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smbppisati, no! (too early)06:46
apwyeah that is far toooo early07:49
RAOFBut not too early for the BEES!07:50
amitkapw: any chance of this patch getting into trusty? https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5837807:55
ubot2Freedesktop bug 58378 in Driver/nouveau "[NV86] Distorted graphics on NVIDIA GeForce 8400M G after upgrade the kernel to 3.5.x (and RHEL 6.5) or later" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]07:55
amitkapw: I've not been able to use the ubuntu dashboard (switched to i3) due to corruption issues since 12.0407:56
amitkthe patch made it into 3.14-rc107:56
amitkrelated ubuntu bug I filed (and ignored eventually): https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/115868907:59
ubot2Launchpad bug 1158689 in linux (Ubuntu) "10de:0422 bringing up dash causes screen corruption on nouveau" [Medium,Incomplete]07:59
amitkor perhaps you look into graphics RAOF?08:01
RAOFIf you need a kernel patch, you need apw!08:02
apwwell there is little change for the release kernel, but ... for an sru i can have a look08:02
RAOF(Or someone else on the kernel team ☺)08:02
apwamitk, could you add the details to the bug as well08:02
* smb wonders whether amitk remembers that deadline thing in general08:02
amitkapw: what details do you need? I'll link to the freedesktop bug08:03
apwamitk, that'll do i recon08:03
amitksmb: its done when its done ;) I can't promise deadlines for scheduler changes ;)08:03
smbamitk, Just wondering about a patch that you say made it into 3.14-rc1. Thought that was a bit ago. 08:04
amitksmb: I haven't tracked this bug for a while since I don't use the ubuntu dashboard anymore. This came up again when I was testing out Trusty images over the weekend and I decided to look if it was fixed anywhere08:06
amitksmb: and I knew you were getting close to a release, but no I didn't know when exactly08:06
smbamitk, So quick to forget. :)08:07
amitksmb: hardly forgotten, more like I don't upgrade my devbox on a 6-monthly cadence anymore ;)08:09
amitkapw: done linking against the upstream bug08:10
apwamitk, this is going to be a hard ask, it is rather large:08:15
apw 33 files changed, 500 insertions(+), 308 deletions(-)08:15
amitkapw: did you look at commit 4019aaa2b314a5be9886ae1db64ff8c6d3c060ed?08:18
amitkapw: I only see  17 files changed, 287 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-)08:19
amitkapw: or is there a dependency patch that I missed?08:19
apwamitk, yes, there are two, one of which 'rewrites most of the quirk init code'08:20
amitkapw: aah08:20
apwthough even the 17 is pretty invasive08:20
amitkapw: true08:20
amitkapw: the patch itself is important for nouveau users that are currently seeing errors in their logs because the driver tries to use HW blocks that aren't even present08:22
amitkapw: I'll just switch to mainline kernels08:23
apwamitk, i'll spin a test kernel and you can test it, at least we will know for sure it is the fix08:27
apwi can then propose it and see what happens08:27
amitkapw: thanks08:32
jpdsCan someone take a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1303419 ? I found a workaround but it'll be nice to have it as default.09:15
ubot2Launchpad bug 1303419 in linux (Ubuntu) "Brightness keys don't work on HP Elitebook Folio 1040 G1" [Undecided,Confirmed]09:15
apwjpds, will have a look09:18
jpdsapw: Thanks.09:35
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apwamitk, test kernels linked in the bug09:56
amitkapw: will test soon and get back, thanks again10:11
apwjpds, possible fix applied to test kernels, urls in the bug10:35
jpdsapw: Testing...10:37
apwjpds, it is not 100% clear from the description which ids are covered, so it may not, we shall see10:40
jpdsapw: It worked.10:41
apwjpds, ok ta, put that in the bug for me10:45
jpdsapw: Already done.10:46
apwjpds, submitted to our list for consideration, shame you didn't get this in before freeze, but hey10:50
jpdsapw: I got the laptop yesterday!10:51
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apwjpds, heh11:21
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apwrtg, i just slammed head to fix a bug number in one of my patches13:14
rtgapw, ack13:16
rtgapw, did I mark the wrong bug fix committed then ?13:16
apwrtg, you did on my error, i fixed that up as well13:17
apwrtg, you seem to have skipped over "rds: prevent dereference of a NULL device in rds_iw_laddr_check", i was going to apply that if you arn't doing it ... its a big heap of applying i don't want to duplicate :)13:17
rtgapw, I just haven't gotten to it yet, but go ahead.13:18
apwrtg, ack13:18
rtgI was busy updating kernels and such.13:18
rtgin fact, I'm about to reboot now.13:18
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brendandis there a difference between checking for 'mem' in /sys/power/state vs using pm-is-supported --suspend?14:54
brendandi'm sure there is a difference, but i'd like to know what that is14:54
brendandif mem exists but pm-is-supported fails, does that mean suspend *can't* work on that system, or might it mean there's a bug?14:55
brendandsimilarly, if mem doesn't exist, might it be possible for pm-is-supported to succeed?14:56
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apwbrendand, it checks mem in /sys/power/state as one of the options, there are two others, so to answer your questions, yes and yes15:10
apwit is not clear how pm-is-supports --suspend could fail if mem is in /sys/power/state however15:11
rtgapw, when installing from the server ISO having a driver referenced in d-i/modules/nic-modules should be sufficient for network access, right ? For example, 'debian.master/d-i/modules/nic-modules:mlx4_en ?'. 15:14
apwrtg, i believe so indeed15:14
