
jjfrv8ochosi, I took a look at your light locker article00:23
jjfrv8the virtual terminal paragraph was over my head but otherwise I found it very understandable00:23
jjfrv8it helped me understand a lot of the discussion about it that has gone on here00:24
ochosihappy to hear00:24
jjfrv8I did make a couple of minor suggestions and submitted them for review00:24
ochosito the article?00:25
jjfrv8I'm not sure if I did it right00:26
ochosinot sure either00:26
ochosii for one didn't know you could add suggestions and reviews in wordpress00:26
ochosito me it looks like you still have that page locked for editing00:27
jjfrv8just logged out00:27
ochosii guess i gotta look at the history of the article to see your suggestions/changes00:29
jjfrv8yeah, if you browse Revisions, it looks like my edits are showing as the current revision00:31
ochosiwell, yeah, cause there is no review function in wordpress00:31
ochosiputting the status to "pending review" is misleading00:32
ochosihence i changed that00:32
jjfrv8I took a chance and hit the 'Submit for review' button. Didn't know what that would do but figured you could repair the damage :)00:33
ochosisure, np00:33
ochosiyou're a native speaker, aren't you?00:34
ochosiwell nvm, it's still "its", not "it's"00:34
ochosibecause it's possessive, not short for "it is"00:35
ochosiand afaik you can use integrate with "into"00:36
ochosior we say "integrated in gnome shell"00:36
ochosioh right, then WP was showing that messed up00:38
Unit193ochosi: I'd like the patch that magically turns header bars into normal menus. :P00:41
Unit193I can update from Xfwm master, sure.00:41
ochosiyeah, but that was a bit hacky iirc00:43
ochosiheaderbars patch hasn't been merged yet, just fyi00:44
Unit193...I think I'd prefer hacky to headerbars...00:44
Unit193ochosi: How would file-roller be changed with it?00:45
ochosifileroller doesn't have a headerbar00:45
ochosiit uses the normal window-decoration00:46
ochosiit uses gnome's appmenu00:46
ochosiwhich is a different thing00:46
Unit193No, but it does have weird menus.00:46
ochosii know00:46
ochosiwe should report a bug...00:46
Unit193OK, is there anything that does have them?00:46
ochosiyou'll see window-deco packed in window-deco00:49
ochosilooks awesome00:49
Unit193Not installed. \o/00:56
Unit193So, I suppose if it's a clean patch, sure.00:56
pleia2ochosi: it's a good post, I might convert some of the ()s to , though (I am also guilty of parathetical abuse, so I am aware ..see?)04:03
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jhenkegoooood morning06:20
elfyochosi knome - got a this re the ibus issue " it's on my list for some time but I can't promise anything right now, as some other stuff is filling all my time with higher priority..."09:41
ochosithat's not very comforting news09:44
knomeno, not really, but we should push it, because it's most probably a regression they introduced09:45
jhenkehow about removing ibus for the moment? (RC is in one week!)09:49
jhenkeI guess adding it back later is easier than a last minute removal09:49
ochosiyeah, i'd like to hear that suggestion from someone who really knows about the common use-cases/scenarios for ibus09:50
ochosiwe might upset a lot of ppl by just dropping it – or not09:51
ochosiit seems to be a bit of a black box until now09:51
jhenkehmm, is shipping a broken feature worse than not shipping it?09:53
ochosiit's just broken by default, it's repairable by users from what i heard09:53
jhenkeat least for me (german keyboard) the current bahviour is clearly a serious problem09:53
jhenkeyes, but it gives a very bad first impression09:54
jhenkeand I am not sure if the avarage users wants to dig into this09:54
ochosii'm personally in favor of dropping ibus, but i'd like someone with more xp on the issue (than me) to give an educated opinion that we can follow09:54
jhenkewell surly somebody longer than me here takes teh decision anyway09:55
jhenkejust pointing out that the broken by default is in my eyes the worst possible state09:55
jhenkebetter to not ship it and have people install it themselves if needed09:56
ochosii agree, the problem that i see is that many of us have spent lots of time and energy this cycle and are slowly burning up a bit09:56
ochosiso if you wanna take care of that issue, try to find someone proficient in ibus (e.g. the bug assignee) and get an opinion/explanation from him09:56
ochosipresent it to us in some way and help us to take a decision09:56
brainwashochosi: do we plan to add ali1234's title-less window decoration patch?09:58
jhenkeI think elfy has better connection with the people for that09:58
brainwashyou don't need any connections09:59
ochosibrainwash: if you're referring to the headerbar patch for xfwm4, then i don't think that has received enough testing (which is why i asked Unit193 to put it in his PPA so more people get to it)09:59
brainwashochosi: see my PPA :)09:59
ochosijhenke: yup, brainwash is right. you mostly need time/patience and a friendly attitude (bearing in mind that most ppl are doing this for free in their free time)10:00
