
ShawnRiskany help on my question?00:00
BeldarShawnRisk, The help is free, you have to have some patience.00:02
ckindleyHmm, new news on my failing PXE bot setup.00:02
ckindleyIt says RPC:Connection refused when trying to mount the NFS root, but no request ever is seen on the server (at least via tcpdump)00:03
ShawnRiskBeldar: always am but this is almost unusable laptop now.00:04
Node-1whats up guys00:04
BeldarShawnRisk, Hmm, not to irritate you but the world does not stop for individual issues. ;)00:04
Node-1whats up guys?00:05
Node-1logging on from one of my now 1200:05
idazeHey what's the best irc channel for programming?00:05
ShawnRiskBeldar: oh right, I forgot, everyone is busy but me :P00:05
Node-1servers, and that was 12.04 LTS00:06
Node-1not 12, i only have 6 servers ;000:06
Node-1not 12, i only have 6 servers ;)00:06
paceblI'm trying to use alacarte to set an icon for a custom app launcher, it's a 256x256 png in ~/.local/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps/ , but when I hit apply it turns into an error icon and the unity launcher just shows a page icon00:07
Node-1kk, gotta get to my others, needing to upgrade to ubuntu from Winblows XP00:07
Node-1have fun00:08
ckindleyHas anyone successfully PXE-booted Ubuntu?00:08
AnuskaHi, install vnc4server i run, and i connect wit vnc viewer, but give me a background green with 3 selcted option ( Accept clipboard , Send Clipboard, Send primari ... ) but connot give aggre or someting... to close this00:08
BeldarNode-1, Note using the term Winblows reduces your street creds.00:08
Node-1Beldar: alrighty thanks00:09
Node-1windows in general, or that specific derogative00:09
Node-1ckindly: its really the same principle as the ghosting thing from Symantec00:10
Node-1yall remember that? Symantec Ghost?00:10
Node-1ah, the good old days, now its all windows system center00:10
pope1I used ghost to image school labs back in the 90's :P00:10
Node-1yeah, it works pretty well00:10
dcopewhat bonding mode is used to get two ports to act as one?00:10
ckindleyMy issue is with mounting the NFSv4 root00:11
jeffrey_fckindley: The trick is in finding a simple PXE application00:11
Node-1system centers hard to learn how to use, but its worth it for windows imaging00:11
compdocAnuska, what version of ubuntu?00:11
compdocvnc4server stopped working after 12.0400:12
Node-1dang my server is across the big pond00:12
Node-1not even in US, but i guess thats kiwi for you...00:12
KiWiB0RGis anyone getting an error using the us-east-1.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com mirror for lucid-updates ? i started seeing a gpg badsig error :/00:12
Anuskais worked but give to to be agree with some terms..00:12
ckindleyDespite my best efforts, nothing's even showing up on the server side.00:12
Node-1ok, guys gotta go00:12
Anuskabut is  ot a botton tu click00:12
Node-1have fun yall00:12
BeldarAnuska, All help for 14.04 is on #ubuntu+1  many as you have seen are here and there as well.00:13
ckindleyLots of "connection refused" though...00:13
compdocAnuska, oh, I havent tried 14.04, so cool00:13
dcopei have a round robin bonding mode setup but my server is still getting throttled wtf00:13
idazeAnyone doing python programming?00:13
Beldaridaze, State the issue for help. When I search freenode I see handfuls of python hits.00:15
ShawnRiskHow  do I fix my right click on touchpad for laptop as originally only clicked crazy double click which was annoying as I couldn't get this to work properly at all.  I changed settings based on: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1388164&p=8816327#post881632700:17
=== KeithLG_ is now known as KeithLG
funksteri am doing reverse ssh from my ubuntu to a public server, ssh -N -R 2222:localhost:22 serverUser@ - the problem im having is, if pi loses connectivity the connection on the public server listening on localhost port 2222 stays up....  i need it to timeout anything i can do?00:24
xar-funkster: you want the tunnel to die?00:26
funksterxar-: when it gets disconnected, yes.00:26
xar-funkster: sounds like you might want "ServerAliveInterval" in /etc/ssh/sshd_config. Good hunting. :)00:27
funksterxar-: hmmmm00:31
=== Havenstance_ is now known as Haven|Home
paceblHow do I set a custom icon for a custom launcher? I have a .desktop file in .local/share/applications, but it won't use my custom icon which lives in .local/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/00:38
kostkonpacebl, try giving it the absolute path00:39
paceblkostkon: I am using the absolute path00:39
mint__why can i not view files off of raid 1 drive, but it can be seen in disk util00:42
Guest97980hi all00:43
UBUNTUuserhi guys I want to ask about ubuntu 14.0400:46
UBUNTUuseris the boot signiture signed by microsoft00:47
xar-UBUNTUuser: /join #ubuntu+1 ; is the best channel for 14.04 questions.00:47
Demon_JesterHey guys I was wondering what language would I need to script/program to make00:48
Demon_Jesterhold on00:48
kongthapusually when ubuntu becomes freeze so i must use the pc's reset button, what should i do/perform to make sure that no system files damage ?00:48
Demon_Jesterto make ui in CLI, for example, htop, aircrack etc.00:48
xar-Demon_Jester: learn to wield ncurses. /join #linux for more exploratory questions regarding general Linux questions.00:49
yolo_hey guys,  i went to the python channel and was flagged as "unresgistered" i couldn't chat with anybody00:51
yolo_how do i register ?00:52
ponbikiyou're nick?00:52
yolo_my nick ?00:52
yolo_yolo_ ?00:52
ponbiki/msg NickServ REGISTER passwd email00:52
yolo_thi is it00:52
yolo_i have to do that in the python channel ?00:53
GeoHi, I'm about to attempt to hot swap a SATA drive from a mdstat-run RAID 5... any thoughts or words of advice on how to proceed?00:53
ponbikiit's netwrok wide00:53
yolo_well this name is registered as mine00:53
yolo_i registered it00:53
ponbikiyou should be able to join #python now00:54
xar-Geo: mdadm /dev/mdX --remove /dev/<drive>; should about cover it; man mdadm.00:54
yolo_by why does it say that i'm unregistered ?00:54
ponbikiit means you're nick isn't registered00:54
Geoxar: I have the procedure down... more curious about any common gotchas associated with pulling a drive out while the system is on00:55
ponbikior you're not identified00:55
GeoI'm sure people have hosed things up pretty good before00:55
yolo_ohh ok00:55
yolo_it works now00:55
yolo_i didn't confirm00:55
ponbikiyou're welcome00:56
xar-Geo: I usually don't hot pull unless it's enterprise grade hardware; can you not shut it down?00:56
GeoI could; I'd just much rather not00:56
Geoso trying to get a little more educated on the risks and common pitfalls00:57
xar-Geo: pardon me, it's gonna be --fail <device> and --remove <device>; what kind of RAID is it?00:57
Geoall the drives are fine, Im' just prepping to grow it00:58
Geoso even if one other fails while i pull this out, I can place it back in and be ok... I only run into probs if more than one fails :)00:58
xar-Geo: it's best to grow when the array is not degraded, as the entire layout on all the disks will be shifting, as it's 5, you always run the risk of a URE surfacing during a disk rebuild, which is why people use 6.01:00
Georight, I'm going to swap all the disks first and get it all back up, then grow the partitions01:01
xar-Geo: that's a lot of disk i/o; good luck! just make sure it's clean and the superblock has persistence.01:02
Wonder567could I please paste a pastebin regarding Lucid Lynx updates?01:03
xar-Geo: and schedule a 5-6 transition ASAP.01:03
Geofeel free to send me more controller cards and drives at your convenience :)01:03
GeoI have to work with what I got01:03
xar-I'm not saying it just say it. It's just best practices. I hope it's not your data, and someone elses ;)01:03
xar-s/saying it/saying it to/01:04
Wonder567hello? blah01:04
BeldarWonder567, Include it with a outline of the issue and whether this is a server or desktop.01:04
SuperLagAre there any GUI tools for update-alternatives *besides* galternatives?01:05
mint__hey, how can i view xfs filesystem from a raid 1?01:05
Wonder567Beldar: this is server edition lucid lynx01:05
BeldarWonder567, Cool, so tell the channel the issue and include the paste if you like.01:06
xar-mint__: your question is confusing? is the device with the xfs filesystem, mounted?01:06
Wonder567Beldar: Thanks01:06
BeldarWonder567, No prob, I know little about servers so tell everyone. ;)01:06
Wonder567the issue I am having is this robot finds kitten program I stumbled upon this post and it's nagging me.01:07
mint__xar-: Yes i can see it in gpart01:07
xar-mint__: if it were mounted, you would have a directory with which to interact with the block device. What is the directory? Go to it.01:07
Wonder567I have a pastebin link here -------------------->   http://pastebin.com/Ucv9sdS101:08
Wonder567I am just interested in this problem I am no programmer just a noober01:08
Wonder567I have just installed firefox 28 system wide in /opt01:08
Wonder567on a lucid lynx system I have here01:08
daftykinslucid is EOL01:09
Wonder567I understand01:09
birdman007im using xubuntu and no matter what i do i cannot get conky to show up after i login, i have it set up to auto start and it runs but is not visible01:09
Wonder567Beldar could you take a look at that pastebin and just see what you think?01:10
Beldarbirdman007, This a custom conky? Has is ever shown?01:10
birdman007if i execute it from the terminal then it shows up fine just not when i have it set to autostart after i login01:11
BeldarWonder567, I did, YOU cleaned but did not run a update before the upgrade, not sure it will matter in the error, however does in general.01:11
mint__xar-: no directory, cannot see it in the devices01:11
Beldarbirdman007, Include a delayed start time in the auto start01:12
Wonder567Beldar it was a post in the noob forums so after a mess with a system wide firefox update for me with lucid I decided to try to help.01:13
birdman007i have and it still does not show up01:13
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Beldarbirdman007, you tried various delays up to?01:14
birdman007only 50 seconds01:14
Beldarbirdman007, Ah that would be plenty, not sure really here.01:14
birdman007ill just have to keep tweaking it till it works01:17
Wonder567Beldar you may be interested in this link for your references it involves Firefox 28 on Lucid added in /opt system wide.---> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=220931301:17
Wonder567sorry to be a bother01:17
Wonder567certs still get updates on Luicd till april 2801:17
daftykinsWonder567: i don't understand why you're bothering to put any effort into an EOL OS01:18
Wonder567that post I placed in the pastebin was just a odd question01:18
daftykinsit's game over, you must update, that's all that can really be said01:18
Wonder567dafty it's cause of a lexmark x5070 driver01:18
Wonder567daftykins excuse me01:18
daftykinsyou really can't get that going on 12.04?01:19
Wonder567daftykins: nah tried it i'm no coder01:19
=== comp is now known as computerxpds
GeoHow can I identify which physical drive corresponds to a mounted drive in the OS?01:20
daftykinsGeo: type 'mount'01:21
scuba323Hey everyone. I can't seem to get my WiFi working I.01:22
scuba323On HP 2000 its a live CD any help? Like driver locations Google isn't helping me for once lol01:22
daftykinsare you new to ubuntu and Linux?01:23
Geodaftykins- and? I'm looking for the *physical* drive01:23
Geothe piece of metal in my hand01:23
Wonder567any of you use Brother printers under Ubuntu?01:23
Geohow do I know which of those hunks of silicone is sdb, sdc, etc?01:23
scuba323Not really. Since 2010 haha just never had this issue. This is a new laptop and I just booted my live USB01:23
Wonder567I set up a Brother MFC-295CN under Mint Maya with cups it's kinda nice.01:23
daftykinsscuba323: ok, well theres not a lot that can be done during a live session, it needs to be installed really01:24
SchrodingersScatGeo: are the drives identical?01:25
GeoSchrodingersScat: same make/model, yes01:25
Beldarscuba323, appears to be a broadcom.01:25
scuba323Daftykins: I figured :(  any other distros you recommend01:25
daftykinsscuba323: changing distro isn't going to change your situation... are you saying you want it working *live* ? look into making up the flash drive persistent01:26
scuba323Beldar: should I get those drivers01:26
wrb123hello. can someone help me interpret my mail.log?  new to this but seeing a lot of "postfix/smtpd: connect from unknown [ip.add.ress.here];  Warning: connection rate limit exceeded from [ip.add.ress.here]01:27
wrb123like multiple times a second for 5 minutes and then it stopped01:27
scuba323Datfykin: that is probably my best option considering the fact I am using a friends laptop :p my old think pad is...well old lol01:28
scuba323Daftykins: *01:28
Geowrb123: do you recognize the IP address?01:29
Beldarscuba323, Well I would confirm which broadcom from 'lspci' in the cli first. There is a broadcom wiki, doing this on a live will probably be doable, not sure really.01:29
Beldar!scuba323 | scuba32301:29
Beldar!broadcom | scuba32301:29
ubottuscuba323: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx01:29
SchrodingersScatwhen will broadcom's horrors be put to an end?01:29
scuba323Hold on. I'll get my Ethernet cord out. I'm on my phone and tagging peoples a pain01:30
daftykins<Broadcom> sorry users, your princess er i mean working drivers are in another castle01:30
wrb123Geo no, not at all. I set up the server and attempted to secure it just to learn, don't have anyone who knows about the domain or anything, no app or site on the server yet01:30
GeoSchrodingersScat: no other thoughts on how to differentiate the drives?01:30
Geowrb123: then it sounds like someone is scanning it, and likely trying a brute force attack against it01:30
daftykinsGeo: dmesg should show output when they were detected, they should show full serial numbers01:31
daftykinsthat would get you to sda/b/c etc01:31
wrb123Geo can fail2ban block mail attacks like that? I think right now I only have it setup for ssh attempts, which is blocked with an encryption key and disabled root login anyway01:32
goodtimewow thats a bad setup01:32
goodtimewhy would anyone disable the login01:33
daftykinsmore to the point you shouldn't even have a root pass :D01:33
goodtimelol yeah i guess01:33
daftykinsgoodtime: perhaps you misread, disabling root from logging in via SSH is good01:34
goodtimeoic okay01:34
* wrb123 slaps goodtime with a large trout01:34
scuba323ubottu: Could you resend that link. I switched to PC01:34
goodtimeyeah thats is smart sorry01:34
ubottuscuba323: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:34
Geodaftykins, I see model #s, but no serial #s01:34
scuba323oops :P Who ever sent the link :P01:34
Ben64!broadcom | scuba32301:35
ubottuscuba323: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx01:35
scuba323Ben64: Thanks!01:35
Geowrb123: maybe? I don't know01:35
Geogoogle might tell you faster ;)01:35
daftykinsGeo: perhaps hdparm would do it instead then01:35
wrb123thanks i will look into it01:36
Geothere we go01:37
scuba323It's a Qualcomm Atheros AR948501:37
scuba323so google here I come again :)01:37
rawfodogmy sound isnt working. how do I check which sound drivers I have installed and which are selectted ?01:39
wiakwhy ubuntu has a waiting for network configuration that ways over upto 20 min is behind me, no point at all01:40
wiak2 min*01:40
=== fallout_ is now known as fallout
sadpuppyiobit.com has a free driver check program01:41
rawfodogwhat ?01:41
sadpuppythats what i use when i have a sound driver problem01:42
rawfodogsad puppy, this is the ubuntu room though )01:43
sadpuppyit also downloads the drivers no  extra charge01:43
=== scuba323 is now known as scuba323_afk
socks73hey i have xubuntu on my laptop and some games from the ubuntu software center crash. any advice?01:44
socks73hey i have xubuntu on my laptop and some games from the ubuntu software center crash. any advice?01:45
skinkittenis there a way to use the terminal like "emacs ." and have that same terminal window available for other commands01:49
CyborgCygnusThat feature in the Ubuntu Software Centre for syncing computers, does it store the sync info from another in your Ubuntu One account? Because I want to know if you can Sync the app library with a computer that is getting formatted but after it has been formatted & reinstalled?01:51
qinskinkitten: tmux, screen?01:52
daftykinsCyborgCygnus: ubuntu one just got shutdown01:52
skinkittenqin, what?01:53
daftykinsskinkitten: sounds to me like you're launching emacs in a less than preferable way to begin with, can you not do it after hitting alt+f201:53
qinskinkitten: disregard, was reading every forth word01:54
daftykinsskinkitten: how come?01:55
daftykinsskinkitten: you'd have to type it as "emacs ~" instead of "emacs ." more than likely01:55
daftykinsor just look up how to run emacs properly01:55
skinkittenemacs . starts up emacs, in the current directory I'm in01:56
skinkittenit loads it up great,01:56
skinkittenI just want the terminal window to be available for further use01:56
skinkittenyou know isntead of opening a new tab01:57
ScrivenerI installed a bad PPA for a piece of software (gets a 404 when apt-get updating)01:57
daftykinsskinkitten: yeah i understand, but you're not following :(01:57
ScrivenerHowever, it does not appear in /etc/apt/sources.list nor /etc/apt/sources.list.d/01:58
ScrivenerWhat can I do to remove it?01:58
ScrivenerI've also tried using ppa-purge01:58
qinScrivener: What ppa is it? and would you paste one line with 404 request?02:02
Scrivenerqin, it's on another machine than I'm chatting on, so I can't paste, but lemme see02:04
daftykinsif it's online sure you could02:04
ScrivenerPpa is:02:04
c2tarunScrivener, you can delete the ppa file from /etc/apt/sources.list.d02:04
ScrivenerAlready looked that02:05
ScrivenerAnd in /etc/apt/sources.list02:05
ScrivenerNo traces of it.02:05
c2tarunScrivener, how did add the ppa?02:05
ScrivenerNo traces of it in Software & Updates02:05
c2tarunhow did you add the ppa?02:05
Scrivenersudo add-apt-repository [ppaname]02:05
c2tarunScrivener, can you please direct output of "sudo apt-get update" to pastebin and share here.02:06
ShawnRiskHow  do I fix my right click on touchpad for laptop as originally only clicked crazy double click which was annoying as I couldn't get this to work properly at all.  I changed settings based on: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1388164&p=8816327#post881632702:06
Scrivenerc2tarun, I can paste when I log into chat from that machine... not typing from that one atm02:06
c2tarunScrivener, are you able to access that machine?02:07
Scrivenerc2tarun, yup, in front of it now, hang on, getting a paste02:07
Scrivenerc2tarun, looks like... they... appeared?02:10
ScrivenerIn software & updates, after I reopened.02:10
ScrivenerRemoving now O.o02:10
chrislabeardhas anyone had any success installing dvbhdhomerun-utils on 12.04?02:10
ScrivenerThat is... uh... odd.02:10
c2tarunScrivener, ??02:11
Scrivenerc2tarun, I'm not even sure. I'm poking about. Two synapse entries appeared in the Software & Updates utility though02:12
=== ko_lo is now known as Guest85006
Linux_Asylumhey whats the apt-cache option to also include package size?02:19
daftykinsshowpkg might say02:20
Linux_Asylumoh ok thanks daftykins02:20
=== _46bit is now known as _27percent
=== _27percent is now known as _46bit
JCM83My monitor is a 16:9 ratio, but when I moved from NVIDIA drivers to the xorg nouveau driver, the display dropped to 4:3 and it doesn't appear to have an option in system settings to fix it. What do I need to do? ("Go back to the proprietary NVIDIA driver" is my backup)02:22
daftykinsJCM83: if you look through /var/log/Xorg.0.log does it refer to failing to get EDID info?02:23
daftykinswhat's your preference with running open over proprietary? :)02:24
JCM83Heh well I'd rather run open everything if it works as well, but I understand the nouveau driver fixes some flash rendering problems. Checking the log.02:24
JCM83I don't see "EDID"02:25
JCM83[    21.577] (==) Using system config directory "/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d"02:26
JCM83[    21.578] (==) No Layout section.  Using the first Screen section.02:26
JCM83[    21.578] (==) No screen section available. Using defaults.02:26
JCM83[    21.578] (**) |-->Screen "Default Screen Section" (0)02:26
JCM83[    21.578] (**) |   |-->Monitor "<default monitor>"02:26
JCM83would that have to do with it?02:26
unopasteJCM83 you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted02:26
advx_Hi All, Good Morning02:26
JCM83daftykins, this is the log:http://paste.ubuntu.com/7196922/02:28
JCM83It seems to be having trouble reading the nvidia module?02:29
JCM83daftykins There's definitely a bunch of errors but I'm not sure how to interpret them, what their importance is, and which are to be expected and are just sort of defaults.02:30
daftykinsJCM83: sorry was off elsewhere02:32
JCM83daftykins no problem. See where I posed the log?02:33
JCM83I was hoping you could help me interpret it.02:33
daftykinsJCM83: yeah, so it's actually loading the VESA driver as if you keep going down, lots of lines begin VESA(0)02:34
JCM83I actually don't even have the VESA on my "software and updates" list of drivers :/02:34
daftykinsJCM83: can you check if you have an /etc/X11/xorg.conf file?02:35
daftykinsit's best if you don't02:35
daftykinsshouldn't need any form of search, just "ls /var/X11/" :)02:37
daftykins"ls /etc/X11/"02:37
JCM83got it02:38
JCM83I don't have xorg.conf, but I do have xorg.conf.failsafe02:38
daftykinsthat's ok then, that's how it should be02:39
daftykinsJCM83: is it possible you didn't quite remove the proprietary nvidia driver properly?02:39
daftykinstry "sudo apt-get remove --purge nvidia*02:40
JCM83actually I didn't remove it at all! I just went into the "software and updates" ubuntu program/window/app (what are they called here?) and selected the nouveau and said apply changes. I actually would rather not delete the NVIDIA proprietary driver, because they were kind of a pain to find in the first place and they were working great until yesterday.02:41
daftykinsyou can't have both on at once02:41
daftykinsthat's what's causing this problem :)02:41
daftykinsinstalling in future is just one command away02:42
JCM83Heh. I assumed the "software and updates" app would not have them on at once? Does it not do a good job of managing which is, um, "active"?02:42
daftykinsseems not in this case!02:42
JCM83lol true02:42
JCM83So how did this come to pass? Is the call for BOTH drivers still present in the booting-up sequence?02:43
daftykinsyeah, evidenced by the fact your log tries to load 'nvidia'02:43
JCM83Like the software-and-updates window/app/program didn't clear out whatever file tells the machine what to load?02:43
JCM83Ah. What file is that? Why don't I just go edit it directly and remove the nvidia call?02:43
advx_bye 4 now02:43
daftykinsJCM83: it's a little deeper than this :) trust me, with nvidia installed you're going to get nowhere02:44
