
=== maclin_ is now known as maclin
=== vladk|offline is now known as vladk
=== jackson is now known as Guest50945
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=== vladk|offline is now known as vladk
=== vladk is now known as vladk|offline
=== brendand is now known as brendand-afk
infinityOontz, oontz, oontz.15:01
* mvo_ waves15:01
* slangasek waves15:01
meetingologyMeeting started Thu Apr  3 15:02:00 2014 UTC.  The chair is slangasek. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.15:02
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick15:02
slangasek[TOPIC] Lightning round15:02
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Lightning round
slangasek$ echo $(shuf -e barry doko stgraber jodh bdmurray slangasek cjwatson xnox caribou infinity mvo)15:02
slangasekxnox jodh doko barry stgraber mvo cjwatson infinity slangasek bdmurray caribou15:02
slangasekand go!15:02
xnoxme first =) ok15:02
xnox* chase up usb-creator patches, many bugfixes merged and uploaded15:03
xnox* chase up flickerless boot requests from #Cert, turned out kernel and15:03
xnox  apw fixed those (bug #1300247 and bug #1300244)15:03
xnox* chase up xts/kernel SRU bug (d-i released, all is done)15:03
xnox* finish up python3.3 dropage15:03
xnox* drop u1, remaining task for trusty is thunderbird patch15:03
ubottubug 1300247 in linux (Ubuntu Trusty) "pointless kvm disabled by bios message" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130024715:03
ubottubug 1300244 in linux (Ubuntu Trusty) "pointless nouveau messages printed on boot" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130024415:03
xnox* android-x86 does not boot when compiled with my toolchain15:03
xnox* upload plymouth15:03
xnoxand last week was out skiing.15:03
xnoxon a snowboard but that's minor details.15:03
slangasekyou should've taken your laptop with while snowboarding, it's nearly as ergonomic as working while chasing a deer with a spear15:04
infinityjodh_: You're up, if your bouncing internet hasn't caught up with reality.15:04
jodh_infinity: yeah, perfect timing... :) one sec...15:04
xnoxslangasek: noted. There actually was free wifi on most slopes (not black though, not sure why not)15:04
jodh_* foundations-1305-upstart-work-items15:05
jodh_  - cgroup support:15:05
jodh_    - Updated cgroup branch to make use of new cgmanager15:05
jodh_      API RemoveOnEmpty() (which simplifies the Upstart code significantly).15:05
jodh_    - Now mostly working (currently debugging a re-exec issue).15:05
jodh_    - Having a 1 day sprint tomorrow with xnox to work on the tests.15:05
infinityjodh_: Say, do I get my session bug fixed? ;)15:05
jodh_infinity: it's in the pile somewhere, but cgroups is the priority atm. You could try bending xnox/stgrabers ear though? :)15:06
infinityOr I could just submit an MP to invert the option and the result and call it done.  Tempted.15:06
doko- openjdk-6 and openjdk-7 updates, merges, icedtea-web pending15:06
doko- finally libjogl2-java building, no more jvm crash on aarch64.15:06
doko- gnat bootstrap for ppc64el15:06
doko- various fixes to clean up -proposed15:06
doko- arm64 and ppc64el build fixes15:06
doko- built two scheme interpreters on arm64 and ppc64el15:06
doko- prepare a final gcc-4.8 upload15:06
barryphone: Python 3 gdebi: LP: #1283574 & LP: #1299169.  push notifications meeting.  autopilot py3 work and removal of py2 continuing.15:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1283574 in packagekit (Ubuntu) "packagekit-backend-aptcc pulls in python2" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128357415:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1299169 in Pyflakes "pyflakes3 ignores file encoding" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129916915:06
barrydebian/ubuntu: pyflakes 0.8-1 and 0.8.1-1 (LP: #1300366). debian bug 741832 (perplexing & still in progress).  python-pip 1.5.4-1 (LP: #1200389)15:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1300366 in pyflakes (Ubuntu) "[FFe] upgrade to pyflakes 0.8.1" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130036615:06
ubottuDebian bug 741832 in src:flufl.i18n "flufl.i18n: FTBFS: error: /«PKGBUILDDIR»/.pybuild/pythonX.Y_2.7/build/flufl/i18n/README.rst: No such file or directory" [Serious,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/74183215:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1200389 in Unity System Compositor "[enhancement] Shell should be able to affect input device probing" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120038915:06
barryworking on "the ensurepip issue" for py34.  engaging upstream about pip install dist-packages, etc.  pycon starts next week.15:06
stgraber - Final beta15:07
stgraber - A ton of queue reviews, some FFes and a bit of patch piloting15:07
stgraber - Got logind to talk to cgmanager, now dealing with the bugs15:07
stgraber - Looking into a few network related bugs (mostly precise to trusty upgrades)15:07
jodh_infinity: knock yourself out :)15:07
stgraber - Fixed a few issues with LXC's CI environment, usual code reviews, about to release
stgraber - Added adt tests to cgmanager.15:07
stgraber - Couple more bugfixes here and there.15:07
stgraber - Booking some more flights.15:07
mvo_apt: add "Debug::RunScripts", ignore SIGPIPE in RunScriptsWithPackage, merge apt-manpage branch, release 1.0, look into implementing SrcCacheDB, look into backport for https range-request bug #1157943 (failed), cherry pick fix #115794315:07
