
* Haven|Home hugs gparted00:03
Haven|Homeused it, took me 20 minutes to do what i spent all day at work trying to do with the damn text based00:03
Haven|Homebbiaf, gonna implement my new working home server <300:13
jrwrentwitter: "alfredodeza: TIL PostgreSQL is coming with master-master replication. When I jumped from the couch to celebrate I was told I'm a gentleman"00:33
jrwrenand... its not true. it was the april fools joke00:36
jrwrenwtf, samba-ad-dc starting.01:43
jrwrenit runs a domain controller by default???01:43
jrwrentip: remove your lvm snapshots before upgrading ubuntu - they will likely get filled up01:57
Havenstanceit lives02:05
cmaloneyOK< I find it ironic that Microsoft has played better with the community under .NET than any fear-monger could have predicted02:31
cmaloneyAnd Java got a pass even though they pretty much did everything that was foretold of .net02:31
rick_h_so now we can go "yay!" to mono apps?02:32
cmaloneyI'm sure someone will say that it's not 100% free, Microsoft is still evil, and we should burn everything to the ground02:33
cmaloneySo we should use Java, where Oracle has sued Google for Dalvik.02:34
rick_h_well finally got native ubuntu on the air02:38
rick_h_just had to stop trying to use the OSX specific install iso02:38
rick_h_that's obvious02:38
cmaloneyStop using the thing that we created for just such a purpose02:39
Havenstanceso microsoft is putting the start menu back in winblows 8.1?02:43
Havenstancei must admit im intrigued02:46
Havenstanceto see how its gonna look02:46
cmaloneyConsidering the way Microsoft has been hitting these backports, I'm sure it'll be 80% there.02:47
Havenstanceprobably like shit knowing microsoft02:47
Havenstancebut at least they are bringing it "back"02:47
Havenstancemaybe I can quit using classic shell now02:47
cmaloneyGood morning10:44
cmaloneyAre we having fun yet?12:21
cmaloneyPlease to let me know when we should be having fun12:29
mrgoodcatgood morning12:48
mrgoodcatand yes i am having fun12:48
mrgoodcatjust started playing with the _thread and queue modules in py3. Reminds me of go channels except that threads are explicit12:49
jrwrengood morning12:58
jrwrencmaloney: was that a party down reference?12:58
jrwrenI'm having fun.  i upgraded my primary (only) home server to trusty12:58
cmaloneyjrwren: Um, not sure what that is. :)12:58
jrwrencmaloney: awesome tv show that ran for only 2 seasons a few years ago.12:59
jrwrena striving actor best known for a beer commercial where he says "Are we having fun yet?" works a catering company where is often recognized.13:00
cmaloneyI've been saying "are we having fun yet" for a while now13:02
cmaloneyI should sue.13:02
jrwrenindeed you have.13:03
cmaloneynote: not really.13:03
jrwreni don't know why today is the first time I thought to ask you13:03
cmaloneyWell, since I had an anti-climactic response I'm sure it won't be the last time you ask. :)13:06
cmaloneySorry to disappoint. :)13:06
jrwrenone of the things I love about ubuntu is I can do-release-upgrade and allow it to take days and things just keep running.13:12
jrwrendpkg-reconfigure ran overnight and was stuck at a prompt.13:12
jrwrenno big deal. this irssi keeps going. my samba and dhcp and ssh all were still running.13:12
jrwrenI know of no other OS which does this :(13:12
cmaloneyrelated: I really hate when I do an upgrade like that and it gets stuck at 60% or whatever waiting on me to tell it what to do13:13
jrwrenI don't mind, becuase everything is still working. Its in a tmux window.13:15
jrwrenIt will finish... eventually13:15
cmaloneyRight, but I'll leave something overnight and wake up to realize that it only did 20 minutes of a 4 hour upgrade.13:41
jrwrenhahahah, yeah, that does suck13:42
rick_h_cmaloney: goes away and computer asks "Are you sure?"13:43
cmaloneyevery time13:43
cmaloneyEnough that I get a little neurotic around upgrade time13:43
mrgoodcatwould be cool to have a cli switch similar to -y in apt-get14:35
mrgoodcataccept all windows14:35
mrgoodcatfor power users14:35
jrwrenanyone ever have trouble removing full lvm snapshots?  lvremove says the volume is in use, but it is not.14:45
brouschWow. Just ran into the most freetarded person ever in #kivy14:47
brouschHe refuses to fill out a Google form and use github14:47
jrwrengoogle is evil14:48
jrwrenand so is github.14:48
