
=== fginther` is now known as fginther
beidlSomeone from the unity7 team here who could help me with a little problem? I've got problems testing my patch.07:45
asactsdgeos: saviq pointed out that the last thing was not compatible with py209:40
asaci repusehd another09:40
asacnot sure if things were merged etc.09:40
tsdgeosi tried the last thing09:40
tsdgeoswith python209:40
tsdgeosand it worked just fine09:40
asactsdgeos: really? :)09:41
asaclet me double check the behaviour09:41
asactsdgeos: but str (a,'utf-8') doesnt exist09:41
asac>>> str ("asdasd", 'utf-8')09:41
asacTraceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>09:41
asacTypeError: str() takes at most 1 argument (2 given)09:41
tsdgeosi tried it wrong09:41
tsdgeosyes my fault09:42
asactsdgeos: so the MP should be fine now: https://code.launchpad.net/~asac/unity8/fix-system-integration-test-type-error/+merge/21445809:42
asacnot sure how to resurrect the state09:42
asacif it was merged i can also resubmit a change on top09:43
asacotherwise just re-review and reapprove i guess09:43
* tsdgeos tries again, now correctly09:43
tsdgeosdon't worry i'll handle it09:43
tsdgeosshould be fine now09:45
tsdgeostx for the fix :)09:46
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tsdgeosasac: sil2100: btw i didn't know we had switched to autopilot3 by default09:53
tsdgeosi'm still using regular autopilot here09:53
asactsdgeos: what is phablet-test-run using?09:54
asacif that is out of sync with infra that should be fixed09:54
tsdgeosno idea :D09:54
tsdgeosi'm *manually* running autopilot09:55
Saviqasac, I *think* it's using py3 by now09:59
asacright. so for final test of MPs we should use phablet-test-run as we are trying to keep hacks and hooks the same as in infra09:59
asacif thats not good enough or hard to use please let me know10:00
asacso we can fix it10:00
Saviqasac, p-t-r is part of the testplan for us, so yeah that will definitely be done10:01
asacgood. lets double check with sergio when he i son i guess10:02
Saviqtsdgeos, please link the bug to https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/categoryDelegateRangeFixOvershootDetection/+merge/21289210:26
sil2100Saviq: hi!10:26
Saviqsil2100, hey ho10:27
sil2100Saviq: so, in silo 13 libusermetrics FTBFS - and since camera-app build-deps on the new version, it's in an eternal dep-wait and being stuck in the 'Building' phase10:27
sil2100Saviq: I updated the comment field and aborted the build job10:27
Saviqpete-woods, ↑10:27
tsdgeosSaviq: this one doesn't fix the "empty stuff" bug, it's just fixing some optimization10:27
sil2100Saviq: could you have someone looking at the PPA, fixing and rebuilding? ;)10:27
Saviqtsdgeos, doesn't it fix the "last item on carousel doesn't work", though?10:27
tsdgeosSaviq: no, that's another one10:28
tsdgeosSaviq: https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/carouselLastItemClick/+merge/21423010:28
Saviqtsdgeos, ah ok10:28
pete-woodsSaviq: I think that build needed kicking off again, but it was stuck on the build wait10:29
Saviqpete-woods, so what shall I kick?10:29
pete-woodsSaviq: I'm just going to run a bzr bd to be _absolutely_ sure, but you should really be able to kick off the whole PPA again10:30
Saviqpete-woods, ok, don't, let me and let's see10:30
pete-woodsSaviq: well for what it's worth, bzr bd completed successfully for me locally10:35
Saviqpaulliu, hey10:43
Saviqpaulliu, I assigned bug #1302213 to you, could you look into adding an API like that to unity-mir10:43
ubot5bug 1302213 in Unity 8 "API to bring down the session" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130221310:44
Saviqpaulliu, there needs to be a signal on the QML object for unity8 to exit as well10:45
asactsdgeos: those jenkins job failures in the MP i made; are those expected?10:47
Saviqasac, /me looks10:48
asacare listed as UNSTABLE in the jenkins bot post10:48
asacguess thats the only failure10:48
asacand 45 just is indicates this job failing10:49
asacFile "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/autopilot/introspection/__init__.py", line 437, in __call__10:49
asacp.pid for p in psutil.Process(pid).get_children(recursive=True)10:49
asacFile "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/psutil/__init__.py", line 232, in __init__10:49
Saviqasac, yeah, the migration to phablet-test-run on the ci job doesn't seem to have gone well still10:49
asacraise NoSuchProcess(pid, None, 'no process found with pid %s' % pid)10:49
asac+ log_error screen unlock failed, skipping unity810:49
asacpsutil._error.NoSuchProcess: no process found with pid 291810:49