mvo_sponsoring: #1001376, review lp:~barry/update-manager/lp1295392/+merge/212065, #880493,15:07
mvo_misc: try to reprocue #1069133, command-not-found data update, play with ubuntu-emulator, new unattended-upgrades for debian/ubuntu, click phonecall with tvoss15:07
ubottubug 1157943 in apt (Ubuntu Precise) "apt-get update fails hash checks on https repositories when file size changes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/115794315:07
mvo_release-upgrades: look into #1286161 and do fix15:07
mvo_* get my calendar under control so that I don't overlook meetings again15:07
mvo_* implementing SrcCacheDB in apt-ftparchive15:07
mvo_* familiarize myself with all the stuff that is new or changed (click, system-images, ...)15:08
bdmurraymvo_: can you document how to update all of command-not-found data?15:08
cjwatsonPorted a few more packages to new architectures: mplayer2, lua-posix, meta-gnome3.15:09
cjwatsonFixed regression in grub-installer/Kickstart (bug 1292628).15:09
ubottubug 1292628 in grub-installer (Ubuntu) "'grub-install --force "(hd0)"' fails on trusty during installation" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129262815:09
cjwatsonFinished packaging OpenSSH 6.6p1.15:09
cjwatsonIntegrated parted patches from Phillip Susi and outstanding Ubuntu changes into Debian, and synced.  Fixed a resulting regression (bug 1300072).15:09
ubottubug 1300072 in parted (Ubuntu Trusty) "LVM installation fails - regression with parted 2.3-17" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130007215:09
cjwatsonFixed some ppc64el problems in GRUB, plus Debian #735935, bug 1299041, and bug 1298399.15:09
ubottuDebian bug 735935 in grub-common "grub2: LVM trouble at boot after upgrade to 2.02 beta" [Critical,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/73593515:09
cjwatsonFixed a few more click bugs (bug 1298457, bug 1297519, and a build failure for backports).15:09
ubottubug 1299041 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "grub2-2.02 has wrong build-deps" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129904115:09
ubottubug 1298399 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "grub-efi-amd64 2.02~beta2-7 fails to install on raid/lvm" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129839915:09
cjwatsonFixed up missing hardening features in schroot and moved it to main.15:09
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 1298457 could not be found15:09
ubottubug 1297519 in click (Ubuntu) "click utility crashes due to previously uninstalled app" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129751915:09
cjwatsonFinished packaging iprutils.15:09
cjwatsonmvo_: (most productive first three days eva)15:09
infinity- Final beta released15:09
infinity- +1, build fixes, etc15:09
infinity- Hunted some fun glibc bugs upstream15:09
infinity- Stuff, also things15:09
infinity- Annoyed mvo15:09
cjwatsonfsvo "first"15:09
mvo_bdmurray: yes, I hope I can prodive a stable download location so that its just a bzr-buildpackage to update the data in the future. but yes +100 for better documentation there!15:10
infinitybdmurray: He's set it up cronned on nusakan right now, we might move it to a role account somewhere sane and make it vaguely self-documenting at that point.15:10
mvo_cjwatson: I had a bit of a head-start :)15:10
barrymvo_: a readme in the source package would be great :)15:10
xnoxmvo_: about command-not-found, the amd64 package should really also ship indexes for i386, since multiarch is enabled by default and some apps are i386 only e.g. "ubuntu-emulator" shall i file a separate bug about that?15:11
mvo_barry: indeed, I will do that15:11
slangasek * off on Monday, so shorter week15:11
slangasek * various queue reviews for the final freeze15:11
slangasek * spending some time looking at the Qt gl/gles split for x86, to see if we can make this work15:11
slangasek * working with bdmurray, infinity, xnox on packaging of various new ppc64el-specific packages (lsvpd, libvpd, ppc64-diag)15:11
slangasek * UPCOMING:15:11
slangasek  * interviewing for the Java role this week15:11
mvo_xnox: good point, please do (but I also write it down now)15:11
slangasek  * discussion with the TB about how archive-specific archives can/should be managed under the Ubuntu umbrella (UbuntuKylin)15:11
=== brendand-afk is now known as brendand
infinityslangasek: "archive-specific archives"?15:12
infinityAs in, they don't want to be in our archive anymore?15:12
infinityThis should be fun.15:13
xnoxmvo_: bug #130201115:14
ubottubug 1302011 in command-not-found (Ubuntu) "amd64 data packages should include i386 indexes" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130201115:14
bdmurrayworked with webops to resolve issues with the daisy not accepting OOPSes and retracers failing15:14
bdmurrayupdated errors.ubuntu.com to r463 (don't display derivatives or unknown distros on the front page count)15:14
bdmurrayupdated daisy to use python-distro-info for determining the devel release of Ubuntu (r419)15:14
bdmurrayalso updated error-tracker-dependencies to depend on python-distro-info15:14
bdmurrayupdated cassandra tunnels code with prodstack host IPs for evan15:14
bdmurraywrote a tool to query launchpad with outdated dbg sym log messages from the retracers to see if the packages are recent so we can create the ddebs15:14
