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AskUbuntuList of Best java application in ubuntu(Linux) | http://askubuntu.com/q/44266202:21
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dholbachgood morning06:47
DanChapmangood morning06:56
DanChapmanpopey ping06:56
dholbachhey DanChapman07:09
dholbachDanChapman, I just moved over the trojitá daily builds to the core apps ppa07:09
dholbachso they should be available whenever the ppa machinery is feeling like it ;-)07:09
dholbachand it's just beautiful to see how well it's already working07:10
DanChapmanmorning dholbach, brilliant it will be good to get a regular build going :-)07:12
DanChapmandholbach: yes it's coming along nicely and so quick. I was quite stunned with the speed it can pull in a massive mailbox07:13
dholbachgreta work :)07:14
dholbachI hope we can find a few more people to work on it :)07:14
nik90zsombi: Another Ubuntu Layouts bug -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kR-ZkZ9ZOjA07:54
nik90zsombi: This is before and after using your MP at https://code.launchpad.net/~zsombi/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/layouts-fix1298886/+merge/21361107:54
nik90Reference code: https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/cliffhanger/convergence-107:54
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JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Find a Rainbow Day! :-D08:17
danielbeck_Hello. I published the game "Green Mahjong" in the click store. Since I have no ubuntu touch device, I wanted to ask if someone could try the game.08:22
mzanettidanielbeck_: hmm.. the toolbar is really tiny08:44
mzanettidanielbeck_: and dragging the game board is quite hard to do.08:44
mzanettiyeah. can't click anything of the toolbar. its too small08:45
mzanettidanielbeck_: http://i.imgur.com/FaZPpf4.jpg08:47
dpmmorning popey, shall we run a session to get involved to core app development at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek/trusty/Timetable ?08:49
popeyDanChapman: pong, did you get your answer from dholbach ?08:53
dholbachpopey, what was the question?08:53
popeyi dunno, it was just a ping ☻08:54
DanChapmanpopey, errr what was it..... i've forgotten08:54
popeydpm: yes, jose mailed me about it, lets do that.08:55
DanChapmanpopey that was it.... I was wondering if you had created a trello board for email client yet? :-D08:56
popeyDanChapman: no, will do asap08:58
popeyif you update the wiki I'll copy the status over08:59
zsombi nik90: HomeTab.qml Layouts default layout does not have anything to lay out?08:59
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nik90zsombi: The HomeTab.qml default layout has the Flickable (which contains all the items) to lay out09:00
zsombinik90: I don't see it named...09:00
DanChapmanpopey, ack09:01
nik90zsombi: I notice that the Flickable has not been given an ID09:01
dpmpopey, would Wed 23 Apr, 16:00UTC work for you for the session?09:01
zsombinik90: I don't see any Layout.itemName assigned anywhere in the default layout...09:02
popeythats 17:00 till 18:00 for me... yeah, should be okay09:02
zsombinik90: sorry Layouts.item assignment I mean...09:02
nik90zsombi: oh yeah, I don't use those items in the ConditionalLayout. Hence I did not declare Layouts.item for them.09:03
zsombinik90: so the conditional layout is just a separate layout, not transferring anything from the defaul tone?09:03
nik90zsombi: thinking about it now, yeah :D ...I did not realise that until you mentioned it.09:03
danielbeck_mzanetti: thanks.09:04
nik90zsombi: Should I remove them from the default layout?09:04
danielbeck_mzanetti: what device do you use?09:04
dpmpopey, ok, added session! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek/trusty/Timetable09:04
mzanettidanielbeck_: nexus 409:04
nik90zsombi: btw the original plan was to use the components in the default layout in the Conditional layout as well. But I realised that the carousel doesn't scale well in the tablet form. Hence I decided to use different components in the tablet layout.09:05
zsombiwell... not really, it shoudl be all fine... have you tried to remove the opacity binding to see whether it returns back to the default layout well? or was the video made without my fix MP?09:05
popeydpm: thanks09:05
nik90zsombi: I used your fix MP. Also I tried this with/without the opacity binding.09:05
danielbeck_mzanetti: on the screenshot, the board is mostly outside the screen. Did you drag it there, or was it so when you started the game?09:05
zsombiand the defautl wasn't revealed still?09:06
mzanettidanielbeck_: I dragged it there, the only way to get the toolbar in09:06
danielbeck_mzanetti: could you try what happens when you hold the phone in landscape mode?09:07
nik90zsombi: yes, the default wasn't still revealed09:07
mzanettidanielbeck_: nothing09:07