asacSaviq: how long is this plaguing us?10:49
Saviqasac, since the switch to phablet-test-run, effectively, I've been pinging Francis on this last week, not sure what's the progress10:50
asacSaviq: when was that?10:50
Saviqasac, week and a half ago or so10:50
asacSaviq: does the failyure above have something to do with the new "consolidated" unlock approach?10:51
Saviqasac, it's not critical, though, as we're running the test before release anyway10:51
asacdid that land?10:51
asacyeah sure10:51
Saviqasac, no, it didn't10:51
asacstill would be better if one could take the bot feedback serios :)10:51
asacok let me know if you feel it got stuck10:51
asac(the process of getting this fixed)10:52
Saviqasac, agreed, will do10:52
Saviqasac, will land it later today10:52
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Saviqmzanetti, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/unity8/+spec/suru-icon-switch11:19
om26erTrevinho, ping11:26
Saviqmzanetti, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/130276111:39
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1302761 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Wrong icon when dragging items in the launcher" [Undecided,New]11:39
tsdgeosSaviq: don't know what to do regarding https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/1300302 :-(11:44
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1300302 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Dead area at bottom when scrolling in scopes" [High,Incomplete]11:44
tsdgeosi can't get it to happen for me at all11:44
tsdgeosbeen trying a few hours already to make it break every way i could think of11:44
Saviqtsdgeos, :/11:44
tsdgeosbut it has to be very frequent for them i guess, otherwise it wouldn't be a release blocker, no?11:45
Saviqtsdgeos, maybe we could prep a logging-enabled version that folks could install and upload the log when that happened?11:45
Saviqtsdgeos, not really very frequent, no, just that a few people had it happen11:45
Saviqpete-woods, ok, looks like the thing built11:46
pete-woodsSaviq: whew!11:47
tsdgeosSaviq: i guess i can add some logging yes, the problem with loging is that you have to iterate a few times until you find the logging you really need, but sure, i'll try to think on all the logging i could need it and create a MR with it11:47
Saviqtsdgeos, nothing better comes to mind11:47
mhr3_seb128, so, i hear we're removing the setting11:51
mhr3_seb128, do you want us to prepare a branch, or do you prefer to take care of it?11:51
seb128mhr3_, I want you to get the design updated and to file a bug with the rational11:53
mhr3_seb128, the design is outdated already11:54
seb128mhr3_, right, and I'm following the design11:54
mhr3_we never had a list of scopes there11:54
mhr3_and mpt is lost11:54
mhr3_will try to catch him11:54
mhr3_anyway, lunch now11:54
seb128well, I'm not updating anything until we have an updated design and a bug with the rational11:54
paulliuSaviq: ok.12:06
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mptmhr3_, do you have a compass I can borrow?12:37
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dawnk_When I change my scaling in Settings > Display from 1 to anything less than that, some parts of unity gets messed up.12:53
dawnk_For instance, when I right click on any application on the dash, the options I get are not aligned.12:53
dawnk_I'm using Ubuntu 14.0412:53
dawnk_Can anyone check if it is replicable?12:53
Saviqdawnk_, probably best to "apport-bug unity", so that people don't overlook it12:54
dawnk_Saviq, I want to be sure if this is replicable.12:55
mzanettiSaviq: https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/unity8/workaround-ubuntushape-bug-in-launcher/+merge/21451612:55
Saviqdawnk_, I don't see them misaligned here, but it looks like they're not scaled12:56
Saviqdawnk_, ah, if I go down to 0.625 they get screwed indeed in the preview12:57
dawnk_Saviq, so it's indeed a bug?12:57
Saviqdawnk_, yeah, I'd say so12:57
Saviqdawnk_, "Wrong scaling in previews" or so12:58
dawnk_Saviq, how do I file a bug?12:58
Saviqdawnk_, alt+f2, "apport-bug unity"12:59
mzanettiMacSlow: hey13:00
dawnk_Saviq, thanks. Will I be asked for a description?13:00
Saviqdawnk_, yes13:00
MacSlowmzanetti, what's up?13:00
Saviqdawnk_, after it's sent to launchpad.net13:00
mzanettiMacSlow: I think I had the icon issue too (or at least something similar) in the launcher13:00
mzanettiMacSlow: trying to reproduce it for the notifications13:00
mzanettiMacSlow: can I create such an update in the qmltests?13:01
