
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
somsipyou know that @unopaste does mute anyone even after it says that it will, right?02:30
Unit193It muted the guy right before it said its message.02:33
rwwAlanBell: unopaste's mute text has a comma splice :( :( :'(06:58
valoriegrammar police to the front of the class!07:00
ubottujpds called the ops in #ubuntu-server (guoos, privmsg spamming)17:12
IdleOneanother ircap ident17:13
k1liswop: hi17:45
rwwYeah, I think I will switch the banforward on ircap to a straight ban.19:11
k1loptrusty: hi, can we help you?21:19
optrustyoh I was looking at the how to be an op21:20
pleia2optrusty: documentation for requirements and application process are here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcTeam/OperatorRequirements21:25
optrustythanks bye21:26
ubottuIn ubottu, jhutchins said: stow is a nifty program used to manage a /usr/local/ hierarchy.  It keeps all the programs separate, so you can install and remove them without playing the "which program does that file belong to" game. http://www.gnu.org/software/stow21:35
Jordan_UI asked someone to join a more appropriate channel, and they did! Today is a good day.22:43
optrustyhi I requested an application for the #ubuntu channel22:53
optrustyso what do i do now I requested an application can some one help me22:55
phunyguyyeah, you didn't read that page at all, huh...22:56
optrustyI did22:56
phunyguyyou may want to read it again.  It highlights the entire process.22:57
phunyguyoperator application process -> #2 and #322:58
optrustywhat do you mean22:58
* phunyguy wanders off22:59
optrustyIf you go look at launch pad I am requesting to join the team23:01
valorieoptrusty: have you fulfilled all the requirements on the page you were given?23:02
phunyguyI am looking on the launchpad page, and you have not applied.23:04
phunyguyoh wait, my bad, was looking at the wrong one23:05
optrusty#ubuntu on the pending side Yafeat Alemayhu23:08
phunyguyoptrusty: bottom line, you have to wait.  There is a process for this, which in some cases, can take months.23:08
phunyguyif you look close, you will see, I am also on that pending list. :)23:08
valorieit's all there on the page23:08
phunyguyfor that channel anyway.23:08
valorieor the links off that page23:09
optrustyis it that introductory course23:09
optrustyoh ya can you please help a spanish user is pasting this link on private chat and wont leave me alone23:11
phunyguyoptrusty: what is the name?23:11
phunyguyoptrusty: also, there isn't much we can to do prevent private message spam.  It should be taken up with #freenode.23:12
phunyguyoptrusty: that person has been banforwarded here, they are in the channel.23:19
ikoniaoptrusty: do you need something from this channel ?23:27

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