
studiohey guys, have aError creating mount point `/media/studio/Video Projects': Read-only file system.problem.  Getting the following:01:14
studioError creating mount point `/media/studio/Video Projects': Read-only file system.01:14
studiothat's the error I am getting.  all my usb drives read only01:15
studioany advice on how to rectify this?  Had the problem with 12.10 until I updated to 13.04.  I've since then upgraded to 13.10.  That was a while back, but now i'm getting this error.01:17
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TerranceWarriornow audacity doesn't work04:58
TerranceWarriorcant get realguitar to work. install problems05:50
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tim167hello, I'm trying to get internet on Linux udoo-studio-hfp 3.0.35 #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon Mar 3 15:17:07 CET 2014 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux12:57
tim167"ifconfig wlan0 up && iwlist scan" shows available wifi networks13:00
cfhowletttim167 bring this question over to #ubuntu = more eyes available13:00
tim167cfhowlett: ok, I thought I might get that answer in the other direction over there, but I'll try, thanks13:01
cfhowletttim167 it's not a US specific issue so - main channel13:01
TerranceWarriorj #Kxstudio13:24
cfhowlettTerranceWarrior /join #kxstudio13:28
TerranceWarrioreat a lemon and like it14:08
TerranceWarriorinstead of having 1 linux audio app, i happily have 3.14:10
TerranceWarrior(that doesn't work)14:10
cfhowlettTerranceWarrior easily fixed14:11
username_no irc since 10+ yrs ("graduated" from e-monitoring). Seeing a log off from belgium = rush of hearing a dialup modem. ahhhh.14:19
sebastianstudioja, hallo, ist vermutlich ne ziemlich blöde anfängerfrage, aber, da ich ubuntu studio nun seit heute zum ersten mal benutze ist das vielleicht garnicht so schlecht, um sich ein bisschen mit dem audio kram vertraut zu machen. es geht um folgendes: habe mit dem firefox sound gehabt und konnte eine youtube sehen und hören. danach habe ich den qsynth geöffnet. daraufhin ging der ton im firefox weg und nach beenden beide17:33
sebastianstudior und dem neustart von firefox fehlt dort nun immernoch der ton. kann mir jemand helfen und sagen wo und welche regler zu verschieben sind? wäre super. vielen dank schonmal im voraus!17:33
ubottusebastianstudio: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!17:33
sebastianstudioso my question is basicly about where to manage my audio inputs. first i had audio in firefox. i was watching a youtube video and there was sound. after opening the qsynth the sound has gone and didn't came back after closing both qsynth and firefox and restarting firefox. can someone tell me where i have to twist the knobs? that would be very friendly. thank you very much!17:43
TerranceWarriortried to install ardor3, ruined my wineasio/jackd2 configure because it over wrote th setup with jack1.17:44
sebastianstudiohi guys. i have a question. i want to check some youtube tutorials about audio production and use audio programs simultaneously, but the sound of firefox turns always off when starting one of those programs. so how may i fix that?20:25
zequencesebastianstudio: make sure to always start jack before opening a jack application21:02
zequencesebastianstudio: there's a pulseaudio (desktop audio) module, that connects with the jack server21:02
zequencesebastianstudio: In pulseaudio settings, set pulseaudio output to jack21:03
ubottuFor information on professional audio tools in Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/ProAudioIntro21:03
zequenceYOu can read more about it there21:03
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