
deltwhat's the default sound applet in the top bar in ubuntu studio?02:23
holsteindelt: i feel like you are saying to me, basicallly, without actually saying it..02:35
holstein"i have removed a bunch of stuff, and tweaked my system out, and my sound applet is gone"02:36
holsteindelt: if you want to stay from default, that can happen02:36
holsteindelt: nothing about a panely applet for volumet control is needed02:36
holsteindelt: i dont understand what you mean by "alsa is making my apps run with minimal latency"02:36
delti didn't remove a bunch of stuff, i just updated.02:36
holsteindelt: im saying, use pavucontrol02:36
holsteindelt: not, stop using alsa02:37
deltjack uses alsa as backend anyway, right?02:37
holsteindelt: im suggesting, instead of a panel applet, which is *never* going to work for audio production needs, use pavucontrol instead02:37
holsteintheres a pluse to jack bridge that is running by default02:37
deltbut the default applet -is- pavucontrol, you mentioned in the other channel, right?02:38
holsteindelt: pluse uses alsa as well02:38
holsteindelt: i dont thinnk so02:38
holsteindelt: pavucontrol is, as i said, what i use02:38
holsteindelt: i dont use any sound applet, and havent since they do not do anthing i need in audio production02:38
delti can simply map a key combination to pop up a pavucontrol window02:39
holsteindelt: if you are saying "where did my sound applet go?", im saying, you may not need it02:39
delti'd still like to know what it was and how i could, if i wanted, get it back02:39
holsteindelt: and, if you dont want upgrades breaking your audio rig, consider treating it more like an appliance02:39
holsteindelt: you updated.. why? what did it do for your audio production facility?02:40
holsteindelt: how you get it back is, you elaboarate as to what removed it02:40
holsteindelt: what upgraded when.. why? how?.. etc02:40
holsteini got the idea of "appliance audio rig" from the AVlinux dev02:42
deltwuh.. how come alsamixer lists my graphics card as one of its sound card?02:42
deltwell, a computer is a sort of appliance... though a very flexible one02:42
holsteindelt: you probably have HDMI02:42
holsteindelt: thats not what "appliance" means above02:43
deltoh yeah, hdmi can have sound as well as video, that's why02:43
holsteindelt: what im saying is, you set it, and dont upgrade02:43
holsteinthere is no reason for me to upgrade my production rig.. *ever*02:43
holsteinits not online02:43
deltthen you try to install something and something doesn't work because there's old versions of stuff lying around02:43
holsteini dont need any newer apps..02:43
holsteini just need it to work.. period02:44
holsteinso, its an appliance, more than a computer02:44
deltyeah but i don't have the $ or the room for another computer setup02:44
holsteindelt: thats why is said another partition02:44
deltyeah but then i'd be rebooting all the time and that's annoying.02:45
holsteindelt: you can just say "im not interested, im going to keep updating and breaking my audio rig"02:45
deltwell, reluctantly i have to say "im not interested, im going to keep updating and breaking my audio rig"02:46
deltthough it would be nice if i had unlimited $ and an entire house at my disposal02:46
holsteinit doesnt cost me anyting more02:46
holsteinheck, i didnt even pay for that production machine..02:47
holsteinbut.. im just sharing with you how i get work done, and dont mess with audio applets, and breakage with updates02:47
deltsomeone just -gave- it to you?02:47
holsteinupdating literally doesnt do anyting for my audio production work flow.. unless i specifically want an upgrade02:47
holsteindelt: correct.. someone gave it to me.. i reseated the CPU and its my audio production righ02:48
deltsometimes people give me computer hardware, but it's decades old junk..02:48
holsteindelt: so, the last upgrade that broke the applet you are fixing.. what did you get?02:49
deltanyway. on to the next thing that doesn't work (but doesn't bother me much) ....when i logout, usually i can reboot by pressing the "reboot" button.. now the reboot button just logs me out and pops back to the login screen.02:50
holsteindelt: what did you get from this upgrade?02:50
holsteindelt: anyways.. that can be rhetorical, for later..02:50
deltnot much... except the knowledge that i'm running current version of stuff02:50
holsteindelt: current version of what audio production stuff? thats the question02:50
