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DanChapmangood morning06:58
jibelgood morning07:03
brendanddoes xvfb-run work with autopilot? is there anything special i need to do to make it work?09:16
jibelbrendand, it works, make sure the color depth is 24 by default it is 809:21
jibelsomething -s "screen 0 1024x768x24"09:21
jibel-s "-screen 0 1024x768x24"09:22
brendandjibel, interesting - any idea why that needs to be?09:23
jibelbrendand, I don't remember the details, but mesa doesn't load with lower depth I believe. It is not required by AP itself though but by the apps that use opengl09:25
brendandjibel, that makes sense09:27
brendandjibel, thanks09:27
pittibrendand: GL, and thus also the software emulation, only works with 24 bpp09:28
pittibrendand: I doubt that with 8 bpp a real graphics card would behave (but I'm not sure)09:28
pittibrendand: that 8bpp default in 2014 is a bit unfortunate indeed09:28
pittibrendand: btw, you should look at autopilot-sandbox-run09:29
pittibrendand: that gets all those gory details right, and is quite convenient; it also supports Xephyr, if you want to see what's actually going on09:29
brendandpitti, yeah i didn't know xvfb run defaults to 8bpp09:29
brendandpitti, oh that's very handy :)09:30
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jibelxnox, I trying to reproduce bug 130269410:00
ubot5bug 1302694 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "ubi-partman fails with error code 141 during install (14.04 beta 2)" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130269410:00
jibelxnox, do you know where parted_server get the label from?10:00
jibelxnox, I've set a label with mkfs and ntfslabel, the label is set but nothing displayed in partman output10:01
xnoxjibel: parted logs show labels, and e.g. in ubiquity you should see labels in 'Something else..." advance partitioning table, ditto in d-i.10:03
xnoxjibel: also since it's unicode characters on an ntfs partition, I guess they are in UTF-16 rather than UTF-8. But i guess the bug should be reproducible with either.10:04
jibelxnox, so if I set a label with 'ntfslabel /dev/sdb1 Données' for example, I should see it in the advanced partitioner and partman log, right?10:06
jibelwell, I don't see it :)10:08
jibelelfy, about bug 130326810:10
ubot5bug 1303268 in grub-installer (Ubuntu) "Grub instal dev/sda Fatal Error" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130326810:10
jibelelfy, what was the setup of your system before the installation10:10
jibeland the crash10:10
elfyhi jibel - not sure what was going on yesterday with that - works fine with todays zsynced image10:10
elfyI've never needed to do anything other than install it - I've never used EFI installs10:11
elfyand I know I didn't choose the UEFI option from the f12 boot list10:12
jibelelfy, okay, there seems to be something wrong, we receive lot of bugs on EFI system with this error, and they cannot all be user errors. Or if they are it is a UI bug10:12
elfyyep - agreed, if I'd done this once and reported it then wandered off I'd put it down to user error - but this wasn't like that at all :)10:13
elfyjibel: I use unetbootin and haven't had this error at all previously10:14
davmor2Morning all10:15
jibelelfy, was there another OS installed on this machine?10:15
elfymorning davmor210:15
jibelgood morning davmor210:15
elfyjibel: yea - this instance of xubuntu10:15
davmor2jibel: RC week right?10:15
jibelelfy, 32 or 64bit?10:15
elfydavmor2: it is RC week indeed10:16
davmor2jibel: as I happen to have a uefi box sat here in front of me is there something you'd like me to test? I'm just syncing images currently10:18
jibeldavmor2, there are tons of reports lately where installation fails in grub because people seems to have booted there system in EFI mode but disks are not configured for EFI10:21
jibeldavmor2, actually far too many of them to be a simple user error10:21
jibeldavmor2, eg bug 1299134, bug 1303268, ...10:21
ubot5bug 1299134 in grub-installer (Ubuntu) "grub-installer failed during install trusty 64bit" [Critical,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129913410:21
ubot5bug 1303268 in grub-installer (Ubuntu) "Grub instal dev/sda Fatal Error" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130326810:21
elfyI'm quite good with pebkac at times - this definitely wasn't one of them ;)10:22
jibeldavmor2, but I cannot find a valid test case. In every case there is always another OS installed prior to installation10:22
