
rick_h_thumper-gym: hey, tracking the debug-log work. Is that branch you've got proposed the final?00:35
davecheneyo/ thumper-gym00:38
=== thumper-gym is now known as thumper
thumperhi davecheney01:29
davecheneythumper: o/01:31
davecheneyre that that change to peergrouper01:31
davecheneyi thought it was a fix01:31
davecheneybut it just made things more confusing01:31
davecheneyrog says that the peergrouper shold return things in order01:31
davecheneybut it doesn't01:31
davecheneyeven fixing the mock server to make it respect order doesn't return things in order01:31
davecheneyso I don't know what to do01:31
davecheneyif order is important to the operation of the peergropuer01:31
davecheneythen there is a problem01:31
davecheneyif its not01:32
davecheneythen we can just go back to my previous commit01:32
davecheneythe point is, both proposals can't be right or wrong01:32
waiganihi all :)01:34
thumpero/ waigani01:35
davecheneywaigani: thumper http://paste.ubuntu.com/7215168/02:02
davecheneygetting there, slowly02:02
waiganidavecheney: I've been out of action sorry, getting back into it now02:02
davecheneywaigani: no worries02:07
waiganidavecheney: fyi I put up a wip at the end of last week: https://codereview.appspot.com/84360043. I'm just reading it now to remind myself where I was at.02:08
davecheneywaigani: i can't reproduce the issue02:18
davecheneydo you have the latest gccgo and gccgo-go ?02:18
davecheneyubuntu@winton-02:~/src/launchpad.net/juju-core/provider/local$ go test .02:21
davecheneyok      launchpad.net/juju-core/provider/local  30.707s02:21
waiganidavecheney: oops, just saw your message hmm02:27
waiganii can't reproduce it now either. Though when I run make check I'm hitting nil pointer panics. - something to do with mongo being checked for02:30
davecheneywaigani: can you paste waht you see ?02:30
davecheneywaigani: do you have a /usr/bin/mongod ?02:31
davecheneyi suspect you will not02:31
waiganidavecheney: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7215232/02:31
waiganidavecheney: ah, I'll have a look - I need to run to a standup now02:31
waiganibb in 30min02:31
waiganidavecheney: I do not have /usr/bin/mongod. I am confused as I thought that mongod was a dependancy of juju-local, which I do have.02:54
waiganidavecheney: I thought the idea was to add juju-local to install-dependencies in the Makefile and check only for juju-local as mongod would be installed as a dependency of juju-local02:56
waiganidavecheney: though I may very easily got that wrong - thumper?02:57
thumperI'm busy responding02:57
thumperplease hold02:57
davecheneywaigani: there is a bug03:02
davecheneyyou need to symlink /usr/lib/..../mongod to /usr/bin03:02
waiganidavecheney: ah okay03:03
waiganidavecheney: if this is a bug, does it make sense for me to fix it in this branch? As it now relies on mongod being installed correctly as a dep.03:04
waiganiwallyworld_: is the simplestreams a universal metadata format juju specific?03:06
waiganihmm, how did I miss that? I'll have to read up.03:06
wallyworld_from the project page on lp03:06
wallyworld_Simple Streams describe streams of like items in a structural fashion.03:06
wallyworld_A client provides a way to sync or act on changes in a remote stream.03:06
wallyworld_It's been used to described cloud images which we just happen to make use of in Juju03:07
waiganiah, that helps, thanks03:07
waiganiDoes the server API rely on it?03:08
waiganianyway, I shouldn't distract you - I'll read up :)03:08
thumperdavecheney, waigani: there is another problem with the tests on trusty, in that they should use the juju-mongodb mongo, and not the mongodb-server mongo03:09
waiganithumper: okay, I'll update my branch03:10
waiganithumper: your comment about cloud-init. I don't understand?03:28
thumperwaigani: hangout?03:30
waiganigive me a sec03:31
davecheneythumper: yes, exactly03:31
waiganithumper: got a link? Tried calling via hangs, no luck.03:33
* thumper goes through axw's review comments03:53
axwbtw I have been through the tests now, and just had the one additional comment - expect no more pedantry :)03:53
axwuntil you reply at least03:53
davecheneyubuntu@winton-02:~/src/launchpad.net/juju-core/provider/openstack$ go test03:54
davecheneyOK: 53 passed, 5 skipped03:54
davecheneyok      launchpad.net/juju-core/provider/openstack      59.350s03:54
davecheneygentlemen, we have TWO (at least) ways of creating fake tools03:54
davecheneyeveryone should feel ashamed of themselves03:54
thumperdavecheney: only two?03:56
thumperaxw: wondering about agent vs. entity03:56
thumperaxw: the log files are agregated by agent03:56
thumperfor now at least03:57
thumperI'll change to entity03:57
thumperjust because I think it makes more sense03:57
thumperwe can work out what to do later when we merge the unit agents into the machine agent03:57
davecheneythumper: i'd be fine with N, where N was the number of providers03:57
davecheneybut it's two03:57
axwthumper: thanks03:58
axwthumper: that'll be "interesting" :)03:58
thumperdavecheney: I think it would be N where N is the number of developers who have needed it :-)03:58
davecheneythumper: well played03:58
* davecheney runs go test ./... and goes to make lunch03:58
* davecheney throws a chair04:16
davecheneyeverywhere we use version.Current04:17
davecheneythat should be a version number, not a full number/arch/series04:17
thumperaxw: refactoring the authentication may be bigger than I want04:19
thumperI'll attempt it04:19
thumperand see how massive it is04:19
thumperI didn't know it was a copy04:19
thumperwas in the work I was passed04:19
axwah right04:19
tvansteenburghthumper: i'm looking at https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/130293504:26
_mup_Bug #1302935: trusty local provider unit agents stuck pending <deploy> <local-provider> <lxc> <juju-core:Incomplete by thumper> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1302935>04:26
tvansteenburgh`sudo lxc-ls` returns 'juju-precise-template'04:26
thumperaxw: which is better `maxLines value "foo" is not a valid unsigned number` or `maxLines value "foo" is not a valid unsigned number: strconv.ParseUint: parsing "foo": invalid syntax`04:26
thumpertvansteenburgh: yeah...04:26
tvansteenburghdo i need to kill that somehow?04:27
thumperno, it makes no difference04:27
thumperit is filtered out before anyone cares04:27
waiganiWhat write permissions should /usr/lib/juju have?04:27
thumperwaigani: why?04:27
thumper0755 at least04:28
axwthumper: I see, fair enough :)04:28
axwleave it then04:28
waiganithumper: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7215512/04:28
tvansteenburghthumper: hrm, not the answer i was hoping for. i deleted the trusty lock file, redeployed, and same result. i'll post the new log file04:28
waiganiit seems the dirs can be created, no problem04:29
thumpertvansteenburgh: how long did you wait?04:29