nik90zsombi: I added a onVisibleChanged function there and I notice that the items in the default layout change from true to false when switching from phone to tablet layout. But when the bug appears, the visible property is still false and doesn't change to true when going back to the default layout.09:08
zsombinik90: hmm... ok... that's bad then :/ The issue with the Tab changing caused default layout screwup might be caused by the Tab switch visibility handling...09:08
nik90zsombi: oh..I suppose then https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/1300668 needs to be raised to critical priority since it will affect all apps with tabs.09:09
ubot2Launchpad bug 1300668 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Cannot use visible property reliably while using Ubuntu Layouts" [High,Confirmed]09:09
zsombinik90: yeah... looks like...09:10
zsombinik90: do you need this fix by 14.04 release, or can it come a bit later?09:11
zsombinik90: asking this because we have a bunch of bugs we need to sort out by release date...09:11
nik90zsombi: this bug can wait post 14.04 release. I will be occupied with University stuff for a while.09:12
zsombinik90: ok, however the nested bug seems to be also valid still... the test/use case is pretty complex I see, so you could attach the video to the bug as well. Also a small sample code that actually reveals the issue would be nice.09:13
nik90zsombi: so 2 bugs? In the nested layouts, the default layout is also hidden. So it could be the same bug I attached above?09:14
zsombinik90: perhaps... I need to check it deeper in order to express... well, add the video to this mentioned bug, it seems to be related to this anyway...09:16
zsombinik90: and let's keep the other one as is09:17
mihirdpm, ping !!!09:43
mihirdpm, got any updates from designs  ?09:43
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popeyDanChapman: what's your trello account?10:19
DanChapmanpopey, username is: dpniel  or  << @ubuntu.com if you need email10:21
popeythat worked10:22
DanChapmanpopey , excellent thanks :-)10:23
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Mirvpopey: was there someone affected by bug #1298978 around who'd like to confirm the bug fix12:14
ubot2Launchpad bug 1298978 in qtdeclarative-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "QtQuick V4 Date.Parse() does not support RFC2822 date format" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129897812:14
Mirvsince upstream is already all 5.3 and apparently they've fixed it in qtbase, they're not interested in that patch probably but we can have it12:15
pmcgowanMirv, thats not good that they will not patch 5.212:23
pmcgowanMirv, thanks for fixing it btw12:23
ogra_should we probably all just take 6 months off and start over with Ubuntu Touch in 6 months with Qt 5.5 ?12:24
Mirvpmcgowan: it's not, but they don't really have a branch for 5.2 as they'll owerwrite the release branch with 5.3 soon12:25
seb128overwrite the release branch?12:25
seb128are they doing rolling releases? ;-)12:25
Mirvalthough they'll have a version specific branch in the future http://lists.qt-project.org/pipermail/development/2014-February/015786.html12:25
pmcgowanMirv, we should press them on this, its BS12:26
Mirvseb128: when 5.3.0 is released the stable branch gets merged to release branch, and later on the dev branch gets merged to stable starting 5.4 stabilization while dev will become 5.512:26
ogra_seb128, rather "destructive releases" by the sounds of it12:27
justcarakasis there a way to change your namespace ? or do I need to create a new account than ?12:30
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beunojustcarakas, if you haven't uploaded an app with that namespace12:42
beunoit should be doable12:43
justcarakasI don't think I ever published an app12:43
JamesTaitjustcarakas, you should be able to change your namespace here: https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/account/12:43
JamesTaitIf, as beuno says, you haven't published an app before.12:44
justcarakasit worked, thanks, I didn't find it :)12:44
timppaAny ideas why my pygtk app's webview which shows a page with form is not clickable? Buttons don't work and radio buttons are not selectable.12:44
justcarakasbut now I did find it abviously :p12:45
timppaon regular browser the page works fine12:45
JamesTaitjustcarakas, glad we could help. :)12:46
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justcarakashurray my first app is published, to bad I have to wait till sunday to post about it because I have a concussion and am officially not allowed on a computer :p13:14
dpmjustcarakas, congrats in any case, and get off the computer :)13:17
AskUbuntuPublishing my first application on PPA (Launchpad) | http://askubuntu.com/q/44286613:35
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dholbachpopey, DanChapman: do we know of anyone who tried to build trojita on arm?13:56