daftykinsif you want nouveau, you must remove it02:44
daftykinsthat is the #1 easiest solution02:44
ubottuYeah, yeah02:44
JCM83okay. My biggest worry is that if I start uninstalling graphics drivers I'll end up like I did in the beginning when I couldn't see anything until I'd manually loaded the driver onto the USB stick I was booting from.02:45
JCM83Which is not an unfixable situation it's just a huge pain in the ass02:45
daftykinsyour install is on a flash drive?02:45
=== gerald is now known as Guest75433
JCM83lol no but it was when I first powered this thing up.02:46
mickster04is there a release party anywhere02:46
JCM83My machine is made entirely from salvaged parts.02:46
daftykinsmickster04: you're welcome to ask such questions in #ubuntu-offtopic02:46
daftykinsthis channel is for support questions only02:47
JCM83Including what I'm told is a $2,000 workstation GPU, but when I got it I was just like "yo check it out this appears to have monitor plugs on the back." It has been an autodidactic journey, so forgive me if I seem obtuse.02:47
daftykinsso it's a quadro to boot?02:48
JCM83Hey yeah it is!02:48
JCM83How did you know that?02:48
daftykinsthat's the name of nvidia workstation class GPUs02:48
JCM83Hah, encyclopedic knowledge. Cool.02:49
daftykinsanyway i have to head off now, crazy late here02:49
daftykinsbut yeah, make sure you recall how you put the nvidia driver you're using on, then kill it02:50
derpii2hi can anyone tell me how to fix text rendering in gedit? http://i.imgur.com/eCq5SQm.png02:50
daftykinsshould be good from there02:50
JCM83Daftykins can you answer one more?02:50
JCM83Is it possible for me to just go back to only using the NVIDIA driver alone?02:51
JCM83it was working fine, I only swapped long enough to try this flash rendering fix.02:51
daftykinsJCM83: sure, just revert what you did in software sources02:51
daftykinswell you were never truly running nouveau again of course02:51
daftykinsyou've been in VESA02:52
JCM83Okay. I have to reboot to apply these driver changers right?02:52
JCM83cool. Thanks daftykins02:53
daftykinsnp, enjoy \o02:53
tapoutI have 2 folders on 2 different servers.  I want to compute which files are missing/changed between the 2?  ideally md5 each file, compare between servers and report.  anyone know of an app?03:04
david_linhandhow to download from archive.ubuntu.com  from command line ?03:04
cfhowletttapout diff command does that IIRC03:04
david_linhandwget or there is another method ?03:04
tapoutcfhowlett, between servers tho?03:07
cfhowlett!server|tapout I don't know but I know who would; #ubuntu-server03:07
ubottutapout I don't know but I know who would; #ubuntu-server: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server03:07
=== Netwolf_ is now known as Netwolf
snuffthey guys03:10
snufftcan i use wget to print to a file all image names and the url that those images are on? or am i in bash script territory for that?03:11
snufftsorry, i need to spider an entire site and record what pages images are on. just <img> tags, not background images03:11
=== kacey is now known as Guest96087
kupo_Any possible way to change top panel font for the clock without changing a theme?03:14
jsliverhttps://twitter.com/mdx_jsilver/status/451550189749149696 https://twitter.com/mdx_jsilver/status/451551169442107392 retweet favorite plz03:19
Unitypunkhey guys..03:24
Unitypunkim trying to get a shell script to start at boot03:24
Unitypunki tried adding it to start up apps with the command i use to start it but it never show sup at boot03:24
xrandr_help_plzHey all, can someone help me with mirroring my laptop to a projector with different resolutions? I can't get xrandr to do it.03:31
xrandr_help_plzI know these resolutions work, and tried xrandr --output LVDS1 --mode 1600x900 --output HDMI1 --mode 1920x1200 --same-as LVDS103:31
xrandr_help_plzand still get two different displays, not mirrored03:32
xrandr_help_plzubuntu 13.10, gnome 303:32
jorgkann mir jemand evtl. helfen?03:47
ubottuJorg: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!03:47
Sansonehow can i schedule a single crontab event for a particular date?03:49
somsipSansone: if it's not a recurring job, maybe 'at' would be better03:51
=== Jan11 is now known as ON1
Envyanyone ever get mount: unknown filesystem type 'LVM2_member' when trying to mount a new raid set?04:05
=== root is now known as Guest46331
=== newbie is now known as Guest49633
Guest49633is there some way to grant user such right that it can access files owned by root,  i once accidently started xfce as root, now lot of program configuration files belong to root, and i cant acess them, unfortunatly once you start doing something as root, its spreads like tumor making anything it touches belong to root04:12
Guest49633so there is now too much stuff belonging to root that i can fix them one by one04:12
Ben64Guest49633: the solution is to either delete or change ownership of the files in your home directory that are owned by root04:14
hemangpatelIs there any way to install new version of php cli in old version of ubuntu ?04:15
hemangpatelI have Ubuntu 11.1004:16
blkperlhemangpatel: why not update a version of ubuntu thats supported?04:16
Ben64hemangpatel: 11.10 is no longer supported here, and no longer receiving any updates. you really need to upgrade04:17
hemangpatelI have actually xubuntu 11.1004:17
hemangpatelIs it possible to upgrade to 13.10 Lts ?04:18
blkperlyes you can upgrade to 12.04 LTS04:18
hemangpatelwhy not to 13.10 ?04:18
Ben6413.10 is not an lts release, you can upgrade to 12.04, but the newer lts, 14.04 is coming out soon. you may be better off installing fresh instead of updating a bunch04:18
rwwI'd probably go 11.10 -> 12.04 now, then 14.04 in a month.04:19
rww(since 12.04 -> 14.04 directly is supported)04:19
Envyda farkl04:19
hemangpatelBen64, I'm dev. And i installed many things in my machine04:19
Envydo you have to create a lvg to mount a raid04:19
Envythis is driving me banana's04:19
Ben64hemangpatel: ok? so that means you're happy not receiving updates in a year?04:20
devroot1Running 13.10, trying to unmount a chroot but upstart-udev-br and systemd-udevd won't let go of /mnt/img/dev/null. Ideas?04:21
hemangpatelBen64, I just need new version of php in apt04:25
andrevohi somebody can help me please  to find a package i need to install to make find my wifi04:25
Beldarandrevo, Not sure exactly what you're looking for but,  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:28
Ben64hemangpatel: you need to upgrade to a supported release of ubuntu04:32
hemangpatelBen64, ok thank you :)04:32
andrevoBeldar, i am looking for something i installed and changed the Interface of the window " connection wifi+password"  by default  with a new interface which made works made me able to connect my wifi after click on "connection"04:33
andrevonew interface of the window "connection wifi + password"04:33
Beldarandrevo, Maybe it's just me but I can't understand that, and this is an area, others will be better at.04:34
tucemiuxanybody knows how I can find out what usb nics are supported by ubuntu?04:35
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience04:38
ubottutucemiux: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/04:39
tucemiuxcfhowlett, im just generating traffic, I keep getting dropped form my irc client04:40
tucemiuxanyone knows of usb nick that is supported on ubuntu?04:40
tucemiuxusb NIC04:40
Ben64tucemiux: there are hundreds if not more04:40
tucemiuxBen64, you have a link?04:41
slipperynickanyone using byobu and having terminal 'refresh' issues?04:48
sudormrfhey guys, can anyone help me figure out why incron isn’t working as intended?04:53
invinceablewhat's the best way to attach a shell script i have to run at boot? running 12.04LTS server.04:54
cfhowlett!server|invinceable ask the server channel04:54
ubottuinvinceable ask the server channel: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server04:54
Spr1ngJust lost /etc04:55
=== jackson is now known as Guest50945
invinceablecfhowlett: thank you04:57
Valduarehi guys empathy does not remember my password for irc.. any ideas>04:58
sudormrfso yeah.  incrontab job is there, things are showing in the log, but the file isn’t getting copied :S04:59
sudormrfis there anyone around that can help with that?05:01
=== curiousx is now known as Chuck_Norris
Chuck_Norrisaloha -.-05:02
smrtzHey guys. I'm trying to do some data recovery...  I apparently ran "# dd bs=4M if=/path/to/archlinux.iso of=/dev/sdx && sync" on the HDD in question.  I pulled the drive, and I'm booted into a live enviroment now, I know the first step is to create a byte for byte image of the drive I'm recovering, and work with that, can you guys help me out?05:04
cfhowlettsmrtz archlinux isn't supported here05:05
sudormrfinotifywatch would be something I wouldn’t mind using either05:05
smrtzcfhowlett, I'm on ubuntu....05:05
ubottuSome tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel05:05
smrtzcfhowlett, I was trying to make an arch linux install drive on a USB stick at the time...05:05
cfhowlettsmrtz see above.  Sorry, I can't help more than this link05:06
Ben64smrtz: so why would you write an iso to a drive you wanted to keep data on?05:06
smrtzBen64, it was an accident, and caused by drinking?05:06
Ben64well, your best bet is photorec05:07
smrtzOk, I don't have the drive installed right now, because I wanted to preserve it as much as possible...  but can you tell me the command to copy it please?05:07
smrtzI thought I knew how to dd, but apparently not...05:08
PolishPickersczesc przemek05:08
ubottuPolishPickers: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.05:08
smrtzwould'nt it be dd if=/dev/sdx of=mnt/randomHDDfolderIHave ?05:08
Ben64smrtz: eh, you don't need to make a copy of it to use photorec.05:09
smrtzBen64, Oh?  let me look it up.  I'll be back in a minute...05:09
smrtzBen64, can I pm you?  I don't want to flood the channel....05:11
Chuck_Norrissmrtz, http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/PhotoRec_Step_By_Step -.-05:12
sudormrfmaybe incron is not the best option.  perhaps inotifywait?05:12
Ben64smrtz: use a pastebin05:13
Valduarehey guys how do you get emapthy to remmeber your irc password05:13
smrtzBen64, no, like, I don't want to flood the channel with our conversation.. I'm here because I'm on ubuntu, but this isn't really relevent to ubuntu, so I don't want to be to off topic...05:14
Ben64there is #ubuntu-offtopic05:14
Bashing-omValduare: ask in #freenode to have an email to reset your IRC password.05:15
Valduarethats not the problem05:15
Valduareempathy is not saving the password05:15
smrtzBen64, Ok, I'll talk to you there?05:15
sudormrfcan anyone help me figure out whey incron isn’t working or help me get inotifywait to do the same thing?05:18
decadence18i need help setting up a vnc/ssh system between my ubuntu 13.10 pc and my linux mint 16 laptop...05:18
PolishPickersanyone using 14.04 lts yet?05:18
cfhowlettPolishPickers until it's releases, support/discussion of 14.04 = #ubuntu+105:19
PolishPickersthanks just wondered no needed for support just wanted to know if anyone was starting to use it yet05:20
logical_hey guys how can i install mate desktop enviroment on ubuntu?05:24
logical_its for educational purpose :)05:24
Beldarlogical_, It is in the 14.04 development.05:24
sudormrfnm.  sorted05:30
sudormrfjust one quick question about copying things05:31
Biomechdhey guys, what is "RhythmDB:ERROR:rhythmdb-tree.c:1517:remove_child: assertion failed: (g_hash_table_remove (parent->children, data)) Aborted?"05:31
willwhprobably a problem with rhythmbox?05:32
Biomechdthat much is obvious.05:33
Biomechdthat's the error i'm currently getting when trying to launch it.05:33
=== Motoservo_ is now known as Motoservo
Biomechdi see there are 1509 people in this room. i'm a bit curious as to how many there would have to be to cause a problem.05:35
Biomechdwell, 1511 now.05:36
Biomechdyes, i realize that anyone could start trolling or some such. but i meant for the system to have a problem.05:36
BeldarBiomechd, Stay tuned and you will see trouble one person at a time.05:36
BiomechdBeldar: i'm only here to hopefully get my rhythmbox fixed. :P05:37
BeldarBiomechd, This a PPA version?05:39
BiomechdBeldar: it's whatever the pre-installed version is.05:39
Biomechdi have wubi ubuntu 12.10.05:40
Biomechdi know i need to migrate and upgrade.05:40
Biomechdi just haven't yet.05:40
rwwBiomechd: depends on what you define as "system". freenode would be fine, I'd expect some badly-written IRC client to have trouble first05:41
cfhowlettBiomechd wubi is no longer supported - for that matter 12.10 is end of life05:41
Biomechdso basically nobody's willing to offer assistance because my ubuntu version's outdated?05:42
rwwif by "outdated" you mean "has unpatched security vulnerabilities because it reached its pre-advertised End of Life date", yes05:43
rwwthis is, in fact, channel policy05:43
cfhowlettBiomechd no, your ubuntu version is unsupported.  upgrade and you'll find all kinds of assistance05:43
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades05:43
Biomechdhuh. so i see.05:43
cfhowlettBiomechd options: install 12.04 or 13.10  and STRONGLY consider dual booting so you can get away from your unsupported wubi05:44
Biomechdcfhowlett: i do dual boot. i have windows 7 and wubi ubuntu 12.10.05:45
ubottuBiomechd: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot05:45
Biomechdi'm a bit concerned about the migration process.05:46
cfhowlettBiomechd migration of what?  data?  easy to set up.05:46
cfhowlettBiomechd may I ask what your hardware specs are?05:46
=== Kitar|st_ is now known as Kitar|st
tbclycanRight now I am confused on what my issue might be. My laptop got infected the other day and I figured I would just reinstall and try out Linux. First I installed Mint and it would not boot after install fully. So I decided to try Ubuntu thinking maybe something was wrong with the install disk I made. Ubuntu would not fully boot to instalation. Just like LM it would freeze and eventually just linger on a black screen. I figured the h05:47
Biomechdcfhowlett: a while back, someone told me that you had to migrate away from wubi in order to install anything 13.xx and up, and i know i got a migration batch file from somewhere but i'm not sure if i still have it.05:47
tbclycandisk could get to the installation parts on other computers, so I removed it and it booted right to mint on another PC no issue. So now I am wondering, if the harddrive is fine, what is bad? Please not the motherboard, is it the Motherboard?05:47
tbclycanSorry, I need some help.05:48
cfhowlettBiomechd again: migrating what, exactly?  Data migration is pretty easy with a USB ...05:48
Biomechdcfhowlett: not sure. just said migration. but it was a really long time ago, so my memory on the subject could be faulty.05:49
cfhowlettBiomechd let's PM this discussion ...05:49
Biomechdcfhowlett: fine by me.05:49
tbclycanIs there anyone that can help me with my issue please?05:49
smulverineI've installed the xubuntu and lubuntu desktops; works fine.  But how do I restore the default unity greeter in lightdm?   I'm running 14.04.05:51
cfhowlettsmulverine 14.04 discussion and support = #ubuntu+105:51
smulverinecfhowlett: thanks, will check there05:52
jeffrey_fsort of off-topic: anyone know of ready-made PXE server virtualbox images?06:05
ubottujeffrey_f: Virtualbox is a virtualizer for x86 and amd64 architectures. It's available in the package "virtualbox" in the !repositories, and you can download the Virtualbox Extension Pack for additional, non-Free functionality at http://virtualbox.org . Additional details can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox06:07
cfhowlettjeffrey_f ask in #vbox06:07
=== badon_ is now known as badon
=== d3fc0n is now known as Guest11898
=== dominus_ is now known as rikut
mstaicuHello, I have a problem with 13.10. I installed the gnome2 fallback, i.e. sudo apt-get install gnome-session-fallback and now every time I log out or restart my computer, anyone can login with my account. All they have to do is click on the password input and the password is completely ignored. The only time when my password is required is when I lock my screen. Has anyone else experienced this?06:21
monkwitdafunkCan you use virualbox to set up a guest with its own partition? that way if you use destructive badblocks on that partition, you can start a new guest06:22
cfhowlettmonkwitdafunk ask #vbox06:23
iam_whats the best way to read a raid drive xfs?06:23
jazzzzHi guys, quick question.. My grandma is really nervous about xp dropping support and so i was planning on installing the ubuntu 14.04 on her system instead.. now i see the final version isnt due to the end of the month.. will it update itself to the final release through update manager?06:24
somsip!final | jazzzz06:24
ubottujazzzz: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Trusty and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 14.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal.06:24
cfhowlettjazzzz assuming you're talking about an older computer here.  suggest lubuntu or xubuntu06:24
cfhowlettjazzzz also both have a somewhat similar look/feel to XP ...06:24
jazzzzok thanks for the suggestions ill take a look06:25
mstaicuHello, I have a problem with 13.10. I installed the gnome2 fallback, i.e. sudo apt-get install gnome-session-fallback and now every time I log out or restart my computer, anyone can login with my account. All they have to do is click on the password input and the password is completely ignored. The only time when my password is required is when I lock my screen. Has anyone else experienced this?06:28
sadpuppyredo install then06:28
bigdaddyjazzzz.. I too was looking for an alternative since xp will no longer be updated. I'm using Xubuntu and I'm loving it. I'm new to ubuntu and it hasn't taken me long at all to get used to it. I suggest Xubuntu also. Good luck06:28
sadpuppytry mint or puppy06:29
Ben64sadpuppy: its probably not a good idea to suggest other distros that aren't supported here06:29
jazzzzcool thanks06:30
sadpuppybecause you hate linux?06:30
Ben64sadpuppy: please start making sense06:30
sadpuppyone should allways try different os before deciding06:30
cfhowlettsadpuppy your antics are not forgotten or appreciated06:30
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
sadpuppyignore ben06:31
sadpuppyignore cf06:31
iam_how can i read a raid array on linux?06:31
cfhowlettbigdaddy updated ubuntu wallpaper:  http://ubuntuone.com/09I6YvRpYmHvCyUQ2la8Fk06:32
mstaicuThere are two accounts on this PC, admin and mine. If I try to login with admin, it requires the password for each session, gnome or unity06:32
mstaicuIf I select my user, it completely bypasses my password06:33
bigdaddycfhowlett very nice wall paper. thank you :)06:33
aeon-ltdif there is no password set for user this is normal behaviour06:33
cfhowlettmstaicu you either didn't set a password or set autologin on your accout06:33
aeon-ltdsession changing is essentially logging out when using a session manager06:34
iam_Can i mount a raid drive on ubuntu?06:35
ubottuiam_: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto06:35
mstaicuNo, I have a password and autologgin is not set06:36
mstaicuI already checked that06:36
=== andrex|off is now known as andrex
mstaicuIt ignores completely what I'm trying to set in my account's settings06:39
mstaicuI ticked autologin, then unticked it06:39
mstaicuNothing happens06:39
mstaicuAnd it's just for my account06:40
aeon-ltdmstaicu: maybe test this with a newly created account?06:42
mstaicu@aeon-ltd trying that now06:44
E44I'm thinking of buying a R9 AMD video card, I've been on nvidia for 10 years, does anyone have any experience with AMD + Ubuntu06:46
shah0516Hi all, After updating my ubuntu 12.04 64bit from 3.5.0-23-generic to 3.5.0-48-generic (via update manager) im unable to boot using new kernel. After display of splash screen it throws a black screen with some text. I had to use old kernel from GRUB list to boot now. Any ideas?06:47
parapanhi is anybody good with teamviewer under ubuntu ?06:47
monkwitdafunkDoes the r9 amd video card bring out the best feature from a 600hz television?06:47
E44weird I was just asking about r906:48
cfhowlettshah0516 did you only kernel upgrade?  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade          (yes, I'm taking a bit of guess here)06:48
shah0516I have photo of the error message. is there any way I could reproduce to share here?06:48
E44monkwitdafunk: do you already have a R9? I was thinking of buying one instead of a GTX 76006:48
Ben64shah0516: post it to imgur or something and give the link here06:49
monkwitdafunkI would only spend big if i were to use the ati driver that brings 600fps on a television06:49
iam_whats the cmd to check drives?06:50
iam_whats the cmd to available drives?06:50
E44monkwitdafunk: I'm reading this about AMD video drivers right now from GDC 201406:51
E44monkwitdafunk: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=amd_catalyst_kernel&num=106:51
shah0516cfhowlett: no, I just updated all the packages shown in update manager(kernel update was among that list). Ben64: sure will do that now06:51
E44monkwitdafunk: Looks like AMD is trying to do something about their kernel driver, I'm about to drop 200-300$ on a nvidia card but AMD is better bang for buck, only thing left for me is wondering how AMD's linux driver is06:52
monkwitdafunkNomodeset works wonderfull on amd fusion with radeon hd 6000m06:53
brothersomeiam_: dmesg | grep drive ........ gives you some list06:53
unopasteQtaZ you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted06:55
user5hasło to okoń06:55
user5sprzedam opla06:55
shah0516Ben64 cfhowlett : here is the link: http://imgur.com/v0pSJEF06:58
iam_anyone good with mdadm06:59
=== cha is now known as Guest20520
TerranceWarrioris there a wine channel? how do I get sound working under wine?07:07
E44iam_: About 4 years ago I had a NTFS RAID 1, mdadm fixed my drives where neither would mount in windows or linux07:10
E44iam: but of course you should always have a dd disk image before messing around07:10
iam_E44: how did you mount the drive07:11
iam_trying to get that done right now so i  can copy files?07:11
DQSIIi had a question so i use both ubuntu and fedora dual booting and i have 4 storage hard drives and when i format them as ext4 both ubuntu and fedora wont let me copy anything to them unless im root but when there ntfs format i can use them just like normal why ?07:12
mstaicuOk, so, creating a new account did the job07:12
mstaicuIt requires a password when logging int07:12
mstaicuin *07:12
E44iam_: well, have you already identified what the drive letter is? you can find it under Gnome's disk utility07:12
E44iam_: RAID setups are listed under /dev/md* i believe usually07:13
mstaicuBut, what I noticed between those two accounts is that the one that doesn't require a password has an arrow in the input, and the one that does require a password doesn't have an arrow07:13
