
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
skribblezatchawhats up xubuntu811. how are you doing?02:19
xubuntu811I tried the Nvidia drivers which were in the settings area and I cant seem to get my xorg.conf back to the original after reverting back to the open source driver.02:20
xubuntu811is there something I can run to reset or reconfigure X?02:21
Unit193By default, /etc/X11/xorg.conf doesn't exist.  Otherwise, stop Xorg, then run  Xorg -configure02:22
skribblezatchadid you go to additional drivers or something xubuntu811?02:23
xubuntu811thats the place, yes02:23
skribblezatchaand there was a nvidia driver in there that you could install xubuntu811?02:23
skribblezatchabecause i just went there and there are no drivers available for me to install. thats why i was asking.02:24
skribblezatchaok, so when you went back to the opensource driver, are you having problems at all, or is everything working ok?02:24
xubuntu811I had to wait a few mins for those to show up.  I went back to the opensource one yes and only 640x480 is available now.02:26
skribblezatchaok, now i feel you.02:26
skribblezatchaas Unit193 said, by default /etc/X11/xorg.conf isnt there, i just went and looked. is it there for you now xubuntu811?02:28
xubuntu811Iam currently booted to eh recovery mode and its at 800x600 but if I go boot to normal its only smaller. I will check.02:28
skribblezatchaok, have you thought about deleting it, and seeing if that helps at all? i dont know if thats a good idea or not, but maybe it will go back to default on restart?02:29
xubuntu811in /etc/X11 there are xorg.conf xorg.conf.backup and xorg.nvidia.fubar.conf02:31
xubuntu811I can try to delete it and reboot. You think thats a good path to go down?02:33
skribblezatchadelete those and go and restart and see what happens man.02:33
skribblezatchai would go for it, and hope for the best.02:33
xubuntu811ok.  I will do that.02:33
skribblezatchasince they arent there by default and were created once you installed the driver, i would uninstall the driver and then get rid of those three files, and go and restart.02:33
kupo_any possible way to change font color of clock and time without having to change theme?03:15
GridCubekupo_, use the orage clock03:16
kupo_ah i dunno. i'll check it out03:16
GridCubekupo_, its basically the same clock but with more options on its settings03:17
kupo_do you have to minimize it to get it to panel?03:18
kupo_i see like a box and when i put it near top planel it doesnt let me03:18
GridCubeno, add the applet called orage clock, right clic on a panel, go to panel -> add new elements, search orage clock03:18
kupo_ohh. it's an applet. gotcha. thought was just random app03:19
GridCubeon its settings you can tell it not to show any borders or menu03:19
kupo_trying it out now03:19
GridCubewith alt-clic-drag you can move it around like any window, it will remember where you leave it and when you clic the cloc in the panel it will pop on and off03:20
kupo_still not changing colors hmm03:21
kupo_maybe i need to log out>03:21
GridCubedo you see the color settings?03:21
kupo_non of the chnages seem to work. yeas. after i set i go to close and same thing. width not changing either03:21
kupo_nevermind. witdh is03:22
kupo_Okay. now it is working strange03:22
kupo_closed it a few times. thanks. i opened oracle once and thought it was ugly. didn't notice it was an applet03:23
kupo_my ubuntu fact of day03:23
GridCubeorage is the best clock/calendar/alarm P:03:24
kupo_did find another bug for 14.04 though. right click on weather applet crashes03:24
kupo_yeah. liking it so far. I just thought it was an appy that stayed open other places heh03:24
kupo_ah. love linux. changed the weather font color applet too. all is well03:27
skribblezatchahi xubuntu182.04:25
xubuntu182I'm switching from lubuntu to xubuntu04:25
xubuntu182anything i should know?04:25
skribblezatchathats cool.04:25
skribblezatchawell its a different DE, so there are different features as well as themes. other than that, you will get used to i think.04:26
xubuntu182is there any command thats similar to the super+w in ubuntu?04:26
xubuntu182you know the window spread thing04:26
skribblezatchai dont know, i have never used that command before. i use window snapping, if thats what you mean?04:27
xubuntu182kind of like expose on mac04:27
xubuntu182how would you use window snapping?04:28
skribblezatchai dont know about that to be honest..someone else may know though.04:28
skribblezatchawindow snapping is pretty easy, but you have to make sure that your settings are set up to use it. do you have xubuntu installed, or are you running it live?04:28
xubuntu182i'm running it live while its installing04:29
pleia2xubuntu182: not by default, no04:29
