
roastedphillw: I frequently use virtual machines. But virtual machines don't really replace physical hardware with things like "what will the system do when the power button is pressed" :)00:11
roastedbut thanks for your assistance00:11
=== jackson is now known as Guest50945
xyzwhateverby default there are only 2 desktops on lubuntu, how can I add more?11:59
leszekxyzwhatever: you can add more in the openbox configuration manager12:04
leszekalt+f2 obconf should start it12:04
xyzwhateveroh, thx it worked, even without restarting12:05
simianti <3 lubuntu. so awesome.14:04
simianthaving some difficulty getting my alfa usb wifi working in 13.04? i plug it in and nothing happens, no power or anything. I read its supported out  of the box? I understand there are new drivers but i cant ge the card powered. USB stick works in same slot, and on windows same hardware14:12
simiantsorry 13.114:12
holsteinkeep in mind, unless the unit specifically states linux support, it may not be possible to make it work14:13
simiantholstein, this is the "legendary" AWUS036H Alfa...?14:13
simiantallegedly works on everything ... ?14:13
holsteinthat being said, what i usually do is.. test the device on other supported hardware with a supported operating system to make sure the device is functioning properly14:13
holsteinsimiant: ?14:13
simiantholstein, done windows 7 check14:14
simiantthe alfa is a b/g external wifi adapter known for its.. loose.. properties..?14:14
holsteinok.. then, does the usb work on the hardware in question.. test some things on the machine and see if the USB/motherboard is supporting linux14:14
simiantholstein, yes USB storage works in the USB port14:14
simiantyou know out of an abundance of caution i am going to reboot real quick holstein .. i be right back14:15
holsteinthen, i would plug the device in, and run "lsusb" and/or "lspci" and see if the device is showing in linux at all14:15
holstein*then* taking the chipset information, i would look for driver information14:15
holsteinsimiant: there is no device like that.. only chipsets14:15
simiant i brb to do that exact thing14:16
simianthey holstein , ashamaed to say it was a loose usb plug. an elastic fixed it. sorry14:40
simiantwhat was the command to check which drivers are being used?14:40
holsteinsimiant: its not to check that.. its to check the chipsets, and hardware information14:44
holsteinlspci -vv might give you module/driver loaded information14:44
simiantis there a fix for the no lock screen bug mentioned here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lxsession/+bug/120538415:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1205384 in lxsession (Ubuntu) "Lock can be circumvented by switching to console" [High,In progress]15:03
simianti guess not ubottu15:03
simiantgoddamn thats weak sauce right there15:03
simiantwill installing light-dm resolve this no locking bug?15:05
bjorn_hi, I first installed ubuntu with a encryption on hard drive, then changed my mind and wanted lubuntu instead. Now I cant install lubuntu witch encryption. It says that something is wrong with the swap or something like that. How can I reset my hard drive to "pre encryption" phase to reinstall with encryption?18:17
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=== Guest37026 is now known as Noskcaj_
me_is anyone on this channel?22:32
me_Is anyone here to talk to?22:54
pleia2me_: this is a support channel, folks talk when there are support questions :) you're welcome to ask22:55
ianorlinthere is also #lubuntu-offtopic22:56
ianorlinfor offtopic things like general chat22:56
me_Well, no one is on Peppermint, and Ubuntu can't help, and Linux channel won't work for me. I have Peppermint 3, and it already has a flashplayer set up when I downloaded it. I have only 500mb of memory on this old computer. I did have Antix, but it's a bit hard to use, so I thought to go with Peppermint. Youtube videos are a bit choppy, so I wondered if there's a way to get an earlier version of flash like what Antix does for old computers?22:58
ianorlinare you using firefox as there is a an html 5 extensiion if that works better23:02
me_no, I was using chromium. Does Firefox work better?23:03
me_I can get it from software and try it.23:03
ianorlinthere is an extension for chrome as well23:04
Unit193me_: Peppermint support is in #peppermintOS on spotchat, this is the Lubuntu channel for support with the Lubuntu operating system.23:04
me_o.k. thanks you all.23:04
Unit193Best bet is asking in their channel, then waiting a few minutes to a couple hours.23:05

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