
=== gerald is now known as Guest75433
* smb waits for some theatrical moves from northerly directions07:32
* apw yawns very sensibly07:42
zequenceinfinity: Is the precise 3.2 kernel no longer being SRUd?08:57
infinityzequence: It is, it just didn't have any updates last cycle.  It has some this time.09:11
infinityzequence: See launchpad.net/bugs/130087109:11
zequenceinfinity: ah, sorry. I missed it.09:16
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apw_cking: just lost some of my Internet or a vps or something10:50
ckingapw_, ack10:51
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ogasawarartg, apw: pmcgowan is telling me his kernel is causing panics this morning.  it started yesterday.  he says it's networking related.  I'm having him snag a picture to throw in a bug report.14:02
ogasawarartg, apw: will also have him test on an older kernel to confirm it goes away14:02
rtgogasawara, brcm ?14:03
ogasawarartg: am grabbing his system info14:03
* apw wonders what release he is on14:03
* apw thought yesterdays update was pretty benign ?14:03
ogasawaraI've asked pmcgowan to jump in here14:05
pmcgowan_ogasawara, the problem cannot be reported, this is not an official Ubuntu package14:06
apwit really is14:07
ogasawarathat's a bit odd14:07
apwwhat version is it .... dpkg -l linux-image-3.13.0-20-generic14:07
rtgit should be 3.13.0-22.4414:07
pmcgowan_its 3.13.0-20.4214:08
apwso that was not yesterdays kernel, nor indeed the one before ?14:08
pmcgowan_I would have been running it for days then14:08
apwis -20.42 the good one, or the new bad one14:09
pmcgowan_the one that panic'd14:10
apwdid you get a piccy, leann mentioned you were putting it in the bug, what was the # / link to the piccy14:10
pmcgowan_no pic sorry, I had shut it down by then14:11
pmcgowan_and ubuntu-bug wont let me report14:11
pmcgowan_I can dist-upgrade and see if it occurs again, then properly record it14:12
pmcgowan_apw, I dont have anything for you guys right now, so how about I get the newer kernel14:13
apwworks for me14:16
=== brendand is now known as brendand-afk
pmcgowan_oops there it goes14:18
pmcgowan_maybe its this bt device14:19
pmcgowan_apw, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/130199014:37
ubot2Launchpad bug 1301990 in linux (Ubuntu) "Samsung N9 Kernel panic" [Undecided,New]14:37
apwpmcgowan_, that is still -20.42 btw14:40
pmcgowan_apw, right it crashed before I got to upgrade14:45
ubot2Launchpad bug 1301990 in linux (Ubuntu) "Samsung N9 Kernel panic" [Undecided,New]14:45
pmcgowan_apw, must be this bt trackpad, thats whats different14:46
Sarvatttheres a patch on lkml and that bug for it if it didn't just start happening recently, should have been broken from 3.11 and up http://www.spinics.net/lists/linux-bluetooth/msg41725.html14:46
pmcgowan_Sarvatt, I have not paired this device for months so I would not have seen it14:47
Sarvattah https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1252874 too, sheesh14:49
ubot2Launchpad bug 1252874 in linux (Ubuntu) "Kernel panic shortly after pairing Apple Magic Touchpad" [High,In progress]14:49
apwSarvatt, ok this would be fixed in 3.14-rc8 then ...14:49
apwpmcgowan_, i'll pull that in if i can and let you have a test kernle, though i suspect it wont' make the release kerenl14:50
apwbut it owuld be eligable to sru anyhoo14:50
pmcgowan_apw, ok cool14:50
* pmcgowan_ finds his paperclip14:50
bjfrtg, hatch pinged us yesterday about bug #1284085 which seems bad. haswell macbooks (pro and air) not booting trusty14:54
ubot2Launchpad bug 1284085 in linux (Ubuntu) "unable to boot after install on 2013 macbook air" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128408514:54
* hatch waves14:54
rtgbjf, does it work on yours ?14:54
hatchI'll do the acpi dump tonight 14:54
bjfrtg, yes but mine isn't haswell14:54
bjfrtg, however, my haswell desktop and one other haswell system work just fine14:54
hatchre the comment from sforshee, both of us in the bug are using rEFInd14:55
rtghmm, I've got a haswell desktop14:55
bjfyes you do14:55
rtghatch, your workaround was to use something other then grub, right ?14:55
apwrtg, bjf, ok i was involved in this many moons ago, one good thing is there is a work around "nr_cpus=1" or something14:56
hatchrtg I've never been able to get it to boot14:56
sforsheeI've got a couple of haswell systems which are fine14:56
apwso it can be fixed postumously14:56
hatchI'll try the nr_cpus again because I think I was using it incorrectly14:56
apwsforshee, i see you commented just an hour back or something14:56
bjfsforshee, do you have a haswell macbook?14:56
sforsheebjf: not a macbook14:56
hatchbut a single cpu is kind of.....not acceptable :)14:56
sforsheebut there's an upstream bugzilla that indicates that only csm boot is affected, native efi boots fine14:56
apwhatch, yes but if there is a way to boot it a later update can be installed to fix it14:56
apwif it cannot be booted at all we are in a hole14:57
apwwhich is why the first thing we didi was find a way to boot it14:57
hatchyeah - ok I'll try to boot it in about 30mins and see what happens14:57
sforsheehatch: I looked at your dmesg and I'm pretty sure it was not an efi boot14:58
hatchI just guessed where to put the nr_cpus in the list14:58
hatchsforshee not my dmesg14:58