pleia2if you replace the window manager with compiz you might be able to do something, but it's not hugely stable from my experience these days and you're kind of on your own04:30
xubuntu182so what do you suggest?04:30
pleia2living without it :)04:30
Unit193Windows attaching to others?  That only happens for the edges of the screen.04:31
skribblezatchaok cool xubuntu182. want to see what window snapping is?04:31
xubuntu182mkay i guess04:32
xubuntu182but what is the window snapping?04:32
skribblezatchalol ok cool, go to menu, and search settings manager and open it and tell me when you are there xubuntu182.04:32
skribblezatchai will show you, thats the best way to know.04:32
skribblezatchaok cool, now go to window manager and tell me when you are there please xubuntu182.04:34
ballUnit193: I think that's configurable.04:34
xubuntu182ok i see what you're talking about now04:34
xubuntu182does anyone know of a way to get the mac expose functionality out of xubuntu?04:34
skribblezatchaif you snap it the top and then to a side, you can a corner sized window..i snap windows all of the time.04:35
ballxubuntu182: What does Expose do on a Mac?04:36
pleia2it gives you thumbnails of all applications running so you can pick through them04:36
pleia2but as I said, the only way is compiz and that's a mess04:36
ballSounds hideous.04:36
skribblezatchacould you get that in lxde xubuntu182?04:37
skribblezatchai dont think so right?04:37
xubuntu182http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRMCs1ertG4  skip  to 1:0004:37
pleia2Ubuntu has a feature to do it, but I tend to agree about hideousness :) people who like it really like it though04:37
skribblezatchai think that you can get that with gnome though.04:37
skribblezatchagnome 3.04:37
ballGnome Shell?04:38
ballHmm... I don't seem to have any sound.04:38
skribblezatchacheck that out ball.04:39
skribblezatchacheck that out as well xubuntu182, and see if that is what you are referring to.04:39
ballI've just installed Xubuntu 13.10 amd64 on my daughter's PC.04:39
ballSeems to work alright but I have no sound.04:39
xubuntu182i also cant install flash for some reason04:40
xubuntu182it says plugin not founs04:40
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.04:40
ballI'm not fussed about Flash04:40
pleia2^^ lots of debugging pages :)04:41
skribblezatchaball, go to the volume icon and click on it and then go to sound settings and tell me when you are there please.04:41
ballI click the wee speaker that's top right and get nothing.04:41
skribblezatchayou can get flash too ball.04:41
xubuntu182thanks guy04:42
skribblezatchaok, right click on it ball, and tell me what you see please. (the volume icon)04:42
xubuntu182install done gonna restart04:42
skribblezatchayw xubuntu182.04:42
ballIf I right (left-) click on it, I get a pop-up menu that says "Move", "Remove" and "Panel"04:43
skribblezatchaok, lol let me show you something real quick ball, and how i have mine setup ok? i like a traditional style desktop. so this is how mine is setup..one sec.04:45
ballskribblezatcha: This is a brand new install.04:45
skribblezatchai also possibly have a different menu than you, that allows for me to search for things. the reason that i mentioned that is because i was going to suggest that you go to menu..04:47
skribblezatchaand then search for audio mixer and click on that ball.04:47
ballI have Pulseaudio Volume Control, if that counts.04:49
ballOh good, now I have sound.04:49
skribblezatchano, its a bit different.04:49
skribblezatchawell good then, that works.04:49
ballDon't know what's up with the top one but I can live without that.04:50
skribblezatchaonce you get things ok ball, you should be able to use the top one.04:50
skribblezatchawas it muted or something?04:50
ballNo, the one in the top menu bar thing just doesn't work.04:51
skribblezatchait wont turn the volume up or down?04:52
ballThere's no slider there.04:52
ballJust a little speaker with "---" next to it.04:52
ballI click (with either mouse button) and don't get a slider.04:52
skribblezatchai see. right click on it ball, and go to remove. then right click on the panel and go to panel/add new items..then find the audio mixer plugin and click on it and then go to add.04:54
skribblezatchasee if that helps at all.04:54
ballI don't see an audio mixer in the 'Add New Items' list.04:55
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skribblezatchaok, then go to terminal ball, and enter this command please: sudo apt-get install xfce4-goodies04:58
skribblezatchaonce that installs for you ball, you will have that plugin to install..as well as all of the others that are of value too.04:58
* ball tries it.04:59