thumpertvansteenburgh: for me to create a new template, and start it, it took over 5 minutes04:29
* tvansteenburgh turns suddenly sheepish04:30
tvansteenburghthumper: you're right, now it's all started up04:30
tvansteenburghsorry :(04:30
thumpertvansteenburgh: the slow startup is just the first time the template is started04:30
thumpertvansteenburgh: that is fine04:30
thumperwe should communicate this more clearly04:30
thumpertvansteenburgh: it will be much faster now :-)04:31
thumpertvansteenburgh: on my todo list is a plugin command to create the template out of band04:31
thumperwith more feedback04:31
thumperso you can see what is going on04:31
tvansteenburghcool. unfortunately i would have never figured out the lock file thing on my own04:31
thumperyeah, another problem with communication I think04:31
tvansteenburghbut now i know, so thanks for that04:32
thumperwe should be aware that people will kill it in the middle there04:32
tvansteenburghi guess i killed it at some point, but didn't even remember that04:32
thumperaxw: I'm up for ideas on how we can make the destroy environment call on Ctrl-C remove the lock file if it created one04:32
thumpertvansteenburgh: this is good feedback though04:33
thumperdon't feel sheepish04:33
axwthumper: which lock file is that?04:33
thumperaxw: when we create a new lxc template for a series04:33
thumperaxw: it can take a while04:34
thumperwe take a fslock04:34
axwthumper: is there a reason we don't just use flock? then we wouldn't have this problem, because nobody would be holding the lock04:35
thumperaxw: I'm sure there was originally, but now I'm not so sure...04:36
wallyworld_hazmat: you online?04:38
axwthumper: otherwise it'll get messy if you want to handle multiple users concurrently trying to add containers in different environments04:40
axwwhich is why it's in /var/lib/juju, rather than data-dir, I presume04:40
axwcan't just blow it away; you'd probably want to record the PID, and check if it's alive, etc.04:41
thumpermeh... add it to the todo list04:43
* thumper is refactoring http auth rubbish04:43
* davecheney consoles thumper 04:43
waiganiwip: https://codereview.appspot.com/84360043/04:47
thumperaxw: refactored the auth code04:59
thumperaxw: reusing the httpHandler now05:00
axwthumper: cool, thanks05:00
thumperjust waiting on lbox now05:00
* axw looks forward to cutting out that particular bottleneck05:01
axwtakes 5-10 mins for me sometimes...05:02
thumpergeez, how to freak out people: http://www.dailydo.co.nz/garden/glowgravel495499?utm_source=Dunedin&utm_campaign=b90cc26652-Dunedin+2014-04-07&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_4768a78a2f-b90cc26652-28094556205:02
axwthumper: ah yeah, I forgot NewTailer starts immediately. thanks, start makes that clearer05:06
davecheneyif anyone has time05:18
thumperdavecheney: lgtm05:18
=== vladk|offline is now known as vladk
davecheneythumper: ta05:24
=== vladk is now known as vladk|offline
=== vladk|offline is now known as vladk
vladkjam: I will be available at 10:10 for hangout, sorry05:27
=== vladk is now known as vladk|offline
dimiternmorning all05:56
thumperhmm... dimitern is here...05:57
thumpertime to leave05:57
thumpero/ dimitern05:57
dimiternhey thumper05:57
=== vladk|offline is now known as vladk
dimiternhey jam107:17
dimiternjam1, it seems my ssh key is missing from the bot - can't login07:18
jam1dimitern: hmm... I'll go check07:26
dimiternjam1, thanks07:26
jam1dimitern: dimitern@kubrik is on the bot, are you sure you're connecting as the "ubuntu" user?07:28
dimiternjam1, yes07:28
dimiternjam1, https://pastebin.canonical.com/107836/07:29
jam1dimitern: that is machine-0, I wouldn't expect you to be able to connect there, just machine 1 @ 11807:30
rogpeppemornin' all07:41
wallyworld_fwereade: got time for a quick implementation discussion?07:41
voidspacerebooting :-)08:41
vladkdimitern: good morning08:49
dimiternvladk, morning08:50
vladkI need to get all MACs related to node via MAAS interface, I know http://paste.ubuntu.com/7216131/, but it does not return MAC addresses08:51
dimiternvladk, I'm working on reading the node hardware list (xml output of lshw), which contains all ethernet cards and their interface names and mac addresses08:52
vladkdimitern, cool, it is very convenient to know device names, instead of their MAC addresses08:53
dimiternvladk, I'll propose it a bit later then I'm done and send you a link if you like08:54
vladkcan I expect something like 'NetworkInfo struct' before newCloudinitConfig call?08:54
dimiternvladk, StartInstance will gather the networkining info and return it, but will populate machine config with the necessary info so newCloudinitConfig can prepare the scripts08:56
vladkWhy not to get that information from commissioning stage. I really need network information before cloudinit08:59
vladkdimitern: ^08:59
dimiternvladk, that's exactly where we're getting the info from09:00
dimiternvladk, it's before cloudinit09:00
vladkdimitern: now, I am trying to use mgz's GetNetworksList function that uses above API call, so it becomes useless09:02
mgzmorning all09:02
dimiternmorning mgz09:02
dimiternvladk, we need the result of GetNetworksList to get the network details - also part of []NetworkInfo returned by StartInstance09:03
dimiternvladk, so []NetworkInfo is populated by GetNetworksList and the new call that returns NIC details for a node09:04
vladkmgz, morning09:04
vladkdimitern, mgz: I fixed GetNetworksList, it assumes that VlanTag is string but it is a number or null in JSON, so I'm going to create a merge request09:09
dimiternvladk, great, thanks!09:10
vladkdo I need to create a bug in LP or card in kanban?09:10
vladkdimitern: ^09:11
mgzvladk: a card wouldn't hurt09:12
jam1rogpeppe: I made it back, care to join the hangout?09:12
jam1morning mgz09:12
rogpeppejam1: standup hangout?09:13
jam1rogpeppe: our 1:1 hangout09:13
rogpeppejam1: ha! 1-1!09:13
rogpeppejam1: joining09:13
dimiternvladk, card is fine09:14
dimiternvladk, you could add a bug as well, but in this case i don't think it's worth it09:14
fwereaderogpeppe, would you take a look at https://codereview.appspot.com/84430044/ please? I don't quite see what's going on there09:32
jamespagefwereade, quick question - what should the behaviour of upgrade-juju look like with a 1.18.0 client against a 1.17.7 environment?09:49
jamespagefwereade, also noted this potential upgrade problem - bug 130369709:57
_mup_Bug #1303697: peer relation disappears during upgrade of juju <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1303697>09:57
fwereadejamespage, the env should be upgraded to 1.18.0, does that not happen?09:58
jamespagefwereade, without --version 1.18.0 it did not09:58
fwereadejamespage, I *thought* we were upgrading from dev to stable without explicit args, but I may have missed something -- dimitern, can you comment?09:59
