
mewayskinnymg1: it all seems to be working. I'm just not sure if there is a way to check?00:01
mewayhmm sound is working :)00:01
skinnymg1meway, as long as it is working you should be fine. most drivers are modules in the kernel00:02
enchiladomeway: I have a Chromebook00:02
the_voice_and I finish to install ubuntu64 in x200ca00:05
AdamVHhey I am getting some odd dependency issues00:11
AdamVHfresh xubuntu install00:11
AdamVHI am getting this issue when trying to install curl00:12
CarlFKAdamVH: did you apt-get update ?00:13
AdamVHI did an update and upgrade00:13
CarlFK curl : Depends: libcurl3 (= 7.32.0-1ubuntu1) but 7.32.0-1ubuntu1.3 is to be installed00:14
CarlFKI bet the .3 is from a ppa00:14
AdamVHso I need to get a private ppa?00:15
selina345how do i get to the root directory of an app00:16
selina345cd .00:16
daftykins'an app' ?00:16
CarlFKAdamVH: wait.. on trusty:   Installed: 7.21.6-3ubuntu3.300:16
daftykinswhat are you trying to do?00:16
selina345i need to add example_user.rb to the root directory of this sample_app00:16
AdamVHCarlFK ?00:17
daftykinsselina345: erm assuming this is a web server, possibly /var/www/rails_projects/00:17
Bashing-omAdamVH: sysop@1310mini:~$ apt-cache show curl -> Version: 7.32.0-1ubuntu1.3, suggest that you have curl from a PPA or maybe 14.04 ?00:17
selina345daftykins: how about config?00:18
CarlFKAdamVH: er, wait.  I was mistaken.. trusty has   Installed: 7.35.0-1ubuntu2 (so nothing to see here)00:18
selina345config is a directory00:18
AdamVHI have 13.10 installed00:18
daftykinsselina345: just have a look in each folder for any hints00:18
daftykinsi have zero experience with ruby on rails00:18
AdamVHCarlFK, I am getting the same kinda thing when I try to install chromium-browser00:19
AdamVHits with libnss3-1d (>= 3.12.3)00:19
CarlFKAdamVH: do apt-cache policy libcurl3 - should look like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7214878/00:20
Tito464hello guys anyone can tell me riend facehow to hace my f00:20
needhelpNot sure if this is the right placebut can i receive help with Hiren rescue cd?00:21
Tito464can anyone tell me how to hack my friend facebook inbox ???00:21
rwwTito464: no.00:22
rwwTito464: #ubuntu is for Ubuntu technical support, and freenode is not a hacking network.00:22
needhelpTito464: why bother? It already federal property of the US NSA department? :P00:22
Tito464just i wannna know00:22
AdamVHCarlFK, what does that mean? mines just local dpkg00:23
CarlFKAdamVH: long shot: enable http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ and I guess saucy-updates00:23
needhelprww: could you tell me where i can find support with hiren's rescue cd? Not sure where to ask questions.00:24
AdamVHOhhh CarlFK So I messed stuff up00:24
AdamVHI know exactly what i ddi00:24
gvoneedhelp: info@hirensbootcd.org00:24
k-radwhat boot cd's are good for ubuntu ?00:25
AdamVHso I was like god I hate the software and updates GUI and so I like unchecked a bunch of boxes in there because I thought it was saying the GUI wouldn't bother me :P00:25
AdamVHi am a nerd00:25
AdamVHthanks carl00:25
k-radi have a nvidia video card if i install it i lose onboard sound in both ubuntu and windows.  its very odd.00:26
jovenconbarbaHello, I am new on Linux, so excuse if my problem is so basic00:26
needhelpgvo: do they have a irc channel? I just need help with a truecrypt encrypted drive and how to use clamav to scan the harddrive for nasty things. I am in the disk interface now.00:26
k-radin ubuntu it switches to nvidia and i cannot use that00:27
gvoneedhelp: No idea.00:27
k-radsame as in windows.  in ubuntu though sound works if i remove it it enables onboard sound00:27
gvoneedhelp: I'd guess no since there isn't anything on the web site about support other than the email.00:27
AdamVHI got so mad at the dev's of arch linux that I just installed ubuntu and didn't realize how nice it has gotten00:27
AdamVHhavent used it in years00:28
DF3D2I have an issue where only root can play sound on my system, I have check and it does NOT say I am a member of the 'audio' group but when I try to add my self, it says I am a member......00:28
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jovenconbarbaThe Sound Control does not appear on my panel00:28
needhelpgvo: that isn't good. :(00:28
gvoneedhelp: You might try ##linux00:29
DF3D2Actually, "id username" does now show me as part of the group "audio" but I can't run aplay -l or alsamixer as my user, and I have no sound, what gives ?00:30
needhelpgvo: seems i can't send messages to ##linux00:30
k-radask admin with wheel to troubleshoot, DF3D200:30
DF3D2k-rad, I have sudo powers...00:31
DF3D2it is my machine..00:31
DF3D2root can view alsamixer and has sound... but my user does not00:31
k-radis there an addgroup ?00:31
gvoneedhelp head off to #freenode for help with that.00:31
DF3D2k-rad, It now shows me in the audio group as my user00:32
DF3D2but I can't seem to do anything with sound00:32
DF3D2but root can...00:32
k-radcan't help00:32
DF3D2uid=1000(x) gid=1000(x) groups=29(audio),4(adm),24(cdrom),27(sudo),30(dip),46(plugdev),112(lpadmin),118(sambashare),1000(x)00:34
DF3D2this is very odd00:34
k-radcan you turn on root with default wheel in ubuntu ?00:35
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DF3D2k-rad, idk what you are asking me to do00:36
k-radi'm not i'm asking the channel00:36
k-radit might solve your problem00:36
zubuntuhow does packages work ?00:41
zubuntuwhat do they do ?00:41
needhelp##linux wasn't helpful. Would anyone else know any other useful places to ask for help on irc?00:43
SchrodingersScat!packages | zubuntu00:46
ubottuzubuntu: You can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !KPackageKit, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 30000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!00:46
zubuntuSchrodingersScat:  thanks for the info but it was general question00:47
zubuntui wanted to learn from here, just about what they do00:47
=== unicoi is now known as seren
zubuntuare they apps ?00:47
SchrodingersScatzubuntu: can you define apps?00:47
SchrodingersScatzubuntu: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debian_package ??00:48
zubuntulike gimp image editor00:48
qinzubuntu: package is more less, that you would called installer00:51
zubuntuthx qin00:52
CarlFKzubuntu: packages contain the files, plus meta data: where to put the files, what other packages need to be installed (dependencies) who the maintainer is...00:53
zubuntuthank u CarlFK  :)00:53
CarlFKzubuntu: http://packages.ubuntu.com/saucy/ubuntu-desktop  (one package that pulls in almost everything on a fresh install)00:54
grifxi don't have the ~/.pam_environment   file00:55
=== jackyalcine is now known as jacky
grifxWhere should I put the environment variable M00:55
DF3D2so I did this some how, gid=29(audio)00:55
DF3D2I need to change it to, 1000 but nothing seems to work00:55
bazhanggrifx, on debian?00:55
grifxon ubuntu00:55
grifxI want to do it permanently00:56
zubuntuthx again CarlFK00:59
qingrifx: touch ~/.pam_enviroment; it might need to be chmoded01:00
grifxI just putted that into /etc/environment01:00
grifx~/.pam_enviroment didn't existed01:00
qingrifx: then it will be available for all users, me thinks....https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnvironmentVariables#Session-wide_environment_variables01:01
jd_68it can't be true!01:04
jd_68is canonical droping ubuntuone?01:05
jd_68i rely so much onit01:05
jd_68anybody home?01:06
shaydayHello any of you play wakfu?01:06
daftykinsyes ubuntu one is dead01:06
jd_68that sucks01:06
daftykinsnot really, there are other solutions out there01:07
jd_68they needed to advertise more if they wanted to get more users01:07
jd_68i know but i liked ubuntu one01:07
jd_68got the app on my android01:07
zachhello everybody01:08
=== zach is now known as Guest44897
jd_68everything worked without a hitch01:08
qinjd_68: gdrive, very neat. all squeeze 5 buck for vps and enjoy power of rsync01:08
Guest44897anyone have any thoughts on elementary os?01:08
shaydayI was wondering if anyone who obtained wakfu client via UBC has also had any problems /w textbox bugging out keyboard not working for chat only though01:09
xanguaGuest44897: support of eOS is on #elementary01:09
qinGuest44897: sure. someone have some thought about it.01:09
daftykinsjd_68: the idea was they couldn't compete, it's all on the blog post regarding this01:10
Guest44897thank you for the re-direct, trying now01:10
jd_68guess i will have to go to openbox01:10
jd_68i think canonical is making i big mistake. but what else is new!01:11
mikehaas763Do most companies that are primarily nix based use something like Zentyal or just LDAP/Samba/VPN/etc separately on their service oriented arch cloud VM clusters? I've never worked in a nix environment where more then maybe 10 servers were used and am just trying to plan ahead.01:11
jd_68that is business as usual for canonical01:11
jd_68one step forward then two steps back01:12
jd_68they keep shooting themselves in the foot and never learn from it01:14
jd_68so it is a visicous circle01:15
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adam_____Trying to install grub on a copy of the os drive. Getting ext2 error .. something about the size of grub vs grub 2. Suggestions are to use --force with grub-install.. is there a better way?01:18
qinjd_68: Well there are thinks which do not pay off, like being offtopic in support channel. And frankly Ubuntu One was quite limited, but handy.01:18
jd_68come up with an awesome service. do it for a few years. then get rid of it,01:18
adam_____Any danger running grub-install grin another Ubuntu computer with fast dive connected and mounted?01:19
adam_____From.. not grin01:19
simpleuserHi there. I can’t launch alsamixer: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7215049/ any idea ? :(01:19
jd_68now no can get behind anything canonical does, cause how long will it be around for?>01:20
adam_____I'm upgrading to ssd....01:20
jd_68loss off confidence01:20
jd_68ok i will stop ranting now01:20
qinjd_68: Dont worry, Debian is forever ;)01:20
jd_68i love ubuntu. but it sometime can be a love/hate relationship!01:21
simpleuserWhat does it mean when the result of a ls -la is "foo*" ?01:21
adam_____Primary position was formatted to ext4... grub is complaining about ext201:21
simpleuserWhat is the joker for ?01:22
adam_____Partition, not position01:22
qinsimpleuser: Joker?01:23
simpleuserqin, *01:24
jd_68what's goin on guys?01:25
Bashing-omadam_____: Install grub -> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing <-, see if that pertains.01:25
Pinkamena_DI need help, my usb headset shows up under sound settings with a symbol of what looks like a square with an X in it, and no sound will come from them.01:26
qinsimpleuser: Asterix, as a  wildcart: nothing and anything01:26
adam_____I tried. Getting the warning of ext2 not having enough room fot MBR01:26
adam_____Bashing-om: ^^^01:27
simpleuserqin, great01:27
Bashing-omadam_____: Humm.. is your /boot full of old kernels ? no disk space ?01:27
jd_68what did they think, they would just put it out there and you be successfull all on it's own.?01:28
adam_____Bashing-om: lots of disk space .. couldn't install grub01:29
Bashing-omadam_____: take a look at what -> df -h , df -i <- outputs .01:29
jd_68only reason ubuntu was so successful is that at the all the other distros were buggy and sucked01:29
jd_68then canonical comes along and they were the only ones doing it right01:29
jd_68so they had a niche01:30
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adam_____Bashing-om: mounted /dev/sda1 on /mnt after booting from usb recovery disk01:31
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jd_68but with cloud based services they are not the only ones doing it right. so it was going to be enough to just put it out there!!01:31
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jd_68they needed to get behind it and sell it,,01:32
=== peter is now known as Guest82373
adam_____Bashing-om: grub-bios-setup says warning embedding is not possible. File system ext2 doesn't support embedding01:33
organmeatI keep trying to install tor on ubuntu01:33
organmeatand get this bash error01:33
organmeatwhat does it mean?01:33
organmeatit posts all this jumble in my terminal01:33
jd_68now everything they do people are not going to be sure if they truely going to get behind and uphold it for any length of time01:33
qin!op | organmeat01:34
ubottuorganmeat: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, rww, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!01:34
jd_68no consumer confidence01:34
adam_____Bashing-om: then script quits with error: will not proceed with blocklists01:34
jd_68alright i really am done ranting01:34
organmeatqin what is your problem?01:35
organmeatdo you care to help me?01:35
qinI thinks ban is more sensible here, link.01:35
Bashing-omadam_____: Correct that df -h must be run from within the operating system .. // and it is not a good idea to install grub outside of the MBR without good reason and knowing what you are doing. Is that what you are attempting ? To install to a partiton's sector ?01:36
adam_____Bashing-om: yes.. I need this drive bootable01:36
jd_68meatmanek: what sort of problem you are having?01:36
anonynimityfollowing this guide: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting I installed the stuff needed in the first step... in doing so, apt-get removed the following packages (and more) ubuntu-desktop xorg xserver-xorg-lts-saucy xserver-xorg-video-all-lts-saucy xserver-xorg-video-ati-lts-saucy xserver-xorg-glamoregl-lts-saucy libegl1-mesa-lts-saucy libgbm1-lts-saucy xserver-xorg-video-vmware-lts-saucy libxatracker1-lts-saucy xserver-xorg-video-ve01:37
anonynimitysa-lts-saucy libgl1-mesa-dri-lts-saucy xserver-xorg-video-trident-lts-saucy xserver-xorg-video-tdfx-lts-saucy xserver-xorg-video-sisusb-lts-saucy xserver-xorg-video-sis-lts-saucy xserver-xorg-video-siliconmotion-lts-saucy xserver-xorg-video-savage-lts-saucy xserver-xorg-video-s3-lts-saucy xserver-xorg-video-radeon-lts-saucy xserver-xorg-video-r128-lts-saucy on ubuntu 12.04 LTS x64. any idea why?01:37
jd_68meatmanek: maybe i can help01:37
jd_68pastebin works great for that sort of thing01:38
adam_____Bashing-om: what's weird is that the grub install complains about ext2 when gparted shows it as what I wanted which is exr01:38
Bashing-omadam_____: I say again, installing boot code outside of the MBR is not a good idea. What makes you think it is needed to place grub onto a partiton ? A seperate /boot partition is real okd school .01:38
adam_____No.. it's not a not partition01:39
adam_____I have 2 primary partitions. The first is an ext4 bootable which contains everything. The second is a small 2 GB swap.01:40
adam_____Trying to get grub onto the first01:40
adam_____Bashing-om: ^^^01:40
Bashing-omOK, installing to MBR of the hard drive .. are you now at the grub install wizard menu to select a device to install grub onto ?01:41
adam_____What wizard? I see doing "grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sda1"01:42
adam_____Was (not see)01:42
Bashing-omadam_____: understand now, just trying to see where you are, and the result of that last command is "no space on device ? .01:44
adam_____Bashing-om: no. It gives writ about file system ext2 not supporting embedding01:45
adam_____But it was formatted to ext401:45
Bashing-omadam_____: Show me the mount point you are using . The command you are using will indeed install grub onto the partiton, not to the MBR !01:46
adam_____Ah.. I mounted /dev/sda1 onto /Mont01:47
adam_____sda1 is the primary position. Just like the original01:48
Bashing-omadam_____: This command -> sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt <- ??01:48
Bashing-omadam_____: -> sudo grub-install --Boot-directory=/mnt /dev/sda <- That is sda NOT sda1 !!01:50
adam_____I wonder how much that screwed stuff up..01:51
MKeigher2any githubbers about??01:51
adam_____MKeigher2: me01:51
Bashing-omTry that and let us know .. if successful, do not forget to UNmount from the mount point !01:51
MKeigher2if i want to ignore the updates of ONE file in a folder.....01:51
MKeigher2hey adam_____01:52
adam_____MKeigher2: add it to ignore file01:52
bakahey - could anyone please give me a hand configuring fstab for plex? plex can't see my media volumes....01:52
MKeigher2so i want to ignore the updating of ONE file ina sub folder... can i place a .gitignore file in th root folder of my project and add the file there?01:52
bakaor is there an easy chown/chmod01:52
SpuzzThat was one odd error01:53
Spuzzhopefully it was just random01:53
MKeigher2the file is /projectname/folder1/mydb.rb01:53
adam_____Bashing-om: thanks.. that was the issue.. didn't know you could address the entire drive01:53
Bashing-omadam_____: Chances are nothing is messed up // I expect/hope the system is smart enough not to have complied and did nothing.01:53
SpuzzI'm just trying to CD boot this PowerPC iMac G5, but it gives me this weird error about headphones or something, I've never seen this kind of problem on my G3 or G4 or my PC....01:54
adam_____I think so.. I'll see now..01:54
MKeigher2so what if i was to put a .gitignore file in the /projectname/ folder .... would it go in as /folder1/mydb.rb  ??01:54
bakadoes anyone have any experience with plex?01:54
adam_____Bashing-om: I'll let you know in a minute01:54
Bashing-omadam_____: Not affressing the entire drive, just directing that the boot code be installed onto the MBR of the drive (sda). If done, -> umount /mnt <- .01:54
adam_____Just rebooting..01:55
Spuzzanyone able to enlighten me why the imac is hanging up on "headphone detect IRQ?"01:55
adam_____Bashing-om: at grub prompt01:55
adam_____Back to drawing board with recovery usb01:56
Bashing-omadam_____: more than 1 operating system installed on that system ?01:56
adam_____Just Ubuntu01:57
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adam_____Now going straight into grub. Ignoring usb recovery01:58
Bashing-omadam_____: From that grub prompt, what returns from -> ls (hd0,msdos1)/boot/grub/grub.cfg <- ?01:59
daftykinsSpuzz: which ISO are you booting?01:59
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daftykinsSpuzz: that ancient a mac huh02:00
Spuzzheh, I've owned a Power Mac 7500, a G3 tower, a G3 all in one, a G4 tower, a G4 cube, now a G5 PPC :P02:01
adam_____Bashing-om: it's there02:01
Spuzzit just keeps locking up on "headphone-detect IRQ"02:01
Bashing-omadam_____: see my last, USB ?? did you change the boot priority in bios to boot the hard drive ? (sda is that the 1st hard drive the system recognizes ?02:02
adam_____Will get cmos config changed now02:02
SpuzzI'mma try a shot in the dark and plug in some headphones02:03
Bashing-omadam_____: Then so far so good, -> ls (hd0,msdos1)/vmlinuz and ls /initrd.img <-02:04
adam_____Bashing-om: weird. Bios says usb higher priority.. Will yt? Disconnecting the drive02:04
adam_____Will try disconnecting the drive02:05
Bashing-omadam_____: well, did you do any command to insure that sda is the real target to install grub onto ? ( say fdisk -lu ?).02:06
adam_____Weird. Cmos rule ignored... usb boots when drive disconnected02:06
adam_____Bashing-om: yes, I ran what you told me02:07
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=== gerald is now known as Guest85444
Psil0Cybinhey guys trying to update rkhunter gives me   Checking file i18n versions                                [ Update failed ] when i check the logs it says it cannot get the i18n versions file from the server is that fine for now? or odd that it is happening?02:08
Psil0Cybincould that be downness on their part02:09
Psil0Cybinhiya :P having issues updating rkhunter how are you Szalex70902:10
Bashing-omadam_____: What is the designation for the liveUSB drive  from that output ? ( drive designations change in accordance with the order that the devices are recognized !).02:11
Psil0CybinThis is what i am getting "[22:11:18] Checking file i18n versions                       [ Update failed ][22:11:18] Warning: Download of 'i18n.ver' failed: Unable to determine the latest version number."02:11
adam_____Bashing-om: got the boot order sorted. Usb booting first with drive attached02:12
Szalex709i am newer of xchat.02:12
adam_____Bashing-om: it was a cmos setting02:13
grifxwhere is the equivalent of /home/root/ ?02:13
Bashing-omadam_____: Your target is to install grub onto the hard drive internal to that box. correct ?02:13
grifxbecause I want to create a .pam_environment02:13
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adam_____Bashing-om: yes.. just that one drive02:14
Bashing-omadam_____: OK, so I KNOW how to direct my help, pastebinit -> sudo fdisk -lu <- .02:15
adam_____Bashing-om: as soon as it boots I'll run it and tell you02:16
Spuzzok I'm on Yaboot how do I just force it to install versus "live" mode>02:16
Bashing-omadam_____: I can take your word for what you think, or I can see the proof and know what to do and no guessing.02:16
Psil0Cybinanyone here use rkhunter ?02:17
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Bashing-omadam_____: do you know how to pastbinit ?02:17
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qingrifx: you do not use root, do you?02:18
adam_____Bashing-om: waiting for Firefox02:18
adam_____Bashing-om: yes I know02:18
Bashing-omadam_____: Roger, we will get through this,, patience and hard work .. pays off.02:19
adam_____Bashing-om: taking forever from usb02:19
adam_____Bashing-om: clicked a long time ago.. no ff yet02:21
sbluenthese ethernet drivers are so frustrating02:21
Bashing-omadam_____: all right, I have an hour or so .. no big hurry.02:21
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adam_____Bashing-om: time to lynx I think. Thanks02:22
sbluenI wonder, does the bot have an entry on !frustration?02:22
Spuzz"Sorry, I don't know anything about butt"02:23
adam_____Bashing-om: can't ff.. gpu error when launching ff02:23
adam_____Bashing-om: rebooting02:23
Bashing-omadam_____: I'll be here when you get back.02:24
adam_____Bashing-om: I can connect the drive to my Ubuntu laptop via usb hd adapter to show you file contents quickly..02:25
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Psil0Cybinhey guys02:26
Psil0Cybinit says that the rkhunter that is in the ubuntu repos are no longer supported02:27
Psil0Cybinhow would I go about upgrading it?02:27
adam_____Bashing-om: the reason I wasn't pasting is because ff never came up in recovery usb02:27
vfwPsil0Cybin: From the maintianers...02:27
Psil0Cybinsorry vfw what is the maintaners?02:28
vfwPsil0Cybin: http://sourceforge.net/projects/rkhunter/files/02:28
Bashing-omadam_____: Many many many times when a USB drive is inserted that usb device becomes 'sda' , We must insure what designator is the internal hard drive.02:29
Psil0Cybinvfw, do i uninstall02:29
Psil0Cybinrkhunter currently?02:29
vfwPsil0Cybin:  But, is it something you really need?02:29
Psil0Cybinvfw, i would like to know I am safe02:29
Psil0Cybini dunno02:29
Psil0Cybini used to use rkhunter as it was supported under ubuntu..02:29
vfwPsil0Cybin:  But, is it something you really need?02:30
adam_____Bashing-om:I can tell you that without pasting02:30
Bashing-omadam_____: With that liveUSB connected, can you read and know what terminal command -> sudo fdisk -lu <- is relating ?02:30
adam_____Bashing-om: booted finally.. sda is hard drive. Sdb is usb recovery02:31
Psil0Cybinvfw, so should i not use rkhunter?02:32
adam_____Bashing-om: yes see above02:32
Psil0CybinI am confused I thought it was good to have...always as a backup02:32
adam_____Bashing-om: no other drives listed02:33
Bashing-omadam_____: OK, so far so good ..reset bios to boot the hard drive, continue to look at status of grub, and try and boot from grub ,, then maybe fix grub from the install (??).02:33
vfwPsil0Cybin: Probably not.  Chances of having a rootkit IMHO are slim to none, (for me at least), and I have several systems on the internet 24/702:33
adam_____Bashing-om: can I do more before rebooting and trying without usb recovery?02:34
Bashing-omadam_____: When at the grub> prompt what returns now from -> ls (hd0,msdos1)/vmlinuz and ls/initrd.img <- ?02:35
adam_____Bashing-om: like grub-mkimage , etc?02:35
Psil0Cybinvfw, so you do not recommend stressing out about rkhunter? not being able to update and being outdated?02:35
Psil0Cybinon my computer02:35
