
Scrivenerzenx, it works :) Thank you very much. Does this mean I can't leverage the power of 2 GPUs though?00:02
ScrivenerI suppose it won't matter, since I won't be gaming on this.00:02
ScrivenerIt may not matter anyway.00:03
zenxdoesn't SLI work anyway?00:03
ScrivenerYes, it may. I'm not sure. I had just plugged them both into separate GPUs before.00:03
zenxAnyway gaming on three monitors is OK, 2 monitors maybe football or something but for FPS it is unaceptable for me00:04
zenxplus yours monitors are different from each other =P00:05
ScrivenerHmm... unity tweak tool isn't working >.> Bleh00:07
ScrivenerAnd yeah they are, but I usually have game running in one, other content (like chat) in the other00:07
ScrivenerAnd windows, when I attempt snapping in the main display, will only snap to the second display now :-/00:10
Beldaryou can run two monitors mirroring or independently00:11
zenxyou can use compiz settings manager to change some stuff that is in unity tweak tool00:12
zenxi think.. althought I have noticed some strange behaviour with it in 14.0400:12
zenxlike loosing key bindings00:13
AnuskaHi, install vnc4server i run, and i connect wit vnc viewer, but give me a background green with 3 selcted option ( Accept clipboard , Send Clipboard, Send primari ... ) but connot give aggre or someting... to close this00:13
Scrivenerzenx, wow, you're tellin' me00:16
ScrivenerIt's doing all kinds of wonky things00:17
ScrivenerLike I set primary display (launcher display) to the larger monitor, tried to snap a window, and it kinda halfway-snapped across both screens (filled half the height of both)00:17
Crashbittrism: bug solved, update cgmanager solve the problem and move to /lib the libraries00:17
ScrivenerThen I closed compiz config settings (cause that was the window I was snapping) and reopened and it all flashed to black before coming back with settings restored to what it was eariler00:17
ScrivenerWith the launcher on the left instead of the right.00:18
* Scrivener kills Unity launcher with fire00:18
* Scrivener installs Docky00:18
zenxoh yeah now I remember, that happened when i was experimenting an effect with compiz manager window it self xD00:18
zenxhopefully 14.04 release will be better00:19
zenxi like unity00:19
Anuskawhat program are like vnc00:21
Anuskaand work fine?00:21
Anuskai neeed vncserver00:21
zenxAnuska, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_remote_desktop_software00:23
Anuskabut vnc is not compatible with 14.04?00:24
zenxnp, I haven't used any in a while so I can't help that much tbh00:24
zenxin the repository i see x11vnc, don't know if it is any good00:27
zenxbut probably web search can help better00:27
Anuskain 12.0400:30
Anuskai use x11vnc00:30
AnuskaHi, about Ubuntu, where i need to go to add a startup program? when i log in?00:40
willyg_cosI've wasted the afternoon on vino to no avail.  I got vnc working with x11vnc instead.  I wouldn't call it "good" but at least it works - but I have a 1 gig wired connection also...00:41
Anuskax11vnc work00:41
Anuskai resolved with x11vnc00:41
willyg_cosAnd I'm on 14.04, connecting to the box with cvnc from mac OSX.00:44
Anuskai want to install VMware on ubuntu 14.0400:48
zenxAnuska, shure00:48
zenxyou can use vmware player it is free00:48
Anuskawhat version work?00:48
zenxthe latest is ok00:49
UBUNTUuserhi guys I want ask about 14.0400:49
zenxI mean, i haven't tested it on 14.04 i think00:49
UBUNTUuseris the boot sig signed by microsoft so secure boot will work with it00:49
AnuskaWhat browser is the best for ubuntu?00:50
UBUNTUuserI have pre-installed windows 8 and secure boot00:50
skribblezatchai use firefox Anuska. its what i prefer using.00:50
Anuskafirefox in linux have other name00:50
UBUNTUuserAnuska: Firefox deufault if you want chrominum00:51
zenxUBUNTUuser, yes if i remember you have to disable safeboot from windows00:51
skribblezatchano, its still called firefox Anuska. it may possibly already be installed by default.00:51
Anuskaah, yes is ir00:51
UBUNTUuserso secure boot must be disabled00:52
zenxlol yeah Anuska are you using ubuntu or what xD, probably only kubuntu still sticks to konqueror00:52
Anuskaubuntu i used00:52
zenxUBUNTUuser, yes i think so but am fuzzy on the details, it is possible00:52
Anuskabut in debian have other name the firefox00:52
zenxoh ok I didn't know that00:52
UBUNTUuserwill the boot file ever be signed00:53
skribblezatchayeah, debian uses a different browser Anuska, that is basically the same as Firefox.00:53
skribblezatchadifferent branding though.00:53
zenxUBUNTUuser, i don't know sorry00:53
zenxUBUNTUuser, you talking about windows maintaining valid license?00:54
UBUNTUuserya exactlly00:54
skribblezatchai read that they were thinking about doing that UBUNTUuser, but i dont know if thats the case. i do know that if you turn off the secure boot, you can boot in to a linux distro live..and go from there.00:54
zenxdamn.. yea otherwise all hell would break loose in the interweb :D00:55
skribblezatchathere was two different kinds of formatting when it came to the uefi, one allowed for dual booting with something that didnt support uefi if secure boot was turned off and one didnt (i think).00:55
AnuskaI use classic gnome on ubuntu00:55
skribblezatchai use xfce Anuska.00:56
zenxI am sorry to "bash" but I can't stand windows 800:56
zenxi have to say it00:56
Anuskawindows 8 is sucks00:56
skribblezatchai still havent used it zenx.00:56
skribblezatchai think that windows 7 is decent though.00:56
zenxeven my mom said it was sh*t when her pc came with it00:56
