
jussimorning czajkowski06:55
czajkowskijussi: ello07:03
dholbachgood morning07:12
nigelbMorning dholbach, had a good weekend?07:18
dholbachhi nigelb07:19
dholbachyes, brilliant - how was yours?07:19
nigelbdholbach: Pretty good. I was roaming around a street book sale on Sunday. Very hot weather, but lots of fun.07:34
nigelbI think we managed to get a hard-cover copy of Black Beauty.07:34
dholbachnice... I haven't heard of "black beauty" yet07:40
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dholbachhave a great rest of your day everyone - see you tomorrow! :-D16:13
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josehey jono, I'm so sorry for not joining, I had some problems over here, but can we re-schedule this call later today or during the week?21:59
jonojose, np22:03
josethere's some stuff I'd like to talk about22:03
joseand yay for me having internet probs, ISP now only assures 100KBps speed22:04
josehey jcastro, around we're having some problems with the classroom calendar22:57
joseblargh, I missed a question mark22:57

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