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hallyn | ivoks: so that's the patch to fix it? is there an open bug for it? | 01:05 |
hallyn | jdstrand: yeah, i did see the patches go by. i've not tested them, virt-manager integration hangs with it, and virt-install does not 'create' a container like ppl expect it to | 01:07 |
jdstrand | zul: thanks | 02:54 |
jdstrand | hallyn: yeah, me either | 02:54 |
coreycb | jamespage, zul: nova db migration thus far if you want to take a look: lp:~corey.bryant/+junk/nova-migration-after (and for comparison, this has a patch with no modifications to the stable/havana history: lp:~corey.bryant/+junk/nova-migration-before) | 02:56 |
coreycb | upgrade seems to work ok, downgrade not so good | 02:56 |
coreycb | also I've been using this to dump the db: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7196972/ | 02:58 |
tapout | how can i compare 2 folders between 2 servers recursively and find the missing files or different files? anyone know an app? | 03:08 |
david_linhand | hi , how to download from /archive.ubuntu.com ? | 03:10 |
andol | tapout: Something along the lines of rsync --recursive --delete --dry-run --verbose perhaps? | 03:35 |
tapout | andol, that may work eh | 03:39 |
tapout | find . -type f -print0 | xargs -n 1 -P 8 --null md5sum | 03:39 |
tapout | this is what i'm using right now | 03:39 |
tapout | script hourly.0 | 03:39 |
tapout | ... and going to use mysql memory tables to delete the same md5's | 03:39 |
tapout | reading manpage of rsync tho | 03:40 |
tapout | cheers | 03:40 |
tapout | wow that worked great | 03:43 |
andol | tapout: Assuming you don't want to trust mtime+size you can also add the (obviously slower) --checksum option. | 04:03 |
invinceable | what's the best way to attach a shell script i have to run at boot? running 12.04LTS server. | 05:01 |
sheptard | rc.local ? | 05:07 |
Corey | If it needs to daemonize look into pleaserun. | 05:11 |
defuncprocess | I am running ubuntu server, with apache 2.4.7 on a server... the load time has been slow so i'm playing with configuration... was suggested that if i didn't need it to turn off followsymlinks in the vhost directive which i did and now i have a 403 for the domain.. any ideas? ( i'll gist anything needed ) | 06:02 |
lordievader | Good morning. | 06:39 |
Guest52699 | Goodmorning | 07:32 |
jamespage | zul, I managed to foobar dh-python on my last merge for the CA | 08:49 |
jamespage | fixed now - all reverse BD's rebackported | 08:49 |
jamespage | zul, that's why glance won't test right now :-( | 08:50 |
bekks | hi | 09:23 |
bekks | someone please can take a look at my ntp.conf - I just cant get it to work so another local server can sync its time with my local ntp server? http://pastebin.com/M7VPsmWK | 09:25 |
bekks | All I get is a "no server suitable for synchronization found" when running ntpdate | 09:25 |
jamespage | zul, nova now building in PPA OK _ must have been a broken dependency due my dh-python foobar | 10:14 |
bekks | I dont get that. When removing "restrict mask notrust" from ntp.conf, clients are able to sync with my local ntp server. This is the opposite of what the config says. Any clues on that? | 11:02 |
Cadero | Doesn't ubuntu server come with a preconfigured ntp client? | 11:59 |
Cadero | all our servers are running out of sync of each other | 11:59 |
rbasak | smoser: bug 1281767 is milestoned for 14.04. Is that a problem? | 12:05 |
uvirtbot | Launchpad bug 1281767 in simplestreams "simplestreams by-hash storage" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1281767 | 12:05 |
mardraum | Cadero: no, install ntp. | 12:06 |
zul | jamespage: excelente | 12:09 |
jamespage | zul, I fixed up openstackclient | 12:11 |
jamespage | zul, we won't bump our epoch | 12:12 |
tomixxx6 | does gateway have to be in the same subnet as the ip address when i define an interface? | 12:52 |
soren | tomixxx6: YEs. | 12:53 |
tomixxx6 | soren: ty | 12:54 |
soren | tomixxx6: The gateway is where packets are sent if there's no other way to reach the destination. If the gateway wasn't on the same subnet, there'd be no way to reach it. | 12:55 |
soren | (Unless you had another route that enabled you to reach the gateway, but if you were doing something exotic like that, I don't think you'd be asking this question) | 12:55 |
zul | jamespage: sounds good | 12:55 |
