
=== claydoh_ is now known as claydoh
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lordievaderGood morning.05:50
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RandallI need help with Initialization error Problem parsing dependency Depends anyone?08:54
Randallcan you help me?08:55
litri01Is it possible to create a kubuntu repository on a Windows ftp server?08:56
Randallhow do i fix?08:56
Randallit only does it with my muno08:57
RandallI click on muon discovery and i get Initialization error Problem parsing dependency Depends08:57
Randalland the application crashes08:57
litri01Sorry I am a complete novice I was asking a separate question not trying to answer yours08:58
Randalldamn it wheres the help around here there is 150 users08:59
Walexlitri01: yes09:03
lordievaderlee1: Suppose so, all it really needs is a web server.09:07
lordievaderErr that should be litri01, who I now realize is offline. Sorry for the hilight, lee1.09:08
BluesKaj'Morning all10:56
=== marvin is now known as curiousn00b
zelodoes kde have ability to search trough app menus for particular functions? Something like on mac os x under help menu there is search functionality which looks trough menu positions and help topics12:20
mokushzelo: yes. check the article, but I don't think it's really up to date. you'll probably have to ask around for recent build instructions http://www.webupd8.org/2012/02/appmenu-runner-hud-like-functionality.html12:40
bazilможно ли установить скайп в Кубунту 13.10?13:10
bazilhelp me install Skype in Kubuntu 13.1013:11
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga13:11
bazilok, thank's very much13:13
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lordievaderHey jasabella14:13
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x_puma_xhello. I am trying to boot Kubuntu 13.10 from a usb-stick on a notebook with UEFI. So I partitioned the stick with a gpt table and one fat32 partition with boot-flag. then I unpacked the ISO onto the stick and added a efi/ directory with elilo14:46
x_puma_xelilo starts without a problem, but I am not able to get kubuntu to boot. this is my elilo.conf: http://pastebin.com/WAn063e3   do I miss something?14:46
=== Darkwing_ is now known as Darkwing
rcw2how's kubuntu on android these days15:13
rcw2anyone use it?15:13
OerHekskubuntu on android ?15:17
dannyzen`kde feels like a bad fit for a touch interface?15:27
rcw2with keyboard/touchpad15:28
rcw2external ones15:28
rcw2really lightweight setup15:28
OerHeksrcw2, that would be Ubuntu/unity15:31
rcw2closest ive found15:32
OerHeksplasma on Nexus7 > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUD7VeL90e415:34
rcw2can i use the camera well with kubuntu's software, or does the camera here on this phone appear to need proprietary Samsung software to utilize the camera outlined here: http://www.samsung.com/levant/consumer/mobile-phones/mobile-phones/smart-phones/GT-I9500ZKAMID-features15:55
rcw2OerHeks, ty15:55
BluesKajrcw2, the cmaera should show up as a device in dolphin. My sony does , but not sure about phone cams.15:58
BluesKajerr camera15:58
rcw2BluesKaj, i would expect linux to pick it up, but the camera itself seems to be capable of some advanced things you might find on a professional olympus camera or something.  im just wondering if i can utilize those advanced features without samsung's proprietary software16:00
BluesKajrcw2, not sure about smartphone device drivers and their capabilities on kubuntu, i see an app called nodm.16:10
BluesKajhmm, no response altho it's listed in muon16:11
=== kubuntu is now known as Darthfrog
freinhardis there a list of supported geforce devices?16:41
lordievaderfreinhard: For nouveau see this: http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/FeatureMatrix/16:43
DarthfrogNividia is releasing a new set of Linux drivers today, they restore over-clocking ability.  personally, I don't believe in over-clocking.16:45
freinhardlordievader: thx for the overview!16:51
freinhardlooks like my oldschool geforce 6100 with nforce 430 chipset *should* work (but actually dont)16:51
freinhardcan i tell the graphical installer to keep 3d stuff disabled?16:57
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rjvbAny ARM specialists on here?18:23
rjvbI downloaded the ARM install image (kubuntu-12.04-preinstalled-desktop-armhf+omap4.img) but am kind of stuck how to go from there getting it installed on my Archos G9 Turbo18:24
rjvb(I'd like to put it on a separate partition of the internal HDD, already prepared)18:24
lordievaderrjvb: You probably need to dd it to an sd card or something, at least that is the way to get an os on the RPi.18:25
rjvbdd if=kubuntu-12.04-preinstalled-desktop-armhf+omap4.img of=/dev/sdb3 or something like that?18:26
rjvbbut isn't it a LiveDVD image?18:27
lordievaderrjvb: Not sure, I don't have experience with the (K)Ubuntu arm image, just the Raspbian images.18:28
rjvb(I must admit I couldn't even get the image to mount under x86 Linux)18:28
rjvbthat's not exactly the same … but if that's what the image is intended for, it's probably no use to pursuing this any further ...18:29
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