infinitymvo_: One could really argue that point for all arches.  I suspect the extra data for including all arches would be tiny, so maybe worth if it c-n-f said something like "for binary ppc-thing, install foo:powerpc or foo:ppc64el, it's not available on your current architecture"... Or, even more cleverly, only tell me about it if it's available on a foreign-arch I already have enabled.15:15
bdmurrayresearch into a failed armhf retrace for seb12815:15
slangasekinfinity: see your TB list mail; it's not that they don't want to be in our archive, but that they have "partner" apps that can't go in the /Canonical/ partner archive15:15
bdmurraywrote a tool to check retracer log files to find out why a retrace failed15:15
bdmurraySRU queue work with arges15:15
bdmurrayuploaded fix for ubuntu-release-upgrader bug 129481415:15
ubottubug 1294814 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu Trusty) "DistUpgradeApport.py launches apport-gtk" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129481415:15
bdmurraywrote and uploaded an apport package hook for kerneloops15:15
bdmurrayresearch and testing of ubuntu-release-upgrader bug 129828115:15
bdmurrayapturl bug triage and reporting (LP: #1300465 and LP: #1300466)15:15
bdmurrayreported apport LP: #1300474 regarding tmpdir15:15
bdmurrayuploaded fix for libpng bug LP: #129877915:15
bdmurraytesting upgrade bug 128616115:15
ubottubug 1298281 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "prompt to restart services in text mode during an upgrade in graphic mode" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129828115:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1300465 in python-apt (Ubuntu) "description dialog is empty" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130046515:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1300466 in apturl (Ubuntu) "second installation request unusable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130046615:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1300474 in apport (Ubuntu) "tmp directory cleanup fails" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130047415:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1298779 in libpng (Debian) "C++11 incompatibility" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129877915:15
bdmurray✔ done15:15
ubottubug 1286161 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu Trusty) "13.10 -> 14.04 upgrade failed: initramfs failed to ugprade, udev is not configured yet" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128616115:15
caribou* Onboarding of new colleague Jorge Niedbalski15:16
caribou* Worked on updating the Onboarding documentation15:16
caribou* Completed pre-sponsor SRU work for bug #1293291 (enable btmp logging)15:16
caribou* Tested new kexec-tools v2.0.615:16
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 1293291 could not be found15:16
caribou* sosreport development & SRU (bug #1296755)15:16
caribou* Started investigation on bug #1157943 with mvo15:16
ubottubug 1296755 in sosreport (Ubuntu Saucy) "sosreport archive /var/lib/maas by default" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129675515:16
ubottubug 1157943 in apt (Ubuntu Precise) "apt-get update fails hash checks on https repositories when file size changes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/115794315:16
xnoxinfinity: mvo_: i guess we should ship data for all arches in an arch_all package, and simply do lookup across arches that are enabled e.g. (all, amd64, foreign)15:16
cariboubtmp logging is bug #74385815:16
ubottubug 743858 in openssh (Ubuntu Saucy) "sshd not appending to /var/log/btmp" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74385815:16
slangasekinfinity, stgraber: it's obviously not great timing in the release cycle for them to be raising this question, so it's understandable if the TB doesn't manage to sign off on it before release, but this is an important problem so please make this TB discussion a priority15:16
infinityslangasek: Yeah, just caught up on the thread, I haven't read that folder for a few days.15:17
infinityslangasek: Ick.15:17
stgraberslangasek: yeah, I already replied to their proposal yesterday (though not particularly positively :))15:17
slangasekstgraber: well, you replied saying "too late for 14.04" - I'm saying we should try our best to decide this for 14.04, even though the request is quite late :)15:18
=== vladk|offline is now known as vladk
slangasekany questions re: status?15:19
caribouI'm not sure it's the right place to ask, but one may show me where to ask :15:19
stgraberslangasek: well, if we want to decide on this quickly, I'm fine sending a simple -1 now, but thought it may be worth seeing if they can come up with something slightly more reasonable that I may be convinced to approve.15:20
caribouI'm member of BugControl so I can add task to series15:20
cariboubut I cannot approve them : who should I ask to be added to the proper team ?15:20
infinitycaribou: Me.15:20
infinitycaribou: What's your LP ID?15:20
caribouinfinity: so plleeeaase : louis-bouchard15:20
caribouarges is tired of approving them for me15:21
caribouinfinity: thanks!15:21
slangasekstgraber: heh - I would expect a more subtle engagement than just a -1.  AFAIK we have no clearly stated policy describing what flavors can or can't have enabled for user downloads, and I think the TB should really write up a policy grounded in principle15:21
infinitycaribou: You're welcome.15:21
caribouthat's all I had15:22
slangasek[TOPIC] AOB15:22
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: AOB
slangasekanything else for today?15:22
barrygreen tea15:23
infinityUnicycle hockey?15:23