tomixxx6 | kk, the problem is that the gateway is on another subnet and i must have two different subnets | 12:55 |
soren | tomixxx6: You only need one gateway. | 12:56 |
patdk-wk | next your going tell me I only need one gf also | 12:56 |
soren | Actually, you can only have one. (unless you're doing policy routing, but again: If you were doing something like that, you wouldn't be asking these questions) | 12:56 |
tomixxx6 | lets say gateway is on subnet how can nodes of subnet use gateway? | 12:56 |
soren | patdk-wk: If you can handle more than one, knock yourself out. You get multiple mothers in law, too, don't forget that. | 12:57 |
tomixxx6 | do i need some NAT ? | 12:57 |
patdk-wk | tomixxx6, you don't | 12:57 |
soren | tomixxx6: I saw you ask something over in #openstack, too, so I'm assuming this is all OpenStack stuff? | 12:58 |
tomixxx6 | soren: yes | 12:58 |
soren | tomixxx6: OpenStack handles all the NAT stuff for you. | 12:58 |
tomixxx6 | soren: kk... but the VMs cannot connect to i-net | 12:58 |
tomixxx6 | hypervisor can connect to i-net however | 12:58 |
soren | tomixxx6: You don't have to set it up yourself. If it's not working, you need to look at your OpenStack config, not your base network config. | 12:58 |
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tomixxx6 | kk | 12:59 |
jdstrand | hallyn, zul: do you guys have any pending libvirt uploads? | 13:26 |
jdstrand | hallyn, zul: we are preparing bug #1298611 | 13:27 |
uvirtbot | Launchpad bug 1298611 in lxc "[FFe] apparmor signal and ptrace mediation" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1298611 | 13:27 |
zul | jdstrand: i dont | 13:28 |
zul | jdstrand: knock yourself out | 13:29 |
jdstrand | hehe, thanks :) | 13:33 |
jdstrand | this will be a nice improvement for libvirt/openstack | 13:33 |
jamespage | smoser, https://bugs.launchpad.net/cirros/+bug/1301958 | 13:49 |
uvirtbot | Launchpad bug 1301958 in cirros "Please use mtu option provided by dhcp" [Undecided,New] | 13:49 |
jamespage | did it in the end | 13:49 |
jamespage | sorry it took me two weeks to write two sentences | 13:49 |
smoser | jamespage, how useful would it be for you to get that ? | 13:50 |
smoser | i'm planning on doing it for 0.4.X. | 13:50 |
smoser | and i can probably provide you with a hacked image that does it. | 13:51 |
smoser | i think | 13:51 |
jamespage | smoser, right now I can't use cirros for certain tests in openstack-on-openstack testing | 13:56 |
jamespage | specifically the neutron ones that actually ssh to the machines and check things | 13:56 |
jamespage | so it slows things down as the standard ubuntu images take a bit longer to boot | 13:56 |
smoser | jamespage, will a hacked version help you? | 13:58 |
jamespage | smoser, it would | 13:58 |
jamespage | I can stuff that in object storage for tests to use | 13:58 |
smoser | can you give me a place to test / see failure? | 13:58 |
jamespage | smoser, yes | 14:03 |
jamespage | zul, pushing rc1 to -updates in the CA - smoked OK | 14:07 |
smoser | its too bad that not every OS can be as good as cirros. | 14:13 |
spidernik84 | hi guys, anyone had any luck in preseeding a disk setup with raid+lvm+crypto? from what I understand it's not possible to have crypto+raid | 14:21 |
hallyn | jdstrand: i don't, thanks | 14:26 |
zul | jamespage: ack | 14:30 |
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tomixxx6 | hi, i can wget but i cannot wget www.google.at | 14:49 |
tomixxx6 | normally, eth1 get's its config by external dhcp, now i have configured eth1 static. | 14:49 |
tomixxx6 | dns not working anymore | 14:49 |
tomixxx6 | anyone know what to do? | 14:50 |
spidernik84 | ubuntu 12.04? | 14:52 |
spidernik84 | server? | 14:52 |
tomixxx6 | YES | 14:52 |
tomixxx6 | ubuntu 12.04.04 lts server | 14:52 |
spidernik84 | GOOD :) | 14:52 |
spidernik84 | where did you specify the dns? | 14:52 |
spidernik84 | in the interfaces file? | 14:52 |
tomixxx6 | no, i have not specified dns in interfaces file, i thought to define address, netmask and gateway is sufficient | 14:53 |
spidernik84 | those params are needed to reach other networks | 14:53 |
spidernik84 | but to map urls (www.google.at) to ips ( you need DNS to work | 14:54 |
spidernik84 | soren, https://www.stgraber.org/2012/02/24/dns-in-ubuntu-12-04/ | 14:54 |
spidernik84 | this is how it's done :) | 14:54 |
spidernik84 | briefly | 14:54 |