dholbachI just saw this: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/171683724/buildlog_ubuntu-trusty-armhf.trojita_0.4.1%2B1-0~4145~ubuntu14.04.1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz13:56
dholbachlooks like a test hung (note the "Build killed with signal 15 after 150 minutes of inactivity" at the end of the log)13:56
dholbachmhall119, ^?13:57
popeyi think mhall119 and I built it on-device during our playing early on13:57
popeybut not since13:57
dholbachok.. I'll try to build it in a chroot and see what happens13:58
ahayzent1mp, ping14:05
t1mpahayzen: hello14:06
ahayzent1mp, I'm trying to reproduce the issues you stated here https://code.launchpad.net/~andrew-hayzen/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/fix-swipe-delete-002/+merge/202171/comments/50512614:06
ahayzent1mp, are you just running the clock AP tests?14:06
ahayzent1mp, and is this on device or on desktop? or should it matter?14:06
t1mpahayzen: it was on nexus414:07
t1mpahayzen: initially I was running tests for all apps, but since only clock-app failed I tried multiple times afterwards with only clock14:07
ahayzent1mp, ok thanks i'll see if i can figure out how to test that :)14:08
t1mpahayzen: I was suspecting that something in those tests was not stable, and the changes that you made in some unexpected way would make those tests fail more often14:08
t1mpahayzen: elopio tried to reproduce multiple times but couldn't14:08
t1mpbut he had a slightly newer image.. maybe it got fixed?14:08
ahayzenhmm interesting14:08
ahayzenok i'm on 275 i'll see if i can get it14:08
t1mpahayzen: I am running other tests now for a landing.. but when those tests are done, I can test with your changes again14:09
ahayzent1mp, thanks14:09
t1mpahayzen: CI didn't run automatically after your commit sright?14:10
t1mp*commits right14:10
ahayzent1mp, no it doesn't i only merged with trunk though14:11
t1mpahayzen: ok, I asked in #ubuntu-ci-eng if someone can trigger CI for su14:11
t1mpI have a typing disorder today14:11
ahayzent1mp, thanks14:11
popeykalikiana: any idea when https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-calculator-app/+bug/1289695 will land?14:14
ubot2Launchpad bug 1289695 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Title for all Core apps should be improved/localized for Desktop" [High,In progress]14:14
ahayzent1mp, how are we running AP tests for the clock app these days? i tried, phablet-click-test-setup --click ubuntu-clock-app; phablet-test-run -v ubuntu-clock-app but it looks like the AP stuff isn't there?14:15
t1mpahayzen: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7198827/14:16
ahayzent1mp, thanks14:17
t1mpI'm not sure if that is the way it is supposed to be done, but I happen to do it like that14:17
t1mpahayzen: if you get results, please add them to the MR14:18
dholbachdpm, mhall119, popey, kyleN: so... how about a docs day today? :-D14:28
dpmdholbach, I think kyleN and (partly) I are already having our own scopes doc day :)14:29
kalikianapopey: soon… it's ready so in the next batch or therafter it should go in14:39
ahayzent1mp, ok i ran all of the tests and got 1 failure appears to be the same as this one http://paste.ubuntu.com/7185550/14:39
popeykalikiana: this week?14:39
ahayzent1mp, however I have run specifically that test (ubuntu_clock_app.tests.test_clock.TestClock.test_enable_seconds_settings_must_show_second_hand failed for me) again on its own 5 times and it was fine14:40
ahayzent1mp, this was my failure http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7198940/14:40
t1mpahayzen: weird. I was getting similar stuff, but different failures for each time I ran the app14:42
ahayzent1mp, are they just flaky tests?14:43
t1mpahayzen: it may be coincidence, but it seemed the failures were more frequent with your changes included than without14:43
t1mpahayzen: but it is difficult to tell since with each set of changes I only ran the tests like 4 times..14:43
t1mpahayzen: I think so. tricky...14:43
t1mpelopio: ^ what do you think?14:44
ahayzent1mp, hmmm maybe if i go back to the trunk sdk and see if i can get the same/similar issues?14:44
kalikianapopey: yeah, whatever the next opportunity I catch when a silo gets opened14:45
t1mpahayzen: yes that is good to compare14:48
t1mpahayzen: thanks a lot for running the tests14:48
ahayzent1mp, i'm attempting to rollback now ... no problem :)14:49
t1mpahayzen: I was running tests for several days last week, and to be honest I don't find it the most exciting work14:49
ahayzent1mp, heh....i like watching it type itself :)14:49
t1mpahayzen: yes it is fun to see it two or three times ;)14:49
ahayzent1mp, yeah lol14:50
t1mpahayzen: it is also fun when you decide to start all tests in the night before sleeping, and then a few hours later the music-app-tests begin ;)14:51
ahayzent1mp, ahaha the number of times i've done tht at 3 in the morning and nearly woken my flat14:51
popeythe sooner we get rid of that music the better14:52
