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jamescarrinstalling lxml via python-pip and I'm getting this on ubuntu saucy "/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lz"04:38
jamescarrany ideas?04:39
jamescarrapt-get install zlib1g-dev04:40
cfhowlettjamescarr repo enabled?04:42
lordievaderGood morning.05:50
dwardermy LAMP installation 'hanged' on 'Configuring mysql-server-5.5' at 72%07:52
dwardershould i kill it?07:52
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RoyKI don't get it. my server is spending time swapping long before it's used its memory. setting vm.swappiness=1 "fixed" it, but it'd be nice if linux were a wee bit smarter09:11
caribourbasak: ping09:12
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rbasakcaribou: pong09:23
caribourbasak: quick question : is there a way with uvtool to remove one of the downloaded cloud-images ?09:24
caribourbasak: like I have trusty i386 & amd64 & I want to remove i38609:24
rbasakcaribou: not currently supported, unless simplestreams can rotate it out based on some filter.09:24
rbasakcaribou: you can hack it quite easily though09:24
caribourbasak: yeah, I suppose I could go & delete the file once I can identify it09:24
rbasakcaribou: remove the corresponding metadata file in /var/lib/uvtool/libvirt/metadata (I think?) then sync.09:25
caribourbasak: ok, will do.09:25
caribourbasak: I'm also thinking of 'proposing' a "uvt-kvm create --wait" that would call the uvt-kvm wait from the create option09:25
caribourbasak: I need to take a few minutes to look into it09:26
rbasakcaribou: that's a great idea. I filed bug 1301412 last week. I think your solution is maybe better. Or perhaps we need both.09:26
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1301412 in uvtool "uvt-kvm wait ... && uvt-kvm ssh ... is inconvenient and repetitive" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130141209:26
caribourbasak: yeah, maybe both can be useful and/or complementary09:28
rbasakcaribou: also, how about a -l|--login option on the create subcommand that implies --wait and also does ssh to defaults?09:29
caribourbasak: could be useful indeed09:29
rbasakcaribou: let me put this all into that bug09:29
caribourbasak: ok, I'll subscribe to it09:30
dwarderPHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined method mysqli_result::fetch_all()10:26
dwarderhow do i fix this10:26
dwarderphpinfo() shows that mysqli is loaded10:26
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rymate1234<rymate1234> i have an ubuntu 12.04 server running with an x11vnc remote desktop thing12:44
rymate1234<rymate1234> how do i make the resolution higher than 1024x76812:44
jamespageroaksoax, smoser: soooooo.....13:23
jamespageroaksoax, smoser: I just upgraded to the lastest maas on 14.-413:23
jamespageand I *think* the grub install is failing in the fast-path installer - I've tried on precise and trusty installs and I get the same issue13:23
jamespageroaksoax, smoser: how do I debug this?13:24
roaksoaxjamespage: ssh into the fastpath and look whats wro g13:26
jhobbsjamespage: you can prevent the target system from rebooting after install by editing /etc/maas/preseeds/curtin_userdata13:26
jhobbsthere are a couple of lines "power_state:\n   mode: reboot" you can comment out13:27
zuljamespage:  im going to start uploadling to saucy-proposed13:27
roaksoaxjamespage: first, though restart the cluster controler and try again13:27
jamespagezul, you can't13:27
jamespageroaksoax, I already rebooted13:27
zuljamespage:  i cant?13:27
jamespagezul, the nova sru is still blocking you13:27
zuljamespage: oh...yeah....13:28
roaksoaxjamespage: check that fastpath is accesing the correct ip address for the cluster13:28
jamespageroaksoax, OK13:28
roaksoaxto download the root.tar13:28
jamespageroaksoax, I watch the console - that's all happening OK13:29
jamespagethe failure is quite late in install13:29
roaksoaxjamespage: then probably curtin issue. yeah access the image and investigate why it fails. i think issues were reported but then magically fixed13:29
