupo_i googled and very common. but light locker or whatever seemed to do its job right03:58
deltkupo_: check settings -> power manager03:59
deltin my experience it kind of conflicts with the screen saver settings03:59
holsteinktulu1776: you can look in a file manager, in .config/xfce403:59
kupo_yeah i did it all. the only fix was a command   xset -dpms  etc03:59
kupo_every time i booted03:59
kupo_it's fine now. problem resolved with 14.0403:59
holsteinktulu1776: you can just move that entire xfce4 folder out of the way, or rename it, and get default settings04:00
deltdoesn't the "power manager" applet simply execute xset with the right parameters?04:00
holsteinktulu1776: you should have ~/.config/xfce4/panel04:00
ktulu1776OK, I just renamed /user/.config/xfce4, I'll restart now?04:00
holsteinktulu1776: you dont need to restart, but you can... as i said, just logging out and back in will do04:01
ktulu1776I have that, but not xfconf04:01
ktulu1776OK, back in a sec04:01
holsteinktulu1776: i dont see any references to that for addressing the panel reset04:01
holsteinxfconfd is not a directory04:02
holsteinpkill xfconfd is a command04:02
kupo_what's the command to restart xfce without logging out? i know it was r and -r for gnome04:02
ktulu1776_Woohoo, thanks to the computer genius, holstein!04:02
kupo_on alt +f204:02
holsteinktulu1776: enjoy04:03
ktulu1776_thanks! So that xfce folder holds user prefs for the desktop interface, and when deleted, defaults are restored?04:04
holsteinktulu1776: correct.. deleted, moved, or removed, or renamed04:04
ktulu1776_Great. Learning bit by bit here. Thanks all04:04
deltwhat's the difference between pkill and killall?04:04
deltfrom the manpage, seems to do the same thing04:05
deltquick question, how do i enable my user account to run a separate X server?04:11
kupo_found bug in 14.04  leafpad don't seem to work. closes when you go to menu or right click. if anyone else has had problem04:16
delt*sigh* now i killed my account, can't log in :/ where's the desktop manager log file again?04:17
deltkeeps bouncing back to the login screen.04:19
kupo_*mousepad not leafpad. sorry04:20
xubuntu959NEcesito ayuda04:20
xubuntu959Con xbuntu, intento instalarlo04:20
xubuntu959Pero no he podidp04:20
xubuntu959No he podido04:20
ubottuxubuntu959,: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)04:21
deltzapato cabeza y caramba04:21
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.04:21
deltyo no espaniolo04:21
deltanyway, i'm on a text console right now, how do i check the desktop manager log file for errors?04:23
delt/var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log contains only lines that start with DEBUG:04:23
deltwhat should i look for in that file?04:23
deltok, found the error, it was my .Xauthority file that somehow caused problems04:27
deltyay, i'm back in :D04:30
deltthis could be quite problematic for beginner users....04:33
bazhangfile a bug then delt04:33
delti kept the .Xauthority file that prevented me from logging in, dunno what happened to it04:34
deltearlier i was futzing around with running a separate X server, that must be what caused the problem04:36
deltoh, how do i press F1 in a terminal? the UI intercepts it and asks me if i want to read the online docs.....04:45
deltwhich is kind of annoying when i need to press F1 in a textmode program like alsamixer04:46
shawnbon206is the beta 14.04 installer considered safe to use at this point?06:01
cfhowlettshawnbon206, support for unreleased versions (14.04) = #ubuntu+1       channel06:02
bazhangstill a bit more than two weeks away06:02
ubottubazhang,: Yeah, yeah06:02
bazhangexpect breakage06:02
bazhangubottu, shaddap06:03
cfhowlettbazhang, is the !isitout factoid retired?06:03
shawnbon206does a dist-upgrade usually work? i am installing for the first time i would hate to reinstall in 2 weeks06:03
bazhangcfhowlett, not that I know of, it's mostly used in #u-r-p06:03
bazhang!final | shawnbon20606:04
ubottushawnbon206: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Trusty and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 14.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal.06:04
cfhowlett#u-r-p   ?  never been there.06:04
bazhangshawnbon206, dist-upgrade is not a version upgrade06:04