Psil0CybinI am just confused why they would remove that file and unsupport everfyone using ubuntu02:35
vfwPsil0Cybin: If you think you need it, download it and install it.02:36
Bashing-omadam_____: if we can boot into the install, I hope a simpe "sudo update-grub" will fix you up.02:36
vfwPsil0Cybin: (I'm not saying you'll never have a rootkit, just that you probably don't have one.02:37
adam_____Bashing-om: I'd rather chroot, and run that from this.. no?  .. after mounting /dev and other directories to the new drive?02:38
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Bashing-omadam_____: Tired ! .. should be -> ls /initrd.img ... spaces are important huh ?02:38
vfwPsil0Cybin: http://pastebin.com/index.php?e=2  (The FAQ)02:39
adam_____Hard for me to type in grub..02:39
Psil0Cybinvfw, if i do decide to download it, sorry would I uninstall what I currently have or will the new update over write ubuntus saved files?02:39
Psil0Cybinor will it start up two instances of rkhunter?02:39
Psil0Cybinand have issues if I just "install" the tarball.02:39
Bashing-omadam_____: should not be"hard to type, just another terminal .02:39
vfwPsil0Cybin: It is pretty simple / easy to install.  There is an install script "installer.sh"02:39
adam_____Different keyboard layout.. not on English keyboard02:40
adam_____With booted Ubuntu it's way faster02:40
vfwPsil0Cybin: Probably best to uninstall the old one first02:40
Bashing-omadam_____: sorry, I have not been in those shoes. My keyborad set up remains a constant in that event.02:41
adam_____Would this work? http://howtoubuntu.org/how-to-repair-restore-reinstall-grub-2-with-a-ubuntu-live-cd#.U0IQdc7n_bU02:42
Bashing-omadam_____: looking , brb .02:42
=== NotANick is now known as SirDumbass
Bashing-omadam_____: Well, yes and no, that procedure (change root) depends on having a working internet connection in the chroot environment - I see no provision to to enable networking, if you do this make sure that you can ping an outside source and that "sudo apt-get update" works.02:47
pvl1vfw: methinks i just found a rootkit, only checked cuz u said02:48
vfwpvl1: Really.....02:49
pvl1vfw:  Searching for Suckit rootkit...                             Warning: /sbin/init INFECTED02:49
vfwSome of us live dangerously02:49
pvl1vfw: http://ubuntu-virginia.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=155455302:50
pvl1looks like bs02:50
pvl1i mean its up 24days without a reboot02:50
adam_____Bashing-om: thanks! This did the trick.. I made mistakes with trying to install grub on position instead of drive02:51
Bashing-omadam_____: Hey, is that great news ? you can now boot ??02:52
adam_____Yup :)02:52
jellowis ubuntuone going to keep working do I need to use something else?02:52
rwwjellow: You need to find something else to use.02:53
rwwjellow: "The current services will be unavailable from 1 June 2014; user content will remain available for download until 31 July, at which time it will be deleted." -- http://blog.canonical.com/2014/04/02/shutting-down-ubuntu-one-file-services/02:53
jellowthank you rww02:54
vfw!info rkhunter02:54
ubotturkhunter (source: rkhunter): rootkit, backdoor, sniffer and exploit scanner. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.0-3 (saucy), package size 205 kB, installed size 876 kB02:54
Bashing-omadam_____: Great ! alls well that ends well .02:55
vfwpvl1: Psil0Cybin Sorry, but I gave inaccurate information.  rkhunter is in the universe02:55
vfwI stand corrected.02:55
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.02:56
JCM83Hey I want to get all my browser tabs to stay up in all the dev site stuff, but I want to kick back and have fun for awhile. Can I create a new user profile to do this, and swap to it while all the tabs and work and IDEs and Terminal and everything hold all their data still in 'em?02:56
netametaany idea why a bin file would not run ?02:56
netametai am following: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76483 to try and get a Counterstick server up02:56
JCM83netameta maybe it lost its shoes http://db2.stb.s-msn.com/i/9B/1C2986DB5621C9E3BE48D0B4427B_h416_w622_m2_q80_chlNasCSo.jpg02:57
SonikkuAmericanetameta:  Counter... stick?02:57
netametayea counter strike02:57
SonikkuAmericanetameta: Did you [ chmod +x ] the file you needed to run?02:57
SonikkuAmericanetameta: And you ran [ ./$FILENAME.bin ] ($FILENAME is the file name)?02:58
netametai type just the file name02:59
SonikkuAmericanetameta: Yes, you need the dot-slash in front of the file name to execute it)02:59
netametajust hldsupdatetool.bin02:59
netametawith the dot-slash it wont find it02:59
SonikkuAmericanetameta: And you're in the directory where it is?03:00
netametabash: ./hldsupdatetool.bin: No such file or directory03:00
netametawhat's what i get when i dot-slash03:00
adam_____Bashing-om: I guess the key is when copying your system to a new hard drive, pay attention to that page!03:00
netametaYea i am in the same directory when i do dir i see the file03:00
rwwnetameta: what's the output of file hldsupdatetool.bin03:00
rwwalso, uname -a03:00
netametauname -a ?03:01
rww(the "file" command will tell us some information about that file, uname -a will do the same about your system)03:01
adam_____I did this before without any issue. Forgot the mounting of the drives and got into this mess after grub install03:01
=== JoshG_ is now known as JoshG
=== cubix``274 is now known as cubix`
netametamight it be because i have export PATH="$PATH:~/scripts".. set to user/local/bin ?03:02
netametaas for uname-a 3.11.0-12-generic #19-Ubuntu SMP Wed Oct 9 16:20:46 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux03:03
netametathe output of the file.. i dont know its seems it doesnt find it03:05
Bashing-omadam_____: I multi-boot and I frequently have to "fix" my booting . Yeah, pays to pay attention !03:06
SonikkuAmericanetameta: Are you SURE you put it in the dir you're in?03:07
netametai can see the file infornt of me03:07
netametaits the only file in the folder03:07
SonikkuAmericanetameta: (For future ref, try [ ls ])03:08
vfwpvl1: Psil0Cybin: I've run rkhunter on two of my systems just now but haven't found one yet.03:09
netametawill ls now03:09
pvl1vfw: i tested with chrootkit. ill try rkhunter03:09
JCM83How does making a new user profile work? If I switch user profiles what stays available in the other profile?03:09
netametafile name is there and now shows up in green03:09
SonikkuAmericanetameta: OK, now [ file hldsupdatetool.bin ]03:11
GI_JackI just got back into ubuntu 14.04, how do I change these retardedly small buttons on the menu bars, and the really skinny menubars03:11
GI_Jackotherwise its not bad03:11
kostkonGI_Jack, #ubuntu+1 for 14.04 questions03:13
pvl1vfw: so far so good03:13
netametahldsupdatetool.bin: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked                                                                       (uses shared libs), stripped03:13
SonikkuAmericanetameta: OK, it's there...03:14
netametaThats weird i've started a new instanse in ec2 now to see if the issue is with me setting the path but i get the same error03:14
SonikkuAmericanetameta: Now try [./hldsupdatetool.bin ]. (REMEMBER THE DOT AND SLASH IN FRONT!)03:14
netametaresut : bash: ./hldsupdatetool.bin: No such file or directory03:15
netametaWhen i stat hldsupdatetool.bin , i get : Access: (0755/-rwxr-xr-x)  Uid: (    0/    root)   Gid: (    0/    root)03:16
=== BurritoBazooka is now known as Burrito
vfwpvl1: Psil0Cybin: It is good that we had this discussion.03:18
pvl1vfw: very much so indeed03:18
netametasonikkuAmerica what do you think ?03:19
alyssahello guys do you know what is php5-fpm? its currently installed in my ubuntu03:20
SonikkuAmericanetameta: Do you own the file AND the dir it's in? If not, try again with sudo: [ sudo ./hldsupdatetool.bin ]03:20
netametai am as root03:20
tsimpsonnetameta: make sure you have libc6-i386 installed03:20
netametaand the group/user is set to root03:21
netametalibc6-i386 installed ?03:21
netametahow do i make sure of that ?03:21
netametatsimpson is there a grap or anything i could check if its installed ?03:22
tsimpsonyou can check "apt-cache policy libc6-i386", or just try and install it with "sudo apt-get install libc6-i386"03:22
netametawill try installing what does it do though ?03:22
tsimpsonit will give you the 32bit version of the system C library, which is going to be required to run a 32bit dynamically linked executable on a 64bit install03:24
netametaThere we go !03:24
netametatsimpson this worked03:24
tsimpsonthe error is confusing, but I've seen it before03:24
JawadIs ubuntu 64bit backward compatible with 32bit deb binaries??03:24
pvl1afaik yes Jawad03:25
tsimpsonyou generally don't install 32bit .deb's, but install 32bit versions of packages by appending :i386 to the package name. ie: package:i38603:26
tsimpson(with the obvious exception of the one named libc6-i386)03:26
nickh_howdy. if you have a string of alphanumeric characters and it always ends with digits, what regexp would remove everything but the digits at the end? e.g. "abc123fewd789" becomes "789"03:38
pvl1im not good with that03:38
pvl1nickh_: ask in #plug03:39
nickh_thanks, pvl103:39
CreaturHello, I am trying to boot ubuntu from a usb but my HP sleekbook 14 won't boot from the usb, I tried disabling the "Secure boot" , I tried with Legacy mode on and off, I tried with ubuntu 10.04 , 12.04 . 12.10 and it simply wont boot , it goes straight to windows 8... I have been reading a lot of tutorials about how to disable UEFI but my laptop refuses to boot from the usb. I also tried all the usb ports..., the usb-linux-ready wor03:47
CreaturIs it impossible? Is there a way to wipe out my bios to get rid of this uefi and secure boot thing?03:48
pvl1Creatur: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2177289&p=12801267#post1280126703:49
CreaturThanks, let me take a look and see if I havent tried those.03:50
rwwYou shouldn't need to. Most Linuxes including Ubuntu work fine with UEFI these days, and some work with Secure Boot.03:51
CreaturThe first link is not my issue, the second link , unfortunately I already tried that  and it didnt work03:51
rwwSo I'd disable the latter and keep the former, and figure out what you're actually doing wrong :\03:51
CreaturI have tried all the combinations with secure boot and legacy mode, I followed every step in those tutorials, I altered the boot order ; it will just boot straight to win8 ignoring the linux ready usb.. :(03:52
JCM83Can someone explain to me exactly how multiple users and the "logout" work in ubuntu?03:52
JCM83It's so weird that I can switch between users delivering commands in the terminal so effortlessly. So I'm thinking, what does the "logout" do? Open different workspaces?03:53
Spuzznosplash is verbose mode correct?03:53
=== Jan11 is now known as ON1
Bashing-omSpuzz: nosplash as a grub boot parameter "unhides" the boot messages.03:56
SpuzzMy iMac keeps crashing at "Starting restore sound card mixer state"03:57
SpuzzI've never had any boot issues on my G3, or G4 or my PCs03:57
Spuzzthere's nothing wrong with the CD its checked fine03:58
netametaHow comes i cannot ping google.com or others from my server ?04:02
Bashing-omnetameta: any number of things, can you ping by IP ? say google -> ping -c3 <- ?04:04
netametawill try04:04
netametaThat seemed to work04:06
chronowhat DNS servers do you use?04:06
litropyI'm making a program. Where can I go to learn about how icons are used in Ubuntu, such as dimension constraints?04:07
Bashing-omnetameta: then you have a name serve issue. where are you resolving domain names ?04:07
chronoyou should use googles public servers if you have problems with your own04:07
netametai dont, i have a EC2 no special dns server04:07
chronowhich are
netametawait i just realized that ping google.com did work its nother address that didnt04:07
chronogoogles public dns has no issues resolving anything04:07
chronomaybe they don't allow icmp requests?04:07
chronodid the ip ever respond to them before04:07
Psil0Cybinhey guys I am using the default rkhunter version that came with ubuntu repos should I upgrade using the tar source? since the ubuntu repos are outdated?04:09
netametai tried another host before which did not response , and i guess i tried google right after before cancling the first ping04:09
Bashing-omnetameta: -> cat /etc/resolv.conf <-, is a valid name server listed ?04:09
lotuspsychje!info rkhunter04:09
ubotturkhunter (source: rkhunter): rootkit, backdoor, sniffer and exploit scanner. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.0-3 (saucy), package size 205 kB, installed size 876 kB04:09
=== fginther` is now known as fginther
Psil0Cybinlotuspsychje, the rkhunter that is default from the ubuntu repos is out of date, and now updating the software definitions does not work04:10
Psil0Cybinit suggest to compile it from the sourceforge tarball04:10
Psil0Cybinbut i usually just like to stick to ubuntu repos, what should i do?04:10
lotuspsychjePsil0Cybin: is that the same version you have?04:10
Psil0Cybinno i have 1.3.804:10
Psil0CybinI am on ubuntu 12.04 lts though04:10
Psil0CybinRootkit Hunter version 1.3.8 is what I have, i would like 1.4.004:11
lotuspsychjePsil0Cybin: info trigger shows newer version..so update to latest?04:11
netametastore.steampowered.com is what wont get pinged04:11
Psil0Cybinwell the default repos do not have that, using sudo apt-get install says I have the up to date version04:11
Psil0Cybinlotuspsychje, the only way I can get that version is getting the tar.04:11
Spuzzmy iMac hangs at "starting restore sound card(s') mixer state(s) [fail]"04:11
Spuzzany idea why>04:11
lotuspsychjePsil0Cybin: did you sudo apt-get update?04:12
Psil0Cybinand upgrade04:12
Psil0Cybinno updates04:12
Psil0Cybini am using04:12
IotaSpencerwhy so old04:12
Psil0Cybinso what should I do04:13
Psil0Cybininstall via tar?04:13
IotaSpencerwhat are you trying to install?04:13
Psil0Cybinnewest version of rkhunter04:13
IotaSpencero idk about that, getting it from the source would be the best bet if the repos aren't updated04:14
Psil0Cybinso I gues si will have to do that tomorrow if i really decide I need rkhunter04:15
Psil0Cybinjust stinks it is not in the default repos for xubuntu 12.04 LTS04:15
SpuzzI'm kidding04:15
IotaSpencerSpuzz: i was about to slap you into next year04:16
IotaSpenceror slap you back to 1985, i debating which04:16
lotuspsychjePsil0Cybin: what does sudo rkhunter --update do?04:16
Psil0Cybinlotuspsychje, [22:19:21] Info: Executing download command '/usr/bin/wget  -q -O /var/lib/rkhunter/tmp/rkhunter.upd.eA8q1aGmwi http://rkhunter.sourceforge.net/1.3/i18n/1.3.8/i18n.ver 2>/dev/null'04:17
Psil0Cybin[22:19:31] Checking file i18n versions                       [ Update failed ]04:17
Psil0Cybinhttp://rkhunter.sourceforge.net/1.3/i18n/1.3.8/i18n.ver gives a error 40404:17
lotuspsychjePsil0Cybin: whats your ubuntu version exactly?04:17
Psil0Cybinand a quick google suggest that version 1.3.8 is unsupported04:18
Psil0Cybinlotuspsychje, Xubuntu 12.04 LTS04:18
lotuspsychjePsil0Cybin: 12.04 upgraded to 12.04.3 ?04:19
Psil0Cybinwhat command will tell me04:19
IotaSpencerat least once 14.04 comes out you'll have an lts that's actually more supported since its been two years04:19
litropyI'm making a program. Where can I go to learn about how icons are used in Ubuntu, such as dimension constraints?04:19
IotaSpencerlitropy: google :)04:20
lotuspsychjePsil0Cybin: lsb_release -a04:20
Psil0CybinDistributor ID:Ubuntu04:20
Psil0CybinDescription:Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS04:20
IotaSpencero one better04:20
Spuzzthe only thing I use my atari falcon for anymore is impressing girls by typing a lot of code to make hearts on the screen and to play mp3's for my hipster friends04:21
lotuspsychjePsil0Cybin: Description:Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS04:21
bazhang!ot | Spuzz04:21
ubottuSpuzz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:21
Psil0Cybinso I am assuming I could either04:21
Psil0Cybinwait around for repos to get updated04:21
lotuspsychjePsil0Cybin: ok good, how about a purge rkhunter, apt-get update and reinstall?04:21
Psil0Cybinwhich would not happen any time soon04:21
Psil0Cybinor upgrade from tar?04:21
Psil0Cybinyea let me try04:21
IotaSpencerupgrade from tar would be best bet o,o, manually04:22
lotuspsychjePsil0Cybin: manually upgrade would work aswell yes04:22
lotuspsychjePsil0Cybin: but strange it will not update automatic04:22
Psil0Cybingah and look at this04:23
Psil0Cybinlotuspsychje, The following NEW packages will be installed:04:23
Psil0Cybin  rkhunter04:23
Psil0Cybin0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.04:23
Psil0CybinNeed to get 209 kB of archives.04:23
Psil0CybinAfter this operation, 899 kB of additional disk space will be used.04:23
unopastePsil0Cybin you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted04:23
* IotaSpencer glares at unopaste04:23
Psil0Cybinsorry well yea sigh it reinstalled the old version 1.3.8-10 :( what the heckk04:24
IotaSpenceri knew that probably was going to happen though04:24
lotuspsychjePsil0Cybin: just tested on 12.04 myself, automatic installs version 1.3.8 indeed04:24
IotaSpenceryou should apt-cache show <package> before you try reinstalling, so you know you aren't installing the same thing04:25
Psil0Cybinyea okay so i guess i am not alone04:25
* IotaSpencer goes to bed04:26
lotuspsychje!info rkhunter precise04:26
ubotturkhunter (source: rkhunter): rootkit, backdoor, sniffer and exploit scanner. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.8-10 (precise), package size 204 kB, installed size 878 kB04:26
Psil0Cybingues si have no choice but the source04:26
lotuspsychjePsil0Cybin: my bad, i had to check this in the first place :p04:26
lotuspsychjePsil0Cybin: so latest version in 12.10 en 13.10 probably04:27
Psil0Cybinyea darn so i guess i would have to build it from source to have it in 12.04 correct? or is this something that miiiiiiiight be added into the default repos04:27
lotuspsychjePsil0Cybin: soon install 14.04 LTS and have the latest rkhunter :p04:28
Psil0Cybinis it easy to install 14.04 LTS04:28
Psil0Cybinor is it not out yet :P04:28
Psil0Cybinha i hate having outdated software :'(04:28
lotuspsychjePsil0Cybin: its not outdated just another version04:29
lotuspsychjePsil0Cybin: rkhunter will do its job04:29
Psil0Cybinwell it is because i cannot update the actually software definitions via versions and the site states it is unsupported and should not be used why i am kinda being OCD about this aha04:29
IcemanV9Psil0Cybin: i just checked the repo in 14.04 - rkhunter (Version: 1.4.0-3)04:29
lotuspsychje!release > Psil0Cybin04:29
ubottuPsil0Cybin, please see my private message04:29
Psil0Cybinlike if you use rkhunter --update04:30
lotuspsychjeIcemanV9: tnx for the check!04:30
Psil0Cybini get errors04:30
Psil0Cybinhence why i want the newest version :P04:30
Psil0Cybinbut to get the newest version i have to complettly upgrade my O.S04:30
lotuspsychjePsil0Cybin: manual04:31
Psil0Cybinso i may go the tar way temp, except i really like getting stuff from repos04:31
lotuspsychjePsil0Cybin: but lets say rkhunter 1.3.8 would be best for 12.0404:32
Psil0Cybinah i guess im still in a windows mentality of having the most updated definitions is a must04:32
lotuspsychjePsil0Cybin: your 12.04 seems updated like it should04:33
lotuspsychjeno worries :p04:33
Psil0Cybinokay thanks i am just very OCD when it comes to trying to be up to date :D maybe not O.S wise04:33
Psil0Cybindue to stability issues, etc04:33
IcemanV9Psil0Cybin: is there a new feature in the latest version opposed to what you have now? if not, then you're good for now until you can upgrade to latest LTS04:34
cfhowlettPsil0Cybin 12.04?  or 12.04.4 ??04:34
lotuspsychjePsil0Cybin: i agree with IcemanV9 , maybe the 1.3.8 version even got updated databases like 1.404:35
lotuspsychjecfhowlett: he's got 12.04.404:35
cfhowlettlotuspsychje perhaps a dist-upgrade    - just for peace of mind until 14.04?04:35
lotuspsychjecfhowlett: thats for Psil0Cybin to choose :p04:36
Psil0CybinIcemanV9, i cannot upgrade! the software04:38
Psil0Cybinis the issue04:38
Psil0Cybinno it does not lotuspsychje04:38
Psil0Cybinone second let me show yo uguys the link04:38
lotuspsychjewell rkhunter changelog shows 1.3.8 bugfixes are from 2010, so it might need an upgrade :p http://rkhunter.cvs.sourceforge.net/viewvc/rkhunter/rkhunter/files/CHANGELOG04:42
IcemanV9Psil0Cybin: i understand, but you don't have issue with its software, right? so why update? if there are new feature(s) that you cannot live without, then by all means, upgrade 12.04.4 LTS to 14.04 LTS (when it's released) just to use new stuff in rkhunter only.04:42
cr33phello #ubuntu04:44
nir02hello guys, i purged my nginx install, reinstalled, run nginx, telnet localhost 80, connection refused04:45
nir02iptables are empty04:45
nir02tried reboot04:45
pvl1nir02: any log info for nginx. and did you open port04:45
pvl1granted localhost shouldnt be blocked04:45
nir02pvl1: how do i open port?04:45
pvl1sudo ufw allow 80 i think04:46
pvl1unless your on server04:46
pvl1then you have to us eoptables04:46
walrusltAnyone could help me with openGL library files for windows, because opengl.org server is down04:47
bazhangwalruslt, ##windows sounds like the place for that04:47
nir02all logs are empty04:48
pvl1that exists lol04:48
nicolasquieres los archivos o direcciones04:48
cfhowlettwalruslt windows = ##windows support04:48
pvl1nir02: what about running ngix as server with debug04:48
toZenhi folks! what the difference betwean lowlatency and generic kernels? thx04:48
ubottunicolas: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.04:48
nir02pvl1: like sudo nginx -v?04:48
pvl1!spanish | nicolas04:48
pvl1nir02: or whatever the flag is... but yes04:48
walrusltcfhowlett thanks04:48
pvl1just thrown out ideas04:49
nir02pvl1: seems like it doesn't have such a flag04:49
pvl1nir02: are you getting an error for connection refused when you telnet04:50
pvl1or are you just not getting anything server04:50
nir02telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused04:51
pvl1look through ps04:52
pvl1and netstat04:52
pvl1make sure that ngix is actually binding to port 8004:52
nir02netstat | grep 80 didn't show any process using 8004:53
pvl1well then04:53
pvl1check your configs and such04:54
netametaHow can i search for a certain file in my server ?04:54
pvl1find name /04:54
pvl1sudo find name /04:54
nir02config is default04:54
pvl1im pretty sure04:54
pvl1nir02: can you pastebin it04:54
pvl1and can u run ngix as not a daemon04:54
netametaanything else other then find ?04:55
nir02pvl1: http://pastebin.com/st0Tg7Mg04:55
pvl1netameta: why04:56
netametaah never mind it worked04:56
pvl1nir02: user www-data exsist?04:56
pvl1netameta: ;)04:56
pvl1netameta: if u know what dir, relativly, /dir04:56
pvl1or whatever04:56
pvl1makes it quicker04:56
pvl1nir02: check pid file04:57
pvl1with the sefver down ofc04:57
nir02cat: /var/run/nginx.pid: No such file or directory04:58
netametaah thanks04:58
pvl1start the server see if it appears04:59
nir02appeared, pid 522704:59
pvl1nir02: how are you starting the server05:01
nir02sudo nginx05:01
pvl1sudo service nginx start05:02
CarlFKtoZen: this may help explain the point of lowlatency   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Real_Time_Processing  and https://rt.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/RT_PREEMPT_HOWTO  ": the processor "stops" more frequently to see if there are some processes requiring immediate attention"  http://askubuntu.com/questions/126664/why-to-choose-low-latency-kernel-over-generic-or-realtime-ones05:02
nir02it said its ok and successful05:02
nir02still connection refused05:02
pvl1pid still there05:02
pvl1finally found it05:04
pvl1thats the default config05:04
pvl1read thru it05:04
pvl1cuz it needs editing05:04
CryptoSiD*/1 * * * * cd ~/litecoin/ ; git pull05:06
CryptoSiDbut the lame cron is sending email to lite@mailname-of-the-box05:06
CryptoSiDi have mailto set to admin@suchpool.pw05:06
CryptoSiDnot lite@MAILname-of-the-box05:06
fishcookerhow to mount encrypted home directory? #i've just reinstall it05:11
skinkittenhelp sticky keysddoooesn't turn offf05:23
pvl1isnt that a windows thing05:23
skinkittenim in ubuntu05:24
pvl1some guy on the internet said05:25
pvl1I think it can be turned off by holding your right shift key down for 15 seconds (or something like that)05:25