mstaicuWhat does this mean?07:13
mstaicuThey don't have automatic loggin07:13
mstaicuNeither one of them07:13
E44iam_: sometimes motherboard settings being set on RAID instead of ACH can effect whether or not the OS can see the drive as well07:13
iam_sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/raid107:14
iam_mount: mount point /mnt/raid1 does not exist07:14
E44iam_: most media are now mounted under the /media/ folder on Ubuntu 12.04+07:15
E44iam_: cd /media/ && sudo mkdir raid107:15
mstaicuMy users.conf file has07:16
mstaicuhidden-users=nobody nobody4 noaccess07:16
mstaicuhidden-shells=/bin/false /usr/sbin/nologin07:16
mstaicuIs this alright?07:16
unopastemstaicu you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted07:16
iam_its not media though07:16
E44ah k07:16
iam_just docs07:16
E44either is fine07:16
E44is the drive ntfs?07:16
E44NTFS/Windows Filesystem07:17
iam_no its xfs07:17
iam_this is the problem07:17
iam_old nas07:17
E44i see, yeah then the standard mount command should work fine07:18
E44sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/raid107:18
E44after you make sure the folder raid1 exists07:18
iam_still no07:19
iam_sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/raid107:19
iam_mount: mount point /mnt/raid1 does not exist07:19
E44iam_: if you do #cd /mnt07:21
E44iam_: ls07:21
E44you should see a folder existing named raid107:22
E44otherwise just change the mount point to the parent folder if the folder is empty07:22
E44sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt07:22
iam_E44> sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt07:22
iam_* Loopeth (~kip@nat/canonical07:22
iam_ sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt07:23
iam_mount: unknown filesystem type 'linux_raid_member'07:23
iam_E44: this raid was a mirror so its raid107:24
E44iam_: how many drives were part of the XFS NAS? I hope they were setup as RAID 1 mirror and not RAID striped07:24
iam_2 drives raid 1 mirror07:25
E44iam_: ok good, im googling07:26
E44iam_: have you already install mdadm?07:27
E44 sudo apt-get install mdadm07:27
mstaicuSo, what does the arrow on my password input on the login screen mean?07:27
mstaicuIt's a horizontal arrow07:28
mstaicupointing to the right of the screen07:28
mstaiculocated at the end of the password input for my user account07:28
DJonesmstaicu: Is it not just an 'enter/go' key to click after you've input the password07:28
E44iam_: if you have problems mounting the drive and consider trying fsck and other disk checks the first thing I would do is make a complete disk imagine with #dd07:29
E44iam_: in 2010 I lost 1,000,000 files on my RAID 1 NTFS07:29
E44iam_: I later learned RAID 1 mirrors were the wrong kind of backup to protect me from data loss. So I switched to using a program called Unison that syncs data between 2 seperate computers (some people use rsync instead)07:30
E44iam_: http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/unison/07:31
SunilJoshiHello, i have ubuntu 13.10 installed can i upgrade it to Lubuntu 14.04?07:31
DJonesSunilJoshi: 14.04 is still in development until 17th April, you may be better waiting until then before upgrading to 14.04, if you're using standard Ubuntu, you could then install the Lubuntu desktop once the upgrade had been completed07:33
DJonesSunilJoshi: Best place to ask would be in #ubuntu+1 if you were considering upgrading before the release is finalised though07:33
Guest52699What is the most lightweight lubuntu?07:33
SunilJoshiDJones: ok thanks!07:34
DJonesGuest52699: Probably lubuntu or xubuntu are the lightest of the Ubuntu variants07:34
Guest52699I wonder, Do you guys actualy typ my name or is there a shortcut?07:34
DJones!tab | Guest5269907:34
ubottuGuest52699: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.07:34
Guest52699DJones, lol test07:35
DJonesGuest52699: Just type the first few letters and press tab, that autocompletes the nick07:35
Guest52699oh ok thanks! =D07:35
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DJonesnobyte: Ask your question in the channel, once people know what you need help with, hopefully there will be somebody who can help you07:38
mstaicuThe input does not get focus, it acts like an auto login button07:38
mstaicuSo, when booting up, on the login screen, my user account's password input doesn't get focus, it acts like a auto log in button. And it has an arrow which points to the right of the screen07:40
nobyteLokasi saya: null, Indonesia07:44
Gallomimiahello everyone. I think i'm going to need to select a wifi adapter. i'll need one that functions with linux obviously. the two USB style nic's I have do not. Is there more luck with pci cards??07:46
bekksGallomimia: So which chipsets do those "USB style nics" have?07:47
Gallomimiai unfortunately don't even know that07:47
bekksThen plug them in and find out.07:47
mstaicuProblem solved07:48
mstaicuIt turned out that my user was in the nologingroup07:48
mstaicuI have no idea how he got there07:48
mstaicuSo I issued this command sudo gpasswd -d $USER nopasswdlogin07:48
mstaicuAnd everything went back to normal07:48
shambatwhat is the best way to log out an instance of a user? (I am logged in twice from two locations and need to log out one of them remotely)07:48
brothersomeGallomimia, You can also select a Wifi Access Point with an ethernet cord07:49
=== badon__ is now known as badon
Gallomimiaif i could reach where i'm going with an ethernet cord do you think i'd bother picking up a new wifi nic and configuring that?07:50
bekksGallomimia: Plug in the ones you have and tell us which chipsets they have. No need for grabbing a new one.07:50
Gallomimiaah, they're missing in action for the time being07:50
Gallomimiawhat would i go about doing after i had them?07:51
Gallomimialsusb i guess07:51
diverdudeHello, i am trying to remove redmine via apt-get but i get an error. This is the output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7197612/ What am I doing wrong?07:52
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l3rgdiverdude: maybe just installing the dependencies will help remove the packages as a whole.08:00
diverdudel3rg: i tried installing redmine-sqlite and redmine-mysql before uninstalling but that did not help08:02
bekksdiverdude: you should investigate why the pre-removal scripts exits with code 1008:03
diverdudebekks: how can i investigate that?08:05
bekksBy taking a look at the pre-removal script and checking what it would do and why it fails.08:06
AcidWebAnybody here used kickstart with 13.10 desktop installation?08:09
bekksAcidWeb: what would happen if someone does?08:09
AcidWebWell first question would be - if it work?08:10
bekksAcidWeb: Can you start with a support question please? :)08:10
dell_webcam not working ?08:12
bekksdell_: Can you form a full question please? :)08:12
dell_my webcam not working now08:12
dell_how to fix this08:13
dell_its working with mint08:13
AcidWebOK. Lets me restate the question. Extractly what kernel parameters are needed to start UEFI 13.10 desktop installation with kickstarter file hosted over lan.08:13
bazhang!webcam | dell_08:13
ubottudell_: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras08:13
brothersomedell_: Does it work with gucview?08:13
IceD^how to remove top panel from second display? I'm using it for full screen emacs only anyway so it's waste of precious pixels anyway for me08:20
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AcidWebwell apparently kickstarter installation work only with ubuntu server08:22
bekksAcidWeb: you can easily install ubuntu-desktop as postinstall action.08:23
AcidWebbekks: and that one package will magically transform server instalation in one that is _identical_ to desktop one?08:28
bekksAcidWeb: the server is just ubuntu without a desktop.08:29
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IceD^omfg, it's impossible08:30
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Adrenaline28hey everyone08:37
Adrenaline28I am a super noobie08:37
Adrenaline28its rediculous how much of a noobie I am08:37
Adrenaline28okay then...im off to go configure some stuff I have no Idea what that even means08:37
cfhowlettAdrenaline28 no one is born with OS knowledge.  Ask you ubuntu question.08:37
Adrenaline28well thanks man...that is encouraging08:38
bazhang!manual | Adrenaline28 have a read first08:38
ubottuAdrenaline28 have a read first: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/08:38
Adrenaline28okay thank you for that08:38
mishravikashey, am facing problem in connecting to a wifi network in ubuntu can anyone please help me?08:39
bazhangmishravikas, what does sudo dhclient wlan0    return  (or whatever the name of the nic)08:40
mishravikasbazhang: its not showing anything just cursor is blinking08:42
bazhangmishravikas, does ifconfig -a  show eth0 lo and the wireless device08:43
mishravikasbazhang: http://pastebin.com/hcXeATDB here's the output08:44
bazhangmishravikas, does it show or not08:44
mishravikasbazhang: it shows eth0 and lo and wlan008:45
bazhangmishravikas, is the wlan usb or pci, and which chipset08:45
mishravikasbazhang: the problem is that when I click on some network after it shows up in available networks it asks for password and after entering password it takes some time and then shows disconnected08:47
mishravikasbazhang: and sometimes it gets connected08:47
mishravikasbazhang: its pci08:48
bazhangmishravikas, sounds like an issue with signal strength then08:48
mishravikasbazhang: signal is max the router is kept in the same room and my phone connects easily08:48
aaasanyone using the lastest nomachine on ubuntu 13.1008:51
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Semorwhat does 'kill -0 ' command do ?08:55
mbandHi, how can I query a running 'shutdown' to obtain information such as when it's going to halt/reboot the machine?09:07
AlecTaylorLogging on on the default tty blacks the screen; then brings me back to the login screen. Switching tty's, logging in and running "startx" works. How to fix?09:08
* AlecTaylor is on Ubuntu 13.10 x64 on an Ubuntu laptop (Kudu Professional)09:09
bekksaaas: which nomachine version do you talk about?09:12
aaasbekks 4.1.3 i think (the newest)09:12
bekksaaas: Hmm, I'm sticking with 3.5.x, since 4.x doesnt do what I want :)09:12
aaas4 does what i want but i cant get it working09:13
bekksaaas: so what happens?09:13
aaascant staart a new desktop09:13
aaasit's probably something with my config or the fact that im running lubuntu and trying to run lxde09:14
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AlecTaylorI can't login from lightdm. How do I fix this? - http://askubuntu.com/q/44278709:24
bristlebackwhat the best options for a yahoo messenger client that also supports webcam and voice?09:25
bristlebackI'm using empathy but I'm not very happy with it09:25
AlecTaylorbristleback: pidgin maybe?09:27
MagePsychoI want a blog folder outside of www folder: but user should be able to access via: mysite.com/blog. one solution would be to create symlink inside www/ folder which links to outside folder, but how?09:31
bristlebackAlecTaylor: I also have pidgin but I'm not happy with that either09:35
flummyhi, i am using Eagle CAD which has a fullscreen black workspace. since my update to 13.10, when there are very few things displayed, the screen is dimming, making them hard to see. i found no dconf/gconf backlight/dim settings which influence this. does anyone know what is happening there? :)09:36
VictorBjelkholmhello everyone! Something went wrong when I changed my password with passwd because now I can't mount my encrypted home folder. I'm trying to recover my passphrase so I can recover my files but no matter what password I give "ecrypt-unwrap-passphrase", I get the same error that the password isn't correct. Anyone encountered this before and have some hints?09:38
bekkssomeone please can take a look at my ntp.conf - I just cant get it to work so another local server can sync its time with my local ntp server? http://pastebin.com/M7VPsmWK09:39
bekksAll I get is a "no server suitable for synchronization found" when running ntpdate
yeatsVictorBjelkholm: have you tried changing your password back to what it was?09:39
VictorBjelkholmyeats: no, I haven't. Good suggestion, gonna try that09:39
fidel_bekks: is your ntp service acceble in general? (firewall)09:40
yeatsVictorBjelkholm: that happened to me a while back, but I don't remember how I ended up fixing it - it was the end of /home directory encryption for me - now I use full-disk/lvm encryption09:41
VictorBjelkholmyeats: yeah, I won't be doing the home-encryption any more, gonna use a external usb drive in future09:42
t-goossensubuntu logo ripoff at my univesrity? :p  http://screencloud.net/v/DxK609:42
cfhowlettt-goossens definitely inspired by ubuntu ...09:42
flummyunless the networking circle logo predates the ubuntu logo09:43
MagePsychowhen i do ls -al in the server gives me =>  reports -> ../reports/, how can i add symlink or whatever for blog: blog -> ../blog/09:43
maedoxMagePsycho: with ln -s ../blog blog09:44
bekksfidel_: ufw disable both on server and client - yes. :)09:44
MagePsychomaedox: blog should be file without extension inside www or it should be a empty folder ?09:45
maedoxbekks: whatever you do, just don't allow world access to your ntpd.09:46
maedoxMagePsycho: not sure what you mean. blog would be a symbolic link.   ln -s [src] [dest]09:46
bekksmaedox: currently, no one can even sync with it :/09:46
bekksmaedox: I'll restrict access to my local network once I can even sync.09:46
maedoxbekks: good *insert image of crumpy cat* :P09:47
maedoxbekks: I'm not too good with ntpd anyway, so sorry for the slightly off-topic.09:47
MagePsychomaedox: really works, tell me if thats a soft linking or hard linking09:47
bekksmaedox: ;)09:47
maedoxMagePsycho: symbolic/soft, that's the -s option. without options to ln you'd make a hard link.  "man ln" for info09:48
VictorBjelkholmHello again people! I wrote about ecrypt problems like 10 minutes ago. I've tried to change back to my old password but still complains about the password being wrong... Does this mean that I have a corrupted home folder now?09:49
MagePsychomaedox: thanks09:49
flummyVictorBjelkholm: what exactly is it you did?09:49
maedoxVictorBjelkholm: If you don't have the encryption key you're screwed I guess. :-/  Are you sure you're unwrapping the key with the correct password?09:49
flummyroot@hq:~# find . -name "*ecrypt-unwrap-pass*" 2>/dev/null09:50
flummyVictorBjelkholm: what is this "ecrypt-unwrap-passphrase" you mentioned?09:51
VictorBjelkholmflummy: I changed my users password and now I cannot mount the homefolder. I'm trying to recover the passphrase from the wrapped-passphrase because I didn't write it down. Problem is that ecryptfs-unwrap-passphrase don't accept my passwords09:51
flummyroot@hq:~# find . -name "*ecryptfs-unwrap-pass*" 2>/dev/null09:51
VictorBjelkholmmaedox: it's the passphrase I'm trying to recover with my login password09:51
VictorBjelkholmit's not a file, it's a utility flummy09:52
flummyVictorBjelkholm: and every utility is a programm, right?09:52
VictorBjelkholmcomes with Ubuntu09:52
flummyVictorBjelkholm: and every program is stored in a file, right?09:52
VictorBjelkholmabsolutely, you're right09:52
flummyan old backup does contain it09:52
flummyand a manpage09:52
VictorBjelkholmit's in the default Ubuntu installation so you should have it09:52
flummyi only see it in old backups09:53
flummyroot@hq:/#  apt-cache search ecryptfs09:53
flummyecryptfs-utils - ecryptfs cryptographic filesystem (utilities)09:53
VictorBjelkholmright. But the issue isn't that I cannot find the program... The problem is that it doesn't accept my login password...09:54
flummyi know09:54
flummybut i need the programm to look at it's manpage :)09:54
VictorBjelkholmah, of course. Sorry!09:54
VictorBjelkholmit's very short. And the manpages are online as well ;)09:54
espereguhowto prevent update-initramfs to run ?09:55
flummy       ecryptfs-unwrap-passphrase is a utility to  unwrap  an  eCryptfs  mount09:55
flummy       passphrase  from  file, using a specified wrapping passphrase, and dis-09:55
flummy       play the decrypted result on standard out.09:55
flummyesperegu: just dont install or remove packages which need the initramfs to be updated?09:55
AnuskaAnyone know: kernel headers for version 3.13.0-21-generic were not found .... in virtualbox09:55
flummyVictorBjelkholm: what are the contents of your file? (only paste them if they are not sensitive)09:56
espereguflummy: I want to install those but not to get it updated. howto do that?09:56
lleweldynlinuxlol dude same happen to me09:56
incognito_I did an update and my apache server broke09:56
VictorBjelkholmflummy: of the wrapped-passphrase file?09:56
flummyVictorBjelkholm: currently it is wrapped, but yes09:56
incognito_I'm getting this error /syntax error on line 140 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf:09:57
VictorBjelkholmflummy: it's just a bunch of ascii characters09:57
lleweldynlinuxhello i just switched my dad over to linux any good email like outllok clients for linux09:57
flummyVictorBjelkholm: and did you try printf "%s" "victorspassword" | ecryptfs-unwrap-passphrase passwordfile09:58
VictorBjelkholmflummy: haven't tried that09:58
incognito_Syntax error on line 2 of /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/mpm_itk.load: Cannot load /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_mpm_itk.so into server:09:58
flummymaybe its faster to try several passwords that way09:58
=== Motoservo_ is now known as Motoservo
Anuskakernel headers for version 3.13.0-21-generic were not found. If you installed them in a on-default path you can specify the path below09:58
Anuskai select that but... not resut09:59
VictorBjelkholmflummy: I'm 100% sure the password is right09:59
flummyVictorBjelkholm: and the printf... stanza does not display the unwrapped mount passphrase from the file on stdout?09:59
flummyhw@hq:~$ printf "%s" meep | ecryptfs-unwrap-passphrase passwordfile10:00
flummyError: Unwrapping passphrase failed [-5]10:00
flummyInfo: Check the system log for more information from libecryptfs10:00
flummyApr  3 12:00:12 hq ecryptfs-unwrap-passphrase: Error attempting to read encrypted passphrase from file [passwordfile]; size = [0]10:00
VictorBjelkholmflummy: I haven't tried the printf you've just wrote but ecrypt-unwrap-passphrase complains about wrong password when I'm sure it's right10:00
flummyVictorBjelkholm: try the printf method10:00
flummythen you'll see the ecrypts-unwrap-passphrase error10:01
VictorBjelkholmflummy: I will! I don't have access to a second computer yet and hence need to restart the machine to enter it...10:01
flummyoh, yes. nice. :P10:01
flummyVictorBjelkholm: take a look at the timestamp of the passphrasefile10:02
flummythat could be unexpected, too10:02
bprojecthello to all10:06
bprojecti have some idea for ubuntu project10:06
ubottubproject: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://community.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu10:06
bprojectthis is the right place?10:06
slygeofirst time to use irc since 10 years10:07
cfhowlettslygeo ask your ubuntu question10:07
VictorBjelkholmflummy: all right, the timestamp of when it's created right?10:07
slygeoi don't have a question10:07
flummyVictorBjelkholm: yeah, just to be sure nothing wonderful happened to the file10:08
slygeois this channel for helping ubuntu users?10:08
DJonesslygeo: Yes it is10:08
fidel_slygeo: see topic10:08
cfhowlett!topic > slygeo yes10:08
ubottuslygeo, please see my private message10:08
slygeook sorry10:09
slygeowill anybody ubuntu one?10:09
cfhowlettslygeo your question makes no sense.  ubuntuone is not going away10:10
DJonescfhowlett: Actually it is, its been discontinued10:10
bazhangcfhowlett, yea, it is10:10
ubottuThe Ubuntu One file and music service is being discontinued. The service will be unavailable starting 1 June 2014, and content available until 31 July, 2014. For more, see #ubuntuone10:10
llutz_cfhowlett: sure it is, ends end of juli10:10
lleweldynlinuxi used to use ubuntu one it was very nice but the moment i saw they said it will be no longer i went and installed owncloud10:10
slygeojune 201410:10
DJonescfhowlett: Only announced yesterday though10:10
bazhangslygeo, thats hard to answer10:11
* cfhowlett le wrong. Thanks for updating me. moving files to alternate cloud now ...10:11
=== bproject is now known as coolman_bg
slygeohere you go http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTY1MjE10:11
bazhangslygeo, as such, you should probably ask that in #ubuntu-offtopic , as it's going away and not directly a support question10:12
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victorbjelkholmremind me to never use ecryptfs ever again10:16
victorbjelkholmflummy: still no progress, same problem... Guess I'm pretty fucked now10:16
flummyvictorbjelkholm: does the printf... method accept any of your passwords for the passphrasefile?10:16
victorbjelkholmflummy: nope...10:17
flummyor is it always Error: Unwrapping passphrase failed10:17
narcarsissHow can i boot the Ubuntu Installer Without going into live CD. As my GPU is not detected by the installer and Crashes. I can solve these issues if i could install the Damn OS.10:17
victorbjelkholmyeah, always failing no matter what password I use flummy10:17
DJonesnarcarsiss: You could try using the minimal install cd which uses a text based installer rather than the graphical one10:18
DJones!minimal | narcarsiss10:18
ubottunarcarsiss: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD10:18
flummyhw@hq:~$ ecryptfs-unwrap-passphrase passwordfile10:18
flummyvictorbjelkholm: if you start it this way, it is prompting for a passphrase10:18
flummytry to hit just return, the empty passphrase10:18
victorbjelkholmflummy: already tried without any passphrase, still failing10:19
flummydid you try password and passphrase as passphrases10:19
narcarsissDJones: ok cheers. but can one not edit the initial boot press "e" to drop into a text based install?10:19
flummyand ecryptfs-unwrap-passphrase10:19
flummyand passwd10:19
demonoid_comcan i run container  in ubuntu without lxc?10:19
victorbjelkholmflummy: as the login password? No, I haven't10:20
demonoid_comneed a help :)10:20
DJonesnarcarsiss: I'm not sure about that, I always used to use the alternate cd for cases like that, but I've not needed it for quite a while10:21
hxmhello, i install gnome-session-fallback because i have a low machine, it works fine but everytime i open session i see an error /usr/sbin/unity-greeter had an intern error, how to disable that?10:21
flummyvictorbjelkholm: do the contents of your passphrase file look like 2290da56f373d4807dac2bf0da52d09e10:21
DJonesnarcarsiss: And thats been discontinued now10:21
victorbjelkholmflummy: no, it's weirder characters10:21
narcarsissDJones, First world problems with (2014) Laptops XD. Thank you and have a Great Evening.10:22
maedoxvictorbjelkholm: what does the file utility say about the passphrase file? Perhaps it got compressed by some other means?10:22
