
ubottuqin called the ops in #ubuntu (organmeat)01:34
IdleOneelky: did you look to see what it was?01:35
elkyit delays the porn01:35
elkyit's a gif01:35
elkyit's the same porn image we've been seeing the past week or so01:36
elkyi tried to kb but lag ate it01:36
bazhangunopaste rocks04:23
rwwIt's working well.04:25
valoriewhat is unopaste?05:05
bazhangfloodbot-ish thing05:05
valorieoooo, a replacement for the crappy floodbot would be good05:06
valoriewell, they aren't always crappy05:06
valoriebut when they misbehave.....so annoying05:07
bazhangthey are ex-floodbots05:07
valorieah, maybe that's why they no longer misbehave05:07
bazhang<Spuzz> is there a way I can use my ubuntu CD to netboot?05:32
bazhanghe wanted ubuntu on his atari falcon a bit earlier05:33
bazhang[NlGGER] (4d62e74d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. -21:52
bazhangthats way outside the coc innit21:53
IdleOneI thought that nick had an auto ban entry22:00
bazhangwith a 122:00
IdleOneoh didn't notice the L22:04
ubottuIn ubottu, Patrickdk said: !securityupdate is Ubuntu releases security updates by patching specific issues rather than updating whole versions of software. See, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/FAQ#Versions23:59

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