skinkittenturnedoff sticky doesn't work help >.<05:27
skinkitteni turned it off lots of times05:28
skinkittenpvl1, you're a magician05:28
skinkittenthansk thanks05:28
skinkittenkeyboard hug05:28
skinkittenthank you05:28
pvl1skinkitten: whatd u do tho05:28
pvl1howd u turn it off05:28
skinkittenshift key down05:28
pvl1ah ok05:29
skinkittenbut I previously did that and turned it off05:29
skinkittenit just didn't work...the first couple of times05:29
skinkittenmore than 205:29
pvl1hm weird05:29
pvl1thats why i dont use DE05:29
* [gnubie] waves05:29
[gnubie]i'm wondering if it's possible to have an i/o scheduler for the elevator parameter be done on a partition specific. is it possible?05:29
pvl1[gnubie]: methinsk ur better off asking in #linux05:30
[gnubie]basically, my operating system will be running on a sata disk on module (flash) which i plan to use "noop" scheduler whereas my hardware raid 6 block device will use "deadline" scheduler. is it possible?05:30
pvl1definetly go ask in #linux05:31
[gnubie]pvl1: ok. thanks.05:31
plutoafter trying to install oracle java 7 , apt-get command gives error: command not found05:32
plutoany idea?05:32
Spuzzis there a way I can use my ubuntu CD to netboot?05:32
pvl1what are you typing and where pluto05:32
pvl1Spuzz: dont.05:32
pvl1Spuzz: its a headache at best05:32
pvl1Spuzz: but yes it is theoritcally possible05:32
plutoi try: sudo apt-get install ... and comes: sudo: apt-get: command not found05:32
Spuzzthe only thing that's holding me back is this weird sound error05:32
pvl1Spuzz: netboot is mostly used for install, not live environment05:33
pvl1pluto: try aptitude or synaptic05:33
plutomy java install was unsuccessful btw05:33
pvl1pluto: where are you typing this05:33
plutognome terminal05:33
pvl1pastebin what your doing. i want to rule out the obv05:34
plutoentering command -V apt-get gives: not found05:36
pvl1it should be05:37
pvl1sudo apt-get05:37
pvl1sudo apt-get update05:37
plutotrust me , no05:37
AnonGrimmmmm update05:37
plutoi found same forum post on net ..05:37
pvl1can you do05:37
pvl1sudo find apt-get /bin05:37
pvl1wait wrong location05:38
pvl1hold on05:38
rwwWOODMAN: This is an Ubuntu support channel, we don't do bitcoin chat here.05:40
bazhangWOODMAN, thats not on topic here05:40
pvl1sudo /usr/bin/apt-get05:40
WOODMANadam is about freedom05:40
WOODMANthats on topic05:40
rwwWOODMAN: freenom isn't a support topic, so nope.05:40
WOODMANwithout freedom you get the eugenics foundation05:40
WOODMANdont you get it?05:40
plutopvl1: sudo: /usr/bin/apt-get: command not found05:40
pvl1ls /usr05:40
thesecretanyone can help me, my wifi setting missing,05:41
pvl1pluto: i feel like ur harddrive might be unmounted or something05:41
pvl1thesecret: more detail05:41
Ben64pluto: please pastebin the full commands and error messages you are receiving05:41
pvl1Ben64: i just asked him to run /usr/bin/apt-get05:42
plutopvl1: listing this dir, apt-get is missing05:42
pvl1what did u do05:42
plutopvl1:  making paste what did I do05:42
pvl1pluto: do you have a web browser05:43
pvl1pluto: try synaptic05:43
plutosoftware center also gone05:43
AnonGrimdamn what did you do?05:44
DangerfieldWas wondering if I could ask a question about tftpd-hpa running on Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS?  It is listening:  root      5857  0.0  0.0  15096   332 ?        Ss   Apr06   0:00 /usr/sbin/in.tftpd --listen --user tftp --address --create --secure --verbose /var/lib/tftpboot05:44
plutopvl1: http://pastebin.com/1wUhh5h005:45
pvl1pluto:  lsb_release -a05:45
plutopvl1: ^ i have 14.04 daily release..05:45
DangerfieldI have open permissions for rwx on the directory, and have the --create arugment in my conf file, however it seems to start to create the file, empty and quits.  Can't tftp a file off either.05:45
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pvl1pluto: 64 or 32 bit05:46
DangerfieldLooking at logs I see [    7.837318] init: tftpd-hpa main process (1391) terminated with status 1 [    7.837346] init: tftpd-hpa main process ended, respawning05:46
pvl1Kartagis: hello05:46
Ben64pluto: 14.04 support in #ubuntu+1 until release05:46
toZenCarlFK: thx! was helped05:46
pvl1pluto: do you have a web brwoser05:46
plutoBen64:  i know i cant beleive its a 14.04 problem05:46
plutopvl1: of course05:47
pvl1pluto: downlaod any of http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/amd64/apt/download05:47
pvl1then run sudo dpkg -i file.deb05:47
Ben64pluto: you're on 14.04, therefore its a 14.04 problem, so ask in #ubuntu+105:47
KartagisI annotated a PDF file with flpsed, and now it can't be opened on another system. why?05:47
pvl1w.e file is05:47
wlugr u m05:47
itno it05:48
jerry__I'm new to using linux as command line only and am having a few issues figuring out mostly online but also I'm not to experianced in installing from command05:48
Ben64wlug, it: do you have an ubuntu support question?05:48
pvl1jerry__: what do you need help with05:48
wlugwho is it05:48
jerry__Not support question, is this the wrong place to ask about terminal questions?05:49
pvl1well lets see05:49
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic05:49
wlughi  priti05:49
pvl1jerry__: just ask05:49
Ben64wlug: this is not a chat channel. please don't use the channel as one.05:49
pvl1i was kidding05:49
plutopvl1: hm05:50
plutoinstalled, had to fire install -f, it removed the failed oracle install, now I have apt-get again05:50
jerry__FIrst off how to download packages from the terminal, more so how do I know what to download, or thr URL05:50
rwwjerry__: sudo apt-get install packagenamehere05:50
plutopvl1: thank you for the info05:51
wlughow to build rpm or deb packages05:51
jerry__okay I know that so I'm asking the wrong question05:51
pvl1jerry__: i think you need to learn about repositories05:51
jerry__how do I add repos?05:51
yenicDoes anyone know the default version of Python on 14.04LTS?05:51
rwwjerry__: either with the add-apt-repository command, or by editing /etc/apt/sources.list manually05:51
Ben64yenic: 14.04 support and discussion in #ubuntu+1 until release05:51
rww!info python trusty05:51
ubottupython (source: python-defaults): interactive high-level object-oriented language (default version). In component main, is optional. Version 2.7.5-5ubuntu3 (trusty), package size 130 kB, installed size 671 kB05:52
plutopvl1: the bad side I need oracle java for vagrant to work, so .. have to find a way to install it05:52
wlugwhat is name for ubuntu 14.0405:52
rwwwlug: Trusty Tahr05:52
jerry__okay. I'm running ubuntu 13.10 I think, using the command line only. How would I add some kali repos, or can I not05:52
bazhang!trusty | wlug05:52
ubottuwlug: Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) will be the 20th release of Ubuntu.  See the announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1295 for more info. support in #ubuntu+105:52
pvl1pluto: one thing at a time. is apt-get working?05:52
plutopvl1: yes05:52
Ben64pluto: you're still on 14.04, correct? then head over to #ubuntu+1 for your support, please.05:52
ubottujerry__: Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu itself, as other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)05:53
wlughow to build rpm or deb packages05:53
pvl1can we just burn kali05:53
pvl1and not deal with this anymore05:53
jerry__yes I've installed this irc client (irssi) just a moment ago05:53
pvl1pluto: may i PM you05:53
rwwjerry__: You can, but it's not supported here. Try asking #kali-linux.05:53
wlugwhat is se tool in kali05:54
wlugi mean se toolkit05:54
jerry__okay than you05:54
cfhowlettwlug kali is not supported here05:54
wlugany news releared to linux release05:55
ubottuwlug: Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) will be the 20th release of Ubuntu.  See the announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1295 for more info. support in #ubuntu+105:56
rww!trusty =~ s/support/Discussion and support/05:57
ubottuI'll remember that rww05:57
makarahi. I've enabled USB tether on my Moto G Android, and the connection shows up in 13.10, but I don't get Internet access. How can I share my Internet connection?06:00
pvl1makara: sudo ifconfig usb006:01
cfhowlett!ics| makara06:02
ubottumakara: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing06:02
makarapvl1, ok06:02
makaracfhowlett, I couldn't make sense of that page06:02
pvl1oh oops06:03
pvl1makara: wrong command06:03
pvl1sudo dhclient usb006:03
makarapvl1, "RTNETLINK answers: File exists"06:04
pvl1makara: thats what you get running dhclient>06:04
makarai see an option in my Auto Ethernet connection, under ipv4, method "Shared to other computers"06:05
pvl1are you trying to share the internet from ur computer to others06:05
makarapvl1, from my computer to my android device06:06
pvl1makara: so a reverse tether actually06:06
makarareally, ok06:06
cfhowlettmakara might be better to ask an android channel ...06:06
makaracfhowlett, there's really nothing more to do on the android. The connection is made, now I need a bridge between the two networks06:07
litropyI have a couple of flashdrives with ubuntu liveUSB images on them. Is there a way to check what version they are by just looking within them as opposed to booting from them?06:07
pvl1makara: i almost guarentee your android is giving internet to ur pc06:08
makaralitropy, you can look for file /etc/issue06:08
pvl1rather than the other way around06:08
Grade_1i cannot login into my phpamyadmin06:08
Grade_1whenever i try to login it gives me the following error06:09
makaraI've just moved offices. We don't have a Wifi, only ethernet. I want to give my android device Internet access06:09
litropymakara, /etc/issue says "Ubuntu 13.10 \n \l"06:09
Grade_1Connection for controluser as defined in your configuration failed.06:09
litropymakara, is there a way to tell if it's 64-bit?06:09
Grade_1can someone help?06:09
pvl1makara: over usb06:10
makaralitropy, you want the kernel version info06:10
makarapvl1, what are my options?06:10
PatBatemanpvl1: just installed software-center and all good now.06:10
makaraI thought tethering would be the obvious choice06:10
pvl1PatBateman: nice06:10
pvl1makara: yeah... but its not so easy going that way. tether means taking internet from android and supplying devices06:11
* PatBateman btw PatBateman is pluto lol06:11
pvl1makara: your trying to reverse tether06:11
makaralitropy, /proc/version06:11
makaralitropy, not sure if that's going to work without mounting06:11
litropymakara, thx.06:13
makaralitropy, is there anything in /boot/06:14
makaralitropy, open one of the config files there06:14
litropymakara, you're a wizard thx.06:15
litropybut drats, I need 64 and it's 32 :-(06:15
Ben64litropy: uname -m06:16
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litropyBen64, thx - I actually wan't running it - I needed to check without booting/mounting anything special.06:18
litropyBen64, the issue is resolved.06:18
litropyHah, when you try to download an Ubuntu ISO now, they take you to a neat (no sarcasm) page asking for donations.06:25
litropyMikeMx, We're sorry, exit is not a recognized directive.06:25
litropyif you haven't seen it ^^^06:26
linociscowhy ubuntuone is stopped? no budget? dare not to compete dropbox and googledrive?06:46
bazhanglinocisco, try #ubuntuone06:47
linociscobazhang, xie xie06:47
Justushi, how can I download files from the console with their directories as part of the downloaded filename?06:58
dwarderi have this error upon installing LAMP from tasksel: tasksel: aptitude failed (100)06:58
dwarderhow do i fix it06:58
dwarder'sudo apt-get update' and then 'sudo tasksel install lamp-server' doesn't fix the issue06:59
dwarderanyone alive?07:03
FulciLivesAnyone here using Lubuntu? I have a question that should be simple if someone has a Lubuntu desktop in front of them ...07:06
rwwFulciLives: try #lubuntu07:09
FulciLivesOh that makes sense07:09
Kartagis!find pdo_mysql07:09
ubottuFile pdo_mysql found in libphp-adodb, mahara, php5-dbg, php5-mysql, php5-mysqlnd, spotweb07:09
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dwarderi have this error upon installing LAMP from tasksel: tasksel: aptitude failed (100)07:15
dwarder'sudo apt-get update' and then 'sudo tasksel install lamp-server' doesn't fix the issue07:15
dwarderhow do i fix it07:15
PatBatemanwhat is this error? trying to use "compass".. http://paste.ubuntu.com/7215894/07:17
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PatBatemanok figured out07:21
chipotlehow do i see how much swap ubuntu 12.04 lts server has?07:21
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satyakakiis there any one07:26
PatBatemansatyakaki: just ask:)07:26
satyakakihow can i connect mobile broadband to ubuntu07:27
satyakakiit says no t enbled07:27
alyssahello guys i just wanted to ask what is the command to display current timezone setting in ubuntu?07:27
satyakakican some one help in connecting cdma dongle in ubuntu07:28
satyakakicdma dongle07:30
satyakakican some one help07:30
k1l!details | satyakaki07:31
ubottusatyakaki: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)07:31
satyakakiubottu: its simple07:32
satyakakiubottu: I have cdma dongle i need to connect in linux07:32
ubottusatyakaki: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:32
k1lsatyakaki: which ubuntu exactly? which dongle? what happens when you connect it? what doesnt work exactly? ....07:33
satyakakiubuntu 12.0407:33
satyakakicdma dongle07:33
satyakakik1l:  it says not enabled07:34
=== multiply is now known as Multiply
alyssahello guys i just wanted to ask what is the command to display current timezone setting in ubuntu?07:34
satyakakik1l: is there any way to plug it and configure in gui07:35
k1lsatyakaki: please show the line in "lsusb" that is that dongle07:35
satyakakik1l:Bus 001 Device 006: ID 19d2:fff1 ZTE WCDMA Technologies MSM07:36
k1lsatyakaki: http://askubuntu.com/questions/198132/zte-usb-modem-ac2726-connection-not-possible-in-ubuntu-12-04-1-lts07:38
bazhanghttp://hcirr.blogspot.tw/2012/10/19d2fff1-ubuntu.html satyakaki07:39
satyakakik1l: thanks07:39
satyakaki<bazhang> thanks07:40
satyakakibazhang: thanks07:40
alyssahello guys i just wanted to ask what is the command to display current timezone setting in ubuntu?07:40
neppordHi! Is there a easy way to create a specialized livecd? I specificaly whant one without network suport.07:41
bazhangneppord, try the minimal and build up? or remaster a live07:42
bazhang!mini | neppord07:42
ubottuneppord: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD07:42
k1lalyssa: dpkg-reconfigure tzdata07:43
neppordbazhang: thanks, but i dont want/need a installer.07:45
alyssathanks k1l07:45
bazhang!remaster | neppord07:45
ubottuneppord: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !LiveCD or !Alternate installer? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization - Or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility07:45
jasabellahi :) i installed the kubuntu-desktop package from ubuntu server and am wondering why it wont recognise the monitor as a 1366x768 resolution? i created a user log in for my partner after installing kubuntu-desktop and his account seems to be able to use 1366x768?07:46
neppordbazhang: THANKS!07:47
hillaryhello all. Does any one knows how to install codeigniter in ubuntu 12.04? Help me install.07:51
dwardermy LAMP installation 'hanged' on 'Configuring mysql-server-5.5' at 72%07:51
dwardershould i cancel it?07:51
cfhowlettdwarder see the #ubuntu-server    channel07:52
bazhanghttp://dctutors.blogspot.tw/2013/08/how-to-install-codeigniter-on-ubuntu.html hillary07:53
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dwarderhow do i create ubuntu install usb flash from ubuntu ?08:10
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent08:10
DJonesdwarder: See the bots links above, that should help you get started08:10
dwarderDJones: tanks08:14
DJonesdwarder: You're welcome08:14
monokromeDoes anyone know how I can run the enable/disable proprietary hardware drivers UI from the terminal?08:17
monokromeOpening it from the settings dialog isn't working, and I think that it's because Ubuntu crashed and I had to manually remove the nvidia package to get X to run again08:17
bazhangmonokrome, jockey-gtk you mean?08:17
monokromeMaybe it's something different in Elementary OS :(08:18
DJonesmonokrome: For elementary, you'll be best asking in their support channel08:18
ubottuElementary OS is an Ubuntu derivative which is supported in their IRC channel #elementary on irc.freenode.net - http://elementaryos.org/ for more information on this distribution.08:19
monokromeYeah. Their channel is a ghost house. :(08:19
monokromeghost town*08:19
k1lmonokrome: you choose the OS, you get the support. please ask them, we dont know what the alle change in their version08:21
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PatBatemanany idea making my nvidia vga (optimus) quiet? i think about power management08:24
troulouliou_devhi can anybody tell me if there is a working 10Gb driver for thie ethernet card : Broadcom 57810S08:29
humbagPatBateman: i think it's called bumblebee http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/05/bumbleebee-brings-nvidia-optimus-gpu-switching-to-linux-users08:32
bazhangtroulouliou_dev, that should be in the package linux-firmware08:38
troulouliou_devbazhang, ok checking08:38
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2065263 troulouliou_dev08:41
troulouliou_devbazhang, cool thanks08:43
skyfoxHi, I installed ubuntu server with fluxbox, but i have a old window graphic GUI. Can you tips any packages to install to have new graphic GUI with fluxbox?08:43
bazhangskyfox, graphic gui to do what?08:46
skyfoxbazhang: fluxbox with old style graphic08:46
bazhangskyfox, you want a more modern UI? try lxde+openbox08:47
bazhangvery lightweight08:47
skyfoxbazhang: I try, thank you08:48
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giorgiodinapolihey guys i have a multi monitor setup. soemtimes an application is active and the preview with alt-tab shows the windows but when i select it , it flips away and is not visible one any of those monitors09:06
giorgiodinapolihow can i bring it to the visble ones09:06
byteflameHello ubuntuians.09:12
TerranceWarriorhow to make midi show up under wine?09:15
byteflameTerranceWarrior: 'show up'09:16
TerranceWarriori can use play midi out from the pc under ubuntu.09:16
ehoyHi guys , i have downloaded this http://linux.softpedia.com/get/Internet/FTP/FileZilla-24197.shtml , but i can't use it  , would you guide me , it has 2 folder bin and share , should i run binary file in /bin ?09:17
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bazhangehoy, install from repos instead09:18
bazhangehoy, sudo apt-get install filezilla09:18
ehoybazhang: i have not intenet there09:18
bazhangehoy, what about getting it from packages.ubuntu.com or using aptoncd09:19
byteflameehoy: What type of file is it? a tarball or a zip. Couldn't you get a .deb or install via apt-get?09:19
ehoybazhang:  i will try them but would you look at that tar.gz  , i'm confused how it can be used09:20
TerranceWarriorbyteflame: beat it , turkey.09:20
ehoybyteflame: it is 6 mb get it plz09:20
byteflameTerranceWarrior: Why do you call me a turkey?09:21
cfhowlettno name calling please09:21
TerranceWarriorcfhowlett: too late.09:23
bazhangTerranceWarrior, thats not welcome here09:23
byteflameIf it is a tarball (tar.gz) then you'll have to move what is in bin and share to the respective folders in /usr/local/ I recommend doing that or moving the whole thing to usr/local/ and adding it to your path. Have you done anything like this before?09:24
TerranceWarrioron the brighter side I have midi working under ubuntu, just not wine.09:24
byteflameTerranceWarrior: I don't understand your question. Are you using an application? what one?09:25
byteflameehoy: Should have labeled that large message.09:25
ehoybyteflame: no09:26
ehoybyteflame: i have copied both folder in / and tried to run binary files ...but i can't09:27
jjavaholichow would you diagnose a resize and redraw high CPU issue?09:27
byteflameehoy: so what is where exactly? I recommend against putting anything directly in / or even /usr. /usr/local/ is low use, so if you mess up cleanup is easier. Put the tarball's bin contents in /usr/local/bin and it's share's contents in /usr/local/share /09:30
byteflameehoy: once in /usr/local/bin/ the binaries should be callable via command line.09:32
electron-beamchroot /mnt09:32
electron-beamchroot: failed to run command `/bin/bash': No such file or directory09:32
electron-beamchroot /mnt /mnt/usr/local/bin/bash09:33
electron-beamchroot: failed to run command `/mnt/usr/local/bin/bash': No such file or directory09:33
electron-beamBut there is bash there!!!09:33
electron-beamWhen I run /mnt/usr/local/bin/bash with chroot it works09:34
sivahow to create port forwarding in ubuntu09:37
arounthi there09:37
arounti have a problem with my ubuntu this morning09:38
JNixx@arount, Hi, what's the problem?09:38
arounton boot, i got "could not write to disk: broken pipe" or something like that09:38
arountso i've check many things09:38
JNixx@arnout, what have you done prior to getting that message? Is this a fresh install of Ubuntu?09:39
arountI boot in rescue mode, clean dpkg, autoremove, all the rescue mode offers, but nothing09:39
arounti'm on 12.04, not fresh, not big update or something like that09:40
arounti have a (fuking) windows instance on another hdd (my ubuntu is on efi, windows on sata)09:41
JNixx@arount, when did this start happening? Out of the blue or after an update or driver install.09:41
arountwhen i check my syslog i see the classic (google say it's classic) errors=mounted-ro (or something like that, i'm in readonly)09:42
arountthe blue ? bsod ?09:42
JNixx@arnout: So you just turned your computer on today and this started happening. Was it working fine yesterday?09:43
arountnon i just boot on windows yesterday to test Banished, but i don't do anything strange09:43
arountmaybe it's windows, but it's really strange, the system are not on the same disk09:43
JNixx@arnout: Did you mount your drive er read/write in recovery mode?09:44
ehoy[14:01] <byteflame> ehoy: once in /usr/local/bin/ the binaries should be callable via command line. i did so  ...but no result09:44
JNixx@arnout: Try to boot into recovery mode and mount your filesystem in R/W mode - mount -o remount,rw,errors=remount-ro /.....then try to reconfigure lightdm as it seems this is a problem with the standard grahpics driver: dkpkg-reconfigure lightdm09:45
arountJNixx: i try that09:45
JNixxmount -o remount,rw,errors=remount-ro /09:45
NightKhaosIs there a way to, say, if a user logs in via SSH to a jump box as foo@jump for that user to automatically have their session forwarded to foo@bar? Or do they always have to manually jump, or specify the jump?09:46
JNixxdkpkg-reconfigure lightdm09:46
WalexNightKhaos: yes.09:48
NightKhaosWalex: excellent, you wouldn't have to have a guide somewhere I could use or could walk me through it?09:48
theLadderhi, i need some bash help, i'm using this line:09:49
theLadderwhile read f; do echo $f; done < <(find . -iname "*.jpg")09:49
Walexuse SSH commands related to public keys or master-slave SSH. Both described in 'man ssh' IIRC09:49
theLadderto output all jpg files, but i want the output without the ".jpg", any ideas?09:49
WalexNightKhaos: use SSH public keys with commands or master-slave SSH. Both described in 'man ssh' IIRC09:49
Ben64theLadder: you'd probably get a better answer in #bash09:49
blktheLadder, man basename09:50
NightKhaosTheLadder ${f%.jpg} iirc09:50
WalexNightKhaos: alternatively you can set their login shell on 'jump' to a script that does the second 'ssh'.09:50
NightKhaosWalex: That's possible, but if I can limit their access to the jump host I'd prefer that. :)09:51
arounti'v another clue, in the log ligthdm.log i see: Can't launch X server X, not found in path09:51
arount(and re-mounting disk doesn't change anything :s)09:52
JNixx@arount: did you try my sugestion above`09:52
theLadderBen64, you're right, my mistake, but since i got an answer now...09:52
theLadderNightKhaos, it needs to be case insensitive...?09:52
arountJNixx: yep09:52
JNixx@arount: Have you recently tried to install AMD or Nvidia drivers?09:54
arountJNixx: your command returns an error: it's don't understand "errors=remount-ro", without this part, it works but change nothing09:54