jamespageroaksoax, OK - trying now13:30
jamespageroaksoax, I should just be able to SSH to the FPI right?13:30
jamespageno extra incantation required?13:30
roaksoaxjamespage: you need the ephemeral backdoor13:32
roaksoaxyou need to activate it13:32
jamespageroaksoax, ?13:35
roaksoaxjamespage: https://lists.launchpad.net/maas-devel/msg00808.html13:36
jamespageroaksoax, is that still applicable with the new boot-resources stuff?13:40
roaksoaxsmoser ^13:42
roaksoaxjamespage: the process is of course, the paths, no13:44
jamespageroaksoax, yeah - got it13:44
jamespageroaksoax, OK - I'm backdoored14:16
jamespageroaksoax, well I was - juju just terminated me14:18
roaksoaxjamespage: bummer! yeah juju now terminates you if deployment doesn't get completed, which sucks for debuggin14:19
smoserjamespage, https://bugs.launchpad.net/curtin/+bug/130361714:19
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1303617 in curtin "pc-grub install path broken in curtin" [Critical,Confirmed]14:19
smoserfix is just now uploaded.14:19
smoseryou can apply revno 125 to trunk14:19
smoserer... you can cherry pick that to your local maas installation and it should fix it.14:20
smoseri just uploaded.14:20
jamespagesmoser, ok14:20
jamespagesmoser, I'll stop debugging - that looks like my problem14:20
jamespagesmoser, ok - I'm being dumb14:22
jamespagecurtin is not installed on my maas box?14:23
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smoserjamespage, python-curtin14:34
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smoserjml, shoot. you actually need the curtin-common14:41
smosersorry jml14:41
jamespagesmoser, I got there in the end14:41
tmwsiyHi I have a super micro server that I am attempting to install 12.04 server on. Everything goes fine with the install and then when it comes up to boot I get the grub menu but then if you select the regualr kernel option nothing happens. Funny thing is that if I select recovery console and then resume boot everything appears to work fine. any ideas as to how I can get grub to work properly from the start?14:55
patdk-wktmwsiy, likely need nomode or other video options to the kernel15:04
zuljamespage:  cinder rc2 is available15:04
* jamespage leaps for joy!15:04
jamespagezul, great - are you on it? or shall we let coreycb ?15:04
zuljamespage:  im on it15:05
zuljamespage:  just doing a local build now15:11
jamespagezul, ack15:14
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zuljamespage:  https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/cinder/2014.1.rc2/+merge/21456515:21
jamespagesmoser, that fixed me up - thanks!15:24
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hxmhello, I have some irc logs in unrecognized encoding16:00
hxmi use file to know which encoding is and it says 'data'16:00
hxmcan I just use iconv -f data -t utf-8 ?16:01
hxmor it will make it worse16:01
shreezbotAny of you guys know of a way to completely manage virtual machines in KVM from the command line?  I'm running it on a headless server machine that I don't have GUI access on...16:01
shreezbotI can get a vm created and started, but I can't seem to connect to it to install the operating system...16:01
forexhow I can install gnome with RDP on Ubuntu 13.1016:08
forex64 bit16:08
bekksInstall gnome and a rdp client.16:14
forexbekks:  its remote server16:30
forexi heard its a bit tricky16:31
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sync0pateforex, are you asking how you'd install gnome while you're logged in with RDP?16:49
forexsync0pate:  there is remote ubuntu server16:50
forexi with to access it via rdp16:50
forexso I realise I would have to apt-get install gnome16:51
sync0patehow do you access it at the moment?16:51
patdk-wkaccess via rdp is a huge hack ontop of a hack16:51
patdk-wkjust use vnc or nx16:51
forexpatdk-wk: so what do u use to access GUI?16:51
sync0pateany particular reason you wanna rdp in?16:51
patdk-wkpersonally? I don't do gui16:51
jpdsforex: We don't particularly use GUIs.16:51