ballHmm... that seems to have installed everything /but/ a volume control05:03
ballAnyway, it's not a show stopper.05:05
skribblezatchathats impossible, unless that packages has changed ball. are you sure, did you close that window, and then go back to add items and see if you can find the mixer plugin?05:05
ballskribblezatcha: I'm sure.05:06
Unit193ball: What's the problem real quick?05:06
ballUnit193: No volume slider on the menu bar at the top, right of the screen.05:07
skribblezatchaok enter this in to terminal ball...sudo apt-get install xfce4-mixer05:07
Unit193ball: If you're using pulseaudio, indicator-sound, if you're using alsa, volumeicon.05:07
ballUnit193: Can I add those by manually typing the name?05:08
Unit193Those are packages, indicator-sound uses xfce4-indicator-plugin though.05:08
* ball tries installing them.05:09
Unit193Err, volumeicon is the application, -alsa is the package.05:09
ball"indicator-sound is already the newest version."05:09
* ball shrugs05:09
Unit193/usr/lib/indicator-sound/indicator-sound-service should then be running.05:10
Unit193Also make sure indicators have been added to the panel.05:10
ball'bash: /usr/lib/indicator-sound/indicator-sound-service: No such file or directory'05:12
* Unit193 is using volumeicon because pulse was acting badly.05:12
Unit193Hrm, I have an old version, so perhaps it's changed.05:12
ballOooh, I wonder whether I should try 'suspend' and resume.05:14
ballWell that works!05:16
ballThe speaker's not a big deal. At least the audio works.05:18
ballGoodnight everyone!05:18
skribblezatchagoodnight ball.05:18
ArahkasNeshi,  I need some help.  I take direction well and if anyone is willing to help I would be most grateful.06:20
ubottuArahkasNes: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience06:20
ArahkasNesso a few days ago, I started up an old should not have started it up program, a gem drop game,  at the same time my monitor decided at that time to go on the fritz  it got tunnel vision06:27
ArahkasNesso I could not see how to exit the game06:27
ArahkasNesI believe that game program is the problem,  I tried to hit a few Control Alt and F's  and since when I did the control alt and F7 which is to take me back to the desk top I tried a bunch of others.  I had hopped to not turn off the puter when I switched out the monitor, but when I tipped over the tower to put in the cord to the new monitor it turned off.06:30
ArahkasNesnow I can not get back to my old settings at all, I am actually logged in as a different user because all except my name comes up when I log in as usual as me as the user06:31
ArahkasNeswhen I log in as me most of the time I can not use my mouse.06:32
ArahkasNesand once I did see my old screen but it quickly went back to this mess and I could not use the mouse06:34
ArahkasNesworse is I can not get into Admin  the password I have written down does not work.06:36
ArahkasNesnor anything else I try.06:36
ubottuForgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords06:36
ArahkasNesIt is  a strong one.06:36
ArahkasNesit is not my password or the user that I am in now that is not working it is the Admin one that is not working06:40
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xubuntu513hi all11:06
xubuntu513french here and need a little help with my xubuntu ( noob spoted )11:07
ubottuxubuntu513: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.11:07
xubuntu513i can speak english ;)11:07
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cfhowlettxubuntu513 oh.  proceed.11:08
pinkfloydFRso all started by putting xbmc in autostart, working well11:08
pinkfloydFRbut one day need to go to desktop for doing something, and, surprise, nothing, only the mouse cursor11:08
pinkfloydFRand can't launch a command line, but no after lot of search and test i have a commande line and trying launch then reinstall xfdesktop11:09
pinkfloydFRnow my desktop is back, but it's not the previous one ( no menu, no shortcut )11:10
pinkfloydFRhow can i get it back ?11:10
cfhowlettpinkfloydFR I'm guessing you went back to default settings.  have to rebuild the xfce4 configuration.  save it to a backup site11:11
pinkfloydFRyes is what i want to do ^^11:12
pinkfloydFRnothing to loose with my old configuration, need a new one ^^11:12
cfhowlettpinkfloydFR so you have to manually recreate and rebuild the desktop shortcuts, etc ...11:12
pinkfloydFRno problem with this, it's a media center only, not a lot of work11:13
pinkfloydFRthe problem is actually i have ony the wallpaper and 3 shortcut, no menu, no "quick start" bar at the bottom of screen11:13
pinkfloydFRquick launch*11:14
cfhowlettpinkfloydFR that would be "panel"11:14
pinkfloydFRthere is no way to have the default profil back ?11:14