brainwashochosi: tested with gthumb and it works10:00
jhenkeochosi: that was clear already10:00
jhenkestill already knowing the people can be an asset10:01
ochosiyeah, but time and patience trumps that10:01
ochosibecause that's how you get to know ppl10:01
ochosianyway, no harm in asking others in here for help10:01
ochosibrainwash: good to hear, why not send calls for testing to the ML for stuff in your PPA?10:02
brainwasha bug report would be helpful also10:02
ochosiand we'd need to add some more support for this in our themes10:03
ochosiiirc you can define additional tiles/pixmaps for the top border in headerbars10:03
ochosiyeah, otherwise it'll look slightly out of place10:03
brainwashany example app?10:03
ochosianyway, i don't consider this branch critical for 14.04 because ubuntu-desktop folks patched away the headerbars in most apps10:03
ochosifrom the screenshots ali1234 showed, this was general behavior10:04
ochosijust to get the same roundness/kerning in headerbar as in xfwm410:04
brainwashtested gthumb with numix.. it was 95% black10:04
ochosifeel free to show me a screener of gthumb with that10:04
ochosiyeah, i only saw greybird/orion so far10:04
bluesabremeeting today?10:59
guywithaquestionHello, when I started 14.04 this morning the volume indicator was missing11:21
brainwashguywithaquestion: can you please check settings manager > session and startup > autostart applications12:02
brainwashand see if indicator sound is enabled12:03
guywithaquestionbrainwash: It was unchecked, what would make it so and can I start it without relogging?12:04
brainwashguywithaquestion: try the command "exo-open /etc/xdg/autostart/indicator-sound.desktop"12:08
brainwashbut the entry shouldn't be unchecked in the first place12:08
brainwashI can confirm that it is (new user account)12:08
guywithaquestionbrainwash: Okay, I re-checked it on mine. Starting the indicator gives some errors (like asking for gmusicbrowser.desktop) and sone dbus error12:09
brainwashguywithaquestion: but the indicator is now visible, right?12:14
ochosihm, same here (sound-indicator gone after some updates)12:14
guywithaquestionbrainwash: yeah12:14
guywithaquestionI'm lenny from yesterday by the way. Apparently it auto-changed to this12:15
brainwashdo you want to file a bug report?12:16
elfyochosi knome - I've approaced infinity and jibel in -release about this ibus thing - see if they can point us somewhere, but as it stands, knowing the little I do - I'm with ochosi in removing it12:18
ochosi(eh, no, i just realized that might be because i reset the session xfconf channel when doing some tests)12:18
elfyjhenke: no - not really I don't12:18
ochosielfy: we could at least disable it by default (if that is easily doable)12:18
elfyyea 12:19
elfyif nothing get's done it time I guess we could turn it back on for .1 12:19
ochosiwell, or whenever it works again..12:20
elfyand yes - I've lost the volume indicator as well 12:20
ochosioh ok12:20
ochosiit really got disabled in autotstart12:20
elfyochosi: yea - I kind of assume that it'll get sorted soon 12:20
elfyI've never seen in it autostart12:20
elfys/it in12:20
ochosi's been there since they switched to upstart jobs to start indicators12:21
elfymmm - well I never noticed it when I Was having issues, perhaps because it wasn't a clean install12:21
brainwashthey changed the autostart launcher12:22
ochosihow exactly?12:22
ochosiOnlyShowIn=Unity? :)12:22
brainwash+AutostartCondition=GNOME3 unless-session gnome12:23
ochosiso i guess that autostartcondition is what's messed up12:23
brainwashdelete it and test :)12:24
ochosiare you telling me to test something instead of doing that yourself?12:24
elfyI couldn't even find the autostart launcher to delete it ... 12:25
elfyI'm not even here12:26
brainwashochosi: yeah, because I cannot right now12:28
brainwashthat's strange, the launcher located in /usr/share/upstart/xdg/autostart seems to override the normal launcher12:38
brainwashand that launcher specifies to be hidden12:39
bluesabreactivate it in session startup settings, and see which config is copied maybe?12:43
brainwashalready tested12:46
brainwashI've changed the upstart launcher directly12:47
bluesabredid you change AutostartCondition?12:48
brainwashno, I removed the line "hidden=true"12:48
brainwashwhich unchecks the launcher12:48
bluesabreseems like a silly setting to enable12:49
brainwashmaybe it's not for the unity session12:49
bluesabredoes that affect all flavors, including ubuntu?12:49
brainwashdon't know12:50
brainwashall flavors? it's unity or xfce12:50
bluesabreso, the two most important flavors ;)12:51
brainwashah, changing the profile picture prompts me to enter my password12:52
brainwashI guess any changes does12:52
brainwashmaybe even when not changing anything at all? :D12:52
bluesabreit should just be first name, last name, office, home phones12:52
brainwashI'll test that12:52