patdk-wkI mean, why exactly would I need one?16:51
sync0patessh is generally better16:52
forexsync0pate: use GUI to install VM with Windows :D16:52
forexand OSX16:52
jpdsforex: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerGUI16:52
patdk-wkforex, no need for gui for that16:52
sync0patebut vnc seems to work better than rdp16:52
patdk-wksync0pate, the rdp works by talking ontop of vlc16:52
lordievaderforex: libvirt can run a vnc server for your vm's, no need to have the host run something X related.16:52
patdk-wkvnc I mean16:52
forexlordievader: hmmm how libvirt can do it?16:53
forexsounds interesting16:53
jpdsforex: Use 'virt-install' to provision a VM.16:54
jpdsforex: virt-install --graphics vnc,listen=
jpdsforex: Those are the flags to enable a VNC server tunneled to the virtual machine.16:54
forexyes I see16:54
jpdsforex: You will need the other flags for the VM, disk, memory, etc.16:54
forexi like gui alot I admit :D16:55
forexand its handy and fast hehe for some tasks16:55
sync0pateI wouldn't abandon the GUI on my desktop16:55
sync0patebut I never use it for servers16:55
jpdsforex: Just install virt-manager on your desktop.16:55
forexwell its website - 0 emails 0 cc data16:55
jpdsforex: And connect to the libvirt socket on the server with ssh.16:56
forexi like gui I get idea of command like yet I love love visuals16:57
forexeven on server16:57
forexits pleasing16:57
jpdsTrue, but noone serious about their server farm would use a GUI. ;-)16:57
patdk-wkthey would use powershell!16:58
zulDaviey:  hey there is a cinder rc2 in the queue as well17:00
forexinteresting idea :D17:01
sarnoldforex: nice documentation, I've wondered about "vnc into existing X" vs "vnc in and create a new X" -- it's nice to see it documented here :)17:03
moparisthebestis there a way to troubleshoot booting problems on a remote headless server?17:04
moparisthebestI install some packages, reboot, and it won't come back up17:04
moparisthebestI can boot a 'rescue system' to mount the filesystem after the fact and such, and reboot, but I can't figure out whats stopping it from booting?17:04
sarnoldmoparisthebest: best is soemthing like serial console or an "integrated lights out" management interface on the server17:05
moparisthebestcan I setup and connect to a serial console over the network?17:05
sarnoldmoparisthebest: there are some serial console servers, sometimes even integrated into power strips :) wonderful things17:07
forexso sarnold I install gnome then vnc and then I follow that howto right? :D17:08
sarnoldforex: looks like it :) hehe17:08
jamespagezul, https://code.launchpad.net/~james-page/neutron/rc1-fixes/+merge/21458217:12
forexi wonder why add-apt-repository ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3-next  is not working17:13
jamespagezul, I'm still not sure that the l3/vpn agent stuff is right but I can't track down anyone to tell me authoratively17:13
forexI decided while I am at it install latest gnome :)17:13
zuljamespage: +117:16
lordievaderpatdk-wk: Hihi, ps, haha17:17
jamespagezul, ok merged17:17
pmatulishallyn_: need any testing for bug 1286500 ?17:18
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1286500 in virtinst "Can't perform an HTTP VM install with virt-manager" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128650017:18
jamespagezul, I think the two agents do overlap - I can quite happily run stuff that relies on l3-agent with just the vpn-agent running17:18
lordievaderforex: It's good to get a habit of managing your servers through the command line :)17:18
zuljamespage:  ack..17:18
hallyn_pmatulis: I think this needs to wait until we can merge the next version (which needs a few MIRs).17:19
hallyn_I disagree with comment #4, btw.  you can d/l an iso this is does not render essential functionality broken17:20
mdeslaurhallyn_: have you had anyone reporting issues with qemu segfaulting?17:22
hallyn_mdeslaur: no17:23
hallyn_mdeslaur: other than -ppc17:23
forexAdding group `nopasswdlogin' (GID 110) ...17:29
forexwhy no passwd :D17:29
forexo well17:29
forexnearly there17:57
