
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 280 building (started: 20140407 02:05) ===02:04
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 280 DONE (finished: 20140407 03:20) ===03:19
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/280.changes ===03:19
=== fginther` is now known as fginther
didrockshey Mirv, did you note all those "preparing packages"05:58
didrockson the spreadsheet?05:58
Mirvdidrocks: uh, no, I just looked at the color it seems and I didn't notice that that's indeed unusual. looking.06:06
didrocksMirv: I pinged #webops06:07
didrocksMirv: too many preparing packages to be realistic and no jobs running in jenkins06:07
MirvI see that06:09
didrocksMirv: so yeah, please next time, as you are the first look in the morning if nothing is weird to your eyes :p06:10
Mirvsure, it seems I'd need a bigger cup of coffee on Monday morning to spot that06:11
Mirvseems obvious now06:11
didrocksMirv: I wonder if jenkins can help trapping failed job06:13
circ-user-RdXpiimgbot, status 280 manta06:31
imgbotImage 280 test results on manta - Total: 655, Pass: 633, Crashes: 3, Rate: 94.4%06:32
popeyMirv: didrocks someone mentioned on the weekend that jenkins was out of disk space...07:11
didrockspopey: yeah, saw that and dealt with. Thanks!07:11
popeymy #279 mako is warm and I can't adb shell into it07:12
popeyApr  7 06:37:00 ubuntu-phablet kernel: [37664.128759] init: powerd main process07:16
popey(5715) killed by KILL signal07:16
popeyApr  7 06:37:00 ubuntu-phablet kernel: [37664.128820] init: powerd main process07:16
Mirvpopey: yep, fixed now07:16
popeyended, respawning07:16
Mirvso what is nowadays The way to update device? every time --bootstrap --wipe ?07:17
popeyneither if you just want to update07:17
popey"adb shell system-image-cli" is sufficient07:17
popeyor "ubuntu-device-flash --channel=trusty-proposed"07:17
Mirvpopey: what were the ways not to use that caused the old kernel/initrd to be used?07:17
popeyuh. pass07:18
Mirvthat was briefly mentioned by ogra on Friday07:18
Mirvpopey: :)07:18
MirvI somehow got the impression that OTA might be better than system-image-cli, but all in all I'm just confused with OTA / system-image-cli / ubuntu-device-flash (+ options)07:19
popeyOTA _is_ s-i-c07:19
Mirvok, good, one less option then. and of course OTA should be the way that works for everyone, otherwise we've a problem.07:19
popeyyou can use system settings -> update of course07:20
popeyif you can touch the device, and the screen isn't off07:20
popeybug 130362107:22
ubot5bug 1303621 in powerd (Ubuntu) "powerd crash " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130362107:22
didrockspopey: no issue on 280 here with OTA update07:24
popeyleave it on for 16 hours ☻07:26
didrockspopey: ahah, can be, but doesn't seem to be worse for now than usual07:27
popeybug 130362307:30
ubot5bug 1303623 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Unity crash #279 on mako" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130362307:30
didrockspopey: no crash file while unity8 is crashing? are you sure?07:31
popeyunity crashed, lost all apps contexts07:31
popeybug 1303627 also07:35
ubot5bug 1303627 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "unity crash when unlocking phone" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130362707:35
* didrocks smells a long meeting07:36
didrockshey sil2100, good week-end?07:37
sil2100didrocks: hey! Yes, a bit sleep-depriving though - how about yours? :)07:37
didrockssil2100: was good, enjoyed some video games + resting07:38
sil2100Oh, I see we seem to be having normal smoketesting results \o/ ?07:43
didrockssil2100: well, the day started with full disk on prodstack07:51
didrockssil2100: and it seems popey is getting quite a lot of new issues07:51
sil2100didrocks: full disk? On prodstack? How much disk space do we have there then :/ ?07:52
didrockssil2100: issues when they setup the backup disk apparently07:53
psivaadidrocks: Just to let you know that the results on mako will be a little late today. With 280, there was an incident where the device dint come up during a reboot08:02
psivaaand i had to use another device to get going08:02
didrockspsivaa: yeah, I saw your email, thanks for looking it up! :)08:02
didrockspsivaa: it means, on the failures, we won't get the crash files though, so maybe, we will have to rerun them?08:03
veeberssil2100, MacSlow, didrocks: Hi guys, could I get a silo for line 44?08:03
sil2100veebers: looking08:04
veebersd'oh. sorry MacSlow08:04
psivaadidrocks: i could rerun them, we have some crashes in http://ci.ubuntu.com/smokeng/trusty/touch/mako/20140407%20%3F/7600/ but with a wrong build id08:04
veeberssil2100: awesome, thanks08:04
sil2100veebers: ok, we're a bit low on silos, but I guess we can spare one for your landing :) Let me assign08:04
psivaadidrocks: i'll let the rest of the tests run first and if we dont have the needed crashes, i'll rerun them08:04
didrockspsivaa: yeah, sounds like a good plan08:04
didrocksveebers: weird to merge a WIP branch without any approval?08:05
Mirvveebers: :D (to mac_slow ping)08:05
veebersdidrocks: It's been approved before but backed out due to tests having issues. We're hoping to double the silo ppa as a testing stage before it get's merged properly08:06
didrocksveebers: hum, staging? silos or not for staging08:06
didrocksveebers: remember that last request was staged for 3 weeks08:06
didrockswithout any rebuild or nothing08:06
didrocksare we expecting the same with this one?08:07
veebersdidrocks: aye right, the last one was due to image issues where we couldn't test and other bugs that weren't autopilot related but seemed it08:08
veebersdidrocks: I would hope that it won't take that long.08:08
didrocksveebers: ok, you should know that when we are low in silo, we will start flushing things that didn't change in less than X days08:09
veebersdidrocks: perhaps I can get a ppa that uses an actual armhf builder as qemu segfaults building libautopilot-qt (the tests)08:09
didrocksX ~ 4 work days sounds right08:09
didrocksveebers: that's something to ask webops for08:09
veebersdidrocks: hmm ok. Well the plan is that the tests get fixed (using the ppa) and we can proceed and approve from there.08:11
veebersdidrocks: could we have the silo for now, and if silos get low in ~4 days and we haven't had any luck we release it back into the pool?08:11
veebers(as the intention is to actually release)08:12
didrocksveebers: ensure that's it's not staged long. QA has 3 silos as of now and be a good citizen as we have a lot of landings and low silo number08:12
didrocksveebers: yeah, doing that08:12
didrocksthe 3 weeks "stuck AP" was really not a good example to reproduce08:12
didrocksI hope it won't08:12
veebersdidrocks: awesome thanks.08:12
veebersdidrocks: right, but as I mentioned it wasn;'s AP's fault08:13
ogra_popey, so i tried to port all my webapps to the new api .... works fine for running a single app, but if i run more than one they all die over time ... every new started one then starts to replace the running one08:13
didrocksveebers: what prevented your team to run all tests manually?08:13
didrocksveebers: as we did here08:13
didrockseveryday, for every images08:13
didrocksas a backup08:13
ogra_and unity crashes all the time :/08:13
didrocksSaviq: hey, multiple new crashers report ^08:13
didrocksplease grab a .crash file08:13
ogra_also the applications scope is often completely empty08:14
didrocksnice, already 5 regressions mentionned today :/08:15
didrocksplease gather all that in bug reports08:15
didrocksso that we can start triaging or it will be all lost08:15
ogra_yeah, i havent yet08:15
ogra_for the webapps i'm not sure if i didnt do something wrong ... i used a similar manifest, desktop and json file to the G+ app, probably thats not the right setup08:16
veebersdidrocks: if we knew how long the outage was to be we would have, but we were hopeful that it wouldn't take that long. (plus we have a couple of devices between us, and trying to simultaneously get other stuff sorted too). In hindsight I guess we could have, but wasn't the plan at the time08:16
didrocksveebers: should have been communicated to us I guess08:16
veebersdidrocks: I understand that silos are a finite resource though, and we don't intend to hold this one for ages08:16
didrocksveebers: and yeah, we do test manually the image, even if it's not our work and we have finite resource in term of times08:17
didrocksbut we do what has to be done08:17
didrockswill appreciate other teams as well :)08:17
veebersdidrocks: right, next time we'll make sure. Feel free to let us know if you have any other concerns etc. too08:17
didrocksso that not everything get infinitely stuck08:17
didrocksveebers: I did multiple times to your manager FYI08:17
veebersdidrocks: ack, I'll follow up08:18
popeyogra_: yeah, just reproduced08:18
popeyi had ~6 webapps open now I only see one08:18
ogra_yeah :(08:19
Saviqdidrocks, the things popey reported had no .crash files, where else should I look?08:19
ogra_ok, then it is at least not my apps08:19
didrocksSaviq: yeah, that's what I told to him, I think ogra_ will provide you one08:19
* ogra_ will upload them to the store then08:19
didrocksogra_: can you quickly send the crash file you should have got?08:19
ogra_if there is a .crash file its on the other phone, i can check after the meeting08:19
didrocksSaviq: I'm really puzzled by popey getting a crash without a crash file08:19
veebersdidrocks: sweet, I'm building now. Cheers08:20
popey[  905.125316] type=1400 audit(1396858647.502:218): apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" parent=1780 profile="com.popey.untappd_untappd_0.2" name="/run/user/32011/pulse/" pid=4021 comm="webapp-containe" requested_mask="r" denied_mask="r" fsuid=32011 ouid=3201108:20
popeylots of that08:20
didrocksogra_: can you beforehand? not sure we should have Saviq pending on us08:20
popeyso maybe I need better perms.. dunno why that would kill the others08:20
ogra_popey, mine are all apparmor clean .... they still crash08:20
didrocksSaviq: ah, seems I have unity8 stuck now08:20
didrockslet me see08:21
* sil2100 still upgrades08:21
popeyogra_: its only one of mine that apparmor denies08:21
ogra_oh, right, getting stuck when swiping is another problem08:21
* popey goes to get coffee for a long meeting08:22
didrockspopey: double your coffee you plan to I guess…08:22
ogra_Mirv, people.canonical.com/~ogra/_usr_bin_unity8.32011.crash08:28
didrocksSaviq: ^08:29
Mirvogra_: you want me to retrace it or..?08:29
ogra_Mirv, nope, ignore it ... mixed you up with Saviq ...08:30