bluesabrefeel free to investigate and see what I messed up12:53
brainwashyep, opened the app and hit apply -> password prompt12:53
bluesabreI'll be offline until meeting time today12:53
brainwashnot a big deal12:54
brainwashusually one does not change user details every day12:54
bluesabreyeah, it works correctly for me12:55
bluesabrehow did you run/install it?12:55
brainwashsettings manager and mugshot trunk12:56
bluesabremugshot trunk, how did you install it?12:57
brainwashmy ppa, daily recipe12:57
brainwashI'll install it manually from trunk12:58
bluesabrealso try running from a terminal12:59
bluesabremugshot -vv to get an idea of whats up12:59
bluesabreI'll be back later12:59
brainwashbluesabre: mmh, works fine now13:02
brainwashmaybe my ppa one was outdated13:03
lennyOkay, I rebooted with indicator sound checked in the settings. It doesn't seem to have started though.13:18
lenny** (process:2076): WARNING **: media-player-list-mpris.vala:66: unable to find application 'gmusicbrowser.desktop'13:19
lenny** (process:2076): CRITICAL **: volume_control_set_volume_internal: assertion '_tmp1_ == PA_CONTEXT_READY' failed13:19
lenny(process:2076): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_unref: assertion 'G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed13:19
brainwashlenny: works for me13:37
lennycould it be because I uninstalled gmusicbrowser? it seems like it's only a warning in those error messages13:38
brainwashthat's only a warning, right13:39
brainwashbut the 2nd line isn't13:39
brainwashdid you disable pulseaudio?13:39
brainwashcan you launch the indicator manually?13:39
brainwashdidn't you say that the indicator was visible after starting it manually?13:40
lennyyes, it worked before rebooting13:41
lenny(and upgrading)13:41
brainwashany indicator related upgrades?13:41
brainwashor pulseaudio13:41
lennythere were loads of upgrades, I didn't check carefully :/13:42
brainwashmmh, I suggest that we bother the guys in #ubuntu-desktop13:43
brainwashespecially tedg13:43
lennythat discussion went way above my head14:02
brainwashright, bad luck I guess14:03
lennyI don't see how it could be an upstart issue if I'm manually launching it with exo-open~ and it fails though14:03
brainwashthose are two different issues I think14:03
brainwashit did work for you before the reboot14:03
brainwashso technically it should work always14:04
brainwashunless something changed again14:04
lennyyeah, I just did the update which made your desktop background go white14:04
lennyby just I mean before i rebooted14:04
brainwashthis one is already fixed upstream, but it will take some time until the fix lands in 14.0414:05
brainwashso enjoy your white background :)14:05
lennyMy background came back after rebooting :p14:05
brainwashit should14:06
lennyit even made a quick appearance as it was shutting down :p14:06
brainwashso the problem with the disabled sound indicator is now, that we (xubuntu) need to fix it14:09
brainwashso that the user does not have to enable it manually14:09
brainwashbut like you've already mentioned, maybe there is something else broken now too :D14:10
lennyyes, it's very reminiscent of the old release  ;)14:10
lennyThe sound indicator only appeared after editing some file14:11
elfybluesabre: when I checked this ubuntu was not affected 14:13
GridCube:) hey elfy i did the upgrade yesterday14:15
GridCubeit worked alright14:15
GridCubeP: theming was broken but thats not something new, i had my panels and things modified so i selected the greybird themes again, should i report that as a bug?14:16
GridCube"theme is not selected after upgrade"?14:16
elfythanks GridCube :)14:17
GridCubei noticed something today that i havent had the time to check tho. i woke up the computer today and it was on "suspension" state, you know when the drives and the monitor is shut down, not just locked like it was using xscreensaver, i knew it would change to lighlocker so that was not so surprising, but it going to full suspension was, so i wanted to set it up to never do that again and i could not log into the powermanager settings 'cos 14:20
GridCubeit said those services where not running14:20
GridCubei will check again when i get home again and can test the computer, but i wanted to warn you about this, other thing was that it took a whole lot of time to log out, and when i clicked the shutdown icon again it told me something similar, that the shutdown service was not available or something like that, but then it went and log off, so i assume it was just taking its time to do so14:21
elfysorry GridCube was afk14:45
GridCubedont worry :)14:45
elfyok - read that now - no-one else has reported anything like that yet14:46
=== GridCube_ is now known as GridCube
JustanickIs there a point, that xfce4-mixer has not been installed? LTS upgrade15:45
ochosixfce4-mixer doesn't work with pulseaudio15:46
ochosiso it was replaced by pavucontrol (althouh i thought 12.04 also had pavucontrol)15:46
JustanickDoes this also offer an applet?15:49