fwereadejamespage, and that bug is weird, I will peer closer09:59
jamespagefwereade, thanks09:59
dimiternfwereade, the original logic was to try to upgrade to the next stable without --version10:00
dimiternfwereade, (or current)10:00
dimiternjamespage, did you use --upload-tools ?10:01
fwereadedimitern, I thought so too, do you recall anyone working on that subsequently?10:01
mgzjam: 1:1!10:01
jamespagedimitern, nope10:02
dimiternfwereade, not that i know of10:02
jamespagedimitern, I saw the same with both maas (using streams.canonical.com) and openstack (using a local mirror of streams.canonical.com)10:02
jamyep, be there in 1sec10:02
jammgz: ^^10:02
dimiternjamespage, did you try --debug to see what's going on?10:04
jamespagedimitern, I did not10:04
jamespagedimitern, I did hop onto the bootstrap node and looked at the log - messages about it picking 1.17.710:04
dimiternjamespage, hmm... weird10:04
rogpeppefwereade: sorry, was in a call with john. looking.10:05
fwereadejamespage, I don't suppose you have the unit agent log from lp:1303697 ?10:10
jamespagefwereade, lemme check10:10
mgzc'mon internet10:11
rogpeppefwereade: i'm not sure i see what's going on either10:15
rogpeppefwereade: in the comment i made in the previous review, i was talking about address order *within* a machine, not the order of machinesw10:15
jambug 130369710:19
_mup_Bug #1303697: peer relation disappears during upgrade of juju <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1303697>10:19
fwereadejamespage, ok, I can see why the juju run could have failed10:24
fwereadejamespage, in fact I suspect an ill-timed one could have panicked the unit agent, hence the second config-changed10:25
fwereadejamespage, root cause remains unclear10:25
jamespagefwereade, the call in the charm pretty much does the same thing in the config-changed hook10:25
fwereadejamespage, yeah, but it turns out we start listening for juju run commands while the uniter is less than half initialized10:28
fwereadejamespage, but I can't see that code path that would allow a config-changed hook to berun in those circumstances10:28
perrito666good morning everyone10:30
jamespagefwereade, it looks like it runs multiple times10:30
jamespageI had to resolve it twice10:30
jamespagefwereade, and I'm def not changing the config :-)10:31
fwereadejamespage, config-changed runs every time the unit agent restarts10:32
mgzhey perrito66610:32
jamespagefwereade, ah10:32
fwereadejamespage, and that juju-run could easily have bounced the agent, because the code is decidedly unsafe10:33
jamespagefwereade, right - I see10:33
jamespagefwereade, I'm less worried about the juju run failing and more worried that whenever I upgrade juju, keystone will hook error as its can't access the peer relation :-)10:34
fwereadejamespage, indeed, that's why I'm stillpoking around10:34
jamespagefwereade, OK - I'll get out of your hair then :-)10:34
fwereadejamespage, I'd still love to see the agent log if you have it :)10:35
jamespagefyi I've tested on openstack and local for trusty; just validating against the lastest maas10:35
jamespagefwereade, I'll repro that for you now10:35
* jamespage downgrades and pushed the car backup the hill10:39
fwereadejamespage, I doubt that behaviour would vary by provider10:41
fwereadejamespage, I consider it a big deal anyway ;)10:41
jamespagefwereade, I'm reproducing on openstack as that is quicker10:41
fwereadejamespage, cool10:42
dimiternfwereade, rogpeppe, mgz, jam, wallyworld, standup10:45
jamrogpeppe: standup?10:48
jamespagefwereade, unit log - http://paste.ubuntu.com/7216528/11:00
jamespagefwereade, machine log - http://paste.ubuntu.com/7216527/11:00
jamespagefwereade, and one new issue - http://paste.ubuntu.com/7216530/11:00
jamespagefwereade, bug 130373511:04
_mup_Bug #1303735: private-address change to internal bridge post juju-upgrade <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1303735>11:04
fwereadejamespage, thanks11:04
jamespagefwereade, sorry :-)11:04
fwereadejamespage, nothing to be sorry for, except on our side ;p11:05
jamespagefwereade, I could not say whether the address change thing is a new problem11:05
jamespageI don't spend that mich time upgrading juju environments11:05
voidspac_Plugging my iphone in appears to have locked up my computer11:06
voidspac_all except audio!11:07
voidspac_So I'll have to reboot and rejoin the hangout11:07
rogpeppefwereade, jam: the client doesn't necessarily need to read from the master11:56
=== rogpeppe is now known as rogpeppe1
=== rogpeppe1 is now known as rogpeppe
jamrogpeppe: well, we always do Strong consistency, right?11:57
rogpeppefwereade, jam: i'm giving up. connection too crappy.11:57
tvansteenburghhey guys, wondering if this is something i should file a bug on: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7216718/12:01
hazmatwallyworld, am now12:18
hazmater.. ping12:18
hazmatre azure, does this mean the provisioning interface now knows the workload prior to machine allocation or is just fed constraints/parameters ?12:20
adeuringcould somebody please have a look here: https://codereview.appspot.com/8447005312:21
dimiternsmoser, i just got hit by bug 130361712:33
_mup_Bug #1303617: Latest curtin version prevents Juju from bootstrapping on MAAS <landscape> <curtin:New> <curtin (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1303617>12:33
dimiternsmoser, and since version 0.1.0~bzr121-0ubuntu1 is no longer in trusty I cannot downgrade to work around it12:47
rogpeppenatefinch: you've got a LGTM on https://codereview.appspot.com/81980043/13:09
vladkI found a reason: gomaasapi gives a panic in testing mode when GET /MAAS/api/1.0/networks/?node=xxx and no assigned network to the node13:11
dimiternvladk, yeah that's the issue, but I don't see panics when running maas tests otherwise13:11
dimiternfwereade, mgz, vladk, perrito666, get a list of NICs with mac addresses in maas https://codereview.appspot.com/8485004513:12
vladkdimitern: because you don't call GetNetworksList before environ.startNode()13:13
dimiternvladk, startNode shouldn't panic - if there are no networks requested for the machine it shouldn't try to get them (or if it fails it should ignore it)13:14
natefinchrogpeppe: thanks13:14
perrito666dimitern: tx13:17
vladkdimitern: it panics only in testing mode (testservice.go networksHandler() function)13:18
dimiternvladk, take a look at TestGetNetworksList - it adds a network and then a connects a node to it13:19
vladkdimitern: from GetNetworksList I have (net_name, addr, mask, vlan, descr), from getInstanceNetworkInterfaces I have (mac_addr, iface_name)13:20
vladkdimitern: I need to extract mapping between net_name and mac_addr via MAAS API13:21
dimiternvladk, the macs will be there if the node is connected to the network13:22
dimiternvladk, and you can get the networks with the macs13:23