arountJNixx: nop09:54
arountJNixx: just using this fucking windows yesterday09:54
NightKhaostheLadder: try echo $f | cut -d'.' --complement -f1-09:55
arountJNixx: i have check it's shutdown, so should not lock disk or something like that09:55
Ben64arount: watch the language here09:55
cfhowlettarount keep the language clean in channel09:55
NightKhaostheLadder: that should strip the extensions of all files found within that expression.09:55
theLadderNightKhaos, thanks! will try that09:56
arountok, sorry, that my french style, i don't do that anymore09:56
Ben64arount: what are you trying to accomplish, what is the error, when is the error coming up, what did you do before it started producing an error09:56
JNixx@arnout: I had a mistake there try this instead -> Log into recovery mode. then run "mount -o rw,remount /" and "dkpkg-reconfigure lightdm"09:56
omg123i have an old debian installation. i am trying to install packages with apt-get and i am getting 404 not found. i am suspecting the version is no longwer supported. is there any workaound for this (except updating the system)09:56
bazhangomg123, debian?09:57
DJonesomg123: You'll be best asking in #debian for debian issues, this channel only supports Ubuntu09:57
arountBen64: i'm trying to boot with graphic environment, the error is ligthdm don't start and say "'X server not found in path" and what i'v do before: booting on windows09:57
OerHeksomg123, join #debian ?09:57
omg123thanks, sorry09:57
arountJNixx: ok i do thing09:57
arountJNixx: done09:58
arountsudo service lightdm restart ?09:59
JNixx@arnout: try that now yes09:59
kelogsis there a Trusty channel for Xubuntu as well, not just Ubuntu?  Or does all Trusty Ubuntu related issues go to that channel?10:00
arountJNixx: it works, i thee it with ps aux, but always nothing on my console 7 (alt+F7)10:00
cfhowlettkelogs all goes to #ubuntu+1 for now10:00
kelogsok thanks10:00
JNixx@arnout: I have to goto lunch now. But you might be better off writing a forum post @ http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=32910:02
JNixx@arount: Maybe purging Lighdm and reinstalling it from scratch again10:02
arountJNixx: ok, i will try to reinstall it, after that i have to work (i'm at office right now), so i will reinstall ubuntu if nothing works :s10:03
arountJNixx: thx, have a good launch10:03
nullbyte_17 april10:09
nullbyte_for 14.0410:09
nullbyte_but will be release a LTS or desktop edition?10:09
DJonesnullbyte_: Yes, desktop is LTS10:10
cfhowlettnullbyte_ LTS releases include desktop and server.10:10
nullbyte_i think gnome will be 3.1210:11
bazhangsupport in #ubuntu+1 please nullbyte_10:11
troulouliou_devnullbyte_, no ;( http://ubuntugnome.org/gnome-3-12/10:15
troulouliou_devnullbyte_, not even cinnamon 2 i think10:17
walruslthow to find cpp channel?10:32
DJones!alis | walruslt The alis bot should be able to help you with that,10:33
ubottuwalruslt The alis bot should be able to help you with that,: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*10:33
bardou-ljoin debian10:33
bardou-lsorry : mistake10:34
troulouliou_devhi how can i install ubuntu with a kernel 3.15 beta ?10:34
bekkstroulouliou_dev: you cant. you have to download an compile that kernel yourself.10:37
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troulouliou_devbekks, i want to install ubuntu 13.10 on dell vrtx, but it requires a kernel 3.15 with a not yet merged patch10:38
troulouliou_devbekks, just don't know how to do this :)10:38
bekksthen you have to debootstrap that system, and compile your needed kernel on your own.10:38
troulouliou_devbekks, mmm still hard to install the initial kernel10:40
Evilsparzahey guys, do you know how to install mate on 14.04? I've read that it has been added to the official repositories. I installed the "mate-desktop" package, but it didn't change anyhthing, still on unity10:51
ActionParsnipEvilsparza: Trusty is only supported in #ubuntu+1 til release day10:51
amirchandrapadytell once again10:52
ActionParsnipamirchandrapady: we see you10:52
amirchandrapadywhat is your name10:52
Evilsparzaoh ok, I'll ask them actionparsnip10:52
ActionParsnipamirchandrapady: actionparsnip, it's to the left of the text I write10:52
amirchandrapadyi am ubuntu grazy guy10:53
amirchandrapadywhat about ubuntu 14.0410:54
ActionParsnipamirchandrapady: its discussed and supported only in #ubuntu+1 as the topic states..10:54
amirchandrapadyhi evilsparza10:55
bigorsbonjour, j'ai un soucis avec les mises à jour Ubuntu 12.4, mon ordi redémarre sur une page de commande grub10:59
DJones!fr | bigors10:59
ubottubigors: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.10:59
bigors /join #ubuntu-fr11:00
LLKCKfanHow can I keep from getting DHCP not aquried when trying to hook up a blu ray player (has been hooked up before) to a wireless network? I have had it hooked up before ithout issue and it was connected just fine an hour before one without error and I changed nothing and have restarted everythng. Blu ray hooked to router wired works fine11:04
Ben64LLKCKfan: not related to ubuntu support at all. try ##networking if anything11:07
bviktorso how the hell do i download ubuntu 12.04 isos11:12
bviktornot 12.04.4, 12.0411:12
ubottuSaucy can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/saucy/desktop/ubuntu-13.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/saucy/server/ubuntu-13.10-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your needs. Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com:696911:12
bekksbviktor: What do you need old isos for?11:12
bviktorproprietary kernel module11:12
bviktornot loading with 12.04.411:12
amirchandrapady12 i sn't good11:13
bviktori only have the kernel module for 12.04 so i don't care much about how good it is11:13
amirchandrapadyso u just download 13.04 or 1011:13
bekks13.4 is EOL already.11:14
bekks13.04 even11:14
Ben64bviktor: you're not making any sense. you want the version of 12.04 with any bugs or security holes intact?11:14
bviktorBen64, i need to rescue data from an OCZ RevoDrive11:14
bviktorit is NOT supported on linux11:14
bekksamirchandrapady: And 12.04 is the current LTS.11:14
Ben64spoiler: ubuntu is linux11:14
bviktorocz provides kernel modules11:14
bviktorwhich i need to load11:14
bviktorbut they only compiled it for 12.0411:14
amirchandrapady13.04 is good..but in 13.10 having lot of bugs11:14
bviktorNOT for 12.04.411:14
bviktorso instead of telling me to do something else, would someone please just tell me where can i find the original 12.04 isos?11:15
ActionParsnipamirchandrapady: 13.04 is dead, 13.10 is dead near or on when 14.04 is released11:15
ActionParsnipbviktor: you'll have difficulty there11:15
bviktoryes, i see11:15
electron-beamAll ubuntus are linux, but not all linuxes are ubuntus11:15
bviktorespecially when i ask for A, i only get three responses like use B or C or D11:15
bviktormuch appreciated11:16
ActionParsnipbviktor: searching torrent sites may have the older ISOs but as soon as you run updates you will be brought up to 12.04.4 immediately11:16
bviktornah, i don't need updates11:16
bviktori just wanna rescue some data11:16
bviktorand yeah, already browsing kickass...11:16
bekksbviktor: there you go: http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/11:16
bviktor[   ] ubuntu-12.04.4-alternate-amd64.iso         04-Feb-2014 11:52  744M  Alternate install CD for 64-bit PC (AMD64) computers (standard download)11:16
ActionParsnipelectron-beam: no, linux is only the kernel, ubuntu is a distribution based around linux11:16
bekksbviktor: Took about 30s for browsing.11:16
LLKCKfanHow can I keep from getting DHCP not aquried when trying to hook up a blu ray player (has been hooked up before) to a wireless network? I have had it hooked up before ithout issue and it was connected just fine an hour before one without error and I changed nothing and have restarted everythng. Blu ray hooked to router wired works fine11:16
bviktorthanks bekks11:16
bviktorfor giving me11:16
bviktorwhich i DIDNT ask for11:17
electron-beamActionParsnip, don't get into the GNU debate, please.11:17
bviktorand which i already found11:17
bekksbviktor: please READ first...11:17
bviktorbekks, yeah, you too read it11:17
amirchandrapadyi was used 12 perfectly.but is wont support some old packages11:17
Ben64!attitude | bviktor11:17
ubottubviktor: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines11:17
electron-beamI had a bad enough day as it is.11:17
bviktorthe link says 12.0411:17
ActionParsnipLLKCKfan: we only support Ubuntu here, your bluray player is not an Ubuntu issue, so is not supported here11:17
bviktorbut the files are 12.04.411:17
ActionParsnipelectron-beam: its nothing to do with the gnu debate11:17
bviktorso how about check your facts11:17
ActionParsnipelectron-beam: 'linux' is the kernel, nothing more11:17
electron-beamSome people call linux the whole os11:17
amirchandrapadyits a kernel?11:17
ActionParsnipelectron-beam: ubuntu is based around the kernel, so ubuntu is not linux, its a linux distribution11:18
bekksbviktor: Then search the files on your one.11:18
bekksamirchandrapady: Linux always was the kernel, yes.11:18
electron-beamno that would be a GNU/Linux distribution11:18
amirchandrapadyoh ok action11:18
electron-beamLinux  is only the kernel11:18
electron-beamas you said11:18
amirchandrapadythen what about you?11:18
ActionParsnipelectron-beam: yes but ubuntu is not 'linux', the kernel is 'linux'11:18
bviktor3 seeders, wow, just wow11:18
electron-beamActionParsnip, 1 cannot equal 0 and 111:18
electron-beamat least not in this universe11:19
ActionParsnipbviktor: well if they have 30Mb/s SDSL, thats no bad speed...11:19
ActionParsnipelectron-beam: basically, your terminology is skewed11:19
bekkselectron-beam: you never heard of quantum theory then.11:19
LLKCKfanI was told to come hger11:19
amirchandrapadyyes i heard11:19
LLKCKfanNo where will help11:19
Ben64LLKCKfan: no you weren't. stop trolling11:19
ActionParsnipLLKCKfan: how is a bluray player getting connected to wifi anything to do with Ubuntu?11:19
sonit has everything to do with it11:20
amirchandrapadyhi hi hi11:20
soni quit11:20
Ben64ActionParsnip: he was asking in ##hardware, was directed to ##networking, then came to #ubuntu to ask??? :|11:20
sonthis shit is crazy11:20
soni've had linux for ages and had no idea about this11:20
ubottuThe main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList11:20
ActionParsnipLLKCKfan: the bluray player will run it's own OS, yes?11:20
sonlinux has helped me through some hard times11:20
bekks!ot | son11:20
ubottuson: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:20
linuxthefishstop linux!11:20
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ActionParsnipLLKCKfan: won't it? it will run its' own OS?11:21
soni'm still laughing11:22
ActionParsnipLLKCKfan: so that you get a pretty GUI to use to configure wifi and so forth, yes?11:22
linuxthefishi have my nickalert set to "linux" :p11:22
sonhow good is the world linux11:22
ActionParsnipson: as good as you think it is11:22
sonthere's no vestige of a beginning, no process of an end11:22
linuxthefishok no more linux11:22
soncan i call it penguin11:23
sonokay now this is silly11:23
DJonesson: This is a support channel, please use #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat11:23
ActionParsnipson: if you want, nobody will know what you are saying though11:23
ActionParsnipLLKCKfan: are you still there?11:24
pietro10I just accidentally removed /dev11:25
pietro10what do I do11:25
ActionParsnipLLKCKfan: won't the bluray player run it;s own OS to allow configuration of wifi and interaction with the disk you put in?11:26
ActionParsnipLLKCKfan: its a simple yes/no question11:27
ActionParsnipLLKCKfan: or do you have to type commands to make it play?11:27
pietro10oh I see it's automatic11:28
demozHello,can someone help me to remove ALL duplicate lines from a file like this http://pastebin.com/eqv9j3M8 ? I ve tried some awk,sed and sort commands,but id doesnt remove duplicates from all rows :( .11:29
bekksdemoz: "uniq"11:29
LLKCKfanI do not know11:29
demozbekks i ve tried "sort IIkvartal.txt | uniq" but it doesnt seems to remove all duplicate lines,can you please provide me with bash command ?11:30
ActionParsnipLLKCKfan: well you look at a graphical disply when you turn on the device, right?11:30
ActionParsnipLLKCKfan: and navigate a menu to get to the wireless config of the device11:30
ActionParsnipLLKCKfan: yes?11:30
bekksdemoz: "uniq filename".11:30
ActionParsnipdemoz: sort filename | uniq11:31
ActionParsnipLLKCKfan: then how do you configure the bluray device?11:31
ActionParsnipLLKCKfan: does it have a make and model?11:31
demozbekks and ActionParsnip i tired both,it doesn't seems to remove all duplicates11:31
LLKCKfanI never have configer it11:31
ActionParsnipLLKCKfan: does it have a make and model?11:32
bekksdemoz: Then provide a sample of your data, which uniq does not remove duplicates.11:32
demozbekks and ActionParsnip here is the file i want to get uniques only http://pastebin.com/eqv9j3M8 ,any of the commands doesn't work for some reason11:32
demozbekks i ve made paste above and pasted again11:32
ActionParsnipdemoz: did you run the command I gave?11:32
bekksdemoz: Works fine for me.11:33
demozActionParsnip i did earlier,like 10 minutes ago11:33
demozumm bekks so you runned "uniq file.txt" ? can you paste the output ?11:33
LLKCKfanDo not know the model number11:34
slyderi want upgrade at 14.04 beta by terminal11:34
slyderit's possible?11:34
ActionParsnipLLKCKfan: something like this http://static.bootic.com/_pictures/1500476/magnavox-nb500mg9_2.jpg ?11:34
ActionParsnipslyder: 14.04 is suported and discussed in #ubuntu+1 only11:34
bekksdemoz: 53 of your 54 lines are unique already. run "wc -l filename" and "uniq filename | wc -l"11:35
slyderActionParsnip, no reply in this chan11:36
ActionParsnipslyder: doesnt mean it is supported here11:36
DJonesslyder: You sust need to be patient and wait for a reply11:36
ActionParsnipslyder: if you cannot do something simple like that (or find out) without asking, it should be screaming to you to not use prerelease11:36
slyderi search a command for any version11:36
ActionParsnipLLKCKfan: ok, something like that...a black box with a tray to put disks on?11:36
demozbekks if you open the file and select any line,there is at least another 2 duplicates :(11:37
bekksslyder: The command is "do-release-upgrade"11:37
bekksdemoz: Nope. uniq doesnt lie :)11:37
slyderthank bekks11:37
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bekksdemoz: Check it with a hexeditor if you dont believe it :)11:37
slyderi have tried this but my repo are standard11:37
slyderif i change the version name in my repo11:37
slydercan i upgrade to?11:38
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bekksslyder: If you do that, you will break it.11:38
ActionParsnipLLKCKfan: then its nothing to do with Ubuntu, is it. The device is not running Ubuntu.11:38
=== evildotstudios is now known as evildot
bekksslyder: Dont touch "your repo" but use do-release-upgrade11:38
ActionParsnipslyder: again, alarm bells telling you not to upgrade]#11:38
=== evildot is now known as evildotstudios
slyderbekks, my system it's broken11:38
ActionParsnipslyder: this is basic stuff, you will need a fair bit of skill to resolve issues as they crop up in the prerelease11:38
slyderbecause don't find my GPU and don't start Xorg don't start KDE and nothing...11:39
ActionParsnipslyder: I'd do a clean install if it is broken11:39
demozbekks how do you explain this then :) http://www.dodaj.rs/f/1f/mW/3KYk4now/screenshot-from-2014-04-.png ? maybe it is inputed at different time,but the lines are same11:39
slyderActionParsnip, my kubuntu 13.10 don't support my new graphic card11:39
slyderi read this by 1 month11:40
bekksdemoz: check the entire line contents with a hexeditor. They will differ.11:40
slyderand by 1 month i search solutions11:40
ActionParsnipslyder: what GPU?11:40
slydernvidia Geforce GTX 750 Ti11:40
ActionParsnipslyder: then try Trusty in liveCD, then so a clean install if your OS is currently broken11:41
demozbekks when it comes to visible part the lines are same,do you know how could i remove this kind of duplicates?11:41
slydermy system is already broken11:42
slyderI just want to try the latest attempt11:42
ActionParsnipslyder: then a clean install of the next LTS isnt a bad way to go, it's out in 10 days11:42
LLKCKfanThere is no riht Chaannel11:42
ActionParsnipLLKCKfan: try contacting the manufacturer11:42
slyderActionParsnip, i know.. but11:43
ActionParsnipLLKCKfan: you have bought their product so your support is with them11:43
ActionParsnipslyder: but what?>11:43
slyderi have too much data11:43
bekksslyder: backup the data then.11:43
ActionParsnipslyder: use yur backups to restore data11:43
slyderi upgrade distro by 201111:43
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slyderand don't have more hard disk for this11:44
bekksslyder: then get a harddisk to backup your data.11:44
slyderi know... i11:44
slyderI solve only with the advancement11:44
ActionParsnipslyder: so what if your drive IDE fails, where is your data?11:44
ActionParsnipslyder: no backup = data is disposable11:45
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ActionParsnipslyder: a 1Tb USB HDD costs beanuts now and is a great way to backup. This will give data insurance. Is your data woth this much to you? more?11:48
ActionParsnipslyder: think abut it, just a little....11:49
demozbekks im holding to you like to a straw :) any idea on how to remove my "unique" duplicates :D ?11:50
bekksdemoz: take a look at "man uniq" :)11:50
bekksdemoz: What are you actually trying to do, behind all that?11:51
demozbekks just to leave real unique lines in file,no matter what timestamp is..11:51
bekksdemoz: Then take a look at man uniq and find the -w option11:52
LLKCKfanThey are no help11:52
LLKCKfanThey want money11:52
demozbekks thank you i ll check,by the way i m not tech enough,do you have any suggestion for command please?11:52
bekksLLKCKfan: Of course. Thats their business.11:52
bekksdemoz: uniq -w ...11:53
demozbekks thank you,i ll give it a try :)11:53
ActionParsnipLLKCKfan: not an Ubuntu issue, nothing to do with Ubuntu in any way. Not supported here11:56
demozbekks -w doesn't seems to work well either :( im out of ideas and google is out of results11:56
ActionParsnipLLKCKfan: maybe you should have checked what support structure they had before purchasing, shop smart...shop s-mart11:56
bekksdemoz: Then whats your complete command?11:56
demozbekks i counted number of characters for each line,then i used uniq -w N IIkvartal.txt11:57
bekksdemoz: "N" is not a number, but a character.11:57
bekksdemoz: The man page of uniq states that you have to specify the number of chars.11:58
demozbekks i did specify number of characters of whole line if i understood well11:58
bekksdemoz: you did not. Count from 1 to 20. Does you encounter N there? I dont.11:59
bekksdemoz: uniq -w <insert a number here, not N> filename11:59
demozbekks whole comman is uniq -w 73 IIkvartal.txt12:00
demozand nothing happens12:00
ddsschow do I list directory names with ls? I'm searching for files12:01
bekksdemoz: Then count 73 chars from your lines. thats FAR beyonf any timestamp. Use 42 instead of 73.12:01
bekksddssc: ls -ld12:01
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demozbekks i used 42 and same happened12:03
demozi mean nothing12:03
bekksdemoz: uniq -w 42 test.txt | wc -l12:04
bekksdemoz: That results in 20 for me. Your file has 54 lines. I guess you are just doing it wrong then.12:04
chairman_meowhow do I encrypt my home dir?12:05
bekks!encfs | chairman_meow12:05
bekkschairman_meow: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedHome12:05
cfhowlettbekks RIP Chairman Meow12:05
chairman_meowok thanks. kinda paranoid12:06
calimero82good morning to all, I installed Lubuntu 13:10 in acer laptop extensa 5620, which only gives me an error before loading the desktop; the laptop is connected to a vga cable to an external monitor and I also connected a USB keyboard and a mouse.Inoltre every time you restart the PC does not save the settings of the monitor made ​​by me and every time I have to reset it to 1024x768. thanks12:07
who_mehi, is there any reason why settings made in /etc/sysctl.conf don't get applied after a reboot ?12:08
bekkswho_me: syntax errors, invalid settings, etc.12:08
who_mebekks, it's just a tweak for kernel.shmmax12:09
bekksDefine "a tweak" in that context please.12:10
who_mebekks, to allow avast to run, the amount of shared memory that one program can allocate needs to be higher than the default12:11
the_voice_hello. why Ubuntu 13.10 will be supported for 9 months?12:12
bekkswho_me: So whats the "tweak" then? Show us the line in sysctl.conf you are using.12:12
bekksthe_voice_: Yes.12:13
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who_mebekks, kernel.shmmax = 256000000 at the end of the file12:13
nobody18188181Although not ubuntu related; does anyone know of a CMS like WordPress that has revision control for posts?12:13
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bekkswho_me: So, you set that value because you have so less RAM that 256MB RAM are more than 25% of your total RAM?12:14
LLKCKfanI have had it for over five years12:15
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LLKCKfanthere is no support for it12:15
dfcnvtHow do I find out which folder is currently sharing on the network via on my computer?12:15
bekksLLKCKfan: And it still isnt an ubuntu issue at all.12:15
the_voice_bekks: and when it's over 9 months is dead?12:16
bekksthe_voice_: then it isnt supported anymore.12:16
XanoI am urgently looking into moving to Linux (most likely Ubuntu) for my development machine. One important thing I am trying to figure out before I actually do move is incremental backups. I am now used to Time Machine and this does what I need. I need an alternative that can store incremental backups onto my Synology NAS. I’d love some suggestions for reliable solutions. Currently looking at rsync, which looks promising.12:16
bekks!backup | Xano12:17
ubottuXano: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning12:17
who_mebekks, the default setting for that variable is even lower in Ubuntu... but that issue is that it does not apply, apparently, at system start12:17
JEEBwhich is the group into which administrators should be added in a system? half of the recommendations on askubuntu refer to the admin group, and the other half refers to the sudo group12:17
bekkswho_me: the default in linux is the availability of 25% of the system RAM as shared memory.12:18
Xanobekks: Thanks! I had already found the first link, which is helpful. I am also looking for simple alternatives to Time Machine. I like diving into technical details, but right now time is a bit more important as my machine is slowly breaking apart :(12:18
LLKCKfanThere is no support anywhere12:18
bekkswho_me: So do you have less than 1GB RAM which would require setting shared memory to 256MB?12:18
bekksLLKCKfan: There is. You just dont want to pay for it as you told us And now please stop it in here.12:18
who_mebekks, I have 8GB but avast would not run unless you tell the system specifically the "correct" amount12:19
bekkswho_me: setting it to 256M hen having 8GB will break other things. I bet on that.12:19
who_mebekks, you'd lose that bet... nothing broke12:20
bekkswho_me: the default is 2GB shared memory for 8GB RAM. So unless avast is programmed really poorly, it isnt necessary to set it to 1/8 of the available default shared memory.12:20
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GeertJohanHow safe is it to dist-upgradeto trusty (from raring)? Or is that not even possible now ?12:26
ubottuUbuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) was the 18th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on January 27, 2014. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/raring12:27
GeertJohanI was actually asking for opinion on updating to not yet released version (trusty). I know raring is eol12:29
GeertJohanI read here release for trusty is planned for 17th this month. So I'll just take the risk and do-release-upgrade -d12:29
felai don't know either. If i should update now or wait until the 17th12:30
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GeertJohanI really want to work with new Qt12:31