DJonesnarcarsiss: Heh, yeah, I thought I'd have an issue with mine having hybred graphics, but used 14.04 beta & it worked perfectly10:23
victorbjelkholmmaedox: how do I find out what it says?10:23
lngHi! How to upgrade to 13.10?10:24
maedoxvictorbjelkholm: just execute file [filename]10:24
victorbjelkholmI see10:24
victorbjelkholmtwo minutes!10:24
maedoxI guess it should be ASCII text or something like that10:24
cfhowlettlng what is the output of cat /etc/issue/10:24
flummyhw@hq:~$ printf "%s\n%s" "wrapmeplease" "password" | ecryptfs-wrap-passphrase passphrasefile10:24
flummyhw@hq:~$ cat passphrasefile10:25
flummyvictorbjelkholm: do the contents of your passphrasefile look like mine?10:25
flummymaedox: file has no magic cookie for that kind of file, it just recognizes "data"10:26
maedoxflummy: ok, so it should be "data". but if it's not "data" then we know something happened to it at least.10:28
flummymaedox: it appears it contains a authentication token composed of a signature and the unwrapped "passphrase"10:28
lngcfhowlett: Ubuntu 12.04.410:29
armyhey guys, any idea how i can get the wifi icon in the awesome wm?10:29
maedoxflummy: ok, so perhaps there's a pattern to it that can be verified?10:29
army( a bit hard to find the info through google with such great generic names :))10:29
flummyhw@hq:~$ cat passphrasefile |hexdump -C10:30
flummy00000000  36 33 33 39 33 37 64 62  63 66 31 66 65 66 33 34  |633937dbcf1fef34|10:30
flummy00000010  8a ef e6 9d 14 05 d7 bd  47 ae 64 b7 6d 53 2e b8  |........G.d.mS..|10:30
victorbjelkholm_the file utility said it was data maedox10:30
flummyvictorbjelkholm_: yeah10:30
victorbjelkholm_and no of the passwords you recommended worked flummy10:30
cfhowlettlng 2 options: clean install 13.10 (technically not upgrade") or upgrade 12.04.4 > 12.10 > 13.04 > 13.10 via EOL10:30
flummyfile does not recognize that kind of file10:30
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades10:30
flummyvictorbjelkholm_: does it look like my passphrasefile10:30
victorbjelkholm_I'll guess I have to do a clean install....10:30
flummy12:23 < flummy> hw@hq:~$ cat passphrasefile10:30
lngcfhowlett: EOL?10:30
flummy12:23 < flummy> 633937dbcf1fef34���׽G�d�mS.�hw@hq:~$10:30
victorbjelkholm_which I understand as it's still encrypted, right?10:31
flummyso you probably need to try more passwords :P10:31
flummyvictorbjelkholm_: backup the encrypted stuff including the passphrasefile10:31
cfhowlettlng 12.10 and 13.04 are end of life10:31
flummycontinue your work10:31
flummyand set up a password cracker when there is time10:31
victorbjelkholm_I can't continue my work without a functional linux installation! :(10:32
tomodachijoin #libpurple10:32
flummysetup jack the ripper then :P10:32
victorbjelkholm_fresh install it is, fuck this...10:32
victorbjelkholm_thanks for all the help though flummy and maedox !10:32
flummyvictorbjelkholm_: what did you do at the exact time of the last modification timestamp of the file?10:33
lngcfhowlett: looks like it is going to take a long time to upgrade10:33
fugutive221I want to build distcc from source according to this tutorial... http://jeremy-nicola.info/portfolio-item/cross-compilation-distributed-compilation-for-the-raspberry-pi/10:33
victorbjelkholm_flummy: installed the OS10:33
fugutive221But I get the following error10:33
cfhowlettlng OR you could torrent the 13.10 ISO and clean install10:33
fugutive221cc1: all warnings being treated as errors10:33
fugutive221make: *** [lzo/minilzo.o] Fout 110:33
maedoxvictorbjelkholm_: isn't it just your home dir that's encrypted? no need to reinstall to fix that.10:33
victorbjelkholm_so it didn't modified it when I changed the password10:33
flummyvictorbjelkholm_: maybe there was an english keyboard layout active at the time10:33
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flummyand your password contains characters which are mapped to different keys10:33
lngcfhowlett: or wait for the next release10:33
flummyon different keyboard layouts10:33
victorbjelkholm_maedox: true, just creating a new user10:33
victorbjelkholm_flummy: yeah! It could be that...10:34
lngcfhowlett: I see, thanks10:34
cfhowlettlng true!  12.04 > 14.04 will directly upgrade!10:34
victorbjelkholm_changing between spanish, american and swedish frequently10:34
flummythen you have a lots of new chances10:34
victorbjelkholm_yay! ....10:34
victorbjelkholm_will try :)10:34
flummywhen you use crypto next time10:35
flummydivide the key in three parts10:35
flummyand give them to friends in sealed envelopes :)10:35
fugutive221So I tried to download it from svn and then ./autogen.sh and after that ./configure and make but it gave errors at make10:36
victorbjelkholm_flummy: haha, I won't be doing any encryption in the near future! Only a usb stick with the stuff I actually want encrypted10:37
flummyvictorbjelkholm_: it's not entirely your fault, the installation routines don't mention the necessary precautions for using crypto10:39
demonoid_com sven__ :???10:39
flummythis still has to evolve10:40
ShawnRiskI only have the touchpad on my laptop working to click on the bottom left and bottom right corners for left and right click.  How do I make this work with whole left and right side.  I used this to change my settings: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1388164&p=8816327#post881632710:44
fugutive221So could anybody help me, please :) ?10:45
ubottufugutive221: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/10:45
fugutive221ok thanks ubottu :)10:46
dv_anybody else having problems with USB-serial connections in ubuntu?10:47
flummydv_: no, using FTDI und ACM all the time10:47
dv_it seems there is a bug in the kernel in ubuntu versions since 12.1010:47
flummyon 13.1010:47
dv_the ttyUSB* devices fail sometimes10:47
flummyand all previous versions10:47
flummynot for me10:47
ikoniadv_: never had a problem at all10:47
dv_and reconnecting the usb cable afterwards shows USB errors in dmesg10:47
ikoniaand I don't believe there is a kernal bug, as I'm using them on other distros too10:47
ikoniakernel too10:48
flummyi just have problems creating udev rules to create symlinks with fixed names according to FTDI serial numbers10:48
dv_this same hardware works fine with other distros10:48
dv_so it is something ubuntu specific10:48
ikoniadv_: not always10:48
ubottudv_: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.10:48
flummycfhowlett: how does that relate to the current discussion?10:48
ikoniabecause he's being show the bug database and how to log a bug10:49
cfhowlettflummy he's claiming a bug so I assume he wants to properly report10:49
ikoniaseems pretty relevant10:49
flummyhe is not claiming anything10:49
ikonia"I think there is a bug in the ubuntu kernel"10:49
ikoniaseems like a bug claim to me10:49
flummynot to me10:49
cfhowlettflummy perhaps best to let him speak for himself?10:49
dv_I am not sure if this is a bug or something else going on here10:49
flummycfhowlett: it seems he just said "no"10:49
ikoniaflummy: he also said there is a bug - so lets allow him to explain10:50
dv_no, I said I think there is a bug10:50
flummyokay :)10:50
* cfhowlett headbangs his keyboard10:50
flummywell i happen to have plenty of experience with all kinds of serial to usb connectors10:50
dv_I am not sure where though. I suspected the kernel, but since flummy does not see the same behavior, then it is somewhere else10:51
dv_it is really weird. at some point the device stops responding, I exit minicom (sometimes minicom hangs upon exiting), I try to reconnect the cable, and then I see in dmesg that the device cannot be enumerated10:51
dv_only a reset fixes this10:51
dv_and this is a pl2303 converter , so it should be well supported10:52
flummydv_: try a (different) powered usb hub?10:52
flummydv_: that usually happens when you exceed the power allowance10:52
dv_this works sometimes, but not always. and most of the time it is only a temporary fix10:52
flummye.g. by causing a temporary short10:52
dv_hmm okay I will try a third hub10:53
flummyon the supply rails10:53
Touhou11dv_: Have you tested with the most recent vanilla kernel?10:53
flummyTouhou11: usb 2 serial converters work with all kernels i have ever seen10:53
flummy(since they have usb support)10:53
Touhou11flummy: Not all hardware is alike, could be poorly implementing the specification10:54
flummyTouhou11: there are only a few protocol converters on the market10:54
newhoaI'm trying to do video capture with the Hauppauge HVR-1600. I can capture the on-card encoded mpeg stream, but can't seem to capture the RAW stream. dmesg lists video0 as mpeg, video32 as YUV and video24 as PCM audio.10:54
dv_ok, with another hub I get a device back, but I see no uart traffic10:54
dv_I'll try again after a reset10:54
ShawnRiskany help with my question?10:55
newhoaIs there something I'm missing? Shoudn't I just be able to {cat /dev/video32 > whatever} to capture the YUV stream?10:55
dv_flummy: but usb-uart converters shouldnt require much current, should they?10:57
flummydv_: not at all, but users frequently cause shorts when un/plugging them10:57
fugutive221If I get from svn this : svn checkout http://distcc.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ distcc-read-only ; Does this get the distcc client or server or both?10:57
flummydv_: i sometimes draw to much current when i supply power to a board via the usb2serial converter10:58
dv_ok maybe this is what happened here and now that subsystem is in an undefined state10:58
flummyunplug and wait 60+s10:59
flummydv_: i guess you did look at the kernel log and not see anything out of the usual?11:01
flummyjust like l2303 converter now attached to ttyUSB011:01
dv_well, aside from the USB enumeration problems I mentioned11:02
flummyhow much did you stress your usb enumerator since the last reboot? :P11:02
dv_hey, I unplugged only two times :)11:04
flummythat does not count as much stress11:04
olalondewhat window system does ubuntu use?11:12
olalondewayland right?11:12
cfhowlettolalonde desktop environment = unity11:13
olalondeyes, I meant more like "display server"11:13
czjthe user name is “caozhijie” but it is displayed "caozhiji+" in $ps aux11:15
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Guest21864hi guys, anyone knows a good channel to get help on ubuntu touch for mobile ?11:15
DJonesGuest21864: #ubuntu-touch11:15
DJones!touch | Guest2186411:15
ubottuGuest21864: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch11:15
czj the user name is “caozhijie” but it is displayed "caozhiji+" in $ps aux ,why?11:16
Touhou11olalonde: Canonical are developing an alternative to wayland, called "mir"11:17
olalondehaha, that's confusing11:17
cfhowlettolalonde but it won't be available until next year11:18
rajw93is it safe to store gmail credentials of an important account with empathy or pidgin ?11:20
rajw93will my credentials be safe with empathy ?11:20
Touhou11Pidgin stores them in plaintext11:21
olalondeX11/Wayland/Mir... Gnome/Unity/Compiz...  GTK+/Qt/...11:21
rajw93could empathy developers or anyone else misuse my credentials ?11:21
Touhou11Read: https://developer.pidgin.im/wiki/PlainTextPasswords it has a good explanation11:21
Touhou11rajw93: Only if you give them local access to your computer11:21
olalonderajw93: Ubuntu software from the official repository is usually peer reviewed but it's not impossible to introduce a subtle backdoor :P11:22
rajw93Touhou11: thanks & what about emapthy..? I use it to just connnect to gmail chat.. not for messages11:22
Touhou11rajw93: Not sure, it may have keyring integration11:22
bekksI dont get that. When removing "restrict mask notrust" from ntp.conf, clients are able to sync with my local ntp server. This is the opposite of what the config says. Any clues on that?11:22
MagePsychohello guys.. i don't have any cpanel details and only have root ssh access, so is there a way to check where sub-domain: test.mysite.com points to?11:28
MagePsychothey have registered the sub-domain and not sure where it's ponting11:28
newhoaCan anyone name me a few good capture cards - I'm looking for something to capture S-Video in YUV/RAW with audio.11:28
Infitialishello, I was just wondering if it was possible to have a bridge without IP Address11:34
Touhou11MagePsycho: Use the "host" command to perform a DNS lookup11:36
fugutive221How to restart a synaptics touchpad ?11:42
MagePsychoTouhou11: it shows sub domain xxx has address xx.yy.xx..11:44
MagePsychoTouhou11: it's not showing the the directory path where it points to11:44
Touhou11MagePsycho: Oh, the directory path, thought you wanted the IP address - you need to check the apache config files, it'll be defined in the virtual host entries11:45
ph8hey all11:45
Touhou11MagePsycho: Where apache config files sit depends on the Linux distribution - on Red hat they're in /etc/httpd/conf.d11:46
MagePsychowe are using nginx11:46
ph8has anyone got a mac mini and ubuntu dual boot working? I can't install reFit at the moment and i'm worried it's because my mac partition is encrypted, any pointers? I really want some ubuntu goodness11:46
tomodachiph8: i hav run macmini with dual boot11:46
Touhou11MagePsycho: Well, in your nginx config files then, you'll need to read the manual11:46
tomodachiis the efi partition visible outside of your encryption?11:46
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jellow.msg nickserv identify blueberg111:47
jellowoh .. cumpit.11:48
wrongplaceis there any way to open all links of any given page at once and downloading eacht of the links contents? 80 pictures11:48
wrongplaceinstead of clicking on each picture?11:48
repinskii installed ubuntu on an hp 255 laptop, dual booting windows 8, the wifi isn't working in ubuntu. is there an easy one step way to find and install the driver?11:49
Touhou11wrongplace: Downloadthemall firefox extension can do that11:49
flummywrongplace: from a shell, you can use wget. see man wget11:50
wrongplaceflummy, but that will only download the small pictures listed, not the big pictures in the link11:51
psbrandtCan anyone tell me if this is possible: I want to use sshfs to mount a remote folder, but I want the files I create/edit on the client to have nobody:nogroup owndership on the server.11:51
flummywrongplace: you can tell it to follow 1 level of links11:51
whiskers75I can't boot Ubuntu11:52
ShawnRiskwhoever I was talking to, please pm me again, I lost your nickname11:52
whiskers75I can boot in recovery mode11:52
MagePsychoTouhou11: is there a way to blog.mysite.com text globally11:53
repinskiis there a program for ubuntu to turn an email archive into html pages (threaded)11:53
flummyrepinski: did you try to google?11:54
repinskiwhere each thread would have its own page, and there would be an index of all threads11:54
repinskiflummy: that could be the answer for every, single, question here11:55
flummyrepinski: no, because many questions here don't have obvious page 1 google hit answers11:55
flummyyours does11:55
repinskiflummy: go and google it for me, maybe you'll have better luck than i did11:56
flummyrepinski: i don't think i feel like it11:56
Touhou11MagePsycho: Grep "search text" /file/path -r -l11:56
Ben64!behelpful | flummy11:56
ubottuflummy: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.11:56
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CaderoDoesn't ubuntu server come with a preconfigured ntp client?11:58
cfhowlettCadero ask the #ubunter-server channel11:58
ubottuCadero: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server11:58
Caderocfhowlett: ah, thanks!11:58
ra123445555hi all12:01
wrongplaceflummy, how do i do what you suggested?12:02
ra123445555I have a doubt where my wlan ip gets saved12:02
flummywrongplace: who are you / what did i suggest?12:03
ihrera123445555: if its a dhcp address, check /var/lib/dhcp/dhclient*12:04
ra123445555no its a static ip12:04
ra123445555ihre: no its a static ip12:04
ihrera123445555: then you might want to check /etc/network/interfaces12:05
ra123445555ihre : yes I have checked if i give ifconfig wlan0 up ipaddress in command line it is not saved in interfaces file12:06
ihrera123445555: iirc, thats because ifconfig commmands arent persistent; http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=127576612:10
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flummysomething is dimming down my monitor screen, when there is mostly black on display12:14
flummye.g. a login: prompt on tty1 is displayed with ~ 5% brightness12:14
flummydoes anyone know this?12:15
flummythe more i type on tty1, the more brightness i get12:15
flummybooting with pcie_aspm=force or acpi_backlight=vendor did not help12:15
flummyi tried nvidia-334 from xorg-edgers-ppa12:16
greekHi fellas, I'm about to install Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS. I plan on setting up RAID (as per the detailed instructions). Right at the beginning of my boot sequence, it asks me whether I want to install Ubuntu server or "Install in expert mode". Is the partitioning / RAID configuration only available in expert mode? Thanks12:17
flummygreek: just as a precaution, RAID has very limited uses, see zdnet/arstechnica/tomshardware/stackoverflow articles "why raid is (usually) a terrible idea"12:19
flyingpeacockhello, does anyone have experience with the WNA3100 network adapter?12:21
daftykinsflyingpeacock: it tends to be better to move onto the second question12:22
cfhowlett!details|flyingpeacock literal answer to your query: "yes"12:23
ubottuflyingpeacock literal answer to your query: "yes": Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)12:23
flyingpeacockubottu: I'm sure, however nobody can help unless they've been through the driver crap associated with this particular driver. I just came from linux mint help, and went through the motions already12:24
who_mehi. has anyone seen a guide on how to use btrfs on ubuntu in such a way that they can boot a known good copy of the OS in case an update borks the system? (I'm aware of the ubuntu wiki page about btrfs, but it does not really cover such a use case)12:24
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org12:24
juneyboiI have been using my machine for days on end on ubuntu 12.04 then I unplugged it and replugged it back into ethernet and it wont connect now12:25
juneyboiif anyone wants to help me with a connection issue I would be very grateful12:25
daftykinsflyingpeacock: alright well as shown above we don't help anyone running Mint unfortunately12:25
flyingpeacockubottu: yes, I know, but most of the help I've received comes from Ubuntu forums, so please bear with me12:25
trustyhi guys does anybody know how to fix the pixelated icons12:25
ubottuflyingpeacock: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:25
cfhowlettflyingpeacock "we don't support" ... sorry12:26
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daftykinsjuneyboi: were you using a static IP or fully auto?12:26
flyingpeacockdaftykins: thanks for your candid responses12:26
juneyboiI dunno I am in japan12:26
juneyboithey use PPPoE here12:26
Aaruniwhat would be a good place to ask for support for a multi-boot system ?12:26
juneyboiit was working find till I knocked the cable a bit12:26
juneyboiso I changed cables12:26
flummycfhowlett: did you actually help anyone today?12:27
flummyi did.12:27
daftykinsjuneyboi: oh right, so it's not actually normal networking, it's going straight into a 'modem' or other kind of ISP device 0o12:27
flummytwo times.12:27
who_mejuneyboi, do you plug the internet cable directly into your machine and then network manager does the PPPoE auth ?12:27
juneyboiyeah I was connection via dsl12:27
juneyboilike in the GUI12:27
trustyhi guys does anybody know how to fix the pixelated icons12:28
daftykinsflummy: the channel has rules, if you have an issue with those, you are welcome to offer help elsewhere. however, do not question policy.12:28
cfhowletttrusty what is the output of cat /etc/issue/12:28
juneyboiI tried to reconnect the PPPoe through the terminal command routine but now it says that this system version is incompatible12:28
flummydaftykins: i don't?12:28
rajw93previsouly when I mounted disks paritions on my ubuntu, it did not asked for root password, but now it has been asking for root password, also mounting windows partition has been failing recently,, any ideas what this may be cuased due to  ?12:28
juneyboithe system network services are not compatible with this version12:29
ra123445555ihre: my wifi is gets connected only first time if inbetween connection loss then it keeps checking12:29
daftykinsrajw93: did you edit /etc/fstab to mount these disks?12:30
who_mejuneyboi, maybe they're not using PPPoE anymore? did you ask the sysadmin if they made any changes ?12:30
rajw93daftykins: I did not made any edits to  /etc/fstab recently or I think ever..12:31
ra123445555how to reconnect with my secured wifi through command line12:31
trustyUbuntu Trusty Tahr (development branch) \n \l12:31
juneyboiwell my mac here is still connected fine12:31
juneyboivia PPPoe12:31
cfhowletttrusty support for trusty = #ubuntu+112:31
trustyoh ok12:32
juneyboiI think I messed up the settings when I tried to reconfigure the PPPoe thing via terminal12:32
daftykinsrajw93: ok so you're relying on automatic mounts? if you always mount them then there's no reason to leave it automatic?12:32
juneyboiits hard to chat on this irc the text is soo small12:32
rajw93daftykins: what should I do then.. I always want to mount them..those are just disk paritions of my computer12:33
ra123445555can anyone help me solve the issue12:33
daftykinsrajw93: partitions can be setup to mount in /etc/fstab , the option 'user' can be entered too so that it allows the user to access them without entering a password12:33
ra123445555with my wifi connectivity12:33
daftykinsra123445555: you're better off looking up a WPA supplicant guide12:34
rajw93daftykins, ok thanks but why has this been asking for password all of sudden, previsouly it did not ask for root password when i mounted them,,, I am asking this if this might be anything related to my windows8 partition not being ablt to amount since that very point of time\12:35
ra123445555daftykins: Actually first time after switching on it works but after a disconnecting it is not detecting the wifi ap12:35
juneyboiif you have a moment can you message me12:35
juneyboiif not I completely understand12:35
daftykinsra123445555: oh, so nothing to do with command line connecting at all. nm then i don't know12:36
daftykinsrajw93: i have no idea12:36
who_mejuneyboi, did you connect your mac before connecting the linux machine ?12:36
juneyboiyeah the mac has always been connected12:36
juneyboiI built the machine from custom parts I bought in akihabara12:37
daftykins... you can't connect both at once though? :P12:37
who_mejuneyboi, then, it's proper to "hang-up" the connection before trying to connect another machine via pppoe. I do not know what the equivalent is for a mac... maybe "disconnect"12:38
juneyboiwho_me I just did this "sudo service network-manager restart"12:38
juneyboiIm gonna try to create a new dsl connection12:39