dimiternvladk, i.e. GetNetworksList needs to return mac addresses (when set)13:23
vladkdimitern: what I really need i multimap(iface_name->vlan)13:24
vladkdimitern: GetNetworksList doesn't read mac addresses now13:24
vladkdimitern: I may change it, do you know MAAS API to read MAC addresses?13:25
vladkdimitern: as to TestGetNetworksList, this will work if I manually add a network to each instance before bootstrap.Bootstrap() or testing.AssertStartInstance()13:27
vladkI think that panic should be changed to error code in gomaasapi13:27
dimiternvladk, so I can get the macs from maas maas-root network list-connected-macs vlan013:28
vladkdimitern: this will be very long way13:29
dimiternvladk, with is equivalent to doing /api/1.0/networks/<name>?op=list-connected-macs13:31
dimiternvladk, s/with/which/ ...(I hope)13:31
dimiternlist_connected_macs actually13:31
dimiternvladk, it seems MAAS does not allow us to get a list of all networks along with their mac assignments - just for a single network, so we'll need multiple API calls for each network13:32
vladkdimitern: long way: from GetNetworksList I get []networkNames, than for each networkName I read a listConnectMacs and search for my node in that list13:33
vladkdimitern: we definitely need a separate API call for all this stuff13:34
dimiternvladk, we could have a separate api, but we don't have it now, so we can work around it with multiple calls13:36
* dimitern needs to step out for a while13:36
wallyworldhazmat: hi, just wanted a clarification. you said in an email that you wanted upload-tools to use the jujud binary and you had hardwired it to do so. AFAICT juju actually looks for the jujud executable in the current path and uses that if found. so could you clarify where you see the problem with the current behaviour? Have I missed something?13:44
hazmatwallyworld, sorry that wasn't clear.. i mean mentally i've hardwired myself to use upload-tools13:46
hazmatwallyworld, indeed the tool lookup by path works fine13:46
wallyworldah, ok :-) thanks13:46
wallyworldpinned bootstrap using exact version match should help with that for public clouds13:47
vladkdimitern: I take a task of changing GetNetworksList to myself13:53
natefinchrogpeppe: what work did you do on the HA branch after I left on Friday?  I forget exactly where we left it.14:18
* rogpeppe tries to remember14:19
rogpeppenatefinch: i did this: https://codereview.appspot.com/84540044/14:21
rogpeppenatefinch: (and possibly some more as well; i forget)14:21
rogpeppenatefinch: over the weekend, i also tried to integrate the branches to see what might actually work14:22
rogpeppenatefinch: there are a few things that we will need to do14:23
rogpeppenatefinch: we need to apt-get install mongo inside EnsureMongoServer14:23
rogpeppenatefinch: we need EnsureMongoServer to write the server secret files14:23
rogpeppenatefinch: we need to add SystemIdentity to StateServingInfo14:23
natefinchrogpeppe: that seems like stuff that can be in separate CLs, right?  Not needed for the single-server mode we're using right now14:24
rogpeppenatefinch: the state server Initiate needs to add the machine tag to the replica set entry14:24
rogpeppenatefinch: yeah, although it does make EnsureMongoServer make sense.14:24
axwrogpeppe: doesn't cloud-init know the intended jobs? so it can do apt-get as usual?14:24
natefinchrogpeppe: I really want to get the MA-HA branch into trunk ASAP so we don't have to keep maintaining a huge branch14:25
rogpeppenatefinch: +114:25
natefinchrogpeppe: I honestly don't care if it makes sense today, as long as it doesn't break anything today14:25
rogpeppeaxw: i would much prefer to isolate all the mongo installation into EnsureMongoServer14:25
rogpeppeaxw: which means that cloud-init doesn't need to know anything at all about mongo14:25
axwrogpeppe: fair enough14:26
axwalthough, there may be trickiness around adding apt sources14:26
rogpeppeaxw: the apt sources *can* be added by cloud-init14:26
rogpeppeaxw: because they're needed for lxc too14:27
axwyeah okay14:27
natefinchrogpeppe: you had a change to make the replicaset member host separate from the dial info... is that in your version of the MA-HA branch?14:28
rogpeppeaxw: BTW juju ssh is broken currently if $SHELL isn't sh-compatible14:29
rogpeppeaxw: the fix is trivial, but i haven't got around to it yet, sorry14:29
axwoy vey14:29
axwwhat's the issue?14:29
axwor you didn't get to the bottom of it?14:30
rogpeppeaxw: ssh proxying uses $SHELL to execute the proxy command14:30
rogpeppenatefinch: did you merge my version of the MA-HA branch?14:30
natefinchrogpeppe: doing so no14:31
axwrogpeppe: as in, ProxyCommand is executed using $SHELL?14:31
rogpeppenatefinch: yes, my version of the branch adds a MemberHostPort member to InitiateMongoParams14:31
rogpeppeaxw: yes14:31
axwrogpeppe: is that to separate dialing address from the member address?14:32
axwI was just about to ask about that14:32
rogpeppeaxw: yes14:32
rogpeppeaxw: because you need to dial localhost otherwise you don't get access to mongo14:33
axwI spent most of Friday learning a bunch about the quirks around replica sets, localhost exception, etc.14:34
natefinchaxw: yeah, mongo replicaset stuff is like 100% quirks14:34
axwhehe :)14:34
* natefinch wonders if he's the only one who types bzr bootstrap --debug and juju install ./...14:37
natefinchI need one command that picks juju, go, or bzr based on the command and does the right thing14:38
natefinchswitch being the only tricky one between juju and bzr14:38
smoserdimitern, fix is uploaded.14:39
smoserdimitern, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/curtin/0.1.0~bzr125-0ubuntu1/+build/588636214:40
smoserand really sorry/embarrased on that.14:40
smoserdimitern, you just need to upgrade curtin on your maas system.  the actual fix is in curtin-common.14:42
hazmatany ppc enablers around?14:44
hazmatthere's some client agent failures in the logs ref'd in https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1303787   here that need attention14:45
_mup_Bug #1303787: hook failures - nil pointer dereference <hooks> <local-provider> <ppc64el> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1303787>14:45
* hazmat falls back to email14:47
perrito666fwereade: is there any written spec on how a placement directive can look like? I see a set of tests that assert that varios values passed to machineornewcontainer yield true or false, but I am not sure how to interpret all of them14:48
fwereadethat google doc is all we have14:49
fwereadethe only ones implemented are lxc/kvm14:49
fwereadeand they all take <pseudo-provider>:<host-machine-id>14:49
fwereadeperrito666, ^^14:49
fwereadeperrito666, the juju-core/names package has the definition for a machine id14:50
axwperrito666: what are you working on? I'm starting to look at some placement stuff, just wondering if we're going to collide...14:54