MacSlowmzanetti, I've an isolated testcase an am debugging ubuntu-ui-toolkit's shapeitem.cpp right now...13:01
MacSlowmzanetti, let me forward you my testcase...13:02
mzanettiMacSlow: can you paste me the testcase please13:02
MacSlowmzanetti, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/720353613:02
dawnk_Saviq, do I need a launchpad account?13:02
Saviqdawnk_, yes13:02
Saviqdawnk_, which is the same as an Ubuntu / Ubuntu One account if you have one13:03
MacSlowmzanetti, it's using regular wallpaper images (as example for large photos) and some icons from the suru theme-packet for small ones.13:03
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dawnk_Saviq, alright, thanks.13:04
tsdgeosdavmor2: how often can you reproduce the empty space on the dash? if i give you a build with some enabled debugging you think that would be useful?13:12
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davmor2tsdgeos: most days one thing that looks like it might trigger it is closing apps with the quit option but as I say it really is random :)13:20
tsdgeosdavmor2: quit option => quit from HUD?13:20
davmor2tsdgeos: yeap ogra managed to get an empty screen from that13:21
tsdgeosok, let me try with that13:21
sil2100Saviq: hi! I'll take away your split greeter silo if you don't mind ;)13:46
Saviqsil2100, wow, down on silos again? do what you gotta do13:46
Saviqpete-woods, hey, did we decide that you should take over the usermetrics output QML plugin?13:49
Saviqas the only thing we're doing with it is qmlRegisterSingletonType in the LightDM plugin...13:50
pete-woodsSaviq: yeah, I thought it would be sensible13:50
Saviqpete-woods, ok, let's go for that, make sure to install in the shell plugin like unity-scopes-shell does13:50
pete-woodsSaviq: I'm not sure what that means, is that some special path for QML plugins?13:51
Saviqpete-woods, yeah, for shell-facing ones13:51
Saviqpete-woods, a very similar package to unity-plugin-scopes would be best13:51
pete-woodsokay, cool, I'll have a look at that13:51
Saviqpete-woods, i.e. unity-plugin-usermetrics or so13:52
pete-woodsSaviq: should I use the same name as the existing one?13:52
Saviqpete-woods, it's LightDM.Infographic now13:52
Saviqpete-woods, maybe it makes sense to keep it UserMetric13:52
Saviqpete-woods, or MetricOutput or something13:52
Saviqpete-woods, I'm not hung up on the current name13:52
pete-woodsSaviq: okay, just wanted to make life easiest on you13:52
pete-woodsI'm guessing there's a fake one or two of them around in the unity8 codebase, too13:53
Saviqpete-woods, it will actually be easier if we rip it out of LightDM, will stop being confusing13:53
Saviqpete-woods, yeah, but the new fake one will be rather simple, so is fine13:53
pete-woodsSaviq: okay, I'm totally happy with that13:53
pete-woodsSaviq: on a similar note, HUD now exports a Qt interface that should be totally compatible with the wrapper in unity813:54
pete-woodswas't sure whether you thought it was worth deleting the stuff from unity8? or if we're just not touching HUD13:54
Saviqpete-woods, oh, so we can rip that out, too, nice13:54
Saviqpete-woods, yeah, not a high prio, but cleaning it up would be nice13:55
pete-woodsSaviq: the HUD integration tests actually run against this interface, so to me it'd make sense to use it13:56
davmor2tsdgeos: Wait I think I might be onto something,  Install a few apps 5 say,  expand the installed section then sroll to the bottom of it, open one of the bottom apps and I thing what is happening is the line where available apps is it where the cut off happens13:56
pete-woodsSaviq: anyway, I'll make make libusermetrics export that plugin now13:56
Saviqpete-woods, ok coolz13:56
Saviqdavmor2, yeah, I can confirm bad things happening there13:57
Saviqdavmor2, tsdgeos, I don't think you actually need to install any apps, just launch some of the bottom ones from an expanded Installed list13:58
Saviqedge swipe to get the launcher, press BFB13:58
davmor2Saviq: I'm just setting it up as I have it here13:59
tsdgeosSaviq: can you be more specific in what you do? opening an app doesn't cause anything wrong here13:59
* tsdgeos has been opening apps all day14:00
davmor2tsdgeos: on the apps scope, expand the installed section.  Scroll to the very bottom of it so you can see the available apps, open one of the bottom apps in the installed section then swipe it from the left to the right14:02
tsdgeosi'm on top14:03
tsdgeoseverything works14:03
davmor2tsdgeos: http://popey.com/~alan/phablet/device-2014-04-07-150301.png this is what you get14:04
tsdgeosnot here :/14:04
davmor2tsdgeos: are you on a mako?  are you on the current proposed image, do you have some trunk stuff in place14:05
