
scarneiroHi guys, I have a newbie question about merge proposals with UDD, would anyone help me,  please?19:42
Noskcajscarneiro, what is the question?19:46
scarneiroThanks Noskcaj ! My question is, how can I make a merge proposal against lp:ubuntu/trusty-proposed/aolserver4-nspostgres ?19:48
Noskcajscarneiro, Make the branch lp:~USER/ubuntu/trusty/aolserver4-nspostgres/MERGE and then change the merge target to lp:ubuntu/trusty-proposed/aolserver4-nspostgres19:49
scarneiroAwesome! Thanks!19:50
scarneiroI will try that. Thank you Noskcaj !19:50
Noskcajno problem. It's great to see someone new here19:50
scarneiroNoskcaj: It worked, it is now under review. Thanks for the help, glad to be able to help. ;)19:56
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