rtgapw, and it _should_ get bundled into the initrd when the kernel is installed on the target disk.15:15
apwthe criteria there are unrelated, networking is not normally seen as boot essential is it ?15:15
rtgapw, Infiniband might be. Guess I'd better find out.15:16
apwnor would it normally be, given you open the real disk, and find the drivers there15:16
apwyeah ... that15:16
smbapw, netboot?15:16
brendandoh dear, if pm-suspend can't do real hybrid sleep then it cheats :/15:16
apwsmb, that has a different initrd15:17
apwbrendand, "oh dear" ?15:17
smbapw, hopefully one that considers networking as boot essential15:17
apwhopefully nideed15:17
brendandapw, from the point of view of someone testing that hybrid sleep works, yes15:18
apwsmb, i just updated "clark" and rebooted, on startup i can now seem my old VMs, good, but they do not start15:19
apwError starting domain: internal error: libxenlight failed to create new domain 'grovel-r64'15:19
smbapw, Would be nice to have some more useful messages. Unfortunately those hide usually in /var/log/libvirt/libxl/... on the host15:20
rtgtseliot, have you heard any howling about 4K monitor support getting broken with this last nVidia-331 update ?15:21
apwsmb, yeah that is crap, it may be an old VM with "pre VG rename" paths in it15:21
bjfrtg, i don't think it's 4k support. i think nvidia is borked15:22
bjfrtg, i'm guessing you are in low-res mode15:22
smbapw, True. Well it could be anything. Sadly the error reporting through virt-manager is... suboptimal15:22
bjfrtg, and your jumbo-tron doesn't have a low-res support15:22
tseliotrtg: the driver we have in Ubuntu is not the latest from Nvidia. I haven't tested it with 4K but 2560x1440 works fine here15:22
rtgbjf, oh, you mean altogether borked ? I'm in "no mode" black screen15:22
apwrtg, is your monitor "black" or "off", mine seems to be off15:23
apwsmb, ok this was "my fault"15:23
rtgapw, black15:23
apwthey seem converted just fine15:23
bjfrtg, i'm in low-res on a "normal" monitor which might be different on the jumbo-tron15:23
tseliotrtg: in the latest update I only added support for Linux 3.1415:23
smbapw, Uh, what kept them from starting then?15:23
apwsomewhen back in the mists of time (read more than 2 weeks back) i renamed my datavg to clarkvg15:24
apwand this had the old, you cannot have inserted the wrongo path15:24
smbapw, Ah! Ok, makes some sense then. Just not the nicest thing on earth when it comes to errors. As much as a python stackrace can ever be called nice15:25
apwok this was a raring machine, that makes sense being as it isn't supported any mroe, /me tries an s instance15:26
smbapw, No the convertion should not change anything there15:26
apwsmb, ok my S which i had fixed previously appears correctly and starts correctly.  i'd say that is success, got a bug # i can report that testing in ?15:26
smbapw, No, I probably should open one... and maybe ... hm... just occured to me that re-creating those VMs that are in the old path but not the new may be annoyingly bringing back things on every upgrade15:29
apwsmb, you have to mark that you have done it and do it just once indeed15:30
smbapw, except maybe when adding a '--force'15:30
apwsmb, or rename the previous ones to .old sort of thing15:31
apwso you can rename them back if you need to but only process the ones not .old15:31
smbapw, I would be careful there. As I cannot be 100% sure what the old xend does with those.15:32
apwsmb, move them from like /foo/bar/machines/* to /foo/bar/machines.old/*15:34
smbapw, If I do that, and someone switches back to the old toolstack, the domains are gone there. 15:36
apwsmb, yes but i may have changed them anyhow, so you need to convert them back15:38
apwsmb, which is why i think we should convert them, pop somethign up to tell you that, so you arn't supprised they are gone when you downgrade15:38
apwsmb, but overall they work well so that at least is good15:39
smbapw, it already tells you about the conversion in the log. And I rather won't go on a reverse. Thats deprecated anyhow15:39
smbAnd adds too much complexity15:40
apwsmb, right that is why i don't think we care that they are gone if you go back, that can be documented on something the log points to perhaps15:40
apwlike a wiki for downgraders15:40
apwor something15:40
apwsmb, though your bug should have a release notes task so we can warn people this is going to happen to them in advance as well15:41
smbapw, Hm, I am rather adding something preventing a second convertion. Feels more straight forward15:42
apwwe should still release note the conversion so people can think about the risks, as they will be higher than normal for xen use, which is almost noone of course15:44
smbapw, Agreed. I think that bug I am reporting right now can also get a release-notes task15:46
apwsmb, yeah agree15:51
smbapw, bug 1303886 created15:52
ubot2Launchpad bug 1303886 in xen (Ubuntu) "[Trusty] Xend managed domains disappear after upgrade" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130388615:52
smbapw, Oh one thing that prevents the renaming. Unfortunately I have to take care about xen only and xen with libvirt and I would not know in the postinst which case15:54
apwsmb, i've added the release notes task15:55
smbapw, ok15:55
apwsmb, if you can only "do it" once ever that seems fine, and safer15:55
* cking drops in to listen to the canonical "plan" via icecast.. 16:00
smbcking, New level of annoying elevator musak16:01
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amitkapw: bugfix confirmed and commented on bug16:34
amitkapw: thanks16:34
bjfzequence, BenC new SRU cycle just started18:45
zequencebjf: Yep. I'm all done except for testing.18:58
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