Mace268Hello, I'm getting this error when trying to update software. "The upgrade needs a total of 59.1 M free space on disk '/boot'. Please free at least an additional 9,317 k of disk space on '/boot'."12:39
Mace268how do i free space on /boot?12:39
who_mejuneyboi, if the mac is connected, use the disconnect or equivalent before pulling out the cable from it12:39
daftykinsMace268: delete some old kernels. can you pastebin "ls -l /boot" ?12:40
juneyboiso if I still have a mac connection active it will mess things up?12:40
cfhowlettMace268 delete old kernels12:40
sarirMace268: you could remove old versions of the kernel that where left after an update12:40
daftykinsthere's an echo in here again12:40
who_mejuneyboi, pppoe connection can act up if you just yank the cable from one machine and try to connect another one12:40
cfhowlettMace268 http://www.unixmen.com/how-to-uninstall-the-old-kernels-in-ubuntu/12:40
juneyboino no its a separate cable12:41
juneyboimy router thing has 4 connections12:41
Mace268yeah there are lots of kernel versions there, i'll check that guide12:41
Mace268six kernels to be exact lol12:41
who_mejuneyboi, does your router act as a bridge  or does it do the PPPoE auth itself12:42
sarirubuntu doesn't clean up well by default12:42
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daftykinsMace268: remote all but the latest two12:42
Mace268ok i'll do that, thanks for the help :)12:42
who_mejuneyboi, also, you can't connect the linux machine while the other one is still connected12:42
juneyboiI can have multiple connections running from this same router I had it working fine before12:43
juneyboiI did this just now sudo service network-manager restart12:43
juneyboiperhaps I can reconnect now the way I did before12:43
daftykinsso now you tell us it's a router - you don't need to do PPPoE auth from a connected computer if it's a router12:43
daftykinsjuneyboi: what IP does the mac you're on right now show? an internal LAN IP like 192.168.x.x or the same IP as your internet facing one such as whatismyip.com reports?12:44
juneyboiIm OK I will check12:44
who_medaftykins, the router may be configured as abridge device...12:45
who_me a bridge*12:45
juneyboiYes, Its a LAN type number12:45
who_mejuneyboi, type the address here12:46
who_mejuneyboi, don't configure the DSL connection, go to Wired and set it up to automatically get IP and namserver info via dhcp12:47
trustyjuneyboi: you are using static ip without a router12:47
juneyboiso do it via dhcp12:48
juneyboiok I will try that12:48
juneyboiwired connection and etc12:48
who_mejuneyboi, can't hurt to try12:48
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Mace268ok i've removed the old linux-image-* but what about the linux-image-extra-* ?12:50
juneyboiit says automatic(dhcp)12:50
who_mejuneyboi, does it get an ip ?12:50
juneyboishould I tick the "require IPv4 addressing"12:50
daftykinsMace268: you can run an apt-get autoremove after that to clear some other items, but no reason to run anything else12:50
who_mejuneyboi, nah12:51
cfhowlettMace268 sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get purge12:51
Mace268thanks again guys :)12:51
juneyboithat didnt work12:52
juneyboiwired networks shows up as device not managed12:52
juneyboiwhen I tried that way and clicked save12:52
juneyboinothing happend12:52
who_mejuneyboi, hmm does your network card work ?12:53
juneyboiIts built into the mother board12:53
juneyboiwas working before12:53
juneyboihow do I check, via terminal command12:53
who_mejuneyboi,  http://askubuntu.com/questions/71159/network-manager-says-device-not-managed12:54
juneyboiah I see12:55
=== Thorium220 is now known as Thor|Away
Ub0nei messed around with menulibre, is there a way to reset it?13:11
juneyboiif this gets bad enough I may just try to reinstall13:16
juneyboiwhen I restart the machine it says waiting for network configuration13:16
daftykinsdid you check /etc/network/interfaces ?13:17
daftykinsthat should only refer to loopback13:17
JuneyfailsatLinuI think I want to try to restore all network settings to default13:20
JuneyfailsatLinuthen restart the whole process13:20
whiskers75Hello, I have a problem: When starting my Ubuntu system, it gets to upstart but then reaches stopping startpar bridge (after cups) and just hangs there.13:20
whiskers75I can boot recovery.13:20
=== crondd is now known as crond
who_meJuneyfailsatLinu, before reinstalling you should check whether the connection work or not for the live session13:24
whiskers75How do I remove Elementary OS forcefully, without apt?13:24
JuneyfailsatLinuHow do I do that?13:24
ikoniawhiskers75: we don't support elementary OS13:25
ikoniause the elementary OS support channel13:25
whiskers75ikonia: I installed the elementary desktop, and now I can't boot ubuntu. I did not install it with apt.13:26
whiskers75On boot, I get the e logo.13:27
whiskers75How do I restore my system? (I can boot recovery)13:27
whiskers75It looks like an upstart problem13:28
ikoniawhiskers75: we don't support elementary OS, please use the elementary support channels13:29
Hammerhead2011-SHey all, I just installed 4.3 of ISC dhcp server and hit the lease file bug. Anyone figured a way around it without running dhcpd as root?13:29
ikoniathe lease file bug ?13:30
Hammerhead2011-Sand creating a Cron job to change ownership to dhcpduser is dumb13:30
Hammerhead2011-SThe service is running as dhcpduser and the files are owned by root13:30
ActionParsnipHammerhead2011-S: how did you install the ISC dhcp server?13:31
Hammerhead2011-SActionParsnip conical13:33
ActionParsnipHammerhead2011-S: do you mean software centre?13:33
Hammerhead2011-Sahhhh so you are saying install from source and it wont do this crap13:33
Hammerhead2011-Smight try that.13:33
JuneyfailsatLinuI am literally brand new to linux13:33
ActionParsnipdidnt say that....13:33
Hammerhead2011-Sapt-get install isc-dhcp-server13:34
ActionParsnipHammerhead2011-S: didi you use apt-get or software centre to install the service?13:34
Hammerhead2011-Sdefault PPA13:34
ActionParsnipahhhh ok13:34
PiciWhats the "lease file bug" ?13:34
ActionParsnipHammerhead2011-S: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-ubuntu-debian-squeeze-dhcp-server-setup-tutorial/     may help13:34
Hammerhead2011-Sthe service is installed to run as dhcpduser when the file rotates the service changes the ownership to root and breaks the DHCP function13:34
ActionParsnipHammerhead2011-S: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/isc-dhcp/+bug/118666213:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1186662 in isc-dhcp (Ubuntu) "isc-dhcp-server fails to renew lease file" [Undecided,Triaged]13:35
ActionParsnipHammerhead2011-S: a cheeky cron as root is a workaround13:35
Hammerhead2011-S<ActionParsnip>not really :-) IMHO13:36
Hammerhead2011-Sgot to be a way around this....I will kepp looking.13:36
Hammerhead2011-S in case anyone else is thinking about upgrading to the latest version13:37
zoraelIs there any way to tell why apt wants to remove upstart? http://pastie.org/pastes/8991337/text13:40
zoraelaptitude doesn't13:40
zorael*I* don't. :>13:40
bekksHammerhead2011-S: I am running an external DHCP, so it doesnt affect me. :)13:41
Hammerhead2011-SNot sure what you mean by external, either it's made by ISC or not.13:41
bekksI am not running a DHCP server on Ubuntu, so it does not affect me.13:42
Hammerhead2011-Soh. Thanks for sharing.13:42
siddharthis any one there?13:46
bekkssiddharth: several hundred people.13:46
cfhowlettsiddharth ask your Ubuntu question13:46
siddharthI am just keen to learn more about ubuntu. about terminal and studd.. any guidance13:47
cfhowlettsiddharth http://www.linuxine.com/linuxbooks13:47
siddharthcfhowlett: thanks a lot :)13:48
ActionParsnipsiddharth: just use the terminal instead of the GUI, you'll learn13:49
William3Thanks for the book recomendations, I'm borrowing that as well13:49
William3I agree with ActionParsnip, use the GUI13:50
cfhowlettWilliam3 or you could just download them free at the link13:50
siddharthActionParsnip: that is what i am looking for13:50
siddharthany specific link/ebook to start with command line?13:51
forxany handy software to move server?13:51
forxsay from amazon to provider nr213:51
SunilJoshisiddharth: http://it-ebooks.info/search/?q=Ubuntu&type=title13:54
SunilJoshiyou can find almost everything about ubuntu :)13:54
x_rootany lunar ips program alike available for linux? tried to search but just found jips which is not in the repositories.. know any that is available through repositories?13:57
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zoraelCould someone versed in apt-get/dpkg-fu take a look at http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=qBAJp8dJ please?14:00
zoraelFor some reason a not-installed sysvinit breaks upstart14:00
valera_Hi everyone! How can i enable system tray in Ubuntu 14.04?14:01
valera_I can't googling this(14:02
daftykinsvalera_: #ubuntu+1 for future release support14:02
William3Hello Valera, the notification center (aka system tray) should be installed by default, with Unity14:03
x_rootisn't the thing above every window?14:03
x_rootshowing the clock, name, power button.. o.O?14:03
sydneyJDykstraIn ubuntu trusty I have to use nomodeset every time I boot from a flashdrive or cd. Are they going to fix that before the final version of trusty comes out?14:03
ikoniasydneyJDykstra: you JUST saw someone get told #ubuntu+1 is the correct channel for 14.0414:05
njbairMy 13.10 installation went nuts over the weekend so I did a fresh install and now I'm having the exact same problem...anything that requires privileges (software center, network manager, pulseaudio, drive auto-mount, shutdown/reboot from menu) just doesn't work.14:05
ikoniaplease try to follow the channel14:05
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sydneyJDykstraoops,sorry about that.14:06
JuneyfailsatLinuI just removed network manager14:07
JuneyfailsatLinuI think its the thing causing the issue14:07
JuneyfailsatLinugonna try to handle all connections manually14:07
bensteini'm using emacs 24.3.1 on ubuntu - i just tried to using apt to install mailcrypt ( to use gpg with wanderlust ) and apt also wants to install emacs23?14:08
njbairJuneyfailsatLinu: are you having the same issue?14:08
bensteintried to use14:09
bensteinapt, is there another way?14:09
simiantam i muted?14:09
William3Hello Simiant14:10
cfhowlettsimiant ask your ubuntu question.14:10
bensteinsimiant: sorry, i cannot hear you sir14:10
valera_William3, I can't find it. In old versions I can edit "systray-whitelist", but in 14.04 I cant find it.14:10
valera_daftykins, sorry, but there is no one help me.14:11
daftykinsvalera_: try and be patient in the other channel14:11
William3Valera_ that may be beta issue. I've not kept up with the betas too much.14:12
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:12
William3^ IRC Guideliens14:13
Valduaremorning guys14:15
Valduarehow do you save your password in empathy for irc14:16
Valduareit keeps asking me14:16
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William3HI Valduare, IRC doesn't use passwords normally14:19
hfdhjdsfjdnkhi guys! I, for mistake, deleted the principal user (which could use sudo) and now I'm only with a guest account (I can't use sudo). Furthermore, I never set up the root password and I think I can't use root privileges now. Can anyone tell me a way, other than use a live and chroot-ing in, to access root privileges?14:20
[Gentoo]hfdhjdsfjdnk: livecd14:21
[Gentoo]and chroot14:21
brothersomehfdhjdsfjdnk, reboot and choose for root14:21
brothersomehfdhjdsfjdnk, What about Ctrl-Alt F114:21
hfdhjdsfjdnkbrothersome: yeah, I didn't think of it!14:21
hfdhjdsfjdnkbrothersome: I get the shell , but not priivileged account14:22
brothersomeWhat about su sh14:22
hfdhjdsfjdnkbrothersome: It requires the root passwd14:22
hfdhjdsfjdnkwhich I didn't set...14:23
[Gentoo]hfdhjdsfjdnk: why cant you use a livecd14:23
hfdhjdsfjdnkbrothersome: I'm gonna try by rebooting with root privileges..thanks!14:23
daftykinshfdhjdsfjdnk: reboot, hold left shift before the disk reads, then select advanced options and recovery - then after that loads up, pick a root shell14:23
hfdhjdsfjdnkbrothersome:  because I have to download it first, I was looking for something fast, but if it's the only choice... I'll use a live :)14:24
daftykinshfdhjdsfjdnk: no need for live, follow as i said above14:24
Valduaredaftykins: are you using empathy14:24
daftykinsValduare: no14:24
Valduarecant get empathy to save my irc password14:24
daftykinsyeah i saw you ask, no idea though. try #freenode14:25
Valduareits an empathy problem14:25
Valduareit creeps up time to time since ubuntu switched from pidgin heh14:25
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zsuperi have a question, so i have this mobil modem and i connect it to my computer, but when i do ifconfig i get a #add1 but when i go to sites like whatmyip i get a different address #add2, so the question which one do i use to connect to my computer from a remote computer14:30
bekkszsuper: pastebin ifconfig -a please14:31
DJoneszsuper: Does the modem let multiple devices connect to it to share internet between them?14:32
zsuperbekks like i said i have 2 different addresses14:32
bekkszsuper: Then pastebin ifconfig -a please.14:32
ActionParsnipzsuper: wget -qO- icanhazip.com14:32
zsuperno multiple devices14:33
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zsuperone computer connected directly to the modem14:33
ActionParsnip!rootirc | Guest9258614:33
ubottuGuest92586: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.14:33
Guest92586Creating:crack extend rake install14:33
PiciGuest92586: excuse me?14:34
brothersomezsuper, that one from whatsmyip14:34
Guest92586Research adress:55 RUE LAMARCK 7501814:34
brothersomezsuper, is your ip fixed or variable, if variable use for example no-ip14:34
DJonesGuest92586: Stop, this is Ubuntu support14:34
ActionParsnipzsuper: the command I gave will probably be the IP to use14:34
Guest92586Есть кто из России?14:34
ubottuGuest92586: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.14:35
zsuperthanks brothersome i am going to see14:35
mabushow can i install a regular install to usb, not a livecd or persistent livecd14:35
jhutchinszsuper: Sounds like the modem is in bridged mode.  Only way to be sure is to try to connect with the internal address (the one on the computer).14:35
ActionParsnipmabus: just select the drive as the destination when you install the OS, treat it like a 'normal' drive14:36
zsuperjhutchins how do i do that14:36
jhutchinszsuper: ping?  ssh?14:36
brothersomemabus: Look for grub4dos, I like puppylinux for an installation.14:36
mabusits a 1tb drive i dont need a tiny one14:36
zsuperwhen i ping from another computer to the one whith the modem, it's said no host14:36
zsuperfor both addresses14:37
jhutchinszsuper: I support an office that has a connection like that, you can "see" the modem at it's external address, but we don't have any login on it; you can also "see" the internal address that is the router connected to the modem.14:37
mabuswhat about a minimal install cd i dibt have dvds or a second usb drive14:37
mabusis the amd64+mac one ok for non nacs?14:37
mabusnon macs14:37
jhutchinszsuper: What about if you ping from the internal system?14:37
daftykinsmabus: you wouldn't pick the mac one for non-macs14:38
mabusthere is no minimal installcd for amd64 or x86 then?14:38
mabusonly calculators and macs?14:38
Picimabus: huh. of course there is.14:38
jhutchinsmabus: You're not making any sense.14:38
Picimabus: I don't know where you're looking, but its the wrong spot.  Try: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD14:39
zsuperno nothing from internal system, the computer whith the modem is connected to the intenet, but i can't rech it from any other device14:39
linageewhich channel was for discussing about 14.04?14:40
DJoneslinagee: #ubuntu+114:41
brothersomezsuper: See the side ping.eu and ping your computer, I think your ISP has firewalled you14:41
mabusPici: ok thanks, operating on a phone here14:41
mabusjhutchins: on the alternate install cds it links you to mirrors, where it lists many types of alternate install cds, x86/amd64 minimal not included.14:42
mabusi'm fine now14:42
cdswill there be a clear upgrade path from 14.04 beta -> 14.04 ?14:44
DJones!final | cds14:44
ubottucds: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Trusty and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 14.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal.14:44
k1lcds:  like always, yes. but alpha/beta support is in #ubuntu+114:45
cdssorry, and thank you14:45
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k1l!away > BPositive|afk14:45
ubottuBPositive|afk, please see my private message14:45
zsuperi just scand the computer whith -Pn flag and the host is up. but i have an ssh on that computer and i can't connect to it14:45
Infitialisdoes anyone know how to setup a vlan bridge?14:46
lubuntozz_hi all i need help14:47
lubuntozz_i have lubuntu 13.1014:48
SchrodingersScat!details | lubuntozz_14:48
ubottulubuntozz_: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)14:48
lubuntozz_when i install lubuntu on my pc whitout official drivero of nvidia, it work fine. but when i install official driver of nvidea my lubuntu don't restart and don't shut down14:49
[Gentoo]nvidia driver seems to mess everyones ubuntu up14:50
ikoniait works fine as long as it supports your card14:50
ikoniaor you don't use an external site provided one14:51
[Gentoo]apparently it dont14:51
xMopxShellanyone know if there is a quicker way to find all links to a file besides find -samefile?14:51
lubuntozz_when it don't shut down i need to pull the power button on the pc14:52
lubuntozz_and when i restart it my audio don't work14:52
jhutchins[Gentoo]: There is a wide range of hardware implementation and possible combinations with motherboards.  Some work well, some don't.14:52
ikoniaand it's not "nvidia+ubuntu" it's "nvidia"14:53
TJ-xMopxShell: Not unless the system keeps a db indexed on inode14:53
[Gentoo]no its nvidia and ubuntu, something to do with the way its automated14:53
ikonia[Gentoo]: what's automated ?14:53
lubuntozz_ikonia: [Gentoo] can help me to solve this problem?14:53
ikonialubuntozz_: what problem ?14:53
lubuntozz_i can be crazy whit it :S14:54
[Gentoo]ikonia: the amount of people who complain about black screen / funny res / all other sorts of issues after installing / uninstall nvidia driver on ubuntu14:54
lubuntozz_ikonia: my lubuntu don't restart and don't shut down14:54
ikonia[Gentoo]: yes, because their hardware is not supported14:54
ikonia[Gentoo]: it's common on other distros14:54
[Gentoo]nvidia driver supports almost every card14:54
ikoniano, it doesn't14:54
[Gentoo]and its nowhere near as common14:54
ikoniathat's why there are multiple versions14:55
ikoniaand they are also linked against a kernel interface + xorg14:55
jhutchinsikonia: Yeah, the nouveau driver does.14:55
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ikoniajhutchins: that's not the "nvidia" driver14:55
ikoniathat's the nouveau14:55
[Gentoo]ikonia: 99% of people with the problems are running "standard" cards, 400 series etc14:55
apt-get_installHi, where can I find a list of all translators of the 12.04 release?14:55
ikonia[Gentoo]: you've just made up that statistic14:55
ikoniapleaes don't just make stuff up to try to justify your position14:56
apt-get_installRemember some "Thanks to..."-page14:56
lubuntozz_ikonia: [Gentoo] this is my grub14:56
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[Gentoo]ikonia: just going by people ive asked in here14:56
[Gentoo]whatcard they have14:56
ikonia[Gentoo]: how many have you asked ?14:56
[Gentoo]dont know14:57
lubuntozz_in this grub i have changed some lines because lubuntu give me bad splash screen14:57
ikonia[Gentoo]: right, so %99 is just a made up number14:57
lubuntozz_whit nvidia driver14:57
ikonia[Gentoo]: the other thing to consider if the framebuffer config14:57
[Gentoo]ikonia: im not arguing, just saying, almost every time i join this room, someone has a problem with nvidia driver and black screen or some other serious issue14:58
[Gentoo]from either installing or uninstalling nvidia14:58
edinnyHow do I stop automatic logout after inactivity?14:58
ikonia[Gentoo]: yes, and when you look at the problems, a good chunk are either a.) framebuffer b.) external nvidia module c.) unsupported higher end card d.) incorrect/failed install/config14:58
lubuntozz_ikonia:  [Gentoo] [~Gentoo@2001:470:681e::dead] has quit [Quit: [Gentoo]]14:59
ikonialubuntozz_: yes, I saw it, however I typed it as he quit14:59
njbairthe important thing is, he quit. let's just enjoy that14:59
lubuntozz_ikonia: can help me to solve this Crazy problem whit my lubuntu desktop^14:59
dcopehey all14:59
dcopeis it safe to restart the networking service over ssh?15:00
ikonialubuntozz_: no idea15:00
njbair99% of people in this channel quit IRC15:00
njbairdcope: that depends on whether your new config is correct15:00
dcopenjbair: the new config is correct, yes15:00
njbairdcope: you will have downtime for a moment but if you are confident in your config it's safe.15:01
William3apt-get_install, are you looking for the people who did the translating, or the translations themselves?15:01
dcopenjbair: cool, just with sudo service network-manager restart ?15:01
apt-get_installWilliam3: the people15:01
njbairdcope: ype15:01
apt-get_installand the bug reporters as well15:01
ActionParsniplubuntozz_: do you really care about the splash screen....really?15:01
frank_oHi. In vipw my root has: root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/zsh -- but how come when I "sudo su", it won't "source /etc/zshrc"?15:02
lubuntozz_ikonia: i have strange lubuntu :D when i use nvidia driver it don't restart and don't shut down ever, and when i pull power bottom i lost audio in new session :S15:02
ActionParsniplubuntozz_: was the desktop OK before you started changing things?15:02
William3apt-get_install> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/Contact15:02
ikonialubuntozz_: ask the channel - not me I've already said I have no idea about your problem15:02
lubuntozz_a little ok ActionParsnip because the screen is ok 1280x etc. but it is not center. It is little in left side15:03
njbairikonia: 99% of people in this chat room don't know how to fix his problem.15:03
lubuntozz_thanks ikonia15:03
Fjorgynn99% of the people are trolls15:03
ikonianjbair: ok - we get the gag now15:03
czsI wanted to install trusty with mini.iso, but the network card is not working. It is a realtek 8167. Is there a quick fix for this?15:03
ikonia!14.01 | czs15:04
ikonia!14.04 | czs15:04
ubottuczs: Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) will be the 20th release of Ubuntu.  See the announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1295 for more info. support in #ubuntu+115:04
ActionParsnipczs: ask in #ubuntu+1 for Trusty support15:04
lubuntozz_ActionParsnip: the best problem i have is the shut down and restart command15:04
Fjorgynnczs: wirelss?15:04