mvo_green tea!15:23
mvo_infinity: not today :)15:23
stgraberslangasek: I believe we actually have documentation on that somewhere back when we introduced extras.ubuntu.com. One of those pages is the extension repository documentation but it's not particularly clear, I vaguely remember there being some other page which more clearly states what flavors can use.15:23
xnoxicecream truck arrived \o/15:23
slangasekstgraber: if you could find that page and bring it to the discussion, I think that would be very useful15:24
infinityslangasek: cf: my discussions last night about Canonical UNIX user groups and being paranoid about exposure of a few accounts on ftpmaster and cdimage, I'm really not comfy with flavours defaulting to near-impossible-to-audit external archives of potential doom.  So, we need both some policy and some better descriptions of what they plan, and what they could compromise on once that plan is deemed nutty.15:25
slangasekinfinity: righto.  Let's not discuss here with a captive audience though, let's please take it to the list15:26
infinityxnox: And thanks, now I want a nap *and* ice cream.  This could get messy.15:26
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Thu Apr  3 15:26:43 2014 UTC.15:26
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2014/ubuntu-meeting.2014-04-03-15.02.moin.txt15:26
slangasekthanks :)15:26
cjwatsonslangasek: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ExtensionRepositoryPolicy15:34
cjwatsonas stgraber says, it's a bit vague15:34
slangasekcjwatson: ta15:34
cjwatsonbut it was intended for this kind of thing15:35
Laneystgraber: Maybe you're thinking of what the old trademark policy said16:17
LaneyMainly links to the extension repository policy, but does say a little bit more about what remixes can do16:18
LaneyDon't know how relevant the ™ policy would be to Kylin though16:18
stgraberLaney: ah yeah, I believe that's what Allison wrote back then, that must be it16:19
LaneyYes, I helped draft it ;-)16:20
LaneyBut as I say, I doubt it helps you with precedent here16:21
pleia2#startmeeting Community Council16:59
meetingologyMeeting started Thu Apr  3 16:59:47 2014 UTC.  The chair is pleia2. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.16:59
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick16:59
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | Community Council Meeting | Current topic:
pleia2#chair mhall119 elfy16:59
meetingologyCurrent chairs: elfy mhall119 pleia216:59
* mhall119 is here17:00
* elfy is too17:00
pleia2today on the schedule we have quick check-ins with the Doc team and QA team, we'll wait a couple minutes to see if more CC folks drift in17:01
mhall119cprofitt: meeting time17:02
mhall119I know dholbach wasn't going to be here, and czajkowski is setting up for an event so may not be17:02
belkinsao/ and I'm for the Doc Team.  GunnarHj is too.17:03
pleia2alright, let's get rolling17:04
pleia2#topic Doc team check-in17:04
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | Community Council Meeting | Current topic: Doc team check-in
dholbachyep, back again17:04
pleia2hello Doc team friends! how are things going this cycle?17:04
dholbachsorry for being a bit late17:04
GunnarHjWe have been missing a driver for the desktop guide.17:05
* pleia2 switches hats17:05
dholbachhello GunnarHj :)17:05
pleia2I've tried to help nudge things along by helping with writing calls, but having more folks willing to push Desktop stuff forward would really help17:05
GunnarHjdholbach: Hi17:05
dholbacha driver being somebody who's aware of the bug situation, reviews merge proposals and things like that?17:06
mhall119pleia2: GunnarHj: is it particularly difficult or otherwise putting people of from trying to do it?17:06
pleia2the getting involved docs have improved a lot, recruitment itself is just down17:06
GunnarHjFixing bugs and handling MPs works.17:07
GunnarHjBut keeping up to date with news and taking responsibility for the docs update has not worked well.17:07
mhall119how are the current contributors being promoted/praised for their work?17:08
pleia2we also have the typical problem of FFes hitting us hard, Ubuntu One is the big nusiance this time - thanks to GunnarHj for being on top of that17:08
pleia2I wish they could have told us a month ago :)17:09
dholbachoh yeah, I can imagine :-/17:09
GunnarHjmhall119: I'm biased, but I think we show that they are welcome and that their work is appreciated.17:09
mhall119GunnarHj: I was thinking more externally and publicly17:09
dholbachare reviews of the docs and/or updates of the TODO list something which is discussed in regular meetings?17:10
pleia2I think what we really need is a Desktop Champion, who herds cats and makes sure we're on top of calls for Doc review and things17:10
mhall119it might help recruitment if others see the current contributors getting that kind of recognition17:10
elfyso - it's mostly recruitment and 'it's cycle end' issues again?17:10
GunnarHjpleia2: Right, Desktop champion, driver or whatever...17:10
pleia2elfy: yeah, but technical process wise I think we've got packaging and translations stuff down, finally :)17:10
elfyI think recruitment is not easy for anyone that I've had much to do with lately to be honest17:10
* elfy has a bucket full of his own like that17:11
mhall119docs are typically a challenge for recruiting, in my experience17:11
mhall119for any project17:11
elfymhall119: yep agreed17:11