zenxyea windows 7 was spot on00:57
UBUNTUuserskribblezatcha: If you want get dev preview then upgrade to win 8.1 final for free simple00:57
skribblezatchathat it was zenx, i agree with you there.00:57
zenxthe only thing that linux is missing is serious games and some misc apps00:58
skribblezatchai have thought about checking it out UBUNTUuser..but i am content using what i use. i may check it out in a VM or something though. we'll see.00:58
zenxwindows 7 is the new XP, won't die anytime soon00:58
skribblezatchais this channel here logged, anyone know?00:58
UBUNTUuserya I will give you the log00:59
zenxskribblezatcha, I think so, atleast I have came across freenode logs00:59
skribblezatchaits not supposed to be supported for that long, but i think that it will be used for a while, or should be. the thing is, only those that were using xp will use windows 7 like that..00:59
skribblezatchathe young heads that are coming in to the game and getting their first pc's that are using windows 8 wont know any better.00:59
skribblezatchathats what i figured zenx. i kinda dont dig that.01:00
skribblezatchai dont see a real reason for it, but i guess if you want to hang out and chat here, its something that has to be dealt with.01:00
zenxnowadays everything is logged01:00
skribblezatchaits part of why i havent come here before. this is my first.01:00
UBUNTUuserubuntu using logbots01:01
skribblezatchanah, not true at all. the majority of IRC channels ARENT logged.01:01
zenxatleast you don't have to sign in with google+ or facebook (name dropping so this log will be catched easier xD)01:02
skribblezatchaits just that canonical is outta control right now to keep it real. they have lost their minds and are starting to hit up other distros that are popular and use their binary packages and ask for licensing.01:02
zenxyou can always randomize you're nick01:02
Anuskaerror in vmware player01:02
skribblezatchathey are starting to act like MS and Apple and thats not cool. canonical has lost what it means to be opensource.01:03
UBUNTUuserskribblezatcha: the log site is here irclogs.ubuntu.com01:03
zenxi didn't know that.. they must be needing the $$ given the ventures they hav been in..01:03
skribblezatchaplus sticking the spyware in their distro doesnt help either.01:03
zenxAnuska, error in which part?01:03
skribblezatchayeah, some dude showed it to me before UBUNTUuser, thanks.01:03
DaekdroomDoes anyone know if the sync indicator supports Dropbox?01:03
zenxDaekdroom, what's the sink indicator01:04
skribblezatchai remove a few things within my OS and am good to go..since i am using xubuntu, but as far as using ubuntu with unity, you are in bad shape. if you remove certain things it renders the OS useless..01:04
Anuskazenx, give me to compile the kernel... and at network01:04
skribblezatchaand if you install a DE right on top of unity, you dont have full functionality on the other DE.01:04
Daekdroomzenx, sync. It's an indicator with a cloud icon. It supports Ubuntu One and is supposed to support similar services too. I don't know if it ever got Dropbox support too.01:04
skribblezatchaa newbie going to ubuntu for security and PRIVACY may as well have stuck with windows..because they wont have any and may not know enough about what to remove to keep their privacy.01:05
skribblezatchawhen you have spyware in the OS that records your keystrokes, the folders and files that you access, your net searches, and software installed to your OS. thats bad, and thats what the spyware in ubuntu does, the whole lense thing, and the amazon setup.01:06
zenxAnuska, https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/VMware#Kernel_headers_for_version_3.x-xxxx_were_not_found._If_you_installed_them.5B....5D01:06
skribblezatchai guess with the new unity they are going to make it opt in, instead of on by default..but it shouldnt be there at all. it shouldnt be installed..01:06
Anuskathat pach?01:06
skribblezatchaif they wanted to promote that, it should be in repo, if anything.01:07
zenxAnuska, no.. but it seems fizavle01:07
zenxskribblezatcha, oohh you mean the lenses01:07
skribblezatchait is what it is though, in the longrun people will sprint full-speed away from ubuntu because of what they are doing.01:07
Anuskazenx, need to install linux-headers ?01:08
zenxwell.. I guess they need the money01:08
zenxAnuska, I would01:08
skribblezatchaits deeper than the lense itself though zenx. a lense shouldnt do all that i just mentioned is happening on a default ubuntu desktop with unity installed, and i am afraid to say, even the other ones..because the ubuntu software-center is spyware itself.01:08
zenxskribblezatcha, ok I think I know what you mean. Maybe ubuntu is trying to enter into the "data business model" like fb or ggle01:09
zenxGoogle lives based on that01:10
skribblezatchai dont know zenx, but its not right, and its not fair for them to try and have another distribution license their binaries either.01:10
skribblezatchathey do that so that its hard for another distro to be successful.01:10
Anuskasudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)01:11
UBUNTUuserwait is ubuntu opensource01:11
zenxskribblezatcha, I know what you mean, hopefully these crazy privacy issues will be averaged out01:11
skribblezatchafor real, when it comes down to it, i am going to leave xubuntu soon, based on all that i am saying. i wanted to use the distro for the trusty repo's..but when my distro of choice is where it will be in about two months i am gone.01:11