tsdgeosi am on a nexus4, yes, not sure i understand that last question14:05
davmor2tsdgeos: are you on image 280? and do you have any ppa/trunk stuff installed that might make you install different to ours so far 4 people have been able to reproduce using those steps14:06
tsdgeosdavmor2: when do you get to that state, does swiping up and down fix it for you?14:06
tsdgeosbecause that's pretty different from https://launchpadlibrarian.net/171365295/2014-03-29%2011.56.49.jpg14:06
davmor2tsdgeos: yeap if I swipe up far enough all the apps reappear14:07
tsdgeosdavmor2: yes, 280, no, nothing different from trunk14:07
tsdgeosi mean, i'm basically using image 280 yes14:08
davmor2tsdgeos: let me get a video14:10
tsdgeosdavmor2: just for completion, how many rows of installed apps do you have?14:16
davmor2tsdgeos: forgive the openness of the .MOV file format it is the one that my camera records in. https://www.dropbox.com/s/ywkw29kc1hjhcg6/P1000134.MOV14:16
davmor2tsdgeos: I have 7 additional apps installed14:17
tsdgeosdavmor2: how many rows is that?14:18
davmor211 rows and 1 additional application14:18
davmor2tsdgeos: but I can do a full wipe and try the same steps there14:19
tsdgeosso 12 rows14:19
davmor211 complete rows and 1 in the 12th yes14:20
tsdgeosok, let me see if having 12 rows changes anything here14:20
CimiSaviq, you know where qpa/qplatformnativeinterface.h is?14:21
paulliuSaviq: how to logout in unity8?14:22
tsdgeostaht if i could login to ubuntu one ....14:22
Cimior someone else14:23
tsdgeosSaviq: how did you fix the issue you had with login in to ubuntu onein the phone?14:23
tsdgeosCimi: apt-file is your friend14:23
tsdgeosqtbase5-private-dev: /usr/include/qt5/QtGui/5.2.1/QtGui/qpa/qplatformnativeinterface.h14:24
Cimitsdgeos, but if I don't have the file? :)14:24
tsdgeosCimi: yes, that is what apt-file does14:24
tsdgeostell you where the file is14:24
tsdgeoseven if you don't have it14:24
Cimitsdgeos, mmm I have it, cmake thing then14:24
tsdgeosadding accounts is totally broken14:25
tsdgeosthe thing doesn't even open14:26
tsdgeoswhen clicking on it14:26
* tsdgeos flashes the phone for the third time today14:26
* MacSlow cannot connect to the mumble-server14:27
* MacSlow reboots and sees if that helps14:28
MacSlowSaviq, tsdgeos, mzanetti: still can't connet to the mumble-server...14:32
SaviqMacSlow, had to try 4 times myself...14:32
davmor2tsdgeos: did you open accounts and close it at some point?14:32
MacSlowSaviq, about 7 times now... and a reboot...14:33
davmor2tsdgeos: there is a known bug for that if you did14:33
tsdgeosdavmor2: well, i'm bootstraping now14:33
tsdgeoscouldn't find myself to do anything else14:33
davmor2tsdgeos: did the video help?14:33
tsdgeosdavmor2: well, i'll try to get the same amount of rows you have and see if that helps14:34
tsdgeosit's not that i don't trust your word14:34
tsdgeosis just that it doesn't happen here ^_^14:34
tsdgeosbut let's see if adding a few apps helps14:34
Cimitsdgeos, what would you add to cmake for detecting it?14:35
davmor2tsdgeos: let me try a bootstrap too and see if I can still reproduce it14:35
MacSlowSaviq, still no luck... added my notes the stand-up doc14:35
SaviqMacSlow, kthx14:36
SaviqMacSlow, you're actually there ;)14:36
tsdgeosCimi: ${Qt5Gui_PRIVATE_INCLUDE_DIRS}14:36
MacSlowSaviq, that's not really me... trust me... that's... I don't know :)14:36
davmor2MacSlow: maybe it's the ghost of MacSlow past and that why you can't login in the present :D14:43
MacSlowdavmor2, usually mumble is pretty trouble-free for me14:44
mhall119Saviq: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/130385814:46
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1303858 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Recent apps labels don't support Unicode" [Undecided,New]14:46
Saviqmhall119, right, thanks14:47
* Saviq no gets Trojitá in his dash14:49
tsdgeosdavmor2: ok, 12 rows definitely does cause that problem14:51
tsdgeosdavmor2: i'm not sure it is the same of the one in popey's screenshot, but at least now i have something i can reproduce and aim fixing14:51
davmor2tsdgeos: see is 11 shows 1 and 10 shows 2 :)14:52
Saviqtsdgeos, \o/14:55
mhall119Saviq: it's not in the store15:15
mhall119Saviq: http://people.ubuntu.com/~mhall119/trojita/com.ubuntu.developer.mhall119.trojita-ubuntu_0.1_armhf.click if you want to install and test15:16
Saviqmhall119, yup15:16
Saviqmhall119, thanks15:16
Saviqmhall119, can I post this to the bug?15:16
Saviqpete-woods, I'm afraid we lost the silo for infographics, there seems to be landing congestion15:17