GunnarHjI also think we should ask ourselves if it's motivated to maintain both the desktop guide and the Ubuntu manual separately, considering that we are short of contributors. But that should better be discussed among the docs people first, I suppose.17:11
* pleia2 nods17:12
pleia2we did have a successful Doc Day where we intermingled Doc and Manual sessions, that was nice :)17:12
belkinsaI agree there.  Maybe another meeting might be needed in the near time.17:12
pleia2everyone does seem willing to work together17:12
pleia2dholbach: we haven't really had regular meetings17:13
dholbachpleia2, do you think having regular doc days would help?17:13
pleia2dholbach: I don't know, they're a lot of work to put on17:13
pleia2it didn't really seem to increase contributors either :\17:13
belkinsaAnd maybe Global Jams early the cycle?17:13
dholbachpleia2, in terms of organising the todo list?17:13
pleia2dholbach: to get terms right, doc days were a user-facing thing in Classroom; meetings are internal team things17:14
pleia2I think regular meetings would be useful17:14
GunnarHjpleia2: Agree.17:14
belkinsaOnce a month?  As in those?17:14
pleia2I organized a couple during the cycle, but I have too much on my plate and didn't do a great job of it :)17:14
elfyI rarely see anything about docs - unless I actually go digging - doesn't appear to be much publically happening17:15
dholbachpleia2, would it help to set up a schedule with assigned chair for the meetings?17:15
elfyon planet for instance17:15
pleia2elfy: yeah, pretty sure my post from February is the only one recently17:15
elfymmm - that would help raise awareness17:16
pleia2anyway, aside from the standard kind of recruitment issues, I think things are going well compared to where we were a year ago17:16
GunnarHjI think that regular meetings would be valuable to start with.17:16
pleia2the team is much more open, we do have new contributors17:16
belkinsaAgreed.  I could help organize them.17:16
pleia2belkinsa: thanks!17:17
dholbachawesome :-D17:17
belkinsaNot a problem and I think at least three per cycle is the idea i have in mind.17:17
elfyI'd say that maybe blogging and getting it on Planet would help17:17
dholbachdo you think it'd help to have a standing agenda item in desktop team's meetings about docs?17:17
pleia2elfy: yeah17:17
pleia2dholbach: yes, we've really struggled to get anyone from teams to talk to us17:18
elfyso could we help with that?17:18
GunnarHjelfy: Maybe.17:18
pleia2rickspencer offered to help at the last vUDS, but it was too late in the cycle (I'll reach out to him again in a few months)17:18
GunnarHjIn the long run I think that contacts with the desktop team and others ought to be responsibilty of 'the Champion'17:19
dholbachpleia2, maybe it'd help to raise it with seb128/jasoncwarner so they add it to their meeting agendas and note down things which might be of interest for the docs team?17:20
pleia2dholbach: yeah, that'd be great17:20
belkinsaA thought (before I lose it): you think using Trello, the to do list, help the doc team?17:20
elfydo you use it now belkinsa ?17:21
elfypersonally I use it for xubuntu qa and found it very useful17:21
elfyit's not a public one - but all the qa team have access to it17:22
belkinsaYeah, that's my idea is to have a team only one.17:22
elfybelkinsa: I'd certainly try it17:22
belkinsaBecause I think the meeting bot action items (blueprints) don't help that well.17:22
belkinsaI will.17:22
dholbachAre there any other things in the project you'd like to improve?17:23
dholbachOr are there things which went really well this cycle?17:23
belkinsaCleaning up the wiki was a failure.  I tried to organize a jam but I lost tack of time and forgot the jam is this weekend.17:24
GunnarHjbelkinsa: But the wiki is not tied to cycles, so it's just keep going with it.17:25
belkinsaGunnarHj, right.  Duh.17:25
GunnarHjdsmythies does a great job behind the scenes to make things work technically.17:26
GunnarHjBoth with the desktop guide and the server guide.17:26
dholbachcleaning the wiki would make jcastro happy :)17:26
pleia2belkinsa: I wouldn't say it was a failure :) a lot of work got done, we added more admins and brought in the PopularPages team who've been doing a lot17:26
pleia2dholbach: this is help.ubuntu.com, not wiki.o.o17:27
belkinsapleia2, I guess you are right.  A lot of work was done.17:27
dholbachstill he'd be happy :-)17:27
GunnarHjdholbach: What more exactly is it he is after?17:28
GunnarHjdholbach: Mass deletion of outdated pages?17:28
belkinsaHey there, czajkowski.17:28
elfyhi czajkowski17:29
czajkowskisorry for being late at another event17:29
GunnarHjdholbach: The general problem with the wiki is that the docs team members usually don't have the expertise needed to dig into the contents.17:29
dholbachGunnarHj, yes - he gave a lightning talk at a UDS some years ago in which he got very passionate about removing outdated/misleading information :)17:29
dholbachGunnarHj, I can imagine - it'd probably need to be in conjunction with members of other teams17:31
belkinsaGunnarHj, I agree and the only way is to have is a Global Jam.17:31
belkinsaOr that.17:31
pleia2thanks for coming GunnarHj and belkinsa :)17:32
GunnarHjWhichever method, it needs to be organized somehow. So regular meetings may help also there.17:32
belkinsaNot a problem.17:32
* belkinsa nods17:32
pleia2anyone here from the QA team?17:33
elfythanks for coming along belkinsa GunnarHj17:33
dholbachthanks a lot, and thanks for your tireless work!17:33
pleia2balloons: about?17:33
* elfy prepares sharp needle ... 17:33
