
goodtimeanybody here use smuxi as a IRC client here?01:24
douglxserver-xorg-video-all : Depends: xserver-xorg-video-nouveau but it is not installed - I installed nvidia drivers, can I remove xserver-xorg-video-all ?02:19
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lordievaderGood morning.06:39
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lordievaderHey JordanJ2, how are you?06:46
JordanJ2Good, you?06:50
lordievaderJordanJ2: Doing pretty good, trying to get git working on Windows.06:50
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* lordievader has succeeded06:57
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pnunnAny tricks to get the new kde installed? I've enabled ppa experimental, but doesn't seem to be there.10:52
lordievaderpnunn: KDE 4.13beta is in Trusty.10:54
lordievader!info libkdecore5 trusty10:54
ubottulibkdecore5 (source: kde4libs): KDE Platform Core Library. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.12.97-0ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 881 kB, installed size 3274 kB10:54
lordievader!info libkdecore5 saucy10:54
ubottulibkdecore5 (source: kde4libs): KDE Platform Core Library. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.11.5-0ubuntu0.1 (saucy), package size 881 kB, installed size 3273 kB10:54
pnunnOk, is that the kde next alpha that is being discussed?11:00
lordievaderpnunn: It is either the beta or the rc. Anyhow if you want it, I'd wait till the release of Trusty (the 17th) and simply upgrade.11:01
pnunnSounds fair lordievader, just got a vm set up to test trusty so thought if there was another kde out there I'd give that a spin too.. thanks.11:02
lordievaderNo problem ;)11:03
pnunndidn't know you could get package info from the bot on here, that's cool.11:03
BluesKaj'Morning all11:07
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rogmowhere I can change keyboard layout in kubuntu 13.10, I have checked in system settings in keyboard tab , there I can change keyboard model but didnt found there how to change keyboard layout, I like to change it to finnish13:38
zhickrogmo: in the layout-tab you can add a different layout13:52
rogmozhick: thanks14:01
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milovanHello, anyone tried to use KSystemLog to show Apache AccesLog? It does work, but date is not read from log, instead its set for every line on 1AM17:52
=== Doyle_ is now known as Douyle
=== Douyle is now known as Doyle
ubottuUbuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) will be the 20th release of Ubuntu.  See the announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1295 for more info. support in #ubuntu+119:52
Trollkar1enHi all 14.04 kubuntu stuff also in #ubuntu+1 ?19:52
Trollkar1enI have an issue that works in unity(or whats its called now adays) but not i kubuntu on 14.0419:55
Trollkar1enWhen i have signal loss from HDMI(turn on off reciever) the screen never wakes until i restart lightdm19:56
lordievaderTrollkar1en: Yes, Kubuntu Trusty support is also in #ubuntu+119:57
Trollkar1enoki, thx19:57
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rcw2how to i change the time format to 12 hr from 24 hr21:04
bpromptrcw2:      system settings > locale > date & time21:16
rcw2bprompt, nice, i didnt see how to get there by right clicking the clock, if even possible21:18
AddleWow, from bad to worse with this installation. Had to upgrade from 13.10 to 14.04 Beta 2 because the windows were black (mesa broke compositing with this intel video card, I think). The plasma-nm applet was flaky and I had to edit the wireless connection directly to get the config for it, and it would only appear slowly after a try or two.22:10
AddleNow, however, the entire plasma-nm doesn't work and systemd-logind is restarting too fast (killed by ABRT).22:11
AddleI can't reboot the system from lightdm or the menu (shutdown -r now works fine).22:12
AddleWell, that'll teach me to install a Beta on my friend's computer. ;)22:12
AddleAny hints about debugging the systemd-logind issue and the network?22:12
AddleFYI, the black window contents problem can be worked around by disabling compositing, in case anyone else hits it.22:15
Addleqdbus does not work. That explains a few things.22:39
AddleWell, qdbus is running now, but that fixed nothing. Hrm.22:45
bprompta full install rather than an upgrade is most often better22:48
Addlebprompt: Yeah, they never work for me. lol22:49
Addlebprompt: Seeing if I can just switch off compositing on the install DVD and get that to work.22:50
Addlebprompt: I hadn't debugged it, and so I never tried just Shift+Alt+F12. Could work.22:51
bpromptahemm    tis only 17more days for the full 14.04 release you know22:51
AddleWell, that worked. :)22:52
AddleYeah, but I don't want to have to reinstall/upgrade yet again. I already have two other systems I need to upgrade when it's released.22:53
AddleHopefully the Mesa/intel thing is fixed by then (there's a bug report).22:53
AddleWell, fresh reinstall, wireless wasn't working. Update, and now none of the plasma-nm stuff works. Yeah, perhaps installing 14.04 Beta 2 on this system is premature. Oh well, it's "beta" for a reason. I'll pop on 13.10 and deal with the later upgrade.23:45

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