jrwreneverything sucks when you have no team.14:49
brouscheverything is evil, when we're freetarded newbies14:51
jrwrenwhy should a freetard fill a google form and use github?14:54
brouschTo enter the kivy app contest14:57
mrgoodcatoops wrong window :/14:59
greg-gbrousch: honestly, could you please not use that word15:02
brouschBut it gets results!15:06
greg-gbut it's a horrible word for many reasons15:07
greg-glots of horrible words "get results" but are still not useful to say15:07
brouschSuggest an alternative15:09
greg-ga freesoftware advocate15:09
greg-gjust like I would not appreciate you saying "retarded" in here15:09
greg-gin reference to a mentally handicaped person15:09
greg-gbut whatever, use dispicable slang terms that are only useful in inciting people and not having a dicussion all you want15:10
greg-gjust not in here15:10
brouschI appologize15:14
greg-gthank you, sorry for snapping15:14
jrwrenwow, so this fool wanted to enter the app contest, but not do what is required to do so.15:17
jrwrenthat is foolish15:17
brouschI could understand if we required a Google account, but it's just a form. And how do you contribute to free software these days without a github account?15:18
* greg-g does :)15:29
greg-gMediaWiki + git-annex aren't on github (well, mirrored, but we don't *use* github)15:30
jrwrenyou don't have a github account?15:34
greg-gI have one, but don't use it15:35
greg-ghaven't for a while, that is15:35
brouschIs zealot offensive? open source zealot?15:37
jrwrenits a starcraft character :p15:39
brouschI need a term that's more hard-core than advocate15:39
brouschAdvocating is one thing, but when you make your life more difficult by refusing compromise, it needs a new term15:41
greg-gbrousch: what would you call MLK?15:41
brouschSee, advocate seems too weak there15:41
* greg-g nods15:42
brouschThat's a good litmus test though15:42
greg-gand what would Malcom X be? :P15:45
jrwrena freedom fighter15:45
rick_h_so RMS is an open source commando?15:45
rick_h_works for me15:46
jrwrenhe hates the term "open source"15:46
rick_h_oh right, sorry15:46
jrwrenhe is a free software commando15:46
greg-gcammando... no, please no15:46
greg-ghe'd probably say comrade :)15:46
jrwrenplease remember to wear underwear15:46
jrwrenHis interview on RT was very good15:46
cmaloneyThere's a difference between being an activist and being an asshole.16:00
cmaloneyan activist tries to change the world in positive ways that benefit everyone16:00
cmaloneythe asshole tries to change the world to serve their own selfish interests.16:01
cmaloneyAnd there is a fine line between the two16:02
cmaloney(with some overlap)16:02
brouschactivist might be good16:02
brouschfree software activist16:02
brouschTo me, that implies a level of action above advocacy16:03
jrwrenare you imply any of these names mentioned are assholes?16:03
brouschAnd I am comfortable calling MLK a civil rights activist16:03
jrwrenold news16:05
jrwrenand calling that person a keylinux developer... just the lies I expect from /.16:05
jrwrenkey systemd developer.16:05
akellingI can agree to that.16:05
jrwrenbut not a key linux developer16:05
akelling*sigh* just noticed it took /. a day to post that.16:06
cmaloneyjrwren: RMS I would consider to be more activist than asshole16:08
jrwrencmaloney: agree. I've not seen any assholes mentioned.16:08
cmaloneythough at times I find him petty and unreasonable.16:08
cmaloneybut it is unreasonable people that enact change.16:09
jrwreni've not heard him be unreasonable.16:09
cmaloneyI know more about MLK the holiday than I do about MLK the person16:09
cmaloneyso I'm not one to mane the distinction16:09
cmaloneyI found the whole GNU/Linux thing to be a bit much16:13
jrwrenoh yeah, that is a good point.16:14
jrwrenguess what isn't gnu/linux...16:14
jrwrenno gnu in android.16:14
jrwrenjust linux16:14
jrwrenand I don't think anyone cares to call it BSD/Linux16:15
jrwrenbecause that just gets confusing :)16:15
brouschBe careful on the playgrounds in Ypsi http://www.mlive.com/news/ann-arbor/index.ssf/2014/04/mystery_pooper_defecating_on_p.html17:22
ColonelPanic001it's a dog17:23
brouschup on the slide?17:24
jrwreni'd think the scat type would be dicernable17:32
* greg-g looks for his copy of "Who pooped in the woods?"17:48
brouschIs google TV still a thing? http://www.groupon.com/deals/gg-asus-cube-with-google-tv17:55