Mirvok, just double-checked08:30
didrockspopey: we are eagerly waiting on you!08:33
ogra_first you tell him to make twice the coffee and now you complain !08:33
popeysorry, had to re-auth G+_08:33
Mirvogra_: just noticed a small detail, the ophono-phonesim-autostart you asked about on Friday is not installed on my device, but this ofono-phonesim-autostart is :) so in theory it's there and AP:s without SIM should probably pass.08:42
Saviqogra_, please, pretty please, apport-cli crash files before sending them up...08:44
asacnow try where that might be my password :P08:48
* ogra_ goes and steals all your bicoins with the walle password :P08:49
asac"You have successfull changed your password to test12345" :)08:50
mandelfginther, morning! did the branch build correctly? (the udm one that was always failing in arm nodes with some etra load on them)08:54
ogra_W/Adreno-ES20( 2074): <core_glReadPixels:212>: GL_INVALID_OPERATION08:54
ogra_W/Adreno-EGLSUB( 2074): <CacheInvalidateHandle:243>: PMEM_INV_CACHES undefined08:54
ogra_popey, ^^^^08:54
Saviqogra_, ok so... .crash truncated08:55
veebersdidrocks: hey, out of curiosity what do you use to run all the ap tests locally/manually? Might come in handy next time :-) Is it the same/similar to the dashboard jenkins job (or our gatekeeper)?08:55
ogra_ /system/bin/logcat -d ...08:55
popeyogra_: where's that from?08:55
ogra_i see a lot of that08:55
ogra_Saviq, yeah apport-cli also tells me its an invalid crash file :/08:58
ogra_hmm, no, now it seems to work08:59
Saviqogra_, you will still only get ??s everywhere, at least if the .crash file I downloaded is the same09:00
ogra_well, lets see if apport os better at uploading than scp09:01
ogra_Saviq, bug 130366609:06
ubot5bug 1303666 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "unity8 randomly crashes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130366609:06
Saviqogra_, did that actually upload the .crash file?09:07
ogra_hmm,, doesnt look like :(09:07
Saviqasac, did you see the comment to your unity8 test fix? str(bytes) is b"foo", not foo09:09
Saviqasac, you need to actually decode it into a string09:09
Mirvseb128: landing-004 ready for clean09:09
seb128Mirv, thanks09:09
didrocksveebers: I think Mirv and sil2100 have a script for that09:10
veebersdidrocks: ah coolio, I'll hit them up. Cheers09:10
veebersMirv, sil2100: Hey what do you use to run all the AP tests locally/manually? Is it similar to what the dashboard/gatekeeper uses?09:11
didrockssil2100: mind opening a bug with all reference in the dialer-app flaky test?09:17
didrockssil2100: same for unity8?09:17
sil2100didrocks: sure, doing09:17
didrocksSaviq: btw, you did see the unity8 AP test failure on the dashboard?09:17
sil2100Let me start with dialer ;)09:17
asacSaviq: interesting... not sure if python3 is sane tbh :P09:21
asacSaviq: bzr diff -c 822 | pastebinit09:21
didrocksSaviq: so, sorry dude, but you will 4 blockers on your list (bug #1300326, bug #1300302 , new AP test failure, new unity8 crasher)09:21
ubot5bug 1300326 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Shell randomly freezes with grey tint" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130032609:21
ubot5bug 1300302 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Dead area at bottom when scrolling in scopes" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130030209:21
didrocksfor both last one, we'll open some bugs09:22
Mirvveebers: I think it differs a bit from person to person. I'm using something like this http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7184268/ although right last week it started to have problems running dialer/messaging AP:s09:22
didrocksSaviq: your team is working on priority to unblock those, right?09:22
asacSaviq: updated MP09:23
Saviqdidrocks, most of my team are on a sprint here09:26
didrocksSaviq: meaning, sprinting to unblock the blockers? :)09:26
popeyogra_: didrocks bug 130367609:28
ubot5bug 1303676 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu) "webapps seem to randomly crash after a while" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130367609:28
* ogra_ confirms 09:28
didrockspopey: thanks!09:28
didrockssil2100: that's one you need to poke upstream about09:29
sil2100didrocks: noting!09:29
Saviqdidrocks, so, "dead area" Albert is on, "locks up with grey tint", Zanetti was working on, but he's here now, I'll get an update, "random crash" not retraceable / reprodicuble yet, ap test asac was looking into09:30
didrocksSaviq: perfect, thanks!09:30
Saviqasac, is str(foo, encoding) compatible with py2.7, though?09:30
didrockssil2100: links for the AP failures?09:31
asacSaviq: oh didnt know we need to support both09:35
sil2100didrocks: dialer-app: https://bugs.launchpad.net/dialer-app/+bug/130368109:35
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1303681 in dialer-app "Autopilot test flakyness in test_outgoing_answer_local_hangup" [Undecided,New]09:35
Saviqasac, we still are, yeah09:36
sil2100didrocks: finishing filling out for unity809:36
asacSaviq: check_output is throwing exception/error in case you get an errorcode, right?09:36
Saviqasac, yes09:36
Saviqnot sure we switched to py3 everywhere in the infrastructure - if we did, then maybe we can drop py2.7 compatibility at some point in the near future indeed09:37
asacwell, if there are compatible ways, why not09:38
sil2100didrocks: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity8/+bug/130368509:38
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1303685 in Unity 8 "Integration test failure in test_networkmanager_integration" [Undecided,New]09:38
asacif thats not it, its easier if you just do it :P09:38
didrockssil2100: thanks!09:38
* didrocks just waits on ogra_'s bug report for the unity8 crasher :)09:39
sil2100asac: are you looking into that one ^ ?09:39
sil2100asac: should I assign you to it? ;)09:39
ogra_didrocks, the crash file is corrupt ... read the backlog09:39
didrocksogra_: hum, as I really can't reproduce your crash, can you try to increase the timeout?09:39
didrocksand make it crash again?09:40
didrocksas you can get it easily09:40
ogra_didrocks, well, i think its the same as poey sees09:40
didrocksogra_: but popey didn't get any crash file :/09:40
ogra_just that i end up with half a crash file :P09:41
didrocksogra_: yeah, so maybe it's taking a very long time to collect it09:41
didrockshence the "increase the kill timeout in the upstart job"09:41
didrockslike to 300s09:41
didrocksand make it crash and see if the new crash file is better09:41
didrocksogra_: I have 17 apps opened, I'm switching between scopes like crazy and it's robust here09:41
ogra_well, i dont know how to "make it crash" :P09:42
ogra_but yeah, i can increase the timeout09:42
didrocksoh, I thought you mention that it was really easy for you to get a crash09:42
* ogra_ is super unhappy having to do that on his production phone ... it has never been writable :((((09:42
ogra_didrocks, to get it crash ... not to produce a crash file09:42
ogra_it doesnt do that every time (probably one out of ten and i only had it crash like 5 times yesterday for example)09:43
didrocksmaybe heavy webapps09:43
didrocksand so OOM killer09:43
ogra_no OOM killer in the logs09:44
ogra_and no, they arent heavy09:44
ogra_just a few news sites with a handfull of jpegs and a lot of text09:44
ogra_(no video or audio embedded or any heavy things)09:44
=== cjwatson_ is now known as cjwatson
sil2100didrocks, davmor2: so, the oxide grooveshark issue will be fixed soon - a new oxide with the problem fixed is already in -proposed and there is a landing prepared for the webbrowser-related changes in CITrain, which I will try to assign a silo to09:54
davmor2sil2100: sounds about right09:54
didrockssil2100: ah, so we need webbrowser fixes as well?09:54
didrocksthe oxide change itself is not enough?09:54
sil2100didrocks: from what dbarth mentioned, webbrowser needs to switch to oxide 1.0, and that's what the landing is about09:55
sil2100So I guess some mods need to be done09:55
davmor2and didrocks blags my head by sending me to the image that had the broken no scopes visible image damn you didrocks /me shakes fist in the air09:58
didrockssil2100: did you get any news on the other one?09:58
didrocksdavmor2: ahah :p09:58
didrocksdavmor2: sorry, forgot that09:58
didrocksdavmor2: so yeah, image +1 ;)09:59
didrocksor -1 rather09:59
didrocksfor old scopes09:59
davmor2didrocks: you're not alone falshing 258 now :)09:59
dbarthi'm also checking if that one contained the grooveshark fix09:59
didrocksdavmor2: :p09:59
sil2100didrocks: they're looking at it still09:59
davmor2didrocks: old scopes are fine testing new scopes now09:59
didrocksdavmor2: ah, ok ;)09:59
davmor2didrocks: when I say fine I mean the home scope is crashy as hell but works :)10:00
didrocksdavmor2: yeah, got you!10:00
vilaimgbot: status 280 mako10:00
imgbotImage 280 for mako has not finished the tests, status is: Running10:00
popeysil2100:  do we have a slot for https://code.launchpad.net/~renatofilho/qtorganizer5-eds/tz-support/+merge/213714 ?10:00
davmor2didrocks: I'd forgotten just how often unity8 crashed on the home scope when you had a lot of music :)10:01
sil2100popey: it's landed already from what I see10:02
didrockssil2100: davmor2: popey can you ensure that everything we set as blockers are set to high/critical at least on one component?10:02
popeysil2100: which image?10:02
didrocksso that we don't end up in useless discussion :)10:02
popeydidrocks: where is the blocker list?10:02
popeyother than your emails10:02
didrockspopey: it's the emails only AFAIK10:02
davmor2didrocks: Yeap10:03
popeyi thought there might be some central doc with it in10:03
didrockspopey: I'm unsure QA is maintaining one10:03
sil2100popey: 278 should be it?10:03
davmor2didrocks: if by QA you mean me for my benefit10:03
didrocksdavmor2: I don't know TBH, you are dogfooding, you shouldn't have to maintain that list IMHO10:04
didrocksjust interact with it10:04
sil2100dbarth: so, I removed oxide-qt from the silo config, since oxide-qt the 'required version' is already in -proposed10:04
sil2100dbarth: so we don't need it being uploaded again10:05
dbarthsil2100: yup10:05
davmor2didrocks: it's there so when I get asked what the blockers are I can quickly scan through it, I'm not being very good at keeping up to date though as it seems to be only for me and I can open the mail instead :)10:05
sil2100dbarth: anyway, silo assigned10:05
dbarthsil2100: no neeed to build oxide10:05
dbarthsil2100: cool10:05
sil2100dbarth: did you also take a look at the bug I mentioned?10:11
davmor2Morning all by the way :)10:14