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felahas anybody got experience with the Trusty Tahr beta?12:32
amirchandrapadyyes tell me12:32
bekksGeertJohan: you cant update to 14.04 directly.12:32
bekksGeertJohan: you have to read the trigger for !eol and update to 13.10 first.12:33
bekks!trusty | fela12:33
ubottufela: Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) will be the 20th release of Ubuntu.  See the announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1295 for more info. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+112:33
cfhowlett!trusty|fela GeertJohan see the other channel12:33
ubottufela GeertJohan see the other channel: Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) will be the 20th release of Ubuntu.  See the announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1295 for more info. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+112:33
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HibariGood morning12:40
marc_impossible d'installer skype sur ubuntu 14.0412:40
HibariSomeone here can help me?12:40
bekks!fr | marc_12:40
ubottumarc_: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.12:40
amirchandrapadyyes...tel hibari12:40
ubottuHibari: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:40
HibariI need install tcl dev in a shell... But i don't know how do that12:41
Hibarican help me?12:41
HibariHow i can install tcl dev?12:42
DJonesmarc_: You'll be better asking that in #ubuntu+1 (which is the support channel for 14.04 until release), however the channel is English language so you may also get help in #ubuntu-fr12:42
ubottuHibari: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/12:42
rymate1234i have an ubuntu 12.04 server running with an x11vnc remote desktop thing12:43
rymate1234how do i make the resolution higher than 1024x76812:43
cfhowlettrymate1234 server = #ubuntu-server12:43
khildinanyone knows the (official) minimum requirements for trusty (a link would be nice.. :) )12:47
DJones!requirements | khildin (Probably will cover trusty as well),12:48
ubottukhildin (Probably will cover trusty as well),: Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu or !Lubuntu12:48
DJoneskhildin: Might be worth asking in #ubuntu+1 as well, people there will have been using it and can probably point you better towards what it won't run on12:49
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khildinDJones, thnx... I am running trusty already, but would like to know those requirements for all the other (older) stuff I have lying around and when others ask if their hardware can run Ubuntu12:50
khildinDJones, the link you provided at least needs updating since it mentions ubuntu one as an option to use.... it still is available but will close down soon... (unfortunately)12:53
DJoneskhildin: Which link mentions "ubuntu one" I can't see any reference to that12:55
khildinFor example, a netbook with an 8 GB SSD will work well although there wont be much room for saving stuff directly onto the drive so Ubuntu's free 2 GB cloud could help a lot.12:56
khildinwith cloud as a link to one.ubuntu.com12:56
kishwow 2gb free!12:56
DJonesI see what you mean, yeah, normally pages get updated once new releases come out, hopefully somebody will spot that one12:57
khildinkish: actualy it is 5GB free and the service stops june first12:57
kishwhat happens to your cloud on June first12:57
khildinand you can't subscribe anymore12:57
kishthey are killing the service12:58
khildinubuntu one just stops... so you have to relocate your files before then12:58
khildinit was al over the news a week or 2 ago12:58
kishI dislike the bloated one12:58
fabio123ubuntu is very underwhelming12:58
khildinand all ubuntu one users were notified by mail12:58
cfhowlettfabio123 feel free to use any other distro12:59
tdannecy___!chat | kish12:59
ubottukish: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:59
iconvhow do i display ascii art correctly in terminal? i tried "iconv -f cp437 filename.extention" and get error "iconv: illegal input sequence at position 2", i am a complete newbie. any help would be appreciated.13:00
geirhatechincally, it's not ascii art when it contains non-ascii characters13:00
geirhaiconv: It seems clear that the file is not encoded with cp43713:01
khildintalking about ascii in terminal: have fun...  telnet:towel.blinkenlights.nl13:01
iconvgeirha : alright, any other thought on how i can display the file correctly in terminal? "cat filename.extension" shows some text within the file but not the actual "art" which i want to see.13:03
iconvkhildin : cheers, will check it out.13:03
khildinits the full feature of starwars IV a new hope... :) in ascii art13:03
geirhaiconv: you have to figure out what encoding it actually is, then convert. There's no way to do this automatically; you really have to know what encoding the file is supposed to have to start with. file(1) may be able to guess it for you.13:04
iconvkhildin : ^^ - something like this: http://www.asciimation.co.nz ?13:05
khildinhehe looks like it yes13:05
iconvgeirha : alright, will attempt. (sorry, im completely lost, just messing about.)13:06
chronic52Is there any way I can extract youtube buffered video ?13:10
cfhowlettchronic52 firefox has video download plugins13:10
soni have a pentium 3.06 single core CPU, 2GB of RAM, I'm running the latest Xubuntu and I've got little programs on my system apart from Ardour3, Hydrogen, qJackctl, Audacity being the ones I use. The problem I have is that this is my 4th re-install between ubuntu and xubuntu, and my computer is running nowhere near as good as it used to when i first installed ubuntu.12.? (not sure exactly), and I used to do all the exact same things, and my unity desktop ran fine13:10
son. Yesterday after installing the latest ubuntu the desktop was almost too slow to function, along with most other things. so i wiped and installed the latest xubuntu, i've gotten everything installed and regular tasks run well enough but still nowhere near as good as it used to,I'm getting millisecond-by-millisecond xruns syncing Hydrogen and Ardour with jack which is crazy. before this I had use able results with ubuntu.13 with xfce desktop, but i had problems13:10
sonwith memory. what's the best way to optimise my ram to full potential and have less clutter? thank you13:10
chronic52cfhowlett, any idea about chrome.And I want to use buffered video ,don't want to use any extensions13:11
cfhowlettchronic52 chrome has plugins - don't know about chromium, nor buffered video13:12
iconvgeirha : filename.extention: ISO-8859 text, with CRLF line terminators - iso-8859 not supported by iconv. any thoughts?13:14
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chronic52Is there any way I can extract youtube buffered video ?13:15
ikoniaextract it from what to what ?13:15
chronic52ikonia, I want to use buffered video of youtube so that I can save on my machine directly without using any extension13:17
geirhaiconv: that's because iso-8859 is not an encoding. It may be iso8859-1, or iso8859-15, or a windows codepage that is very similar13:17
ikoniachronic52: there are various downloading tools for youtube, but they are against the policy of youtube13:17
Toaster_StrudelI downloaded some drive cleanup utility a while ago but I dont remember the name of it.  how do I find a list of recently install applications?13:19
chronic52ikonia, I dont want to use downloading tools..Can't i just use buffered video13:19
ikoniawhat are you talking about13:20
ikonia"so I can save on my video" = "download to your machine" = against you tube's policy13:20
ikoniasave on my machine directly sorry13:20
dm0rph1n3how can i move my xampp directory to home without failures? til now i have nanaged to move it over asymlink, however mysql will not start after this13:21
ikoniaxammp = bad13:21
ikoniait's self contained, so how you set it up determains how/if you can move it13:22
chronic52ikonia, ok fine..lets say I will not do it..but is there any way to do it ?13:22
ikoniachronic52: you're not doing it13:22
ikoniachronic52: so we don't have to discuss a way13:22
iconvgeirha : alright, understood. i don't suppose there is some command to display ascii art correclty in terminal of a file, no matter what encoding the file uses? this will be my last question firected at you, don't want to nag you forever.13:23
iconvthanks so far! :)13:23
chronic52ikonia, Not even just for knowledge  ?13:23
geirhaiconv: no, because information about encoding is not stored anywhere13:23
ikoniachronic52: you don't need to know as you're not doing it13:23
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iconvgeirha : alright, cheers, ill do a bit of looking around myself now, no more nag. thanks!13:24
chronic52ikonia, for say..I know how to pull a trigger of a gun but I never did that as its against law..13:24
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davydehow can i install driver amd on ubuntu 12.04? i downloaded .run from amd site but i get an error13:26
davyderadeon 4500 hd13:26
cfhowlett!amd davyde13:26
cfhowlett!amd| davyde13:26
davydeuname -a13:26
bekks!ati | davyde13:27
ubottudavyde: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto13:27
ikoniachronic52: don't know why you are talking about a gun - but "yes there are technical ways to download youtube videos" - however as they are against youtube policy we are not going to discuss them in here13:27
chronic52ikonia, Fine .Mr. Prof :)13:27
dm0rph1n3or: how can i synchronize my development environment in order to access it from two different computers?13:28
cfhowlettdm0rph1n3 there was a cloud computing option on the dell sputnik developer edition ubuntu -13:28
cfhowlettdm0rph1n3 http://en.community.dell.com/techcenter/os-applications/w/wiki/3687.software-dell-xps-13-laptop-developer-edition.aspx13:29
dm0rph1n3cfhowlett: sorry but i don't know what should i do with this... can you explain a little further?13:31
cfhowlettdm0rph1n3 I'm not a developer nor do I use those tools.  suggest you read up on that page and/or ask in #linux13:31
Toaster_StrudelI downloaded some drive cleanup utility a while ago but I dont remember the name of it.  how do I find a list of recently install applications?13:33
ActionParsnipToaster_Strudel: bleachbit probably13:33
ActionParsnipToaster_Strudel: /var/log/dpkg.log shows the install / uninstall log13:34
Toaster_StrudelActionParsnip: thanks13:34
EmberCrestAnyone know any good terminal games?13:34
Toaster_StrudelActionParsnip: the cleanup prog might have removed it though lol13:34
EmberCrestpuzzles, other stuff.13:34
Toaster_StrudelActionParsnip: it was bleachbit! yay13:35
jackbrownhey there does anyone knows how to show battery's mAh capacity instead of Wh using ACPI or upower ?????????13:35
bekksjackbrown: Do you know what W is? ;)13:36
jackbrownbekks: Wh = watt * hour13:36
jackbrownbekks: mAh = milliAmpere * hour13:36
bekksjackbrown: W = U * I.13:37
rmarcandierHello, I have a dell xps ubuntu (sputnik project) model 9333 - Where can I find the original image? I found this site but it doesn't work for 9333.. -> http://odm.ubuntu.com/uds-q/dellxps/ - Could you help me please?13:37
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jackbrownbekks: I just want that ACPI -V command show my mAh battery as in this tutorial http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-laptop-battery-status-temperature/13:37
jackbrownbekks: do you know how to do that?13:37
bekksjackbrown: you have to write a wrapper script then, which calculates what you want.13:38
jackbrownbekks: why in this tutorial and other tutorials over internet ACPI always shows mAh  ? http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-laptop-battery-status-temperature/13:38
bekksjackbrown: Ask the authors of the tutorials. :)13:39
jjavaholicwhat is wrong with dpkg: http://pastebin.com/jDnpPd1n ?13:39
jackbrownbekks: I don't think they are online and I need it now is someone is so gentle to help me thanks for your attention13:40
EmberCrestdoes #PHP redirect here?13:41
PiciEmberCrest: no13:41
EmberCresti can't join #PHP13:41
EmberCrestit just flashes back here.13:41
PiciEmberCrest: you aren't identified13:41
EmberCresti use /user to identify right13:41
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PiciEmberCrest: no. You just asked this in #freenode, and they gave you instructions there.13:42
EmberCrestim aware but /msg nickserve doesnt do anything13:43
jjavaholicyou identify this way / msg nickserv identify yourpassword13:43
dm0rph1n3how can i synchronize my development environment in order to access it from two different computers?13:43
EmberCrestok thanks.13:43
EmberCrestdm0rph1n3 use free storage like Dropbox for your projects.13:43
EmberCresti  have a script that creates a new folder for each build I do and puts it in my OneDrive folder.13:43
jjavaholicwhat is wrong with dpkg: http://pastebin.com/jDnpPd1n13:44
cfhowlettdm0rph1n3 google drive or even owncloud13:44
ikoniadm0rph1n3: that's not really a practical goal, beyond having two machines setup identically and just using middle-ground storage to sync the data13:44
Razor_Someone told me to check with you guys here about see programming. I am looking for a c programming ebook free or pay for don't matter just needs to be easy to understand13:45
ikoniaRazor_: they told you wrong then13:45
ikoniaRazor_: try the ##programming channel13:45
Razor_Ok sorry fellas13:45
Razor_Ok thank you13:45
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dm0rph1n3EmberCrest... thx for the reply.. but that would be the second step... for that i need to move my lampp or htdocs directorie to home, link them and then synchronize... i am not a developer...13:47
EmberCrestok I see.13:48
EmberCresthmm well you can have a script to copy them to the folder from a specified directory?13:49
ikoniadm0rph1n3: what you want is not realistic13:49
ikonia(in your current working situation)13:49
calimero8282good morning to all, I installed Lubuntu 13:10 in acer laptop extensa 5620, which only gives me an error before loading the desktop; the laptop is connected to a vga cable to an external monitor and I also connected a USB keyboard and a mouse.Inoltre every time you restart the PC does not save the settings of the monitor made ​​by me and every time I have to reset it to 1024x768. thanks13:50
EleanorEllisAfter my screensaver has been active for a long time, my computer will not wake up and I have to reboot. I am running Ubuntu 12.04 on an Acer Aspire 5749 with an onboard Intel graphics card using the Kernel driver i915. It seems to be after the screens have gone into Power Save mode but I cannot find a setting for the screensaver.13:51
asturelis there a way to start tightvncserver on display :0 (on my working desktop) ?13:52
asturelso do not start new xorg sess13:52
ikoniaasturel: something is already running on that display13:52
asturelikonia u mean vnc?13:52
ikoniano, you're desktop13:52
asturelbut x11vnc could do that13:53
ikoniacan do what ?13:53
ikoniamaybe I'm not following what you're trying to do13:53
asturelwell i want to share my desktop13:53
ikoniaif you're trying to run a vnc server, sure, if you're trying to run a vnc server as your :0.0 desktop, no as the desktop is already running13:53
asturelx11 vnc can run on a running desktop13:53
asturelonly prob that my keyboard get screwed with it13:54
asturelrepeat stop working so i need to press it repeatly13:54
dm0rph1n3EmberCrest cfhowlett... that's haw far i am now... i would use these tools, but as i said.. the question is how to put my htdocs-directory into the dropbox without causing errors... i tried hte following, but hte mysql13:58
danbuntui'm tring to get mod_ntlm_auth_winbind working on 14.04 and keep getting the error 'ntlm_auth reports Broken Helper'13:58
danbuntuI've got winbind working fine and tested13:59
zwicshenzughey....running ubuntu 13.10, and need to get kernel header files13:59
zwicshenzugi've tried this....http://askubuntu.com/questions/313365/how-install-kernel-header-in-ubuntu, but it doesn't work13:59
zwicshenzugsays that headers are installed14:00
dm0rph1n3EmberCrest cfhowlett: but mysql wouln't satart after the change: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1854865 --> last answer14:00
zwicshenzugbut when i run "dpkg -s kernel", it can't find anything.....14:00
cfhowlettdm0rph1n3 completely over my head but... google ubuntu developer and several likely support options are listed.14:02
runaheyas :) what does it means when you try to install a package (libmagickcore-dev) and apt says it depends on another (libmagickcore4-extra) which is not going to be installed. but if you explicitly apt-get install libmagickcore-dev libmagickcore4-extra (and all the deps) it finally agrees to install those (and 100s more)?14:05
ikoniaruna: sounds like you have a 3rd party PPA in that has a version of the package that conflicts with someething int he core repo14:07
EleanorEllisAfter my screensaver has been active for a long time, my computer will not wake up and I have to reboot. I am running Ubuntu 12.04 on an Acer Aspire 5749 with an onboard Intel graphics card using the Kernel driver i915. It seems to be after the screens have gone into Power Save mode but I cannot find a setting for the screensaver.14:08
runaikonia: interesting. and which is the conflicting package? the one that if I install explicitely it works? (libgvc5) ?14:08
ikoniaruna: I have no idea, I'd need to check it14:08
ikoniaruna: do you have any 3rd party repos/PPA ?14:08
runaikonia: I think I found it.. I had thumbor's ppa14:09
ikoniaso you've probably installed the package from that PPA and now your dependencies are screwed up14:09
ikonia.wubdiw 1914:10
runaikonia: and.. any hints to find packages with 'non-core-repo-versions'?14:14
ikoniause dpkg or apt-cache policy14:14
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Stryker13XHello world o.k.. Then okay hello world.14:19
hillarywhat command can i use to check all process running in ubuntu 12.0414:19
ikoniaps -ef14:19
Stryker13Xcooling tsc14:20
ActionParsniphillary: pipe to grep to find interesting processes14:20
runaikonia: apt-cache policy shows me the priorities for different sources, but I want to find; after remove the ppa sources; which packages are no longer available (to find the conflicting ones)14:21
hillaryelaborate please14:21
ikoniahillary: run the command and look at the output14:22
Roryhillary: if you wanted to see information on your firefox process, you could run "ps -ef | grep firefox"14:22
runaikonia: sorry, could you tell me a parameter to dpkg ? :) I'm not even sure what should I search for in the manual14:24
troulouliou_devhi i installed lxde on my server but i have 2 boribg issue; usb key automount don't work and shutdown button neither14:24
troulouliou_devany idea how to resolve that issue ?14:24
runaikonia: oh. ppa-purge.. intereting14:26
ikoniaI don't trust that script14:26
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runaikonia: :)14:26
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bsdnoobHi , What DM Ubuntu uses ?14:30
bsdnoobfor login14:30
trijntje_bsdnoob: lightdm14:30
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ActionParsnip!away diazeAWAY14:31
Stryker13Xthey're servers, yes?14:31
ActionParsnip!away > diazeAWAY14:31
ubottudiazeAWAY, please see my private message14:31
bsdnoobHello , What DM ubuntu uses for login?14:33
cfhowlettbsdnoob LIGHTDM14:33
ActionParsnipbsdnoob: 2nd time, lightdm14:33
bsdnoobhmm , it looks too well polished for lightdm14:33
bsdnoobAny way I can use that polished look on other distro?14:34
cfhowlettbsdnoob other distros are not supported here14:34
compdocsure, I will allow it14:35
CreaturHello!  While following this tutorial to partition my usb stick https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCD/Persistence?action=show&redirect=LiveCDPersistence   I get the following warning after typing sudo fdisk /dev/sdc1   : DOS-compatible mode is deprecated..Its strongly recommended to switch off the mode and change display units to sectors. I have no clue what that means :P I am trying to follow that tutorial and that warning is no14:35
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ActionParsnipbsdnoob: install lightdm on the other distro....14:35
ActionParsnipbsdnoob: bit obvious14:36
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bsdnoobActionParsnip , It looks kinda ugly14:37
troulouliou_devany idea how to enable shutdown on lxde ?14:38
ActionParsnipbsdnoob: what does?14:39
ActionParsniptroulouliou_dev: lxde can shutdown.14:39
troulouliou_devActionParsnip, when i click on the shutdown button i have an error gdbus ...Access.denied14:40
ActionParsnipbsdnoob: what is "it"14:40
ActionParsniptroulouliou_dev: what is the output of:  groups14:40
troulouliou_devActionParsnip, this one ; GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AccessDenied: Operation not permitted14:40
troulouliou_devActionParsnip, sasha adm cdrom sudo dip www-data plugdev fuse lpadmin sambashare14:40
ActionParsniptroulouliou_dev: and the output of:  cat /etc/issue14:40
troulouliou_devActionParsnip, Ubuntu 13.10 \n \l14:41
troulouliou_devActionParsnip, it is a ubuntu server 13.1014:41
ActionParsniptroulouliou_dev: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/124507414:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1245074 in Ubuntu "suspend fails with "GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AccessDenied: Operation not permitted"" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:41
ActionParsniptroulouliou_dev: with LXDE, its not a server, its a desktop OS14:42
CreaturHello!  While following this tutorial to partition my usb stick https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCD/Persistence?action=show&redirect=LiveCDPersistence   I get the following warning after typing sudo fdisk /dev/sdc1   : DOS-compatible mode is deprecated..Its strongly recommended to switch off the mode and change display units to sectors. I have no clue what that means :P I am trying to follow that tutorial and that warning is no14:42
troulouliou_devActionParsnip, i mean from the ubuntu server cd14:42
ActionParsniptroulouliou_dev: tried:    sudo shutdown -h now     does it turn off?14:42
troulouliou_devActionParsnip, weird thing ; if i install gnome all the functions works14:42
troulouliou_devActionParsnip, yes14:42
troulouliou_devActionParsnip, looks like dbus/polkit missing configuration with lxde14:42
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troulouliou_devActionParsnip, not a guru in that area to know exactly when/how :)14:43
leonardiHey guys, bit of a problem here I can't seem to get rid of my old mysql installation. I followed every guide on youtube to purge the old files but every time I try to reinstall it says that it can't change the password for root14:43
ActionParsniptroulouliou_dev: probably, maybe if you installed Lubuntu, it'd be ok. Saucy is EOL real soon14:43
bekksleonardi: Did you move away the old database files?14:43
leonardiI think so I used every purge command I could find14:43
leonardiI don't need to hold on to the old data14:43
bekksleonardi: purge does not touch a single db file at all.14:44
troulouliou_devActionParsnip, ok will wait for 14.0414:44
leonardiAlright in that case maybe not14:44
leonardiAlso worth noting I had MariaDB installed and adminer14:44
sydneyJDykstraIs there a free program for ubuntu that will allow me to run my own email server?14:46
tmwsiyHi I have a super micro server that I am attempting to install 12.04 server on. Everything goes fine with the install and then when it comes up to boot I get the grub menu but then if you select the regualr kernel option nothing happens. Funny thing is that if I select recovery console and then resume boot everything appears to work fine. any ideas as to how I can get grub to work properly from the start?14:46
bekkssydneyJDykstra: postfix, exim, qmail, sendmail, and a zillion other MTA.14:46
leonardibekks: Any pointers to where I can find how to get rid of those databases14:47
bekksleonardi: What are you actually trying to do behind all that?14:47
leonardibekks: Just trying to get rid of anything even remotely related to mysql and reinstall everything14:47
bekksleonardi: Why? Why not just deleting all databases not needed anymore? This isnt Windows.14:48
troulouliou_devweelt, what does it mean ? : <weelt> show gratis (solo hooy) --> http://s422803032.mialojamiento.es/14:49
troulouliou_devweelt, no pm please14:49