ochosino, we use the sound indicator15:52
JustanickOkay. Thanks, it seems to work. 16:03
JustanickIf I remove the xfce4-mixer package, also the option to add the volume control applet seems to be removed.16:05
GridCubeJustanick, the sound indicator is integrated to pluging indicators addon16:16
JustanickGridCube: The neweset version is installed.16:28
GridCubethen the sound indicator should be there.16:29
JustanickShould. ;) 16:30
elfyGridCube: there is a bug16:31
JustanickAny useful thing I can do?16:33
elfyJustanick: in what regard?16:35
JustanickDo you need any information added to the bug? Or is it known and just waiting for a fix?16:36
elfyno sure tbh - I only skimmed the backlog here16:36
JustanickThanks so far16:44
elfyGridCube: you need to turn sound indicator on in session - autostart it appears16:45
ochosielfy: btw, happyaron (= aron xu) is OL right now, in case you have time/energy to chat him up about ibus (sry, gotta run again)16:47
knomei pinged him in PM and asked to join this channel16:49
knomeso we have some public logs16:49
slickymasterWorkknome: Not 100% sure I'll be able to be around for the meeting16:58
knomei guess it doesn't matter too much16:59
knomenot much people have been around lately,16:59
knomethere isn't anything to vote on16:59
knomethere aren't issues where we need a biggish proportion of the team around16:59
knomejust bugfixes and status updates16:59
slickymasterWorkunfortunately I have a work meeting in about 10 minutes and don't know how long is going to take17:00
slickymasterWorkI'll catch up on the logs, when I'll get home17:00
slickymasterWorkbbl ->17:00
brainwashwhat do the lubuntu guys say about the ibus problem?17:08
elfywell the mail I sent to the list was roundly ignored - gilir is aware I mailed him 17:08
elfyand I think the only report of it on their tracker is the one I did when I checked to see if it affected them17:09
brainwashoh :)17:10
elfyyea - oh ... 17:13
brainwashat least it works fine in unity :D17:14
brainwashmaybe the unity session just tells ibus to shut up17:15
knomemeeting in 50mins... and again, anybody fancy chairing the meeting?18:10
ochosii actually have to take off in 5mins :/18:11
knomethat's fine...18:11
knomethe meeting we will have today also looks like an easy one to chair18:11
ochosinot too many goings on18:12
jhenkeoffical xubuntu team meeting?18:17
knomeyes, at 19UTC18:17
elfyjhenke: it will be 18:17
elfyknome: I can't drive the bot nor the agenda and have a bone in my leg18:18
knomei have several bones in both of my legs - what's so special about that? ;P18:18
elfyyou're not a parent then ... 18:19
jhenkefree to join for everybody, respective can everybody speak there?18:19
elfyTHAT is the excuse for not doing things - remember it :)18:19
knomejhenke, absolutely18:19
knomejhenke, the "official" name of the meeting is "xubuntu community meeting"18:19
knomejhenke, only voting on some specific issues is restricted for the team, and that's always explicitly mentioned18:19
jhenkeI see, proably still most of the attendes are those who also normally contribute?18:20
knomepretty much so18:20
jhenkein #ubuntu-meeting?18:20
knomeno, on this channel18:20
knomehttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings for the agenda and other info18:20
elfyha ha 18:21
knomeelfy, congrats ;)18:21
elfysuper speedy elfy 18:21
jhenkethanks guys, good to get the info redundand ;)18:23
Unit193Wow, this looks to be a loooong meeting. :P18:28
elfybrainwash: was just about to do that :p18:38
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=== Guest37026 is now known as Noskcaj_
Unit193=== Xubuntu community meeting in 6 minutes, at #xubuntu-devel ===18:54
elfytea's cold brb19:00
meetingologyMeeting started Thu Apr  3 19:00:26 2014 UTC.  The chair is pleia2. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.19:00
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick19:00
pleia2Our last meeting info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings/Archive/Minutes/2014-03-2719:01
knomepleia2, <319:01
pleia2#topic #Team Updates19:01
pleia2#topic Team Updates19:01
pleia2(we'll talk about the ibus thing later)19:02
pleia2any updates?19:02
knomei don't have much updates19:02
knome#info Wallpaper is still waiting for an upload19:02
pleia2#info ochosi drafted post about screen locker19:02
pleia2those with access, review would be appreciated :)19:02
knome#info knome has worked on the website code a bit and planning to land a new revision to production before release19:03
knomei've reviewed that article once, can do again when/if more changes are introduced19:03
elfy#info [xubuntu-qa] Image testing 64bit - 219:03
elfy#info [xubuntu-qa] Upgrade testing 32bit - 5 total incl 3 LTS to LTS19:03
elfy#info [xubuntu-qa] Upgrade testing 64bit - 7 total incl 5 LTS to LTS19:03
elfy#info [xubuntu-qa] Repeating upgrade test call - including -users19:03
knomecool, better than i thought ;)19:03
knomebut still room for improvement19:03