sforsheeokay, well the one on the bug then :-)14:58
hatchhaha, ok so is there a specific place the nr_cpus=1 should go?14:59
apwhatch, on the kernel command line, so whereever you specifiy that 14:59
hatchapw in grub I put it at the top of the command list and nothing happened14:59
apwi asume you have grub installed, so yuoo can hold shift to talk to that15:00
apwand put it where the otehr kernelly bits are15:00
apwat the top, no, i think hte line starts "linux"15:00
sforsheegrep quiet /boot/grub/grub.cfg15:00
apwyeah where quiet is in that output, on the same horizontal line as that15:00
hatchok thanks, after the calls this am I'll get on that 15:01
bjfif he can't boot how is he going to make these changes?15:09
=== brendand-afk is now known as brendand
hatchbjf I can get to grub15:12
hatchso hopefully I can get nr_cpus to work15:12
bjfhatch are you using the +mac iso ?15:16
hatchbjf I tried both15:17
hatchshould I be?15:17
bjfhatch, i have to use the +mac on mine, so that's the one i'd use15:17
hatchok sure15:17
bjfhatch, remember mine is not haswell15:17
hatchyeah, I read online somewhere that I shouldn't use the +mac for haswell...but so far the outcome has been the same15:19
bjfhatch, are you using bootcamp, refit, something else ?15:19
hatchI'm not sure what the difference is15:19
sforsheehatch: which install image did you use? The normal desktop one or the mac one?15:20
hatchI tried both last night - I think the currently installed is the 13.10 from the public download page15:20
sforsheehatch: oops, I see bjf already asked15:20
apwhatch, when you are booted successfully could you find out which grub bits are installed 'dpkg -l | grep grub'15:23
rtgbjf, sforshee - looks like another failure to boot on Apple: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/130159015:33
ubot2Launchpad bug 1301590 in linux (Ubuntu) "System does not boot" [High,Confirmed]15:33
hatch13.10 runs surprisingly well on a single core16:08
hatchadding the acpi, dmesg, and grub outputs to the ticket16:08
hatchhope those help solve the problem :) anything else let me know and I can try it out https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/128408516:11
ubot2Launchpad bug 1284085 in linux (Ubuntu) "unable to boot after install on 2013 macbook air" [High,Confirmed]16:11
hatchsforshee so are you saying that I'm choosing the incorrect option in rEFInd after creating the livecd? There were three options, I just picked the one which actually made sense, the others were just paths to grub if I remember correctly17:20
hatchthis is the instructions followed for creating the bootable usb stick http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-mac-osx17:20
sforsheehatch: so all that stuff in those instructions are completely unnecessary nowadays, at least for recent macs18:09
sforsheeyou can just dd the image to the usb stick18:09
hatchwell then.... lol18:09
sforsheeand the option which is a path to grub is what you really want18:10
sforsheewe should probably still be able to boot the way you did it though, unless apple really screwed something up in the bios emulation18:10
hatchentirely possible18:10
sforsheebut I don't recommend using bios emulation, sometimes they turn off features there18:11
hatchand should I use the +mac image? I don't know what the difference is18:11
sforsheeI've been using the desktop image for at least a year now on macs without any problems18:11
hatchok sounds like a plan18:11
hatchwell I hope this was just me screwing this up all along18:12
sforsheehatch: once you've booted efi though I'd like to get another acpi table dump to compare with the one under bios emulation18:12
hatchyou bet - I won't be able to do that until tonight though18:13
sforsheebecause really assuming that Windows can boot under the Apple emulation, we should be able to also18:13
sforsheebut it's also curious that you can do it from the live image, which makes me wonder if grub is doing something to contribute to the problem18:13
hatchyeah the liveimage boots just fine18:14
hatchany grub related commands you'd like the output from?18:14
sforsheenot off the top of my head, I'm no grub guru18:15
hatchI found it odd that rEFInd dumps me into grub after selecting the Ubuntu install.18:16
hatchso maybe using the EFI install that will also be fixed18:16
sforsheehatch: I believe displaying the grub prompt is the default whenever other OSes are detected18:19
sforsheeor the grub menu, rather18:19
hatchohh ok18:20
rtgdannf, do we generate arm64 installation images somewhere ? I found some stuff here: http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/trusty/current/19:59
dannfrtg: http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/dists/trusty/main/installer-arm64/current/images/generic/20:03
rtgdannf, thanks20:03
the_fifteenthJust wanted to let y'all know, there might be a bug22:36
the_fifteenthHolding alt+sysrq and pressing r then j crashes the kernel. B won't even reboot22:36
the_fifteenthJ is supposed to do an emergency thaw by the way22:36
dannfapw: LP: #1063895 - should i move that to fix-released ?23:16
ubot2Launchpad bug 1063895 in linux (Ubuntu) "arm64 support to generate linux-source for crosstool bulds" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106389523:16

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