Anuskalinux-headers-3.13.0-21-generic is already the newest version.01:12
skribblezatchai cant support a distro that is the way that they are, and to be honest they are asking the distro that i use to license their ubuntu binaries..which is completely against all that linux and opensource stands for.01:12
UBUNTUuserI am just asking I am developing a distro01:12
skribblezatchathey wont be zenx, unless canonical hears the outcry of the users, and stops focusing on "hating" on other distributions for using their packages..meanwhile they are using debian packages in the same manner.01:13
Anuskanot work01:13
zenxskribblezatcha, tbh I never liked mint, and they life of ubuntu (in my limited understanding)01:13
skribblezatchayes UBUNTUuser, its opensource and is a linux distro. ubuntu is linux.01:14
zenxAnuska, that link has some solutions, you can go back to vernel <3.10 or solve the missing headers01:14
UBUNTUuserbut can I like sell it01:14
skribblezatchaubuntu does the same thing with debian zenx, if debian cut off ubuntu..what would ubuntu do?01:14
zenxAnuska, or use virtualbox01:14
Anuskai try to use virtualvox01:14
Anuskabut i have HASH USB , and if i install the CD... the windows crashed01:14
skribblezatchaeven in linux there is money behind the scenes i am sure, but its getting a bit out of control.01:15
Beldarskribblezatcha, How is debian going to cut off ubuntu?01:15
skribblezatchathen how can ubuntu cut off anyone else Beldar?01:16
skribblezatchacan they?01:16
UBUNTUuserskribblezatcha: you are right01:16
UBUNTUuserI am planning to partner with clam to make a distro01:17
zenxcanonical want to be bigger, honestly I would like to see linux penetrate the end user market in the desktop and mobile. In that case you probably would have nvidia driver problems skribblezatcha ;P01:17
Beldarskribblezatcha, You are, and have been, way off topic, take it to #ubuntu-offtopic This is support.01:17
zenx*would not01:17
* Anuska kill me01:17
Anuskai will die01:17
zenxaww cmon ppl01:18
skribblezatchai would like to see it too zenx, and thats all fine and dandy, but do you have to try and be so cut throat and eliminate the other distros that are out there in the world?01:18
skribblezatchaBeldar: sorry to offend bro, sometimes the truth does that.01:18
Anuskasorry but i will kill myself01:19
zenxAnuska, what is it01:19
skribblezatchaAnuska: are you ok?01:19
Anuskalinux heat me01:19
zenxlol cmon01:19
skribblezatchawhats the issue Anuska?01:19
Anuskaand i will stop this01:19
Anuskaevery time i try to do someting.... not work01:20
Anuskafuck my life!01:20
Anuskagood bye boys!01:20
skribblezatchaAnuska: actually linux is nice, you just have to get used to it. it takes some time to get comfortable with it and to see how things work..thats all.01:20
skribblezatchatake it easy Anuska, if you change your mind..come back through.01:21
skribblezatchaif you dont see me here, you can catch me around.:)01:21
skribblezatchawhat were you trying to get working Anuska?01:22
Anuskai try to install windows xp on a virtualbox01:22
Anuskai have a CD ( with a software ) how worjk perfected in my computer01:22
Anuskabut i want to used in virtualbox on server to get information when i want..01:23
Anuskabut if i install that CD.. windows crashed01:23
Anuskaand i tryto install vmware.. and not work01:23
zenxanuska  if you wan't vmware maybe you will have to downgrade the kernel to 3.901:24
skribblezatchaok Anuska, what are your system resources..as far as your ram goes if you dont mind me asking?01:24
skribblezatchahe said virtualbox zenx, not VMWare.01:24
UBUNTUuserwould anybody have a chance of where I can get nvida gtx drivers01:24
zenxCarlFK, yes https://communities.vmware.com/thread/44917601:25
Anuskai have 8gb ram01:25
skribblezatchai use virtualbox Anuska.:) so it does work.01:25
zenxskribblezatcha, but he wanted mware before01:25
skribblezatchaok cool, how much are you giving to virtualbox to run windows Anuska?01:25
skribblezatchao ok, my fault zenx.01:25
zenxAnuska, why does virtualbox crash, why is that program so picky?01:25
Anuskano virtualbox crashed!01:26
Anuskaonly the windows how running in virtualbox01:26
skribblezatchayeah Anuska, ok cool..which will push windows 7 in virtualbox, thats what i give it too.01:26
Anuskai put wind 701:26
Anuskaand is the same01:26
skribblezatchanow, let me ask you this Anuska, do me a favor, go to terminal and tell me when you are there please.01:26
zenxdoes the program need 3d?01:27
zenxit does, and 3d accel is working in virtualbox?01:28
skribblezatchaok, now in terminal enter virtualbox and hit enter and tell me what you see there please Anuska.01:28
Anuskarun the virtualbox01:28
UBUNTUusersee you guys gonna have a first look of 14.0401:28
Anuskano text , no error01:28
zenxUBUNTUuser, cya01:28
skribblezatchaso it just started up for you then Anuska?01:28
skribblezatchaok, now Anuska, so virtualbox is now open right?01:29
Anuskai selected at display01:30
Anuska3d accelereated01:30
skribblezatchai think the issue is this Anuska..you are going to have to give it more ram, so that virtualbox thinks that its using a better system than the default system that it is mimicking now.01:31
skribblezatchagive the VM more ram..like 2gb.01:31
Anuskayes i give now 2g01:31
Anuskaand i try to install again win 701:32
Anuskaand i will come here with a feedback01:32
zenxAnuska, did you select 3d acceleration, installed guest tools and no problems?01:32
Anuskai don t install installed guest tools01:33
willyg_cosWhat version of virtualbox?  I got 4.3.1 running this morning on 14.04...01:33