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njbairI'm pretty sure if you got the gag there would be more LOLs in here.15:04
apt-get_installWilliam3: i 'm sure i saw a big name list in the release note, but now it's all gone15:04
czsFjorgynn: no15:04
frank_oHi. In vipw my root has: root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/zsh -- but how come when I "sudo su", it won't "source /etc/zshrc"?15:04
edinnyHow do I stop ubuntu from logging me out after inactivity on my desktop?15:04
czsikonia: got it, thanks15:05
njbairedinny: does it log you out or just lock the screen?15:05
ikoniafrank_o: 1.) sudo su is the wrong command 2.) /etc/zshrc is the wrong file15:05
William3apt-get_install> try this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/Contact/Teams?action=show&redirect=TranslatingUbuntu%2FContact%2FTeams15:05
ActionParsnipedinny: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue15:05
frank_oikonia: 1) What is the right command? 2) Isn't it /etc/zshrc on most other Unix systems?15:06
frank_oikonia: sudo -l root?15:06
lubuntozz_but is so strange if i don't use official driver of nvidea all work, but when i use this official driver video card it don'r work fine ActionParsnip. Now if i remove the driver, the system don't work like old operative system i have installed for first15:06
glambertplaying around with the "screen" tool, how do you exit from viewing a screen without killing it's process?15:07
ActionParsniplubuntozz_: does the open source driver do what you need?15:07
ActionParsniplubuntozz_: or do you use a lot of 3D games?15:07
ikoniafrank_o: sudo -i and normally the global files such as /etc/* are sourced from the ~/.local_to_the_user file, etc ~/.bashrc sources ~/.bash_profile (or the other way around) and /etc/$something15:07
ikoniafrank_o: could be different (as you suggest on zsh)15:08
lubuntozz_i need to use proprietary drivers15:08
frank_oikonia: /etc/zshrc is the standard file on zsh afaik15:08
ActionParsniplubuntozz_: what for?15:08
ikoniafrank_o: probably not sourcing it then as you're not invoking a login shell15:08
glambertah, CTRL+a then d and it detached15:08
njbairfrank_o: ~/.zshrc15:08
lubuntozz_for a game and grapical application15:08
apt-get_installWilliam3: all i can find is this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseNotes/12.0415:08
frank_oikonia: good point15:08
lubuntozz_craphical :S15:09
ActionParsniplubuntozz_: have you tried:  sudo nvidia-xconfig   then reboot15:09
frank_onjbair: I got a couple of other users as well, would like a global file15:09
lubuntozz_and what i need to do in xconfig program of nvidea?15:09
ActionParsniplubuntozz_: its a command, it makes an xorg.conf file for you15:10
ActionParsniplubuntozz_: it's nvidia too, not nvidea15:10
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frank_oWhy does "visudo" launch Nano? Shouldn't visudo launch vi and then instead make a "vinano" for laymen?15:11
frank_osorry nanosudo :P15:11
ikoniafrank_o: it launches what's in EDITOR variable15:11
frank_oooh i see15:11
lubuntozz_ActionParsnip: WARNING: Unable to locate/open X configuration file.  New X configuration file written to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'15:11
ActionParsniplubuntozz_: yes, it doesnt exist by default.15:12
ActionParsniplubuntozz_: note teh word is 'warning' not 'error'15:12
Hammerhead2011-SFor all who care, get ISC dhcpd off of the website not from default PPA to avoid the leases file bug15:12
lubuntozz_and now what i need to do?15:12
edinnynjbair: got kicked. It is not the screensaver locking my screen.15:13
ActionParsniplubuntozz_: reboot, or you can run:  killall -u $USER     and it will reload X and the xorg.conf file will be used15:13
edinnyHow do I stop from being logged out in 14.04 after inactivity?15:13
von_neumannUSB keyboard/mouse work fine from shell, but not in X, anyone seen this before?15:13
flummyvon_neumann: maybe it has to do with the intelligent input bus15:13
zentingedinny - System Settings -> Brightness and Lock?15:13
ActionParsnipedinny: #ubuntu+1 for Trusty support15:14
cfhowlettedinny support for 14.04 is in the other channel until official release: #ubuntu+115:14
ActionParsnipedinny: the topic CLEARLY states:  Questions about Trusty/14.04 go in #ubuntu+1 until it is officially released15:14
whoeverhi all15:14
dcopesudo service network-manager restart15:14
dcopenetwork-manager: unrecognized service15:14
lubuntozz_ActionParsnip: what?15:14
dcopedid the service name change?15:14
lubuntozz_if i do that it can solve the problem?15:15
ActionParsniplubuntozz_: reboot the PC, keep it simpler for you15:15
whoeveri am tring to print to a windows printer and i use to be able to print to it untill a few weeks ago , can someone assist15:15
flummylubuntozz_: /etc/init.d/networking restart ?15:15
lubuntozz_flummy: ??15:16
von_neumannflummy, just plugged/unplugged the keyboard and the Xorg log sais it cant find evdev module15:16
ActionParsnipwhoever: have you rebooted both systems and the router between15:16
lubuntozz_if i do restart ActionParsnip it don't work like shut down15:16
whoeverActionParsnip: yes15:16
ActionParsniplubuntozz_: sudo reboot15:16
von_neumannweird how my X is so fuxored15:17
whoeverActionParsnip: i have even connected via smbclient to varify the printer share name15:17
whoeverand that i can see the share15:17
ActionParsnipwhoever: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue   on the client side?15:17
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whoeverActionParsnip: Ubuntu 13.10 \n \l15:18
ActionParsnipwhoever: if you run:  smbtree    can you see the printer shared?15:19
von_neumanndoes APT keep a log of when packages were installed/removed? My X got hosed somehow and Im wondering what happend15:19
ActionParsnipvon_neumann: /var/log/dpkg.log15:19
whoeverActionParsnip: yep sure can15:21
HeruRaanyone familiar with raid1 mount in ubuntu?15:21
ubottuHeruRa: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto15:21
whoeverActionParsnip: i am wondering if there is a comm fight between cups and samba15:22
whoeverActionParsnip:  any ideas15:27
lubuntozz__ActionParsnip: nothing to do it don't restart15:28
HeruRawhy does this say this: mount: /dev/sdb1 already mounted or /mnt/raid1 busy15:29
ikoniaHeruRa: because it's already mounted.....15:29
ActionParsnipikonia: +115:29
ikoniaor you have a shell open / something open on /mnt/raid115:29
ActionParsniplubuntozz__: if you press CTRL+ALT+F1 do you get a prompt?15:29
ikoniapretty much "what the error message says"15:29
lubuntozz__if i do that now yes15:30
lubuntozz__when i do that in gui mode no15:30
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HeruRabut i cannot access just view it in gpart or disk util15:31
lubuntozz__ActionParsnip: if i do shut down from gui button i can't do ctrl+alt+f115:32
ActionParsniplubuntozz__: then in a terminal, run:  killall -u $USER15:32
lubuntozz__in gui mode or whit ctrl+alt+f1?15:33
whoeverActionParsnip:  i am lost , and wonder if there is an issue with cups or cups and samba comm15:33
lubuntozz__i do that and in second time what i need to do?15:33
lubuntozz__whoever: you need to install a printer?15:34
whoeverlubuntozz__: i have done that15:34
lubuntozz__whoever: you need to use this printer in lan?15:36
whoeverlubuntozz__: yes it is the only printer and it is connected to a different computer15:37
terminalmageIs there a way to target a specific APT source? From what I've been able to read, an APT source adds the package to a release, so the only way I've been able to figure out to do this so far is to use "-o APT::Default-Release=precise" and then target the specific version provided by the APT source I want.15:37
=== radu is now known as Guest23318
lubuntozz__whoever: create a lan connection15:37
whoeverluckman212: here is something  i have windows as a vm and can print to the printer from wihin  the vm , just not though ubuntu15:38
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whoeverluckman212: that has been done15:38
whoevervia smb15:38
lubuntozz__and when you are secure the pc1 see pc 2 open printer tool and find in left side of window the name of your printer15:38
whoeverlubuntozz__: yes, and when i ender a username and password and hit verify , i get that it is not accessable15:39
whoeverand the firewale on the box that has the printer is disabled15:39
lubuntozz__so strange15:40
whoeveryes that is why i am wondering if there is some sort of comm fight that is going on that i can't see15:40
HeruRasudo mdadm -A -R /dev/md9 /dev/sdb115:41
HeruRamdadm: /dev/sdb1 is busy - skipping15:41
HeruRaany ideas?15:41
whoeverlubuntozz__: restarting from updating, will see if there was some update that fixed something15:41
Guest10760i can connect a vpn server,but i can not connect to the internet.when i connect the vpn server on windows,i can connect to the internet.15:42
Guest10760so how i could do to solve the problem?15:42
whoeverGuest10760: the vpn connection is locking you out  as a security measure , you will need more then one adapter if you want to do that15:43
Guest10760when i have connected vpn server,it creates ppp1 interface.but i can not ping the gateway15:44
Guest10760whoever:what do you mean?i need another adpater?15:44
EndymionMOkay, I feel like an idiot right now.  I'm trying to get a terminal command to print to a file, but it keeps saying that no such file exists.15:44
Guest10760but everything works well on windows.15:45
Guest10760EndymionM, what command you type?15:46
EndymionMexact command on my command line: "apt-cache search ipod > ~\desktop\ipod.txt15:47
EndymionMno quotes of course, and I hate hitting enter instead of a quote...15:48
LordDeathover fstab I want to mount two cifs shares into /mnt/foo/ with write access for the current user15:49
nivekleeEndymionM maybe ./Desktop/ipod.txt15:49
whoeverluckman212: nope no update change15:49
LordDeathI can mount it only as read only :(15:49
EndymionMniveklee: "bash: ./desktop/ipod.txt: No such file or directory"15:50
Guest10760EndymionM:does the folder ./desktop exsists?15:51
onthestairshello. i just rebooted and seem to have a problem. symptons include: one quarter of one of my monitors is black, alt-tab no longer has the fancy graphics, my launcher icons are larger than before an the option to reduce them in size is missing15:51
onthestairsim on 12.0415:51
LordDeathnow it works15:52
EndymionMGuest10768: Since I was staring at my desktop about 2 minutes ago?15:52
LordDeathbut after a reboot I need to run "sudo mount -a" once to get the network shares mounted15:52
nivekleeEndymionM: on a typical install of Ubuntu the Desktop folder must be capitalized.15:53
tiemayI forgot the password to an encrypted installation, but I have the decryption key (I'm not sure what it's called) that it gave me after installation. What can I do?15:53
nivekleescratch that... not must be but ussually is by default15:54
EndymionMniveklee: You know... on Windows, I never have to worry about whether something is capitalized or not.  Ah well.  Let's see if changing that works.15:55
trijntjeIm trying to get a dongle (AE1200 linksys) to work on ubuntu using ndiswrapper. It used to work, but now I geep getting prompted for the wifi password, even though that hasn't changed. Any ideas?15:56
EndymionMniveklee: Alright.  It worked.15:56
nivekleeEndymionM: no problem.. glad I could help.15:56
nivekleeEndymionM: also here  is a link to a complete run down on using the terminal.. it will help you not type windows commands so often.. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal15:59
eskoHey all.16:00
trijntjeIm trying to get a dongle (AE1200 linksys) to work on ubuntu using ndiswrapper. It used to work, but now I geep getting prompted for the wifi password, even though that hasn't changed. Relevant dmesg output here: http://pastebin.com/6jkTF8Zy16:00
nivekleetrijntje: sometimes when that happens going into edit connections and clearing all of the saved networks and logging out will fix it. or it has in the past16:02
whoevertrijntje: wow i get the same issue with printing via cups16:03
trijntjeniveklee: i'll try that16:03
slyrusso at some point I added the xedgers ppa an upgraded to their X11 stuff. is there an easy to undo that?16:04
tiemayI forgot the password to an encrypted installation of 13.04, but I have the decryption key (I'm not sure what it's called) that it gave me after installation. What can I do?16:05
trijntje!encryption | tiemay16:06
ubottutiemay: For information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory16:06
nivekleeslyrus: use ppa-purge.. check out http://askubuntu.com/questions/50821/downgrade-ppa-packages-to-versions-available-at-a-previous-point-in-time16:06
slyrusthanks niveklee16:07
nivekleeslyrus: no prob16:08
trijntjeniveklee: that didn't work, and after a reboot I dont see the wireless interface at all16:10
tiemayubottu: should `ecryptfs-recover-private` work on an encrypted home directory?16:13
ubottutiemay: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:13
germa37is there someone from spain?16:13
somsip!es | germa3716:14
ubottugerma37: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.16:14
trijntjeIm trying to get a dongle (AE1200 linksys) to work on ubuntu using ndiswrapper. It used to work, but now I geep getting prompted for the wifi password, even though that hasn't changed. Relevant dmesg output here: http://pastebin.com/6jkTF8Zy16:14
germa37hola españoles16:14
nivekleetrijntje: get any recent updates to ndiswrapper? maybe remove and reinstall it via ethernet if possible.. usually xp drivers work best16:15
trijntjeniveklee: nope, last update was in december 201316:16
=== tcpman is now known as Guest8802
ugurkoltukHi, I have an ANT stick from my Garmin watch, and my ubuntu 13.10 doesn't detect it16:30
ugurkoltukany ideas how can I make it work? i know people use it like mass storage device to retrieve files16:31
trijntjeIm trying to get a dongle (AE1200 linksys) to work on ubuntu using ndiswrapper. It used to work, but now I geep getting prompted for the wifi password, even though that hasn't changed. Relevant dmesg output here: http://pastebin.com/6jkTF8Zy16:35
yolo_hey guys how do i login to my user name ?16:37
daftykinsyolo_: how do you mean? graphically on a clean install?16:38
yolo_sorry, i wasn't specific. how do i login on my xchat16:39
yolo_i am registered to this name16:39
yolo_by how do i enter my password in to logon16:39
daftykins /msg nickserv identify <pass>16:39
daftykinsbut this is more freenode support than ubuntu ;)16:39
yolo_idenfity = my username or plain and simple "idenfity"16:40
brothersomejust type identify <passwd>16:40
yolo_You are now identified for yolo_ ?16:41
trijntjeyolo_: sounds like it worked16:42
yolo_somehow it still says that #python-unregistered : Cannot send to channel16:43
zuloydI have a problem with my new ubuntu installation. It just doesn't recognize the Super_L (windows) key16:43
zuloydwhen I run xev in the console, it displays nothing when I press that key16:43
trijntjezuloyd: that makes sense, since its captured by unity before it reaches that window16:46
trijntjetry it with any unity shortcut that does work and you should see the same16:46
ee11124sick my duck16:47
yolo_i'm already logged in but why doe is say am not registered ?16:47
Piciee11124: take it to the vet then.16:47
jagassyolo_: ee1112416:47
Piciyolo_: part that channel then rejoin #python .  If you have further questions, ask in #freenode16:47
yolo_thank you Pici16:48
jagassPici: You big dummy16:48
=== Ed is now known as Guest28388
ee11124yolo, 007 wouldn't agree with you16:49
zuloydtrijntje: i'm running gnome316:49
zuloydand normally pressing the Super_L key should open the activities window16:49
zuloydbut it doesn't16:49
bubbyi can't use comp keyboard but need superkey, how?16:49
jagasszuloyd: bubby said to kiss his rump.16:50
Picijagass: knock it off.16:50
zuloydI don't get it16:50
dicky4How to start a java program as daemon16:51
SchrodingersScatdicky4: something like screen -S javaProgram -d -m java -jar jarfile.jar #?16:51
ldleworkDoes anyone know what might prevent even xev from picking up Ctrl-Alt-n ?16:52
dicky4<SchrodingersScat>  does nohup do the same?16:52
bubbyany way to bring up onboard keyboard w/out comp keyboard?16:52
SchrodingersScatdicky4: not sure how similar they are, mine just places it in a screen in the background16:54
zuloydalso, when managing gnome3 keyboard shortcuts, it does not recognize the Super key16:54
zuloydi.e. when I want to specify some shortcut16:54
fballsi don't have a super key (model m master race) can i map a different key as the super key?16:55
Guest77325http://www.marketglory.com/strategygame/galahad1st for online gamers, if you didn't already, use this link to register on MerketGlory: a free2play financial strategy game where virtual currency can be converted into real money. It starts out slow but in time you can turn a good profit that is if you have the necessary patience to grow a little bit every day :P16:56
TJ-!service-wrapper | dicky416:56
TJ-!info service-wrapper | dicky416:56
ubottudicky4: service-wrapper (source: service-wrapper-java): Jar daemon wrapper. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.5.3+repack-0+nmu1 (saucy), package size 88 kB, installed size 340 kB16:57
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »16:57
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bubby[any way to bring up onboard keyboard w/out comp keyboard?17:01
bubbyany way to bring up onboard keyboard w/out comp keyboard?17:02
SchrodingersScatbubby: like with a mouse?17:02
Squarepybubby, there is one under accesibility17:02
Squarepygo to universal access17:03
Squarepyunder system settings17:04
luistcan anyone help me to block an address or a specific word on my server?17:15
dbg77@luist tell me more17:17
luistdbg77: i want to block an specific game during the work time, so i plan to add the servers address to the block list17:17
dbg77so no outbound traffic during work hours?17:18
luistdbg77: uh?17:19
luistdbg77: the game servers i mean17:19
brothersomeluist, I do that in my linksys router17:20
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dbg77luist: if you just want to block your local machine from having access to a specific address you can update hosts file or as brothersome says most routers have a similar feature17:21
luistdbg77: not my machine… the server which distributes the network17:22
dbg77luist: ok, so you want to block all incoming traffic to a game server during specific hours?17:22
tgm4883luist, so you have a server where your internet connection comes into, then another network interface that connects it to a switch and provides internet for your office?17:22
luisttgm4883: probably17:23
luisttgm4883: okay thats exactly what i have here17:23
tgm4883luist, so... who set this thing up for you, and what is your role here?17:23
luisttgm4883: the guy who setup this mess is gone years ago17:23
luisttgm4883: and theres noone to take care of it, so i was requested to start learning some shit17:24
tgm4883I see17:24
luisttgm4883: sadly, i’m a developer ¬¬17:24
tgm4883what OS is this server running?17:25
cfhowlettluist open a terminal: cat /etc/issue/17:26
luistlucid i think17:26
luistyes, lucid17:27
=== RickyB98 is now known as rickyb98
cfhowlettluist here's a bit of suggested regular maintenance:     sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade17:28
luistcfhowlett: i know i know -.-17:28
tgm4883luist, I feel you might get better support in #ubuntu-server for this type of issue. I have a meeting in 30 minutes, and I feel it might take longer than that to determine how this is setup and fix it17:29
=== Transfusion is now known as Chris_Hansen
foofoobarHi. At work my wireless connection is good, but at home I have very fluctuating ping times: http://pastebin.com/qQdhVrgH17:37
foofoobarSometimes I'm wating a few seconds for a ping reply, but the time is just a few miliseconds (e.g. 30ms)17:37
foofoobarThere is no entry in dmesg17:37
chrohow can I see the last date when my system was rebooted ?17:39
llutzchro: who -b17:39
unstableIs it possible to install 32bit java plugin in my 64bit chrome browser on a 64bit ubuntu system?17:40
unstableTHere is some stupid java applet called Network Connect by Juniper that I need to run.17:40
unstableand it barfs on 64bit java17:40
chrollutz, it is possible to see the user who rebooted the system? In auth.log it does not appear nothing showing the reboot17:40
llutzchro: i don't know17:42
llutzchro: try the "last" command and compare login time17:42
sydneyJDykstraanshulk: can I ask you a question?17:44
michael_j_pWhy is Ubuntu One (cloud) shutting down ?17:48
jpdsmichael_j_p: http://blog.canonical.com/2014/04/02/shutting-down-ubuntu-one-file-services/17:49
cfhowlettmichael_j_p business decision.  find an alternative17:49
Danny_JorisI’m trying to write a script based on this one for initial setup of a digitalocean droplet. The hostname and systemip are created by digitalocean, so I’m removing a few items. Is this item important when setting up a server? To have sshd only to listen to the systemip? https://github.com/betweenbrain/ubuntu-web-server-build-script/blob/master/build.sh#L107-L11517:54
unstablenevermind, I figured it out18:00
unstableI gutted java/firefox, and then installed java and firefox:i386 versions18:00
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paulvastany1 know a good music store web app written in ASP?18:03
balamHey I am new in IRC, how can I send private messages?18:06
SchrodingersScatbalam: /msg nick words18:07
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balam___hello everybody18:16
bjorn_hi, I first installed ubuntu with a encryption on hard drive, then changed my mind and wanted lubuntu instead. Now I cant install lubuntu witch encryption. It says that something is wrong with the swap or something like that. How can I reset my hard drive to "pre encryption" state to reinstall with encryption?18:18
BradPJbjorn_ ; Just deleting the encrypted partition and making a new one should be enough to remove encryption.18:20
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mgolischdoes saucy kernels only load signed modules?18:21
mgolischmodprobe throws at me exec format error18:21
bjorn_BradPJ, I have tried to reset the hard drive with gparted but upon installation I still get problem, something must been written somewhere else18:22
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balam___whois Extensa563018:24
BradPJbjorn_ ; That is weird, I setup partitions using gdisk (command line tool) and deleting the encrypted partition then adding a new one is all it takes. Sorry can't help any further, I've only recently started using encryption myself.18:24
=== ashish is now known as Guest22753
Guest22753after installing gnome3.10 in ubuntu13.10, font are not coming proper, font are cut from bottom in menus18:25
bjorn_maybe should try the 12.04 version, now its the 14.04 beta and it might not be 100%18:26
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bjorn_BradPJ, do you set up all your partitions pre installation?18:27