spidernik84 | The DNS configuration for a static interface should go as “dns-nameservers”, “dns-search” and “dns-domain” entries added to the interface in /etc/network/interfaces | 14:54 |
spidernik84 | copied from the page | 14:54 |
tomixxx6 | TY | 14:54 |
spidernik84 | once done, "ifup -a" | 14:55 |
spidernik84 | or, if it does not work, service networking restart. This is discouraged though | 14:55 |
tomixxx6 | sudo reboot ftw!" | 14:55 |
tomixxx6 | nothing else is working here | 14:55 |
spidernik84 | that works as well... :) | 14:55 |
spidernik84 | bye, gotta leave | 14:56 |
tomixxx6 | cu | 14:56 |
spidernik84 | good luck | 14:57 |
tomixxx6 | TY! | 14:57 |
spidernik84 | np | 14:57 |
tomixxx6 | hi, i have the following problem: i can wget for example www.orf.at but i cannot wget www.google.at -> results in "network is unreachable" | 15:35 |
mardraum | wget? | 15:36 |
tomixxx6 | yes, wget | 15:36 |
mardraum | can you ping it? | 15:36 |
tomixxx6 | yes, i can ping | 15:37 |
andol | tomixxx6: Any different with a wget -4? | 15:37 |
tomixxx6 | "wget -4 www.googl.at"? | 15:38 |
andol | Yepp | 15:38 |
tomixxx6 | "wget: invalid option -- 4" | 15:39 |
mardraum | "google" even? | 15:39 |
tomixxx6 | i have cirros virtual machine | 15:39 |
mardraum | cirros? | 15:39 |
tomixxx6 | a small operating system for cloud computing | 15:40 |
mardraum | oh you are the guy with the broken openstack | 15:40 |
tomixxx6 | yeah ^^ | 15:41 |
tomixxx6 | i'am very close to a working openstack, although | 15:41 |
mardraum | you think? | 15:41 |
andol | tomixxx6: Well, wget is supposed to have a -4 flag, and the point being to expliclty test IPv4. One guess being that your system things it has IPv6 connectvity, but doesn't really. | 15:42 |
tomixxx6 | andol: sounds reasonable | 15:42 |
andol | tomixxx6: That would have explained why www.google.at behaves differnetly, since it has an AAAA record, while www.orf.at doesn't | 15:42 |
tomixxx6 | this would mean i have a working openstack deployment, omg | 15:43 |
tomixxx6 | maybe i should try an ubuntu image | 15:43 |
andol | (Also, the ping command is always IPv4, with the ping6 command for icmpv6 pings | 15:44 |
andol | ) | 15:44 |
tomixxx6 | andol: wow, this would explain a lot | 15:45 |
tomixxx6 | ty! | 15:46 |
tomixxx6 | what does "~" mean in a path, like "~/.ssh/authorized_keys" | 16:35 |
tomixxx6 | where is this "~" ? | 16:35 |
tomixxx6 | ok, got it, its the root directory of the logged user | 16:40 |
parallel21 | anyone else experience slow updates? | 17:02 |
jpds | parallel21: That depends on SO many factors. | 17:04 |
parallel21 | it no workee | 17:04 |
parallel21 | What factors should I be looking at? | 17:04 |
jpds | parallel21: So, which country are you in, which mirror servers are you using, etc. | 17:04 |
parallel21 | US | 17:04 |
parallel21 | us.archive.ubuntu.com | 17:05 |
jpds | Now you'll have to do a traceroute to us.archive.ubuntu.com. | 17:05 |
parallel21 | 15 hops | 17:06 |
parallel21 | What am I looking for in the traceroute? | 17:06 |
jpds | Where your network is slow. | 17:07 |
parallel21 | Once it hits sterlingnetwork.net, it jumps from 3ms to 73ms | 17:09 |
jpds | I have no problem getting to http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ . | 17:09 |
parallel21 | site loads fine | 17:10 |
parallel21 | Just `sudo apt-get update` crawls | 17:10 |
jpds | parallel21: sudo apt-get -o Debug::Acquire::http=true update | 17:11 |
jpds | !ops | guoos, privmsg spamming | 17:12 |
ubottu | guoos, privmsg spamming: Help! Channel emergency! soren, lamont, mathiaz, Pici, Daviey, Tm_T or pmatulis | 17:12 |
parallel21 | jpds: running that I get a list of 404's | 17:14 |
parallel21 | W: Failed to fetch bzip2:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/us.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_trusty_universe_binary-i386_Packages Hash Sum mismatch | 17:15 |
jpds | parallel21: sudo rm -rfv /var/lib/apt/lists/* | 17:15 |
jpds | That'll purge your cache. | 17:15 |
parallel21 | Then rung that apt-get -o Debug::Acquire::http=true update again? | 17:16 |
jpds | parallel21: Yep. | 17:17 |
parallel21 | It's still updating at like 93kB/s | 17:18 |
jpds | parallel21: That's your network. | 17:33 |
parallel21 | don't think so mate | 17:33 |
parallel21 | I can download an image at near 20mB/s | 17:34 |
parallel21 | Performing updates on centos machines screams | 17:34 |