jibeldoanac, but I fail at finding a valid test case. It could be on systems with Windows 8 preinstalled for example10:23
jibeldoanac, sorry10:23
jibeldavmor2, I found that lot of these systems have ntfs partitions for example, other have other linux distribution like elementary os10:24
davmor2jibel: I have a windows box I can install side by side with give me an hour to make sure I have everything updated, burn the dvd and I'll install against that (WIN7)10:25
jibeldavmor2, this box support efi?10:34
jibelthe only efi box I have here is my main laptop, and I don't really fancy installing windows 8 on it :)10:36
davmor2jibel: no this is just a bios box,  which I believe is the case for the first bug I can get windows 8 back on laptop that has uefi but that will take a lot longer10:36
davmor2jibel: on the install or live cd session, if you leave the device with no interaction for a small amount of time do you get real lag till the system wakes again?11:08
jibel\o/ system crashed11:08
davmor2jibel: is that not more of a /o\11:09
jibeldavmor2, I rarely leave it time to rest, but I'll try11:09
davmor2jibel: I only had to while it was repartitioning the win7 partition so I got on with finishing off a phone test in the meantime and then came back to it :)11:12
jibeldavmor2, no it is a \o/. I think I found another UEFI crash. I you install Ubuntu on a 2nd drive and 1rst drive has not EFI Partition then ubiquity crashes11:12
jibelwhich is the case if drive 1 has no OS at all11:13
davmor2jibel: so install against win7 on a standard bios based box hax just worked no issues11:34
davmor2jibel: that's on the latest image11:34
davmor2jibel: I ony have WIN8 to install against my main laptop and that will prevent me from booting into windows 8 if I change uefi to bios mode11:36
elfyjibel: would it help if I tried to install in uefi mode here deliberately?11:40
jibeldavmor2, you don't have to switch to bios mode, I don't think people deliberately switch to bios or uefi, most of them don't even know what it is11:49
davmor2jibel:  I think you'll find that if it is a build it yourself then it comes in bios mode, if it is a prebuilt then it comes in uefi mode normally with secureboot  I'll have a play after Lunch anyway.11:51
davmor2jibel: right back from lunch win8 installing12:34
davmor2jibel: man I forgot how slow windows is to install :(12:36
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davmor2jibel: still no issues but my god how long does it take to install WIN814:26
davmor2jibel: Although I did have to partition manually :)14:29
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Letozaf_elopio, hello19:09
elopioLetozaf_: hi, how are you?19:36
Letozaf_elopio, hi fine and you ?19:36
elopiogood too.19:36
Letozaf_elopio, I got a mp for you to look at19:37
Letozaf_elopio, I am having problems getting two properties19:37
Letozaf_elopio, I have tried various solutions but nothing seems to work19:37
elopioLetozaf_: is that on the rss?19:37
Letozaf_elopio, yes lp:~carla-sella/ubuntu-rssreader-app/open_feed_test19:38
Letozaf_elopio, the mp: https://code.launchpad.net/~carla-sella/ubuntu-rssreader-app/open_feed_test/+merge/21459819:38
elopioLetozaf_: it's objectName, with a lower case o.19:40
Letozaf_elopio, nooo I have been going mad on this :P thanks, sorry but I really did not see the error :(19:40
elopioLetozaf_: don't worry, that happens all the time.19:41
Letozaf_elopio, :P19:41
elopiothat's why we have reviewers, we always need a different pair of eyes.19:41
elopioLetozaf_: I will try to review your branch in detail today, but more probably tomorrow.19:42
Letozaf_elopio, thanks meanwhile I will fix it a bit19:42
elopiothanks to you.19:42
Letozaf_elfy, :D my pleasure19:43
Letozaf_elfy, sorry I meant elopio19:43
elfyyou are welcome :)19:43
Letozaf_elfy, lol you got nicknames so similar :P19:44
elfyblame forestpiskie :D19:44
Letozaf_elfy, and forestpiskie are supposed to be the same person ? :P19:45
forestpiskieLetozaf_: don't believe a word that elfy says - he's the same as hobgoblin :p19:46
Letozaf_forestpiskie, elfy  :?19:49
elfyLetozaf_: I am the same person as forestpiskie - and hobgoblin when he's about19:51
Letozaf_elfy, lol sort of knew it but wasn't sure :P19:52
elfy/whois will tell you :)19:52
Letozaf_elfy, :D19:52
Letozaf_elfy, yeah19:53
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elopioalesage: review, please:21:25
alesageelopio, ok21:25
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