forexlogin works fine however then remote desktop goes back to login screen17:57
forexGConf-WARNING **: Client failed to connect to the D-BUS daemon: Unable to autolaunch a dbus-daemon without a $DISPLAY for X1117:58
hallyn_mdeslaur: any more details?  are you easily able to reproduce that?18:01
mdeslaurhallyn_: still poking at it...looks like quantal i386 guest with the vmvga driver causes it18:02
mdeslaurhallyn_: but still testing18:02
forexmagical ubuntu18:03
elliotd123Ubuntu server 12.04 doesn't seem to detect my SATA FDM, any idea if they're supported in 14.04?18:59
patdk-wksata fdm?19:01
patdk-wkif it's sata, the issue is, your sata chipset19:02
elliotd123That makes sense that it's a chipset issue, it doesn't detect the network interfaces either...19:06
bitfuryhey guys, what's the default MTA in ubuntu 13.10?20:06
bitfurystill postfix?20:07
lamontbitfury: yep20:07
lamontand 14.04, too20:07
bitfurylamont, do you know if it gets automatically removed when installing sendmail or any other MTA?20:08
lamontbitfury: by policy, the MTAs all conflict with (and provide) mail-transport-agent, so you cannot install more than one at a time20:10
lamontunless you do it in a chroot, of course.20:10
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lamontbitfury: see, for example, https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=30718620:10
uvirtbotDebian bug 307186 in postfix "Postfix conflicts with sendmail" [Wishlist,Open]20:11
lamontthat'd be in the "wontfix" category, since the change it asks for would be a release-critical, policy-violating bug20:11
bitfurylamont, thanks20:14
zulDaviey:  ping can you review cinder rc2 please20:26
Davieyzul, done20:29
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zulDaviey:  thanks20:30
forexI installed xrdp - it says connected21:18
forexand closes window :D21:18
bekksNope. Dont use RDP but vnc or nx.21:23
forexxrdp seems to be supporting vnc too21:24
justizinanyone know if there is a backport of openssl available for 1.0.1g, or otherwise addressing the heartbleed problem?21:28
bekksforex: Keep i mind that both rdp and vnc arent secure.21:28
forexin which way?>21:28
bekksforex: In every way.21:28
forexwell means they are good21:29
forexwhats with gui fobia21:29
bekksforex: Thats nonsense. RDP and VNC arent secured, they arent encrypted, vital data is transferred as plain text.21:29
forexvnc can run via ssh21:30
forexrdp probably too21:30
bekkswhich doesnt magically make vnc and rdp secure - all it does is encapsulating vnc/rdp into a secure ssh transport.21:30
forexvital data is transferred as plain text.21:31
forexthen its secured21:31
bekksJust use nxm, which does all that automatically.21:31
forexsounds fine21:34
forexit  it can work out of box and secure then its good find :D21:34
forexNX is an exciting new technology for remote display. It provides near local speed application responsiveness over high latency, low bandwidth links.21:36
pmatulishallyn_: re MIRs, i'm not sure i follow.  are you saying bug 1286500 will go unfixed for trusty?21:43
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1286500 in virtinst "Can't perform an HTTP VM install with virt-manager" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128650021:43
forexbekks: so there is open source and paid version or just paid?21:44
forexreading on it now :D21:44
hallyn_pmatulis: it may, yes.21:44
pmatuliswow, ok.  virt-install is a main way for using preseeding21:44
hallyn_i'm looking into 1304008 right now, i can look some mor einto that one after,21:45
hallyn_pmatulis: but you can preseed and use virtinst with an iso,21:45
pmatulishallyn_: oh, i can't find how.  --location (preseeds) doesn't work with --cdrom (iso)21:45
hallyn_pmatulis: i had to look quite awhiel to even find an http location tht worked,21:45
hallyn_pmatulis: can you add the precise command line you use to the bug report?21:46
hallyn_i'll see what i can do21:46
hallyn_since cgmanager is'nt currently blowing up in my face :)21:46
pmatulishallyn_: i'll do it now21:46