shawnbon206ok thanks ubottu . will do06:04
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !Saucy release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/2534/06:04
bazhangcfhowlett, ^06:04
cfhowlettbazhang, sot it.06:05
shawnbon206er, thanks bazhang :) i accidentally thanked the bot lol06:05
bazhangcfhowlett, that chan wont be open for ten or more days yet iirc06:06
shawnbon206does dist-upgrade work differently on ubuntu? on debian thats what i usually do06:06
bazhangaround 4/15-16-ish I'd reckon06:06
cfhowlettbazhang, I've never been the type who feels compelled to see a Day 1 of release upgrade06:07
ubottuA dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.06:07
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade06:07
bazhangdebian is a bit different in that regard06:07
shawnbon206ok gonna pull the trigger06:09
shawnbon206its an old imac i am completely getting rid of osx and windows06:09
bazhangget the daily then, #ubuntu+1 as cf howlett indicated earlier06:11
shawnbon206why the daily when the beta is only 4 days behind it?06:13
bazhangthe daily will become the beta...06:15
ethermonkabout 600MB in updates plus some fixes in the install process it's self if i remember correctly06:15
elfyplease read the blog notes for it - it references the release notes and the b1 notes - http://xubuntu.org/news/xubuntu-14-04-final-beta/06:17
Pierre_Hi everybody ! I am struggling installing correctly the last Xubuntu Version on my pc. My problem is the internet connection, would anyone of you like to help me with this? Thanks in advance.08:31
Pierre_I runed Ubuntu 11.04 perfectly well for few years and then I wanted to update to the last Xubuntu. I never had any trouble with Internet before, neither on Vista nor Ubuntu. During Install and when running a live session, my wired connection worked just fine. Unfortunately, when all the install is over, it ended with no connections at all (no wifi/no wired)08:37
Pierre_I tried again and again to reinstall various versions (Ubuntu/Xubuntu) and it's the same08:38
Pierre_I reinstalled vista and it works fine (well as fine as vista is able to)08:38
Pierre_Please I need your help as I don't want to get Microshit back08:39
ethermonkwhat wifi chipset? what xubuntu version?08:47
Pierre_hi ethermonk, thanks for your help08:56
Pierre_this is xubuntu 13.04, my laptop is a Dell Inspiron 1501 and the wifi chipset is a Broadcom Corporation BCM4311 802.11b/g08:57
Pierre_(ethernet : BCM4401-B0 100Base -TX)08:58
ethermonkthats going to be a problem09:00
ethermonk13.04 is eol, and 14.04 is not going to support your wifi card. you can still run 13.10 which does work with the !b4309:00
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx09:01
Pierre_Ok... What do you mean "13.04 is eol" ?09:03
ethermonksupport has ended for 13.04.09:03
ethermonkbut the answer is the same. install the drivers located on the install disk, ubottu can PM you the link when i say !broadcom | Pierre_09:04
ethermonkPierre_  i have that b43 in several of my laptops. had to replace them all with this $8 wifi adapter in preparation for 14.04 LTS: http://www.monoprice.com/Product?c_id=105&cp_id=10501&cs_id=1050108&p_id=8072&format=209:11
Pierre_Are you telling me that there is no way for me to solve this out than buying a new wifi-device ?09:12
ethermonkno i gave you a link to the directions on how to install the drivers, then i gave you advise on a new wifi adapter because in the future, it wont work on upcoming releases09:13
ethermonkstarting with next month's release of 14.0409:15
ethermonkwait, thats this month.09:15
ethermonkneed to flip the calendar  :P09:15
bazhang16 days!09:16
bazhangubottu, isitout?09:16
ubottuYeah, yeah09:16
bazhang4/17 final09:17
Pierre_ok I'll try now the link solution... Thanks for your help and good night to you09:20
jarkko_God Bless10:55
nikolamThis clipboard applet stopped woking for me recently.12:15
nikolamIt used to work, now just display some window on click, that has just one line visible above panel and bloks any input to any app12:16
nikolamonly ESC resumes focus to other app12:16
=== skribblezatcha is now known as pencilandpaper