didrockssil2100: mind looking at why we are blockin on camer-app?10:16
sil2100didrocks: looking10:20
sil2100didrocks: yeah, so it seems there is a FTBFS on libusermetrics, and camera-app dep-waits on that new version10:23
sil2100didrocks: and I guess dep-waiting might result in a 'building' into eternity, right?10:23
didrockssil2100: ok, maybe kill the job then and change the status?10:23
sil2100didrocks: I'll poke the lander anyway10:23
didrockssil2100: yep10:23
sil2100Yes :)10:24
dbarthsil2100: silo 011 good to go10:24
sil2100dbarth: o/ Thanks10:25
didrocksogra_:  https://launchpad.net/bugs/1303676 do you have a crash file handy for dbarth?10:27
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1303676 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu) "[webapp-container] webapps seem to randomly crash after a while" [Critical,Confirmed]10:27
ogra_didrocks, no10:28
ogra_there are no crash files10:28
didrocksok, and dbarth can't reproduce the issue?10:28
ogra_cant he ?10:28
ogra_it is easy to reproduce10:28
cjwatsonlooks like that libusermetrics FTBFS is pointing out an ABI break10:29
cjwatsonso I hope people don't just blindly update the symbols :)10:29
ogra_didrocks, it always happens all the time here after a while of using apps that use the new API10:31
ogra_you just need to use them for a while ...10:31
popeyogra_: didrocks bug 130372110:36
ubot5bug 1303721 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "audio can be heard despite volume set to minimum #280" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130372110:36
didrockspopey: I guess the tests are overriding properties10:37
didrockswhich I'm not totally surprised about10:38
didrocksogra_: they don't die in bug #1303676, they are replaced10:39
ubot5bug 1303676 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu) "[webapp-container] webapps seem to randomly crash after a while" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130367610:39
ogra_didrocks, sure, might be10:40
didrocksdbarth: FYI ^10:40
ogra_didrocks, but what is leaving me with a grey unusable window for the remianing one then ?10:40
didrocksogra_: unsure, maybe a webapp which can't start10:40
ogra_something definitely crashes too10:40
didrocksogra_: dbarth: updating title10:40
ogra_didrocks, theyse are all running and properly working apps10:41
didrocksogra_: well, without crash file, hard to ask/put on priority list10:41
ogra_they run for a while once that happens10:41
ogra_and its is reproducable easily on both phones here (well, as far as i can reproduce with the broken display on the second)10:41
ogra_didrocks, for me that makes the phone unusable ... i only use webapps10:41
ogra_and the oldAPI works just fine10:42
didrocksogra_: yeah, but you can't provide simple step to reproduce, seems upstream are waiting on the bug report10:42
didrocksif no end moves, nothing will change10:42
ogra_huh ?!?10:42
didrocksogra_: see last comment10:42
ogra_start 6 webapps that use the new api ... popey listed a few10:42
ogra_use them for 2 minutes10:42
ogra_see everything die10:42
dbarthogra_: ok, will do right now10:43
dbarthi'm done with the rest of my tests10:43
didrocksok, let's see10:43
ogra_it might take longer before it happens the first time10:43
ogra_but from then on it happens constantly10:43
ogra_once it started it only replaces the last app10:43
ogra_before it happens i can switch between them for a while10:43
didrocksthostr_: hey, I think you saw bug #1302801, do you think it will be fixed soon?10:44
ubot5bug 1302801 in unity-scope-click (Ubuntu) "All new scopes are ignoring the privacy setting for Phone only" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130280110:44
dbarthogra_: which image is that btw?10:44
ogra_it feels like the container doesnt properly work with the lifecycle management ... works for a while and then falls back to replace only10:44
dbarthogra_: ie, did it start from a particular imag eversion ?10:44
ogra_dbarth, any image from the weekend and today10:44
dbarthhmm,so i need to update first10:45
dbarthogra_: and from what i can see inthe bug report, it's a mix of old a new webapps10:45
ogra_i only started porting my apps to the new API on the weekend so i cant say how it behaved before10:45
dbarthie, not all of them use oxide10:45
ogra_only new ones10:45
dbarthbbc and all got ported?10:45
ogra_i explicitly started only new ones10:45
dbarthok, that's important10:46
ogra_oh, thats popey's set of apps :)10:46
ogra_the ones i attached app logs for are all ported10:46
popeyall the ones I listed are webapp-container10:46
popeyi made sure10:46
ogra_popey, but are they using the 14.04 api ?10:46
popeyhow do you mean?10:47
ogra_in your manifest10:47
popeylooks like it ☻10:47
popeyignore oggcamp13, thats not published10:48
popeyI bumped them all when oxide landed10:48
ogra_mine use the same manifest changes the G+ app used, have all been updated to webapp-container in the .desktop and adjusted json files for apparmor10:48
ogra_right, same here10:48
ogra_dbarth, another thing i noticed is that --webappUrlPatterns does not seem to be respected at all anymore with the new webapps-container10:50
ogra_popey, ^^^10:50
bzoltanogra_: didrocks: is there any news about the environment settings when autopilot tests are run? I still see that for example the 'phablet-test-run -p gallery-app-autopilot gallery_app' starts the app with the wrong gridunit.10:50
ogra_external links always open inside the app10:50
didrocksbzoltan: do you have a bug report with it?10:51
dbarthogra_: it's not, it's a limitation of oxide10:51
ogra_dbarth, aha10:51
dbarthogra_: we have a branch for that, and the new 1.0 is hre to let us plug into the new api10:51
dbarthto do that url containment10:51
dbarthogra_: do you see memory issues or similar in the logs?10:51
bzoltandidrocks:  No. First I would like to know if it is not something I do wrong. Have you seen it?10:51
ogra_bzoltan, do you have a /home/phablet/.display-mir file around ?10:51
didrocksbzoltan: as you are the only one reproducing that and even the dashboard is working, it's hard without any further info to know what was the cause10:52
ogra_right, i woder if the --wipe didnt clean his home10:52
bzoltanogra_: there is no such file10:52
didrocksogra_: we still rely on the file? wasn't the check removed since we drop SF support?10:52
ogra_bzoltan, good then10:52
ogra_didrocks, we dont rely on it ... would it have been there it would indicate a bug ... and might have pointed to something still using it somehow10:53
didrocksogra_: I still have it10:53
ogra_thats why i asked10:53
bzoltandidrocks: I am not sure yet if it is effecting the tests... I wonder if anybody has run recently any autopilot tests manually, like I do10:53
didrocksfor isntance10:53
ogra_didrocks, right10:53
didrocksbzoltan: we did10:53
ogra_it should be a no-op10:53
didrocksbzoltan: see the landing mailing list10:53
ogra_(but it is possible something was missed, thats why i asked)10:54
didrocksbzoltan: so I guess a bug report will be the only way and ask if other sees it as well, but right now, you are the only one into that situation, I'm afraid10:54
popeyrsalveti: is https://code.launchpad.net/~thomas-voss/platform-api/hw-alarms-api/+merge/210592 on your list to review? Please can it be?10:54
davmor2didrocks: right so the phone on 256 works fine on 258 no images so it is the new scopes again by the look of it10:55
didrocksdavmor2: ok, is it a blocker in your opinion?10:55
ogra_256 ?10:56
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
* ogra_ hopes davmor2 means 27610:56
didrocksogra_: no 25610:57
didrocksas we discussed this morning10:57
davmor2didrocks: no stuff works just no images but I'm sure as pat discovered it, it will be known and worked on, I'll check if pat filed a bug first before I do :)10:57
didrocksdavmor2: ok, keep me posted if you set it on the blocker list (and keep thostr_ aware as well)10:57
thostr_didrocks: yes, saw that one. a fix will take a while but question is if we need a fix or just remove that setting. this is a policy question as well...10:58
didrocksthostr_: are you moving that discussion then?10:58
thostr_didrocks: davmor2: can we not list the privacy thing as a blocker for now?10:58
didrocksthostr_: well, for now, we have a regression10:58
didrockslike, old scopes -> we have a settings working10:58
thostr_didrocks: got the question back to cparrino10:58
didrocksnow, it doesn't10:58
didrocksand let user thinking it's working10:59
thostr_didrocks: but old and new scopes are fundamentally different in that regard10:59
didrocksthostr_: I wonder then why (if this was known), removing the settings wasn't coordinated with the system settings team?10:59
thostr_didrocks: old scopes just fired queries into universe without user noticing, now, user does queries scopes more explicitely11:00
ogra_didrocks, nothing is replaced per-se in bug 1303676 ... only the last one is constantly replacin, before the apps crash11:00
ubot5bug 1303676 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu) "[webapp-container] webapps seem to randomly be replaced after a while with another webapp or die" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130367611:00
didrocksthostr_: can you reach up a conclusion by end of the day?11:00
thostr_didrocks: I forgot about it... but I want to get guidance from guys higher up the chain11:00
didrocksthostr_: we are close to the finale image and if seb128's team needs to remove the settings, they need to know asap11:00
didrocksogra_: I don't have the same experiment, but I may be wrong, just feel free to update the bug :/11:01
didrocksogra_: experience*11:01
seb128didrocks, did we got another feature dropped without anyone talking to us about the settings impact?11:01
didrocksseb128: exactly11:01
thostr_seb128: didrocks: slowly here...11:01
thostr_seb128: didrocks: let me first confirm with others what we want to have / need in that regard11:02
didrocksthostr_: keep us posted then, the blocker will either being the system-settings to remove the settings11:02
didrocksor the fix to come11:02
thostr_didrocks: yes11:02
seb128thostr_, thanks, just a fyi, the design is on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityAndPrivacySettings#Dash_search11:03
seb128thostr_, could you get the design updated if the change is confirmed/wanteD?11:03
thostr_seb128: yes, i'll11:03
kgunnMirv: hey, am i gonna get a silo :) ?11:04
davmor2thostr_: this test was on the images in the scopes not appearing if you are on 3g :)  the issue regarding privacy is a blocker, if you however make the decision to drop the setting may I recommend that you update the bug and that way we can consider that the fix and unblock for now though that is by and far not the only blocker :)11:06
