
declan2Hi guys03:37
declan2If I want to write notes and have a synth play them in linux, what's the best way?03:44
holsteindeclan2: depends.. you can use any sequencer03:52
holsteindeclan2: ardour3 is well supported, but likely overkill03:52
holsteindeclan2: i would start with qtractor, and ask in #opensourcemusicians about other options03:52
declan2holstein: Wait, you can actually write the notes in ardour?04:23
holsteindeclan2: AFAIK04:25
declan2hmm I'm trying to use musescore, but it's not producing sound when I click play04:26
holsteindeclan2: double check your routing04:27
declan2holstein: You mean in jack?04:27
holsteindeclan2: yes04:28
holsteindeclan2: as i just said in the musescore channel. we have a pulse bridge04:28
holsteinyou could have musescore using pulse, and not have the bridge connected04:29
declan2Ah ok sorry04:29
holsteinor, you can set musescore to JACK, AFAIK04:29
declan2I'll just quit jack for now04:29
holsteindeclan2: and, you are saying "write notes" meaning, notation04:29
holsteindeclan2: i was assuming you mean piano roll04:29
holsteindeclan2: like, a sequencer04:29
holsteindeclan2: musecore is great, and well supported04:30
holsteinanyways, i need to crash.. you willl get most help from #ardour, or #opensourcemusicians at this hour04:30
declan2So I quit jack, and in my musescore->edit->prefs-I/O, I have only portaudio checked04:30
declan2...and it works!04:30
Mirvhi. the release team is asking Ubuntu Studio team opinion on getting newer pitivi in, bug #125300906:47
ubottubug 1253009 in pitivi (Baltix) "[FFe] Please sync latest upstream release (0.9x) from Debian unstable - Pitivi developers recommends to use 0.92 or later" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125300906:47
Mirvcould you share your thoughts in the bug report, representing Ubuntu Studio?06:48
TerranceWarriorgot sound to work in reaper via vst. just not getting any midi input.07:05
TerranceWarriorwineasio is showing up but no midi devices.07:06
TerranceWarriorwhat enables midi under linux?07:08
TerranceWarriorhow to make midi show up under wine?09:15
TerranceWarriori can use play midi out from the pc under ubuntu.09:16
stochasticMirv, best place to ask is in #ubuntustudio-devel - I'm gonna try looking into it right now09:18
Mirvstochastic: oh, right, sorry about that09:22
* Mirv moves09:22
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mothman1186quick question I am looking at trying to change my account picture within ubuntu studio.  Is there an easy way to do this?  I haven't really seen any options...18:21
mothman1186Is there a way to change the account picture within "users/groups".  It gives me the option to modify my name but not my icon or picture.18:32
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hansfordNeed help here....I need my U-Control UCA222 to work under ubuntu.....can someone help me21:47
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