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bjorn_what partitions do I need? is it   "swap" and" /"?18:28
BradPJbjorn_ ; If your root in encrypted you need a /boot partition that is NOT encrypted.18:29
Guest22753pls help18:30
bjorn_BradPJ, sorry, dont get it, should i set up a separate /boot partition as well?18:31
BradPJbjorn_ ; If you are encrypting the root partition (the / partition) then you need a seperate /boot partition that is not encrypted.18:31
bjorn_ok, is it as simple as creation a separate partiton in gparted alongside the others?18:33
spoownHello , I wanted to play around with tkinter, and I had to import _tkinter , is this normal  ? Where is the Gui constructor ? Can someone help me ?18:33
BradPJbjorn_ ; Yeah it should be, as long as you tell the installed to use it as your boot partition.18:34
BradPJbjorn_ ; To be honest though, the Ubuntu installer should do all this for you (I'm not sure what the Lubuntu installed is like so can't comment but I imagine it is the same?)18:36
bjorn_BradPJ, yes, i was thinking it might be problem with not using a released distro, might try the 13.1018:37
bjorn_although this is the ubuntu channel, i like lubuntu! its a blast on my 5 years old netbook18:38
elroyI just installed Chrome in 12.04, where is the Chrome icon so I can open it?18:39
bjorn_ BradPJ , thanks for the help! over and out18:40
gmachine_24greetings earthlings. I'm getting one of those "the following signature couldn't be verified because the public key is not available" blah blah here is the pastebin http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7199992/18:40
gmachine_24elroy, chrome or chromum?18:41
IronmanHi i setup chrooted SFTP after this tutorial: http://codeinthehole.com/writing/how-to-chroot-a-user-in-ubuntu-1204/  Problem now i would like to use scp instead of sftp couldnt find any guide only mentioning that they are the same and it should work h ave you any idea ?18:43
njkjgmachine_24: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 16126D3A3E5C119218:44
gmachine_24ok, never mind, I fixed the "public key not aavailable problem"18:44
njkjnot sure who this happens, though18:44
gmachine_24njkj, thanks any... I just fixed it18:44
danboweri've just installed rvm (a ruby tool) which requires me to execute /bin/bash --login for "rvm" to be an available command (i have absolutely no idea why). i thought i could add this to my ~/.bashrc file but it seemed to have issues when i done a su. is there somwhere i can add the --login option?18:44
gmachine_24any way - wow, can't think/type today18:44
njkjbtw, the reason I've joined. There is an issue with libav-tools in ubuntu trusty https://bugzilla.libav.org/show_bug.cgi?id=341 . Thought you want to know. Debian stable works, but testing and unstable are broken, too. I'm not sure whom to report it in ubuntu.18:46
ubottubugzilla.libav.org bug 341 in libavcodec "Output WebM file is corrupted." [Major,Reopened]18:46
gmachine_24Ironman, so you've run scp with no luck or what?18:47
Ironman"This service allows sftp connections only.18:47
Ironmansftp works fine but scp not18:47
gmachine_24Ironman, so what command are you using when you run scp18:48
gmachine_24scp and what18:48
llutzIronman: afaik you'll need an scp wrapper. scp issues a ssh-connection, then copies files. won't work in an sftp-only env18:48
gmachine_24and there you have it :-)18:48
Ironmancan i transfer files non interactive like scp ?18:49
Ironmanwith sftp18:49
Ironmanor can i change my enviroment to allow also scp but not ssh ?18:50
llutzIronman: man sftp  (sftp [user@]host[:file ...] )18:50
Guest22753menu font are cut after installing gnome3.10 in ubuntu13.1018:51
Trollkar1enRight palce to talk about 14.04 ?18:51
llutz!14.04 | Trollkar1en18:51
ubottuTrollkar1en: Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) will be the 20th release of Ubuntu.  See the announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1295 for more info. support in #ubuntu+118:51
njkjllutz: scp has `scp file host:file`, sftp takes only one file, as far as I can tell18:51
Trollkar1enllutz: thx18:51
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ubottuUbuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) will be the 20th release of Ubuntu.  See the announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1295 for more info. support in #ubuntu+118:52
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Trollkar1enBad memory :)18:52
Rad-Is there a linux version of this? http://www.comicshelf.com/en/index.php18:53
Rad-I've seen a lot of image viewers and comic readers, but they tend just to unarchive things and view images in directories, as opposed to just being able to read from online websites.18:54
Ironmani dont get with stfp host:dir i just say where i will start but istill have to "put file" interactive to upload sth. i cant use that in a script ?18:55
llutzIronman: use sftp -b batchfile     then18:56
=== justinS_ is now known as jhsimpson
poootI'm trying to get my three monitors working (two graphics cards, GTX460 and GeForce 210), but having no luck. None of the "answers" i find through Google works. Any pointers on what to look for?18:59
SevenEy guys.19:06
SevenI got a small question,how can I update gcc via terminal commands?19:06
SevenI got cmake error while trying to build: requires version 4.7.2 to build but found19:07
zentingapt-get install upgrade gcc?19:07
SevenE: Couldn't find package upgrade19:07
llutzSeven: cat /etc/issue            what distro-version?19:08
runnyspotapt-get update; apt-get install build-essential19:09
SevenUbuntu 10.04.4 LTS \n \l19:09
llutz!info gcc  lucid19:09
SevenAll updates installed @runnyspt19:09
ubottugcc (source: gcc-defaults (1.93ubuntu1)): The GNU C compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.4.3-1ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 4 kB, installed size 64 kB19:09
runnyspoti want to disable cron emails systemwide. is there any way to do this other than going into each users cron and adding MAILTO=""?19:10
llutzSeven: so you need to find a ppa providing the newer gcc or upgrade your distro to 13.10/14.04 (to be released soon)19:10
Sevenllutz,I cannot,it's a dedi server and can't be changed;p19:10
SevenI will be searching for a ppa then19:11
SevenThanks for support!19:11
dw1runnyspot: put that in /etc/crontab ?19:12
dw1runnyspot: individual crontabs may override it tho19:12
runnyspotdw1: tried that, it didn't work, without crontabs overriding19:14
hmmpupdated to 14.04 and cant run gnome-session now, cannot open display. what to do? full error log http://paste.ubuntu.com/7200142/19:16
llutzhmmp: support in #ubuntu+119:18
hmmpllutz: thanks!19:19
riceandbeansok, I give, how the hell do I use upstart?19:20
tgm4883riceandbeans, what are you trying to do?19:20
riceandbeansI can't /etc/init.d/  I can't update-rc.d I can't service anything19:20
riceandbeansI want to update-rc.d network-manager disable19:20
ovrflw0xi'm can listen only on right side in headphones, why is the left side notworking? in audio test i can hear from both sides! i'm playing file using VLC19:21
riceandbeanstgm4883: I was more of a debian guy the past 10 years19:21
llutzriceandbeans: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/19:21
llutzriceandbeans: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#disabling-a-job-from-automatically-starting19:21
tgm4883riceandbeans, so you want to disable the service so it doesn't start on boot. Take a look at that manual, you want an override file19:22
riceandbeansman, update-rc.d actually worked19:22
riceandbeanswhy change it19:22
llutzriceandbeans: update-rc.d is sysV-init, not upstart19:22
riceandbeansI know, I don't like any of the new init systems19:23
riceandbeanswell, I like runit19:23
riceandbeansbut no one wanted to go with that one19:23
Unfriendlycan somenoe query me? im trying to make my script play a sound19:23
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dw1runnyspot: that's weird man19:27
riceandbeanstgm4883: ok, so disabling something is stupid, adding a line, not very practical but whatever, how do I ensure it's running on boot?19:27
riceandbeansI want the old style networking19:27
riceandbeansnetwork-manager is crap19:28
dw1runnyspot: are you sure cron isn't running a script that is sending mail? :)19:28
llutzriceandbeans: just use /etc/network/interfaces then, nm will ignore those ifaces19:28
riceandbeansllutz: I did, but if I take out network-manager, is ubuntu smart enough to know to use /etc/network/interfaces?19:29
riceandbeansI guess we'll see on reboot19:29
riceandbeansit either worked or I have to walk down the flight of stairs back to the server room19:29
riceandbeansshould've just installed debian...19:30
llutzriceandbeans: does ubuntu-server come with nm at all?19:30
riceandbeansllutz: this is some ubuntu spin off that was demanded for this server19:30
tgm4883riceandbeans, IDK, ubuntu server doesn't use NM, not sure what setup would be needed to make that change though19:30
riceandbeansit's a modified xubuntu19:30
llutzriceandbeans: dpkg -l ifupdown19:30
tgm4883riceandbeans, FWIW, ubuntu is changing to systemd in a few releases or so19:30
riceandbeansfrankly, I hate all ubuntu, almost as much as I hate redhat, I'm just stuck dealing with it19:31
riceandbeanstgm4883: I hate systemd just as much as this upstart crap19:31
llutzriceandbeans: nobody cares here what you like/dislike, really19:31
riceandbeanstgm4883: I like sysvinit19:31
riceandbeansllutz: I know, I just want to get this thing running19:31
llutzriceandbeans: then stop ranting19:31
MunsterHI ppl19:31
riceandbeansllutz: rebooting...so we'll see19:33
riceandbeansllutz: FWIW, we all lost the init war19:33
riceandbeanswe can all mope together19:33
tgm4883riceandbeans, what does the server do that it needs a GUI?19:33
dw1runnyspot: you got a lot of users on a ubuntu box? :/19:33
=== justinS_ is now known as jhsimpson
riceandbeanstgm4883: what? where do you get GUI from?19:34
tgm4883riceandbeans, you said it was a modified Xubuntu19:34
dw1runnyspot: server i guess19:34
riceandbeansnetwork-manager doesn't need or default to a GUI19:34
riceandbeansor right, that19:34
riceandbeansyeah someone patched xubuntu to have a bunch of tools in it for security19:34
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dw1runnyspot: just make a script to update all cron files :p19:35
riceandbeansthe irony is I don't think the user is going to use the GUI19:35
riceandbeansbe it through forwarded X or VNC19:35
riceandbeansbut yeah19:35
=== sarsaeol_ is now known as sarsaeol
skinkittenubuntu one is closing down....guess I'm moving to drop box....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHDwRECFL8M19:38
riceandbeanslooks like killing off network-manager worked19:39
riceandbeansstill wish you and debian had stuck it to redhat and said screw systemd but whatever19:40
ubottuFreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX19:40
jhutchinsToo many different keyboards this week.19:40
riceandbeansjhutchins: just move to dvorak and get it over with19:40
riceandbeansbe a man19:40
riceandbeansthanks for the help19:40
riceandbeansgive my regards to canonical19:41
neredsenvyI am buyin a Vps and I have to choose between Ubuntu 12 and 13 which one should u pick um getting a lot of mixed info from shady sites19:50
GunArmwhat does linux do if you plug in 30 hard drives and it runs out of letters for /dev/sdX?19:50
llutzneredsenvy: 12.04 lts19:50
GunArmjust out of curiousity19:50
llutzGunArm: it uses sdXX19:51
GunArmthats what I would have guessed19:51
GunArmI looked in my /media/ folder yesterday to figure out where to mount something and saw an /media/sdo119:51
GunArmwhich means i've had enough hard drives plugged in before to go out to letter o19:52
llutzGunArm: keep on connecting, it will use sdXXX later :)19:52
neredsenvyllutz thats what most are saying due to ling term support but a lot of people claim better performance19:57
llutzneredsenvy: it's your choice19:57
GunArmneredsenvy: if its for a server get the LTS19:57
GunArmit still gets updates19:58
=== revagomes_ is now known as revagomes
sc30317hey all; is there an easy way to just parse the TTL from DiG?  didn't see it anywhere in the MAN pages20:02
Seveassc30317: dennis@spirit:~$ dig +noall +answer www.ubuntu.com | awk '{print $2}'20:04
RhapsodyI'm trying to run a bash script (http://pastebin.com/G1nwLBpP) on a .lua file. Trick is, I'm using win-bash, but I don't think #windows would be able to answer this appropriately, since it's essentially bash anyway.20:06
RhapsodyI'm trying to target a specific .lua file with this script. How would I do that, then run the script?20:06
SeveasRhapsody: neither should #ubuntu be the one to support your adventures on windows.20:08
RhapsodySeveas, I'm asking here because the commands are literally the same.20:09
Seveasyou're on windows. Use powershell20:09
ObiwantjeGuys I got a silly question - perhaps you can help. I executed the bash script I made from this space. Now I am trying to STOP it - how would I go about?20:12
k1lObiwantje: ctrl+c?20:12
Obiwantjeit went back to terminal after execution20:12
Obiwantjeso no ctrl-c20:12
SeveasObiwantje: killall rsync20:13
Obiwantjethat worked20:15
Obiwantjeis that the best way to do this?20:15
trustythis whole chat is logged at irclogs.ubuntu.com20:15
k1ltrusty: right20:16
dw1Obiwantje: could also possibly do fg to bring to foreground then Ctrl-C20:20
RhapsodySeveas: http://paste.ee/p/FwSUA20:21
RhapsodyBack to you.20:21
=== trusty is now known as optrusty
RhapsodyI can run sh in Powershell since I have win-bash, but again, I don't know how to target a certain file with a bash script20:21
RhapsodyI am literally running a ported version of bash on Windows, it's literally the same thing you'd deal with on Linux. There's no reason why you can't tell me this.20:22
k1lRhapsody: for bash scripting ask in #bash please20:22
Rhapsodyk1l: I'm not asking how to write a script, I'm asking how to run a script on a certain file from the terminal/console/powershell whatever you want to call it.20:22
RhapsodyDo I actually need to go to #bash for that?20:22
k1lRhapsody: please underline the "ubuntu" in that support question :/ ( yes, dont make a drama out of it, it is offitc in here and you were given channels were that topic suits better than here, thanks)20:23
RhapsodyI wasn't aware it was a channel prior :p20:24
Obiwantje<dw1> I will try that - thanks for that suggestion20:24
zaxababeeHello, sorry for being a beginner. I would like to know if it is possible to write a little program for libreoffice-writer that will ask certain values to the user and then create a letter based on those values. I have no idea where to begin. Search keywords or a link to a tutorial would be very appreciated. :)20:24
zaxababee(my distro is Lubuntu 13.10)20:26
jhutchinszaxababee: There are letter templates and things like that, where you just fill in addresses.  You can do mail merge to create form letters to an address list.20:27
skinkittenwhats a good wireframming tool for ubuntu?20:27
=== calcmandan is now known as thgilsrooc
HaaPuthow do I run specific  commands automatically when starting linuxdcpp20:29
zaxababeejhutchins: thank you but what i need is for example if input for value1 is A then add SentenceA to the letter..... things like that....20:29
=== thgilsrooc is now known as calcmandan
Busybyeskii have this idea of an alias that opens a regular todo.txt in my home directory, and upon editing/closing, then copies the contents of that file to some sort of datestamped backup file.  would i use && or ; for this "wait" period?20:30
omar_Hi all.20:31
zaxababeewhat is the easiest programming language to learn to do this? not sure if it can be done inside libreoffice-writer or not?20:32
omar_Is there a way to have a command (or a set of commands) execute at every start up?20:32
omar_or more, accurately: How do I do this..?20:33
njkjBusybyeski: && is only run if the editor returns with the exitcode 0, ; is always run after the editor closes, regardless of the exit code. unless your editor uses exit codes (I think most don't) it doesn't matter20:33
tinkerbotzaxababee: have you checked out there API? (http://api.libreoffice.org/)20:34
TzunamiiBusybyeski: Google 'inotify' for a additional way to keep track of file/dir events20:34
zaxababeetinkerbot: thank you. not sure how to proceed though. could you point out the way for me please?20:38
zaxababeeapi? sdk?20:39
tinkerbotzaxababee: perhaps checking out the examples would help: http://api.libreoffice.org/examples/examples.html20:40
skinkittenwireframe technology ubuntu20:43
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=== xubuntu is now known as Guest40694
zshawnnhello, i was using ubuntu for the first time and when i was in gmail in firefox a popup showed asking me if i wanted to install an extension for gmail. i thought it meant a firefox extension. well, i noticed an icon on my dash and i tried to uninstall it from dash but its still there. ???20:52
chiefw0tjzshawnn: it's been a while since I used Unity, but IIRC, you'll have to delete the file in your ~/.local/share/applications directory20:54
chiefw0tjthe file for that webapp I mean.  I could be wrong about where the webapps are saved though.20:55
=== BlackJack is now known as paulista
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic21:03
selina345hi ive been trying to install ubuntu on vbox, and after the installation process is complete, i restarted the computer. however, when i launch it, it keeps saying SMBus base address uninitialized21:04
selina345and then it goes back to the welcome screen21:04
selina345to "Install ubuntu"21:04
dagobertocan someone explain me that high temperature ? http://pastie.org/899246021:04
Artemis3dagoberto, what gpu is that?21:09
alquaidaanybody nows how to install libnet0-dev?21:09
tgm4883alquaida, 'apt-get install libnet0-dev'21:09
alquaidai will try21:10
tgm4883alquaida, nm, that isn't going to work, it doesn't appear to be in the repos21:10
alquaidaunable to ....21:10
alquaidaso its there another way?21:11
dagobertoArtemis3, take a look http://pastie.org/899247421:11
rcw2how to i change the time format to 12 hr from 24 hr21:12
tgm4883alquaida, why libnet0?21:12
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alquaidai am trying to install a program21:13
alquaidaand ask for libnet021:13
tgm4883alquaida, libnet0 hasn't been in Ubuntu since 9.04 (and maybe earlier). Now it's libnet121:13
alquaidai now21:13
alquaidai have installd libnet 121:13
tgm4883alquaida, and everywhere I look it seem to say that the old version is obsolete21:13
alquaidabut still ask for libnet021:13
tgm4883sounds like the program needs updated21:13
tgm4883alquaida, what program?21:13
k1lalquaida: which program?21:14
k1lalquaida: and why dont you use the ubuntu package system?21:14
alquaidai am new21:14
alquaidain ubuntu21:14
alquaidai justa had for 3 or 4 days21:14
k1lalquaida: which program do you want?21:14
tgm4883alquaida, what program are you trying to install?21:14
zshawnis there a way to disable the ubuntu webapp popup for all sites?21:16
alquaidais the program21:18
alquaidai have put a php script in a friends21:18
alquaidaand i wanna see ifi its still get flooded21:18
Scriptonautguys I'm a bit confused, I added the following line to my ~/.profile file: $PATH="$PATH:/opt/sml/bin"21:18
Scriptonauthowever it doesn't add it to my path21:18
zshawnScriptonaut: export $PATH21:20
chiefw0tjzshawn, yes, you can set that option in Unity Tweak Tool.21:20
ScriptonautI logged out and back in, that wouldn't do it?21:20
Artemis3dagoberto, i'd think you should use nvidia proprietary driver you should enable 30421:20
ScriptonautI'll try that, thanks21:20
jm123Hi, i'm having problem connecting to wlan0.21:21
Scriptonautguys, where exactly do I install my software21:21
ScriptonautI feel like there's so many places21:21
Scriptonaut/usr/local/bin, /opt, etc21:21
jm123I keep getting soft blocks, althought i am running rfkill unblock all21:21
ScriptonautI'm installing smlnj btw21:21
=== Thor|Away is now known as Thorium220
zshawnchiefw0tj: under web apps, " integration prompts " ?21:22
disputinscriptonaut is this for a user on the computer or will it be providing a server type service?  if it's for a user I like /opt if it's a "web service" I like /srv21:22
Scriptonautit's a compiler I'll be using21:22
Scriptonautfor standard ml21:23
zshawnScriptonaut: and for little binaries for maybe a user who does building i like to put in ~/bin21:23
zshawnand ~/bin can be earlier in path and therefore you can override newer or older versions of utilities in the system by putting them in there21:23
Scriptonautwhy are there so many?21:24
dw1make install figure it out later :p21:25
chiefw0tjzshawn, yes...that's it.21:25
zshawn~/bin is for user's personal utilities and /opt is for optional software (like stuff which isnt part of the system per se)21:25
zshawnlike google chrome21:25
Scriptonautso since I'm such a noob, could you recommend what I'd do for a compiler21:26
zshawnwhat are you installing?21:26
Scriptonautstandard ml compiler21:26
Scriptonautsmlnj to be exact21:26
ScriptonautI'm using it to write ml code21:26
disputintry /usr/local21:26
Scriptonautnot /usr/local/bin?21:26
dw1it appears to be a ubuntu package21:26
dw1why compile it21:26
Scriptonautit's not afaik21:26
disputin /usr/local in general21:26
ScriptonautI tried apt-get21:26
disputinthere is a bin and etc and share and library directories there (or should be)21:27
=== LiKE2HelPU is now known as Like2HelpU--Lapt
takeais there a way in ubuntu to know if a java process has been killed?21:27
disputinyeah apt-get install smlnj21:27
takeaI was using $?, but it's returning 021:27
Scriptonautdoesn't work for me21:27
Scriptonauthmm weird21:28
ScriptonautI'm on debian atm, it works. Was on ubuntu at home an hour ago it didn't21:28
zshawnyeah i second that /usr/local suggestion, but if you dont want to have to use root to change things there, and if you only need to use it with one user, ~/bin is also a good option21:28
=== Like2HelpU--Lapt is now known as Like2HlpU-Laptop
disputinok so download it to /usr/src, compile it and give it a install path of /usr/local21:28
jm123Could anyone walk me through some troubleshooting a wlan0 issue?21:28
disputinif it's just for you (and no other user) and preferably a single file then ~/bin21:29
dw1Scriptonaut: maybe you dont have the univers repository enabled ?21:29
Scriptonautdisputin, how do you give it an install path (sorry)21:29
takeaor is there a way of seeing if any process has been killed, for that matter?21:30
disputinso I know nothing about smlnj, but a lot of compiled software is installed using compile, make, make install.  somewhere during this process you should be able to indicate a path21:31
dw1takea: ps auxw | grep progname21:31
takeadw1: does that differentiate between being killed and finishing naturually?21:31
dw1takea: nah21:32
jhutchins[stow] a nifty program used to manage a /usr/local/ hierarchy.  It keeps all the programs separate, so you can install and remove them without playing the "which program does that file belong to" game21:32