Mirvsil2100: ^ what did we discuss about Mir again? there's a cherry-pick fix for one u8 crasher included11:06
davmor2thostr_: so there is time for the discussion and decision to be made :)11:07
sil2100Mirv: the final decision was to have a talk with kgunn and decide if there are any important landings11:07
sil2100And assessing the risk11:07
sil2100kgunn: hi! How risky is that landing? Is it mostly bug-fixes?11:07
Mirvsil2100: yeah, now we talk :)11:07
sil2100kgunn: and what crashers are we talking about? Some blocker-ones? ;)11:08
Mirvsil2100: I think the bug #1256360 is the one that only (?) happens during testing11:08
ubot5bug 1256360 in mir (Ubuntu) "unity8 crashed with SIGSEGV in glDeleteTextures() from mir::scene::GLPixelBuffer::~GLPixelBuffer() from mir::scene::ThreadedSnapshotStrategy::~ThreadedSnapshotStrategy()" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125636011:08
didrocksogra_: thanks for the clearer bug title!11:11
thostr_didrocks: davmor2: seb128: just commented on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-scopes-api/+bug/130280111:12
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1302801 in unity-scope-click (Ubuntu) "All new scopes are ignoring the privacy setting for Phone only" [Critical,Triaged]11:13
didrocksthostr_: are you driving up to reach to a conclusion on your 2 options? It's a blocker and will need to be resolved before we can promote an image11:14
thostr_didrocks: this is not broken since last friday... it's long unfortunately, but that should also mean we should be able to promote one, no?11:15
didrocksthostr_: no, it's not in latest promoted image11:15
didrocksthostr_: so it's a regression from that stand points11:15
didrocksthostr_: and people who disable the switch will think it's not getting online results11:15
didrockswhen it will11:15
didrocksso, if next image is going to be the last one we promote, we ship with a broken settings11:16
didrocksclearly a blocker IMHO11:16
kgunn_Mirv: sil2100 yeah, so that mir is mostly bug fixes, low risk...but more than just that one particular bug fix11:16
thostr_didrocks: ok, the maybe option c11:16
ogra_we wont promote until the Qt events bug is fixed anyway ... which seems to have come to a stall (at least i dont see any more discussion about it and there was no conclusion either)11:17
ogra_so you should have time to find a fx11:17
didrocksthostr_: c?11:17
sil2100Mirv: let's maybe try assigning a silo then ;)11:18
didrocksogra_: I'm unsure we won't promote until the Qt events bug is fixed11:18
thostr_didrocks: implement half of option 2) to not regress for now (today/tomorrow) and try to find best optoin in meantime11:18
ogra_didrocks, oh ?11:18
didrocksogra_: it's up to QA to decice that11:18
didrocksthostr_: sounds good to me11:18
seb128thostr_, the handling of those privacy options is a sensitive topic, in any case I suggest we handle things careful to not create the impression that we want to spy on users/remove their freedom to optout of sending things online11:18
ogra_well, the conditions didnt change11:18
seb128didrocks, ^11:19
didrocksseb128: agreed, didn't say it, but I had that in mind11:19
thostr_seb128: exactly, that's why I invited other people to comment on it11:19
didrocksthostr_: but fixing and then discussing for now sounds like the safest path11:19
popeycihelp: trying to build reminders-app-click in jenkins, it fails with "ERROR: Failed to clean the workspace11:22
Mirvsil2100: sounds like a plan11:24
Mirvkgunn: landing-00511:25
MirvI had to ignore conflicts because of the greeter split sio11:26
sil2100Mirv: thanks o/11:26
kgunnta! Mirv11:28
psivaapopey: http://s-jenkins:8080/job/reminders-app-click/6/console appears happy now. had to manually clean the workspace. a reboot could have messed up the permissions11:31
popeygreat, thanks psivaa11:31
psivaayw :)11:31
psivaadidrocks: mako runs with 280 has completed. with no more new failures other than one in unity8 and dialer each11:35
didrockspsivaa: excellent, no other crashers?11:36
psivaadidrocks: no more than the usual 311:37
didrocksok, thanks11:37
davmor2seb128, didrocks: man images are still auto-downloaded on 3g even when the device says internet only arrrgggghhhh11:38
seb1283g is internet?11:38
davmor2wi-fi only even11:38
seb128or you mean wifi?11:38
seb128k, well the settings didn't change in that regard afaik, is that a known issue with the service?11:39
davmor2seb128: I filed a bug and iirc it was decided that the system-image-cli were never asked to implement it so it was meant to be a settings team job and settings said it the other way :)11:40
seb128first time I read about that11:40
ogra_davmor2, did you notice that the UI goes empty if you swipe upwards while watching the download a few times ?11:41
LaneyThat would be a strange thing to say because system-image automatically starts downloads when you ask it to check for updates11:41
davmor2seb128: I think the settings team were under the impression that system-image-cli was implementing it and I think barry said nope we weren't doing that11:41
seb128but no, it's not a settings team job, we are using a dbus interface that is provided by the service11:41
seb128davmor2, dunno about -cli11:42
seb128but https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ImageBasedUpgrades/Client11:42
seb128SetSetting(key, value)11:42
seb128auto_download - A tri-state (currently) value indicating whether downloads should normally proceed automatically if an update is available or not. The value is the string representation of the following integer values.11:42
seb1280 - Never download automatically (i.e. an explicit DownloadUpdate() call is required to start the download)11:42
seb1281 - Only auto-download if the device is connected via wifi (the default)11:42
seb1282 - Always download the update automatically11:42
seb128 11:42
seb128davmor2, ^ we use that documented interface for the service11:42
davmor2seb128: okay is there a way I can check what setting I have?  I'm wondering if the right setting has been mislabelled11:43
seb128davmor2, GetSetting("auto_download") on that dbus interface11:44
bzoltandidrocks: against what I should file that bug and who to assign?11:44
didrocksbzoltan: I have no idea, maybe ask on the mailing list?11:45
bzoltandidrocks: ask who? Sorry for my corporate mind .. I prefer to to talk to real people :) This is a shell issue... and it came last week -> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7216658/11:46
didrocksbzoltan: well, I don't know. I'm not the QA dispatcher either11:46
bzoltandidrocks: I know.. sorry11:46
didrocksso start with owners of phablet-test-tools?11:47
didrockslike sergio11:47
didrocksI don't think I need to centralize all local issues in addition to image ones11:47
seb128bzoltan, hey, you have some silos that seem ready for testing/landing, can you do that? ;-)11:49
* seb128 waits for available silos for desktop iteams11:49
ogra_iTeams ... new apps SW11:50
bzoltanseb128: I need Cimi to say OK for that silo as it contains unity9 bits too11:50
ogra_from apple :)11:50
seb128bzoltan, https://code.launchpad.net/~bzoltan/qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu/unity-scope-tool/+merge/213665 ?!11:50
seb128bzoltan, that seems a 1 liner to control11:50
ogra_we switch to unity9 right before release ?11:50
ogra_thats brave :P11:50
bzoltanseb128: I am paranoid :)11:51
bzoltanogra_: yes, and unity10 is the 14.04 target11:51
sil2100seb128: we should have a silo spare in some moments ;)11:51
seb128bzoltan, well, that depends fix for qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu seems safe11:51
thostr_seb128: just had a discussion with asac about the privacy flag: we think it's best to just disable it for now (until we get more feedback)11:51
seb128thostr_, can you open a bug on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-system-settings/+filebug about that/asking for the design to be updated?11:52
bzoltanseb128:  ehh.. sorry it is a differnt landing11:52
seb128thostr_, I'm declining any responsability on whatever the online reactions are going to be to the "disable the privacy option"11:53
sil2100didrocks: hmmm, do you know by any chance why the m&c for silo 11 would fail saying that the package is still in -proposed while rmadison says it's in the release archive?11:54
didrockssil2100: I need to check I guess11:54
thostr_seb128: ack11:55
didrocksthostr_: we are going to get flack for it…11:55
didrocksasac: ^11:55
didrocksis this validated by design/legal?11:55
bzoltanseb128: that silo is good to go11:55
asacdidrocks: i am checking with folks11:55
asacdidrocks: note that there is no "search all scopes" search form anymore11:55
seb128bzoltan, thanks11:56
asacbut that you can only search in one scope11:56
seb128sil2100, ^ silo 16 is good to land11:56
sil2100seb128: excellent!11:56
didrockssil2100: oh I know11:57
didrocksone sec11:57
sil2100seb128: huh...11:57
seb128sil2100, ?11:57
sil2100seb128, bzoltan: but the PPA is empty - what were you guys testing in silo 16?11:58
sil2100No package has been built, the build job was not executed as well11:58
seb128sil2100, oh, sorry, I didn't check details, I'm just looking at the summary table to find to free silos11:58
sil2100Ah ;)11:58
sil2100bzoltan: ^11:58
seb128sil2100, seems like we should run the build job then!11:58
didrockssil2100: mind retrying?11:58
sil2100seb128: yes, and actually do the testing! ;)11:59
sil2100didrocks: ok, thanks - what was wrong?11:59
didrockssil2100: my change to take into account -updates11:59
didrocksmixed "or" and "and" with using "not"11:59
sil2100bzoltan: ok, so, can you build packages from the silo and test the package that has been generated in the PPA then?11:59
popeyasac: swipe left to scopes, hit search, type "Motl" - see http://popey.com/~alan/phablet/device-2014-04-07-130150.png - how can it know that without sending that data somewhere?12:02
popeyNote: I did not explicitly select a scope.12:02
asacthostr_: ^12:03
popeyi can see the traffic in ~/.cache/upstart/smart-scopes-proxy.log !12:03
thostr_popey: well, you selected the scope scope12:03
popey12:55:54 < asac> didrocks: note that there is no "search all scopes" search form anymore12:04
popeythats patently not true.12:04
jdstrandthat untappd denial> it just needs the 'audio' policy group12:04
popeyit just has a different name.12:04
popeyjdstrand: done ☻12:04
asacpopey: i thougth we had a scope where you can search for scopes12:04
asacthat one is online12:04
