
CarlFKhttp://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/ubuntu-desktop recommends gcc - GNU C compiler   - It does?00:58
CarlFKwhy not build-essential, and really, why is it recommended at all?00:59
TheMusoCarlFK: I believe gcc is there and not build-essential because there are some dkms drivers included on the images, and sed drives need to be able to be built for the user, should such dkms drivers be required.01:13
CarlFKTheMuso: ah, got it.  thanks01:14
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beidlHey! Is someone from the unity7 team here who could lend me a hand? I've got problems testing my patch.07:42
larsubeidl: you might have more luck in #ubuntu-unity07:44
larsu(though I think unity hackers hang out here as well)07:44
beidllarsu: alright, makes sense. thank you07:45
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larsuhi Laney08:04
seb128hey Laney08:04
seb128good morning desktopers!08:04
seb128how are you?08:04
Laneygreetings larsu et seb12808:04
LaneyReady to sponsor those patches so hard08:04
larsuseb128: you can't take a pointer to me!08:04
seb128larsu, lol08:05
LaneyI'm good ;-)08:06
Laneyhow are you? good weekends?08:06
seb128I'm good as well, thanks08:06
seb128yeah, mostly relaxing (and played some tennis)08:07
Laneya brief climb but other than that mainly played games08:09
Laneygot to "100%" on infamous08:09
Laneygames are short these days ...08:10
larsuLaney: play 2048!08:12
seb128we should have that installed by default on the phone ;-)08:12
* seb128 wasted quite some hours on it08:12
Laneystill haven't ever ascended in nethack :-)08:12
Laneylarsu: oh yeah, I read about you playing that in hadess' blog post :P08:13
larsuLaney: we were all playing it that one day and found out that you can get pretty far without thinking08:14
larsue.g., always alternate left/up keys08:14
larsuwhen nothing moves, take a right08:14
larsuI got a better score doing that than playing manualy08:15
seb128right, but the "take a right" is where you flip a coin to loose the game08:15
LaneyI didn't manage to execute the strategy properly yet08:15
Laneywhat the AIs do08:15
seb128I won twice only08:15
seb128what do they do?08:15
* larsu never won08:15
Laneytry and keep the biggest piece in a corner08:15
Laneyand then go descending away from it08:15
seb128oh, that's basic logic :p08:15
Laneyyes, but they manage to win doing it08:15
larsuLaney: this is what the strategy I just said does08:16
larsumore or less08:16
seb128if you have an high number not in a corner you get a low number in the corner which becomes a dead spot08:16
Laneywhereas I have to make a move that makes you lose08:16
seb128right, you need to plan your moves with the goal of always keeping available moves08:16
seb128so you don't have to take the right step larsu described08:17
seb128one other strategy is to block the high number by a full line08:17
seb128so you can go the other direction without getting it out of the corner08:17
larsuah, that's interesting08:17
* larsu tries to resist the urge to open that page08:17
seb128hum, I wonder why launchpad and bugzilla logged me out over the w.e08:18
* seb128 logs back in08:18
Laneythat first picture shows it08:20
seb128yeah, http://i.stack.imgur.com/x69jZ.png shows why you don't want to get the big tile out of the corner ;-)08:22
larsuha, there's a 4096 in there08:22
seb128yeah, I didn't managed to do that yet ;-)08:22
larsujust use minmax with alpha-beta-pruning!08:23
larsu(and a lot of tries ...)08:23
LaneyThe argument is that sunpinyin is pulled in by l-s08:29
Laneydoesn't that require access to the archive?08:29
Laneyalso how early is that run?08:29
Laney(see linked bug)08:30
seb128those seem like questions for mvo or pitti?08:30
LaneyI think you would want it even in the live environment08:33
seb128it seems a bit late in the cycle for seed changes08:34
seb128but yeah, l-s require internet access08:34
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GunnarHjHi Laney!08:57
Laneyoh hello ;-)08:58
GunnarHjLaney: Saw your comment on the IM MP. Did not understand.08:58
LaneyDoes it mean that sunpinyin is not installed until l-s pulls in pkg_depends?08:58
GunnarHjLaney: Yes (or the installer via check-language-support).08:58
LaneyWhat's the user experience before that happens?08:59
Laney(what happens if you're offline and so the package can't be fetched?)08:59
GunnarHjLaney: Aha... Then what about all other languages but Chinese requring input methods?09:00