* Saviq wonders when will didrocks start implementing London-style congestion charge...15:17
didrocksSaviq: well, the airline isn't the train :p the train isn't a staging area, that's the goal of the airline15:18
didrocksyou can stay in the terminal as long as you want :p15:18
didrockseven during nights!15:18
didrocksthen, you lost your citizenship15:18
didrocksand you start winning money15:19
didrocksand then15:19
Saviqdidrocks, don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining ;)15:19
didrocksoh no, already a movie :p15:19
Saviqdidrocks, just wondering when you'll start collecting money for assigning a silo ;)15:19
didrocksSaviq: shhhhhh, that's a 14.10 "improvements" :)15:19
seb128Saviq, he should charge money for people holding a silo for days rather ;-)15:19
pete-woodsSaviq: no worries, I understand we're very congested15:20
didrocks(not joking, we talked about CI coins some weeks ago)15:20
didrockss/weeks/months actually15:20
Saviqdidrocks, it does look from the current queue like we could have some things merged into bigger landings15:21
Saviqseb128... three landings... one after the other ;)15:21
didrocksSaviq: I agreed, when I'm handling some, I keep asking people to merge their requests :p15:21
didrocksSaviq: yeah… you know, the frenchies… don't trust them!15:21
SaviqI never do!15:21
didrocksyou learnt from it, I can hear some fear-story :)15:22
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didrocksmore seriously, I'll pass the message again today15:23
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tsdgeoscome on15:28
tsdgeosand now my "Avaliable" apps is one15:28
tsdgeoswhy does the world hate me so much?15:29
tsdgeosmhr3: do you have any idea what can cause the "Avaliable" apps not to show up and how do i fix it?15:31
tsdgeosi haz internet15:31
mhr3tsdgeos, but "my apps" is showing up?15:31
mhr3tsdgeos, look at ~/.cache/upstart/scope-registry.log15:32
mhr3but likely an issue on the server15:32
tsdgeosright, i get nothing when run on the desktop either :-/15:32
Saviqtsdgeos, looks like it's the server indeed, we all lost our available apps15:33
* Saviq has on15:33
tsdgeoscan't reproduce the bug anymore :/15:33
Saviqtsdgeos, fixed it! ;)15:34
Saviqtsdgeos, I mean you did, did you? ;)15:41
Saviqtsdgeos, you can't reproduce == you fixed it? ;)15:41
Saviqalecu, do you know of server issues with the app store? seems all of us here basically lost their available apps...15:42
tsdgeosit seems somebody dropped it all15:57
tsdgeosand it's slowly being rebuilt15:57
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Saviqoh right, ~back now16:04
CimiSaviq, seems to work16:28
SaviqCimi, wwizard you mean? cool16:28
Cimimaybe I forgot some includes16:29
CimiI was expecting it to not work16:29
CimiSaviq, the kbd doesn't pop in, but the app seems to run16:29
CimiI'll dig in more16:29
=== gatox_lunch is now known as gatox
pete-woodsSaviq: I've pushed an update to the infographics branch that has a QML plugin for unity8 in now16:41
Saviqpete-woods, cool, will try and have a look tomorrow16:42
pete-woodsSaviq: awesome16:42
pete-woodshopefully it should even compile this time16:42
CimiSaviq, how can I debug the osk not appearing?16:42
Cimigreyback too16:43
greybackCimi: does it work in other places? Like a search in the dash?16:45
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Cimigreyback, hold on, might be under everything16:46
SaviqCimi, yeah, I'm not sure what actually puts it on top ;)16:49
SaviqCimi, make the wizard transparent, you'll know ;)16:50
tedgCan't figure out how to make QtDBus register a subtree handler, does anyone have a hint there?16:50
Saviqlarsu, any idea there ↑?16:51
Saviqmterry, ↑?16:51
* Saviq no gets dbus, let alone qtdbus ;P16:52
mterrytedg, I remember playing with that a while ago...  I think I had problems doing it too16:52
mterrytedg, you want to register several paths on the same object?16:53
tedgmterry, No I want to be able to support paths without making objects for all of them.16:53
tedgmterry, i.e. on path per application, but not needing to keep them all loaded in memory16:54
mterrytedg, there is a way to insert yourself early in the dbus handling...  but I don't remember off the top of my head.  I think you register a callback with a dbusconnection or something for an incoming message?16:54
tedgHmm, can't seem to find that.16:56
tedgThinking about just stealing the libdbus connection ;-)16:56
tedgAh, I think this is it. QDBusVirtualObject17:00
CimiSaviq, notifications now don't work anymore on wifi :(17:00
mhr3robru, ping?17:13
robrumhr3, hi17:31