perrito666axw: well I am working on something that is tangential to it, I was trying to do network checkings on a given instance when specified in --to14:55
perrito666and well, trying to get the instance I tried to get the id for the instance14:55
perrito666and one thing led to another14:55
axwah ok14:55
perrito666axw: nothing coded yet14:55
axwso not actually extending --to14:55
natefinchhaha... I just got an offer letter in email from some company I've never heard in my gmail inbox.  Addressed to Nate Finch and everything.... not the first time I've gotten email for the wrong Nate Finch, but first time actual legal documents have been mailed to me that way.14:57
voidspacenatefinch: nice. Anything interesting?14:57
mgznatefinch: what's your new job?14:58
natefinchvoidspace, mgz: http://centricconsulting.com/14:58
natefinchLooks kinda boring, actually14:58
perrito666natefinch: ah I get the fanmail of a famous chilean singer whose gmail acct is the same words as mine but reversed :p its fun14:58
perrito666natefinch: just answer telling them that paychecks should be sent to your address too14:59
natefinchHaha, nice14:59
nessitahello! re-pasting a question I just posted in # juju15:15
nessita11:54 < nessita> hello everyone, I'm having an issue with juju deploy that is showing up since I updated juju-core to 1.18. Error is: "only charm store charm references are supported, with cs: schema" when deploying the solr-jetty charm15:15
nessita11:54 < nessita> more debug output in https://pastebin.canonical.com/107885/15:15
nessita11:54 < nessita> any ideas?15:15
nessita11:55 < nessita> perrito666, would you know who can help me with that ^?15:15
perrito666nessita: no clue about, sorry15:16
nessitaperrito666, thanks15:16
nessitaperrito666, any idea how could help me debug further? I'm happy to file a bug, but I'd also need, ideally, a workaround or instructions to fix that15:16
rogpeppenatefinch: are you in a hangout?15:23
natefinchrogpeppe: nope15:24
mgznessita: can you rerun with --debug? also, can you verify the version of juju *deployed*, not just the local copy?15:24
nessitamgz, hi! this is the --debug  output https://pastebin.canonical.com/107892/15:25
nessitamgz, what do you mean with the juju version deployed?15:25
rogpeppenatefinch: let's have a chat in a little bit - there's an issue that would help from a couple of people thinking about it, i think15:25
rogpeppenatefinch: 10 minutes, maybe?15:25
natefinchrogpeppe: sure15:25
mgznessita: as in, ssh t0 machine 0 and look at what juju it has, will be in the log in /var/log/juju/... I'd think15:26
nessitamgz, would that be "juju ssh" or plain ssh?15:27
mgzaddCharmViaAPI looks correct to me, but something must be up15:28
mgznessita: `juju ssh 0` is easiest, but anything that works15:28
nessitamgz, while I ssh in, this is machine0.log: https://pastebin.canonical.com/107893/15:28
nessita$ juju ssh 015:28
nessitaPermission denied (publickey,password).15:28
nessitaERROR rc: 25515:28
mgznessita: can you look for references to your charm in the other juju logs, sibling to that (the version seems fine...)15:29
mgznessita: ah, yeah, juju ssh is still probably borked for the local provider15:30
mgzso, just look at the logs in situ :)15:30
nessitaon it15:30
mgzhadn't twigged it was local, so no version mismatch possibilities15:31
natefinchanyone else see a problem destroying local environments?   I'm getting this on trunk:15:31
natefinch$ juju destroy-environment local -y15:31
natefinchERROR exec ["stop" "--system" "juju-db-v2"]: exit status 1 (stop: Method "Get" with signature "ss" on interface "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties" doesn't exist)15:31
nessitamgz, no result when grepping for "solr" inside the ~/.juju/local/log folder15:31
jamnatefinch: that looks like your dbus is hosed, since I think it is trying to send a signal to stop a machine, and DBus doesn't think that interface exists.15:32
jamSounds (to me) like an incomplete dbus upgrade15:32
natefinchjam: could be, I just updated yesterday and rebooted for it this morning15:32
natefinchjam: I'll rerun update/upgrade15:32
jamnatefinch: I'm pretty sure we don't call out to dbus directly15:33
nessitamgz, in the mean time I filed the bug LP: #130388015:33
jamthat appears to be "stop" not talking to upstart correctly.15:33
jambug #130388015:33
_mup_Bug #1303880: After upgrade to 1.18, can not longer deploy the solr-jetty charm using local provider <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1303880>15:33
mgznessita: thanks15:34
mgzthe workaround is a simple downgrade I guess15:34
nessitamgz, right. Let me know if I can get any extra debug info it may be useful15:35
natefinchjam: update/upgrade didn't help, I'll try a reboot, see if that shakes anything out15:35
nessitamgz, FYI, seems like the deploy of local unit is somehow broken, because noodles775 tried to deploy another charm (elasticsearch) and it failed too15:37
mgznessyeah, this is long before anything charm specific15:38
* nessita edits the bug summary15:39
mgznessita: can you try cding to the --repository location, and specifying just local:precise/CHARMNAME?15:39
nessitamgz, trying15:39
mgzpretty sure issue is after the cmd parsing and url expansion, but simple to verify15:40
nessitamgz, just to verify, I should be in ./../.juju-repo not in ./../.juju-repo/precise, right? also, would this be the correct command?  juju deploy -e local local:precise/solr-jetty15:41
mgznessita: yup, that's it15:41
mgzexpecting the same error15:41
nessitamgz, hum, I got Added charm "local:precise/solr-jetty-1" to the environment.15:42
mgzha, well, that works then15:42
mgznext step: work out if it was the --repository or the charm url expansion that's borked15:42
nessitamgz, anything I should do in that front?15:43
mgzyou can remove the service, then try either the cd and no --repository, or the local:CHARMNAME and see which works and which fails15:44
natefinchrogpeppe: want to talk?  I have to go in 15 minutes for lunch15:47
rogpeppenatefinch: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/juju-core-team?authuser=115:48
nessitaseems like the charm url change makes it work:15:50
nessita$ juju deploy -e local --repository=./../.juju-repo local:precise/solr-jetty solr-jetty15:50
nessitaAdded charm "local:precise/solr-jetty-1" to the environment.15:50
nessita(that is ran from a location outsite the repository folder)15:50
mgznessita: thanks15:50
dimiternvladk, i'll change https://codereview.appspot.com/84850045/ as you suggest16:35
dimiternvladk, can I have an LGTM? :)16:35
vladkdimitern: done16:37
dimiternvladk, thanks!16:37
voidspacerogpeppe: spectacularly failed to get anything useful committed today. Off to Krav maga, may have another stab on my return.17:01
voidspacerogpeppe: in case I don't, branch is: https://code.launchpad.net/~mfoord/juju-core/wrapsingletonworkers/+merge/21420817:02
