
=== fginther` is now known as fginther
MirvI'm wishing for a FFe Debian sync approval for pitivi bug #1253009 - 0.93-3 in Debian unstable. there's another positive report on my PPA offering in the bug.06:26
ubot2Launchpad bug 1253009 in pitivi (Baltix) "[FFe] Please sync latest upstream release (0.9x) from Debian unstable - Pitivi developers recommends to use 0.92 or later" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125300906:26
infinityMirv: Can you get the opinion of the ubuntustudio guys (it's in their seeds) before we look any further?06:45
infinityMirv: And perhaps ask mterry if he has reasons for not merging it.06:46
Mirvinfinity: thanks, doing those two06:48
dholbachcan somebody take a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1302619 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtcreator/+bug/1302620?07:20
ubot2Launchpad bug 1302619 in Ubuntu "[FFe] New package qtcreator-plugin-remotelinux " [Undecided,New]07:20
ubot2Launchpad bug 1302620 in qtcreator (Ubuntu) "[FFe] Remove remotelinux plugin and its dependencies from the QtC package" [Undecided,New]07:20
* seb128 offers cookies to the release team, can we get some trusty queue reviews? ;-)08:03
seb128some of the items are waiting since thursday...08:03
seb128(not asking for people to work on the w.e but what happened on friday? ;-)08:03
Laneyseb128: will do some after lunch / piloting08:45
seb128Laney, thanks08:46
sil2100Hello release team! Sorry to disturb you, but things waiting in the unapproved queue again seems to be a bit troublesome for the CI Train infrastructure - could anyone take a look at some of our packages in the queue? Things like: indicator-application, indicator-appmenu or unity-control-center09:51
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cjwatsonsil2100: I think I have to kick indicator-application back09:53
cjwatsonsil2100: the new code is:09:54
cjwatson+       if [ "x$DESKTOP_SESSION" == "xubuntu-touch" ] ; then09:54
cjwatsonbut that's a bashism, and fails in our default /bin/sh09:54
sil2100cjwatson: ah09:54
sil2100seb128: ^09:54
sil2100cjwatson: thanks for the heads-up and action :)09:56
seb128cjwatson, thanks for spotting it, runtime is fine here but it doesn't mean it's correct, I'm going to get ted to fix it (do you want to comment on https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/indicator-application/startup-cleanup/+merge/212726 maybe if you have a suggestion of what should be done instead)09:57
seb128sil2100, ^09:57
cjwatsonseb128: done09:58
seb128cjwatson, thanks09:59
cjwatsonseb128: out of interest did you/whoever test on touch or only on desktop?09:59
cjwatsonit *looks* as though it'll fail to do the "stop; exit 0" on touch10:00
seb128cjwatson, only on desktop, indicator-application uses gtk/doesn't work on touch atm10:00
seb128seems like ted added that snippet in case somebody would end up installing it there10:01
matttbeHello Ubuntu-Release team! I'm also sorry to disturb you but I'm part of the Cairo-Dock team and we have to reupload a previous version due to... a lack of time: we were not able to fix some bugs, etc.... We are really sorry to do this request now :(. I guess we need your ACK before uploading the previous version and this is why I create a new bug report: LP: #1302246. If you have some time to have a look at this bug report, it will be greatly appr10:03
matttbeeciated :-)10:03
ubot2Launchpad bug 1302246 in cairo-dock-plug-ins (Ubuntu Trusty) "[FFe] Revert back to the 3.3.2 version for Ubuntu 14.04" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130224610:03
didrockscjwatson: hey, so, preparing the final freeze, are we going to do the same thing than last cycle for things that are seeded in other flavors? (using -updates IIRC)10:06
Laneymatttbe: Is this "revert, then cherry-pick some fixes from the package already in Trusty"?10:09
Laney& have you tested this package out much?10:09
Laneythere's no issue with configuration to migrate back or anything like that?10:09
cjwatsondidrocks: I think we probably only need to do that once we're in candidate building mode10:10