thostr_popey: there is a difference if you search for scopes or search within scopes12:04
popeynot from a privacy point of view. The fact is I sent "mot" over the wire.12:04
thostr_popey: previously, you search ended somewhere on the planet without you as user knowing12:04
popeyhow does it not now?12:05
asachowveer, I think we might need to do something on supporting the search context better through design12:05
popeyi swiped left and typed "Mot"12:05
ogra_davmor2, popey http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/empty-scopes-shot.png12:05
thostr_popey: you don't get an result back12:05
ogra_i see that after closing a webapp with "Quit" from the hud12:05
asacthostr_: he got auto corrected terms back12:05
thostr_popey: it's true that you still query our server, but nothing else12:05
popeythostr_: the i did get results12:05
popeyright, that will be a problem.12:05
thostr_popey: but, you don't send the query anywhere to any 3rd party12:06
popeyyes, it does12:06
popeyI just typed "bett" in mine and get image results for Bette Midler, that image came from a 3rd party12:07
popey{"result": {"subtitle": "Betty Marion White is an American actress, comedian, presenter, singer, author, and television personality.", "title": "Betty White", "cat_id": "related searches", "uri": "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Betty_White", "preview_info": {"type": "wikipedia"}, "dnd_uri": "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Betty_White", "mascot": "http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/1d/Betty_White_2010.jpg/96px-Betty_White_2010.jpg"}}12:07
thostr_popey: wikipedia and weather are the only exceptions12:07
thostr_popey: the big problem in former times was: you typed "term" in your home scopes12:08
thostr_and your query was fired to anybody in the world12:08
popeythat was _one_ of the issues.12:08
popeyWhat controls the exception that wikipedia and weather has?12:09
thostr_this is us12:09
asacthostr_: couldnt we hook up this setting to not search wikipedia?12:11
asacor would have have ignored that setting in the past too for wiki and weather?12:11
thostr_we can patch all our scopes to listen to that setting12:12
thostr_but eventually we cannot enforce this for trusted scopes12:12
thostr_we can patch all our scopes for now until we get some more guidance12:14
=== josepht changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: josepht | CI Train support - US: robru, cyphermox, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: makos are down
ogra_the privacy stuff is pretty critical to press etc ... we should better have it more conservative if inn doubt12:16
cwayne_do you guys have any idea what's up with ubuntu-touch-customization-hooks?  I think it was supposed to have been autolanding, but it looks like lp:u-t-c-h and lp:ubuntu/u-t-c-h are out of sync12:17
bzoltansergiusens: Mirv: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/phablet-tools/+bug/130377412:18
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1303774 in phablet-tools (Ubuntu) "The GRID_UNIT_PX os not set when phablet-test-run is used" [Critical,Confirmed]12:18
seb128sil2100, Mirv: we are up to 4 silos, can I get some?12:19
sergiusensbzoltan: fwiw, I would consider that an image bug as the grids unit px is supposed to be set by that12:19
sil2100seb128: sure!12:19
sil2100seb128: doing :)12:20
davmor2ogra_: yeap related to popeys bug on where the bottom of the screen thinks it is12:20
bzoltansergiusens: I agree... but I could not find anybody for that. ogra_ and didrocks say that they have never seen it. Mirv and I got it... I wonder if you have seen this problem.12:20
davmor2ogra_: at least I'm assuming it is12:20
ogra_davmor2, ok12:21
davmor2ogra_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/130030212:21
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1300302 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Dead area at bottom when scrolling in scopes" [High,Incomplete]12:21
davmor2ogra_: if it is reproducible please add steps12:21
sergiusensbzoltan: I shoved it to ogra_ and set it to affect lxc-android-config12:21
ogra_davmor2, not constantly reproducable ... but i get it more often when stopping apps via the hud quit function12:22
ogra_sergiusens, huh ?12:22
sergiusensogra_: some bug about env vars12:22
ogra_sergiusens, yes12:22
Mirvsergiusens: ogra_: note that the bug only happens when eg. phablet-test-run dialer_app, not when executing the app on phone normally12:22
ogra_sergiusens, why would lxc-android-config have anythin to do with it12:22
sergiusensMirv: only for legacy apps?12:23
sergiusensogra_: well it's not phablet test run for sure; it's an env thing; and slangasek added the "correct" adb shell cli command; which probably means the environment is not imported correctly12:24
ogra_this is a an env setting you get by bashrc12:24
ogra_root@ubuntu-phablet:~# grep PX /home/phablet/.bashrc12:24
ogra_export GRID_UNIT_PX=1812:24
sergiusensogra_: might be livecdrootfs12:24
ogra_(which gets put in place by ubuntu-touch-session)12:24
sergiusensright; wrong target :-)12:24
ogra_i would assume the bashrc isnt properly parsed12:24
Mirvyep, it's there but somehow does not work with phablet-test-run12:24
ogra_(unless Mirv or bzoltan can confrim there is no PX entry)12:24
ogra_so this is clearly phablet-tools or adbd not parsing bashrc12:25
cjwatsonI think slangasek switched to sh, which would mean bashrc isn't loaded?12:26
bzoltanogra_: sergiusens: the export GRID_UNIT_PX=18 is there of course12:26
ogra_so its the parsing of that file that is broken12:26
sergiusensbzoltan: ogra_? http://paste.ubuntu.com/7216811/12:26
bzoltanogra_: sergiusens: I guess it is related to the shell changes... because QtCreator's remote app deployment were hit by this too.. and there we needed to adjust too12:26
sergiusensogra_: phablet-tools doesn't parse anything; and shouldn't12:26
ogra_sergiusens, hmm, i think slangasek chenged the command in phablet-tools12:26
ogra_sergiusens, to sh -c12:27
sil2100seb128: regarding silo 15 - should I reject this landing, or maybe you want to re-use this landing for the fixed version?12:27
cjwatsonso sh -c => bash -c?12:27
sergiusensogra_: right, you get nothing back with sh12:27
ogra_that wouldnt parse bashrc12:27
ogra_yeah, its another chell12:27
seb128sil2100, I'm waiting for tedg to be up and to do the one line fix, please keep the silo12:27
cjwatsonit sounds like that's all you need to fix it12:27
cjwatsonit'll be slower again, but there you go12:28
ogra_yeah, speed doesnt really matter here12:28
sergiusensogra_: so revert steve's changes?12:30
ogra_for the places where we need bashrc parsed yeah12:31
sergiusensogra_: sh/dash reads $HOME/.profile, can't we add those env vars there?12:31
sil2100seb128: ok12:31
ogra_sergiusens, try it ... if thats enough, yes we can12:31
ogra_sergiusens, or even better, parse the $device.conf file from the session manager12:32
ogra_so we dont need the values hardcoded in there12:32
sergiusensogra_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7216832/12:33
sergiusensso it works12:33
ogra_oh, intresting12:33
cwayne_josepht, any idea what's up with ubuntu-touch-customization-hooks?  I think it was supposed to have been autolanding, but it looks like lp:u-t-c-h and lp:ubuntu/u-t-c-h are out of sync12:34
ogra_why does it not end up in the test then12:34
sergiusensogra_: well the manpage for dash said it should read ~/.profile; I would expect as much to be true12:34
bzoltanogra_: sergiusens: since when this sh vs bash is there?12:34
josephtcwayne_: looking now12:34
sergiusensbzoltan: a week or so12:34
cwayne_josepht, thanks12:35
ogra_bzoltan, since last week12:35
davmor2cwayne_: they hate you, it's just that simple ;)12:35
bzoltansergiusens:  and since than who has recognized that _NO_ autopilot test shows correct UI?12:35
cjwatsonsergiusens: please don't revert them, just sh -c => bash -c ?12:35
ogra_bzoltan, thats why i asked you if you are on the recebt phablet-tools last week when we talked about it12:35
cjwatsonthat should be all you need, rather than going back to the extra login shell business12:35
sergiusenscjwatson: but that's exactly what steve changed12:35
bzoltanogra_: I was and I am12:35
sergiusensthe other way around12:35
cwayne_davmor2, haha, probably :)12:35
cjwatsonsergiusens: he did more than that12:35
sergiusensbzoltan: I don't look at tests when they run12:36
cjwatsonsergiusens: there was the shell change, and *also* the login-shell-to-not change12:36
sergiusenscjwatson: right; I'll make that change s/sh/bash/12:36
bzoltansergiusens: it is good that we have a fix12:36
mandelvila, a propose solution for the timeout issues in the PS CI bot => http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntu-download-manager/udm-shared-libs/view/head:/ubuntu-download-manager-test-lib/ubuntu/download_manager/tests/base_testcase.h#L4312:37
cjwatsonsergiusens: (but certainly if it's possible to fix without going back to bash, that's even better)12:37
mandelvila, I'm hoping it will fix all the issues by waiting for ever12:37
sergiusenscjwatson: should be; we just need to make ~/.profile read up the envvars12:37
ogra_a shell snippet in profile.d should help12:38
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ogra_there was a reason why i kept it in bashrc when porting the other bits to snippets ...12:38
ogra_... but i cant remember it anymore12:39
seb128bzoltan, silo 016 is built/ready to be tested (it's the depends change mentioned earlier)12:40
sergiusensogra_: bzoltan I'll have a fix soon12:41
bzoltansergiusens: Thank you!12:41
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bzoltansergiusens:  I will demo the Ubuntu on Nexus with the autopilot testing mechanism next week :) it would be shame to show a non functioning setup :D12:42
josephtcwayne_: those autolandings are going through ci-train now, right?12:43
ogra_bzoltan, just present image 250 with the old phablet-tools then :P12:43
bzoltanogra_:  I do dist-upgrade every morning and flash the device like 5-8 times a day :)12:44
* ogra_ wasnt serious :) 12:44
* bzoltan neither12:44
bzoltanogra_: it is cool that this problem got fixed :) that is what counts12:45
vilamandel|lunch: ack12:46
cwayne_josepht, im not sure u-t-c-h was ever setup for ci-train to be honest12:46
sergiusensogra_: https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/ubuntu-touch-session/dash_dot_profile/+merge/21452312:48
sergiusensworks for me fwiw12:48
ogra_sergiusens, how about we do the whole parsing from the profile.d snippet12:48
ogra_and rip it out of the session startup12:48