rogpeppevoidspace: thanks17:02
voidspacerogpeppe: rename done, only requires a test17:02
* voidspace hangs head17:02
voidspaceright, EOD folks17:02
voidspaceand EOW17:02
voidspaceoff to PyCon tomorrow17:02
rogpeppevoidspace: have fun!17:02
voidspaceback to work a week on Friday17:02
voidspacerogpeppe: thanks, hope so17:03
voidspacelanguage summit first17:03
stokachusinzui: do you have a wiki page or a tentative eta for 1.18, we are blocked on bug 129958817:12
_mup_Bug #1299588: LXC permission denied issue with 1.17.7 <cloud-installer> <landscape> <lxc> <micro-cluster> <regression> <juju-core:Fix Committed by wallyworld> <juju-core 1.18:Fix Released by wallyworld> <juju-core (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1299588>17:12
sinzuistokachu, I.18 was release Saturday17:13
sinzuistokachu, It is in the juju PPA, Ubuntu is packaging it now17:13
stokachuok must not be in trusty archive yet17:13
stokachusinzui: thanks for the update17:13
sinzuistokachu, yep, not in the archive yet. I am polling to check for the arm64 and ppc ports17:14
stokachusinzui: ok cool, i didnt see it in the proposed queue17:14
jamsinzui: fwereade: jamespage bug #1303697 is this a release blocker bug?17:19
_mup_Bug #1303697: peer relation disappears during upgrade of juju <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1303697>17:19
jamIt feels like if this is how it worked in the past, then it wouldn't be a blocker17:20
jamif we are changing behavior that used to work, then we should focus on it.17:20
sinzuijam: I think it is. If not, then I would lower the importance to High17:20
jamespagejam: I don't think so - its a pita17:20
fwereadejam, sinzui: I fear it may be, it certainly should not have acted like that, I failed to figure it out earlier but will take another look now17:20
jamespagejam: I can't say whether this used to work or not17:21
jamfwereade: so if you feel we know we shouldn't have acted that way, then I'm ok with it being critical17:21
jamespagethis is a new use of the peer relation in the keystone charm17:21
sinzuijam: actually, we have released. Maybe we want to target it to 1.18.117:21
jamsinzui: well this is targetted against 1.1917:21
* sinzui created the milestone a few hours ago just in case17:21
jambut it should target 1.18.1 if it is actually Critical17:21
sinzuiokay jam, if we agree it is critical It goes to 1.18.1, if not we lower the importance.17:22
jamsinzui: correct17:22
fwereadejamespage, unless you upgraded the charm to add the peer relation immediately before upgrading juju, that would be a different story, but I'm pretty sure I saw the logs joining cluster:3 some time before17:23
jamfwereade: sinzui, jamespage: bug #1303735 feels more like it should be Critical, blocking 1.19, and backported to 1.18.117:23
_mup_Bug #1303735: private-address change to internal bridge post juju-upgrade <openstack-provider> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1303735>17:23
fwereadejamespage, it would still be a sucky story but atm it looks like a regression to me17:23
fwereadejam, that depends on whether it's a regression -- jamespage seemed uncertain, I don't have any specific input there17:25
jamfwereade: well, we changed what private address we are reporting, from a routable-private address to a fully hidden one, (from what I can see)17:26
jamfwereade: bug #130220517:26
_mup_Bug #1302205: manual provisioned systems stuck in pending on arm64 <add-machine> <hs-arm64> <manual-provider> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1302205>17:26
jamIt feels like probably not a regression17:26
jamjust that we aren't supporting arm64 well yet17:26
jamsinzui: I've been opening up a 1.19.1 for "things which we need for the next release, but don't have to block getting a dev snapshot along the way"17:27
jamdoes that seem ok for you?17:27
sinzuijam +117:28
mramm2For those of you who like positive feedback: http://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/22ehsz/ubuntu_maas_and_juju_wow_im_impressed_what_are/17:29
mramm2they are loving the juju and MAAS17:30
=== mramm2 is now known as mramm
mrammalso if you think it is useful stuff, please feel free to upvote it ;)17:31
jamfwereade: bug #1208430,  jamespage is this something we should be spending cycles on now/17:33
_mup_Bug #1208430: mongodb runs as root user <mongodb> <juju-core:Triaged by natefinch> <juju-core (Ubuntu):Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1208430>17:33
jamI don't think natefinch actually is working on it17:33
jam(since we need to create a user, get mongo running it, etc)17:33
fwereadejam, yeah, agree re 130220517:35
jamespagejam: I think we could defer that for now17:38
natefinchjam: yes, I am not working on that currently17:38
* natefinch just got back from a longer than expected lunch17:39
jamfwereade: so bug #1303697. If we want it to be critical for 1.19, we need to assign it to someone. Care to nominate ?17:40
_mup_Bug #1303697: peer relation disappears during upgrade of juju <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core 1.18:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1303697>17:40
fwereadejam, if dimitern has any spare cycles I think he did stuff around there semi-recently... my perception is that vlan is making reasonable progress?17:43
jamfwereade: it is, but he's currently on the critical path to getting VLAN completed.17:43
jamso if this should block 1.19.0, I'd rather give it to someone else17:44
fwereadejam, indeed so -- I mention him only because he's the only person with recent experience there17:44
mrammHow about andrew, ian or tim?17:44
fwereadejam, can we ... yeah, what mramm said :)17:44
jamfwereade: mramm: other than I don't control those guys :)17:45
fwereadejam, sure; they *are* doing important stuff, but also explicitly doing bugs as well17:45
fwereadejam, (depending on how my evening goes) I will likely see if I can make it thumper's problem17:46
jamfwereade: sgtm17:46
stokachusinzui: just saw it show up in proposed queue17:57
stokachusinzui: for all the archs17:57
sinzuithank you stokachu17:57
=== vladk is now known as vladk|offline
* rogpeppe is done for the day18:16
rogpeppeg'night all18:16
natefinchnight rog18:17
dimiternmgz, fwereade, natefinch, in case you're still here I'd like a review on https://codereview.appspot.com/8506004318:30
natefinchdimitern: I'll review later if I have time, really trying to get HA landed18:32
dimiternnatefinch, sure, np, if you can18:32
* dimitern reached eod18:32
=== BradCrittenden is now known as bac
perrito666natefinch: o cmon, we all know you are watching a DVD :p18:40
natefinchwell, I mean, I am *now*.18:45
perrito666natefinch: a long, long, long, time ago, debian solved that problem by having us and non-us repos, dunno how legal that was18:54