cjwatsondidrocks: but yeah.  it shouldn't make any difference for uploading; uploads go to -proposed either10:11
didrockscjwatson: is that plan for Thursday/Monday?10:11
cjwatsondidrocks: I would guess about Monday10:11
didrocksok :)10:11
matttbeLaney, hello. I just tested this package and it seems there is no crash. The user will just see that the menus will look like the one in the previous version but it shouldn't be a problem.10:11
didrocksthanks cjwatson, I've move the train to care about -updates as well10:11
cjwatsondidrocks: for deciding when to merge&clean?10:11
didrockscjwatson: right10:12
cjwatsondidrocks: makes sense as a permanent measure, thanks10:12
Laneymatttbe: ok, there you go10:12
didrocksyeah, it checks the release pocket at the destination first, then -updates10:12
matttbeLaney, thank you for your help :-)10:13
knomecjwatson, hah, "xubuntu-touch" ...10:15
cjwatsonknome: well, that's just the x-prefixing idiom for ancient shells10:15
knomeyeah ;)10:15
cjwatsonwhich is ironic to see in conjunction with the == bashism, but anyway10:15
knomejust giggled for that..10:15
cjwatsonsil2100: ^- that's unapproved clear of ci-train stuff for now10:23
sil2100cjwatson: excellent! Thank you :D :)10:27
seb128cjwatson, thanks10:28
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dholbachcan somebody take a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1302619 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtcreator/+bug/1302620?12:16
ubot2Launchpad bug 1302619 in Ubuntu "[FFe] New package qtcreator-plugin-remotelinux " [Undecided,New]12:16
ubot2Launchpad bug 1302620 in qtcreator (Ubuntu) "[FFe] Remove remotelinux plugin and its dependencies from the QtC package" [Undecided,New]12:16
dholbachand bug 1303706 too please13:17
ubot2Launchpad bug 1303706 in libxkbcommon (Ubuntu) "FFe: new upstream version 0.4.1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130370613:17
LaneyWho's reviewing the queue?14:21
LaneyWant to avoid duplicate reviews14:21
stgraberI am14:22
stgraberI'm going through the syncs now14:22
Laneyok, looking at other things14:22
LaneyBy that I mean non-syncs14:24
LaneyBy that I mean anything that's not gccgo-4.914:25
* Laney flees14:25
ScottKIf someone is around processing the queue, I need qtruby accepted and built before I can fix korundum (part of ruby1.8 removal)14:39
stgraberScottK: looking14:40
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jamespageplease could I get a release team ack on bug 128714715:29
ubot2Launchpad bug 1287147 in juju-core (Ubuntu Trusty) "[FFe] juju-core 1.18" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128714715:29
jamespageI've spent most of the day testing 1.18.0 on 14.04 and I think its good for upload now15:29
jamespageDaviey, ^^15:29
sil2100Hi release team! Can anyone unblock unity8 from -proposed? Due to the faux package thing ;)15:39
sil2100(the package needs bumping, as always I guess)15:41
cjwatsonsil2100: looking15:53
cjwatsonsil2100: done15:53
sil2100cjwatson: thank you :)15:56
Davieyjamespage, looking15:59
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jamespageDaviey, ta16:05
cyphermoxcould someone please review bug 1280546 and bug 1280548 ?16:23
ubot2Launchpad bug 1280546 in usb-modeswitch (Ubuntu) "[FFe] merge usb-modeswitch 2.1.1+repack0-1 from Debian unstable" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128054616:23
ubot2Launchpad bug 1280548 in usb-modeswitch-data (Ubuntu) "[FFe] sync latest version of usb-modeswitch-data 20140327-1 from Debian unstable" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128054816:23
Laneycyphermox: how safe is it? :)16:38
cyphermoxLaney: pretty safe16:44
cyphermoxI can't possibly test all the devices myself but of all those I have, 5 use usb-modeswitch and they all successfully switch without crashing the app16:45
cyphermoxthen they don't connect, but that's because I don't have SIMs for some of them16:45
cyphermoxmany new devices don't need this at all; they get in the right state from different drivers16:46