skribblezatchaok cool Anuska, and good luck man. just keep boosting the ram until you get the results that you want. also there is a guest additions iso that you want to install..you can find that in the software-center.01:33
Anuskalet me install01:33
willyg_cosBut Im only running XP for some old legacy stuff01:33
zenxAnuska, you have to go to the VM preferences enable 2d/3d accel01:34
zenxinstall the specific guest software to support it01:35
zenxthen what gpu do you have?01:35
zenxWhatever, you need to enable 3d accel if the application needs it01:35
zenxcya skribblezatcha01:36
Anuskawhat is gpu?01:36
skribblezatchagpu is your graphics card Anuska.01:37
skribblezatchadid you install the guest additions cd from the software-center Anuska?01:37
Anuskamy ubuntu crashed01:38
Anuskathis connot be01:38
skribblezatchaare you trying to run a server Anuska?01:38
DaekdroomAnuska, pay attention to the language, please.01:38
skribblezatchaok nice Anuska, thanks.01:38
Anuska:(( not good01:39
Anuskathe mouse not work anymore01:39
skribblezatchago and restart man.:) then come back.01:39
Anuskai kill virtualbox and work01:39
skribblezatchai have to go and restart, i had kernel 3.14.0 installed, but i ended up uninstalling it.01:39
skribblezatchalol Anuska. you are fine man. no worries.01:40
skribblezatchaok back.01:50
Anuskahello :)01:50
Anuska40% INSTALL01:50
skribblezatchafor what Anuska?01:51
Anuskaskribblezatcha,  you use HASP KEY ( i have usb with licence for this program )01:51
Anuskai install windows 7 on virtualbox01:51
skribblezatchao ok, nice.01:51
Anuskawhen windows finished i try to install01:51
Anuskathe program01:51
skribblezatchai dont know what a HASP KEY is Anuska.01:51
skribblezatchacool, make sure that you get your updates and all of that installed within windows too.01:52
Anuska36 hours online01:54
Anuskano sleep :))01:54
skribblezatchalol Anuska. what have you been doing online all of this time?01:55
Anuskaand now i have a lot of work01:55
skribblezatchao ok i see.01:55
Anuskaneed to install samba / apache / ++01:55
skribblezatcharight right.01:55
Anuskabecouse i reinstall the linux01:55
skribblezatcharight right..01:56
Anuskabut if i resolve this problem with virtualbox i go to sleep01:56
skribblezatchacool, thats a good idea..then you can do whatever else you have to do another time.01:56
* Anuska is depressed01:56
skribblezatchai hear you. my dilemma is that i like xubuntu a lot, its a really nice distro, but at the same time i disagree with how canonical is doing business. so i have to install another distro.:(01:58
skribblezatchai wont support them directly with using their distro when they act the way that they do.01:58
Anuskaubuntu is with money?01:59
ScrivenerI installed a bad PPA (404 error when apt-get updating) for a piece of software. I tried to remove it with ppa-purge, and by editing the /etc/apt/sources.list file and /etc/apt/sources.list.d -- however, ppa-purge reported a "not found" for the PPA, and the two other methods I mentioned returned no traces of the PPA whatsoever.02:00
ScrivenerAnd yet, when I apt-get update, it clearly errors out with a 404 while trying to update from the bad source.02:00
ScrivenerWhat can I do to remove this?02:00
skribblezatchai dont see a big deal with making money, and certain things..but as far as spyware in the OS and spying on what the users are doing when that should be a private moment..thats kinda deep.02:01
skribblezatchaScrivener: what DE are you using if you dont mind me asking?02:01
Scrivenerskribblezatcha, I'm using Unity at the moment.02:01
ScrivenerI should also mention I checked the Software & Updates.02:01
skribblezatchaok, go to the software-center and tell me when you are there please.02:01
ScrivenerIf there's something I can do in terminal, I can follow along with that -- but I'm in ye dreaded olde software center now ;)02:02
skribblezatchawait, go to software and updates again Scrivener, and tell me when you are there please..sorry.:)02:02
skribblezatchaok now go to the other software tab, do you see the ppa in there?02:04
ScrivenerAlready checked it.02:04
ScrivenerAnd scrolled down.02:04
ScrivenerIf it were in there, wouldn't it be in /etc/apt/sources.list?02:04
skribblezatchaif so, click on it and then go to remove..and then go to the authentication tab, and see if there is a key there for it and highlight it and remove it as well.02:04
skribblezatchayou would think so Scrivener, although you want to remove it from there if you see it, if you dont see it there..go to the software-center..and go to preferences.02:05
Anuskanot nice02:05
ScrivenerI don't see preferences in the software center O.o02:06
skribblezatchai installed gdebi-installer and synaptic and removed the software-center over this way..so i cant help you with exactly where it is.02:06
skribblezatchaok, do you see sources or something like that Scrivener?02:06
ScrivenerYeah, that just opens Software & Updates though02:07
skribblezatchaok, i see. one sec man.02:07
skribblezatchaok check it out Scrivener. go to terminal and enter this command: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list02:08
skribblezatchaanything related to that ppa delete it, and then close and save it.02:08
skribblezatchasave and close it.*02:09
ScrivenerWhat-- I02:09
ScrivenerI just opened software and sources again and found it.02:09
ScrivenerEr software & updates02:09
skribblezatchanice, good deal.:)02:09
ScrivenerThat's... bizarre. I couldn't even find it in the directories themselves.02:09