xubuntu229have just installed xubuntu 13.1 and to my dismay there is no support for my nvidia 440mx (nvidia 96*** package). I downloaded the correct package from nvidia and tried a manual install by booting into recovery mode (ie no X server) but the entire hard drive was read only and the nvidia installation failed. Ubuntu documentation is not at all clear on how to manually install this driver (the hard way as they rightly put it).14:44
Artemis3xubuntu229, did you try 12.04?14:52
Artemis3or even 10.04 that card is awfully old, isn't nouveau working with it?14:53
xubuntu229yeah I did, been using 12.04 for a while and it recognises the graphics card and allows updating of the nVidia driver with one click - no problems. In the 13.1 release the one click update only covers card from the geforce 5 and upward, the 96*** driver is not supported whether this is because its been completely dropped or will only be supported in LTS releases I dont know. I'm well aware the card is old - am saving for new comp14:56
koegsthe legacy driver is not compatible with the latest xserver14:57
xubuntu229so my only option then is to revert to 12.04, at least until I get new hardware?14:59
xubuntu229nouveau isn't really working at all well get lots of artefacts and random windows transparency or white out problems.15:01
Artemis3xubuntu229, hmm what would i do, is that a motherboard with built in nvidia?15:02
Artemis3i happen to have one of those around, havent used it for years lol15:02
Artemis3the problem with old nvidia drivers is that they were made to work with older kernels only, it would be best if the nouveau driver worked, maybe help at #nouveau or something?15:04
xubuntu229its a separate card 440mx 128mb, know that's rubbish but its not worth paying out for an upgraded graphics card when the rest of the system is about 12 years old - even if I could find a better card anyway.15:04
Artemis3you sure the card is working properly with the nvidia binary blob?15:05
Artemis3in that case head to #nouveau and try help them get the data on that card15:05
xubuntu229on 12.04 had full, or as full as it would go :-(  3d acceleration. Yeah you prob did lol, think i'm prob going to weep ol.15:07
Artemis3then stick to 12.04, and try help the nouveau guys if you can15:08
Artemis3you need package nvidia-9615:08
xubuntu229yeah I'll get intouch with them, always good to help if you can. I've got the 96 package, just dont know how to drop to console without the xserver still running - except for booting in recovery mode to console but then the hard drive is read only.15:10
Artemis3no i don't recommend you try to install that package with newer versions, just use precise15:11
Artemis3it will probably fail anyway15:11
xubuntu229ok then, its a bit annoying cos xfce in 13.1 is a much improved interface. Looks like I'll just have to wait till have enough cash for newer system. Anyway thanks for your help, much appreciated.15:13
Artemis3you might have some luck using xfce ppa with 12.0415:14
Artemis3important thing is to stay with the older kernel15:14
Artemis3so install 12.04, and maybe try ppas for the software you need updated15:15
xubuntu229ok - will get on installing that now. Once again thanks.....15:16
=== howefield is now known as howefield_afk
ben_xyzzy_How do I manually mount an external drive? Automount is intentionally disabled.16:16
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount16:24
RFlemingGreetings!  How does one modify likewise-open5's home directory?16:48
RFleming/home/likewise-open/DOMAIN/username kinda stinks :)16:49
=== EugeneBandit is now known as the_limiter
=== the_limiter is now known as EugeneBandit
fullgripBRhi there, quick question: to install xubuntu on vmware I choose ubuntu as the target OS, right? pls do not guess talk, just for who did it already ok...17:56
knomefullgripBR, please understand that people here are volunteers, and usually guess talk is the best we can offer you.17:57
knomewell, not usually, but sometimes..17:58
fullgripBRwill google then, thx18:00
knomenow having said that, i haven't installed xubuntu in vmware, but i can't imagine why setting ubuntu as the target OS would be wrong; xubuntu does share the ubuntu core.18:00
knomebut if you insist on "you have to have done it" -information, then good luck searching for the answer18:01
fullgripBRknome, u r dead right, vmware even detects as Ubuntu... as seen here... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59kwwtg3fIg18:06