mhr3robru, hey question17:31
mhr3robru, so apparently we have gsettings schema in libunity917:32
mhall119Saviq: sorry for the delay, yes you can add the click to the bug17:32
mhr3robru, and i need to use that schema in a different pkg17:32
robrumhr3, yes?17:32
mhr3robru, but if i just build-dep on libunity-dev it realizes that none of its symbols are used and there's then no dep on libunity917:32
robrumhr3, so it sounds like you need to dep on libunity817:33
mhr3robru, i can already hear a coredev screaming :P17:33
Cimidoes wify work for any of you?17:33
Cimion phone17:33
robrumhr3, what package?17:34
robrumhr3, why does that make a core dev scream? one part of unity8 depending on a different part of unity8 seems fine to me?17:34
didrocks(out of context, but seems I should scream :p)17:34
mhr3see, he's screaming already ^^17:34
robrumhr3, if it's a problem, then create a new binary package to supply just the schema. then make libunity9 and unity-plugin-scopes both depend on it.17:35
didrocksmaybe move the schema to its own -common package17:35
didrocksarch: all17:35
mhr3but libunity is on desktop17:35
mhr3i'd need ffe and crap :P17:36
didrocksand have both libunity9 and unity-plugin-scopes deps on it17:36
didrocksrobru: high five!17:36
robrumhr3, so wait until next cycle then?17:36
robrudidrocks, :-P17:36
robrumhr3, didrocks: do you really need FFe to make a new -common binary package? no features are changing, just administrative shuffle17:36
mhr3robru, fine with me, people who consider it blocker for the image might disagree17:36
didrocksrobru: I think we need to, maybe ask on #ubuntu-release17:37
robrumhr3, you ask on #ubuntu-release ;-)17:38
mhr3i thought you're going to :P17:39
robrumhr3, well, are you asking me to do the packaging changes too?17:39
mhr3robru, are you volunteering? :)17:39
robrumhr3, well, the person who will do the work should be the person who talks to the release team about what work is necessary. that way you get less telephone-game relaying of info17:40
Cimitedg, how can I debug not working wifi on the phone?17:40
mhr3Cimi, restart the phone :)17:40
Cimitedg, I enter the correct password, tap connect, nothing happens17:40
robrumhr3, fine I'll do it :-P17:40
mhr3robru, i just don't know who to ping there17:41
Cimimhr3, you think I didn't?17:41
mhr3Cimi, maybe you didn't type the password correctly?17:41
Cimioh no I did17:41
mhr3Cimi, then restart it again :)17:42
Cimimhr3, third restart worked :)17:42
mhr3Cimi, see :)17:43
Cimimhr3, feels like Windows :)17:43
beidlIs someone from the unity7 team here who could lend me a hand? I would like to fix some things related to gestures before 14.04 gets release.18:09
mhr3bregma, ^18:09
bregmabeidl, what sort of things?18:10
beidlI've reported some bugs over the weekend. I've noticed that the replacement touchpad of my laptop supports those nice gestures that I've missed since running 12.04 on my older laptop.18:11
beidlthere are some details that don't work quite right. for example, the smooth slide-in effect that you get using 4 finger swiping is gone. the launcher just pops up without any hints18:12
beidlI'd like to get a little guidance where to look in the code. it's quite massive for someone who hasn't looked at it and isn't used to the code style18:13
beidlalso, when tapping with 4 fingers if the dash was not opened before, results in an emtpy dash.18:14
beidland I'd like to get the 3 finger 2xtap-hold respect the alt-tab-bias-viewport setting18:14
beidlregarding the last one, what I did was make GesturalWindowSwitcherPrivate  inherit from UnityshellOptions and do magic there.18:19
beidlbregma, the problem is that when comiling, the test case for GesturalWindowSwitcher fails because of the newly included unityshell_options.h cant be found18:20
bregmabeidl, I've asked bschaefer to help with the code structure and build issues to get you started18:23
beidlbregma, nice, thanks18:23
bschaeferbeidl, you'll most likly have to add unityshell_options.h to the tests/CMakeList.txt18:23
beidlbschaefer, I'll try that and see. thanks.18:24
bschaeferbeidl, its a generated file18:24
* bschaefer tries to find where its even installed18:24
bregmabeidl, I don't have a touchpad with >= 4 touched (or, well, one that does not cause a kernel panic at the moment) but a 4-finger swipe gives me a nice smooth reveal animation for the launcher18:25
beidlbschaefer, cmake is still pretty foreign to me.18:25
beidlbregma, should I record a video? all I can say is that 12.04.4 from a live installation has this working where 14.04 does not18:26
bschaeferbeidl, which file did you end up including the unityshell_option.h in?18:27