cyphermoxLaney: but to be fair, there is always an element of risk in landing this so late as this kind of crappy port to C16:47
Laneycyphermox: okay, if you think it's the way to go then let's do it16:59
jamespageDaviey, I've been documenting changes to the plan in comments rather than changing the original bug report - but as that appears to be causing confusion I've updated that as well now17:09
mhall119hello release team, can somebody take a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtcreator/+bug/130262017:33
ubot2Launchpad bug 1302620 in qtcreator (Ubuntu) "[FFe] Remove remotelinux plugin and its dependencies from the QtC package" [Undecided,New]17:33
mhall119Laney: ^^ ?17:33
bzoltanmhall119:  and release team, these are the FFe bugs -> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1302619 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtcreator/+bug/130262017:34
ubot2Launchpad bug 1302619 in Ubuntu "[FFe] New package qtcreator-plugin-remotelinux " [Undecided,New]17:34
bzoltanthis change is dogfooded well here: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/+archive/tools-development17:35
robruLaney, infinity: question about packaging changes. I need to take the gsettings schema from libunity9 and split it into it's own -common package so something else can depend on that. will this change need an FFe? no features are changing, just administrative shuffle with a new binary package.17:42
robrucjwatson, maybe, whoever's around ^17:53
xnoxrobru: we already have 2 packages for gsettings schemas only, please pick one of them to hold the keys - gsettings-desktop-schemas or gsettings-ubuntu-schemas17:56
robruxnox, ah, thanks. mhr3 ^17:56
mhr3robru, 2? just looking at my installed schemas, they're coming from 89 different pkgs18:04
robrumhr3, just put the schema in gsettings-ubuntu-schemas18:05
robrusaves having to create a new package and go through that hassle18:05
ScottKIt would be nice to get korundum accepted since it's part of ruby1.8 removal.18:11
oSoMoNhi gentle release team, I have a couple of packages (webbrowser-app and unity-webapps-qml) in the unapproved queue and was wondering if I could get an ETA on their hitting the archive18:50
oSoMoNas it stands webbrowser-app and the webapps container in the archive are broken by a recent upload of oxide-qt, the packages in the queue fix that18:51
dokoplease could somebody approve icedtea-web?19:09
dbarthii'm coming to request a nudge for the new oxide upload which got into the unapproved queue19:26
dbarthit's currently blocking 2 other silos where we have more fixes for webbrowser-app19:26
dbarththanks in advance19:26
oSoMoNhey dbarth, looks like we’re here for the same reason :)19:36
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cyphermoxLaney: still around? I noticed you didn't confirm the bugs for usb-modeswitch(-data); just want to be very sure before I upload ;)20:07
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dbarthcyphermox: hey, do you know who can help with the oxide upload in this timezone?20:12
dbarthoSoMoN and I are trying to get it approved; this is also to avoid that an image gets made with mismatching versions of oxide and webbrowser-app20:12
Laneycyphermox: oh, okay, yeah will do20:13
cyphermoxLaney: sorry to bother with this20:15
dbarthLaney: hi, if you still have time, could you look into that oxide upload? ^^20:22
Laneydbarth: Not in the right mode for that, did you try any of the NA folks?20:23
dbarthLaney: hmm,nope; what's NA?20:26
Laneynorth america20:26
dbarthahem ;)20:26
dbarthno, i was asking who was usually around in this tz20:26
Laneyhttps://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-release/+members is the magic list20:26
dbarthslangasek maybe? we need help with the last oxide upload20:27
dbarthLaney: thx, that should help20:27
Laneydbarth: Actually, I checked and those diffs look simple20:28
LaneyNever mind, I'll do it20:28
LaneyWhy aren't these qml package names versioned?20:28
Laneydbarth: It's a bit mad that people can just upload a change like that and break all reverse depends20:30
