
pleia2I'll be back in a bit to prep the newsletter for editors, fighting with a stomach bug this weekend and it's winning ;)02:49
* pleia2 gets some more rest02:50
josepleia2: I can take care if you want02:52
pleia2jose: if you could, that would be great02:52
josedoing that now!02:53
pleia2jose: askubuntu script was updated recently, so you'll want to bzr pull02:53
pleia2and let me know if you have trouble with anything, I will be back later to fix02:53
josecool, go get some rest now!02:53
pleia2(can send off to editors w/o stats if anything breaks though)02:53
pleia2right right!02:53
joseUnit193: hey, mind link checking? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue362 :)03:19
Unit193Lookin' good.03:23
=== s1aden is now known as sladen

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