natefinchperrito666: doesn't that still mean the US people are screwed? :)18:55
natefinch(for some value of screwed that just requires a quick google... but still)18:55
perrito666natefinch: as you can imagine, I never encountered said problem18:55
perrito666natefinch: but hey, that solved the problem for all but a portion of the world18:56
natefinchI wish our copyright laws weren't so draconian. It's really ridiculous that you need to pay for the right to play the DVD you already paid for, and that getting around what is basically just an encoding counts as breaking the law.18:57
perrito666natefinch: Is 25 bucks too much for a dvd player? (I have no idea what is the cost of a windows one)18:57
natefinchperrito666: windows comes with a dvd player, nothing to pay for (after you pay for windows)18:57
perrito666natefinch: ahh true, I used one called power something, bundled with my discrete videocard18:58
perrito666which, iirc, had some hardware decoding feats18:58
natefinchahh, yeah, probably Cyberlink's PowerDVD ... it gets bundled with some OEMs, and comes with some players etc etc but you don't really need it.  It used to be that you needed it more for burning DVDs, but eventually windows actually built that into the OS18:59
perrito666natefinch: ah, well I switched from win to osx around 2004 and never came back from *nix, living on a country where you cant patent software has some good things :p19:00
natefinchperrito666: and yes, $25 is too much for something that is a solved problemwith open source software.... plus the reviews say the software isn't that great.19:01
natefinchperrito666: don't even get me started on software patents.... hopefully in my lifetime they'll go away.19:01
perrito666natefinch: you just need to move away :p this country has all the other flaws but we can watch dvds :p19:01
perrito666ironically we can legally use bittorrent too so that makes the DVD part kind of useless19:02
natefinchI can watch DVDs too, I just have to break a law that no one enforces anyway19:02
natefinchI can legally *use* bittorrent. :)19:02
perrito666natefinch: heh19:03
natefinchI just can't legally watch movies I haven't paid for.  So I don't legally watch them :)19:03
perrito666heh, I can pay for movies but cannot legally get them delivered via regular mail without an equal change of either getting them stolen or have to pay 50% import tax :p19:05
thumperhazmat: hey19:38
thumperhazmat: I'm just going to go make breakfast19:38
thumperhazmat: but hit me up on PMs for demo issues19:38
thumperI'll be back later19:38
hazmatthedac, ack19:43
hazmatthumper, ack19:43
=== Ursinha_ is now known as Ursinha
waiganimorning all20:11
waiganiI'm trying to work out why gccgo does not want to use the local package. "unexpected reference to package", "reference to undefined identifier ‘local.Provider’":  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7218823/20:49
natefinchwaigani: is there a local variable clashing with an imported package name or something?20:52
waiganinatefinch: ah, true I'll have a hunt20:53
natefinchwaigani: that first error looks like you're trying to print out a variable called local.. but there's a package called local (you can't print out packages)20:53
waiganinatefinch: that is my newbie mistake. Thanks.20:54
natefinchwaigani: no problem, happens :)20:54
waiganinatefinch: though that debug line does at least confirm that it is a reference to a package, which rules out a variable clash right?20:57
natefinchwaigani: yeah.... it looks like the problem is that there is no variable called local.  There's a package called local.  Whatever variable you're intending to reference is either not defined or called something else20:58
waiganinatefinch: right. So the real question is why local.Provider is referencing an undefined identifier.21:01
natefinchwaigani: can you just pastebin the whole file? I can take a look21:01
waiganinatefinch: when I run "provider/local$ go test -gocheck.f TestOpenFailsWithProtectedDirectories" I get this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7218823.21:06
waiganinatefinch: here is the first file in the error stack: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7218888/21:07
natefinchwaigani: the first error references a log line on line 36 that doesn't exist in that file.... which is weird.  try blowing away $GOPATH/pkg and then run the test again.  It's possible something weird got stuck in there (it's happened to a few people on the team lately)21:08
waiganinatefinch: sorry, my bad. I just took out my debug line, so it is referencing 3721:10
waiganinatefinch: valid, err := local.Provider.Validate(testConfig, nil)21:10
natefinchwaigani: local.Provider is defined in provider/local/export_test.go, in the var block at the top of the file.  Does that exist in your branch?21:13
waiganinatefinch: yes21:13
natefinchThat's the thing that it says is undefined, which is weird if it's there21:14
waiganinatefinch: I'm testing on gccgo on a ppc vm. I wounder if I need to make or build anything for gccgo recognise the package?21:14
natefinchit's a normal test file, it shouldn't have any special requirements except "running during go test"21:15
natefinchwaigani: it's still probably worth trying to wipe out your $GOPATH/pkg directory.  Some intermediate files can get stuck in there sometimes, and usually the symptom is symbols not reflecting what is in the code files, like this21:17
waiganinatefinch: okay I'll do that now21:17
waiganinatefinch: no luck :(21:18
waiganinatefinch: here is my wip: https://codereview.appspot.com/84360043/21:19
waiganiyou might get the same result on your machine if you run " go test --compiler=gccgo ..."21:20
natefinchwaigani: does this only fail with gccgo?21:22
waiganinatefinch: to the best of my knowledge, yes21:22
natefinchahh ok.   It must be a gccgo bug, then21:22
natefinchyeah, it definitely passes on my machine with gc21:23
waiganiright, I hit another bug on my machine, but I think that is because of my perms21:23
waiganias explained in my wip21:23
natefinchSo, let me explain what that code is doing... local is the package name, Provider is a public variable in that package, in a _test.go file, which means it's only compiled during tests.   What it's doing is exposing access to a private variable, by assigning it to a public variable (but since it's only available during tests, it's not hurting anything)21:24
waiganinatefinch: yep21:25
natefinchIt seems like gccgo is somehow simply not compiling that file21:25
waiganiyou're welcome to poke around the vm if you're keen21:26
waiganinatefinch: if you run with gccgo compiler on your machine, do you get the same error?21:26
natefinchpossibly because it has no test methods in it?  I 'm not sure.  Try slapping a TestFoo(t *testing.T) {} method in provider/local/export_test.go21:26
* natefinch installs gccgo21:27
natefinchhuh, weird, no, it passes for me with gccgo 4.9 on your branch21:29