popeycan we just run it through audacity to reduce the volume down to near-zero ☻14:52
ahayzenpopey, we should have a lullaby as our test music14:52
t1mpor spooky sounds from a scary movie :)14:53
popeyahayzen: gah, i can't test music 409 on #250 because it barfs in one way, and it barfs another way on latest proposed..14:57
ahayzenpopey, barfs?14:57
ahayzenpopey, i'll try once the clock-app tests are done14:58
popeyUnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 33281: ordinal not in range(128)15:01
popeyi get that on #25015:01
popeyand on 275 it just goes all wrong, and I can't really tell if it's the image or the tests right now15:02
ahayzenpopey, tht issue if a python 2->3 IIRC15:03
popeyright, will concentrate on getting it working on 27515:04
ahayzen_t1mp, i've run the clock-app tests 3 times and they have passed each time :/15:23
t1mpahayzen_: that is on a clean image without your packages?15:26
ahayzen_t1mp, that was with me reverting the changes...i think i'm gonna reflash in a minute to double check15:26
dholbachpopey, DanChapman, mhall119: looks like the new armhf build is going to fail at the same spot in the build: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-touch-coreapps-drivers/+archive/daily/+build/587577215:32
dholbach(build started 4h ago)15:32
dholbachthe one before got killed at "4 hours, 13 minutes, 29.9 seconds": https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-touch-coreapps-drivers/+archive/daily/+build/587551115:32
dholbachand my local build (through qemu) is still in process15:33
dholbachand looks like test 1 already segfaulted15:33
dholbachwould a logfile of the build be sufficient for a bug report?15:33
dpmhi elopio, how did you get on with the Reminders tests?15:35
ahayzen_popey, all the tests passed when running my hacky script...15:37
popeyahayzen_: on which image?15:38
ahayzen_popey, this is my script http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7199223/ when i then exec with $ ./script lp:music-app music_app15:38
ahayzen_popey, 27515:38
popeyhmm, seems music app doesn't see my "music"15:39
* popey clears mediascanner cache and starts again15:40
ahayzen_popey, do u have music on ur device?15:40
popeyonly the 3 tracks15:40
popey\o/ running now15:42
popeyi need a special script for this which clears out music, wipes mediascanner caches, reboots, sets us up the bomb and runs the tests15:47
popey(which, frankly, I shouldn't need) ☻15:47
ahayzen_popey, yep its pretty messy at the moment15:49
ahayzen_popey, although it is 'supposed' to backup ur music and make copies etc15:49
popeyahayzen_: tests pass!15:53
ahayzen_popey, \o/15:53
elopiodpm: yesterday I just started looking at the code, the documents and the UI.16:08
elopioI'll try to list the main tests today, and maybe write one. DanChapman: you around?16:09
elopiot1mp, ahayzen_: to understand that error I would need to see what's going on the UI. Can you keep an eye when it fails and then tell me what's going on?16:11
elopiolike, the toolbar is not opened, or it seems to be clicking in the wrong place.16:12
ahayzen_elopio, i've just reflashed and am double checking it doesn't occur with trunk, will try again in a bit and see if i can spot anything strange16:12
dpmthanks elopio, do you think QA-wise we can have it in shape to propose it for inclusion to the image on Monday?16:13
elopioahayzen_: thanks. Bonus points if you can capture a video :D16:13
ahayzen_elopio, and how would i do that?16:13
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elopioahayzen_: there's mirscreencast, but I don't know if it's usable on the phone. So what I've been doing is holding a camera in front of the phone :)16:16
elopiothat's why I said it's bonus points, not nice.16:16
ahayzen_elopio, hah awesome16:16
ahayzen_t1mp, elopio, just ran the tests with trunk again and they all passed16:17
DanChapmanelopio yes i'm around16:18
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ahayzen_elopio, when i run all of the clock tests together i get random failures on different tests, then if i choose one of the tests that fails and rerun it many times the issue doesn't appear to occur :/16:52
elopioahayzen_: hah, that's a good clue.16:53
elopioahayzen_: does it happen with your branch, or with trunk?16:53
ahayzen_elopio, it only fails with my patch16:53
elopiodpm: having the basic tests by monday it's going to be hard, I think. But if somebody runs the tests manually while they are automated, that's not a blocker for including it on the image.16:54
elopiowe should have at least a couple ready by monday.16:54
ahayzen_elopio, do u see similar behaviour or are you running other tests?16:58
DanChapmanelopio I have all day tomorrow free to get as many tests done as possible. What your thoughts on the key tests to get implemented first17:01
elopioahayzen_: I'm reflashing. Then I need to run a couple of tests for unity, a couple for the dialer, and then I'll try your branch.17:05