pleia2no one responded when we told them about the meeting, so I'm not holding my breath17:34
belkinsaYour welcome and thank you for this check-in meeting.17:34
pleia2we can move on to AoB and see if anyone shows up in the meantime17:34
czajkowskithank belkinsa GunnarHj for coming17:34
pleia2#topic Any other Business17:34
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | Community Council Meeting | Current topic: Any other Business
elfypleia2: tbh - I don't even know who the QA team is ...17:35
pleia2elfy: I had hoped it would be *bigger* now that QA and Bug folks were working together so closely17:35
belkinsaI have a question.  What teams are required to go through this check-in?17:36
czajkowskibelkinsa: any of the elected coucils we over see17:36
czajkowskiand then ones we'e  had request for a catch up17:36
belkinsaOkay, thank you.17:36
pleia2https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncilAgenda#Team_catch-up has the current list17:36
dholbachbelkinsa, we started out with our governance boards, then added the flavour teams and then some additional teams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncilAgenda hast a list17:36
pleia2anyone have anything else?17:37
dholbachI'm all set17:38
pleia2ok, thanks everyone17:39
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Thu Apr  3 17:39:18 2014 UTC.17:39
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2014/ubuntu-meeting.2014-04-03-16.59.moin.txt17:39
elfythanks everyone17:39
belkinsaNot a problem, thanks for the meeting.17:39
czajkowskithank you17:39
czajkowskipleia2: thank you17:39
dholbachthanks a lot everyone17:40
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iuliancjohnston: How many are we?21:30
=== mihir_ is now known as mihir
iulianOK, we need one more board member.21:33
iulian#startmeeting 2200 UTC Ubuntu Membership Board21:36
meetingologyMeeting started Thu Apr  3 21:36:08 2014 UTC.  The chair is iulian. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.21:36
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick21:36
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | 2200 UTC Ubuntu Membership Board Meeting | Current topic:
iulianHello and welcome to the Ubuntu Membership Review Board for the 2200 UTC meeting for April 3, 2014.21:36
iulianWe will attempt to get through all of the applicants that have added themselves to that list before today's meeting. If we are unable to make it through the entire list due to time constraints, then at the next meeting we will pick up where we left off.21:36
iulianThe format for the meeting is as follows: We will go through the list of applicants one by one, by date of application (FIFO).21:36
iulianEach applicant should introduce themselves (1-5 sentences) and provide links to their Ubuntu Wiki page. After the introduction the members of the Membership Review Board will review the pages and, if needed, ask the applicant further questions.21:36
iulianDuring this time it is encouraged for other members of the community to show their support for the applicant. Do not be alarmed if the members of the Membership Review Board are quiet during this time; they are most likely reading wiki/launchpad/forum/other pages and deciding how they are going to vote.21:37
iulianWhen the board is ready to vote, they will publicly vote in the channel with either +1, 0, or -1 (for membership, abstain, and against membership, respectively). If the sum of those numbers is positive, then the applicant is now an official Ubuntu member! (feel free congratulate them!)21:37
cjohnstoniulian: lets wait another 20 minutes :-)21:37
iulianHi there mihir. Apparently I got confused with the time. The meeting should start 20 minutes.21:40
iulianBut if everyone's here, then I wouldn't mind to start earlier. :-)21:40
iulianRoozbehShafiee: Here?21:40
RoozbehShafieeIm here too21:40
iulianthomi: Here?21:40
RoozbehShafieeiulian: yes21:40
thomiiulian: yes21:40
mihiriulian, okay21:40
iuliancjohnston, Pendulum, hggdh: Do you guys mind if we start earlier? Everyone is present so I believe just waiting for another 20 minutes isn't going to make much of a difference.21:41
cjohnstoniulian: we should give the candidates time to gather any supporters that they may have had coming to the meeting to support them21:41
iulianRoozbehShafiee, thomi, mihir: Would you like to start the meeting earlier? Are you guys ready?21:42
iulianAh, right, sure.21:42
mihiriulian, yeah21:42
RoozbehShafieeiulian: yes Im ready :)21:42
thomiI'm happy either way21:42
mihiriulian, ?21:46
iulianWe are just waiting for someone to reply.21:48
mihiriulian, okay.21:50
hggdhiulian: go for it21:50
iulianOkey dokey.21:52
iulian#voters hggdh cjohnston Pendulum iulian21:52
meetingologyCurrent voters: Pendulum cjohnston hggdh iulian21:52
iulian#subtopic RoozbehShafiee21:52
iulianRoozbehShafiee: You're up first. Could you please introduce yourself?21:53
RoozbehShafieeiulian: yes sure21:53
RoozbehShafieeiulian: Im Roozbeh Shafiee 27 years old21:53
RoozbehShafieeiulian: linux user since 200321:53
RoozbehShafieeIm from IRAN-Tehran21:54
RoozbehShafieea member of ubuntu iran loco team21:54
RoozbehShafieealso ubuntu.ir forum moderator21:54
RoozbehShafieemy job is virtualization architect and systems administrator in a telecommunication company21:55
iulianRoozbehShafiee: Thank you. I see that you have been a member of the Iran LoCo team since 2009. What is your role within the team?21:55
RoozbehShafieemy role is forum moderator in this team21:56