LaneyYou know, I've never checked09:01
LaneyTaking things from a working to a non working state seems bad though09:02
GunnarHjLaney: It's not an urgent case. Let's answer those questions first, and keep it as is in 14.04.09:03
LaneyOk, thanks09:03
LaneyI was a bit nervous about doing that anyway, but I was going to be happy to defer to happyaron there ;-)09:03
GunnarHjLaney: Actually happyaron approved it.09:03
LaneyGunnarHj: For future releases, including a few popular IMs would be a good enterprise, I think09:08
GunnarHjLaney: Really? ;)09:10
LaneyYeah, assuming they don't pull in lots of things or weird things09:11
LaneyIt seems kind of like selecting the langpacks to include by default09:11
LaneyI think I skipped over that thread, sorry :P09:11
GunnarHjLaney: I do think it's worth discussing. But the CJK folks must activate themselves...09:12
LaneyYou could argue that it's a change that should come from those affected09:13
Laneyand leave it alone09:13
ricotzSweetshark, https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7712609:20
ubot2Freedesktop bug 77126 in Writer "Flipping pictures is broken" [Normal,Unconfirmed]09:20
Sweetsharkricotz: right now Im more concerned about bug 130028309:21
ubot2Launchpad bug 1300283 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "LibreOffice does not start in a KDE 4 session" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130028309:21
ricotzSweetshark, hmm, this is more serious indeed09:31
Sweetsharkseb128: so 4.2.3~rc3 is generally ready for sponsoring as is, bug 1300283 would need some additional work. Would you want to sponsor as is and then possibly do another round just to fix KDE, or wait still?09:38
ubot2Launchpad bug 1300283 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "LibreOffice does not start in a KDE 4 session" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130028309:38
seb128Sweetshark, sponsor it and do another around later09:38
Sweetsharkseb128: aye09:39
Sweetsharkseb128: preparinga and uploading then now, should be ready in an hour or so ...09:39
Trevinhoseb128: hey, so I'm testing andyrock's branch (https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity/gs-dbus-interface) and it seems it does all we need now09:54
Trevinhoseb128: but I guess we need to change packaging to get rid of g-s on unity....09:54
seb128Trevinho, you probably need a ffe, can you guys open a bug explaining the changes?09:58
Trevinhoseb128: ok09:58
seb128Trevinho, I though we needed to keep g-s for "fallback" scenario (e.g a11y)09:58
Trevinhoseb128: well, the problem is that we own the gs name in unity now...09:59
seb128that's the proper solution, we need to take into account the a11y case though (I think TheMuso changed to use g-s in those cases)10:00
Trevinhoseb128: what's not working as for a11y in the unity lockscreen now?10:01
seb128Trevinho, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-screensaver/3.6.1-0ubuntu1110:01
seb128is all I know, you would need to ask TheMuso for specifics10:01
Trevinhothe unity lockscreen has support for screen readers10:02
seb128TheMuso should have opened a bug with the specifics :/10:02
seb128TheMuso, ^ please open a bug with details rather than doing workarounds10:03
seb128Laney, http://ftp.acc.umu.se/pub/GNOME/sources/gtk+/3.10/gtk+-3.10.8.news / https://git.gnome.org/browse/gtk+/log/?h=gtk-3-1010:05
seb128Laney, do you think that's something we should push for release or SRU?10:05
seb128Laney, they did quite some commits backports, those are supposed to be safe/bugfixes but you never know with GTK ... ;-)10:06
seb128Laney, I've it ready, I'm going to upload to the desktop team ppa for a round of testing first in any case10:06
Laneyseb128: probably fine for release ...10:07
LaneyI doubt that we'll get any more testing than now -> release via an SRU anyway10:07
seb128ok, good, I'm going to push to the queue and see if anyone from release wants to let it in ;-)10:07
seb128Laney, thanks10:08
TrevinhoLaney, seb128: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/130371210:24
ubot2Launchpad bug 1303712 in unity (Ubuntu) "[FFe] Remove gnome screensaver from unity installation" [Undecided,New]10:24
seb128Trevinho, thanks10:25
seb128Trevinho, could you describe exactly what is changing, the impact, what happens if both are installed, etc10:26
LaneyRemove how?10:26
seb128Laney, they want to remove it from the default installation since it's not needed anymore10:26