parallel21 | I've just had problems with my ubuntu machines | 17:35 |
jpds | parallel21: Tried another US mirror like mirror.anl.gov ? | 17:36 |
parallel21 | I'll try that | 17:36 |
parallel21 | Success! Thanks jpds | 17:44 |
jpds | s/your network/somewhere in the network between you and us.archive/ | 17:45 |
jpds | :-) | 17:45 |
JanC | is us.archive still in the UK? | 17:46 |
jpds | JanC: No. | 17:46 |
JanC | I remember it used to be :) | 17:46 |
jpds | It did. | 17:46 |
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bekks | hi | 18:45 |
bekks | I'm stuck with kickstarting an Ubuntu installation. The installation itself wents fine, but grub installation fails with "executing 'grub-install (hd0)' failed." This is the relevant part of my kickstart file: http://pastebin.com/2cshnPPd | 18:46 |
bekks | Maybe someone has a clue? | 18:46 |
parallel21 | zermobr yes | 19:06 |
parallel21 | should read zerombr | 19:06 |
parallel21 | I don't think that's your problem though | 19:06 |
bekks | Hmm, no it isnt. I fixed that typo, but I get the same grub install error. | 19:12 |
zul | adam_g: hey we are still on track for tomorrow arent we? | 19:27 |
adam_g | zul, for what? 2013.2.3? | 19:28 |
zul | yeah | 19:36 |
adam_g | zul, its released now. pushing the tarballs to LP | 19:37 |
adam_g | zul, tarballs hsould be up at tarballs.openstack.org | 19:37 |
Guegs | I am planning on building a home server with 8x3TiB drives in raidz2. Would 8 GiB of ram be enough? This is the RAM I would be using (already have it). http://www.ebay.ca/itm/Patriot-Memory-Sector5-8gb-2-x-4gb-DDR3-1333-Dual-RAM-DDR3-10666-PGV38G1333ELK-/291113083847?pt=US_Memory_RAM_&hash=item43c7b123c7 | 19:37 |
parallel21 | Are you certain grub was installed on the install process? | 19:38 |
bekks | parallel21: was that for me? | 19:40 |
parallel21 | bekks: yeah, sorry | 19:40 |
bekks | parallel21: gonna check i again, please hold on | 19:41 |
bekks | parallel21: I guess grub is installed. I get these error messages on vt4(?) http://picpaste.com/Bildschirmfoto_vom_2014-04-03_21_47_04-peDj0Dbr.png with this particular kickstart file section: http://pastebin.com/YKj3wHwV | 19:49 |
bekks | I dont get where that vg "sda" might be coming from - and why hd0 isnt found. | 19:49 |
TJ- | Where's it getting "(hd0)" from, something internal, or something you've specified? Because that should be the system block device, which looks there should be "/dev/sda" | 19:52 |
TJ- | The VG detection is because the lvm metadata hasn't been wiped | 19:53 |
bekks | hd0 / sda is the only harddisk attach. I'm gonna wipe it and try again, to get a somehow more clear error message. | 19:55 |
bekks | This is the log with a wiped harddisk: http://picpaste.com/pic2-OZILkQPn.png | 20:03 |
bekks | the last os-proper line shows sda2 as swap, so I dont get why it doesnt find hd0 - which should be / is the one and only disk attached (besides the cdrom, which is detected as sr0). | 20:04 |
Guegs | Is ZFS stable running on Ubuntu? | 20:12 |
sarnold | Guegs: i intend to run it myself 'eventually', in the last few months of #zfsonlinux it seems that using zfs solely for data works well, but using it for root doesn't work as well | 20:14 |
mwhudson | is xen 4.4 going to be in trusty? | 20:15 |
Guegs | I would just be using it as a storage array sarnold. Thanks for that chan though. Didn't know it existed. | 20:15 |
sarnold | mwhudson: yes: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xen | 20:16 |
sarnold | Guegs: it's good stuff, those guys are like magic with a 'zfs status' pastebinned output :) | 20:16 |
mwhudson | sarnold: oh cool | 20:16 |
mwhudson | sarnold: blargh, no arm64 builds? | 20:17 |
sarnold | mwhudson: eek. no idea there | 20:18 |
mwhudson | i think it should work | 20:18 |
mwhudson | but i'd better become informed first :) | 20:18 |
mwhudson | sarnold: do you know anything about xen packaging? | 20:22 |
mwhudson | is it one of these projects that has a debian directory upstream that is stupid? | 20:23 |
mwhudson | hm | 20:31 |
mwhudson | sort of | 20:31 |
adam_g | zul, okay its official out | 21:11 |
sarnold | mwhudson: sorry, I don't know much about it beyond that smb takes care of xen for reasons I don't think I'll ever understand :) hehe | 21:45 |
mwhudson | heh heh | 21:45 |
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