holsteindelt: what current version of what that is relevant did you have to have? that is worth this breakage..02:51
deltoh, at the same time i just updated renoise to 3.0rc1, which fixes various bugs02:51
holsteindelt: at the same time?02:51
holsteindelt: i sugggest not doing that as well02:51
deltwhile i was waiting for the updates to download+install02:52
holsteindelt: then, you can see if one update broke something, or not.. do them one at a time02:52
holsteindelt: you shouldnt be changing other parts of the system while upgrading packages02:52
delti just tar -xvf the renoise archive into my /usr/renoise directory, it creates a directory rns_[version] and i keep it there.02:52
deltand symlink the executable from /usr/bin02:52
holsteincool.. just let me know if you have a question.02:53
delti highly doubt the package manager has any idea about /usr/renoise02:53
deltyeah... where should i first check to fix that reboot thing?02:53
deltthinking more about it, yeah you're probably right about that "appliance" issue02:55
deltexcept usually (in my 20 years of experience with it) linux isn't a "fragile" system, stuff normally doesn't break without a good reason.02:56
deltthough i've mostly used slackware since its beginning, in which you have to do everything manually, and finally i got tired of that.02:57
deltespecially compiling stuff that's not neatly packaged. ubuntu has WAY more software available. If you want to install something, most likely it's in some package available somewhere. That's the big advantage i see in it.02:58
deltuh... little pissed off holstein? bad day maybe?03:03
holsteindelt: ?03:05
holsteindelt: im not upset in any way03:05
holsteindelt: you can do what you like.. its a bad idea to do upgrades like that for several reason.. its factual03:06
holsteindelt: you say when you started renoise, you had to select the audio device to get it working.. and you dont konw which upgrade caused that issue for you03:06
holsteindelt: but, if you have updgraded the system. rebooted, *then* tested. and *then* upgraded renoise, you would konw where the issue is03:07
holsteinor, just do what you like.. i just read you doing things that i used to do03:07
holsteinits not fagile, and im  not suggesting it is, but, you are experiencing breakage03:08
delthmm... why is my network card suddenly eth1 instead of eth0?03:10
deltifconfig -a isnt' even showing a eth003:10
deltsomehow it still got configured correctly anyway03:11
deltholstein: well i do have a slackware partition on this machine that i can use as "spare" ...so if this one goes fubar i can still use my audio stuff =)03:12
holsteini read it going that way03:12
draxdeveloperso... is there any plan to ubuntu studio support multi touch? Since ubuntu touch screen support comes with unity and probably into ubuntu touch...04:12
holsteindraxdeveloper: ubuntustudio *is* ubuntu, so we get whatever is upstream04:13
holsteindraxdeveloper: if one wanted, one could install main ubuntu, take advantage of whatever "touch" is in there, and use whatever audio/video packages from the ubuntustudio meta packages04:14
holsteinone could also just load up ubuntustudio and use the touchscreen as the input device04:14
draxdeveloperyes i know, but i keep limited to one touch04:15
holsteindraxdeveloper: AFAIK, that can be hardware limited04:15
draxdevelopermaking a better question, does xfce pretend to give a better support on it04:15
holsteindraxdeveloper: but, if it comes upstream, we get it04:15
draxdevelopermy touch screen is working04:15
holsteindraxdeveloper: youd have to ask XFCE, but, nothing about xfce is preventing it04:15
draxdeveloperah ok, ty :)04:16
holsteindraxdeveloper: you can as in #xubuntu as well.. that is our most direct upstream04:16
draxdeveloperxubuntu uses xfce, right?04:16
holsteindraxdeveloper: correct04:17
studio-user521I'm looking to record Open GL game sessions as well as voice chat through mumble, what programs are availible on Ubuntu studios 13.10 that would give the best AV quality04:59
peanutbAnyone have any pointers for getting a preempt-rt kernel running on 14.04?05:02
peanutbI keep getting I/O errors05:02
peanutband harddrive errors.05:02
peanutbbut none of the errors show up when i use the vanilla kernel without the preempt-rt patch05:03
stochasticpeanutb, is there a reason why you're not using the lowlatency kernel?05:33