ScrivenerI ran another apt-get update.02:10
skribblezatcharight right..02:10
* Scrivener scratches chin02:10
skribblezatchawell atleast you found it, get rid of the key too in the authentication tab Scrivener.02:11
ScrivenerDone :3 Thank you for the help. I have no idea what happened.02:13
skribblezatchayou're welcome Scrivener and have a good evening man.02:13
oncaMy board may have crippling ethernet issues, but the link to the fix is broken. http://archlinuxarm.org/platforms/armv7/ti/beaglebone can someone advise?02:14
AnuskaThe 32bit support is missing. Please install the x86 compatibility02:14
Anuskapackages required by your distribution and retry the installation.02:14
AnuskaSee the installation guide for more details.02:14
oncaAnuska, was that directed to me and what's x86 compatibility packages?02:18
Anuskai try to install this02:18
ScrivenerFigured out why the PPA was bad too02:18
ScrivenerIt wasn't necessarily02:18
oncaoh, I'm in the wrong room02:19
ScrivenerBut their latest package is for oneiric02:19
oncasorry folk02:19
ScrivenerNot trusty02:19
ScrivenerAnd it was getting added to sources as trusty02:19
ScrivenerAnd synapse crashes on launch ;_; Ah well02:20
skribblezatcharight, i feel you Scrivener.02:20
harrishelp!!!! i accidently changed my language in google chrome to වෙබ් ඉතිහාසය how do i switch it back to english02:42
MneuI want to install and try out 14.04.  Is it better to download the Beta 2 iso or the Daily iso?02:56
Stanley00Mneu: I prefer daily iso :302:57
Mneuit's technically the same just with up to date packages right?02:57
Stanley00Mneu: maybe, I don't know too :D02:58
MneuIs there a way to disable the new resizing effect in 14.04?05:16
Mneuwhen i resize windows it's glitchy05:16
kahtahsMneu: yes. ccsm: resize window -> general -> default resize mode (old default was rectange)05:33
skribblezatchagoodnight everyone and God bless.05:38
smulverineI've installed xubuntu and lubuntu desktops.  Managed to set the default plymouth theme with update-alternatives.  But how do I restore the default unity-greeter in lightdm?05:56
smulverineTo make it clear: installed xubuntu and lubuntu desktops on top of Ubuntu 14.04 Beta 2.05:57
smulverineI've renamed the xubuntu and lubuntu conf files in /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d but when I want to log in, I get the lightdm-gtk-greeter05:59
Ben64what is the preferred way of getting a classic gnome look and feel on trusty?06:24
Ben64my screen keeps turning off after about 15 seconds...06:30
Ben64man this is annoying, hopefully it'll fix itself after a dist-upgrade and a restart06:33
snadgeclassic gnome.. umm.. i think install gnome-session-flashback06:37
xroHi, i installed ubuntu 14.04 on my laptop... it works well but there is something really strange when i lock my screen... lock screen --> unlock (password) --> have the descktop 2-3 secondes --> screen locked automatically --> unlock again --> working fine!06:37
snadgexro: yes this is a known issue.. i believe there is a bug for it06:38
Ben64yeah, i'm having some lock screen problems too06:38
xroohhh, google didn't find it for me!06:38
xrothank you for the info.06:38
lordievaderGood morning.06:39
snadgebug #129971906:39
ubottubug 1299719 in unity-greeter (Ubuntu) "5 minutes inactivity on a lock screen causes 2nd locking" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129971906:40
snadgethere we go06:40
ggreeroh yeah!06:40
ggreerI get that same problem06:40
Ben64i killed gnome-screensaver and now my screen blanks every 15 secs06:40
snadgewell everyone can jump on the "affects me" bandwagon then ;)06:40
ggreeralso it doesn't lock before suspending. if I'm fast enough with the keyboard, I can open the lid and switch to a terminal before the lock screen shows up06:41
ggreerand anything I type gets run in the terminal instead of showing up in the password input on the lock screen06:41
Ben64pretty annoying bug for so close to release06:41
xro17 April, looks like a rush06:46
SunilJoshiHello, i have ubuntu 13.10 installed can i upgrade it to07:35
SunilJoshiLubuntu 14.04?07:35
BeldarSunilJoshi, Distro upgrades are for what is installed, which can be another desktop.07:36
SunilJoshiBeldar: confused :( ..07:36
SunilJoshii have ubuntu 13.10 + LXDE desktop07:36
bekksSunilJoshi: you can update to 14.0407:37
BeldarSunilJoshi, You could install it now and have both than upgrade or after the upgrade install lubuntu.07:37
SunilJoshiBeldar: how can i do this ?07:37
bekksSunilJoshi: Just update.07:37
bekksSunilJoshi: I'd wait until 14.04 is released, though.07:37
SunilJoshibekks: ok, I am also going to wait till then, gathering some information :)07:38
robotti^does beta 1 versions update to latest versions?08:01
robotti^I have not get any updates for week.08:01
Dry_LipsHi... I run Xubuntu, and after the recent update Nautilus only has "create new folder" "paste" and "properties" when I right click10:47
Dry_LipsI cannot create new files, etc10:47
Dry_LipsBut in Thunar I can10:48
hyper_chweird thing going on... in the kde systemsettings I can't select the usb headset as sound device... only "default" is listed there10:57
hyper_chhowever in the audio hardware setup its there10:58
hyper_chand also kmix has entries for the volume levels10:58
hyper_chusing on headset volum buttons I get OSD feedback10:58
hyper_chbut no sound10:58
BluesKaj'Morning all11:07
GreylocksMorning BluesKaj11:10
BluesKaj'Morning Greylocks11:13
trustyhi guys does anybody know how to fix the pixelated icons12:20
