
=== Charmity is now known as Guest33287
=== Guest33287 is now known as PrincessSandy
joseAlanBell: congratulations on the 1000 members on the ubuntu-uk team!04:43
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MooDoomorning all05:51
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optrustyhi guys is there a place to download dragon eyes12:18
jussidragon eyes?12:20
optrustythe irc bot12:20
jussihrm, I don't know that one, which channel is it in?12:21
jussioh, you need to contact mohan_chml12:21
jussioptrusty: ubottu has all of its plugins available, being the official bot.12:22
ubottuubottu uses supybot, which is available in the main !repositories, with additional plugins that are available at http://ubottu.com/clone.html - to help out with ubottu development please join #ubuntu-bots-devel :)12:22
jussidragoneyes I have no idea about12:22
optrustywho is that is he on launchpad12:22
jussioptrusty: click the link on the page you gave me...12:23
optrustyDragonEyes is lubuntu-offtopic12:23
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.12:26
optrustythx I will check it out12:26
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optrustyI know this is dumb, but I was one op on my channel #Funbase then I got de-oped the only channel who knew my channel was #ubuntu-bots and #ubuntu-bots-devel20:09
k1l_if you leave a channel you loose op if the access list is not set to give you auto-op again.20:10
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optrustystill I just joined my channel again and I am not op20:11
k1l_did you register that channel?20:12
optrustyfollowed the instruction from freenode.net20:12
k1l_on freenode its no recommended to set auto-op. so you will need to request op by chanserv if you want to be op20:13
optrustywait how20:13
k1l_"We strongly suggest that you avoid configuring your channel to "auto-op". Use the chanserv "op" command to obtain channel operator status only when needed. This will help to keep your channel temperature low and reduce conflicts."  from using the network from freenode20:14
k1l_/msg chanserv help op20:14
optrustycan I protect my channel someway20:16
k1l_"protect" ?20:16
optrustyyes I have heard hackers are hacking irc channels20:17
k1l_well, that is not the main problem. the main problem is that people come into channels for trolling20:17
optrustyI asked jussi about bots, he reccomend lots of good stuff about bots, but I do not know how to install them20:19
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