natefinchone of the prereqs tests fails, but I think that's an environment problem on my machine, not really a test failure21:30
waiganinatefinch: I've found with a few issues, that they are only reproducible on ppc arch21:30
natefinchwaigani: we're getting paid a lot of money for this, right? :)21:31
waiganinatefinch: to get juju working on ppc? I believe so.21:32
natefinchheh yes21:32
waiganislapping on a vm with vi is painfully slow21:33
natefinchwaigani: in provider/local/export_test.go  add this line to the imports:21:34
waiganiah man, same error with the added test: "reference to undefined identifier ‘testing.T’"21:34
natefinchcoretesting "testing"21:34
natefinchand then make the test:21:35
natefinchfunc TestFoo(t *coretesting.T) {21:35
natefincht.Error("you should see this")21:35
waiganinatefinch: will do21:35
natefinch(sorry, the testing package that is imported in that file is our testing package, not the standard library's)21:35
waiganiright, we might be onto something ... fingers crossed21:35
natefinchyou should see something like this:21:37
natefinch--- FAIL: TestFoo-8 (0.00 seconds)21:37
natefinchexport_test.go:60: you should see this21:37
natefinchif you *don't see that, then it's not compiling that file21:37
waiganinatefinch: no luck21:38
natefinchso, do you see that output?21:38
waiganinatefinch: exactly the same original output21:38
waiganierroring on local.Provider21:39
natefinchso, either it's not compiling that file, or something is stuck in the precompiled binaries somewhere.  If you comment out that first validate line (line 36/37), does it at least not report that same error anymore?  That would be a good way to check that it's actually picking up changes in the source code21:40
waiganinatefinch: it printed out my debug line, so yes it is picking up changes21:41
natefinchok, well that's good at least21:41
natefinchI can't imagine why it's not compiling export_test.go .... that's bizarre21:41
waiganilet me try some other tests ...21:42
* fwereade is an idiot -- he just coded a fix that would work perfectly if he could retroactively apply it to 1.17.7 :-/21:42
natefinchI gotta run, unfortunately.  It's past end of day for me.  Try renaming export_test.go to foo_test.go or something.  See if that does anything21:42
natefinchfwereade: doh21:42
waiganinatefinch: thanks for your help man21:43
fwereadeand all the shops are closed, too21:43
jcw4lbox propose insists on using sensible-browser for the oauth stuff, which in a non-gui environment doesn't work for me... any clues?21:43
fwereade... *and* it actually can't be fixed cleanly unless we can guarantee state servers upgrade before unit agents21:44
jcw4fwiw, I just hacked lpad/oauth.go to immeditately return "", nil to force out of band auth21:53
waiganithumper: when I pull down my branch to test in on the ppcvm I put it here: ~/go/src/launchpad.net/mybranch22:13
waiganithumper: otp?22:14
thumperon the phone22:14
waiganithumper: putting it there seems to have caused the error I was debugging all morning.22:15
waiganithumper: when I merged ~/go/src/launchpad.net/mybranch with ~/go/src/launchpad.net/juju-core and ran tests I no longer got the error22:16
jcw4any help for this one?  I have a cobzr branch of juju-core.  identical except for  a few revisions in worker/uniter/charm/.   go build ./... works in master.   fails in my branch.   ran godeps -u in both; dependencies.tsv is identical in both22:30
jcw4all the failures are in the provider/azure/environ.go which was fixed in master by using godeps22:31
jcw4looks like I had to switch to the working branch, do a go get -u ./..., then do a godeps -u dependencies.tsv, then finally able to build22:38
sinzuiwallyworld, thumper I broke canonistack testing. probably by removing admin-secret and control-bucket from the config: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7219300/23:17
sinzui^ Do I need those keys. Do I need to put them back as they where23:17
wallyworldsinzui: control bucket is no longer needed in the yaml23:17
wallyworldit will be geneated on the fly23:17
sinzuiwallyworld, thumper if there is cruft left behind, I would prefer to nuke it23:17
sinzuiwallyworld, okay, I understood that much23:18
wallyworldi think the same applies to admin secret23:18
wallyworldso, you should just nuke what's there and start again23:18
wallyworldit should then create a new control bucket and away it goes23:18
sinzuiwallyworld, Hp is not broken, I remove admin-secret and public-pubic from it too23:19
wallyworldhmmm. so you must still have the jenv file then23:19
wallyworldcause when bootstrap first happens, the jenv file gets created and the yaml file is then redundant23:19
wallyworldwhen you say removed from config, do you mean yaml file, jenv, or actual environ config using juju unset?23:20
sinzuiwallyworld, There is no jenv file23:21
* sinzui checks nova23:21
* wallyworld has to take something to car, back in a minute23:21
sinzuiwallyworld, nova doesn't show any machines.23:21
wallyworldsinzui: so you are trying to bootstrap a new env from scratch?23:24
sinzuiwallyworld, no, one that existed in the last round of tests23:25
* sinzui tries a rename23:25
wallyworldbut there is no jenv file23:25
wallyworldhence it will create a new control bucket et al23:25
wallyworldif the control bucket has been deleted from yaml23:25
sinzuiwallyworld, more interesting, new env name and same error.23:28
* sinzui looks at bigger diff23:28
wallyworlddoes sound like a permissions issue23:29
wallyworldif control bucket can't be created23:29
sinzuiwallyworld, I just restored the config and got nothing. Maybe I am having a panic attack...canonistack is actually tits up23:33
wallyworldat least that explains it. canonistack does seem to be way overcommitted23:35
sinzuiwallyworld, I cannot bootstrap as myself it seems23:35
wallyworldi'll try also23:35
sinzuiwallyworld, looks like the dashboard was setup for lcy02. It cannot list containers.23:36
wallyworldhmm, ok23:36
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davecheneyquick review23:47
davecheneyfixes test explosion if you're missing mongod23:47
davecheneywaigani: maybe one for you23:47
=== arosales_ is now known as arosales
waiganidavecheney: why do you no longer need to zero set inst.addr etc?23:55
davecheneywaigani: 'cos we return an error23:56
waiganidavecheney: so why do you need to remove inst.dir ?23:56
davecheney'cos we're cleaning up our failure23:57
waiganiso why no remove addr etc to clean up failure?23:57
davecheney'cos the policy is once you return an error23:58
davecheneyyou cannot make any assuptions about the state of the value23:58
davecheneyhonestly if this is going to be a sticking poiint23:58
davecheneyi'll put thoselines back23:58
davecheneyit doesn't make any different23:58

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