
elroydoes anyone know how to get Redshift or F.lux to work in 13.10, and if not, what is the most recent version that either of those would work in?01:36
Noskcajelroy, redshift works01:41
NoskcajYou just need to manually set your location01:41
elroyredshift doesnt have a gui or an app icon like flux?01:42
=== ph_afk is now known as ph1
Noskcajelroy, redshift-gtk is a thing01:44
Noskcajoops, gtk-redshift01:45
elroyis the only way to do it by cl? like this http://www.joeipson.com/articles/flux-linux/01:49
elroyor is there a simpler way?01:50
Noskcajelroy, I think you need to do the initial setup via cl because of a geolocation break01:50
Noskcajbut redshift-gtk will handle it from then01:51
NoskcajJust run something like redshift -l -30.589447:151.62875001:54
elroyNoskcaj, it works now but the color is really dark, and the redshift icon doesnt provide preference adjustments02:08
Noskcajelroy, I think you're stuck with changing stuff by command line. And did you use your own location instead of mine?02:10
elroyI used my own location02:11
NoskcajMaybe it's a brightness issue. I'm not really sure how to fix it02:12
elroyf.lux seems easier to use, maybe I will revert to an older ubuntu version to get it02:13
Noskcajelroy, https://launchpad.net/~kilian/+archive/f.lux/+packages should work on all versions of ubuntu, if you want f.lux02:15
elroysudo add-apt-repository ppa:kilian/f.lux sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install fluxgui02:18
elroyI did this, the flux indicator applet shows up, but it doesnt work, no way to click on preferences and screen doesnt change color02:18
=== ph_afk is now known as ph1
majodid like to solve my problem with unable to install .deb files with ubuntu software center :/ all files fail to install, but with dpkg -i they install successfuly12:41
majodon 14.0412:41
irrodeusHello everyone17:22
=== majod_ is now known as majod
ahoneybunI am back darkxst and ready to package!23:05
ahoneybunanyone here me?23:13
ahoneybun_I'm back darkxst and ready to package!23:14
ahoneybunhey yofel23:31
darkxsthey ahoneybun23:37
darkxstahoneybun, send me a debdiff of gnome-contacts with fixed changelog and valac dep and I will get it uploaded for you!23:39
ahoneybunok but get me the command to use debdiff need to right it down23:41
darkxstdebdiff old.dsc new.dsc | filterdiff -i "*/debian/*"23:43
ahoneybuncurrent changelog http://pastebin.com/AhjUg5nV23:43
ahoneybundarkxst: debdiff http://pastebin.com/CLBJacqb23:48
darkxstahoneybun, valac (>= 0.24.0)23:49
darkxstand note the change in the changelog ;)23:49
ahoneybunneed to run debuild -S again right?23:49
ahoneybungot it23:49
ahoneybunbrb while that runs23:50
ahoneybunwhen I run that again it gets rid of the old .dsc file?23:52
ahoneybunor do I delete the old one first?23:53
ahoneybunguess it over rides the other one23:53
ahoneybundarkxst: http://pastebin.com/4LXi7wfJ good?23:54
ahoneybunbtw darkxst I saw that you added me to the developers thing in launchpad23:55
darkxstyes, but next time its better to redirect to a file :) you can add this at the end of the command "> file.debdiff"23:55
ahoneybun> file.debdiff ?23:56
ahoneybunI want to work on gnome-calculater and gnome-terminal next23:57
darkxstahoneybun, also "debian/control.in: valac build-dep updated to 0.24.0" is a better changelog entry ;)23:59
darkxstok, someone is working on gedit, and epiphany needs a webkit update23:59
darkxstgotta run23:59

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