stochasticalso, 14.04 isn't released yet.  Discussion of that should probably take place in #ubuntustudio-devel so maybe peanutb you should move over there and ask.05:34
peanutbstochastic: Were using it for robot control loops, so large maximum jitter isnt really allowable. We need hard realtime.05:51
peanutbIll head over there I guess05:51
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zequenceTerranceWarrior: Are you using KXstudio PPA?08:12
`Fibz``i gave him a link to the kxstudio repo08:21
zequenceWell, if he did install from that repo, he would have replaced Ubuntu packages with KXStudio ones08:22
zequenceAnd, in some cases, the system changes quite a lot08:23
TerranceWarriorzequence: yes, some of it.08:23
zequenceIt's best to ask for support in the #kxstudio channel08:23
zequenceTerranceWarrior: If you installed jack from kx, you're not running Ubuntu Studio anymore08:23
zequence..if you did an update after adding the repos, you will have replaced most of the other audio packages as well08:25
TerranceWarriori think i have pulseaudi installed.08:25
zequenceTerranceWarrior: If you started by installing Ubuntu Studio, then yes, you have pulseaudio installed08:25
`Fibz``i think you should have just returned the korg and tried something else08:26
zequenceTerranceWarrior: But, again, if you added packages from kxstudio, please ask for support in the #kxstudio channel08:26
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zequenceTerranceWarrior: I'm suspecting you've built something yourself (no alsa means you built without alsa support)08:29
TerranceWarrioryes, i uninstall08:37
TerranceWarriornow jackd -d alsa from the command line works.08:37
TerranceWarriori uninstalled the jackd package, waf uninstalled it but it still exists in /usr/bin/jackd08:52
zequenceTerranceWarrior: you probably installed your custom build in /usr/local/bin08:58
TerranceWarriorbut where did /usr/bin/jackd come from08:59
zequenceif you want to see in which order your system starts binaries, do: echo $PATH08:59
TerranceWarriori want to make this clean08:59
TerranceWarrioror i'll just attempt at intalleding qjackctl08:59
zequenceit's a good practice to have custom builds end up in /usr/local08:59
zequenceif jackd is in /usr/local/bin, then that will be run before the jackd in /usr/bin09:00
TerranceWarriorif I try to apt-get install qjackctl it wants to install jackd09:01
TerranceWarriori don't think the waf uninstall worked.09:01
zequencewaf uninstall only uninstalls the custom build09:02
zequencenot the debian package09:02
TerranceWarriorli never said anything to te contrary.09:02
TerranceWarriorare there other packages that might have installed a jackd?09:04
TerranceWarriordoes my keyboard have to be in a special mode for midi output?09:05
TerranceWarriorah i got it09:07
TerranceWarriori'm now jack free.09:07
TerranceWarrior(thats what *she* said)09:07
TerranceWarriorhm it jackctl shows up as a out client but not an in client.09:11
TerranceWarriorgot it to work!09:25
TerranceWarriorsounded (clarity) better under original windows.09:29
TerranceWarriora little slower in reaper than stand alone vsts.09:44
TerranceWarriorcan anyone recommend a good interface for audio on a laptop?10:05
cfhowlettTerranceWarrior you mean for recording with?10:06
TerranceWarrioryes, via the 1/4 audio cable.10:07
zequenceTerranceWarrior: You mean, microphone?10:15
zequenceor, do you mean a audio card, like a usb or firewire device?10:16
TerranceWarriorwell, an external pc interface.10:18
TerranceWarriori have a mobile pre but the audio is really really very bad.10:18
TerranceWarriori guess both of you have indeed answered my question.10:20
TerranceWarriorlooks like `Fibz`` went out for a Scooby Snack.11:06
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TerranceWarrioranyone know of a good pc interface that doesn't modify the sound from an audio instrument?15:07
zequenceTerranceWarrior: You're talking about audio cards now?15:27
zequenceAnd what do you classify as an audio instrument?15:28
zequenceA guitar, or a keyboard(with sounds)?15:28
zequenceFor a guitar, you'll want a dedicated instrument input. Works for synths too, but for synths/keyboard a simple line in can do quite well15:29
zequenceFor microphones, you'll need a mic preamp, which is often included in most cards today15:30
zequenceIf you aren't looking for the most professional gear, almost any card will do15:30
zequenceHere's a list of cards http://wiki.linuxaudio.org/wiki/hardware_matrix15:31