ogra_that will speed up the session startup too12:49
sergiusensogra_: ok; is that livecdrootfs?12:49
ogra_(since it will only be run on shell login )12:49
ogra_sergiusens, nope, a few lines up12:49
ogra_# override defaults by sourcing /etc/ubuntu-touch-session.d/$device.conf12:50
ogra_device=$(getprop ro.product.device)12:50
ogra_[ -e /etc/ubuntu-touch-session.d/$device.conf ] && . /etc/ubuntu-touch-session.d/$device.conf12:50
josephtcwayne_: I'll track it down and let you know12:50
ogra_oh, crap, we cant12:50
ogra_sergiusens, ignore that12:50
sergiusensogra_: not easily, no12:50
cwayne_josepht, awesome, thank you12:51
ogra_i guess that code costs us a second of the boot time12:51
sergiusensfwiw, I prefer this instead of going back to bash12:51
* ogra_ puts it on his list for "think over"12:52
ogra_sergiusens, yeah, its fine12:52
sergiusensogra_: I'll get a silo for this12:52
ogra_getting the value is the more costly piece here12:52
ogra_running gretprop ... then read a file etc etc12:52
ogra_(and writing to one)12:52
sergiusensogra_: can I get your stamp on that to run the silo?12:54
sergiusensogra_: yeah; we probably need to getprop once and save it somewhere where we can access from memory12:54
sergiusenssil2100: hey, can I get a silo for l49 please?12:55
ogra_i need to measure if getprop is faster than reding from a file12:55
ogra_but yeah, storing it somewhere on the first session startup and never having to run it again would be preferable to "run it on every session startup"12:55
josephtdidrocks: should ubuntu-touch-customization-hooks be landing via ci-train now?12:56
sergiusensogra_: come to think of it; iirc getprop loads everything into memory; need to recheck the property code12:56
sil2100sergiusens: is this a fix for some blocker? We're low on silos right now so I need to assess the importance12:56
ogra_sergiusens, then we should dump it into a persistent property on the first run of ubuntu-touch-session ... and read it from there ... only do the writing and reading once12:56
sergiusenssil2100: it's for a critical bug12:57
sil2100sergiusens: ACK12:57
sil2100Let me assign then12:57
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fgintherjosepht, cwayne_, ubuntu-touch-customization-hooks is in the ci-train list (Line 89) https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au6idq7TkpUUdC05a2ZQSmgwU2NFYnJQOE9qMDRYa3c&usp=drive_web#gid=113:13
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cwayne_fginther, hm, maybe it hasn't been pushed to since citrain started, would that make sense?13:15
fginthercwayne_, yes, in fact the last trunk update was in Oct 2013, well before ci-train started on this project13:16
cwayne_makes sense13:17
cwayne_fginther, is there any way to trigger it without a new push?13:17
fginthercwayne_, this probably just needs to have a landing scheduled, please work with the ci-train support listed in the channel topic.13:20
cwayne_sil2100, hiya ^ any chance we can get a landing scheduled for ubuntu-touch-customization-hooks?13:21
rsalvetipopey: ricmm is the responsible now to get the alarm MRs in place13:31
popeymorning rsalveti, thanks13:35
sil2100cwayne_: let me look, sorry, I had lunch13:36
seb128sil2100, cwayne_: can you please give slots to those who are waiting for longer firsT?13:38
sil2100seb128: sure, sergio got a silo since he had a priority landing - I'm tryign to assign stuff but we're anyway low on silos still13:40
seb128bzoltan, can you test you silo 016 ?13:44
seb128mhr3, your silo 008 seems like reading for landing?13:44
bzoltanseb128: sure13:45
seb128sil2100, maybe you can claime back the silos that fail to build and give them a slot again later once they sort their build issues?13:45
seb128bzoltan, thanks13:45
mhr3seb128, yep13:45
seb128mhr3, thanks13:45
sergiusensbzoltan: can you give https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuDk72Lpx8U5dFlCc1VzeVZzWmdBZS11WERjdVc3dmc&usp=drive_web#gid=35 a quick test to see if it fixes your issues?13:55
bzoltansergiusens: sure13:56
stgraberheya, we have a click bugfix release if someone can spare us a silo13:56
sil2100stgraber: hi! We're really low on silos now sadly, so you'll have to wait a little bit ;)13:57
sil2100I'm working on making more13:57
sergiusensstgraber: I should free one soonish13:58
* ogra_ thinks starting to deal with vats might be a valuable thing in here 13:59
davmor2ogra_, popey: I think I have steps to reproduce the missing app icons issue.  If you open a top app in the installed section they are all there on closure.  If you open one of the bottom apps in the installed section ie scroll down to it then you get the missing app icons \o/ winner14:00
popeydavmor2: define "top" and "bottom"?14:01
ogra_ah, thats why i get it so often14:01
ogra_popey, expand ... if you have to scroll it is a "bottom app"14:01
didrocksjosepht: yeah, everything should14:02
josephtdidrocks: okay, thanks14:03
popeydavmor2: yup http://popey.com/~alan/phablet/device-2014-04-07-150301.png14:03
ogra_popey, oh, wow, i only get it after i close the last app14:03
davmor2popey: \o/ winner I'll add steps to the bug14:03
popeyi just opened two apps, one from top, one from bottom14:04
* ogra_ never has something in "recent"14:04
popeythen switched to app scope14:04
ogra_hmm, i cant reproduce it at all on my flo with 277 on it14:06
* ogra_ upgrades to 28014:07
popeyogra_: i cant reproduce on flo either14:10
popeyon 28014:10
ogra_flo has other issues intrestingly14:10
ogra_close an app with the hud14:10
ogra_you get a faded out scope back14:11
seb128sil2100, silo 016 seems good to publish this time ;-)14:12
sil2100I love the 'ready to publish' sentence14:12
* didrocks put an unexpected joke?14:14
sil2100No no, I just love the sound of that14:14
sil2100Especially when we're low on silos14:14
sil2100didrocks: packaging ACK needed! Looks sane right now: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-016-2-publish/2/artifact/packaging_changes_qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu_3.0.1+14.04.20140407-0ubuntu1.diff14:16
bzoltansergiusens:  I had installed the ubuntu-touch-session from that PPA, rebooted and now the test apps look fine. thanks14:16
sergiusensbzoltan: awesome; will get it landed ASAP14:17
sergiusensogra_: can you publish https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuDk72Lpx8U5dFlCc1VzeVZzWmdBZS11WERjdVc3dmc&usp=drive_web#gid=35 ?14:17
didrockssil2100: +114:18
sil2100didrocks: thanks!14:18
bzoltansil2100:  both my silos are good to land14:21
sil2100bzoltan: thanks, already published both of them some moments ago ;)14:22
bzoltansil2100: your kvik14:22
didrocksbzoltan: sil2100 published faster than you typing, didn't you know that? :p14:23
bzoltandidrocks:  I do it with a 9m old boy in my left hand ;)14:24
didrocksbzoltan: ahah, you are raising the bar!14:24
sil2100No no, he's raising a son!14:25
sergiusensrsalveti: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuDk72Lpx8U5dFlCc1VzeVZzWmdBZS11WERjdVc3dmc&usp=drive_web#gid=35 can you publish?14:25
bzoltandidrocks:  no :) i just try to do two things at the same time ... and I suck ass in both :D14:25
=== josepht changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: cihelp | CI Train support - US: robru, cyphermox, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: makos are down
rsalvetisergiusens: do we need the vars in both .bashrc and .profile?14:32
sergiusensrsalveti: yes14:32
sergiusensrsalveti: oh, not yes for the env14:33
sergiusensrsalveti: just yes for bash and dash14:33
rsalvetisergiusens: right, but isn't just .profile enough for both?14:33
ogra_rsalveti, i want to move that to a profile.d snippet instead14:33
ogra_and have the session manager use a different (less costly) way14:34
rsalvetiyeah, if we can remove those things from bashrc it would be greate14:34
ogra_sergiusens solution is a good quick fix14:34
dbarthsil2100: o/ can i haz a new silo on line 50?14:34
rsalvetijust want to know if .profile is also not enough for bash14:34
ogra_but long term i want to eleminate such code from the session startup14:34
ogra_rsalveti, it is14:34
ogra_unless the user creates a ~/.bash_profile ... then it wont be read at all14:35
sergiusensrsalveti: we used to have issues iirc with .profile and bash14:35
rsalvetiif so, then I guess we could remove them from .bashrc14:35
sil2100dbarth: o/ sorry, we're low on silos, so you will have to wait a bit probably...14:35
ogra_sergiusens, .bashrc is read by .profile14:35
ogra_have a look at the .profile file ;)14:35
sergiusensogra_: bashrc is read by profile, but what does bash read? If it's bashrc, then it won't work14:36
ogra_try it ?14:36
rsalvetiyeah :-)14:36
sergiusenswe had this env issue before reason for using the sudo instead of su thing14:36
ogra_phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ env|grep PX14:37
ogra_after moving the vars to .profile14:37
rsalvetiit's just easier to clean this up later on if we have it only in one place14:38
dbarthsil2100: ok, understood; but note that those are desktop bug fixes, so we're a bit in a hurry there14:38
sergiusensogra_: yeah, tested just now; updating the MR14:40
sergiusensrsalveti: https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/ubuntu-touch-session/dash_dot_profile/+merge/214523 check it now14:43
rsalvetibzoltan: mind testing this guy again ^?14:44
sergiusensrsalveti: needs to be rebuilt14:45
sergiusensrsalveti: which is happening now14:45
davmor2didrocks, ogra_: BOLLOCKS was there a recent update to NM?14:45
sergiusensrsalveti: although I don't believe he needs to test it again14:45
rsalvetiwell, would just be good for him to test it14:45
cyphermoxdavmor2: no14:45
didrockssil2100: we have some silos with "ready to build packages"14:45
rsalvetibut I'm testing it as well14:45
didrockssil2100: so I propose we flush them out with a comment14:45
davmor2cyphermox: I have no wifi available after a bootstrap14:46
ogra_davmor2, didnt oyu have that with flo recently as well ?14:46
davmor2ogra_: no14:46
ogra_i wonder if you need to blame your AP14:46
* ogra_ thought you pinged on friday about that 14:46
davmor2ogra_: no there are about 4-6 show up normally there is nothing14:47
sil2100didrocks: k14:49
sil2100didrocks: already flushed one like that though14:49
didrockssil2100: always add a comment14:50
davmor2cyphermox: do you know when the last NM update was I'm wondering if I haven't hit it prior to this because I have been OTA with all the data in place14:50
didrockssil2100: if they didn't care to build…14:50
cyphermoxdavmor2: march 0614:51
bzoltanrsalveti: sergiusens: no worries14:51