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trustyhi guys does anybody know how to fix pielated icons12:32
lordievader!patience| trusty12:34
ubottutrusty: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/12:34
trustybut I have a beta version of ubuntu 14.0412:35
DJonestrusty: Just be patient, there's not a lot of people using trusty yet while its in development so it can take longer to get replies12:36
trustywait were are the icons located12:40
trustydo other people have this problem12:43
johnjohn101two more weeks :)12:53
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jvoisinHello, I just updated from 13.10 to 14.04, and my systray is gone :<13:52
SuperLagAlways nice when you update, and your toolchain gets removed. :)14:05
k1lupdates updates updates updates :P14:06
sydneyJDykstraIn ubuntu trusty I have to use nomodeset every time I boot from a flashdrive or cd. Are they going to fix that before the final version of trusty comes out?14:06
sydneyJDykstraAnd does that only apply to a fresh install or both a fresh install and a upgrade?14:07
valera_Hi everyone! How can i enable system tray in Ubuntu 14.04?14:07
jvoisinvalera_: We have the same issue :)14:08
valera_In old versions I can edit "systray-whitelist", but in 14.04 I cant find it.14:08
jvoisinpidgin appears in my systray, but not nm-applet and the battery thing14:09
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linageeI'm on Xubuntu 14.04 Desktop 64-bit. I've noticed that the lock screen takes longer now. Previously, I could just hit a key on my keyboard and type in my password. Now I hit a key, start typing my password and hit enter, but its not unlocking. (Possibly because the password box doesn't immediately have focus...)14:43
linageeah. I think I figured it out. When I lock my screen, numlocks turns off.14:44
linageeWhat is the 14.04 lock screen package called?14:45
linageeaha. something like this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-greeter/+bug/127195314:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1271953 in unity-greeter (Ubuntu) "Num Lock is not actived in greeter, even if it is actived in the bios" [High,Triaged]14:47
linagee(that was a previous bug)14:47
linageewow that's an old bug. traces back to 2011...14:48
linageeI see lots of posts pointing me to numlockx. I might try that...14:50
linageealso another problem I saw right after the 14.04 upgrade, my volume control disappeared.14:53
linageeand now I have a bluetooth control. Weird because this computer doesn't have bluetooth. removed it.14:53
czsI wanted to install trusty with mini.iso, but the network card is not working. It is a realtek 8167. Is there a quick fix for this?15:04
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darklight_How can I keep the hotcorners settings throughout sessions ? because I have to disable/reenable them every time unity restarts, I've tried adding them to profiles->unity->plugins->core (I added scale and expo) but while it worked for a while now it doesn't and it's incredibly annoying15:44
hyper_chthe sound system in current kubuntu is totally screwed up17:43
njkjhi. There is an issue with libav-tools in ubuntu trusty https://bugzilla.libav.org/show_bug.cgi?id=341 . Thought you want to know. Debian stable works, but testing and unstable are broken, too. I'm not sure whom to report it in ubuntu.18:52
ubottubugzilla.libav.org bug 341 in libavcodec "Output WebM file is corrupted." [Major,Reopened]18:52
trismnjkj: you should probably report a bug against the libav and link to the upstream bug, after taking a quick look through here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libav/+bugs?orderby=-id&start=018:52
trismnjkj: the only bug I notice that sounds close at a quick glance is bug 916683 so you'll probably need a new one18:53
ubottubug 916683 in libav (Ubuntu) "Converting from .ogv to .webm produces visual corruption" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91668318:53
Trollkar1enHave an issue with black screen after HDMI screen goes away and comes back, have to restart lightgdm18:54
njkjtrism: ah, forgot about the ubuntu bugtracker. I've only checked the debian bugs, since the package is from there. I'll have a look.18:54
Trollkar1enThe HDMI interface dont even start until i change virtual console ctrl+alt+f118:55
trismnjkj: oh did you see the debian bug? https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=73952018:55
ubottuDebian bug 739520 in libavcodec54 "[libavcodec54] Corrupted webm files" [Normal,Fixed]18:55
Trollkar1enMore with this problem ?18:55
trismnjkj: if you create one on launchpad I would link that too, maybe they can sync from experimental18:55
njkjtrism: ok, I didn't see that one. The last mail says it's fixed in 10~beta1-2, but it's marked as fixed in testing/unstable, which is on version 9.11-3. The bug is still present in 9.11-3.19:01
trismnjkj: where do you see it markd fixed for 9.11-3? the only thing in the changelog is: '* Add upstream patch to enable PIC on s390(x), Closes: #726733'19:05
njkjtrism: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=739520 testing/unstable is green19:07
ubottuDebian bug 739520 in libavcodec54 "[libavcodec54] Corrupted webm files" [Normal,Fixed]19:07
trismnjkj: must have just marked it incorrectly because there are no changes for that, it's only fixed in experimental as far as I can see19:09
njkjtrism: I think that's what happened, yes. I thought ubuntu may want to know that, since trusty would release the faulty version.19:17
trismnjkj: yes I think an ubuntu bug that links to the other bugs would definitely be a good idea19:19