hallyn_pmatulis: (not seeing it in that bug yet, assuming im' looking in the right place)22:28
atpa8awhat's the deal with ping: icmp open socket: Operation not permitted. in 14.04?..22:35
sarnoldatpa8a: please dmesg | grep DENIED | tail22:36
sarnold(and pastebinit if there's more than one or two lines :)22:36
atpa8asarnold: none!22:37
sarnoldatpa8a: do you have auditd installed? check /var/log/audit/audit.log to see22:37
atpa8ai don't have that...22:38
atpa8athis is a clean brand new install22:38
sarnoldatpa8a: drat. well, that is itself fine. it just means that my theory doesn't help you :/22:38
atpa8athanks anyway22:38
atpa8aapparently ping is missing -s...22:40
nextdoorwarrenHey guys, I am really sorry but this OpenSSL Vuln, all the releases I find say 1.0.1f is the new version I need, however I am new to the ubuntu space, and I see the version with ubuntu is labeled when I do dpkg as 1.0.1-4ubuntu5.1122:41
nextdoorwarrenis that the f version?22:41
atpa8anow... is this just a bug or "by design"?..22:41
Patrickdknextdoorwarren, learn how distros work22:42
Patrickdkyou don't *upgrade* to a patched version, you apply the patch to the current version22:43
Patrickdkso no, it is not the f version, it is the pre-a version22:43
atpa8awhich was the channel for development stuff?..22:43
Patrickdkand if you only see 5.11 you need to do an update22:43
nextdoorwarren@Patrickdk thanks22:44
Patrickdknextdoorwarren, http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/2014/CVE-2014-0160.html22:44
uvirtbotPatrickdk: ** RESERVED ** This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual that will use it when announcing a new security problem.  When the candidate has been publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2014-0160)22:44
bekksnextdoorwarren: which ubuntu release are you on?22:46
nextdoorwarren12.04 LTS22:46
xibalbahow would i block port X that isn't coming from within my LAN network
xibalbawith iptables23:31
mgwwhat might cause apt-get update to fail with this error: Reading package lists... Error!23:31
mgwxibalba, do you need to block a specific port?23:32
xibalbayes, port 11123:32
mgwI prefer to block everything except what is explicitly permitted23:32
mgwiptables -A INPUT -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable23:32
xibalbaright the ASA is blocking everything else. personally i hate the ASA23:32
mgwas your lst rule23:32
sarnoldmgw: there's nothing else nearby to suggest what the error might be? o_O23:33
mgwnot nearby23:33
mgwmaybe in some log somewhere23:33
mgwsarnold: ^23:34
sarnoldmgw: bleh. well, you can probably just get away with deleting all the lists in /var/lib/apt/lists/ and trying again23:34
Patrickdkout of diskspace? disk readonly?23:35
mgwPatrickdk: one of the systems has /run full (fixing that) but the other has plenty of space23:36
mgwsarnold: That's safe?23:36
Patrickdkyes, it will just redownload and rebuild23:37
Patrickdkhmm, /run filling up, kindof strange23:37
axisysso I guess we need to wait until newer version openssl pkg available?23:37
Patrickdkaxisys, sure, like 2hours ago23:37
sarnoldmgw: yes, the next time you apt-get update they'll be redownloaded. no big deal there.23:37
mgwPatrickdk: not strange, i had a big core file in there23:38
axisysPatrickdk: I knew I am late in the show..23:38
Patrickdkmgw, odd to have core files :)23:38
mgwaxisys, new packages were released today23:38
axisysmgw: for precise ?23:38
mgwsarnold: those cover today's security notice, right?23:38
sarnoldmgw: yes23:38
Patrickdkaxisys, all my 12.04 have updates packages23:38
Patrickdknext would be rotating all your ssl certs :(23:39
mgwsarnold: different topic - should we be upgrading anything other than openssl and libssl to cover that exploit?23:39
axisysso sudo apt-get install openssl ?23:39
axisysPatrickdk: ^23:40
axisysPatrickdk: right.. we have few ssh keys23:40
sarnoldmgw: restarting your services is a must, regenerating your keys is a good conservative step.23:40
Patrickdkssh isn't so much an issue23:40