takeathat's where I'm having trouble. I want my script to die if someone kills one of the processes within. But I don't know how to check21:32
dw1takea: ##linux might be better21:35
takeadw1: ok, thanks21:35
Jordan_Utakea: Your program has to change its exit status when killed then.21:35
takeaJordan_U: ah, that I can do.. duh.. :)21:35
Scriptonautcould somebody explain why I need the export keyword21:38
Scriptonautwhen adding to the path21:38
Scriptonautthere's a line adding my ~/bin to the path, it doesn't use export21:38
Jordan_UScriptonaut: You don't.21:40
Scriptonautsomebody in here told me I did like 5 minutes ago, hehe21:40
Jordan_UScriptonaut: $PATH is exported by default.21:41
Scriptonautodd how so many of the stack overflow posts have that21:41
jhutchinsScriptonaut: If you set it in a script, then it would be un-set when the script ended unless it exported it.21:41
Jordan_Ujhutchins: That's not about exporting vs not, that's about executing vs sourcing a script. No process can change the environment of its parent, export or no.21:43
twirmwhere should I go with bugs that are appearing in 14.04?21:43
Scriptonautis loggin out/in the only way to refresh the PATH var?21:43
jm123Issue with wlan0. Is not showing any wireless networks. Ubuntu 13.0421:43
speirosI can't update my ubuntu 12:4, and I can't send any reports.  Can anyone help me with this please?21:44
mabusdont ask to ask, ask21:44
Jordan_UScriptonaut: By the way, your actual problem with $PATH="$PATH:/opt/sml/bin" is that you only use '$' at the beginning of a variable when expanding its contents, not when setting it. So the line should have been: PATH="$PATH:/opt/sml/bin"21:44
Scriptonautoh ya I noticed that21:44
ScriptonautI took that out now21:45
Jordan_Utwirm: #ubuntu+121:45
Scriptonauthow do I update the PATH var21:45
Scriptonautand have it read from ~/.profile21:45
Scriptonautwithout logging out21:45
jbermudesIf I wanted to edit these pulseaudio options via terminal, how would I do that? http://i.stack.imgur.com/BzugC.png21:46
Jordan_UScriptonaut: For your current shell, you can just "source ~/.profile"21:46
Scriptonautyay that worked, thanks21:46
Jordan_UScriptonaut: That will affect all child processes spawned from that shell, but nothing else.21:47
Scriptonautthere's no man page for source21:47
Scriptonautwhat does it do21:47
Jordan_UScriptonaut: help source21:47
Scriptonautoh cool21:47
Jordan_UScriptonaut: You'll find that the main reason why basic commands, like "cd" and "source", don't have their own man page is that they're not separate binaries but rather shell builtin commands. "help foo" in bash gets you information about the builtin command "foo".21:49
ScriptonautI should have known that, I wrote a shell not long ago21:49
xenolyse_Hi guys! So I did just discover something horrifying about Ubuntu 13.10 and Google Chrome. It eats away all my SSD disk space. Why is that? Here is a picture from Disk Usage Analyser showing my problem. http://i.imgur.com/sqdxgA5.png What can I do to stop this behavior from Chrome?21:52
sadpuppyfeed it21:53
Artemis3xenolyse_, i guess it might have some form of disk cache21:53
NotANickxenolyse_: That's a extension, isn't it?21:54
xenolyse_Well, even if i clear my browsing data (History, cached images and files, hosted app data...) it stays put21:54
andygraybealcan someone explain why making random numbers is not good on a VM as opposed to a one that isn't a VM?21:55
NotANickYes, it's part of an extension so it probably won't clean that, it won't know what it is.21:55
speirosWhat is a hashsum mismatch, and how is it affecting my upgrades, or isi t?21:56
TYDIRocksCan someone tell me how to get libopenssl-dev? I added the http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian into sources.list and apt says it still can't locate it21:56
xenolyse_Im not running any extensions apart from adblock, res and pushbullet.21:56
OerHeksspeiros, bad download, the control number is different than the count of bytes21:56
Artemis3speiros, try; refreshing; changing mirror then refreshing21:56
jhutchinsspeiros: it means that the package (or key) being checked does not match the characteristics listed on the source.21:57
jhutchinsspeiros: Either the package was corrupted during download, or was damaged on the server.21:57
speirosThanks OerHeks Artemis3 and jhutchins.21:57
speirosHow do I refresh it?21:57
OerHeksso it affects, yes21:57
=== xenolyse_ is now known as xenolyse
Artemis3speiros, update-manager shows this button (and a configuration button that would let you change mirror)21:59
k1lTYDIRocks: why do you need that?21:59
speirosArtemis3 Thanks, yes, it so far seems to be working...21:59
k1lTYDIRocks: and putting debian sources into ubuntu will break stuff. didnt you find something usefull in libssl-dev?22:00
TYDIRocksk1l, I'm just following this guide and it said a dependency was libopenssl-dev, can I use libssl-dev insteal?22:00
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TYDIRocksk1l, so I should remove that source?22:02
k1lTYDIRocks: yes22:02
TYDIRocksk1l, okay thank you22:03
=== yes is now known as Guest32243
me_Is anyone here?22:06
OerHeksme_, nope, just us22:06
closinginDoes someone know why I always come up with a "Windows share on xxx" that contains "print" ?22:06
OerHekssounds like shared printer ( option)22:07
closinginBy the way, browsing "Windows Network" always give me a "workgroup" folder, although I don't have any workgroup called "workgroup"22:07
Guest32243where am I?22:08
me_Hey, ummm I am on Peppermint 3. Nobody seems to over on that channel. I have 500mb memory on this computer and youtube videos are a bit choppy. Peppermint already came with a flashplayer. Is there a way to get an earlier version? I think Antix is set up with older versions for old computers.22:08
selina345hi i need to increase the disk space alotted for ubuntu on vbox22:08
closinginOerHeks: But so, the windows shares come up when i open my computer's hostname folder22:09
me_Does anyone know how to get an earlier version of Adobe Flash Player?22:16
speirosIt's telling me to check my internet connection...I presume I'm on there, considering I'm on here, and won't upgrade.22:16
speirosIt got almost to the end of installing them..22:18
Jordan_Uspeiros: Please pastebin the outptu of "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade"22:22
speirosJordan_U how do I pastebin again as I don't remember how to do that.22:23
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willwhspeiros: cat somefie | pastebininit22:23
willwhapt-cache search pastebininit22:24
willwherr; pastebinit22:24
speirosOk, I will try22:25
speirosso I type apt-cache search pastebinit?22:26
speirosInto terminal?22:26
speirosJordan_U what is the command that I need to type into terminal once I've completed each one?22:28
Jordan_Uspeiros: "sudo apt-get install pastebinit" then "sudo apt-get update 2>&1 | pastebinit && sudo apt-get upgrade 2>&1 | pastebinit". Or you can just copy and paste the output to http://pastebin.ubuntu.com .22:29
speirosOk, thanks22:30
me_Soooo, does anyone know how to get an earlier version of flash player?22:32
zerooneonequick question: when i log in via ssh, the message displays packages that need upgrading. where is this command called from? and why are the packages need upgrading not the same as when i run apt-get update && apt-get upgrade ??22:33
Jordan_Ume_: What is your end goal? Using outdated versions of software, especially flash, is insecure.22:33
me_Well, Jordan_U, I have 500 mb memory. I put Peppermint 3 on this old machine after having Antix which is a bit hard to use. Antix uses older versions of Flash for older computers. Youtube videos are a bit jerky.22:34
speirosJordan_U I have http://paste.ubuntu.com/7200861/ and http://paste.ubuntu.com/720064/22:35
me_There is no one on the Peppermint channel.22:35
trismzerooneone: /etc/update-motd.d/90-updates-available and the results are cached so sometimes they can get stale22:35
zerooneoneok thanks trism22:37
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.22:37
ubottuNederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl22:37
Jordan_Ume_: This channel is for Ubuntu support only.22:40
Jordan_Uspeiros: That second link doesn't work.22:41
me_I know. There is no one on peppermint channel.22:41
daftykinssadly that doesn't mean come here22:42
Jordan_Ume_: That doesn't change the fact that this channel is for Ubuntu support only. For generic GNU/Linux support try ##linux.22:42
=== cisconinja_ is now known as cisconinja
me_ohh thanks!22:42
Jordan_Ume_: You're welcome.22:42
blockywhich will have a smaller system footprint, elementary luna or xubuntu 14.04?22:42
speirosJordan_U That's strange.  Let me do it again...22:42
speirosJordan_U sorry, my fault...I only did half of the request...I'll have another go22:44
speirosJordan_U http://paste.ubuntu.com/7200892/ and http://paste.ubuntu.com/720089322:45
=== [Tristan] is now known as Guest67709
daftykinsspeiros: can you post your /etc/apt/sources.list ?22:52
speirosdaftykins where would I get those from?22:53
daftykinsrun "pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list" in a terminal22:54
speirosdaftykins http://paste.ubuntu.com/7200939/22:55
daftykinsspeiros: so what are you actually up to right now? :)22:56
daftykinswhat were you doing?22:56
speirosdaftykins Do you mean online?22:57
speirosdaftykins because technically speaking, right now I'm reading a music book.22:58
speirosbut online, I had my emails open, and had reverbnation open.22:58
daftykinsspeiros: that's quite amusing, but i was hoping you'd explain what you did prior to this little ubuntu problem you're having happened22:58
TristinHello everyone22:58
speirosdaftykins, that is exactly what I was doing.22:59
speirosdaftykins I write songs22:59
TristinSo I have been tring to install Ubuntu with the windows installer, I get all the way to 99% and get this error. https://scontent-b-lga.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/t1.0-9/1545032_10152233672702039_682748000_n.jpg22:59
Tristinanyone know what it means?23:00
speirosdaftykins the reason it all came about is because the page was getting really hard to go back to as I was contacting people23:00
daftykins22:42 < speiros> I can't update my ubuntu 12:4, and I can't send any reports.  Can anyone help me with this please?23:00
speirosdaftykins next thing a red no entry sign popped up.23:00
daftykinsspeiros: i was hoping you were going to just tell me the above ^23:01
daftykinsspeiros: do you have an ubuntu CD in your CD drive right now?23:01
speirosdaftykins No, but it can be arranged.23:01
daftykinsspeiros: no no, no need.23:02
speirosdaftykins when I log on it asks me about cryptswap not being ready or something...I thought it was my external back up driver that I sometimes use.23:02
speiros...or related to that23:02
daftykinsspeiros: the things you are saying right now are unrelated to being able to update or not, i suggest we focus on one thing at a time23:02
speirosdaftykins I have no clue as to why I can't update at all, but I thought these might be factors.23:03
cyfordurgg   my computer is using a dns other that the one i provided23:03
cyfordi added a local dns,23:03
daftykinsspeiros: let's start simple. can you click system settings from the launcher on the left, followed by the 'software sources' item?23:03
speirosdaftykins ok, done23:04
daftykinsspeiros: do you see this kind of window? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=SoftwareSources-UbuntuSoftware.png23:04
cyford   nslookup   is  displaying,  but the ipaddress igs getting it from a public dns some how23:05
AquamarineI wrote a program in Windows and want to port it to ubuntu, it uses OpenGL 2.1, but ubuntu's GL/gl.h is ogl 1... where do i find modern headers?23:06
cyfordwow  now it switched on its own23:06
speirosdaftykins No, it is more like the mac finder or system settings23:06
daftykinsspeiros: right but inside that window you should be able to find a 'software' related item to click yes?23:06
daftykinsspeiros: 'Software Sources'23:08
speirosdaftykins No software sources.23:08
speirosOnly Personal, Hardware and System23:08
Aquamarine/usr/include/GL/gl.h is OpenGL1, I need OpenGL 2+ header, what do? I don't knwow aht package has newer ehaders, tried mesa-dev, got that old thing23:09
daftykinsspeiros: are you using something other than unity?23:09
speirosdaftykins I also started typing in the searchbar and when I reached "sof", the screen had nothing to search for in there.  What is Unity?23:10
speirosdaftykins I am running 12:4 LTS23:10
daftykinsspeiros: nevermind, can you click the dash icon top left then type 'software sources' and run that program?23:11
zubuntuis there anybody using mixxx ?23:11
speirosdaftykins that gives me the ubuntu software centre, is this correct?23:12
N3tBugthere any use samba 4 with ubuntu client 12.0423:13
zubuntuhow to shuffle in mixxx ?23:13
N3tBugcan anybody help with joing Ubuntu 12.04 on Samba 4 Server?23:14
shawnbon206https://launchpad.net/~mactel-support/+archive/ppa just curious about the macfanctld here, is it still needed on trusty?23:14
cyfordhmm,  it went back to my public ip23:15
cyfordis there a way to hard code primary dns,    and have a backup  thats safe for ubuntu23:15
daftykinsspeiros: no i was hoping for the 'software sources' program. ok, ignore that, can you type 'software-properties-gtk' in that dash instead?23:16
daftykinscyford: cyford have a look at https://www.stgraber.org/2012/02/24/dns-in-ubuntu-12-04/23:16
daftykinsoops double highlight23:16
speirosdaftykins "Sorry there is nothing that matches your search"23:17
daftykinsspeiros: hitting enter does nothing? type it in the terminal instead23:17
speirosdaftykins Ok, now it's opened.23:18
daftykinsspeiros: can you see anything in the 'installable from CD' section?23:19
cyfordwow daftykins   that explains alot23:19
daftykinscyford: crazy isn't it. used to be so simple :(23:19
speirosdaftykins Yes, it has the CDrom in there...do you want specifics, or untick it, or anything?23:19
daftykinsspeiros: untick please23:20
cyfordyeah ,   i have 3 networks in here,     laptop is on comcast,     but i am vpn to work23:20
daftykinsspeiros: there should be an update option after that or something23:20
speirosdaftykins Thanks...Revert?23:20
daftykinsspeiros: maybe just 'close' will save the settings23:21
speirosdaftykins Okay, it's resending a request to the package manager to see if there are any new available ones23:21
speiros...which failed, and says I have no internet connection again.23:22
daftykinsspeiros: ok can you re-run "sudo apt-get update | pastebinit" please23:22
speirosOk, on it's way.23:23
selina345Question: allotted RAM memory for a VM == virtual hard disk size?23:23
frank_oHi, if root is using /bin/zsh, how come sudo -s won't source /etc/zshrc?23:24
N3tBugany body can give me some link to joing Ubuntu 12.04 on Samba 4?23:24
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
daftykinsselina345: no, it's the RAM for the VM23:25
speirosdaftykins nothing happened, but in the terminal, it has after software-properties-gtk, it says gpg: /tmp tmpq3bRmD/trustdb.gpg:  trustdb created, and I am not in my normal place for instance, which should be my home file@computername23:27
daftykinsspeiros: did it not give you a link to paste.ubuntu.com ?23:28
speirosdaftykins No23:28
daftykinsspeiros: sudo apt-get update 2>&1 | pastebinit23:30
daftykinsthat one instead perhaps23:30
speirosdaftykins okay.23:30
frank_oAnybody using zsh?23:30
frank_oIf root is using /bin/zsh, how come sudo -s won't source /etc/zshrc?23:31
frank_oThis should be normal behavior on most Unix-like operating systems23:31
ikoniafrank_o: we went over this before23:31
ikoniawhy are you repeating the same question23:31
frank_oikonia: We never came up with a solution23:31
ikoniamore so when I told you the sudo command you where using was wrong23:31
frank_oRelax man23:32
ikoniaI am relaxed23:32
frank_oikonia: You recommended sudo -i right?23:33
ikoniafrank_o: correct23:34
frank_oOr was it sudo -s?23:34
ikoniaas I said earlier23:34
frank_oStill won't source /etc/zshrc23:34
ikoniawell, as I've just said "you are using the wrong command"23:34
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ikoniaI'd suspect -s is wrong23:34
frank_oWell so is sudo -i23:34
speirosdaftykins still no response from terminal23:35
ikoniafrank_o: no, it's not23:35
ikoniafrank_o: sudo -i is the correct option23:35
frank_oFor you maybe but it doesn't solve my problem23:35
daftykinsspeiros: ok, can you manually paste the output of "sudo apt-get update" to paste.ubuntu.com ?23:35
frank_oNo worries I'll just keep looking23:36
ikoniafrank_o: /etc/zshrc is not a valid configuration file according to the zsh docs23:36
speirosdaftykins I went to close the terminal to restart it and it says there's a process running in it, which is probably the db, yes?23:36
OerHeksmaybe /etc/zsh/zshrc frank_o  ?23:37
frank_oOerHeks: Oh yeah23:37
ikoniait is not a valid configuration file according to the docs23:37
daftykinsspeiros: hrmm just close it and open another23:37
frank_oMight very well be OerHeks23:37
ikoniaunless ubuntu has patched it23:37
shawnbon206https://launchpad.net/~mactel-support/+archive/ppa does anyone know if these are still needed on trusty? or are the automatically installed if you use the +mac iso?23:37
NashHey is there anyone that can help me with Ubuntu, first time user and trying to get it on my somewhat broken PC.23:37
frank_oikonia: http://zshwiki.org/home/config/files says it's /etc/zsh/zshrc23:37
frank_oOerHeks: Thanks a lot man23:37
ikoniainteresting, conflicting docs23:37
NashIs there anyone that can help me? First time user and cant get Ubuntu to work23:38
OerHeksi was looking at http://pkgs.org/ubuntu-13.10/ubuntu-main-i386/zsh-common_5.0.2-3ubuntu6_all.deb.html23:38
frank_oikonia: Thanks for coming to my rescue23:38
frank_oikonia: Twice!23:38
daftykinsNash: just ask with detail on one line please23:38
ikoniathe sun and arch sites say /etc/profile ~/zshenv, ~/.zprofile ~/.zshrc ~/.zlogin23:38
frank_oOerHeks: Cool23:39
Nashdaftykins: Ok, let me type it out23:39
shawnbon206nash whats your problem23:39
shawnbon206i mean whats wrong with the PC23:39
speirosdaftykins closing it and reopening it I have the pastebin for it, and it's http://paste.ubuntu.com/7201101/23:39
daftykinsspeiros: that looks normal now, how about "sudo apt-get upgrade" ?23:40
NashI have a old PC that the harddrive is shot on, Windows wont boot. Anyway, I am trying to use Ubuntu on a thumbdrive and I have changed in the BIOS to boot to the thumbdrive but still nothing...23:40
speirosdaftykins Ok, I'll do that, but it also states that the hash sum mismatch is still there, and so on...23:40
daftykinsspeiros: could you not pastebin the whole thing of the 'update' then? :)23:41
shawnbon206nash how did you make the thumb drive? unetbootin?23:41
speirosdaftykins I thought I did.23:41
Nashshawnbon206: I just threw the ISO file on the thumbdrive, nothing else.23:41
SchrodingersScat!liveusb | Nash23:42
ubottuNash: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent23:42
frank_oikonia: Interesting read about the various sudo switches on Ubuntu: http://askubuntu.com/questions/70534/difference-between-su-sudo-s-sudo-i23:42
daftykinsspeiros: if the last line was "Fetched 3,072 kB in 30s (101 kB/s)" where did the hash part come in?23:42
frank_ocame across it just now23:42
speirosLet me do it again daftykins as something strange happened then.23:43
frank_oanyway take care party people, time for my beauty sleep23:43
speirosI didn't request the upgrade, but it did it anyway.23:43
frank_othanks again23:43
NashSchrodingersScat: Ok, thanks. Ill see if it works here. Also thanks shawnbon20623:43
speirosI think...23:43
SchrodingersScatNash: in that first link, it has a few programs that can help you out, they /should/ all do something very similar23:43
shawnbon206nash i am assuming you wanted to run ubuntu off the flash drive and have it remember your settings, then you want to read the second link ubottu gave you23:43
NashIll be back if I need anymore help23:44
speirossudo apt-get upgrade | pastebinit23:44
NashOk, thanks all23:44
speirosdaftykins http://paste.ubuntu.com/7201114   Sorry, my mistake again23:44
daftykinsspeiros: ok no problems with updates then by the looks 0o i'm puzzled as to where that hash thing came from though23:45
speirosStrange, me neither.23:46
crc32I installed ubuntu 14.04 server due to not having a blank DVD. I tried running "apt-get install ubuntu-desktop gdm gnome-session-fallback" but it doesn't like X is starting up. What are the steps to convert to ubuntu-desktop?23:46
speirosdaftykins I think I might have a clue.23:47
speirosdaftykins between the last things, I had my email server open...I closed it just before that...23:47
speirosdaftykins I'll run the package manager again to see what happens23:48
NashSo, what I got out of the links is that I need to run the ISO (with UNetbootin) and have it installed onto the thumbdrive? Is that correct?23:48
speirosSorry, update manager23:48
meatmanekAre the -ec2 kernels in lucid actually of RedHat origin?23:48
dw1crc32: i dont know, exactly - it should be possible - but if you have a usb stick you dont need a dvd https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick23:48
crc32dw1: Yea no usb.23:49
speirosdaftykins See I've still got the same problem for some reason.23:49
Beldarcrc32, 14.04 is supported on #ubuntu+123:49
P1rohi, i have a problem with a radeon integrate video 200/1100, it was working fine, i did never touched or outdate that comes with ubuntu install, but few days ago i found and old nvidia 8400gs ill installed nvidia drivers from edgers, also bumblebee (i ended unistalling bumblebee to get unity working) and yesterday the old nvidia card DIE so im back to integrate video, but i didnt start lightdm, i followed a tutorial how to get radeon card working on ubuntu with23:50
P1rocant start lightdm at all23:50
dw1crc32: $6 @ walmart.. :)23:51
speirosdaftykins It says "W:Failed to fetch gzip:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_precise_universe_source_Sources23:51
P1rowhen i try amdconfig ... says no suported card23:51
speirosThen it says again Hash Sum mismatch.23:51
bcrosbyI'm trying to use KVM inside an LXC. I've loaded the kvm and kvm-intel modules in the host, but I still get this error when running qemu-system-x86_64: "Could not access KVM kernel module: No such file or directory"23:52
daftykinsspeiros: run " sudo rm -fR /var/lib/apt/lists/* " ... then re-run that program23:54
speirosdaftykins Ok23:55
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speirosdaftykins Thankyou mate. Yes, it's worked, and now it's telling me that it was updated, instead of saying it was 41 days since last time23:58
speirosThanks for everyone who had input in helping me with my problem here.  It's much appreciated.23:59
daftykinsspeiros: :) glad we got there!23:59
speirosYeah.  I'm most grateful.23:59

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