
=== adom_ is now known as adom
lazyPowerslow day on good mornings15:10
pvl1almost noon lazyPower15:13
pvl1but greetings15:13
lazyPowerindeed :)15:15
lazyPowernot used to seeing the silence. Usually you and mutant turkey have and in hisname have dropped by and said good day to the ether15:15
lazyPoweri'm a creature of habit15:16
pvl1i think we all are15:16
pvl1otherwise we wouldnt lurk :)15:17
pvl1how much would you guys for android devel15:17
pvl1no formal education or experience15:17
pvl1just a hacker that knows somethings... and wants money to go to college15:17
=== lazyPower is now known as lazyPower-travel

Generated by irclog2html.py 2.7 by Marius Gedminas - find it at mg.pov.lt!