leonardibekks: Well looking back on it I might have gone about it wrong but now I am stuck with a MySQL that doesn't work and I just want to get rid of everything and start over if possible14:53
tmwsiySo is there a seperate place to get support for server version?14:53
Picitmwsiy: there is also #ubuntu-server14:54
bekksleonardi: You just said that already but you did not answer my question.14:54
leonardibekks: Oh sorry which was? Trying to read back but14:55
bekksleonardi: However. you will find the mysql db files in /var/lib/mysql, after purging. Move them, and reinstall mysql.14:55
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bekksweelt: stop spamming.14:56
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Stryker13Xhello world o.k.. then okay hello world. #??; #¶15:00
LeeuwenhokI need to reinstall Windows 8 and I have Ubuntu and Linux Mint installed on this PC along with Win8. I'm guessing the boot loader info will be lost when I reinstall Windows 8 and hence I'll be unable to load into either of the other 2. How can I prevent this?15:00
bekksleonardi: You cant. You have to repait grub afterwards.15:01
bekksLeeuwenhok: You cant. You have to repair grub afterwards.15:01
Rory!grub | Leeuwenhok See the first link here15:01
ubottuLeeuwenhok See the first link here: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub215:01
trijntjeHi all, I want to create an amd64 lxc-container on 32bit ubuntu. However, when I run sudo lxc-create --arch amd64 I get "unrecognised option --arch". Any advice?15:02
bekkstrijntje: I dont think thats possible at all, to create a 64bit container on a 32bit host.15:03
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dfcnvtWhy is it 'permission denied' whenever I sudo'd it?15:04
trijntjedfcnvt: sudo what?15:04
bekksdfcnvt: Define "it" then please.15:04
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dfcnvt# sudo echo "" > /var/log/auth.log15:04
trijntjebekks: it is? The manpage does mention arch and gives amd64 as a possible option15:04
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Rorydfcnvt: You can't redirect like that, because the shell is performing the redirection of output, and the shell is still owned by your user, not root. Use this: echo "" | sudo tee -a /var/log/auth.log15:05
bekkstrijntje: I guess that works on 64bit hosts only.15:05
Rorydfcnvt: Note the -a flag to tee which will append to the file (similar to >>). If you want to overwrite the file, (similar to > ) then omit this flag15:05
hadifarnoudhow can I change the default ssh login directory?15:05
Roryhadifarnoud: Add "cd /path/to/folder" to ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile, or change the home directory of the user15:06
bekkshadifarnoud: the default is the home directory of the user. If you want to change it, then you have to chroot ssh.15:06
dfcnvtRory: ie this?   # echo "" | sudo > /var/log/auth.log15:06
trijntjebekks: I guess you're right, thanks15:06
Rorydfcnvt: no15:07
Rorydfcnvt: echo "" | sudo tee /var/log/auth.log15:07
shreezbotHi, I'm working on setting up KVM on a headless server that I'm working on.  Is there a command line tool that is decently documented that will allow me to create linux hosts and configure them?15:07
shreezbotI have been able to get a host created and started, but then I cannot connect to it to install the operating system or anything?15:08
dfcnvtRory: Thanks, it worked.15:08
RoryNo problem, glad I could help :)15:08
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hensonAnyone messed around with the slim login manager? I want to auto-login on someone without a password, but get accessed denied to /bin/bash -login15:27
ActionParsniphenson: many years ago, yes15:31
OerHekshenson, last comment says something about not recommended > http://askubuntu.com/questions/143844/how-do-i-install-slim-login-manager15:32
ActionParsniphenson: manybe try in #fluxbuntu (old school)15:33
hensonActionParsnip: not a bad idea. thanks!15:33
pepecaI have an usb 3.0 and when I connect it in an usb 3.0 port It doesn't works but it works in a usb 2.0 this is the output of the  dmesg | grep usb command15:34
pepecawhat could I do?15:35
ActionParsnippepeca: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue15:38
amitprakashHi, if I rm -fR a file belonging to some packages, how do I find out which packages are affected and then reinstall them?15:39
Rorypepeca: Do other (usb 2) devices work in the USB 3 port?15:39
pepecaActionParsnip Ubuntu 13.04 \n \l15:39
ActionParsnipamitprakash: try asking ubottu ;)15:39
pepecaRory Yes it works15:40
ActionParsnipamitprakash: try:    !find filename15:40
Roryamitprakash: The first part is tricky, what exactly did you do?15:40
amitprakashRory, rm -fR /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/* -fR15:40
Rorymmm, yeah that'll do it15:40
Rorythere's quite a lot gets put in there amitprakash15:40
amitprakashso, how do I figure out the ones that broke :D15:40
amitprakashRory, I know, but some folks had installed system-wide using sudo pip and that started breaking things15:41
amitprakashso i got rid of the python eggs15:41
amitprakashwant to clean up packages as needed15:41
Roryamitprakash: My advice would be to keep using the system, and if something is broken, reinstall that package as you find it with "sudo apt-get install --reinstall packagename"15:42
pepecaRory, ActionParsnip : What do you think about my problem???15:43
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Roryamitprakash: You could always re-download and re-install every package on your system, which would technically fix the problem, but would take a long time15:44
Rorydpkg --get-selections | grep -v deinstall | awk '{print $1}' | xargs sudo apt-get -y --reinstall install15:44
Rorypepeca: What motherboard/laptop do you have? Could you please pastebin the output of "lspci -v" ?15:44
amitprakashRory, doing so :D15:44
pepecamsi gp6015:44
Roryamitprakash: Hold on15:45
RoryCan someone sanity check that the only dowside of the command I wrote above is the time and bandwidth taken to perform it?15:45
Roryit won't overwrite settings, or otherwise get in a tange?15:45
pepecaRory, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7217562/15:45
RoryBecause it will do what i said it will do, but I can't guarentee that what I said was the best thing15:45
pepecaRory, but yesterday it worked15:46
pepecacould it be a kernel problem?15:46
Rorypepeca: It worked yesterday and today it doesn't? And it's a flash drive? And it works perfectly in the USB 2 port?15:47
pepecaRory yes!!!15:47
Rorypepeca: Could you please plug in your drive, and then run the "usb-devices" command, pastebin the output15:48
amitprakashRory, using for pkg in `dpkg --get-selections | awk '{print $1}' | egrep -v '(dpkg|apt)'` ; do apt-get -y --force-yes install --reinstall $pkg ; done15:48
Roryamitprakash: That would take forever and is actually a bad idea I think15:48
amitprakashRory, the download is all done though15:49
Roryamitprakash: Use xargs to give apt-get the full list as an argument, rather than invoking apt-get one-by-one in sequence for each package15:49
pepecaRory: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7217590/15:49
aliensbrahI've been searching and posted a question but can't quite seem to find what I'm looking for.  Is there a way to set your 'primary desktop', not primary monitor15:50
Rorypepeca: I can see the drive connected, is it the Kingston DataTraveller 3 one?15:50
pepecaRory, yes it is15:50
Rorypepeca: Can you see your drive if you run "sudo fdisk -l" to display storage devices?15:50
Rorypepeca: pastebin the output if you're not sure15:50
ActionParsnippepeca: Raring is EOL and no longer supported in any way15:51
pepecaRory: no, I cannot see it15:51
ActionParsnipRory: ^15:51
ActionParsnipRory: [16:39] <pepeca> ActionParsnip Ubuntu 13.04 \n \l15:52
pepecaActionParsnip 13.10 sorry15:52
pepecaActionParsnip I wrote it wrongly15:53
Rorypepeca: last suggestion is to try selecting an older kernel version in the grub boot loader, see if there was some kernel update that broke something15:53
ActionParsnippepeca: why didnt you copy / paste it?15:53
pepecaActionParsnip because it is short, I wrote it Sorry!!!15:53
trijntjeIs it possible to uncompress and ubuntu iso image, make some changes and convert it back into an iso file? If so, how can I do this?15:53
pepecaRory, how could I do this??15:53
Rorypepeca: Reboot your computer. When you reach the Grub boot menu (if Ubuntu is your only operating system, you have to hold Shift while your PC boots to see it) use the arrow keys to navigate15:54
Rorypepeca: it might be under "advanced options... for ubuntu" or it might just be on the menu there already15:54
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pepecaRory I cannot do this15:55
Rorypepeca: Why now?15:55
pepecaRory I have installed it in a ssd and it's too fast15:55
Rorypepeca: You hold shift BEFORE ubuntu boots15:56
Rorypepeca: before you see any purple15:56
RoryTurn your PC off. Hold shift, turn your PC on, and keep holding shift until you see the menu15:56
pepecaok, im going to try it15:56
anonnick sailorrr15:57
RoryI bet he hasn't even tried rebooting, and it magically works now15:58
ActionParsnipRory: i bet :)15:58
RoryI feel too bad telling people on 13.04 I can't help them... especially since advising them to upgrade to 13.10 is just silly right now15:58
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ActionParsnipRory: id say clean install the prerelease, its only 10 days away now15:59
cfhowlettRory first world problemz15:59
shreezbotAny of you guys know of a way to completely manage virtual machines in KVM from the command line?  I'm running it on a headless server machine that I don't have GUI access on...15:59
shreezbotI can get a vm created and started, but I can't seem to connect to it to install the operating system...16:00
Roryshreezbot: You could use a web ui like https://www.webvirtmgr.net/16:00
cfhowlett!server|shreezbot ask in16:00
ubottushreezbot ask in: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server16:00
trijntjenevermind, I've found how to modify an iso here: http://www.ehow.com/how_7469146_modify-iso-image-linux.html16:00
chipotlehow do i see how much swap space my server has?16:01
Rorychipotle: swapon -s16:02
cfhowlettchipotle terminal command:   free16:02
Rorychipotle: The slight delay in answer was just people Googling it for you16:02
RoryAt least I'll know for next time :)16:03
ActionParsnipchipotle: free -m16:04
ActionParsnipchipotle: easir to read in Mbs16:04
chipotleit says size 524284, what does that mean in terms of mb?16:04
ActionParsnipchipotle: ^16:04
chipotleah, okay16:04
chipotleis swap16:04
ActionParsnipchipotle: total or used?16:04
chipotledoes anyone know of a good guide for increasing disk space via lvm? i have a vps, and they used gparted and now i have to use lvm to increase the disk space from 30gb to 80gb (minus swap space)16:05
chipotleActionParsnip: total, i'm using 016:05
ActionParsnipchipotle: so you have 256Mb RAM?16:05
chipotleActionParsnip: no 1gb16:05
chipotlei had 512mb, but i just upgraded to 1gb16:05
ActionParsnipchipotle: then you'll want 2Gb swap16:05
chipotlehow would i change swap space?16:06
pvl1chipotle: partition or file16:06
pvl1chipotle: this can all be answered on ubuntu16:06
ubottuchipotle: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info16:06
pvl1!swap } chipotle16:06
ubottupvl1: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:06
pvl1thanks cfhowlett16:06
chipotleokay, and what about increasing my disk space with lvm?16:07
chipotlei have 30gb currently showing up, but i increased the plan to 80gb, but the host said i need to use lvm to get the extra disk space...16:07
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chipotleit sounds complicated16:08
Rorychipotle: You can make a swap file16:08
yenic! trusty python16:08
Rorychipotle: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-add-a-swap-file-howto/16:08
themusicgod1last night, after my netbook suspended, a bunch of my logs in /var/log show a line of "^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@", at around the same time, and my netbook shut off.  Battery seems to be fine.  How can I troubleshoot this further?16:10
chipotleis what i'm trying to do is extending a logical volume? http://www.tutonics.com/2012/11/ubuntu-lvm-guide-part-1.html16:10
chipotlewould that be a good guide to follow?16:10
themusicgod1i had updated the kernel but had not restarted to current (14.04) a few hours earlier and had told it not to restart when prompted16:10
ActionParsnipthemusicgod1: shutdown OS, take out battery and unplug power, hold power button 15 seconds then let go, reconnect battery and power and boot16:10
ActionParsnipthemusicgod1: Trusty is not supported here, only in #ubuntu+116:11
themusicgod1oh TIL16:11
themusicgod1ActionParsnip: okay! thanks16:11
themusicgod1(the netbook comes up OK after shutting down just odd that it did that at all)16:11
aliensbrahI am still baffled on how to change my primary monitor/desktop16:12
Roryaliensbrah: What Ubuntu version? (you can check with the command "cat /etc/issue" if you don't know)16:13
aliensbrahI have rearranged and clicked the, "Make primary display" in both Settings>Display and X Server settings16:14
aliensbrahI am running a laptop in a dock and two monitors: http://i.imgur.com/UlIC2mk.jpg16:14
aliensbrahBut whenever I minimize an application it only shows in the task tray on the left monitor, when I download files, they appear on the left monitor, opening applications appears on the left monitor16:15
aliensbrahI want the middle monitor to be the 'primary'16:15
ungradivan itt valaki? :)16:15
Roryaliensbrah: Go to settings->display - observe that one monitor has a black bar on it, which can be dragged to the middle screen to set it as primary.16:16
aliensbrahRory, the black bar is currently on the middle monitor, though I can not drag it, I can make it appear on whichever monitor by using the "Launcher placement" drop down16:17
aliensbrahin ~/.config/monitors.xml - my middle monitor is set as primary, in xserver settings it's primary, in display settings it's primary, but it appears as if in linux that has no correlation to primary "desktop"16:17
Roryaliensbrah: What behaviour makes you think the middle monitor isn't primary?16:18
aliensbrahWhen I minimize applications they only go to the system tray on the left monitor, when I download or copy files to desktop they only go to monitor on the left, and when I open applications they go to monitor on the left16:19
aliensbrahSo I'm assuming it sees my left monitor as primary16:19
Roryaliensbrah: There's a dropdown for which display to have the launcher on, in the display settings16:20
aliensbrahIt's set to middle16:20
RoryBut the unity bar is on the left monitor despite that, and changing the value doesn't result in the launcher moving between displays?16:20
ActionParsniphi TheLocksmith16:21
aliensbrahThe unity bar is in the middle monitor which is correct and the way I'd like it.  But everything else defaults to the left monitor16:21
TheLocksmithHelp with MAT in BT5r316:21
Rorybut when you minimise an application it goes to the left monitor?16:21
Rorya unity launcher is created on the left monitor when you minimise an app? or...?16:22
PiciTheLocksmith: Ask the BT channel, we don't support it here.16:22
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aliensbrahRory, it will minimize to the system tray on the left monitor16:22
RoryOh to the system tray? That's very weird. Could you show a screenshot of what an application minimised to the system tray looks like?16:23
RoryAll applications minimise to the top bar?16:23
aliensbrahno, not all16:23
ActionParsnipTheLocksmith: backtrack isnt supported here or in any of the ubuntu support channels16:23
aliensbrahthings like spotify and xchat which I usually have open but minimize - I don't often look at a task bar on my left monitor as my middle monitor is my primary and working monitor16:24
Roryahh I see what the problem is16:24
Roryaliensbrah: Does the issue occur for all users? You could try with a gues session if you don't have another user16:24
aliensbrahas well, I usually have a VM open on my left monitor and only a small terminal open on my middle monitor, so when I download files to my desktop I'd like if they went to the middle16:25
aliensbrahas I could easily move them around without having to minimize my VM16:25
aliensbrahI haven't tried a different user but I had the same issue with mint and fedora, it appears as if linux can't differentiate between primary monitor and desktop completely16:25
aliensbrahbut I wasn't sure if there was a fix for that16:25
RoryOh I have to go. I hope someone else can help you. Find out if it's user-specific or system-wide. Back up and delete that monitors.xml file and try setting your monitors up again16:25
Roryaliensbrah: bear in mind you're using 12.04 which is 2 years old now. 14.04 is out in about a week, and the daily images are stable enough to install now (IMO)16:26
calimero8282good morning to all, I installed Lubuntu 13:10 in acer laptop extensa 5620, which only gives me an error before loading the desktop; the laptop is connected to a vga cable to an external monitor and I also connected a USB keyboard and a mouse.Inoltre every time you restart the PC does not save the settings of the monitor made ​​by me and every time I have to reset it to 1024x768. thanks16:26
ActionParsnipRory: 12.04 is LTS though, still very developed and very supported16:26
aliensbrahI think it's more of a linux issue overall though, as I have had the exact issue with multiple distros16:27
mistawrighthi guys i need some help. I am not sure why rsyslog has stopped logging on my servers. I had them forwarding log files and now that i removed the option and restarted syslog to see if that was the issue it is still not logging16:27
Jarry1250So I have a WUBI install, working fine until I replaced my hard disk, now won't boot; followed some instructions but GRUB is still struggling I think because it can't find the partition with the old UUID 88... How do I know what I should be replacing it with when you do Ctrl-E from the GRUB menu?16:27
mistawrightwhat could have cuased this. only thing that was changed was to allow to send log files to a remote server16:27
pvl1calimero8282: so everytime you log in, you have to change your resolution16:27
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ActionParsnipJarry1250: wubi hasnt been developed since April 201216:28
pvl1calimero8282: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=153622816:29
calimero8282i don't know how to repair it issue16:29
ActionParsnipJarry1250: I'd do a clean install and NOT use Wubi, its awful and flimsy as hell16:29
Jarry1250ActionParsnip: Yus, this is more a general question though, I just need to map /dev/sda1,2,3 etc to my Windows partition16:29
ActionParsnipJarry1250: 22 months, no update.....nice software huh16:29
cfhowlettJarry1250 not to mention, wubi is no longer supported ...16:29
Jarry1250Or uncover the UUIDs of the new Windows partitions16:30
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wisescribe7Hello. I am wanting to erase Ubuntu and reinstall Windows 7. My question is, how do I get GRUB off of my hard drive so it doesn't boot up when I try to boot Windows 7 after installing?16:36
pvl1wisescribe7: install mbr16:37
pvl1windows' mbr that is16:37
cfhowlettwisescribe7 won't be a problem; windows will install its bootloader in the MBR16:37
boutellI have a tar question. I need to tar up a folder that has a “logs” subdirectory at the top level, and also various subdirectories named “logs” at deeper levels in the tree. I want to exclude only the top-level one. —exclude=logs will exclude all of them. —exclude=./logs also excludes all of them (I just did a test because I didn’t believe it myself). Any ideas?16:38
pedahzurIs there an Alin Andrei around? His page at https://launchpad.net/~nilarimogard doesn't list his IRC handle.16:41
calimero8282pvl1: i see the guide, but it talks about ubuntu 10.04, it's ok for mine? thanks16:41
pvl1calimero8282: no difference. randr is the standard16:41
aliensbrahso 14.04 is for sure being released next week?16:44
cfhowlettaliensbrah 17th16:44
aliensbrahthanks cfhowlett16:44
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wisescribe7I'm trying to reinstall Windows XP and I currently have Ubuntu 13.10. Windows XP setup is not recognizing my C:\ drive. Can anyone help?16:54
cfhowlettwisescribe7 ask ##windows for windows support = for a very few more days16:54
pvl1cfhowlett: what you mean for a very few more days16:57
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dfcnvt-sigh- I can't seem to get ftpd server to work on ubuntu. (Need to set up virtual user for it)16:58
cfhowlettpvl1 windows XP support is about to die16:59
bekkspvl1: Official support for XP ends - tomorrow.17:01
cfhowlettpvl1 and not short enought, it was!17:02
pvl1official as in MS is dropping support?17:02
pvl1only now?17:02
bekkspvl1: Yes. Tomorrow support will be dropped17:02
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code__the ubuntu 14.4 desktop edition available now is final beta or it will be available 17 april?17:13
bekkscode__: It is the final beta now and will be released at April, 17th17:13
daftykinscode__: try asking in #ubuntu+117:13
asarchIs that true that Ubuntu One will be soon closed?17:13
daftykinsasarch: yes, there is a blog post about it, go read it17:14
* asarch whispers: "Damn it!"17:14
asarchThank you guys17:14
asarchThank you very much :'-(17:14
code__bekks:the edition of now is the same as of 17 april one?17:14
sydneyJDykstraDoes anyoun Know how to fiix this eror while trying to install Tonido: There isn’t a software package called “file:” in your current software sources.17:15
Voyagehow to update only one package only?17:16
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pvl1sudo apt-get install packagename sydneyJDykstra17:16
pvl1Voyage sudo apt-get install package should work..17:16
sydneyJDykstrapvl1: ok17:17
Voyagepvl1,  i already have that package. I just need to upgrade it17:17
pvl1noproblem Voyage17:17
pvl1er sydneyJDykstra17:17
pvl1Voyage: apt should know17:17
OerHeksVoyage, if the repositorys have no updated version, you will need an other source17:18
Voyagepvl1,  OerHeks  apt-get install --only-upgrade <package>17:20
pvl1htere ya go17:21
runvncis it possible that this issue with mysql 5.5 install is still causing problems? I mean I am seeing it in my logs and having problems with mysql startup https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mysql-5.5/+bug/121038017:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1210380 in mysql-5.5 (Ubuntu) "package mysql-server-5.5 5.5.32-0ubuntu0.12.04.2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [High,Fix released]17:25
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pavulon00kto testuje 14.04?17:28
tgm4883runvnc, that bug says those package versions were never issued. You shouldn't have gotten them unless you were running proposed17:29
bekkspavulon00: wse w #ubuntu+117:29
jhutchinsrunvnc: Unlikely, as the bug has been fixed.  "having problems" is awfully vague.17:30
jhutchinsrunvnc: What did you try to do?  How did you try to do it?  What did you expect to happen?  What happened instead?17:30
ubottuPlease elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)17:30
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runvnctgm: I am getting the same error message that appears on that page17:32
runvncjhutchins: I will make a gist with the mysql log17:33
jhutchinsrunvnc: Just describe the problem.  Give the specifics I asked for.  Don't ask us to read your logs for you or look at screenshots, tell us what the problem is.17:34
runvncI appreciate any help guys.  this is the mysql error.log https://gist.github.com/ithkuil/1002470117:34
runvncjhutchins: The problem is that mysql doesn't start17:35
runvncjhutchins: after the initial install. and it gives error messages that I saw in an ubuntu bug report17:35
tgm4883runvnc, the bug report you linked to though was a apt error, not a mysql one17:36
OerHeksheh line #38 ERROR: 1064  you have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ALTER TABLE user ADD column Show_view_priv enum('N','Y') CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT ' at line 117:36