hmmpupdated to 14.04 and cant run gnome-session now, cannot open display. what to do? full error log http://paste.ubuntu.com/7200142/19:19
SwedeMikeI fresh-installed 14.04 from beta image a few days back. when I press "alt" and then start typing for instance "terminal", I get no search hits. The result window is just empty. Any hints what I need to do to turn this on? I am installing it in Parallels running on an OSX machine. My 13.10 virtual machine (separate) works fine with this kind of search on the same setup.19:23
njkjSwedeMike: Use the windows key19:25
njkjoh, a mac. not sure which key maps to the windows key.19:25
njkjalt highlights the icon of the application that has the focus at the moment, i.e. firefox. I'm not a real unity user, but it seems like that's for firefox related things.19:27
njkjI can access my local files and applications using the windows key only19:28
hmmpnobody has ideas for my problem? :(19:32
mathuinhmmp: I am suffering a similar issue and have found bugs on launchpad already filed so I clicked the "this affects me too" button and am waiting fingers-crossed for the fixes.19:34
hmmphmmm okay19:35
trismmathuin: what's the bug number, out of curiosity?19:36
hmmpdo I need an launchpad account for upvoting bugs19:37
trismhmmp: yes19:37
mathuinThey should have a button for tracking upvotes, now I can't find it. :-)19:39
hmmpis it this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-session/+bug/125587519:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1251281 in gnome-session (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1255875 gnome-flashback (without effects) fails to start without hardware acceleration" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:40
trismmathuin: if you click on your user name, then click on bugs, there is an Affecting bugs option in the menu on the right which should show you19:41
mathuinIt is not showing up. :-(19:41
mathuinFound it...19:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1251281 in gnome-session (Ubuntu) "gnome-flashback (without effects) fails to start without hardware acceleration" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:41
mathuinI'm a heavy user of VNC and this issue screws me up.19:43
hmmpso that bug was reported like six months ago? I guess I'll be installing 13.10 then19:44
CrashbitHi! I have a question about gnome-terminal and gnome-shell19:54
CrashbitI know gnome-terminal developers remove the transparency on gnome-shell 3.819:54
CrashbitBut when I click on profile/background of my terminal, I found a transparency option on this tab19:55
CrashbitI try to see gnome-terminal --version, and I will see my ubuntu gnome 14.04 with gnome shell 3.10 uses a gnome-terminal 3.619:56
Crashbitit is correct, it's secure ?19:56
CrashbitThis version is maintained19:57
BeldarIs what secure?19:57
CrashbitAnd other question, the transparency doesn't work , only works when I click help/about19:57
Crashbitbut when I close about the transparency dissapears19:58
Trollkar1enThe HDMI problem works in unity(or whats its called now adays ubuntu(default)) but not i kubuntu on 14.0419:58
CrashbitBeldar: use an old terminal, maybe not maintained by gnome, i don't know the last19:58
Trollkar1enWhen i have signal loss from HDMI(turn on off reciever) the screen never wakes until i restart lightdm19:58
Trollkar1enNo info in xorg, any help on getting out more info ?19:59
BeldarThat's a strange security worry, you are as secure as you want to be.19:59
Crashbityes yes, I understand, but use a 'very' old terminal is strange for me20:00
njkjBeldar: Making sure you don't use unmaintained software is a resonable thing to do from a security point of view20:01
Beldarnjkj, If it's in the repos and especially a development about to be released, it has handfuls of eyes on all processes.20:02
BeldarYou can't just add something to the repos and forget about it20:03
trismCrashbit: bug 126161920:04
ubottubug 1261619 in gnome-terminal (Ubuntu) "Update GNOME Terminal to 3.10.2" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126161920:04
Crashbittrism: thx, reading20:05
Crashbittrism: yesterday finally an update solve the problem with cgmanager and separate /usr20:05
trismCrashbit: yes I saw your message, that is excellent20:05
Trollkar1ensry should be xubuntu and not kubuntu in my case20:13
trustywhat is the difference between xubuntu and kubuntu and ubuntu20:19
k1ltrusty: the preinstalled desktop enviroment (with the pre installed programs according to that enviroment)20:20
=== trusty is now known as optrusty
optrustysorry for being a begginer, but I would like to know how to make a basic program20:28
njkjit seems to be quite difficult to sign up for launchpad using disposable mail addresses..20:36
trismnjkj: it doesn't spam you or anything, you only get mail if you subscribe to bugs, and you can easily unsubscribe later20:37
ggreerone minor annoyance I have with gnome-terminal: if I open a tab, it adds a border around the window20:37
ggreerand it leaves that border on even in full screen mode20:38
ggreerbut there's no border if it's just one terminal in the window20:38
njkjtrism: I'm looking into getting a proper mail address to contribute to open source later. However it might be a good idea open the bug report now instead of later, hence the disposable account. I think I just have to rise awareness, my assistance or testing isn't needed after that.20:41