dbarthLaney: yeah:/ i think we need to fix that qml declarative deps one way or the other20:30
LaneyInclude the version of the QML API in the package name20:31
Laneyunless I'm missing something, that should work20:31
ScottKdbarth: There was recently a discussion in Debian on qml package naming conventions that I think it would make sense to look at for "U" so we stay in alignment.20:31
dbarthScottK: hey20:31
dbarthScottK: ok, i'll take a look20:32
dbarthright, i think we shouldn't fiddle with that this late20:32
LaneyClearly not, but it is an issue worth solving20:32
dbarthbut i will feel more comfortable when that's done20:32
Laneyas we're seeing now :)20:32
LaneyYou haz accepts20:33
dbarthLaney: thank you20:33
LaneyScottK: where's this discussion?20:34
ScottKLooking for it.20:34
LaneyDid Mirv or mitya57 or anyone Ubuntuish participate?20:34
ScottKI don't recall.20:35
LaneyI'm sure the outcome will be sane either way20:36
LaneyWith pusling involved, what could possibly go wrong!20:36
ScottKLaney: Thread starts here: http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-kde-talk/2014-March/001889.html20:36
ScottKdbarth: ^^^20:36
ScottKAnd yes, mitya57 did participate.20:36
LaneyI'll proxy it to $somewhere so that $people are aware20:40
mdeslaurcan someone approve openssl please, it's pretty important21:12
ScottKmdeslaur: Looking21:15
mdeslaurScottK: thanks21:16
utlemmingAny chance one a release team member could look at FFE for Bug 1304023?21:21
ubot2Launchpad bug 1304023 in walinuxagent (Ubuntu) "[FFE] update walinuxagent to 2.0.4" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130402321:21
utlemmings/change one a/change a/g21:22
utlemmings/chance one a/chance a/g ... it could help if I could type this afternoon21:22
slangasekdoko: so... gccgo-4.9, you want to give me more of why this is a safe change 10 days before release?22:00
dokoslangasek, no changes to libgcc, regression fixes only (GCC is in stage4), test-built juju-core and go-gccgo22:01
slangasekdoko: perfect, thanks22:01
* slangasek spot-checks the diff22:01
dokoahh, and I need to file the sru for the 4.9.0 upload22:02
slangasekdoko: debian/patches/cross-install-location.diff has changes to libmudflap/Makefile.am that are not obviously correct and not explained in debian/changelog22:04
slangasekdoko: and I'm pretty sure debian/rules2 has a typo, though it's not relevant to us (sparc64-linux-gnuA vs. sparc64-linux-gnu)22:05
dokoslangasek, mudflap is dropped in 4.9, this fixes the cross build. the typo is fixed in the vcs22:11
slangasekah, ok22:11
doko  * Provide the gnu triplet prefixed gcov symlink.22:12
doko  * Add ppc64el as a native gcj architecture.22:12
doko  * Drop mudflap from cross-install-location.diff since mudflap was removed22:12
doko    from gcc 4.9. Closes: #74260622:12
slangasekdoko: and the icedtea-web jump from 1.4.2 to 1.5?22:22
dokoslangasek, we have a standing exception to update openjdk to newer releases in stable releases anyway, so better update it now than after the release. or do you want a separate FFe?22:24
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slangasekdoko: well, I can't tell from the version numbers how 1.4.2->1.5 fits the openjdk SRU exception model (which, btw, doesn't seem to be documented anywhere)22:26
dokofiling a FFe22:27
robrucan i get someone to unblock unity-webapps-qml in -proposed? it's blocked by oxide on the three arches, a known regression22:46
mdeslaurcan openssl be released out of -proposed before all the autopkgtests finish, as it's pretty critical22:53
mdeslaurslangasek: ^22:55
mdeslaurstgraber: ^22:58
mdeslaurcjwatson: ^22:59
stgraberlooks like that libreoffice one never passes anyway, so yeah, I'll force it23:00
mdeslaurthanks stgraber23:00
dokoslangasek, lp: #130408623:00
ubot2Launchpad bug 1304086 in icedtea-web (Ubuntu) "FFe: icedtea-web 1.5" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130408623:00
stgrabermdeslaur: openssl should be copied on this britney run23:11
mdeslaurstgraber: cool, thanks!23:11
antarusthanks a bunch folks ;)23:13

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