runvnctgm4883: I'm sorry if I accidentally typed mysql error, I know it was a problem with apt17:37
Serk0nany suggestions mounting for note 3 on 13.1017:38
runvncthe reason I came in here was to find out if this was a common issue still. i.e. if it was still a problem people were having with new mysql installs, somehow, even though it was marked as fixed17:38
tgm4883runvnc, you are confusing here. You pasted two different issues. Which one do you want to work on17:38
runvncand based on the responses I am assuming that is not the case17:38
tgm4883runvnc, you haven't shown us any logs from the apt error17:38
Serk0nare there samsung mobile phone user?17:39
runvnctgm4883: this ERROR: 1064  You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ALTER TABLE user ADD column Show_view_priv enum('N','Y') CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT ' at line 1 appears in my log and also on the launchpad bug page17:40
runvncif anyone can help me figure out how to get mysql 5.5 installed without seeing that error or another error in my logs, I would appreciate it17:41
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tgm4883runvnc, on that LP page, that isn't an error17:42
runvnctgm4883: that isnt an error, or it doesnt appear17:43
tgm4883tgm4883, it's an excerpt from the postinst file17:43
tgm4883oh wait, I see where you are pointing at now17:43
tgm4883runvnc, still, I believe that to be irrelevant to your issue. Unless you are getting errors when running apt-get, then you can forget that page17:44
jhutchinsrunvnc: What did you try to do?  How did you try to do it?  What did you expect to happen?  What happened instead?17:44
tgm4883jhutchins, he already said that17:44
jhutchinsAlthough you still haven't answered those questions, it looks from your log like you tried to use a script to create a database.17:44
runvncjhutchins: I think it is quite clear that I tried to install mysql, (with apt-get install mysql-server) and I errors afterward starting up mysql17:45
tgm4883jhutchins, mysql won't start. He posted logs, we told him what the logs said17:45
jhutchinsrunvnc: How much clearer than " You have an error in your SQL syntax" can an error message get?  It even says where in the script the error was!17:45
runvncjhutchins: that is after running sudo apt-get install mysql, it is the sql that comes from the distribution, as the bug page mentions, it is not my sql17:46
runvncyou guys are being dicks17:46
jhutchinstgm4883: Which is unreasonable, we should not have to read his logs for him.17:46
runvncI will figure something out17:46
tgm4883jhutchins, uh, this is #ubuntu  I don't think reading some log files is unreasonable.17:46
tgm4883jhutchins, is this was #mysql then yea17:46
bekksrunvnc: Instead of calling names at people you better fix the sql syntax error in the script.17:46
runvncbekks: that is the sql that comes from ubuntu/mysql! not my sql17:47
tgm4883granted, yes, that was a pretty easy error to see17:47
runvncI just wanted to find out if other people were still having issues like this. apparently not17:47
bekksrunvnc: If you want a quick solution: fix the sql. No one said it is YOUR sql.17:47
tgm4883runvnc, because you pasted an unrelated bug report17:47
runvncyou understand, I just ran apt-get install mysql-server, and that error appeared, I never typed any sql17:47
runvncit IS RELATED17:47
runvncfuck you17:47
bekksrunvnc: Ignore set.17:47
daftykinssuch fine customers we get here17:48
bekksdaftykins: creme de la creme on a monday evening, indeed.17:48
tgm4883right. You have no idea how mysql works or how to fix your issue, but go ahead and tell me how it's related...17:48
spydonMy helvetica fonts have gone crazy in chromium, does anybody know how to fix it and why it has happened? It works fine in firefox. http://i.imgur.com/ncL93sO.png17:53
omarHi all.17:56
jhutchinsI suppose, perhaps, there could be an error in the script that does the initial setup of the mysql database itself, although for it to make it all the way to a production release would be pretty baffling.  It would be affecting everybody who did a new install, but not upgraders.  Corruption is unlikely given the internal package integrity checks.17:56
omarMy laptop has access to the internet, and I would like to have my Galaxy Tab 3 access the internet through my laptop. Is it possible to do that?17:58
jhutchinsomar: Generically yes.17:59
nardo_bagginsjust joined17:59
jhutchinsomar: Does your laptop have both wired and wifi?17:59
omarjhutchins, Yup.18:00
jhutchinsOk, if you set up your wifi to be an access point, and set up NAT/forwarding on the laptop from the wired to the wifi that would do it.18:00
jhutchinsomar: I've never worked with wifi in peer-to-peer mode, I'm not sure about doing wifi-to-wifi.18:01
jhutchinsomar: (I suppose if you had wireless internet already  you'd just set that up on the phone...)18:03
jhutchinsomar: http://www.howtogeek.com/116409/how-to-turn-your-ubuntu-laptop-into-a-wireless-access-point/18:03
omarjhutchins, Well, the thing is, my laptop is connected to the internet through a wire, and I cannot change that at the moment. :\18:04
jhutchinsomar: I think that's the easiest configuration.18:04
omarjhutchins, Oh, I see. I'll check it out right away. Thanks man! :)18:04
dfcnvtI've successfully created vsftpd server with virtual user and able jailed the virtual user...I have question regarding to 'ln' command, is it permissible if I ln the external directory to inside jailed directory?18:06
clarkkin aptitude interactive mode, I click "g" to see the list of packages that need to be updated, and I click '+' next to the first one in the list. This causes its dependants to show in red. How do I mark a package AND it's dependants to upgrade using just one action?18:10
xjkxDoes anyone know, why skype for windows is 6.xx and for linux is 4.2 ? Are we actually outdated or it follows different version numbering ?18:13
bekksxjkx: skype isnt developed that well on linux.18:13
clarkkxjkx: it's a completely different code base and so follows different versioning18:13
xjkxclarkk: alright, I got it from apt-get, the repository is something like 'partners', is it still same code skype team wrote ?18:15
erryany idea how i can fix ctrl + alt resizing the current window, and not being able to ctrl+alt+left/up/right/down (keyboard shortcuts are right, 12.04, unity)18:15
omarjhutchins, Okay, well this is strange. I have created the hotspot, but it doesn't seem to show up on my tablet for some reason. As if it's not in range. :\18:16
Beldarxjkx, If it's a 3rd party ion the ubuntu repos in general it is either within the ubuntu viability or has been tweaked to be.18:19
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erry  ah nvm18:20
clarkkxjkx: it's written by skype, as far as I'm aware18:20
LeucotheaAnyone here have experience with n-central MSP ?18:24
clarkkok, I found the answer to my aptitude question here  http://www.andrewault.net/2010/05/06/interactive-full-screen-aptitude/18:26
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Guest77139ciao enrico18:29
jhutchinsomar: I haven't done this myself, but there are options as to whether the hotspot broadcasts the SSID or not, it might default to "silent mode".18:31
jhutchinsxjkx: Skype is a product of Microsoft.  They bought it a couple of years ago.18:32
xjkxjhutchins: unfortunately18:34
nomicskype has been around the houses..  it's been bought and sold @ a loss many times .. aol had it once18:34
nomicdidn't ebay buy it18:35
fawhi. i remember seeing a command line version of wireshark back in the day. anyone remember what it's called?18:36
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jhutchinsfaw: http://www.wireshark.org/docs/wsug_html_chunked/AppTools.html18:42
bradsguitari have a question18:42
bekksSo ask it please :)18:42
Han_nibalhey, i have no sound, and no sound application detected in the sound panel18:43
bradsguitari installed xubuntu beside chromeos on a chromebook and i'm runnin audacity it won't recognize my usb to guitar transfer cable18:43
fawthanks jhutchins! was thinking of something else than those, but tshark will do just fine. thanks again!18:44
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bradsguitarany ideas?18:45
phaoHow do I check if my video card driver is installed and in use?18:46
SonikkuAmericaphao: Check "Additional Drivers" under System Settings18:46
k1l_phao: see "lsmod" if your video driver is loaded18:46
SonikkuAmericaphao: What k1l_ said too, particularly for the technical name18:47
bradsguitardid anyone hear me?18:47
Beldarbradsguitar, You might try #opensourcemuscians  there are a number of music channels, where the device might be recognized.18:47
Han_nibalhow can help me for a sound issue18:48
jhutchinsbradsguitar: dmesg would be where any messages about the cable would appear.18:49
phaok1l_, I see 'nouveau' in lots of places in my lsmod output, and modinfo nouveau seems to indicate it's what I'm wondering about.18:49
phaoHowever, in SonikkuAmerica suggestion, going to Additional Drivers in system settings seems to indicate my nvidia driver is not active.18:49
k1l_phao: so are you running nouveau? or did you install another driver?18:49
jhutchinslsmod only shows kernel modules, not xorg video drivers.18:49
phaok1l_, idk how to answer that.18:49
phaoI didn't install any other driver afaik.18:49
phao(this is a fresh install)18:50
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SonikkuAmericaphao: Did you hit "Install" in Additional Drivers?18:50
k1l_phao: ok. if you didnt do anything, then go to the additional driver setting and install the prop. driver for your card18:50
phaoI hit "Activate" (just now)18:50
daftykinsphao: is it a laptop with an nvidia chip?18:51
phaoWhich caused it to download and (afaik) install stuff.18:51
phaodaftykins, yes18:51
daftykinsphao: ok, sounds like you have optimus then. rebooting now will likely break your desktop18:51
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phaothat's great.18:51
phaoyeah, it does have optimus18:52
daftykinsphao: yeah so your best bet is really to wait for 14.04, but if you insist you can play with nvidia-prime or bumblebee on 13.10 in the meantime18:52
daftykins!bumblebee | phao18:52
ubottuphao: The Bumblebee Project aims to support NVIDIA Optimus technology under Linux. The Bumblebee website can be found at http://bumblebee-project.org/18:52
daftykinsphao: it depends if you want to reduce power consumption and keep the laptop running longer by sticking to the intel, or whether you want to run games18:53
phaoI see.18:53
daftykinsphao: some laptops also have controls in the BIOS/EFI to control which GPU is in use, but a lot of them don't18:54
omarjhutchins, It's alright. I figured out. Apparently, android devices do not support ad hoc connections. But there's this guy who found out a way to make it in infrastructure mode instead.18:58
omarjhutchins,  http://www.webupd8.org/2013/06/how-to-set-up-wireless-hotspot-access.html18:58
omarjhutchins, Thanks again, bro. :))18:58
phaodaftykins, I have no immediate need for those drivers18:58
Han_nibalcan someone help me in my sound issue18:58
daftykinsHan_nibal: you need to explain what's wrong18:59
kryspyanyone having problems with netinstalls of precise failing at install software today?19:01
daftykinskryspy: which repos?19:01
jubobahey, I'm running my box in text mode and can't play any sounds19:01
daftykinsmaybe consider switching19:01
jubobahow can I solve this?19:02
kryspyseems anything I try to be honest. I am doing a VM install for xen19:02
daftykinsXen got pretty ditched on ubuntu, are you sure that's viable 0o19:02
kryspyI am running unraid and using a VM of Ubuntu19:03
maksimkaaahello, i have a server with ubuntu 11.10, is there a way to upgrade php to php5.5 or php5.4 on it? I plan to do a fresh 14.04 install when it comes out, but I need a temporary solution for now..19:03
bekkskryspy: do you plan to run xen 64bit?19:03
daftykinsmaksimkaaa: sorry, EOL is EOL19:03
kryspyinstalled once this morning sucessfully but got buggered. failed to reinstall ever since19:03
bekksmaksimkaaa: 11.10 is out of support for a long time already.19:03
Han_nibalsystem sound work fine, but application sound not, like chrome on youtube or facebook, rhytmebox too19:03
bekkskryspy: do you plan to run xen 64bit?19:04
kryspybekks yes19:04
Ben64makije: 11.10 hasn't been supported for almost a year. running a server without having security updates is madness. you need to upgrade now19:04
bekkskryspy: And you are using virtualbox?19:04
maksimkaaabut isn't there any temporary work around ? it is not a production server.19:04
Ben64maksimkaaa: nope, hasn't been supported in a year19:04
phaodaftykins, what I did was removing the drivers then =)19:04
bekksmaksimkaaa: It is end of life. Out of support. It is dead, Jim.19:04
kryspyno in unraid there is xen as part of it now19:04
phaobooting seems fine19:04
bekkskryspy: What is "unraid"?19:05
phaoI've just realized that I had downloaded ubuntu 12 and not 1319:05
kryspyunraid is a NAS appliance19:05
daftykinsphao: cool - the chip might still be pulling more power whilst nothing is installed, but that depends if you mind about battery19:05
maksimkaaahumm.. will upgrade then ;)19:05
phaodaftykins, I see.19:05
phaoI'll look into nvidia-prime and that other thing (what was it?) later19:05
daftykinsphao: bumblebee. they won't work so well with 12.04 but you can try19:06
phaoI don't want 12.0419:06
daftykinsphao: quite honestly i'd just say wait for 14.04 release day now :>19:06
phaoI want 13. This was a mistake =)19:06
phaoCan I upgrade from 12 to 13 w/o having to re-install the whole thing?19:06
kryspyphao yes19:06
bekksphao: Sure. Update 12.04 to 12.10 to 13.04 to 13.10.19:06
phaoCool. I have no clue how to do it though.19:07
daftykinsreinstall would be a billion times quicker19:07
phaoseriously =(19:07
Ben64phao: you should really use the full release number. its not ubuntu 12 or 13. its 12.04, or 13.1019:07
daftykinsyeah download ISO, put on flash drive, boot, install19:07
phaoI see.19:08
kryspyso no one else having problems then ;)19:08
Han_nibali use ubuntu 13.1019:08
OerHeksHan_nibal, you cannot change sound volume?19:11
tastycactusI'm running 13.10, how do I enable udev logging?  I tried "udevadm control --log-priority=debug" and I tried editting /etc/udev/udev.conf with udev_log="debug" but neither works, or else logs are not going to syslog?19:11
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Han_nibali cannot change sound volume?19:16
undeadSure you can!19:17
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OerHeksHan_nibal, same happened here, check sound settings, mine was switched to digital, putting it back to anolog and volume worked again19:18
Han_nibalhow that ?19:18
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Han_nibali have nothing to switch19:20
OerHekssound settings is at the bottom of the drop-down-menu19:22
Han_nibalyeah i know but there is nothing to switch it19:23
tastycactusSo should I file a bug on udev debug logging?  Does "udevadm control --log-priority=debug" work for anyone else?19:25
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vicksgalera do linux!19:30
Greencoat421Can someone help me with an HDMI issue on 13.10? I get sound, but at random times there is a loud crackle coming through19:32
Han_nibalwhen i execute this "gnome-sound-applet" it show me "sound-cc-panel-WARNING **: Failed to connect context"19:33
Greencoat421Is there and ubuntu helpdesk anywhere?>19:34
bekksGreencoat421: Just ask your actual question in here :)19:35
Greencoat421I did19:35
Greencoat421Can someone help me with an HDMI issue on 13.10? I get sound, but at random times there is a loud crackle coming through19:35
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Greencoat421So since no one can answer that, is there a helpdesk anywher?19:37
newuser420Need help finding Hp dvd-ram uj8b1 driver, neither Zorin nor Lubuntu can access any information from the disc drive or play any discs, so I'm thinking that's what I need.19:39
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bekksnewuser420: It is not. DVD RAM drives do work out of the box since ages.19:39
bekksnewuser420: If you cant read any media from it, the drive is just broken.19:39
xenolyseHi guys. I've just recently updated to 14.04 beta and i wonder what nvidia driver version i should use? I got a 670 if that matters.19:40
nylanyone had this problem?19:40
Ben64xenolyse: 14.04 support and discussion in #ubuntu+1 until release19:40
xenolyseBen64: Thanks I'll check that out!19:41
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newuser420Oh, I see.19:43
newuser420Disc drive is being recognized and won't open with Document Viewer because it couldn't be mounted, is that indicative of device failure.19:44
jhutchinsnewuser420: How do you determine that it is "recognized"?19:45
bekksnewuser420: Yes it is.19:45
jhutchinsnewuser420: Generally one would either "open" it with a file browser or a media player.19:46
newuser420Well document viewer would19:46
newuser420have thrown an error other than "unmountable" if it actually had a problem with the contents. And I couldn't open a dvd manually from VLC media player either, it said dev/dvd wasn't readable.19:47
ZarakiKenpachiIs it possible to install linux from a smartphones sd card ?19:47
jhutchinsnewuser420: ATA or SATA?19:47
bekksnewuser420: Then how do you determine "is is recognized"? And did you try mounting it in a terminal?19:47
jhutchinsZarakiKenpachi: If your device will boot from it, yes.19:47
newuser420I click on computer and it reads the device name, hp etc dvd-ram19:48
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newuser420It's unable to find any info about the contents of the drive though, and VLC can't play movies from it either.19:48
Han_nibali have no sound and when i execute this "gnome-sound-applet" it show me "sound-cc-panel-WARNING **: Failed to connect context"19:48
bekksnewuser420: So try mounting it in a terminal.19:49
newuser420So it's recognized, and the driver must be in tact, but the filesystem doesn't list it either in the side-bar as a device with "information" on it19:49
bekksnewuser420: Would you mind to answer the questions given?19:49
newuser420Where would I mount it to19:50
newuser420Oh, nvm19:50
bekksnewuser420: Wherever you want it to.19:50
newuser420Says /dev/usb isn't in fstab or mtab19:51
newuser420With lsblk -l though it lists sr0 though19:52
newuser420thought it lists sr0*19:52
newuser420I'm thinking his drive is busted19:52
qinZarakiKenpachi: Do you have live system on sdcard?19:52
bekksWhy do you try to use /ddev/usb when you are talking about sr0?19:52
newuser420sr0 is what lsblk calls the dvd drive19:53
newuser420Or its partition anyway, afaik19:53
bekksThen use sr0 for mounting, and not /dev/usb19:54
newuser420Tried just mounting /dev/sr0 as it's listed in the lsblk list but that hasn't worked either19:54
bekksnewuser420: Define "hasnt worked".19:54
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jhutchinsnewuser420: You do have a disk with a valid filesystem in the drive?19:54
bekksnewuser420: What did you type, what happeneD?19:54
newuser420Not in fstab or mtab19:54
prxqis there a way to disable automatic driver download for new printers?19:55
bekksnewuser420: Provide the full information. What did you type, what happened?19:55
newuser420mount /dev/sr0, not found in fstab or mtab, mount sr0, not found on either.19:55
jhutchinsnewuser420: You have to specify both device and mount point.  mount -t auto /dev/sr0 /mnt19:55
bekksnewuser420: "mount /dev/sr0" is an incomplete command.19:55
prxqi don't want it to try to download dirvers.19:55
prxqthe reason is that it is already installed and working fine19:56
Han_nibalany help for my sound issue19:56
bekks!sound | Han_nibal19:56
ubottuHan_nibal: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.19:56
newuser420Just typed in that command as sudo @jhutchins19:56
prxq(ubuntu 12.04)19:56
newuser420It say no medium found on /dev/sr019:56
bekksThen insert a valid disk.19:57
newuser420There is one inserted, so the drive must have failed19:57
jackargSo I just upgraded to 13.10. Why the hell are my unity animations so laggy, and why are all videos playing with stuttery low fps?19:57
jackargnot to mention the black bar that stays when I try to autohide the launcher19:57
Nikirodefo da ti go tura19:57
newuser420Considering there's driver support for the dvd-rom drive.19:57
bekksnewuser420: The drive is broken.19:57
speaker1234have a question which is hopefully quick. I'm building a 15 TB array for backup at my company. I'm going to use either zfs of btrfs. I know that ZFS oes lots of data validation. Are there any advantages to btrfs i might want to consider?20:01
jhutchinsbekks: Good bet, he should check cables though, check to see if "eject" works, check the disks on another drive.20:02
bekksspeaker1234: zfs does compression and deduplication, and provides various levels of redundancy.20:02
gcbirzanGod, don't use dedup on zfs20:02
SonikkuAmericajackarg: What graphics do you have?20:03
gcbirzanspeaker1234: zfs on linux is more stable than btrfs, if you're not using zvols, which btrfs doesn't have an equivalent of20:03
jhutchinsjackarg: Because you upgraded to 13.10 which has video performance issues with some cards.20:03
gcbirzanspeaker1234: also, zfs is cross platform,20:03
bekksgcbirzan: In theory :)20:03
speaker1234Okay, zfs it is20:03
gcbirzanbekks: In theory, what? :P20:03
gcbirzanseriously. screw dedup. it's crap and will break your shit20:04
bekksgcbirzan: Did you ever try to migrate a solaris sparc zfs pool onto zfsonlinux? :)20:04
gcbirzanthe other way around20:04
bekksdedup works fine.20:04
gcbirzanwell, oaky, nvm20:04
jackargjhutchins:  SonikkuAmerica  what do you want? I've got an nvidia geforce 710M but i never ever ever managed to gt that working so I use optirun when I can. otherwise just intel by default?20:04
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speaker1234I love my timing though. I'm going to go with 12.04 because it's theoretically more stable. I guess I can do the upgrade to 14.04 next year.20:04
gcbirzanI did ZoL to current illumos20:04
bekksgcbirzan: Which isnt Solaris ;)20:04
gcbirzanbekks: yaeh, until you try to destroy a dataset. at which point the whole zpool just freezees20:05
bekksgcbirzan: works fine here.20:05
jhutchinsjackarg: Sorry, I haven't seen enough solutions here to know what fixes that.20:05
jhutchinsjackarg: I would imagine there's considerable discussion in the forums.20:05
gcbirzanbekks: you are lying... there is no such thing as working dedup :P20:05
jhutchins710 Should be pretty universal, work ok on noveau.20:06
jackargjhutchins: I think i'm just gonna move to arch20:06
jhutchinsgcbirzan: Um, yeah there is.20:06
speaker1234Thanks for the help20:06
vlad_starkovQUESTION: Is it possible to disable eth1 and eth2 interfaces on boot time? (to not seeing "Waiting for network configuration..." message on boot)20:06
bekksgcbirzan: Well, not in your world maybe. In mine, it works like a charm, on lot of servers. And we should stop being OT in here.20:06
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bekksvlad_starkov: GFix your network setup instead :)20:07
vlad_starkovbekks: ?20:07
jhutchinsvlad_starkov: Yes.20:07
bekksvlad_starkov: "Waiting for network configuration" means: "I havent connected those interfaces or they dont get a DHCP answer." So fix that. :)20:07
gcbirzanit doesn't20:08
vlad_starkovjhutchins: how?20:08
gcbirzanit means cloud-init isn't working20:08
gcbirzanThen it'll say "waiting for 60 more seconds, because preventing your server from starting for 60 seconds isn't enough"20:09
jhutchinsvlad_starkov: Do you intend to make them work after boot?20:09
fcp13i have an external harddrive connected to ubuntu and doesn't detect20:09
vlad_starkovjhutchins: yep20:09
fcp13appears on /dev/sdc20:09
prxqany way to disable the "hp printer driver plug-in installation" thing? What daemon is it, anyway?20:09
jhutchinsfcp13: Your statements are contradictory.20:10
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fcp13yap jhutchins20:10
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fcp13sorry but it's not show in drives connected20:11
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fcp13i try to dmesg and they detect20:11
fcp13but i can't see any files20:11
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jhutchinsfcp13: I would do sudo fdisk -l to see if there are any partitions.20:12