fullgripBRso i will wait 4 d image to download and it's problem solved, no need to make a blank vm in advance18:07
fullgripBRthx for your time dude18:07
deltwhat's the best way to install the nvidia drivers on xubuntu / ubuntu studio?18:42
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto18:43
deltah, thanks18:43
deltbtw on my laptop, (the "settings manager" had a drivers item) installing the nvidia drivers resulted in the nice "linux for creative humans" spinning logo gone, and a textmode screen with 4 flashing dots instead. just wondering....?18:47
cfhowlettdelt, " linux for creative humans" is the ubuntustudio motto - not xubuntu18:48
daniellhey there, I just installed the latest 14.04 beta over my old ubuntu gnome 13.04. I preserved my old encrypted home dir on a different partition. Installation went ok, but after the first reboot I'm now at the login screen and it hangs19:44
daniellno mouse/keyboard response19:44
cfhowlettdaniell  until released, 14.04 support = #ubuntu+119:45
daniellcfhowlett: allright I'll have a look there19:47
nikolamuh, suddenly audio mixer in xfce panel stopped doing it's job...19:54
nikolamnot reacting to volume changes. dunno19:54
nikolamremoving and adding mixer applet to panel and it started managing audio again19:59
jockehi all,  do xubuntu provide some kind of "live search"  ?  (like spotlight in OSX)20:21
ochosijocke: nope20:22
ochosiif you mean one that combines online and offline, then certainly no20:22
ochosiif you just want a file-search, you can use catfish20:22
jockeochosi, I was more looking for a tool that let me use the keybord instead of the mouse for common tasks,  like for example I use  "apple+space+fi" to open firefox under OSX20:24
ochosijocke: in that case you have two options20:25
ochosi1) assign kb-shortcuts to applications (settings-manager -> keyboard)20:25
ochosi2) use some launcher tool (e.g. xfce4-appfinder by default on alt+f2, or from 14.04 onwards whiskermenu bound on ctrl+esc)20:26
jockeochosi, Whisker Menu seems to be what I am looking for, I running the live CD now so I can't install but this application is provided for 13,10 as well right ?20:31
jockeI realized I  can run apt-get  even if I run the DVD so I been able to install   whiskermenu,  this was exactly what I was looking for,  thank you!20:41
jockeochosi, thanks!20:41
jockeIs it possible to map "apple+space" to open the  whiskermenu ?20:57
Artemis3i think so21:08
Artemis3configuration -> keyboard -> shortcuts ? you should just call whiskermenu (not sure what the name is)21:10
jockeArtemis3, I don't understand how, In the last answer here:  http://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=110&t=139752   there are no option for shortcut21:11
jockeArtemis3, sorry did not see your answer while typing21:11
Artemis3ignore mint21:11
jockeArtemis3, It was just that that is the only description over how to set this I been able to find21:13
Artemis3but mint doesn't even use xfce by default21:13
Artemis3no wonder you didn't get the answer there21:14
Artemis3oh live search? i wonder what is that? you can both search installed apps and there is another to search files21:15
Artemis3in a default xubuntu install, you will see at the botton panel the two magnifying glasses for these21:16
jockeArtemis3,  what do you mean with "the botton panel" ?  can't find the "the two magnifying glasses"21:20
Artemis3the one that looks like a dock21:20
Artemis3in a default install you get the icons there21:21
Artemis3when you move the cursor all the way to the bottom21:21
jockehehe, unbelievable I did not see the dock until now!21:21
Artemis3its hidden by default21:21
Artemis3well looks like a dock, but its just another panel21:22
jockeok, now I understand21:22
jockeArtemis3, earlier I write this:   I was more looking for a tool that let me use the keybord instead of the mouse for common tasks,  like for example I use  "apple+space+fi" to open firefox under OSX.. this is why I installed  whiskermenu (as a spotlight replacement)) .  The only problem is that I don\t know how to set the keymap21:25
Artemis3its right there where i told you21:26
Artemis3you just add a new one, and press the keys, then you put the command you want to run21:26