davmor2cyphermox, ogra_, didrocks: http://davmor2.co.uk/~davmor2/screenshots-phone/device-2014-04-07-155336.png  and http://davmor2.co.uk/~davmor2/screenshots-phone/device-2014-04-07-155510.png this is what I mean by no wifi14:55
ogra_sergiusens, i cant publish silos14:55
ogra_(sorry, just noticed the ping)14:56
didrocksogra_: hum14:56
bfillersil2100: hi, can you reconfigure silo9 as I just added a new project to it (address-book-app)14:56
didrocksogra_: why can't you?14:56
sil2100bfiller: sure14:57
didrocksogra_: you are a core-dev, right?14:57
ogra_didrocks, well, last time i tried i had no permissions14:57
bfillersil2100: thnks14:57
sergiusensrsalveti: remember to --wipe or delete the last 3 lines of .bashrc14:57
didrocksogra_: are you sure?14:57
ogra_didrocks, admittedly that was short after the bootcamp ... ages ago14:57
didrocksogra_: no core-devs reported any issue14:57
ogra_i get an openid error14:58
ogra_and then end up with this in my url bar: https://job/landing-017-2-publish/build?delay=0sec14:58
ogra_(when i click the publish button)14:59
sil2100didrocks: packaging ACK needed! https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-004-2-publish/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/packaging_changes_unity-webapps-qml_0.1+14.04.20140407-0ubuntu1.diff <- the 1.0 bump we mentioned in the morning14:59
rsalvetisergiusens: sure, flashing latest and will check14:59
sil2100This will basically fix the blocker \o/14:59
didrocksogra_: you have the same bug that ev and webops are investigating14:59
didrocksogra_: I guess getting your error would be interesting though15:00
didrocksSaviq: do you have your RT# handy about the empty url bar?15:00
ogra_aha, a second time it properly pushed me to the 2fa page15:00
Saviqdidrocks, PM15:00
didrocksogra_: yeah, seems to be a random issue since we moved to prodstack15:00
ogra_but the redirect afterwards is the same broken link15:00
didrocksogra_: try to reclick from the spreadsheet15:01
didrocksnow that you are logged in15:01
didrocks"Prep silo for file-based infographics"15:03
didrocksSaviq: if needed, can we flush that one? (the comment is still right?)15:03
Saviqdidrocks, yes15:04
ogra_after the meeting ... i just changed machines :P15:04
sil2100didrocks: there's already one silo being cleared15:04
davmor2ogra_: log out, stand on one leg, now stand on your head, now drink a martini, now look at the glass, now look at the man, now look at the glass, now look at the man, the man is on a horse when this when this happens login and it works flawlessly everytime ;)15:04
sil2100didrocks: it's still cleaning the PPA though15:04
didrockssil2100: maybe do saviq's one15:04
didrockssil2100: so that we can get latest 2 requests in15:04
Saviqit *was* one of mine :P15:05
slangasekogra_, cjwatson: ok, if we really need to pull in environment variables from .bashrc (ugh), then you can s/sh/bash/... but in that case we should also make the 'bash -c' be 'bash -cl' and skip having sudo run a login shell first15:05
ogra_davmor2, i'll cut everything from that except the martini15:05
didrocksSaviq: thanks man, and sorry :p15:05
slangasekso we only run one bash instead of two15:05
davmor2ogra_: haha15:05
Saviqdidrocks, ;)15:05
sil2100didrocks: if you have a moment, take a look at the ACK ;)15:05
Saviqdidrocks, we knew what we signed up for15:05
ogra_slangasek, .profile is sourced fine in both shells15:05
sil2100didrocks: in the meantime, I'll rip another silo from Saviq's hands, nyahahah15:05
slangasekogra_: are you moving the content to .profile, then?  That works too15:06
didrockssil2100: \o/15:06
ogra_slangasek, long term i plan to push all that costly code into a profile.d script ... i just dont have the time atm15:06
ogra_slangasek, yeah, thats what sergiusens change does15:06
ogra_as a quick fix15:06
didrockssil2100: liboxideqt-qmlplugin is in universe, right?15:06
* didrocks checks oxide-qt15:06
didrocksit's in universe as well15:07
didrockssil2100: do we have the MIR?15:07
sil2100Ah, crap, I was so thinking 'yeah, oxide is used by default' that I didn't check where oxide is located, crap15:08
davmor2cyphermox: okay so I rebooted and now I have wifi15:08
sil2100Let me find that15:08
didrockssil2100: don't believe, check man :/15:08
didrockssil2100: it's not oxide but oxide-qt15:08
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1293681 in oxide-qt (Ubuntu) "[MIR] oxide" [High,Fix committed]15:08
didrocksok, so we can15:08
didrockssil2100: please publish, but we'll need someone moving the bins to main15:09
sil2100I know that there was a MIR, since I already checked last time, but still... I completely forgot about this15:09
sil2100didrocks: ok, thanks!15:09
didrockscjwatson: I'm pre-promoting oxide-qt now ^15:10
didrocks(even if the dep pulling it is just publishing in proposed now)15:10
didrocksso that we don't forget about it15:10
didrockshum, that's wierd15:14
didrocksliboxideqt-qmlplugin 1.0.0~bzr475-0ubuntu1 in trusty amd64: main/libs/extra/100% -> main15:14
didrocksliboxideqt-qmlplugin 1.0.0~bzr475-0ubuntu1 in trusty amd64: universe/libs/extra/100% -> main15:14
didrocksand same for all archs/bins15:14
didrocksrmadison still reports universe though15:14
didrockscjwatson: any idea, is that a temp thing, like something running the command at the same time? ^15:14
rsalvetisergiusens: tested, seems fine with .profile15:14
rsalvetisergiusens: ping me once you want it to land15:15
didrockssil2100: so +115:15
didrockssil2100: and please assign last 2 requests then :)15:16
sil2100didrocks: ACK ;)15:16
sil2100didrocks: webbrowser is still not migrated properly from another silo, so I won't be able to assign for line 5015:21
sil2100dbarth: ^15:21
sil2100didrocks: and I don't want to ignoreconflicts again ;)15:21
didrockssil2100: agreed15:21
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didrockssergiusens: can you try in the future putting better description for the landing please?15:25
sergiusensdidrocks: for which one?15:25
didrockssil2100: Mirv: robru: cyphermox: please don't assign silos with bad description :)15:25
didrockssergiusens: line 49 "ubuntu-touch-session"15:25
didrockssergiusens: line 30 "usensord"15:25
sil2100didrocks: ACKish15:26
sergiusensdidrocks: ah; I added descriptions to usensord once upon a time and was asked to add project names instead15:26
didrockssergiusens: hum, who asked you that?15:26
sergiusensdidrocks: do you want all the commit messages? robru15:26
didrockssergiusens: better to get descriptions, we can infer the components from MP and sources15:26
didrocksrobru: please stop giving your own rules :/15:27
sergiusensdidrocks: well the description can be inferred as well15:27
didrocksand confuse people15:27
didrockssergiusens: well, we don't want to open each MP to see what changed15:27
sergiusensbut I'm fine15:27
didrockssergiusens: basically what's the user/devel-impact of the change15:27
didrocksso not all commits15:27
sergiusensdidrocks: peopl tend to add a bunch of MRs after anyways and the description go stale15:27
sergiusensthat's fine15:28
didrockssergiusens: yeah, we need to get better at that and get good description15:28
didrockssergiusens: I envision it in generating the reports from an image change from it15:28
sergiusensdidrocks: oh, but we put so much effort into the commit messages already :-)15:28
didrockssergiusens: not sure all commit messages are relevant to the public15:29
sil2100Uh, meeting!15:32
didrockspopey: coming? (if you can)15:32
didrocksjdstrand: FYI (we are discussing that in the meeting right now), but bug #1301341 is set at a blocker15:37
ubot5bug 1301341 in webbrowser-app "grooveshark playback has stopped functioning" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130134115:37
ogra_didrocks, you suggested i should try again now that i'm logged in15:48
ogra_when i do that, i end up in an indicator-appnemu landing15:48
ogra_instead of the ubuntu-touch-session one15:49
didrockstell me what link you are clicking on exactly15:50
ogra_i have the landing-17 sheet open in front of me15:50
cjwatsondidrocks: err, not sure, but it does seem to have been temporary in practice so probably don't need to worry15:50
ogra_i click the publish button15:50
ogra_that expands a url15:50
didrocksthat sounds about right15:50
ogra_i click on it and land in some build thats owned by seb12815:50
didrocksgrrr, I had the same wrong redirect15:51
ogra_at least thats what the build history tells me on the left15:51
didrocksev: that should really be worked on by the webops team ^15:51
ogra_its the magnetic seb128 :)15:51
didrocksogra_: how owned by seb128?15:51
ogra_he intercepts all redirects ;)15:51
seb128ogra_, it's an hint, you need to do work for me!15:51
didrocksogra_: oh, don't care about the build history :p15:51
jdstranddidrocks: hey, was in a meeting. that meeting coincidentally was the oxide weekly meeting where we talked about that bug15:51
didrocksjdstrand: excellent! So, that's on track?15:52
didrocksogra_: build history is just "who last did click on that one and what was published into that silo"15:52
jdstranddidrocks: dbarth and chrisccoulson can give more details, but it is the highest priority and we know how to make it work. Chris is trying to figure out the best way to make it happen15:52
ogra_didrocks, oh, ok15:52
didrocksogra_: so yeah, just click on build, don't fear :)15:52
ogra_didrocks, so it is seb128 trying to confuse us by clicking on things15:52
jdstrandit has to do with proprietary codes in the build15:52
didrocksjdstrand: great, I'll just put your name as EM owner as we usually do15:53
didrocksjdstrand: just to know you are the one tracking it15:53
didrocksogra_: yeah, he's a cliker :p15:53
ogra_ah, that looks better15:53
jdstranddidrocks: well, I am problem not the point of contact for that (I just happen to know), but ok15:53
didrocksogra_: so, success! :)15:54
ogra_yeah, seems it built something15:54
didrocksjdstrand: seems that management wants a manager assigned, as it seems Chris has to do some work, you are volounteered :p15:54
dbarthdidrocks: in a nutshell oxide needs to build twice, the 2nd time for the codecs that are missing to support grooveshark15:54
didrocksdbarth: yeah, that's what I got talking to chris15:54
sil2100Ah, k15:57
robrudidrocks, sil2100: just saw the calendar. why did the meeting happen 30 minutes early?15:58
ogra_robru, for people wanting to listen to silbs15:58
didrocksrobru: it's written in the description :)15:58
ogra_read your mails :P15:58
robruogra_, I just woke up, I usually start my day with this meeting even before reading mails. so now I find the meeting has vanished...16:00
ogra_so you can listen to your boss, isnt that great ?16:01