elfypleia2: I looked too - did as I promised ochosi and added a bit re screensaver and ligtlocker19:03
pleia2elfy: oh good, those were good additions19:04
elfyknome: yea - as I said I'll call again and include -users this time19:04
pleia2any other updates?19:04
knomewell, people have worked on bugs19:04
knomei can't see much other news really19:05
* pleia2 nods19:05
pleia2#topic IBus issue update19:05
knomehey bluesabre 19:05
bluesabrehey everyone19:05
pleia2I chatted with knome and elfy about this this morning, elfy is following up with a couple folks dholbach recommended talking to19:05
pleia2welcome bluesabre 19:05
bluesabreI'm partially here :)19:06
knomebluesabre, tell us some tips to being in multiple places at once after the meeting please ;)19:06
elfycurrently talking to seb bacher 19:06
pleia2elfy: yay!19:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1284635 in ibus (Ubuntu Trusty) "Keyboard layout changes after login" [High,Confirmed]19:07
elfyseb128> elfy, I guess if I say 'patches are welcome' it doesn't help you?19:07
jhenkeis there a realistic chance the issue get fixed before april 17th?19:07
pleia2the bug in question, which pretty much broke on all the flavors19:07
knomeexcept kubuntu ;)19:07
knomejhenke, it's really hard to assess that, depends how seriously canonical employees are taking the issue (and the policy to have to fix what you broke, even if it doesn't affect you)19:08
jhenkeknome okay, but I guess that is the core question about the issue19:09
Unit193Could just drop it like a hot potato.19:09
knomewe can avoid the issue by not seeding ibus by default, but that might make some other people less happy19:10
pleia2what is it needed for?19:10
jhenkeI think some languages, especially asian ones, need it to write their letters19:10
jhenkee.g. chinese letters, but also vietnamse can be written by it19:11
pleia2ah, yeah that's important19:11
jhenkeas those languages do not nessesary have all their letters mapped to keybard keys19:11
pleia2the rest of the Ubuntu CC will help nudge this along if elfy hits a wall19:12
pleia2anything else on this topic?19:12
jhenkewell it seriously breaks xubuntu on default for everybody19:13
jhenkebut I guess that is known...19:13
* jhenke hides19:13
pleia2indeed, it's bad19:15
elfycan those with access - give the QA recap blog article a once over - it's done - except for last minute number crunching19:15
pleia2elfy: can they revert the patch that broke it and make them come up with another solution? :)19:15
bluesabreelfy: I'll try to take a look tonight19:15
pleia2thanks for chasing this down, elfy 19:16
pleia2#topic Other business19:16
pleia2anything else?19:17
brainwashthey also changed indicator-sound, so it's now unchecked in autostart applications and the user needs to enable it, otherwise it won't launch automatically on session start19:17
elfywe might return to it shortly ... 19:17
brainwashindicator devs19:18
brainwashubuntu guys19:18
brainwashI don't know19:18
bluesabredefinitely not to troll us...19:18
bluesabrebut since xfce and unity are the only ones that use indicator-sound... it seems odd19:18
bluesabre(to my understanding)19:19
brainwashwe should either stop using the upstart user session or use upstart to launch the indicator stack19:19
* Unit193 is still confused as to why we use the upstart user session.19:20
brainwashor blacklist the upstart launcher for indicator-sound19:20
brainwashit's complicated19:20
brainwashUnit193: because we did not tell them, that we don't want to use it19:21
Unit193brainwash: And the benefit of using it is?  To restart things if they crash?19:21
brainwashuser upstart job management19:22
brainwashnot sure if xubuntu/xfce actually benefits from it19:22
pleia2anything else we need to talk about?19:25
pleia2ok, thanks everyone19:26
bluesabrequick q19:26
bluesabrehas anybody made progress on the ubiquity wallpaper?  I think its assigned to xnox, right?19:27
bluesabreor has that already been discussed? :)19:27
brainwashochosi has added a comment to the bug report19:27
elfybug number ?19:27
brainwashbug 128491019:28
ubottubug 1284910 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Xubuntu Beta 1 and Beta 2 installer has debian background wallpaper" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128491019:28
lennycritical? :P19:28
pleia2it does look pretty bad19:29
bluesabrewe're quite partial to our wallpapers :)19:29
pleia2not thrilled with so obviously shipping debian branding in xubuntu either19:29
Unit193Debian wallpaper doesn't really bother me, kind of funny.19:30
lennydpkg -l | grep debian19:30
lennyii  debianutils                                 4.4                                    amd64        Miscellaneous utilities specific to Debian19:30
lennyii  gstreamer0.10-fluendo-mp3:amd64             0.10.23.debian-3                       amd64        Fluendo mp3 decoder GStreamer 0.10 plugin19:30
lennyii  gstreamer1.0-fluendo-mp3:amd64              0.10.23.debian-3                       amd64        Fluendo mp3 decoder GStreamer 1.0 plugin19:30
