
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
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RAOFI know everyone's either Sundaying or enroute to London, but have I accidentally broken cross-compile-chroot.sh?04:50
dandraderanpok, hey alan_g just told me that you plan to work on item 5 of https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/12aVPbX5qzr2GqF8yBcc17ZWsD9Z1kQfoSaYi2yMm1rE/edit#heading=h.17wq5abcr8cb09:50
dandraderanpok, is that so?09:50
ogra_W/Adreno-ES20( 2074): <core_glReadPixels:212>: GL_INVALID_OPERATION09:52
ogra_W/Adreno-EGLSUB( 2074): <CacheInvalidateHandle:243>: PMEM_INV_CACHES undefined09:52
ogra_i see a lot of this lately in the logcat output on a mako (N4) ^^^09:52
anpokdandrader: yes10:06
anpokthere is just some recuring distraction around the split greeter work10:06
kgunn_camako: hello10:43
alan_gcamako: welcome10:43
mterryAre there any known problems with mir/devel?  I've tried it on my mako, but the unity8 session never appears on screen (seems to be running fine).  What's the easiest way to debug this?  Get a display report, I'm guessing.  Any other reports that might be useful?13:34
alf__mterry: to use mir/devel you need some changes in platform-api, unity-mir and unity-system-compositor13:39
mterryalf__, yup, I built those branches13:41
alf__mterry: oh, the latest compatibility branches need mir/devel + lp:~alan-griffiths/mir/scene-grabs-Session-and-SessionListener (yes it's a mess)13:42
mterryalf__, ah...  I don't have that one13:43
* mterry builds more branches13:43
alf__greyback: How can I get the latest Qt (the one that exhibits the blocking problem) to try on the phone?13:46
greybackalf__: it's already on your phone13:47
greybackQt5.2 has the issue13:47
alf__greyback: ok, how can I trigger it?13:48
alan_gmterry: I couldn't reproduce the problem you reported as bug 1302689 (but I wrote a test case) - maybe you can provide more details.13:49
ubot5bug 1302689 in Mir "Session raising problems" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130268913:49
mterryalan_g, hmm OK.  Well that's good in a way.  Maybe I'm just misusing API or some such in USC.  But I have a new problem when I tried to use a newer mir revision where unity8 sessions don't want to appear at all.  Working on that (see scrollback)13:50
alan_galf__: there are compatibility branches without (as well as with) scene-grabs-Session-and-SessionListener. The ones without "proposed" in them match devel13:52
greybackalf__: handiest is to grab the QML code in https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-37677, save it to a file on the device as test.qml. Then as phablet user run "qmlscene test.qml --desktop_file_hint=/usr/share/application/<something>.desktop"13:52
greybackalf__: that file prints the time every second to your console13:52
alan_g(yes it's a mess)13:53
greybackalf__: actually let me check something...13:53
greybackalf__: yeah that's fine13:53
alf__greyback: thanks13:54
greybackalf__: ok, now with that program running, hit the power key, and watch the console - the time stops printing after a few seconds13:54
greybackalf__: we want it so that the time does not stop printing to the console13:54
alf__greyback: thanks, reproduced13:58
greybackalf__: np, lemme know if you need a volunteer to test13:58
mterryalan_g, ah OK.  Then maybe I was using right compatibility branches anyway...  But no matter.  I'll try with all the proposed branches13:59
alan_gmterry: the related changes are largely moves & renames - so if it compiles you've got a consistent set.14:03
mterryalan_g, that's what I figured / have14:04
mterryalan_g, so mir/devel is working OK for you in tests?  Have you tried with a full stack with unity8 and such?14:04
alan_gmterry: not recently enough14:06
mterryalan_g, well.  It wasn't working great for me.  If you have time, I'd appreciate a sanity check on those results.  (specifically, I'm seeing no frames on screen, but no errors in logs)14:07
mterryalan_g, and this is without my split branch nonsense14:08
alan_gmterry: greyback has been using it14:08
greybackmterry: things were working on Thursday14:09
mterrygreyback, would you mind retesting with tip?  I updated on Friday and things got worse for me.  But I'm not sure exactly what revision I had before14:10
greybackmterry: okay14:12
alf__greyback: could you please test the latest version of lp:~afrantzis/mir/non-blocking-swap-buffers-spike14:51
alf__greyback: (merged with the version of mir/devel + Alan's branches you are using, of course)14:51
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alf__greyback: ^^^ also don't forget that you need the change in USC too15:11
greybackalf__: working on that now15:14
alf__greyback: thanks15:14
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alan_galf__: happy with the new names: https://code.launchpad.net/~alan-griffiths/mir/scene-grabs-Session-and-SessionListener/+merge/21427516:28
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greybackalan_g: could you take https://code.launchpad.net/~alan-griffiths/unity-mir/compatibility-with-mir-changes/+merge/213079 , branch it at rev 209, and push as 0.1.8 compatible branch16:41
greybackit compiles for me against 0.1.8 anyway :)16:41
alan_ggreyback: your wish will be granted (as soon as I get some CPU cycles on my laptop)16:42
* duflu warms hands on greyback's laptop vent16:43
greybackalf__: slow going, but finally tested: bad news though, it's still blocking16:56
greybackalf__: to confirm, I built your spike branch, platform-api, unity-mir and USC16:57
greybackafter about 3-4 seconds, the small qml test app stops printing to screen (I disabled the process suspend/resume just in case, no difference)16:58
greybackalf__: it's interesting, as when I unlock the screen, the greeter is visible, but as soon as I tap the screen, the test app appears and starts rendering once again16:58
greybacks/tap the screen/tap the right edge of the screen/17:00
mterrySaviq, so I lost my latest silo.  Is there a silo crunch right now or could I get a new one?  I've got a plan for avoiding the Mir nonsense I've dealt with recently19:23
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kdubis it just me, or is khronos.org down today?21:31
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bschaeferdown for me21:43
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