
ubottucfhowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (SeaSki)06:25
bazhang<SeaSki> KDE MASTER RACE06:27
bazhang<neo_> well, it doesn't matter. Ban evasion technique will work fine.06:30
bazhangfrom PM06:30
bazhanghe felt that redtube,snowden, mint, his isp speed were all on topic06:31
rwwlooks like they want to lose -ot too06:32
valorietoo many red pills, maybe06:32
rwwof the matrix or reddit variety?06:33
valorieI was thinking matrix because: neo06:33
* valorie doesn't have time to read reddit06:33
rwwfor the best06:33
rwwbazhang: redirected him here from #ubuntu-offtopic, yvw06:34
bazhangthe kde master race guy?06:34
bazhangoh wait, we have jussi already06:35
elkyno, the one you're oppressing according to -ot06:35
rww06:37:22 < neo_> Russia is gonna annex China, and that will infuriate bazhang.06:37
rwwfor your amusement06:37
elkyyou do indeed seem to be putin if i'm skimming this even remotely accuratley06:38
elkyso um, congratulations?06:38
bazhangputin on the ritz06:38
bazhangtoo soon?06:38
rwwis there a Ritz in Ukraine?06:39
elkyyeah i'm missing the reference i think06:39
bazhangcrimea river06:39
neo_bazhang is a fucking dick that he will ban Russia for annexing China with his crummy toffee finger.06:40
elkyok, noted.06:40
elkyanything else?06:40
rww@mark #ubuntu-ops neo_ officially noted for the record06:40
ubottuThe operation succeeded.06:40
neo_Yeah, noted it for real?06:40
neo_ah ok06:40
neo_I was helping numerous of people on Ubuntu channel.. and he perm banned me for going off-topic.06:41
neo_He's a ban freak.06:41
bazhanghardly a perma, and not a ban06:41
neo_Go ban Russia if you're that uptight.06:42
elkyneo_: please don't link pornographic content in our channels.06:42
neo_they asked for it06:42
neo_he was being sarcastic and I provided his request.06:43
rwwhe got kicked before you did so06:43
elkyneo_: that's not a reasonable excuse. We have our expected behaviour described in the guidelines in the topic.06:43
neo_There ya - it was my natural response.06:43
neo_there ya go06:43
neo_Blame him, not me.06:43
elkywell you're the controller of your own behaviour06:44
rwwas you are a human and not a lower-order animal, we expect you to keep your natural responses in check here06:44
neo_Why are you being self-righteous?06:44
elkyand i'd appreciate you promising to not post porn again in our channels, no matter what someone asks for06:44
rwwif you are in fact a dog or something, I'll need a note from your owner06:44
neo_I don't post porn in any channel. That guy was asking for it. But, okay, for the sake of your own self-righteousness  - I will not post porn URLs again.06:45
rwweven if someone else asks for it?06:45
neo_Ban him before it happens.06:45
neo_Is that hard to do?06:46
rwwHe got kicked before you responded, so...06:46
elkyneo_: we can't predict the future.06:46
neo_Now we understand eachother.06:46
rwwAre you going to post porn if someone else asks for it?06:46
elkyok, then since you're not banned, are you done here?06:47
rwwelky: they're +q06:47
elkyi am technically correct :P06:47
neo_How long are you planning to censor me?06:48
rwwelky: missing the point though, since they're trying to resolve their +q :P06:48
neo_White-washed pharisees.06:49
elkyneo_: you should probably read the guidelines linked from the topic to avoid future issues first06:49
neo_There was no guideline when I first joined in.06:49
elkyalthough, if you're going to start throwing in namecalling, we can wait a few days06:50
rwwChanServ sent a link to them to you. If you didn't get that, you should probably fix your IRC client too.06:50
neo_There ya go.06:50
neo_I will read the guideline and adhere to the policy.06:50
neo_Ok? Happy now?06:50
elkyi will be when you've read it.06:51
neo_i didn't get it06:52
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines06:52
neo_I didn't know.06:52
elkythough if you can't see topics of channels, you are going to have issues in other places06:52
rww06:50:31 -ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- Entrymsg   : Welcome to #ubuntu! Please read the channel topic. This channel is logged. Use of this channel implies acceptance of terms at  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/TermsOfService06:52
neo_See? How am I held accountable for my own action if I didn't know about it in the first place?06:52
neo_I didn't see it in off-topic channel as well06:53
rwwYou got sent that. The ToS links to the guidelines, as does the channel topic.06:53
neo_Depending on which IRC client you use.06:53
rwwProbably better if we just get this over with and say "okay" rather than prolonging it.06:53
rwwIf your IRC client is broken, that's your problem. You're still responsible for it.06:53
neo_Blaming people huh?06:53
neo_Customer service you are.06:54
rwwFor posting porn in #ubuntu because they didn't read channel guidelines? Yep.06:54
elkycustomers give money...06:54
elkyyou don't.06:54
rwwNow, are you going to play nice, or keep arguing about this?06:54
neo_That's not for you to decide. For your sake: I will play nice.06:54
rwwGood. Go read guidelines and tell elky you have and that you'll follow them, and then we can all quit with this... or that.06:54
rww@mark #ubuntu-ops neo_ attempted ban resolution, failed because user is not good at responsibility06:55
ubottuThe operation succeeded.06:55
bazhanghonestly ikonia07:17
bazhangyou'd think I know nothing about ubuntu or linux07:18
ikoniawhat ?07:18
bazhang"it's a directory"07:18
ikoniayou just told a guy "cat would work on a directory"07:18
ikoniaJHC ?07:19
ikonia(sorry I don't know all the phrases)07:19
bazhangtelling someone to "get on with it"07:19
ikoniabecause he's messing around telling stories07:19
ikoniajust type what you're told to type07:19
bazhangnot everyone is tech savvy07:19
ikoniaso type what you're told to type07:20
ikoniarather than tell a story07:20
bazhangand require a bit of patience07:20
ikoniaI am patient07:20
bazhangthe very model of it07:20
ikoniano idea if you're being sarcastic or not07:20
bazhang"get on with it" and patient dont often collide07:21
ikoniathere is nothing wrong with telling someone to get on with it07:21
ikoniathat doesn't mean you are not patient07:21
ikoniathat means I'm not interested in your story - type the command07:21
ikoniathat's nothing to do with patience07:21
ikoniaI'm patient and will hand hold people through problems without an issue07:22
ikoniaI however have no interest in this guys stories or waffle07:22
ikoniahe wants help - he's in a help channel, take the help07:22
jussibazhang: joke wasnt funny. :/07:53
bazhangthey cant all be gems!07:57
bazhangso it was arm07:59
ikoniaan excellent spot08:00
ikoniabut also begs the question what distro he was running08:00
ikoniaas it was not ubuntu08:00
ikoniahe was asked that and specfically said "no"08:01
bazhangI saw that somewhere in the backscroll08:01

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