jocke*sorry for my spelling. my keyboard are not behaving as normal21:27
Artemis3its ok, im worse21:27
hylianhello al21:28
jockehmm, sorry I don't follow you.  add what?  press what?21:31
jockeArtemis3, above message was to you21:32
Artemis3menu > setting manager > keyboard > shortcuts  if your language differs the words will change21:32
Artemis3or is it configuration then settings manager?21:33
jockeArtemis3, OK, so I am able to open the dialog box  "Shortcut Command"     menu > setting manager > keyboard > Application Shortcuts > add (button)21:37
Artemis3yes thats it21:37
jockethe problem is that the  field for "Shortcut" are not available. There are only a field for "command"21:39
Artemis3also check above and replace the defaults :)21:40
Artemis3command goes first21:40
Artemis3then it will ask you which keys21:40
Artemis3you can set up many shortcuts here21:41
Artemis3some window manager related shortcuts are defined in the window manager settings instead21:42
Artemis3and its a good place to learn the defaults or change em21:42
deltjust wondering, after installing the nividia drivers, the splash screen gets replaced by a textmode screen with 4 flashing dots.... why?21:46
deltand how do i set it back to normal?21:46
deltoh and btw, the nvidia driver package did NOT ask me to reboot, or tell me that changes would be applied only on reobot.... as a user i had to "guess" that21:50
=== xubuntu is now known as Guest65155
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Artemis3delt, you have done well, intuition is part of the game :)22:23
Guest65155Artemis3, did you get my message ?  (not sure if my IRC client work)22:25
Artemis3type it here again22:26
Guest65155hi,  this is me how try to set up a application luncher,  My computer freeze so I think i better try to install xubuntu before i try to change anything.  I will try your suggestions then ,thanks !22:26
Artemis3oh you did this in a live iso?22:27
Guest65155yea ,,,  now I can't even find the name of the application I downloaded before  : )     Can you see it in the logs?  whiskybar something ?22:29
Guest65155*logs   =  what I been writhing here before22:30
knomeGuest65155, i guess you are talking about whiskermenu22:32
Guest65155knome, yes, that was the name, thanks22:33
Guest65155I will write it down now  : )22:33
Artemis3install and then you can come back and ask again22:36
Guest65155Artemis3, yes i will not install anything again using the DVD, just wanted to know the name of the app.22:39
Guest65155I really like xubuntu, you don't get all that amazon crap that comes with Unity.   Still I can't decide  if I should try Debian as well before I install Xubuntu.   My question is if somebody here been going down this path.  To try to get Debian to work on my macbook might be difficult ?22:39
bazhangask in #debian22:40
Artemis3you might have to work a little more22:40
Guest65155I guess what I am asking is how big difference it is between xubuntu and debian22:40
Artemis3because ubuntu includes proprietary drivers and PPAs22:41
Artemis3The Xubuntu team makes a pretty theme you will lose as well22:41
Artemis3but i guess you can just install it22:41
Guest65155Artemis3, yes,   I have a macbook and I don't want to spend hours installing a system that will give me a lot of problem using the touchpad, multi monitors and so on.  If somebody else done this and giving up I don't want to repeat that process.22:45
Artemis3in Debian you need to do more work to set up your system, it might be simple or not i can't say because i don't have a macbook :)22:46
Guest65155It is a bit of a problem in the free software world that people don't tend to give negative reports  :  )22:46
Artemis3there is a hardware database for ubuntu somewhere22:46
daniellis having xubuntu beta1 and updating it the same as having a fully updated beta2 and once it's out a stable 14.04?22:47
daniellor will I need to reinstall the stable 14.04 when it comes out22:47
Artemis3daniell, no its the same if you just upgrade22:47
ubottuIf you install a development version of Ubuntu Trusty and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 14.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal.22:47
Guest65155Artemis3,  thanks, see you later22:48
daniellArtemis3: nice22:51

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