Trevinhoyeah, I'm very late now. I'll update that soon10:26
LaneyI get that part10:27
LaneyIs this like unseeding?10:27
Sweetsharkseb128: 4.2.3~rc3 at: http://people.canonical.com/~bjoern/trusty/4.2.3/libreoffice-l10n_4.2.3~rc3-0ubuntu1_source.changes and http://people.canonical.com/~bjoern/trusty/4.2.3/libreoffice_4.2.3~rc3-0ubuntu1_source.changes10:27
seb128Sweetshark, thanks10:28
Sweetsharkseb128: version is already in the PPAs for ~a day now without any new catastrophic reports. Also was smoketested locally.10:28
seb128Sweetshark, ok, let's see how it goes ;-)10:29
seb128Sweetshark, you are working on the KDE issue you mentioned earlier as the next thing?10:29
seb128Laney, Trevinho: imho those changes are going to need more discussion/testing, I'm unsure what else could be using the g-s interfaces and if Unity is a complete replacement/we can expect it to be bug free on the first landing10:31
seb128not to speak about a11y/need to get details from TheMuso on the issues there10:31
LaneyI think you'd basically need to reimplement all of gnome-screensaver to be able to do this10:33
Sweetsharkseb128: yes, I would identify the offending commit and revert it.10:33
Sweetsharkseb128: FWIW, rene is a bit agitated by the kde stuff -- it was somewhat flaky even without this new bug, so rene is considering to not build the KDE integration at all.10:35
* Sweetshark sets up a kde VM ...10:38
AmozHi, tested this on a fresh install for latest nightly. Is system settings supposed to control brightness/dim in gnome-shell as well? If so, it doesn't seem to turn off the monitor after x minutes, neither dim it. Known bug? I couldnt find any reported bugs but I'm lost at what to search for, so. If this is the wrong place to ask then do tell10:40
TrevinhoLaney: that's what we did10:49
Trevinhoseb128: unfortunately doing a partial replacement is not possible... As we need to obtain the gs dbus name... One thing we can do is to just change gs to monitor unity presence and then to /enable disable its interface10:51
LaneyTrevinho: I think it'd get bus activated if necessary, so that shouldn't be needed10:53
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GunnarHjLaney: As regards Nastaleeq license: Actually I think it is already there. It's the same license as the other font.11:03
LaneyGunnarHj: well, the license from the linked website isn't in debian/copyright11:05
Laneyand the first 'it was downloaded from' link seems broken11:06
GunnarHjLaney: Yes, the site seems to have been moved.11:06
GunnarHjLaney: New URL for the old font: http://www.cle.org.pk/software/localization/Fonts/nafeesWebNaskh.html11:09
LaneyGunnarHj: so the copyright file is wrong already?11:09
GunnarHjLaney: Well, yes..11:10
GunnarHjLaney: It was correct about a year ago.11:10
LaneyMaybe it got relicensed or something11:11
GunnarHjLaney: If you go to the license document, you'll see that the reference in the copyright file is correct.11:11
GunnarHjLaney: It's just the URL that has changed.11:12
TrevinhoLaney: Yes... I mean, in theory no one should call gs before unity...11:14
TrevinhoSo in this case we don't need any ffe11:14
TrevinhoBefore until starts I mean... And we still might kill gs when starting to prevent that...11:17
seb128Sweetshark, is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-appmenu/+bug/1296715 something you are looking at as well? seems like sort of a show stopper as well11:30
ubot2Launchpad bug 1296715 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "Menu items are greyed out in Libreoffice menu." [High,Confirmed]11:30
LaneyTrevinho: probably need to fix the XDG autostart file but killing sounds bad ...11:31
Laneyi.e. remove OnlyShowIn Unity from there11:31
brainwash_why does the upstart job for indicator-application check if "xsession SESSION=ubuntu" ?11:51
brainwash_so emitting indicator-services-start won't launch indicator-application in a different session like xubuntu11:53
LaneyThere's a branch fixing that11:53
brainwash_Laney: ah ok12:00
brainwash_hopefully it will get merged12:00
LaneyIt was uploaded today but rejected due to an issue12:01
LaneyShould get retried quite soon12:01
* Laney → lunch12:01
Sweetsharkseb128: yeah, will look at 1296715 too, but that might be a trickier cornercase ...12:06
TrevinhoLaney: oh indeed...12:08
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LaneyTrevinho: someone posts on ubuntu-devel saying that onboard doesn't work in the lock screen13:11