Patrickdkas it has both the static key and the hourly rotated key23:40
Patrickdkthat is what that split key is suppost to stop23:40
beisneratpa8a, sarnold: regarding ping, bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/iputils/+bug/130219223:40
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1302192 in iputils "ping is not setuid root" [Undecided,Confirmed]23:40
Patrickdkbut still, wouldn't hurt to do also23:41
axisys sudo apt-get install libssl23:41
axisysPackage libssl is not available, but is referred to by another package.23:41
sarnoldbeisner: awesome! :) thanks23:41
Patrickdkaxisys, you failed to apt-get update23:41
axisysoops! always make that mistake23:41
axisysstill same error after the upgrade23:42
mgwis the package on ubuntu 12.0423:42
mgwaxisys: ^23:42
mgwsarnold: should I wipe out lock and partial too, or just everything else in that dir?23:43
axisysmgw: that worked23:43
axisys$ openssl version23:43
axisysOpenSSL 1.0.1 14 Mar 201223:43
Patrickdkoh ya, it is23:43
axisysshouldn't it be higher ?23:43
Guegs_You guys talking about the Heartbleed bug?23:43
sarnoldmgw: normally just "everything else" works for me, but I haven't seen the specific thing you've got23:43
Patrickdkaxisys, no, it shouldn't be HIGHER23:43
PatrickdkI dunno how many times I must explain that23:44
axisysPatrickdk: may be in /topic :P23:44
sarnoldPatrickdk: we've got an url for that :)  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/FAQ#Versions23:44
Patrickdksarnold, ubibot token for it?23:44
sarnoldPatrickdk: dunno.. I don't know our bot vrey well23:44
Patrickdkneigher do I23:44
sarnoldPatrickdk: and when people complain, the debian one too :)  https://www.debian.org/security/faq#version23:45
axisysapt-cache policy libssl1.0.0 does not say anything either.. I will read that url23:45
Patrickdk1.0.1-4ubuntu5.12 is the fixed version, axisys23:45
Patrickdkthis is what reading cve's are for23:45
mgwsarnold: same error —23:46
mgwFetched 20.3 MB in 10s (1,871 kB/s)23:46
mgwReading package lists... Error!23:46
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uvirtbotPatrickdk: ** RESERVED ** This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual that will use it when announcing a new security problem.  When the candidate has been publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2014-0160)23:46
sarnoldmgw: hrm, could try removing the locks and partial at the same time? :(23:46
axisysI am going to have to prove someone in security that it is not running a exploited version.. would be nice if some says somewhere about this23:47
Patrickdkaxisys, I just posted it23:49
Patrickdkyou point them to the CVE I just posted23:49
Patrickdkthen you show them, dpkg -l | grep libssl23:49
mgwsarnold: still getting the error23:49
mgwI wiped everything in /var/lib/apt/lists23:49
Patrickdksarnold, stupid bot isn't even following the ubuntubots instructions23:50
sarnoldmgw: nuts. time to bring out 'strace' to try to figur eout what's going on :(23:50
sarnoldPatrickdk: hrm, I don't even know who to turn to for more information on the bot23:50
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Patrickdksoren hansen23:52
sarnoldaxisys: make sure that your versions as reported by dpkg -l *ssl* match the version numbers recorded here: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/2014/CVE-2014-0160.html23:52
Patrickdkoh wait23:52
uvirtbotsarnold: ** RESERVED ** This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual that will use it when announcing a new security problem.  When the candidate has been publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2014-0160)23:52
PatrickdkI should be talking to the *OTHER* bot23:52
Patrickdkdamn it too many bots23:52
axisysPatrickdk, sarnold : thanks a lot23:55
Patrickdksarnold, there isn't one, closest is23:56
ubottuPackages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.23:56
Patrickdkbut that doesn't really doesn't read right for this case23:56
sarnoldPatrickdk: yeah, it's not bad but not perfect23:59

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