elopioon my previous many attempts, I was just running one test.17:05
elopioit's harder to notice when one fails when many are running, but I'll give it a try looking at the autopilot console.17:05
ahayzen_elopio, i just notice that after running all them i get failures, then i pick one of them to run on its own and it doesn't appear to fail17:07
ahayzen_elopio, i keep trying see if one of them will fail on its own17:07
mzanettipopey: hey, you don't happen to know a way to reproduce this by now? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/130032617:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 1300326 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Shell randomly freezes with grey tint" [High,Confirmed]17:08
elopioIt's so weird your branch is causing this, thanks for your help ahayzen_.17:08
ahayzen_elopio, it is rather strange17:09
popeymzanetti: repeatedly lock the phone with the power button then quickly swipe the welcome screen to the left17:09
popeymzanetti: davmor2 and I both hit it numerous times with #274 and #27517:09
mzanettipopey: yeah, that's what I'm doing here for 15 minutes already :D managed to see it once17:10
popeyyeah, 1 in 15 mins seems about right17:10
dpmsounds good, thanks elopio!17:10
elopiodpm, DanChapman, without the evernote account, the application just does nothing when I try to add a note. Shouldn't it tell me to register an account?17:11
davmor2mzanetti: yeap I can go with that, I've hit it closing apps and off of the welcome screen most annoying17:11
mzanettihmm... closing apps might make it easier to write something automated. thanks davmor217:12
popeyelopio: bug 128934217:12
ubot2Launchpad bug 1289342 in Ubuntu Reminders app "[desktop] When running the application without an evernote account, the warning is only given on the terminal window" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128934217:12
davmor2mzanetti: that is swiping it out of the way to close it, if that makes sense17:12
elopiopopey: so fixed but not released to the store?17:12
dpmelopio, I thought the version from trunk would ask you to create an account if none is set up?17:13
dpmare you testing from there or from the store?17:13
elopiodpm: this time, from the store.17:13
popeycorrect elopio17:13
elopioI'll provision it with click buddy.17:13
dpmok, great17:14
popeydpm: any reason we shouldn't bump the store version to latest trunk?17:14
popeyand/or mzanetti ^17:14
dpmpopey, I can't think of any reason why we shouldn't update the store17:14
mzanettipopey: hmm... its not going to be worse. the bad bug should be visible with both.17:14
mzanettiwe had some fixes in the meantime, yes.17:15
popeyok, I'll do the necessary and get it updated17:15
dpmthanks popey17:15
dpmand now I need to run, see you all tomorrow!17:15
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justcarakaswhere can I find the form for the ubuntu-app-showdown ?19:59
t1mpjustcarakas: http://developer.ubuntu.com/showdown/ there is an "App Showdown Form" link under (1)20:07
justcarakasthanks wasn't there yet when I looked earlyer today20:09
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mihirpopey, ping !!21:43
mihirpopey, around ?21:43
popeyyo ☻21:50
popeyI'm around ☻21:51
mihirpopey, okay :) just in few more mins21:52
AskUbuntuCannot import directory path to qmlscene | http://askubuntu.com/q/44307021:55
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popeymihir: got my eye on the channel, no worries :D21:56
mihirpopey, thanks a lot.21:56
gerlowskijaDumb question: How do I import music on the Music App?22:44
popeygerlowskija: plug it into a computer via usb and drag music to the Music folder22:46
popeynot dumb, you're not the first to ask that question!22:47
gerlowskijaI'm running on my desktop..should it just be reading out of the ~/Music folder there too?22:47
gerlowskijaand it's dumb that I couldn't find where-ever previous people asked ;-p22:48
popeyyeah, it looks in ~/Music and you need to have mediascanner running22:49
popeywhich populates the database22:50
popeysorry, I assumed you were using a mobile device22:50
gerlowskijaI wish..working on getting a phone to test soon.  Thanks popey!22:55
israel Is there any Ubuntu specific documentation for gestures?  Do any of the Ubuntu elements already include gesture support?  Or Do I need a specific GestureArea{} & import?  Is there any sort of documentation about this issue yet?23:03
israelThis is of course QML ubuntu touch specific.  I have already asked on #ubuntu-touch23:03
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israel Is there any Ubuntu specific documentation for gestures?  Do any of the Ubuntu elements already include gesture support?  Or Do I need a specific GestureArea{} & import?  Is there any sort of documentation about this issue yet?23:55

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