andyrockseb128, i fixed the power issue yesterday13:17
andyrockbut we need to remove g-s13:17
andyrockif unity is installed13:17
seb128andyrock, hey, Trevinho mentioned that earlier, and I doubt that's possible to do13:18
seb128andyrock, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/1303712 btw13:18
ubot2Launchpad bug 1303712 in unity (Ubuntu) "[FFe] Remove gnome screensaver with unity installation" [Undecided,New]13:18
andyrockyeah he told me he opened an FFe13:19
andyrocki was at university13:19
andyrockseb128, well without it we can just remove the screensaver13:20
attenteseb128: hey13:21
Sweetsharkseb128: reverted one commit for the KDE4 thing, starts again now. There are a lot more fixes on the upstream -4-2 branch, but I feel its too risky to backport them to 4.2.3 like that. With this we will have LibreOffice starting with KDE4 integration and hopefully an decent experience all around on KDE with an upstream 4.2.4 -- which should then be SRUed quickly.13:21
mvoseb128: looking at bug #1164558 it appears it simply a polkit agent missing, I'm adding dependencies for u-m now and I wonder if it was ever discussed to have a provides for all the policykit agents so that I don't have to collect them manually13:21
ubot2Launchpad bug 1164558 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "Not able to use updater: "You are not allowed to perform this action"" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/116455813:21
seb128andyrock, I did comment on the bug now13:22
seb128mvo, it has not been discussed that I know, no13:23
seb128Sweetshark, ok13:23
seb128attente, hey, back in Canada or just up in the middle of the night?13:23
attenteseb128: middle of the night :)13:24
seb128I see ;-)13:24
attenteseb128: i'm wondering if you can take a look at this branch at all? https://code.launchpad.net/~attente/gnome-control-center/upstream-xkb-option13:25
jibelcould someone have a look at bug 1303516, it crashes the installer.13:26
ubot2Launchpad bug 1303516 in graphite2 (Ubuntu Trusty) "ubiquity crashed with SIGSEGV in _int_malloc()" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130351613:26
andyrockseb128, screen reader is working on lockscreen13:26
seb128attente, do you have a bug report/some context13:26
seb128andyrock, yeah, I don't know why TheMuso said it isn't :/13:26
andyrockseb128, and osk too13:27
andyrockseb128, just high-contrast for the entry13:27
seb128attente, you probably want unity-control-center as well? g-c-c is used only in gnome-shell sessions and I think they want to update it to 3.8 stock upstream/drop some of our patches13:27
andyrockbut dash got the same issue13:27
Laneyosk> what's the mail to devel?13:27
attenteseb128: under gnome-shell and classic, they're doing their input source switching a bit differently by adding a selector that can bring back some of the old xkb input switching options13:28
attenteapparently the functionality is already there in gnome-shell 3.10 and g-s-d 3.8, but we don't have the actual selector in g-c-c 3.613:28
Laneynah, onboard doesn't work properly for me there13:29
seb128attente, ok, I would let the Ubuntu GNOME guys review that, as said I think they wanted to update g-c-c13:29
attenteso we could backport this one commit13:29
LaneyIt doesn't always appear13:29
seb128attente, can you just mp it?13:29
Laneybut if it does appear then you can't type with it13:29
attenteseb128: sure13:29
seb128attente, thanks13:30
attenteseb128: isn't it a bit late to update g-c-c?13:30
Laneysure is13:30
seb128attente, it is, they said they wanted to do it, not sure if they still want to try that13:30
seb128attente, I've to admit I focussed on Unity and didn't pay much attention to what was happening on the GNOME remix recently13:31
seb128jibel, do you know if I can easy run that UI/trigger that bug on a desktop?13:32
Laneyandyrock: ^^^ see my comments about onboard - can you try it?13:34
andyrockLaney, you're right...13:37
andyrocknot sure what's happening13:37
andyrockwas warking before13:37
andyrockactually sometimes works13:39
LaneyI'll leave it with you ;-)13:39
attenteseb128: do you know if anyone's working on getting the media keys to work on the lock screen?13:39
jibelxnox, is there a way to only start the language step of ubiquity on a desktop? I tried plugin-viewer-gtk.py ubi-language but it fails13:40
xnoxjibel: oem-config-gtk ? =)13:44
xnoxjibel: that should start off with language step, don't do anything else of course cause it can cause damage.13:44