jhutchinsfcp13: usb?  2 or 3?20:12
fcp13usb 220:12
fcp13in fdisk doens«t shw20:12
bekksfcp13: Then pastebin "dmesg" please.20:13
bekks!pastebin | fcp1320:13
ubottufcp13: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:13
jhutchinsfcp13: Not the whole thing, just where it talks about the drive pluss a little buffer.20:13
jhutchinsfcp13: sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdc?20:14
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bekksThats drive is resetting all the time. Actually, it isnt working.20:16
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fcp13jhutchins can't help please»20:18
bekksfcp13: jhutchins cant help with broken devices, too :)20:18
fcp13ho :S20:18
fcp13nothing to do in that case?20:19
bekksfcp13: Try another USB port, try another casing, try another cable.20:19
adamcunningtonHow do i install an app from a ppa that has the same name as in the main ubuntu repo?20:20
bekksadamcunnington: sudo apt-get install appname20:21
AceYaoHello All! :)20:21
adamcunningtonbekks: appname is the same20:21
bekksadamcunnington: Then run that command.20:22
adamcunningtonbekks: how will ubuntu know to prioritise the ppa over the main repo?20:22
adamcunningtonor is that just how it behaves20:22
jhutchinsfcp13: You used pastebin.com, which is blocked by many major webfilters, including mine, instead of paste.ubuntu.com as the bot suggested.20:22
jhutchinsfcp13: Listen to what the drive sounds like when you plug it in though.20:23
AceYaoI have a couple servers running ubuntu server 13.04, if I run "sudo do-release-upgrade" today, then again after april 17th when 14.04 LTS is released, should i need to prepare my servers somehow? Or should I just run the upgrade?20:23
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=== thurstylark_ is now known as thurstylark
jhutchinsAceYao: You should back up the servers before you do the release-upgrade in case somethng breaks, and you should be able to just do normal upgrades through the release.20:24
ubuntu299Hi, I'm new to Ubuntu and am having difficulty getting my fresh install of 13.10 (64 bit) to connect to my wired network. Integrated gigabit card is Realtek PCIe GBE which seems to be detected fine. Is anyone able to provide some assistance/pointers please?20:25
rcampbel4ubuntu299: what does 'ifconfig -a' show? does it show a valid network interface? Do you see link lights flashing on your interface? Can you confirm with any other machine that the port and cable your using is functioning properly?20:27
bbz7connect irc.root-me.org[6667]20:27
ubuntu299rcampbel4: Thanks. The PC has been set up as a Win 7 dual boot. Networking is working fine when I boot into Windows and I've never had an issue since I bought the PC 2 years ago.20:28
jhutchinsubuntu299: lspci -nn will tell you if the card is detected properly.  If it pulls the correct model name, you can then research the eight-character ID - post it here and we can figure out the driver for it and whether it needs firmware.20:30
rcampbel4ubuntu299: okay... so, when you type 'ifconfig -a' do you see an eth0 or anything else? Does your network/router offer dhcp?20:30
AceYaothx, jhutchins20:31
ubuntu299jhtuchins, rcampbel4: the second last line of the output of lspci is "04:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller (rev 06)"20:31
Anton-Vidovichhow i can install java plugin please help20:31
AceYaoi have weekly backups, i guess ill just do a "sudo do-release-upgrade" then see what happens, then ill restore the backup if anything happens20:32
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ubuntu299jhtuchins, rcampbel4: Not sure if its relevant, but there was no networking available when I tried the 13.10 livecd nor during the install of 13.10. When I boot 13.10 all goes well except under the network "menu" Enable networking is checked and "Ethernet Network disconnected" is greyed out.20:34
jhutchinsubuntu299: That should be covered by the standard drivers and doesn't require firmware.20:36
ubuntu299jhtuchins, rcampbel4: I have lshw output if that helps...http://paste.ubuntu.com/7218800/20:38
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jhutchinsubuntu299: You never answered rcampbel420:46
ubuntu299jhtuchins, rcampbel4: I'll need to reboot to get the ifconfig output.  The router is providing DHCP and I have other wired & wireless devices using it fine.  Back in a few minutes.20:48
LLKCKfanHow can I keep from getting DHCP not aquried when trying to hook up a blu ray player (has been hooked up before) to a wireless network? I have had it hooked up before ithout issue and it was connected just fine an hour before one without error and I changed nothing and have restarted everythng. Blu ray hooked to router wired works fine20:52
Jordan_ULLKCKfan: How does that question relate to Ubuntu?20:52
bekksLLKCKfan: It has nothing to do with Ubuntu as has been told multiple times today.20:52
jhutchinsLLKCKfan: You might try ##networking, but you'll probably have to have more information on make, model, OS, chipset etc.20:54
jhutchinsLLKCKfan: If it used to work and now it doesn't chances are the hardware has failed.20:55
ubuntu299rcampbel4, jhutchins: Back. ifconfig output is http://paste.ubuntu.com/7218859/20:56
jpedroza2kGoogled with no luck. I get garbled sound out through headphones and speakers. pulseaudio on Ubuntu 13.10 on a Lenovo T430s. Just started after an apt-get update/upgrade today.20:56
bekksLLKCKfan: It is a closed source device, so you have to contact the vendor.20:56
jubobahey, I want to use wicd20:57
jubobawhat should I do to remove networkmanager and use wicd?20:58
LLKCKfanjhattara I have tried tha channel and get Cannot send to channel20:59
LLKCKfanNo hardware fail20:59
k1l_!register > LLKCKfan20:59
ubottuLLKCKfan, please see my private message20:59
bekksLLKCKfan: How do you know?20:59
k1l_or you are banned there. but that is no ubuntu topic at all20:59
LLKCKfanNot banned20:59
bekksLLKCKfan: Today, it turned out that is is an device error - and it isnt an Ubuntu device. So contact the vendor.20:59
k1l_then see the bots message.20:59
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k3n4ni have lost the wifi icon in panel...21:00
k3n4ni have wireless connection21:01
genioAfter joining my 13.10 machine to an AD domain (samba+winbind) and updating everything, I'm no longer able to mount USB drives.  Is this common?21:02
genio"Not authorized to perform operation"21:03
genioUnable to mount <insert drive name>.  then the error above.21:04
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k3n4ni have wifi connection but my wifi icon is missing in panel21:07
genioIs there some other information I could supply to help figure out what's happened to this box?21:07
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oskarthin #freebsd21:09
oskartherr, wrong channel21:09
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
genioah, what I read in the bug report sounds like a PAM settings issue.  Probably because I had to edit /etc/pam.d/common-* to allow AD authentication21:11
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jhutchinsgenio: Change it back, see what happens.21:11
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jhutchinsgenio: You know how to comment a line by putting a # at the beginning, that way you can keep your changes but make them inactive.21:12
linuxlite1969Hey, guys, what's happening with "Ubuntu One" storage?21:12
Jordan_Ulinuxlite1969: http://blog.canonical.com/2014/04/02/shutting-down-ubuntu-one-file-services/21:12
gazarsgois it safe to roll back to openssl098 until 1.0.1g gets packaged ?21:13
geniojhutchins: yea, I also made a backup of the entire pam.d directory before Fing with it21:13
linuxlite1969k   thanks21:13
humboltBTW, vlc crashes reliably every time I play an h264 RTMP stream in trusty!!!21:14
humboltEvery time!21:14
jhutchinsgenio: Not your first rodeo, eh?21:15
jhutchinshumbolt: What other formats have you tested?  How large is your sample of h264?21:16
jhutchinshumbolt: Can you play local h264?21:16
jhutchinsgenio: My best guess is that the system is either not recognizing the AD user as a local user with hardware permissions, or that the hardware permission groups need to be set in AD now.21:17
satyendrahello everyone21:17
matthaveneranyone know if/when there will be a 12.04 patch for openssl for http://heartbleed.com/ ?21:19
jhutchinsmatthavener: When it's ready.21:23
ice9how to find which firmware is used for the eithernet card?21:24
OerHeksmatthavener, http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-2164-1/ >> http://www.openssl.org/news/vulnerabilities.html#2014-016021:25
seiji_I need to report a Kernel bug, but my launchpad report has a "Package" "Linux" and apport is unable to report a bug for a package "linux" which is not found, how can I report a bug for the current kernel?21:25
seiji_Meaning what do I need to do in launchpad21:25
lichtderweltcan anybody  say why is not 14.04 ubuntu available21:26
seiji_Do I just select "kernel-image-3.13.0-23-generic-di" package in Launchpad and update the bug report?21:26
lichtderweltthey do say it will beavailablea already21:26
trismseiji_: ubuntu-bug linux; isn't working?21:26
pmd`Pretty sure 14.04 comes out Apr 1721:27
lachesissooo, heartbleed?21:27
ubuntu299rcampbel4, jhutchins:  Thanks for your assistance.21:27
seiji_trism, I don't see a way to select that.21:27
trismseiji_: you type it in the console on your system21:27
lachesiscritical openssl bug, exposes full memory of processes linked with openssl using tls21:28
lichtderweltdo they solveed libreoffice problems regarding te incopatibility with docx21:28
OerHekslachesis, that bug is solved in updates, http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-2164-1/21:28
lachesisOerHeks: wrong bug21:29
lachesisthis one was against openssl21:29
lichtderweltpretty wrong21:29
lachesishit the TLS heartbeat extension21:29
OerHekssorry, tired eyes, ssl not ssh21:30
lichtderweltfor what21:30
lichtderweltare u usung ssh21:30
humboltjhutchins: not h264 but RTMP ist the problem. The same stream served via rtSp works fine!21:31
humboltjhutchins: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vlc/+bug/130404121:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1304041 in vlc (Ubuntu) "VLC crashes EVERY time on RTMP h264 stream" [Undecided,New]21:32
k3n4nhi guys. how can i use openVPN on ubuntu 13.1021:35
[Gentoo]k3n4n: you must think to google these things21:36
o------i need help21:38
o------i was worndering dose java work for chromium21:38
=== CEnnis91_ is now known as Guest10598
[Gentoo]it should21:38
k1l_why not?21:38
o------i tryed everthing t dose not work21:38
k1l_!java | o------21:39
ubottuo------: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.21:39
[Gentoo]o------: maybe tell us how you tried to do it21:39
=== Guest10598 is now known as CEnnis91
o------so i ddont click on the linux i click jer linuc verison21:39
k1l_why not install the java packages?21:39
o------so i download jer21:42
o------verision not just linux21:42
o------ooption  from java site21:42
[Gentoo]why are you downloading them21:42
[Gentoo]from the website21:43
[Gentoo]when there is a package manager21:43
o------my java is not picking up in chromium21:43
o------ii ryed commands niothing21:43
o------the sit i want to require java21:46
o------and when i try in install it the commands dont work21:46
seiji_How can I install linux-headers-3.14.0-031400-generic_3.14.0-031400.201403310035_amd64.deb? Software Center fails? I need to test a bug with this kernel?21:46
quemhey, does anyone use btrfs for their / partition?21:47
[Gentoo]quem: i have done21:47
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quem[Gentoo]: if i've understood it correctly, i wouldn't have to partition /home, etc separately, but could just create volumes for that?21:48
quemand change them as time goes on.21:48
oopguyinstall ubuntu alongside windows? i partition a 140GB for ubuntu or read around and use the "something else"?21:48
[Gentoo]quem: yes21:49
quem[Gentoo]: good to know. and ubuntu's installer supports all this?21:49
[Gentoo]no idea, it should do21:49
fowlduckanyone know if the openssl zero-day affects ubuntu? http://www.openssl.org/news/secadv_20140407.txt I don't see anything on ubuntu's security notices http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/21:49
quemguess i'll find on the 10th.21:49
quem*find out on21:50
matthavenerOerHeks: thanks for the url21:50
hansfordNeed help here please....under the crunch time.... I need help with getting USB Behringer u-control UCA222 to work under ubuntu....21:50
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NlGGER 21:54
k1l_NlGGER: please change your nick according the the guidelines and CodeOfConduct, thanks21:55
=== beidl_ is now known as beidl
hehehehey folks21:56
heheheI just installed ubuntu 13.10 server and added gnome desktop - now for some reason mosts ports are closed even do there are 0 rules in IP tables21:57
jhutchinshans_: Have you contacted the manufacturer for support?21:57
hehehe could it be gnome installed some firewall?21:57
jhutchinshehehe: Ports are only open if something is listening on them.  In Linux that only happens if you tell it to.21:57
heheheI se21:58
[Gentoo]hehehe: if something is listening run iptables -L and see21:58
hehehemakes sense21:58
hehehethen iptables are not needed?21:58
[Gentoo]for a firewall it is21:58
hehehe[Gentoo]: so iptables are used to prevent what? if application listen on open port it meant to do so21:59
[Gentoo]i just mean if you dont want to run a firewall make sure its all set to allow, or disable it21:59
jhutchinsquem: Unless you know Linux pretty well and know where you will be accumulating data, it's best to have one partition + swap.21:59
[Gentoo]hehehe: you can do a few useful things with firewall21:59
hehehe[Gentoo]: at the moment policy is accept21:59
hehehedefault one21:59
jhutchinsquem: Otherwise Murphy's Law dictates that you will run out of space when there is plenty on the wrong partition.21:59
[Gentoo]ok, should work if theres no rules in iptables22:00
jhutchinshans_: Sorry, hansford did a drive-by.22:00
[Gentoo]try ss -l | grep -i listen22:00
[Gentoo]or nmap yourself22:00
=== Gasseus is now known as Rallias
jhutchinsThe point is that there is no such thing as an "open port" unless a service is running and listening to that port.22:01
jhutchinsUnless you enabled the service, it's not listening, so nothing's "open".22:01
jjhhuWhy was ubuntu one cancelws22:02
hehehe[Gentoo]: cool, thats what I got so far http://pastebin.com/iFfk89pj :)22:02
[Gentoo]ok you do have some stuff22:02
[Gentoo]so some ports should appear open from public unless oyu havent configured router22:03
oopguyeverytime i try installing ubuntu 13.10 i dont get "install ubuntu alongside windows" instead i get "install ubuntu INSIDE windows" i am trying to do it via a usb22:03
[Gentoo]oopguy: is there no other option like manual22:03
oopguysomething else22:04
oopguybut i cant see "free space"22:04
oopguyi have deleted my D drive and only have D drive and the dvd drive22:04
OerHeksjjhhu,  is is explained in the news you read22:04
jjhhuNot in thw wmail22:05
k1l_jjhhu: see http://blog.canonical.com/2014/04/02/shutting-down-ubuntu-one-file-services/22:05
k1l_jjhhu: and that is the end of topic for this channel. we dont run ubuntu one or can change the decision.22:06
satyendra_when will ubuntu 14.04 resease22:07
k1l_april 17th22:07
OerHeksmaybe 17th22:07
satyendra_planing to install22:07
satyendra_new to linux world22:08
satyendra_how do i get used to it22:08
k1l_if you are new dont use betas.22:08
satyendra_waiting for the final release22:08
satyendra_can adobe  photoshop work on ubuntu22:09
OerHekssome windows programs can run on ubuntu with wine, check their database for info and/or/solutions22:10
Karunamon|2Greetings folks, I've got a 12.04.4 server that is unable to resolve really common SSL certificates for some reason. (curl -v https://google.com throws a 'certificate verify failed', as does github). I'm unaware of what's going on here, as I've got the latest ca-certificates package installed22:10
Karunamon|2I've tried doing a dpkg-reconfigure ca-certificates and that didn't help either.22:12
Karunamon|2And it's this one box only. I've got other 12.04.4 servers without this problem.22:12
Karunamon|2openssl s_client comes back with Verify return code: 20 (unable to get local issuer certificate)22:13
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quemjhutchins: i have over a decade of experience, shot myself in the foot more times than i can count, heh22:25
simianthello fellows. I am having some difficulty in getting xscreensaver to start automatically in lubuntu 13.10. Could someone help me out #lubuntu is kinda silent right now22:34
YomiHello. I've got weird placeholer icons. They've got red stop signs in them...22:36
=== tentees is now known as setient
mpoolehey, have we got a deb package for openssl on 12.04 to fix the recent heartbeat vuln?23:01
mpoolelooks like the mirrors don't have a new version23:01
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mpooleshould that guy be good?23:02
buffalo_Hi what is the proper(a working) boot setup for ubuntu server ragarding partitioning when raid5 is used, im using the none alternate cd and im currently installing through the gui installer. Is it even possible to use raid5? tried nearly all possible solutions23:06
bekksbuffalo_: you cant boot off a software raid5.23:07
buffalo_bekks: ok thanks:) what are my options then? if i have 3 120g disks and want full disc encryption and redundancy?23:08
bekksbuffalo_: create a small 3-disk raid1 with 256M partitions on each disk for /boot23:08
buffalo_bekks: thought i were getting crazy:P stayed up 48h straight trying to do this setup23:09
daftykinsyou also don't wanna do that ;)23:09
buffalo_bekks: okey, and what properties should the partition have?23:09
buffalo_bekks: should i use ext2 and just set mount to /boot? bootflags?23:10
bekksbuffalo_: Use ext4.23:10
bekksbuffalo_: And the boot flag is deprecated since almost two decades.23:10
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buffalo_bekks: ok, just wanted to be sure after all my attempts, tied the bootflag and payed there for a moment23:11
JumblemuddleHow would I go about setting up a wired connection with nm-cli? (Cli interface for NetworkManager)23:12
buffalo_bekks: I think i tried this setup and failed before. My UEFI complains about the settings or something23:12
buffalo_bekks: But i managed to boot using uefi before when i used the guided settings23:13
buffalo_bekks: I used ext2 tho, for the /boot raid 1 partition. And it was kind of starange since the raid colume was automatically created:/23:14
Dan39hello. how can i unbind the ctrl-s/ctrl-q keys in gnome-terminal so that other apps can use them? seems these are old keybinds for start/stop flow control that no one ever uses. nice prime real estate for new binds :)23:16
buffalo_If i just want to skip uefi, how do i perform a legacy boot correctly? It it enough to have the 1m bios grub partitiion?23:16
=== RickyB98 is now known as rickyb98
bekks!uefi | buffalo_23:17
ubottubuffalo_: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI23:17
sudormrfhey guys.  quick question about incron.  Suppose I only want it to perform its action after things are done in the folder that it is watching.  would IN_CLOSE_WRITE be the best mask to use?  To provide more background, I am using btsync to backup phone photos and I want all of those photos moved to another folder not connected with btsync, but last time I tried this it was crashing the system because of excessive rsync processes.  I wasn't using IN_CLOS23:18
sudormrfE_WRITE.  I was using different masks that were copying in real time.  Ideally I would like it to wait until all tasks on the folder are complete, then perform the rsync.  Am I looking in the right place?23:18
buffalo_ubottu: checked that allredy and i have successfully booted both uefi and legacy boot, but when i use raid i fail:/ tried all possible solutions i can think of23:19
ubottubuffalo_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:19
Nick____im getting a completely blank desktop.  I get a message that says something like 'report error' but nothing else. The buttons to the error button do not bring up anything.  I have no window decorations (no borders to the this 'report error' box)  I've tried reinstalling ubuntu-desktop, unity, video drivers, and resetting unity and and unity plugin using ccsm...any other ideas?23:21
Nick____problem is similar to this tried the most popular solution: http://askubuntu.com/questions/17381/unity-doesnt-load-no-launcher-no-dash-appears23:23
n0124what version of linux is on the screen here http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/91Z4K1DMkML._SL1500_.jpg23:28
sudormrfn0124, all of them.23:30
pepeewas this patched already?  http://www.reddit.com/r/netsec/comments/22gaar/heartbleed_attack_allows_for_stealing_server/23:33
bekkspepee: No.23:33
sudormrfso...no one has any answers about my incron question? :)23:33
n0124I dnot understand23:33
=== Node_741 is now known as odsent
odsentHelp I think i have a virus23:34
odsentWhen i make a keystroke, or press an "icon23:35
odsentor what it's called, i get a little message23:35
bekksodsent: Which one?23:35
odsentit says "you're gay"23:35
n0124can I install ubuntu23:35
odsentbut i'm not gay23:36
n0124u sure bro23:36
bekksToday's troll night again.23:36
sudormrfis using the incron mask IN_CLOSE_WRITE going to provide me with the best option for performing an action after a file is completely done syncing with btsync?23:36
n0124I mean maybe its like a fortune teller23:36
odsentI Don't know if it's a virus, but i can't open any stuff up23:36
odsentlike i click firefox and it doesn't load, it just says "you're gay"23:37
n0124linux doesnt get viruses23:37
edipshi, my fan is very loud on lubuntu 13.10 for toshiba. it works about %90.  how can i solve this problem?23:38
odsentand whenever i start up ubuntu, it does this song, like23:38
odsentyou know how when you start up windows it goes "do do do do, do doooo"23:38
n0124ooo ee oooo aaa aaa ting tang walla walla bing bang?23:39
odsentwell when i start up ubuntu, it goes "unn tss unn tss unn tss unnts you're gay, you're gay"23:39
pepeebekks, http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-2165-1/23:39
odsentit's like a song or somethin23:39
edipsi have 2 os, win7 and lubuntu. there is not fan problem for win7. but there is fan problem for lubuntu23:39
odsenti think i got the virus from funsilly.com23:39
buffalo_bekks: When i want to mbr boot and have set up a {raid 1 partition, 200m, 3 active disks} and {raid 5, 3 active disks, encrypted, then with lvm two lvm vol, mounting / and /home} the installer asks med to install the grub boot loader on a hard drive, this fails, why? Thanks for helping med out:)23:43
jhutchinsedips: Make sure the cpufreq utilities are installed and configured.23:43
bekkspepee: then it is fixed already23:43
bekksbuffalo_: which harddisk do you try to install grub onto?23:44
buffalo_bekks: it do not tell me that, just that it should be safe:P23:44
buffalo_it says: "Install the GRUB boot loader to the master boot record?"23:45
bekksbuffalo_: then install grub manually into the mbr of each disk. /boot itself is on a raid, so you dont have to worry about it.23:45
edipsjhutchins:  thanks. i will try it then set it as powersave :)23:46
buffalo_bekks: aha okey, so my system was set up ut I just have no mbr? I will try to get mbr installed. How will it handle the encryption, lvm stuff? do i need to do some special custom mbr or is it set upp in /boot for me? thanks again23:47
bekksbuffalo_: the mbr just contains the data to start grub.23:47
buffalo_bekks: thanks, i will try this:(23:47
sudormrfcan someone help me out with incron?  I would like to make sure I use the appropriate masks for what I am trying to accomplish.23:50
pleasehelpmeis there an administrator?23:55
bekkspleasehelpme: how about asking an ubuntu support question? :)23:56
pleasehelpmesure :), but its not a normal question... two days ago i created my system with lfs,... and now i want to do a live cd but all the tutorials are for distributions that already exist... any ideas?23:58
bekkspleasehelpme: how is that related to Ubuntu?23:58

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