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evdidrocks: filing an RT for this now16:05
didrocksev: we do have one FYI16:06
evoh right :)16:06
sergiusenscyphermox: can you reconfigure silo 19 for me please?16:07
sergiusensrobru: ^^16:07
cyphermoxsure, just a second16:07
cyphermoxsergiusens: did you add a MP or something?16:09
sergiusenscyphermox: yeah, that's why I asked you; the u-d-m one that mandel wanted16:09
cyphermoxwasn't it already covered?16:09
sergiusenscyphermox: that fixes the unnamed download; it wasn't; u-d-m wasn't in the original req16:09
cyphermoxzug zug16:10
cyphermoxin progress16:10
rsalvetipopey: if OOM related, you should see messages like:16:15
rsalvetiApr  7 16:10:57 ubuntu-phablet kernel: [ 1414.550000] select 837 (polkitd), adj 0, size 552, to kill16:15
rsalvetiApr  7 16:10:57 ubuntu-phablet kernel: [ 1414.550000] send sigkill to 837 (polkitd), adj 0, size 55216:15
popeythanks rsalveti16:18
cyphermoxsergiusens: you're the phonedations citrain expert; could you file in the spreadsheet to do a landing for https://code.launchpad.net/~mathieu-tl/mtp/0.0.3-logging-inotify/+merge/213681 ?16:27
sergiusenslol; ok16:29
cyphermoxdidrocks: what do I need to do to get mtp past the security check to board the train? :)16:29
cyphermoxaside from coming up with a test plan16:29
didrockscyphermox: nothing special, have a wiki testing plan and that's it :)16:29
didrockscyphermox: if it's a branch, it should just build with bzr bd16:30
cyphermoxyeah, it does afaik16:30
cyphermoxand it will be able to merge back into lp:mtp?16:30
didrockscyphermox: oh, right, just ensure ps-jenkins has acess to it16:31
cyphermoxwell, I think it does, it was already in cu2d before16:31
sergiusensrsalveti: want to review https://code.launchpad.net/~mathieu-tl/mtp/0.0.3-logging-inotify/+merge/213681 ?16:31
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didrockscyphermox: so you are all good, if it was in cu2d, maybe change for "in citrain: yes"16:31
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didrocks(in the bootcamp spreadsheet)16:33
cyphermoxwell, it doesn't have the test plan yet :)16:34
evrsalveti: I vaguely recall you saying you have some experience with firmware debug cables in android. Is this right? We're looking at using the uart on the stereo port on mako as a way of being able to reboot a wedged device. Do you know if this is remotely possible?16:42
evrsalveti: https://blog.accuvant.com/jduckandryan/building-a-nexus-4-uart-debug-cable/ for reference16:43
rsalvetiev: yeah, I built one myself a while ago (should be working fine still)16:45
sil2100Ok, need to drive home16:45
evrsalveti: I will pay good money for this cable16:46
rsalvetiev: if you get a console via serial, you should at least be able to reboot the phone16:46
sil2100I mean, bbl16:46
evrsalveti: that's the missing part for me - how?16:46
rsalvetiev: it's easy to build one16:46
ev^ plars, cprov16:46
rsalvetiwe'd just need a getty on that serial port specifically16:46
rsalvetilet me give that a shot16:46
plarsev: cool, I may build one then16:47
evrsalveti: and then what, "reboot" in minicom16:47
evrsalveti: cheers16:47
rsalvetiev: basically, yes16:47
plarsev: I assumed if the device was locked up, not much we could do over serial though16:47
plarsworth a try16:47
plarsev: the ftdi breakout seems like the most expensive part16:47
ogra_didrocks, oh, another landing meeting ?16:50
didrocksogra_: hum?16:50
* didrocks didn't get any email16:50
ogra_i just got a gcal notification16:50
didrocksogra_: isn't an old crufty deleted one?16:50
ogra_dunno, evo popped up a window in my face16:51
ogra_it is usually in sync with gcal16:51
didrocksogra_: I didn't see anything in the UE calendar16:51
ogra_ok, might be my evo misbehaving16:53
rsalvetiev: plars: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7217860/ is enough to get a shell16:55
plarsrsalveti: awesome16:55
cyphermoxdidrocks: robru: back in a few minutes; need to go elect the next chief clown of the province.16:56
robrucyphermox, that's MISTER chief clown to you, bozo!16:56
didrockscyphermox: you mention clown but don't live in Toronto, that doesn't map :p16:57
cyphermoxdidrocks: come now, you don't follow Quebec politics? it's in french too16:58
didrockscyphermox: I have enough to follow/cry about France's one :p16:58
cyphermoxwe'll drink to that next time16:58
didrockscyphermox: enjoy!16:58
cyphermoxhey, at least it means the first "real" motorcycle drive of the year16:59
rsalvetisergiusens: quite big to review, add it to the 'to review' list :-)16:59
sergiusenscyphermox: ^^16:59
cprovplars, ev: the cable trick is simply to set the MIC line high (3V) and cope 3v3 to 1v8 lines to a usb/serial converter. How many cables will we need ?17:05
=== fginther changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: fginther | CI Train support - US: robru, cyphermox, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: makos are down
cyphermoxrsalveti: sergiusens: the to-review list?17:43
cyphermoxideally it would be best to get this out of the way quickly, it's small17:43
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* robru -> lunch18:29
=== cjohnston changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: fginther | CI Train support - US: robru, cyphermox, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: -
dbarthrobru: o/ could i get a silo for line 50? (desktop fixes)19:10
davmor2popey, ToyKeeper, balloons: I've updated the testing spreadsheet where applicable from Yellow to red where there are blockers.19:10
cwaynerobru, any chance I could get ubuntu-touch-customization-hooks landed? it was changed like 6 months ago and never made it into the image somehow...19:12
robrucwayne, so what, nobody ever requested a silo for it?19:13
robrudbarth, mmmm, line 50 conflicts with silo 3 AND 4 :-/19:13
cwaynerobru, i think it was last changed months before silos existed, so im not sure how it never made it in before that19:14
cwaynebut yeah, for sure nobody requested a silo for it :)19:14
robrucwayne, indeed last release was september19:15
dbarthrobru: uh19:15
cwayneyeah, the guy that was working on it left around then, could be why19:15
dbarthrobru: right, but 4 is tested and migrating, and 3 is a parallel change19:15
robrudbarth, yes but if I assign a silo for that, it means it just needs to be rebuilt once the other two finally do land19:16
popeydavmor2: k19:17
robrucwayne, ok, so that latest commit on trunk (the unreleased one) it looks quite simple. is it tested / can you assure me that it won't break anything? ;-)19:17
cwaynerobru, i've pbuilt it and installed it on my mako to be sure :)19:18
robrucwayne, great!19:18
robrucwayne, ok, I'll rush that one through19:18
dbarthrobru: that's fine, we're ok to make a rebuild19:18
robrudbarth, ok19:18
cwaynerobru, thank you, i really appreciate it :)19:18
robrucwayne, in future, make sure to add requests to the spreadsheet and they'll be released in a more timely fashion ;-)19:19
robrucwayne, I mean "you're welcome" ;-)19:19
robrudbarth, ok you got silo 819:19
cwaynerobru, oh geeze, which spreadsheet? is it still the landing pipeline one?19:19
* cwayne hasn't gotten something landed in quite some time, didn't mean to break protocol :)19:19
robrucwayne, sorry, no, citrain has a special spreadsheet here: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuDk72Lpx8U5dFlCc1VzeVZzWmdBZS11WERjdVc3dmc&usp=sharing&pli=1#gid=019:20
robrucwayne, whoever is your manager should know more about it for future landings.19:20
dbarthrobru: thx19:20
robrudbarth, you're welcome19:20
fgintherpopey, regarding the reminders-app bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/reminders-app/+bug/130228719:26
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1302287 in Ubuntu Reminders app "Can't launch reminders app from trunk on the phone" [Critical,Triaged]19:26
fgintherpopey, was there also a bug with building the click package itself?  I see that it took a few builds before https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/reminders-app-click/6/ was successful19:26
popeyfginther: i tried to build it to test and it barfed due to some problem on the builder, which elopio cleared up19:28
fgintherpopey, ok. now were you able to install com.ubuntu.reminders_0.4.98_armhf.click and get it to work?19:31
fgintherpopey, I installed it and get a nice white screen19:32
popeyinstalled and it fails to start19:37
popeyhence the bug report ☻19:37
fgintherpopey, thanks.19:46
bfillerrobru: silo-1 ready to land19:50
robrubfiller, thanks19:51
ToyKeeperI wonder if that could explain the issue with the screen getting stuck on after a call.20:09
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popeyrsalveti: is it worth having a cron job to dump out ps aux -www  periodically?20:12
popeyas a hack..20:12
rsalvetinot sure if by default, but guess we could have a test for that20:13
rsalvetibut I believe that would be the easiest way for you to find who is the culprit in here20:13
robrucwayne, ok, I got touch-customization-hooks released, but I can't merge the release commit back because jenkins isn't in the right team. do you have the ability to add ~ps-jenkins to !savilerow-team?20:35
cwaynerobru, let me see20:45
cwaynerobru, it said it's already a member, just assuming AK got to it before me :)20:49
robrucwayne, looks good now, thanks20:58
cwaynefginther, ping -- got that shenanigans savilerow failure to delete symlinks business again21:12
fginthercwayne, looking21:12
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fginthercwayne, try it now21:22
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veebersHi guys, I'm seeing a proxy error for jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com is this a known issue? (https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/autopilot-testrunner-otto-trusty-autopilot/97)21:43
fgintherveebers, no, that's not a known issue21:44
fgintherveebers, hmm, try again now21:45
veebersfginther: awesome, works for me know :-)21:46
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=== fginther changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: cihelp | CI Train support - US: robru, cyphermox, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: -
cwaynefginther, seems to build now, thanks!22:17
fginthercwayne, glad to hear it, I've added some cleanup code, hopefully the next one will just work22:18
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robruboiko, got you silo 122:49
boikorobru: thanks22:58
robruboiko, you're welcome22:58

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