xnoxand one needs to launch oem-config-prepare first13:44
jibelxnox, yeah, but the language step is a bit different, and of course it doesn't crash :)13:48
LaneyGunnarHj: have you worked with bkerensa on ubuntu-docs? He's applying for upload rights to it - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/bkerensa/PPUApplication - your comments appreciated.13:48
xnoxjibel: yeah there are 2-3 ways language step is executed. Which one do you mean? language list -> nothing on the right, language list -> [try or install ubuntu] on the right, language list -> [Text about reading releases notes, oem config field, upgrade installer link]13:49
jibelxnox, in ubiquity-dm, 1rst screen when you select try/install ubuntu13:51
xnoxjibel: right the maybe-ubiquity mode.13:51
jibelseb128, easiest way is to start ubiquity directly on your desktop13:51
xnoxjibel: i think we had a cmd line arg that one can pass to trigger that screen.13:52
seb128jibel, let me try13:52
xnox<xnox> jibel: apart from weird sizing issues, it should be ok. So far i can't manager to crash it.13:56
xnox<xnox> jibel: which language did you pick?13:56
jibelၓအ့ ်မသး အ့န ဘသအအသး13:56
jibelxnox, it works :)13:57
jibelxnox, 4th from the bottom13:57
xnoxင ါသအ ာနာသမပ ခသမမကစအငသည13:57
xnoxူသူ =)13:58
xnoxlol =)13:58
xnoxyeah, i got python3 memory corruption on it as well =)13:58
xnoxi ponder if i can run ubiquity under python3-gdb13:58
xnoxdbg that is13:58
xnoxjibel: you already uploaded a crash dump file?13:59
jibelxnox, bug 130351613:59
ubot2Launchpad bug 1303516 in graphite2 (Ubuntu Trusty) "ubiquity crashed with SIGSEGV in _int_malloc()" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130351613:59
seb128xnox, oh, you are looking at that bug? good13:59
* seb128 drops from his list13:59
xnoxfor me it's 5th from the bottom13:59
xnoxseb128: well, i don't think i can do much about it. It's either a problem with that language or a bug in python3 itself....14:00
bigonseb128: is it a problem for you (and the rest of the desktop team) if I'm uploading nautilus-sendto 3.8 (the version that drops the plugins) now that empathy nst plugin is gone?14:40
seb128bigon, upload where?14:41
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bigonto debian unstable *14:42
seb128works for us I guess, we are going to decide next cycle what we want to do on our side14:43
seb128thanks for asking though ;-)14:43
bigonnp :)14:43
mterry@pilot out14:56
meetingologymterry: Error: "pilot" is not a valid command.14:56
seb128mterry, feel free to pilot for desktop as well! ;-)14:57
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Laneygrr double locking15:22
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seb128Laney, after guest session?15:28
Laneynah, just after timeout15:29
seb128Laney, btw if you open a guest session and close it, does it bring you back to the greeter?15:30
seb128that stopped working for me it seems15:30
Laneyclose it how?15:30
Laneyby log out?15:30
seb128I get a vt with a blanking cursor15:30
seb128rather than a greeter15:30
seb128lightdm regression?15:30
Laneycheck in a min15:31
Laneydmb atm15:31
* seb128 doesn't want to reboot now but is going to try downgrading lightdm later15:31
mlankhorstseb128: hm I think there was a bug open about it, so I'm interested in what you find15:32
Laneymlankhorst: it works for you?15:32
seb128mlankhorst, is that an xorg issue? ;-)15:33
mlankhorstLaney: works for me15:34
Laneymy mouse is super fast in the guest session15:35
Laneyzoom zoom15:35
Laneyseb128: same as you15:35
seb128Laney, ok, thanks for confirming15:36
ogra_seb128 is super fast in your guest session too ?15:36
LaneyI have some denials :-o15:36
* seb128 slaps ogra_15:36
seb128Laney, oh, concerning lightdm?15:36
ogra_zoom zoom15:36
Laneyseb128: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7217536/15:39
seb128Laney, https://code.launchpad.net/~tyhicks/lightdm/guest-session-policy-updates/+merge/214197 should fix that15:39
Laneydo you have that applied?15:40
seb128I just saw pass by in my emails15:40
seb128I doubt that fixes the vt issue15:40
seb128those are issues in the guest session, not from the greeter15:40
LaneyI thought the killall thing might be stopping it from ending properly or something15:41
seb128Laney, who knows, let me try15:43
seb128Laney, hum, it looks like I've those already15:46
ogra_didrocks, erm ... so i did what you suggested and clicked the link again, but now i see the data for some indicator from seb12815:46