zequenceMost PCI cards will work (but that won't help you if you have a laptop)15:31
zequenceThere's some info in our wiki as well https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/SupportedHardware15:32
zequenceVery few usb devices are fully supported, but there are a few that are15:34
zequenceI mean, there are a few that work well15:34
TerranceWarriorwow, you just wasted alot of typing.15:35
TerranceWarriorlike i said eariler i'm looking for an interface.15:35
zequenceTerranceWarrior: Usually, that means an audio card. You still haven't told us what you define as an "interface"15:35
zequenceTerranceWarrior: But, it's good you tell me I waste my time with you. I won't in the future15:36
TerranceWarriorzequence: if you don't know what an interface is, i'm not sure if you can help me or not.15:37
TerranceWarriorsince that is the professional part of what I'm asking specifically for.15:38
zequenceIt's pretty clear that you don't know what an audio interface is.15:40
zequenceAs the project lead of UBuntu Studio, and over 20 years of experience with recording, I'm pretty confident I know what an audio interface is in this situation15:41
zequencePerhaps if you answer the questions you are given, so we can clarify what it is you are actually asking about, you can get the answers you need15:42
TerranceWarriorwhen people who are into recording music , an interface is a converter of signals not an audio pci or whatever sound output-only device.16:00
zequenceTerranceWarrior: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sound_card#Professional_soundcards_.28audio_interfaces.2916:03
TerranceWarrioryes, i know how to use a search engine too thank you very much!16:03
TerranceWarrioras you can see , none of this answers my still yet-to-be-answered question.16:04
zequenceFirst, you could explain what a PC interface is, that modifies the sound of audio instruments16:07
TerranceWarriorzequence: the one i currently own. thats why i am asing if anyone here has experience with one.16:07
zequenceGood luck with that16:08
TerranceWarriorthe sound is attrocious. never get a mobile.16:08
TerranceWarrioryeah good luck with that.16:08
TerranceWarriorzequence: it may have been better if the last thing you said was the first.16:08
TerranceWarriorit would have prevented me and you from writing 10 pages of useless text and annoying channel users.16:10
TerranceWarriorzequence: thank you for your patronage.16:13
TerranceWarriorzequence: if my quest for truth has offended you, i am sorry.16:19
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stochasticHey TerranceWarrior, there is no such thing as an Audio ADC that doesn't modify the signal.  All of them have characteristics modifications inherent in their design - even the $20,000 ones.  What's your budget and your requirements for the device?17:31
TerranceWarrior$200 looking at a beringer.17:41
TerranceWarriori jut need to to sample my 16 bit 48k piano sounds.17:41
TerranceWarriorlet me be clear...i'm looking for experience, not web pages. or search engine results.17:44
stochasticYeah, fair enough.  Berhinger is a middle-of-the road brand with some poor QC sometimes.17:46
stochasticAre you specifically looking for something that works well on Linux?17:46
stochasticIs it just a stereo In / stereo Out device you're looking for?17:46
TerranceWarriorthats a nice thing. yes. but i'm more concerned about quality. but one points to the other i suppose.17:46
TerranceWarriortwo 1/4 audio out cables.17:47
TerranceWarriori almost wonder if I should just use a good vst.17:47
stochasticI'm quite happy with PreSonus - very clean signal for the money.17:47
TerranceWarriorbecause the sound quality is similiar.17:47
stochasticTascam is also a good brand with something in that price range17:47
stochasticI've never been a VST person so choose your own path.17:48
TerranceWarriorstochastic: thanks.17:48
TerranceWarrioryeah, the vsts aren't too bad. better when it's not live , but not too much of a difference.17:49
TerranceWarriorunder windows i get crackles and blips. haven't had any under wine so far. but it's a brand new install, so we'll see.17:49
TerranceWarriori'll have to see. obviously my keyboard can do stuff the vsts can't, then it's a must.17:50
TerranceWarriori think i may have to increase the volume under my wine. not sure if alsamixer will handle that all or if i need a windows program under wine.17:51
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