RoozbehShafieeand some of coordinations ubuntu iran in isfahan city are with me21:56
cjohnstonRoozbehShafiee: it looks like most of your activities you listed are from 2009, 2010... what have you done more recently?21:57
RoozbehShafieealso in past I worked some of artworks for web site21:58
RoozbehShafieerecently we had an ubuntu conference in May 201321:58
RoozbehShafieein Tehran University21:59
PendulumRoozbehShafiee: Do you have a link to your profile on the Ubuntu Iran forums?21:59
RoozbehShafieeI have some coordination in this event21:59
RoozbehShafieePendulum: yes21:59
cjohnstonRoozbehShafiee: do you have anyone here to support you?22:01
PendulumRoozbehShafiee: Can you please give us the link to your forum profile?22:01
iulian#voters PabloRubianes22:02
meetingologyCurrent voters: PabloRubianes Pendulum cjohnston hggdh iulian22:02
RoozbehShafieePendulum: my profile: http://forum.ubuntu.ir/index.php?action=profile;u=170622:02
RoozbehShafieecjohnston: yes but they are not in channel right now22:02
RoozbehShafieecjohnston: daniel holbach is one of my ubuntuish friend22:03
RoozbehShafieecjohnston: I visit him 3 years ago in IRAN22:03
RoozbehShafieecjohnston: also Mehdi Hassanpour22:03
RoozbehShafieecjohnston: the Iran ubuntu team coordinator22:03
cjohnstonRoozbehShafiee: I noticed that you have no testimonials... we normally use testimonials as a way of getting to know the candidate and their contributions22:04
RoozbehShafieecjohnston: well...22:04
RoozbehShafieecjohnston: I emailed to Daniel and Mehdi22:04
RoozbehShafieecjohnston: but for persian new year Mehdi didnt answer me22:05
iulianAny more questions for RoozbehShafiee?22:05
RoozbehShafieecjohnston: also it seems Daniel was not accessible22:05
hggdhRoozbehShafiee: so, the lack of visible *recent*, sustained contributions to Ubuntu, and lack of testimonials, make our task much more difficult22:05
iulianOK, if there are no more questions, then I believe it's time to vote.22:07
iulian#vote RoozbehShafiee to obtain Ubuntu membership.22:07
meetingologyPlease vote on: RoozbehShafiee to obtain Ubuntu membership.22:07
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)22:07
cjohnston+0 I'm not able to see much in the way of recent work, nor are there any testimonials to help support you22:08
meetingology+0 I'm not able to see much in the way of recent work, nor are there any testimonials to help support you received from cjohnston22:08
PabloRubianes-1 please re done your wiki with more helpful info for us and come back22:08
meetingology-1 please re done your wiki with more helpful info for us and come back received from PabloRubianes22:08
hggdh-1 I do not see current Ubuntu contributions (the forum at ir needs registering), and no testimonials22:08
meetingology-1 I do not see current Ubuntu contributions (the forum at ir needs registering), and no testimonials received from hggdh22:08
meetingology-1 received from iulian22:08
Pendulum-1 Please come back with testimonials and more information about current work.22:09
meetingology-1 Please come back with testimonials and more information about current work. received from Pendulum22:09
meetingologyVoting ended on: RoozbehShafiee to obtain Ubuntu membership.22:09
meetingologyVotes for:0 Votes against:4 Abstentions:122:09
meetingologyMotion denied22:09
iulianRoozbehShafiee: Unfortunately, you have been unsuccessful this time. Please do keep up the good work that you are doing with the LoCo team. We are looking forward to reading your application next time you apply. We suggest that you re-apply in a few months. Also please talk to your friends and get some testimonials as they are really useful.22:09
PendulumRoozbehShafiee: I agree with iulian. It looks like you've done good work, it's just not possible for us to really see what it is.22:10
iulianthomi: I believe you're up next. The stage is all yours.22:10
RoozbehShafieeiulian Pendulum: ok guys , no problem22:10
thomiso, I'm Thomi Richards, my wiki page is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ThomiRichards - I currently reside in Dunedin, New Zealand22:11
thomiThe wiki page contains most of the information you probably care about. To summarise...22:11
thomiI'm the principle author of Autopilot, which we use in our Ubuntu Touch & Desktop acceptance test suites. This is what I spend 90% of my day-to-day hacking time on.22:11
RoozbehShafieePendulum: maybe because I completed my wiki page in 4 days ago, I had not much time to find testimonials22:11
thomiI'm passionate about improving the quality of Ubuntu releases, and autopilot is one way I can do that. Right now we have dozens of high-profile projects using autopilot for their acceptance tests, and more coming online all the time.22:11
thomiI'm also a consumate hacker, I have code in dozens of Ubuntu packages and open source projects (to name a few: Ogre3D, crystalspace, blender3d, testtools, etc).22:11
cjohnstonwait.. theres going to be more? :-/22:11
thomiIn my spare time I advocate for Linux, open source, and Ubuntu in my local community. I've spoken at conferences (Kiwi PyCon mostly) representing Ubuntu (can link to video if anyone wants).22:12
thomiI was involved in helping organise Linux.conf.au waaaay back in 2006, where Mark Shuttleworth was a keynote speaker, talking about launchpad.22:12
thomiI work for Canonical, but have been using Linux for about 15 years now, and using Ubuntu since the good old days of Warty Warthog. I'm sure that if I ever stopped working for Canonical I'd still participate in Ubuntu.22:12