ogra_that doesnt really reflect what the landing-17 spreadsheet shows to me15:47
didrocksogra_: hum?15:47
ricotzSweetshark, http://people.ubuntu.com/~ricotz/packages/libcdr/15:47
ogra_oops, echan ...15:47
seb128Laney, yeah, those changes are in trusty15:48
Laneyyeah, i had them too15:48
Laneyso why the denials?15:48
seb128not sure :/15:48
seb128blame mdeslaur or chrisccoulson ;-)15:49
seb128it also doesn't happen with non guest sessions it seems, so yeah, might be something with the session closing15:49
Laneyseb128: disabling the profile fixes it for me15:52
Laneytry that?15:52
Laneysudo aa-disable /etc/apparmor.d/lightdm-guest-session15:52
seb128bah, double locking15:54
seb128Laney, indeed, works15:54
jdstrandwe tested the guest session as part of our TestPlan for the landing15:54
jdstrandwhat is the problem?15:54
jdstrandactually, hold on15:54
LaneySee http://paste.ubuntu.com/7217536/15:54
jdstrandlet me get tyhicks15:54
LaneyBut I do have the lightdm which fixes that15:54
jdstrandtyhicks: Laney and seb128 are seeing http://paste.ubuntu.com/7217536/15:55
seb128tyhicks, hey15:55
jdstrandseb128, Laney: and the guest session is unusable?15:56
LaneyIt breaks at logout15:56
seb128it's usable15:56
Laneyyou don't get back to lightdm15:56
seb128but it doesn't close properly/you don't get a greeter back when you close it15:56
seb128you end up on a vt with a blinking cursor15:56
seb128works fine if the profile is aa-disabled15:56
jdstrandtyhicks: can you prepare an upload for that ^15:57
tyhicksjdstrand: yes, this is something that I should have mentioned to you15:57
tyhicksjdstrand: I fixed the signal and ptrace denials that I saw when logging in15:57
tyhicksjdstrand: and then I fixed one more set of denials that I saw15:57
jdstrandseems we just need in the guest session profile 'signal (receive) peer=unconfined,' no?15:58
tyhicksjdstrand: and then more denials kept occuring (didn't see them before due to rate limiting)15:58
tyhicksjdstrand: so the guest session profile does need more attention than what I could give to it for the apparmor ffe upload15:58
jdstrandtyhicks: is that something you could do now?15:58
seb128jdstrand, tyhicks: thanks15:58
tyhicksjdstrand: yes - I'll work on it now15:59
tyhicksseb128: np15:59
Laneythank you15:59
tyhicksjdstrand: hrm... I'm surprised to see signal denials, as I thought that I had them all fixed, but I guess rate limiting must have hid the denials caused by signals being received from an unconfined process16:02
tyhicksI should be able to knock all of these out now (open, mount, signal, etc.)16:02
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jdstrandtyhicks: cool thanks16:06
jdstrandtyhicks: this may be a silly question, but you know how to turn off rate limiting, correct?16:22
tyhicksjdstrand: I do, but didn't think about doing that at the time :/16:23
jdstrandtyhicks: yeah, it is easy to forget16:23
=== gatox_lunch is now known as gatox
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
mhr3desrt, is there something like g_settings_list_schemas available from the qt binding?18:10
mhr3or equivalent of the new lookup method18:10
mhr3would be nice18:10
desrtmhr3: larsu's area18:18
desrtin fact, he was just mentioning the other day how much he enjoys hearing about the qt gsettings binding :)18:18
mhr3desrt, k, thx, will bother him :)18:18
mhr3guess he had some fun during 5.2 transition?18:19
desrtapparently he has fun during _all_ transitions18:19
desrtthe qml property map stuff is apparently quite brittle18:19
desrtand it breaks every minor release... and sometimes the micro ones too18:20
ogra_seems i just lost g-s-d19:37
robert_ancellmterry, did you have another u-g change you wanted?19:55
mterryrobert_ancell, naw19:55
=== Ursinha_ is now known as Ursinha
=== zoktar_ is now known as zoktar
alex-abreucyphermox, ping20:32
cyphermoxalex-abreu: pong20:33
alex-abreucyphermox, hey, quick question on bamf, 14.04 bamf is bamf v 5.0 right?20:35
cyphermoxlet me check20:35
cyphermox bamf | 0.5.1+13.10.20131011-0ubuntu1 | saucy           | source20:35
cyphermox bamf | 0.5.1+14.04.20140310-0ubuntu1 | trusty          | source20:35
cyphermoxlooks to be the case, yes20:35
=== bigon_ is now known as bigon
=== beidl_ is now known as beidl
=== fginther is now known as fginther|away
=== themacproguy is now known as Zachary_DuBois

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