* bschaefer is not an expert in CMake either :)18:27
beidlbschaefer, GesturalWindowSwitcher.cpp18:28
beidlbschaefer, in the header and the cpp actually. shouldn't cause problems though (ifdef, ifndef)18:28
bschaeferbeidl, there something in plugin/unityshell/CMakeList.txt that allows it to find that header, let me dig through that for a litte :)18:29
bschaeferas that header is generated and put in build/generated/18:29
bschaeferbeidl, also if its in the header, theres no need for it to be in the *.cpp18:30
beidlyeah, I know, i just noticed it now that it was in both files18:31
beidloh, and just because I did the launcher gesture again: it doesn't work if the mouse pointer is on a qt5 window18:34
bschaeferweird...i should be at lease able to link/include the CMAKE_BUILD_DIR/generated to get that to work18:39
* bschaefer finds cmake confusing when things don't work how expected18:39
bregmaqt5 does some nasty business grabbing raw input from the dev nodes before it can get processed by the X11 stack18:40
bregmaat least it used to, I haven't looked lately18:41
bschaeferduh, need the name of the project...18:41
beidlthat really shouldn't happen. baaaaad qt5 people, baaaaaaad.18:41
beidljust uploaded the video to illustrate the problem: http://youtu.be/GY4YiZJ4Lrg18:42
beidlonly the hiding effect works how it's supposed to, the reveal effect somehow doesn't18:43
bschaeferbeidl, cool, so tests get build last (unityshell_options.h should get generated first)18:43
bschaeferso let me get you a diff18:43
bschaeferbeidl, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7218257/18:44
beidlbschaefer, thanks!18:45
* bschaefer didn't know we even had a test-gestures CMake dir18:45
bschaeferbeidl, np! There could be a better way to do it, but adding a dependency, but it didn't seem to like it18:45
bschaeferby adding*18:46
bschaeferbut that way will work18:46
beidlbschaefer, waiting for make clean && make to finish. time to get some coffee :)18:47
bschaeferbeidl, cool, i was just getting some coffee as well haha18:48
beidljust like that xkcd comic about compiling18:49
beidl"get back to work" - "compiling!" - "oh, carry on" :D18:49
bschaeferhaha, but nothings compiling on my end :)18:49
beidlisn't that the case in everybodys project? haha18:52
bschaeferi would say so!18:56
beidlbschaefer, I just thought about it: why check the option in GesturalWindowSwitcher and add the right parameter to unity_screen->SetUpAndShowSwitcher() if I could just move the check into unityshell.cpp::SetUpShowSwitcher() itself and remove the redundant check?19:20
beidlactually, the check gets done in unityshell.cpp:altTabInitiateCommon() and I think that could get moved to SetUpAndShowSwitcher() to have it work in any case19:21
beidlwhether it being alt-tabbing or doing finger gestures19:21
bschaeferbeidl, that sounds reasonable to me, which will remove the unityshell_options.h include19:23
bschaeferim trying to remember why we made a check in altTabInit19:23
bschaeferunityshell.cpp is our monster class :(19:23
bschaeferits a bit crazy in there19:23
beidlit looks familiar, our diploma project has this god object called MainGame. and it's everywhere ^^19:24
beidl(running on windows, linux, android and hopefully soon on ubuntu touch if there is a way to get usb input as a confined app :D )19:25
bschaeferyeah, all the other classes tend to be a bit nicer, but then getting them to talk with each other is always rough19:26
bschaeferbeidl, yeah that works altTabinit, or SetUpShowSwitcher19:26
bschaeferbeidl, awesome!19:26
bschaeferbeidl, what backend are you using? (To do all the fun systems setting up)19:28
beidlbschaefer, you mean for USB input? RtMidi on desktops and libusb on Android.19:29
bschaeferbeidl, I see, I was thinking it was a game, with the MainGame class :). I ment to set up all the input/rendering/system events etc19:30
bschaefersetting up a opengl context, or opengles context if needed, or straight software rendering19:31
beidlbschaefer, think of it as a guitar hero clone. the rendering is done using a qt scene graph19:31
beidlwe experimented with a qml/html canvas, but performance was horrible19:31
bschaeferbeidl, oo i see awesome, yeah i just did some work with SDL2 and was wondering what you were using19:32
beidlbschaefer, qt is the future man, the future! :D19:33
bschaeferhaha :)19:33
beidlwe redraw every single line/note/texture with every frame so we are not working the qt way with nodes (changing position of child nodes rather than removing nodes and adding new ones completely)19:34