elfyis the installed wallpaper issue effectively the same one ?19:30
lennyii  intltool-debian                             0.35.0+20060710.1                      all          Help i18n of RFC822 compliant config files19:30
pleia2I love debian, but we aren't debian, it is bad for both of us19:30
lennyii  libcdparanoia0:amd64                        3.10.2+debian-11                       amd64        audio extraction tool for sampling CDs (library)19:30
lennyii  libgdome2-0                                 0.8.1+debian-6                         amd64        DOM level2 library for accessing XML files19:30
lennyii  libparse-debianchangelog-perl               1.2.0-1ubuntu1                         all          parse Debian changelogs and output them in other formats19:30
lennyii  libparted0debian1:amd64                     2.3-18                                 amd64        disk partition manipulator - shared library19:30
lennyii  libsdl1.2debian:amd64                       1.2.15-8ubuntu1                        amd64        Simple DirectMedia Layer19:30
elfylenny: did you really have to do that :|19:30
lennyii  python-debian                               0.1.21+nmu2ubuntu2                     all          Python modules to work with Debian-related data formats19:30
pleia2lenny: please stop19:30
lennysorry, didn't mean to do all in seperate19:31
pleia2that's not "obvious"19:31
pleia2a big wallpaper in our installer is19:31
lennyyeah, I guess19:31
jhenkelenny we all know that there are plenty of packets with debian references, not the poin here19:31
bluesabrefirst impressions are important19:32
* pleia2 nods19:32
Unit193Sadly, yes, yes they are.19:32
bluesabreok, well I don't have anything else to add19:33
pleia2ok, thanks everyone19:33
knomethanks pleia2 19:33
knomenext meeting?19:33
meetingologyMeeting ended Thu Apr  3 19:33:29 2014 UTC.  19:33
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/xubuntu-devel/2014/xubuntu-devel.2014-04-03-19.00.moin.txt19:33
elfythanks pleia2 19:33
bluesabrethanks pleia219:33
jhenkethanks pleia219:33
pleia2knome: sorry :)19:34
pleia2next week?19:34
pleia2I won't be around :P19:34
* pleia2 pycon19:34
pleia2I'm excited, it'll be my first time19:35
Noskcaj_I can't attend meetings till the end of the year now. Daylight savings time is gone19:35
pleia2even if I have to do booth duty :)19:35
jhenkeI think next week is the RC date?19:36
brainwashjust a note: please the stuff from https://launchpad.net/~thad-fisch/+archive/test19:36
brainwashvarious fixes for different apps19:36
JustanickIs there a browsable list of known bugs/not well working xubuntu functions?19:36
brainwashJustanick: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/xubuntu-t-bugs19:37
knomeelfy, want to run the same test i'm doing?19:44
elfyI can certainly try :)19:44
knomei'll start with zsyncing the latest iso19:45
JustanickAgainst which package has it to be fill, if the "Aero snapping" of the xfce4-terminal is not working as expected?19:45
elfyif I can work out which ones to grab ... 19:45
brainwashJustanick: not as expected?19:46
knomeyou either want *amd64* or *i386*19:46
knomeyou can probably guess which you want :P19:46
elfyfrom the ftp page?19:47
ali1234xfce4-terminal doesn't always play nice with snapping because it can only be resized in increments of 1 character19:47
knomeelfy, yep19:47
ali1234that can cause anything that tries to rezie windows to blow up19:47
elfyknome: this package?gir1.2-ibus-1.0_1.5.5-1_amd64.deb 19:47
knomeand everything else with amd6419:47
knomehmm, wait19:48
Unit193elfy: dpkg -l | grep 1.5.5-1ubuntu3  and replace all those with debian versions, generally.19:48
elfyokey doke 19:48
knomewell there you go.19:48
Justanickbrainwash: If I let snap it to the right or left side of the desktop, there is left free space at the bottom. 19:48
elfygot it installing now 19:48
Justanickali1234: That may be the point.19:48
Unit193The binary packages are listed at the bottom left of: http://packages.qa.debian.org/i/ibus.html19:48
brainwashJustanick: so it is working as intended :)19:49
elfyUnit193: aah yes - thanks19:49
brainwashali1234: I've subscribed you to the xfwm4 bug report :P19:49
ali1234if it's on launchpad then i'm already subscribed19:50
brainwashok :)19:50
ali1234btw regarding titleless window, the screenshots i posted were all numix19:53
Unit193ali1234: How hackish was the patch that forces old menus?19:57
ali1234you mean headeraway?19:57
ali1234incredibly hackish19:57
ali1234gtk developers would probably burn me if they caught me19:58
* Unit193 doesn't care about GTK devs, they're all mental anyway.19:58
elfysaid the kettle ... 19:58
ali1234it's a preload library... dynamically patches gtk at runtime19:58
ali1234you call header_bar_new and it gives you back a gtk_box collection instead19:59
ali1234in a sense it is not more hackish than the way ubuntu menuproxy works :)20:00
Unit193Doesn't sound too bad, if more than gthumb needed it I'd use it (once I figured out how. :P )20:00