pinkfloydFRor at less the menu bar on top screen ?11:15
cfhowlettpinkfloydFR   new or guest account and copy the panel settings to a piece of paper for recreation11:15
pinkfloydFRwhere is the xcfe conf file/profile ?11:17
cfhowlettpinkfloydFR wait - gotta look11:17
pinkfloydFRfind it !11:17
pinkfloydFRdoesn't understand, all my conf is here ( dates 2013 )11:18
pinkfloydFRarf can't apt-get xfce4-panel :(11:23
cfhowlettpinkfloydFR nothing to apt-get!  that's for installing and you don't NEED to install it.  you need to copy it!11:24
pinkfloydFRit's missing to !!!!11:24
cfhowlettpinkfloydFR I thought you said you found them?11:24
pinkfloydFRok apt-get install passed, and menu bar is back !11:24
pinkfloydFRit's like all my xfce paquage was uninstall11:25
cfhowlettpinkfloydFR good job!11:25
pinkfloydFRthanks a lot !11:25
pinkfloydFRpackage *11:25
cfhowlettI figured it out.11:25
pinkfloydFRthanks, go to recreation ;)11:28
cfhowlettpinkfloydFR best of luck11:28
recon_lapI'm installing wine, will it work if I use the ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa repo?11:39
CyborgCygnus Has anybody else had problems with flash videos playing at a ridiculously fast speed? Eg. a 3 min video plays through the entire thing at like 10secs without audio. Not sure how to fix this, it happens with every flash video. Tried using lightspark instead but same issue.11:42
cfhowlettrecon_lap no need to ppa, use the wine in repositories11:59
xubuntu049Hi, I have problem with start samba.13:14
xubuntu049I have instaled samba, and if I try to start samba SYSTEM>SAMBA I see clock and nothing more.13:15
xubuntu049I try to start in form terminal, but dont work too.13:16
recon_lapwine 1.6 and sketchup not playing nice, when I get into the app it draws the screen once and stops responding13:30
jvoisinHello, I just updated from 13.10 to 14.04, and my systray is gone :<13:51
cfhowlettjvoisin until it's actually released, support for 14.04 = #ubuntu+113:51
jvoisinmy bad. Thank you :)13:52
GridCubecfhowlett, :) it would be useful if you point them toward -devel before than +1 :)14:01
cfhowlettGridCube wilco14:01
Picidevel isn't a support channel14:01
recon_lapI'm looking forward to the next LTR :)14:02
cfhowlettPici ... true.  my understanding was ALL "support" went to +1 ...14:02
GridCubePici, no, but things regarding our betas we need to know14:02
GridCubeeven if we then derive them to +114:03
Pici-devel would be unusable for developers if we funneled people with issues there14:03
GridCubeproblems related to betas should go to devel14:04
GridCubemore on on weeks previous release date14:04
cfhowlettso the channel policy should be changed then.  of course ALL the early adopters are going to flood -devel with beta questions14:04
GridCubeits not for general support14:04
Picithat has never been the policy14:04
recon_lapprobably with 3 weeks to release the devs would be getting a bit nervous about bugs .14:05
=== GridCube_ is now known as GridCube
xubuntu960hello, I have a small question. The company I work with is planning to migrate everything from windows to linux (finally haha). I would like to install first xubuntu 14.04 since it is coming out soon. If I install the latest version, do I need to re-install the system or just update the required packages once the release candidate would be released?17:04
GridCubeupdates should be fine17:06
GridCubexubuntu960, remember that 14.04 is still in beta and errors are bound to happen, its not meant for production yet17:07
xubuntu960thanks a lot GridCube17:07
xubuntu960I was planning for testing but since we need to modify it alot, i really dont want to reinstall everything17:08
GridCubeif you install now try to keep updating constantly17:08
xubuntu960of course.....thanks a lot...I will download the distro today.17:08
GridCubexubuntu960, and as with any and absolute any thing you install in your computer please remember to keep backups of all your sensible data17:09
GridCubewe can not stress enough how important is to keep backups17:09
darkMatterhello. i am running trusty and have a problem with my sound indicator applet... it dissapeared. anyone else?17:10
GridCubedarkMatter, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Roadmap/Specifications/Trusty/Gtk3Indicators17:13
darkMatterok, thank you, but i was wondering because it was running until yesterday.17:15
GridCuberead the topic named "Indicators may fail to load"17:16
darkMatteryes i already read it. but nevertheless i was wondering. but it's still in development.17:20
delt*sigh*  that damn bug again.... my TAB key isn't acting normally in term windows18:26
deltalso another bug: i map ctrl+alt+shift+left/right to move current window to prev/next desktop, but when i log back in, they don't work...18:28