cmaloneybrousch: I doubt it'll be a thing much longer18:05
cmaloneyseems like the Chromecast has pretty much subsumed it.18:05
cmaloney(or more likey consumed it :) )18:06
ColonelPanic001depends on the size of the dog18:16
ColonelPanic001some dogs poop like people18:16
ColonelPanic001perhaps it's a humanlike dog that likes to climb18:16
ColonelPanic001or a dog-human hybrid.18:16
Havenstance2So apparently our POS software tries to capture a signature, if the customer hits cancel at the screen instead of canceling the transaction like it should it asks me if i want to try the capture again, if I click no it processes their card anyway regardless of the fact they just said they wanted to cancel the transaction18:59
rick_h_man that /. makes me have a little smile on a friday19:02
callmeDarwinPOS <perk>  I've been writing POS's for 15 years19:04
mrgoodcatis there any good way to make private class methods in python?19:13
brouschWhy are you so worried about privacy?19:13
mrgoodcati'm not19:13
mrgoodcatif it isn't easy i'm not going to worry about it19:14
brouschThere is only a convention for private. It is not actually enforced19:14
mrgoodcatbut there are some methods in my class that could affect the state of an instance and cause the methods that are meant to be used to return wrong values19:14
rick_h_just one _19:15
mrgoodcatwill that make it private? or just a way to mark methods to stay away from19:15
rick_h_in python you can inspect at get any anything if you want19:15
rick_h_but by convention, if it's underscored, use at your own risk19:15
mrgoodcatis that why the thread module was renamed to _thread in py3?19:16
mrgoodcatam i supposed to use threading?19:16
brouschAh, right __ is name mangled19:16
rick_h_threading ftw19:16
rick_h_so if you really really wantit you can import _thread as thread19:16
mrgoodcatthats what i did19:16
rick_h_but it's not exposed any longer as public api19:16
mrgoodcatall i needed was to be able to spin a single thread for a reactor loop19:17
mrgoodcatso i didn't feel like relearning threading19:17
rick_h_heh, well threading, check out asyncio, tornado and twisted have nice reactor loops19:17
mrgoodcatno outside deps19:17
rick_h_so asyncio then19:18
mrgoodcatso i'm stuck writing my own19:18
mrgoodcatnot asyncore?19:18
rick_h_thought so, looking19:18
rick_h_check out https://docs.python.org/3/library/concurrent.futures.html#module-concurrent.futures and19:19
mrgoodcatanyncio is 3.4 only19:20
mrgoodcati'm on 3.3 right now19:20
mrgoodcatit needs to run on 12.0419:20
brouschThrow that junk away, man, it's an antique!19:20
rick_h_ah, sorry thought you were on 3.419:20
rick_h_mrgoodcat: ah, then you can pip install it19:21
rick_h_but then it's an 'outside dep'19:21
rick_h_not sure if it counts if it's eventually not outside19:21
mrgoodcatyea i'm not sure if that counts...19:21
rick_h_but concurrent.futures is available if it'll do what you need19:21
rick_h_simple thread loop19:21
mrgoodcatthanks i'll look into it19:21
mrgoodcatbut tbh it's working right now with _thread so i'm hesitant to screw with it too much19:22
rick_h_well, the thing is now if you do update python it can break19:22
rick_h_and in a non-obvious way19:22
rick_h_but yea, working > *19:22
rick_h_the others are FYI and suggestions for a future path19:22
mrgoodcati don't want it to break on a python update...19:23
mrgoodcatthat would really upset $boss19:23
rick_h_yea, thus avoid underscores19:23
mrgoodcatis there an equivalent to start_new_thread(func) in threading?19:24
rick_h_jrwren: might know better, I've not used it yet since I'm not py3 bound but I thought he poked at threading some19:24
mrgoodcati'll just rtfd19:24
rick_h_http://pymotw.com/2/threading/ ?19:25
mrgoodcatso i create an instance of Thread with my function and then t.run() ?19:26
mrgoodcater start19:26
jrwrenmrgoodcat: yes.20:03
jrwrenmrgoodcat: if you can, just concurrent futures.  much eaiser20:03
jrwrenbrousch: nice Weird Al ref.20:04
jrwrenaccess modifiers are stupid and harmful. never mark things protected or private in any language.20:04
Havenstancemrgoodcat, zentyal is up, working, doing everything I need it for :)21:23
HavenstanceIncluding hosting teamspeak server....21:23
jrwrenteamspeak server sounds like a corporate thing22:18

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