thomiApart from all that, I'm 'thomir' almost everywhere on the Internet - I think my launchpad, github, ohloh, etc profiles speak for themselves.22:12
cjohnstonAny questions for thomi ?22:13
iulianNone from me.22:13
thomioh, there are some testamonials on my wiki page as well22:13
popey+1 from me22:13
hggdhnone from me.22:13
PabloRubianesnot for me22:13
cjohnstonwho woke up popey :-P22:13
hggdhuhu, do I see popey crashing the party?22:13
thomihi popey o/22:13
popeyDidn't know thomi was up for membership!22:13
popeythomi has bee instrumental in creating the quality of Ubuntu for some time.22:14
cjohnstonpopey had any good bacon and syrup recently :-)22:14
hggdhI have no questions for thomi, except why took him so long to apply...22:14
popeythat too ☻22:14
iulian#vote thomi to obtain Ubuntu membership22:14
meetingologyPlease vote on: thomi to obtain Ubuntu membership22:14
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)22:14
thomiumm... I was.. busy?22:14
meetingology+1 received from iulian22:15
meetingology+1 received from cjohnston22:15
meetingology+1 received from PabloRubianes22:15
hggdh+1 finally!22:15
meetingology+1 finally! received from hggdh22:15
meetingology+1 received from Pendulum22:15
meetingologyVoting ended on: thomi to obtain Ubuntu membership22:15
meetingologyVotes for:5 Votes against:0 Abstentions:022:15
meetingologyMotion carried22:15
cjohnstonhggdh: noone wrote it as an autopilot test22:15
hggdhcjohnston: ah, that's a thomi failure there!22:15
PabloRubianescongrats thomi22:15
hggdhthomi: welcome :-)22:15
iulianthomi: Welcome aboard.22:15
iulianmihir: You're up next. Fire away!22:15
popeyWell done thomi22:15
Pendulumthomi: Welcome and congrats!22:16
mihirHi , My name is Mihir Soni22:16
mihiri started contribute for Ubuntu touch core applications project.22:16
mihirInitially I have been involved in Ubuntu touch core application as a contributor and then as core team developer for Calculator. After making successful progress in calculator I have been moved to Calendar app and started contributing there.22:16
mihirMy work includes creating new functional ties and resolving bugs and maintain bug trackers for calendar & calculator.22:16
mihirCurrently focusing on making calendar application stable and more functional.22:16
mihiri have been using Ubuntu since 200622:16
mihirMy wiki page :- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/mihirsoni-12322:16
mihirLaunchpad profile :- https://launchpad.net/~mihirsoni-12322:17
mihirI am mostly working for core apps projects for ubuntu touch.22:17
popeyI'm actually here to cheer for mihir.22:17
popeyI'd back mihir for membership based on his valuable contributions.22:17
popeyHe's been a reliable and consistent contributor to the core apps project on Ubuntu for phones.22:17
popeyHe's been prompt, attentive and friendly with his code reviews, irc meetings, mails and hangouts and has been forthcoming with well thought out opinions and technical conributions.22:17
popey(much as I love thomi) :D22:18
mihirpopey, thank you.22:18
iulianGreat, thanks popey.22:18
iulianAny questions for mihir?22:18
PabloRubianesmihir, do you do any LoCo work related?22:18
mihirPabloRubianes, not much , but i am trying to be involved here in my loco team.22:19
mihirwell it is not much active here22:19
PabloRubianesok, mihir giving app development school could help activate the LoCo ;-)22:20
mihirPabloRubianes, sure !!!22:20
mihirPabloRubianes, i'll try to initiate22:21
iulianOK, thanks mihir.22:21
iulian#vote mihir to obtain Ubuntu membership22:21
meetingologyPlease vote on: mihir to obtain Ubuntu membership22:21
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)22:21
meetingology+1 received from iulian22:21
hggdh+1 good work22:21
meetingology+1 good work received from hggdh22:21
meetingology+1 received from PabloRubianes22:21
Pendulum+1 good work22:22
meetingology+1 good work received from Pendulum22:22
hggdhpopey: life is good, I see ;-)22:22
meetingology+1 received from cjohnston22:22
meetingologyVoting ended on: mihir to obtain Ubuntu membership22:22
meetingologyVotes for:5 Votes against:0 Abstentions:022:22
meetingologyMotion carried22:22
iulianWelcome aboard, mihir.22:22
popeyThanks membership board!22:22
mihiriulian, thanks a lot :)22:22
hggdhmihir: welcome in, and thank you for your work22:22
popeycongratulations mihir22:22
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Thu Apr  3 22:22:30 2014 UTC.22:22
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2014/ubuntu-meeting.2014-04-03-21.36.moin.txt22:22
mihirpopey,  thanks a lot.22:22
popeynp, well deserved22:22
iulianBed time for me, nighty night.22:22
popeykeep up the great work22:22
PabloRubianescongrats mihir keep the good work and if you need some help in the LoCo counicl we can give you a hand with the loco activvation22:22
cjohnstonpopey, you should go get some bacon and syrup22:22
cjohnstoncongrats thomi and mihir22:22
pleia2oh hey, while I have you here - can the membership team send a list of folks they've approved lately to the ubuntu-news-team list?22:23
mihirPabloRubianes, sure I'll ping your or email you for that.22:23
PabloRubianesmihir, sure22:23
pleia2we haven't gotten an email in a while, just a list is fine so we can include them in the weekly newsletter :)22:23
mihirPabloRubianes, thank you :)22:27
RoozbehShafieeiulian: can I apply for membership in 16th April ?22:28

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