delteven though they're still listed in the window manager settings -> keyboard section18:28
delti have to reset them by double clicking the entry and pressing the key combo again18:29
deltthen it works until i logout/restart18:29
koegsdelt: had something similar with the maximize-option18:29
koegsworkaround was to double-delete the old key-assignments18:30
deltwhat do you mean by "double-delete"?18:30
koegs"maximize window" was already assigned, deleted the assignment and immediately a second key-assignment appeared18:31
koegsdeleted that too and then i was able to permanently assign my own keys18:31
deltah ok, i'll try that. thanks18:31
deltkoegs: works!! :D thanks!18:33
deltuh.. i just noticed that there's no Xorg.conf ???18:44
Unit193delt: That's normal.18:44
deltah i see xorg.conf.d in /usr/share/x1118:46
Poisoned_Dragonyeah, unless you need an xorg.conf for ati/nvidia drivers, that's the best place to add options.18:46
delt....so which file should i modify if i want to change global options like ctrl+alt+backspace to kill the server, etc.?18:47
Poisoned_Dragonjust make a specified conf file and put specific options related to what you're trying to accomplish.18:47
deltoh yeah, i'm using the nvidia proprieteary drivers18:47
Poisoned_DragonNo need to write a whole xorg.conf file.18:47
Poisoned_DragonOh... Then you need an xorg.conf file.18:47
delti installed it via the packages in the repo18:47
delt...so it created a xorg.conf file somewhere?18:48
delti see this which seems nvidia/opengl related: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   29 Apr  1 14:48 glamoregl.conf -> /etc/alternatives/glamor_conf18:48
Poisoned_DragonI thought it would only make one if you ran nvidia-settings in terminal18:48
Poisoned_DragonNo, wait.18:48
Poisoned_DragonThat's wrong.18:48
Poisoned_Dragonone sec18:48
deltmy 3d card is working perfectly, but i don't see a Xorg.conf anywhere in /etc18:49
Poisoned_Dragonthat's the one.18:50
Poisoned_Dragonsudo nvidia-xconfig18:50
delt       nvidia-xconfig - manipulate X configuration files for the NVIDIA driver18:50
Poisoned_DragonThat has some advice.18:51
xubuntu024how is everyone today?18:51
xubuntu024Important News: Pollution outbreak in the uk. People advised to stay home.18:51
xubuntu024Welcome Jackson (Paul)18:52
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deltah, ---> New X configuration file written to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'18:52
=== Guest37026 is now known as Noskcaj_
xubuntu024Welcome Noskcaj18:53
Noskcaj_hey xubuntu02418:53
Unit193xubuntu024: Hello.  Did you have a support question?  No need to ping everyone.18:53
xubuntu024I was simply welcoming them18:53
skribblezatchawhats up xubuntu024.18:53
xubuntu024Hello aziz. Welcome to the chat.18:53
Poisoned_Dragonskribblez!!!!! lol18:54
skribblezatchalol Poisoned_Dragon.18:54
elfythis is a support channel not a chat one - xubuntu-offtopic if you want to chat18:54
xubuntu024ok I will go there . but before I go I have one question on support18:54
xubuntu024Why dose XBMC not work on xfce ?18:54
delthmm.... not working :/19:00
deltmy /var/log/Xorg.0.log shows it's using the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file, and this file now contains the ServerFlags section with Option "DontZap" "false".... no go :(19:01
deltalt+printscr+k isn't working either..19:02
deltahhh, now this works: setxkbmap -option terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp19:07
notwistCan I ask about 14.04 here?20:15
junkanotwist, #ubuntu+120:29
elfyor if it's quick - pop into #xubuntu-devel20:33
xubuntu173Hey guys, I'm looking for some help. I accidentally broke my xubuntu gui. I was in the settings editor inside settings manager and changed the resolution to something I thought my monitor supported. Now I boot into a black screen and I don't know how to change it back. I can SSH into it, but VNC leads me to a black screen as well.23:21
xubuntu173I've tried xrandr but it just says "can't find display"23:22
gridcube_xubuntu173, if you can get to a tty do sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.old23:29
gridcube_and restart, that should make it so you use the default settings23:30
xubuntu173Ok. I was looking for the xorg.conf file earlier but I couldn't even find one. I'm not using any proprietary drivers it's an intel onboard video card23:31
gridcube_if you dont have an xorg.conf then you are using the default drivers and settings23:31
xubuntu173Ok so maybe since I manually edited the settings editor it didn't create a xorg.conf? What other method can I change the resolution? Why would VNC be a black screen as well?23:33

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