oxsynI have a 32-bit .run installer for an enterprise application I'm trying to install on 14.04. It installed in 13.10 fine. When I execute the .run file the installer crashes with a segmentation fault. I'm not sure how to correctly install it. Any tips?20:43
njkjtrism: is there some sort of hellban in launchpad? I've tried 3 mail providers, 2 disposable, one regular provider but I'm not receiving any mails.20:55
roastedhello friends21:04
roastedI am a little confused. I just read a post that suggested the removal of Ubuntu One also includes the removal of web apps. Can anybody confirm?21:04
k1lroasted: ubuntu1 filesync is canceled.21:08
k1lso it gets removed21:08
roastedright - but what I'm curious about is the web app portion.21:08
roastedthe article I just read said that web apps would be axed too21:08
GZA-GeniusForgive me for the dumb question, but the thing thats attached to my neck isn't working correctly today. I am taking a init.d script that was written for SUSE and modifying it for use on Ubuntu 14.04, There are a few things confusing me at the moment all regarding LSB info. This is what I am starting out with: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7200564/ 1st Question: Now from what I understand run-levels 3 and 5 on Ubuntu are unused but are treated a21:18
njkjlooks like launchpad doesn't send any confirmation mails. I'm going to look into this tomorrow.21:20
GZA-GeniusAre will still on beta 2 or are we too 3 yet?21:22
Ben64theres no more betas21:23
GZA-GeniusIt's not Final correct? That is supposed to be 16th correct?21:26
GZA-GeniusOk so I guess we are in RC stage21:27
elfyrc date is 10th21:27
GZA-GeniusWhat an improvement so far. I am very pleased to date with how things are coming along.21:28
GZA-Geniuselfy: ty thats what I was looking for.21:29
elfyGZA-Genius: welcome :)21:29
roastedk1l: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/04/canonical-axe-ubuntu-one-file-music-services-grab-data-now21:29
elfyhi roasted21:29
roastedk1l: The announcement of the cloud service closure means that the upcoming release of Ubuntu 14.04 LTS will not ship with Ubuntu One features on the desktop — no web apps, sync indicator or Ubuntu One client will ship by default.21:29
roastedk1l: that's why I was confused since it mentioned web apps disappearing.21:29
k1lroasted: hmm, i dont know from here where webapps belong on u1. even though u1db-sync will still live (for contacts stuff etc with ubuntu-touch)21:31
twirmHey, my sound card stopped working in 14.04 after updating the kernel earlier today21:45
twirmsudo aplay -l shows the cards but they do not show up in the sound settings21:46
rayqsame here.  Also can't restart/shutdown via top panel.  Just goes to 'log out'21:49
rayqalso network monitor missing.  all after last update21:49
twirmI also can't restart from the top panel21:50
twirmbut I have my network monitor21:50
oncahow can I turn compiz off entierly?22:03
k1lonca: use a desktop that doesnt need compiz22:04
oncaI swapped the ssd from my defunct mainframe running this os into a netbook and it purrs just fine with no modifications22:05
oncabut the netbook can't handle compiz22:05
oncaIt's running just fine without the wobbly windows22:05
oncasomeone recognize how monumental that is22:06
oncathat I just put a drive from another computer (a beast of one) into a netbook and it runs fine22:06
oncaI'd pay 800$ for this os22:07
mathuinThere's gotta be a place for you to send a donation. ;-)22:07
oncadid I mention i am dirt poor but have donated22:07
k1lonca: you can reduce the fancy windows stuff. but since unity is a compiz-plugin you cant turn compiz completly off without not using unity22:10
oncaThat's fine, I don't know any better, just keep up the good work22:12
oncaI wish I could donate cocaine or something better.22:13
k1lcocaine donations bring a lot of trouble like rushing swat groups. patches or money to the projects are fine :)22:14
mathuinEasier to declare on your income tax as well.22:14
oncaawe. okay22:14
oncaI hope you guys are happy22:15
oncau should be22:15
k1lyeah, i am missing the cocaine [ ] checkbox every time ;p22:15
valoriehi folks, after todays updates and a restart, I have no wireless23:12
valoriefortunately I have an ethernet cable available23:12
valoriebut I don't know how to troubleshoot and find out if this is a kernel problem or something else.... anyone else with Kubuntu Trusty run into something similar?23:13
shawnbon206https://launchpad.net/~mactel-support/+archive/ppa does anyone know if these are still needed on trusty? or are the automatically installed if you use the +mac iso?23:15
shawnbon206specifically the smc and the fan control23:15
crc32I installed ubuntu14.04 server because I could not fit desktop on a disc. But when I did "apt-get install ubuntu-desktop gdm gnome-session-fallback" I see x11 installing but I X or gdm do not start on boot. What am I missing?23:51
Beldarcrc32, Did the ubuntu desktop install with no errors?23:52
crc32it looked like it did. So I rebooted but the screen freezes23:53
Beldarcrc32, Have you tried a nomodeset boot?23:53
crc32I've never heard of that.23:54
Beldarscreen freezes is kinda vague, can you describe that more?23:55
BeldarIs it a black screen basically23:55
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter23:56
crc32its just a blinking cursor at the top left. Yet I can hit ctrl-alt-f1 to get to a text console window23:57
crc32so I can login via text but gdm isnt starting.23:58
crc32whats the cirrect procedure for migrating from server to desktop.23:59

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