bschaeferi see, that sounds like it could get expensive the more textures that are out there19:36
* bschaefer doens't know qt very well19:36
bschaeferbut it would be ideal to only re-draw whats changed :)19:37
beidleverything changes, the notes are always moving anyways. but yes, removing-and-readding all child nodes is arguably more expensive than just changing position of existing ones. but that would require more complex rendering that would hurt our deadline-ability ^^19:39
bschaefervery true!19:40
* bschaefer has to get back to fixing a bug for his own deadline haha19:40
bschaeferbeidl, if you've anymore problems poke bregma or I!19:41
beidlbschaefer alright! and thanks! :)19:41
bschaeferbeidl, good luck!19:41
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beidljust a quick question: how am i supposed to test the local build? cd ~/staging/build && setsid ./unity ? somehow my changes don't seem to take effect.20:42
beidlrather: cd ~/staging/bin && setsid ./unity20:43
beidlbregma ?20:45
bschaeferbeidl, you've to set up some env vars20:49
bschaeferbeidl, as untiy, just kills compiz, and restarts compiz (unity is a script)20:49
bschaeferthen to run the unit tests, just go to unity/build20:49
bschaefermake check20:49
beidlbschaefer, thanks, going to try this20:52
bschaeferalso sometimes the plugin doesn't install correctly, if that doesn't work you can try copying it directly20:53
beidlbschaefer, yup, copied the plugin manually and it now works!21:02
bschaeferbeidl, sweet, yeah not sure why it does that ... you usually copy it to ~/.compiz-1/plugins/21:03
larsuSaviq: about what? How to register a subtree with qtdbus? (no idea)21:20
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beidlbschaefer, I'd need some help regarding a bug that I've been complaining about for a long time. bug 116304121:59
ubot5bug 1163041 in unity (Ubuntu) "Inconsistent behaviour with minimized Trash windows" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/116304121:59
beidlbschaefer, I'd like to know how/where best to tell the animation plugin to minimize a trash window not into the nautilus icon but the trash icon22:00
bschaeferbeidl, hmm I think Trevinho might know more about that bug IIRC (could be a different one)22:22
bschaeferbut hes not around until tomorrow22:23
bschaeferthe TrashIcon it self is a special case, as theres not "Trash application"22:23
bschaeferthere no*22:24
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beidlhmm alright, then I'll bug him tomorrow :) it's just a thing that I'd like to get fixed for such an important release such as a LTS22:24
beidlyeah i noticed, quite a few specialties in there22:24
bschaeferbeidl, hmm i cant reproduce that issue22:24
bschaeferso I open the trash icon, then minimize it using the window buttons22:25
bschaeferclicking on the nautilus icon opens that trash window back up22:25
bschaeferclicking on the trash icon re-opens that window22:25
bschaeferits only when nautilus is locked22:26
bschaeferto the launcher22:26
beidlyeah, which is the default22:26
* bschaefer makes a note on the ubg22:26
bschaeferyeah i had it removed22:26
bschaeferfor some reason22:26
beidlreal men only need a terminal in that launcher22:26
bschaeferbeidl, yeah i don't think that will be hard to fix, though there are some other higher priorities we are trying to get in before final freeze22:28
beidlyeah i can understand, thats why I'd like to help out haha22:28
bschaefer:), so the difference is when you click on the nautilus icon while its locked, it doesn't think it owns an app22:29
bschaeferwhich IIRC that logic is stuffed into launcher/ApplicationLauncherIcon.cpp22:30
beidli think the nautilus integration is really a nice thing, it's just that I believe a trash window should minimize into the trash icon if the trash icon lights up as if they belong together. the same is true for devices.22:34
beidlI'ma take a look at it22:34
bschaeferthat might be a bit tricky, it could just be easier to ensure nautilus re-opens the trash when minimized, but if you see a fix for that other way22:35
bschaeferthat would be awesome :)22:35
* bschaefer hasn't touched the launcher in some time22:35
bschaeferand Trevinho has done more work there22:35
mhall119http://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/22grke/switching_between_unity_8_mir_and_unity_7_x11_on/ great video bregma22:37
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beidlI'll better wait until tomorrow then :)22:40
bschaefermight be safer, though I think he'll be quite busy22:47
bschaeferfinal freeze is on thursday22:48
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