ali1234you compile it into a .so using the makefile then you do LD_PRELOAD=/path/to/library.so gthumb20:01
ali1234or if you are totally crazy put the variable into your environment20:02
Unit193Thanks, this sounds like fun. :D20:04
elfyknome: well - I did that - get the same problem :(20:12
elfyso I wonder why, if debian are using xfce as default that it's not shown up there20:12
elfyknome: possibly it is https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=73498520:15
ubottuDebian bug 734985 in ibus "[ibus] ibus does not respect /etc/default/keyboard XKBOPTIONS" [Normal,Open]20:15
knomethe reporter has older ibus versions though20:16
elfyyea - but it's definitely the same issue 20:16
elfyand the link to the debian forum - guy is using xfce20:18
knomehmh, not sure20:20
knomexkboptions seems to be irrelevant to kb layout20:20
elfyyep - so no further forward really20:21
knomeexpect you are able to reproduce with debian packages in ubuntu20:21
elfydid you get them to install at all20:21
knomei haven't got so far20:21
elfyyes - same issue with debian packages in todays daily20:21
knomei guess the next thing is install and boot debian20:22
knomeand see if you have a similar problem20:22
knomethough i guess the installation process is different20:22
knomemight still be worth checking20:22
elfynot a problem - I can do that 20:23
Unit193Other than the fact I have no idea what the problem is, I do have a Debian VM.20:23
elfytesting or stable20:23
Unit193Erm, testing or unstable.20:23
elfyUnit193: ok - we're trying to see if the same error is there as here for bug 128463520:24
ubottubug 1284635 in ibus (Ubuntu Trusty) "Keyboard layout changes after login" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128463520:24
Unit193elfy: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2536196/debian7testing.ova.gz20:26
elfywhat's that?20:26
elfy3Gb file ... 20:26
Unit193Debian testing, already setup with Xfce and stuff.  US defaults though.20:26
elfyyea - I want to install it with a UK keyboard layout 20:27
elfythanks :)20:27
jhenkegood night folks20:28
elfynight jhenke 20:29
Unit193Installing ibus now, already have the system set to en_GB.20:30
Unit193Hah, "Wastebasket" :P20:34
ali1234"Rubbish Bin"20:34
elfyali1234: in Places I see Wastebasket, in Thunar Rubbish Bin20:35
ali1234if you are using en_GB and you see "Wastebasket" it's a bug20:35
ali1234places plugin has this bug20:35
elfyI have that bug 20:35
elfyUnit193: so? if kbd layout is UK what happens on the desktop - sets to US?20:42
Unit193(I had to remove ibus again, to see what keys might be different and if I actually hit the bug or have no idea what I'm doing/know what keys are supposed to be different. :P )20:44
Unit193Yeah, ibus screwed up #20:45
elfythis is not what we wanted ;)20:46
Unit193Indeed not, would have been nicer if it was an Ubuntu bug.20:47
JustanickWith the last updates for a few minutes the wallpaper has been reset with a grey colour.20:47
elfyJustanick: yes - known issue 20:48
Unit193Justanick: Open terminal: killall xfdesktop   and it's fixed.20:48
elfybug 130210120:48
ubottubug 1302101 in xfdesktop4 (Ubuntu) "Desktop background turns to a dirty white color after switching theme" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130210120:48
elfyUnit193: yep  - would have been better for us 20:48
Unit193elfy: You want to tell seb or confirm?20:49
elfyat a guess I still think it is that bug I found on debian ^^20:53
Unit193elfy: Or, that it doesn't honor the file /etc/default/keyboard at all.20:56
brainwashwow, a "new" hint :)20:56
elfyno idea - as knome said that doesn't appear to do much 20:56
brainwashwe need to fix this stupid thing20:56
brainwashibus exit20:57
elfythat's not what knome said ... 20:57
elfythe bug is about xkboptions - this issue appears to be about xkblayout20:57
Unit193elfy: I was pointing at the file, not the specific line. :D20:58
elfybah 20:58
elfyso I have no idea what I set the password too lol20:58
elfyand the keyboard isn't working at all in vbox debian recovery mode ... 21:01
elfytoo late for mucking about - reinstall it with password of sodthis21:02
elfyok 21:16
elfyknome: so installed debian - and # is # and in the right place when I have logged in21:17
elfybut I bet that's the older ibus21:17
elfysigh - said it was too late :(21:18
elfyreally didn't want to have to do a long winded install ... 21:19
elfythat was time well saved :|21:20
elfyinstalling testing now 21:22
elfyknome: so - assuming that once I've got this installed and confirm the issue is there - a) tell seb b) we'll need to decide what we do21:33
knomewe could/should ask the debian maintainers if they have time to look at it21:33
elfyuntil I know for sure the issue exists there it's all guesswork - but given that debian ship with xfce as default I don't understand what they're not seeing the issue 21:35
ochosidoes debian install/use ibus by default?21:36
elfyI can't answer that ochosi 21:36
ochosijust infering that this could be why nobody else has noticed21:37
ochosii also don't have any clue how ibus is configured by default21:37
ochosiand whether we should pro-actively do something about that21:38
knomei'm off for tonight, see you all later21:48
knomeelfy, let's be in touch tomorrow21:48
elfyworking till 12UTC - will post in here later though21:49
elfyknome: ok so - debian testing does not use ibus by default22:21
elfyinstall ibus into it and then # becomes \22:21
ochosiwell that's good to know22:21
elfyochosi: that was were seb left us - checking to see what the state of it in debian was - whether it was an ubuntu change that was the issue - which it seems to not be, the chances of getting it looked at now are pretty slim I think22:23
ochosii read the backlog22:23
ochosiso the course is clear then22:23
ochosieither remove it or find a way to disable it by default22:23
elfyyep - seems to be 22:23
ochosiand blog about how ppl who need it can get it back22:23
* ochosi shrugs22:23
elfyyea 22:23
elfyit's a known issue - so it will be on there22:24
ochosinow we only need to find a dev/uploader to execute those changes for us22:24
elfyyea ... 22:24
elfycan dholbach do that?22:24
ochosii already told knome, but from tomorrow onwards i won't be around much until the release22:24
ochosihe can, but he needs at least a MR22:24
elfyok - thanks for letting me know22:24
ochosii guess we have two options22:25
elfyright ok - so dholbach will do it I am sure - pleia2 and I were talking to him about this issue earlier22:25
ochosi1) drop it from the seed (i.e. not install it anymore by default)22:25
ochosi2) find a way to disable it by default22:25
ochosido you have any idea how to achieve 2) without doing 1)?22:26
elfyabsolutely none at all 22:26
ochosime neither22:27
elfyit's all gone a bit horrible in the last 100metres here ... 22:27
elfyI'd favour us not seeding it 22:27
ochosiyeah, the indicators not autostarting anymore is also nasty22:27
elfyyea - that's what I mean 22:27
elfyand the wallpapers22:28
ochosiyup, it looked like a solid release22:28
elfyand the new white thing with icons22:28
ochosiand we got a lot done22:28
ochosinew white thing?22:28
elfyabsolutely did 22:28
elfythe bug when you chane icons/themes 22:28
ochosiand then what happens?22:28
ochosidesktop wallpaper disappears?22:28
elfyyou know about this - you confirmed it22:29
elfythat one 22:29
ochosiah right, but that's fixed already22:29
ochosionly a matter of getting the fix uploaded22:29
elfyok - not seen the fix come through22:29
ochosiso i'm not worried about that at all22:29
ochosiyeah, not uploaded yet22:29
ochosithere might be a release tomorrow or on the weekend22:29
ochosithen the upload22:29
ochosiso that's straightforward22:29
elfyso ibus seems to be a case of not using it - simplish I assume22:29
elfythe indicators is the nasty one now I think22:30
ochosiyeah, if we get lots of complaints then we'll at least know that it *is* used by ppl for somethign :D22:30
ochosibrainwash: have you tried to add that loginctl command yet?22:31
elfyright - I've got to crash now - night all 22:31
ochosinight elfy 22:31
elfyochosi: I'll see you when I see you then I guess :)22:31
brainwashgood night22:32
brainwashochosi: hardcoded?22:32
brainwashor via a wrapper or autostart entry?22:33
brainwashsee http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~lightdm-gtk-greeter-team/lightdm-gtk-greeter/trunk/view/head:/src/lightdm-gtk-greeter.c#L38922:33
ochosiwell how should i know what you've tested?22:34
ochosijust tell what you did test so far :p22:34
brainwashopened a terminal and typed the command22:34
ochosiautostart entry seems to make sense, because then ppl have a way of disabling all of them (instead of only hiding all of them). that's a bit better22:34
brainwashand we need to make sure that the services will actually terminate on session logout22:35
ochosiyeah, that's a bit more meh22:36
ochosiso if we patch that into xfce4-session, then ppl cant deactivate indicators anymore, unless they uninstall them22:41
brainwashthey can also override the .conf files22:41
brainwashor use gsettings to disable some of them22:41
ochosi"...then ppl cant *easily* deactivate indicators anymore..."22:41
brainwashit will be easy22:42
brainwashafter people have created tons of forum threads22:42
brainwashjust copy&paste22:43
brainwashwhat about patching -session to ignore the upstart session stuff?22:43
brainwashbasically hardcode the autostart launcher path22:45
brainwashand not use any env var22:45
brainwashsadly all the different solutions need testing22:46
brainwashand we are running out of time22:46
ochosiheading off to bed, night all22:47
brainwashgood night22:48
gridcube_alright, i can replicate the bug23:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1302244 in xfce4-power-manager (Ubuntu) "xfce4-power-manager-settings can not be launched after the session comes back from a suspension" [Undecided,New]23:27

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